Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Four Toilet
Goods Specials
26c Trailing Arbutus Talcum
Powder 17 He ft bottl
BOo IVbcoo Tooth Paste, SCo.
36o llygrnlc Cold Orratn, 19c
Ideal ITalr Brusrmvdoubte bristle,
dark back, regular 11.3 f quality,
lor 89c
Elite White
For fashionable wear nnd good
Borvlco you will find no better glove
than "Eljto Fltwell" make.
1-CInsp IMquo Semi, soft, pllablo
skins, $1.50 n uilr.
J -Clasp, VXSl Sown, heavier qual
ity, 91.50 a pair.
l-Clasp, PXM 8pcr point stitch-"
lag, special value, $1.15 n pair.
Fabric Glove
This doportmont In overflowing
-with good stylos of warm gloves.
Kaj-sor'n Cashmere filoven, black
and colors, 35c and 60c a pair.
Kayscrs Double Bilk Gloves, black
and colors, $1,00 a pair.
Harrison Itelndeqr Fabric Gloves,
black and colors, $1.00 a pair.
Cholco numbers of gloves and mit
tens Kid or Mocha, fleeco llnod or
fur lined, SOc up to $4.00 a pair,
Winter Under
wear Specials
Wo hayo a few odd garments of
Women's rent nnd pants, "all wool,
and part wool, up to $2.60, and aro
closing them out at HALF PRICE.
Wo also have a line of odd gar
m'entA In Children's wear, vosts and
panta, In both wool and cotton: reg
ularly SOc up to $1.00 Special, 20c.
ments In a. couple of Omaha papers that
he Introduced a bill to permit ttio saloon
keepers of that city to regulate the hours
of closing their places ot business. The
bill Introduced by the senator provides
that the council may set the hour for
closing nnd opening such places In the
city of Omaha, subject to the old 8lo
cumb law. It relieves Omaha from the re
strictions of the S o'clock closing law.
Measure for New Code Advanced to
Third Ilendlnsr.
(Krom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Feb. 7.-8pcclal.)-When the
senate convened this morning house rbll
No. , sent over from the house, was
watting and on motion of Hoagland o(
Lincoln county was passed to third read
Inr, dispensing with Its consideration In
commltteo of the, whole. No. 1 Is the bill
embodying the report of the revision nt
the statutes committee and was Immedi
ately passed,
Several petitions were read by the sec
retary, ono covering the employment ot
female labor In hotels, manufactories,
stores, etc., for more than ton hours a
day or sixty hours a week, and protesting
against a ohango In tho law; another
against the bltl licensing stock food ven
ders, and two or thrcs others against
railroad legislation.
A message from the governor contained
nn Invitation to the wives ot the senators
to a reception and tea at the executive
mansion Wednesday afternoon at Z
The following bills were placed on
genoral file:
S. V 300, by Haarmann of Douglas
Pure llnsetd and flaxseed oil bill.
H. F 166. by Dodge ot Douglas Repeals
voting machine law.
S. y lis, by Dartllng ot Otoe Prohibits
tnlstesdlng advertising ot any class ot
H, V. 232. by Hoagland ot Lancaster
Regulates ,the sale and manufacture of
embalming fluids.
8. F. 120. by Bushse of Klmbsll-1're-vents
fraudulent advertising of merchan
dise 5. F 62, by Hoagland of Lancaster,
licensing operators of switchboard and
motion picture machines, was Indefinitely
postponed on report of the committee. "
In commltteo of tho whole, with Mac
farlond of Douglas In the chair, the sen
ate took up three bills and ordered them
engrossed for third reading.
6. F SI. by Placek ot tiaundcrs-ne-aulres
that percentage of wool, cotton,
linen or silk be stamped on all cloth of
fered for sale. I
8. F l2. by Hessty ot Jefferson-rro-vldes
that farmers msy work out total
amount of their :oll tax. -
R F IM, by Heasty of Jefferson Pre
vents marriage of drunkard, habitual
criminals, epileptics, Imbeciles, Idiots, In
sane persons and persons afflicted with
venereal diseases.
Dodge Introduce Hill Providing for
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb, 7 -(8pial.)-If a bill
Introduced Wednesday by Senator yodge
of Omaha becomes a law Douglas county
will be permitted to acquire land and erect
thereon a poor house and county hospital
The county board will have the power to
acquire the lan needed either by pur
chase or condemnation proceedings. Tim
land roust not be closer than ten miles
to the city of Omaha and shall contain
not less than ISO acres.
The county of Douglas will be em
powered to Issue bonds in a sum not to
exceed llttXCtt) ut a rate of Interest not
toexceed 6 per cent Issued In the sum
necessary only to purchasu the land and
build and equip the buildings. The Judge
of every court In the county police, Jus
tice J us Hoe of the peace or other maxls
Irate, shall send offenders punishable
with a Jail sentence to this institution,
For parly Spring selling, we have SOROSIS shoes in
nil the popular leathers, in button or lace bootB, made
on the Intest stylo lasts. Prices from $3.50 to $10.00
a pair.
Important Sale of
Men's Gloves
Saturday, we will place on
sale our Men's Gloves. All
regular stock at great reduc
tions. Dress Kid Qlovos,
Street Gloves, silk lined or
unlincd; Moohn Glo.ves, silk
lined or unlined, and wool
lined gloves, fur lined gloves
all at greatly reduced prices.
All $150 mon'a glovos, $1.15.
All $2.00 mon'a gloves, $1.50.
All $2.50 men's gloves, $1.05. .
there to be, kept In the manner presclbed
by law.
The farm shall be under the manage
ment of a board of directors, of which the
chairman of the county board shall be
the hoafy Who shall have charge of the
pdbr house .and other buildings upon the
farmland all shnll servo without com
pensation. The board shnll maho an In
spection eVery three mdnths.
South Omaha's "Next Mayor" Ntlrs
Things Itp' at Htntc House.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Fob. 7.-(8peclnl.)-JJnless
the Commercial club legislative commit
tee keeps Its lun ids off, Jerry Howard, a
statesman and solf.styled "next mayor of
South Omaha," Is goln gt o blow off
down hero so mo day and tear up Jack
In general.
"The next mayor" came down this
morning to camp on tho trtsl ot his old
friends. J. M, Tanner, Attorney Bears.
Jack IVatsan nnd. some others of the
'packing, house city, who he Bays - are
here for no good purpose.
Jerry has It In for the Commercial club
of Omaha because Its legislative commit
tee was Instructed to work against the
minimum wage scale, a measure In which
he has his heart. This bill provides
wsges of 20 cents an hour and not less
than a week for females.
Protests Aaralnst Itcpenl of Kaekett,
H O'clock or Albert Arts.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 7.-(Spec!at.)-Members
of tho legislature have received a reaolu
tlon adopted by tho Omaha Woman's club
protesting against any repeal of tho
o'clock closing law, the Albert or the
Ssckctt laws.
Tho resolution sets forth that such re
peal would be u step bavkwards In moral
Ity, good cltlsenshlp and the Influence of
the home. It was signed by Mrs. Msy B.
Hayes, president, and Laura It. I,yford,
recording secretary.
no DA'
Heican Would Have In vetlu;atlnst
Committer Probed.
(From a Stoff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 7. (8peolal.)-A reso
lution which was prepared for Intro
duction yesterday, but which did nnt
reach tho speaker s desk was by Ilegan
of Platte. It asked for the appointment
of a committee to Investigate the Investi
gating committer. About one more nt
these committees and al lthe hoilso mem
bers will have Jobs as Investlgatbrs.
mtirxSEPOltT, Conn., Feb. 7.-Judge
Alfred Beers of this city, commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Uepubllc,
today ttiti'ounet J the appointment of Past
Commander-ln-t"hief Ixtuls Wagner, as
treasurer of the permanent fund. A list
of committee appointments was also Is
sued, the chairmen belnir as follows:
Pensions, 8. . Burdett. Washington;
Veterans in public service, I. a. Kimball,
Washington; Hules and ritual. A, a
Welssert. Milwaukee; Bull Uun inonu
merits, W. J. Wells, Norrlstown, Pa.: leg
islation. Washington Gardner. Albion,
Mloh.: Lincoln centenary. A. C. Bla:k
well. Now York; proposed "Lincoln way,"
T. a Hopkins, Washington.
PEORIA Feb. 7. -Firs originating in a
defect In the feeding meohanlsm ot an oil
furpace did damage estimated at JMO.000
to the plant of the Avery Manufacturing
company today. The oil house, grinding
house, steel room and blacksmith ship
were destroyed.
J 6 in- JUT and
Spring Styles of
Ready-to- Wear
The fashions for the
coming season are of
unusual beauty and our
present showing em
braces numbers of the
very prettiest.
Dress e.s, Suits,
Waists, Spring Coats
all of the latest styles,
materials and fabrics
tailored by expert men
who finish each gar
ment in a thorough
manner. Moderately
tTCbl! BookofFashkW
Price 20c with a coupon
good for a ISc pattern in
cluded free.
Princeton Will Say
Good-Bye to Wilson
:Qn First of March
fPJBINCKTN, N. J., Feb. 7,-Resldonts
of fluY little town of Princeton-students,
members of the faculty, neighbors and
toWnfolk generally will say good-bye to
Woodrow Wilson on the evening of Satur
day, March 1, two days before he departs
for Washington to assume tho presidency.
Dans for a big farewell demonstration
to tho president-elect, who has lived here
for morn than twenty-seven years, wore
announced today by Joseph Hoff, a mem
ber of the democratic state committee
and nn intimate friend of the governor..
"We want to Bhow Governor Wllsin
that while we regret to Iobo him as a
neighbor." said Hoff, "we are glad that
o, resident of the town should be going
to the White House,"
The farewell probably will take the form
of a reception at tho Wilson bungalow.
Cltlsens will co-operate with the students
In making the celebration ono of great
cuthuslat? m. A big parade will start from
the center of town and march down
Cleveland Lane to the Wilson home. The
students, who have Just organised a brass
bsnd to lead them In the Inaugural pa
rade, expect to gtvo the band Its first
tryout on that occasion.
The students are also busy with plans
for escorting the governor to (Washington
by special trsln on March S. ThoV will
travel In a long string ot coaches and
havo engaged for the president-elect nnd
his family the same private car from
which the governor made many of his
campaign speeches.
Tho president-elect left here at 8:22 .
in. for Philadelphia for another visit to
his dentist.
Golf Balls Are
Apt to Explode
NEW -VOnK, Feb. 7.-l)on't open golf
balls to sec what Is Inside. Bo many ills
grunted players have given vent to their
wrath over a poor strike or satisfied
their curiosity by smashing golf balls
open, with disastrous results, that ths
United States Golf association Is prepar
ing nn official warning to club member
throughout the country against such a
Several Instances have been recorded
in the last year where cutting open a
ball or aqueeslug It In a vise has causod
It to burst open and the liquid contents
have blinded several persons. Adds and
sight destroying compounds are used In
the manufacture of some golf balls.
LOS ANOKLES, Feb. 7.-Because she
weights only a trifle more than forty
eight ounces and requires but forty-five
drops ot a specially prepared food to give
her a square meal, nosanna Elisabeth
Johnson, who opened her eyrs on this
world last Wednesday, has achieved more
distinction than uny other baby ever
cared for at the Los Angeles maternity
She has an allowance from the county
board of supervisors. Seven wealthy
women, members of the board of mana
gers ot the maternity cottage, and a num.
ber of physicians are In attendance upon
her. She has a specially built "baby In
cubator" and a retinue of nurses. '
Gunboat Sent to tlnaymna.
SAN DIEGO, Cat, Feb. 7 Under hur
rled orders from the Navy department
the gunboat Annapolis besan coallnc to.
day and will clear before night for Guay-
mas to reinforce the cruiser Denver and
the auxiliary Buffalo in the patrol of the
western Mexican coast
February Sale
White Goods
Crepe Ratine
$1.25 Crepe Itatlne, sale price,
$1.00 a yard.
$1.50, 48-Inch Crepe Corduroy,
$1.25 a yard.
Cotton Voile
35c, 38-inch Plain White Voile,
26c a yard.
Shirt Waist
60c, 36-lnch
33c a yard.
COc, 3G-inch
46c a yard.
66c, 36-Inch
50c a yard.
Waist Linen,
Waist Linen,
Waist Linen,
75c, 36-Inch .Shirt Waist Linens,
COc a yard.
White Crepe
Whllo Crepe 1 case 25c White
Crepe for Children's and Ladles' Un
derwear, 15c a yard-
Special Hosiery
Values Saturday
BoyB and Girls' fleece lined
"Pony" Hose, 25c a pair.
Women's medium weight cotton
hoso, SOc quality, 36c a pair.
Women's medium weight cotton
hose, 26c quality, 19c a pair.
Women'B silk boot hoso, lisle tops
and solos, 50c a pair.
Men's Furnishings
Special for Saturday only; Men's
four-in-hand tics, thftt sold up to
75c, for 25c.
Shirts, underwear, union sulks,
night ftitrta, at jrrcatly reduced
Men's Dept. Main Floor, a step
from olthor entrance.
Nevada Assembly
Passes Divorce Bill
CAllHON CITY; NevV Feb. 7. After
several hours' struggle the divorce law
amendment requiring twelve months' resi
dence In the stato Instead of six passed
the assembly by a vote .-of S) to S. It
goes next to the senate, where another
5a rd fight ,1s expected. The Barnes
mendment Adopted today Is Ho go Into
effect January 1, 1M4.
Pro-divorce advocates first attempted to
havo action on the amendment proposi
tion Indefinitely postponed. They became
so Insistent with their demands that fi
nally they were laughed down. A com
promise was ottempted, nn effort being
made to amend the Barnes measure ro
that It would not go Into effect until De
cember 31, 1914, thus giving the pro-dlvorco
an extra year of business. This occa
sioned tho longest struggle and the
amendment to the Barnes measure was
finally defeated. The roll calf on the
Barnes amendment was then called and
It carried.
Over 300 men and women working for
the measure came to the capital from the
other parts of the state In a special train
this morning.
While the assembly is democratic th
mcasuro adopted by It carries out In de
tail the recommendations of Governor
Taskcr L. Oddle, a republican.
Heirs of Mrs. Eddy
Abandon Contest
BOSTON, Feb. 7.-The heirs have aban
doned their contest of the will of the late
Mrs. Mary Baker Q. Eddy, coincident
with tho adoption by the Massachusetts
legislature today of an enabling ae per
mitting tho First Church of Christ, Sci
entist, tof Boston to receive the Eddy be
CHICAGO, Feb. 7.-A vast medical col
lege which would make Chicago the un
questioned center for the study of med
ical science Is ready for launching by the
trustee of the University of Chicago.
The millions required for its endow
ment are being sought among Chicago's
wealthy men and unutilised land facing
the Midway Plolssnce will furnish the site
tor the costly buildings.
Announcement of the plsn was made
today In the annual report of President
Harry Pratt Jtldson submitted to the
university trustees. Plans for the new
school contemplate the' absorption of
Hush Medical college and the creation of
elaborate facilities for advanced research
work In every line ot medical and sur
gical science.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.-Attomey Gen
eral Wlckeraham said today that while
he would make no official statement
about the announced plans tor the disso
lution ot the Union Pacific-Southern Pa
cific merger until he received the officii!
draft he believed It would meet his ap
proval. "I believe from the news dispatches and
my telephone conversations with officials
that the plan ot dissolution Is Just what
I have been working for for weeks," de
clared Mr. Wlektrsham.
tmir "nniiMu quin inix.?
TnU for tha llmitura nt VL W. flnnVP
. p', . rvlrt in nna r v n,,,,. ih i.
uw CWVn Cu?" rip ,n
Lower House Fanes Shipley Resolu
tion Without Debate.
Aliened Activity nt Ilrprrnentat lyea
of the FrtM a a Lobbrlata Will
.Mo Be Investigated hy
the Committee.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 7. (Special.) Though
violations of tho anti-lobby law stick out
llko a sore thumb, the democratic house
Is still going ahead Investigating 'ru
mors" of the activity of lobbyists and
still permitting persons seeking Bpeclal
legislation to have a free hand. Even
tho fact that W. K. Sharpe sought to In
fluence a member of the railway commis
sion Investigating committee to head off
this Investigation caused not a ripple.
The Shipley resolution to Investigate
the telephone combine was adopted with
out discussion after this paragraph had
been attached, to it, on motion of Baker
of Thomas:
Whereas. The rumor Is current that
certain representatives of the press ac
corded the privileges of the floor of this
house have been actively engaged as lob
pyists, not having registered as such as
the law requires; and.
Whereas, It 1b further rumored thut
one of such representatives was In fact
the original author of tho foregoing reso
lution; therefore, be it
Resolved, That suoh committee so ap
pointed be empowered and Instructed to
Investigate these rumors and report the
facts to the house for further consid
eration. The rumor referred to Is that a Lincoln
newspaper man has been conducting n
press bureau for the telephone companies,
the copy being sent to outside papers.
The "rumor" goes on that a representa
tive of another Lincoln sheet brought
about the Shipley resolution, and that
stilt another press representative of Lin
coln had something to do with the Bakor
amendment. The committee will go Into
the "rumors."
This Is the twenty-second day of tne
session and still no reports fro Investi
gating committees.
The Shipley resolution Is as follows:'
Text of HeDoliitlon.
Whereas, The Nebraska Telephone com
bine, having headquartere In Omaha and
Lincoln and several other places In the
atate of Nebraska, Is vigorously endeav
oring to. defeat certain proposed bills
In this legislature; and
Whereas. This seems to be the same
combine which recently assassinated tho
Independent telephone Interests of this
state by striking into the throat of legiti
mate competition the Jagged blade of
monopoly, that the blood of innocent ddll
ars might bo spilled to appease corpor
ate greed; and
Whereas, It Is not reasonable to sup
pose that undue activity on the part jt
such combine to Influence the votes of
members of the legislature against tho
pussage of such bills could be In the in
terests of the general public; nnd
Whereas, The said combine Is using Its
long distance telephone lines In the
state, through certain of its employes not
regularly registered as lobbyists, to bring
pressure upon members of this legisla
ture against the bills referred to; and,
Whereas, This organisation Is spending
large sums of money for articles in news
papers and publishing literature antng
onlilryy tho passage of such bills; there
fore, be It
IteBolved, That a committee of three
members of the standing committee on
telegraph, telephone and electric com
panies, be appointed by the speaker io
Investigate carefully any seeming Irreg
ularities on the part of lobbyists, so that
tlltft hntlRA TTINV Vnnw tf anv vlnltHlntL
of ..the anti-lobby law; , and thereby pe
able to punish the offenders. Be 1). lur-
-That this committee
clothed th full power to summon, wit
nesses 10 ascertain how much money is
being spent by lobbyists and to whom
paid, and to search records for thn nm.
of stockholders In concerns likely to be
Influenced by the passing of certain bills.
ue 11 runner.
Resolved. That any extravatrant ex.
pendlture of money by the said telephone
oomblne for lobby purposes be reported
to the State Railroad commission for Its
guidance In ponding rate cases.
(Continued from Pago One.)
only difference was that you raised the
Talcott sent up an amendment making
all goods on hand January 1, 1914, exempt
from the provisions ot the law, and tin
bill went through.
Ulacnsa Road mil.
Heasty's road bill was discussed at some
length. Hoagland of Lincoln tried to
amend It by a provision that the county
commissioners should have full supervis
ion over the road fund and Its cxpedl
ttire, but was defeated. He thought that
the system used out around his home
town of North Platte, which put tho
working of the roads In tho hands of a
highway commission, was about the thing
and It had given them good roads.
GlIHa of Valley objected to the amend
ment. He said that he had been out tn
North Platte, which he would admit
was a "nice little village." and that their
roads were no better than the roads up
in Valley county. He wanted the road
supervisors and the farmers to have thi
right to soy where the work sh6uld be
Cordeal said that he was a farmer, al
though possibly he didn't look It, and was
In favor of the bill and opposed to the
Certificate for Marriage.
Probably the most Interesting discus
sion of the day was over 1(4, Heastv's
pure marriage bill. The bill provides
that "male" persons Intending to marry
shall provide themselves with a certifi
cate of health showing that they acsj
physically fit before a license may be
granted them.
Grossman ot Douglas wanted to know
why he had used the word "male."
"Is not the opposite party to the con
tract Just as liable to disease as man!'1
sold the senator.
"It It Is required that In the Interest
of a purer grade of humanity these
should be no disease Inoculation, why
should we not require both parties 13
show a certificate of good helath. In th
breeding of our stock we go to any ex.
treme to get pure stock, then why should
we not take the same precautions In re
gard to raising up a purer and better
grade of humanity in the future?"
The bill was finally amended to Include
both sexes.
The senate adjourned at noqn and will
not convene again until Tuesday after
noon at 3 o'clock.
SIOUX CITT, la.. Feb. 7- W. B. Hosan.
accused of swindling, who escaped from
ths detention hospital here Wednesday
night While suffer! nt- with a virulent case
pf smallpox, was caught early today at
Bae-CJty, la., by Sheriff. J. W- CrJsa iI
Sac county. Hogan's old horns. Hpgn
arrivsd in town on a freight train. He
wai placed In Jail, all the prisoners being
first removed to an old Jail.
American Suffragists
Threaten to Adopt
Militant Methods
WASHINGTON. Feb. T.-Shlvera of ap
prehension ran up and down the spine
of government officials and members of
congress today when It was learned that
that American suffragists, whose national
headquarters aro here, do not look with
entire disfavor upon the militant methods
employed by her sister suffragettes In
England against the officials of the crown
and the members of Parliament. Mrs.
Clara Colby, one of tho prominent suffra
gist leaders, told a crowced meeting of
the Federal Women's Kquallty association
last night that Uie window-breaking, police-fighting
English suffragettes had
mads possible the suffrage advancement
In the United States.
"The English women had to adopt their
methods and we should not blamo them "
said Mrs. Colby. "They always stop nt
the actual taking cf life and while I be
lieve In Deace and would not advocate
rthe militant methods for the United
States, we must admit that the work done
In England has had effect In America."
llev. Olympla Brown of Wisconsin,
president of tho association, dons not hold
the same view as Mrs. Colby. She blameu
the extreme suffragists for the recent de
feat of woman's suffrage In Wisconsin.
Proposals ot marriage are being re
ceived In almost every mall by two pretty
stenographers at the national headquar
ters as the result of the publication of a
photograph of the two young women
showing them clad in the marching cos
tume adopted for use In the parade of
March 3. Nona of tho proposals has been
answered, the young women declaring
they are wedded to "the cause."
Alfalfa Shipper .
Objects to Rates
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. CSpeclal Tele
gram.) Accompanied by Representative
Klnkold, F. at. Sands, a, largo nlfalfo
raiser of Gerlng. lodged an Informal com
plaint with the Interstate Commcrco com-.
mission today against the Union Pacific
and Burlington railroads and connecting
lines for alleged discrimination in rates
on alfalfa to points east of the Missouri
river. Later, Mr. Sands will file a for
mal complaint, as the commission b
lleves from the statement of Mr. Sands
today that a prima facie case has been
established which requires investigation.
"We are unable to secure as low a rate
per mile on our shipments of alfalfa is
given to Colorado points." said Mr. Sands
In his statement to the commission.
"Shippers of hay and alfalfa at Trini
dad, Oolo., for Instance, have in somo In
stances been quoted rates as much na CO
cents a ton lower than our rates, although
they were farther away from the point
of consignation. In this way we are shut
out from competing with Trinidad ship
pers. I also know of instances In which
Idaho shippers havo been given rates the
same an ours, although they are a much
greater distance from the market.
"Tho discrimination operates more
largely against Irrigated farms, as they
raise much more alfalfa than dry farming
communities and therefore do not have
so good a home market and are obliged
to sell their 'products' at distant poiriRt."
Mr. Sands said that the commission had
agreed 'to gits' consideration to a formal'
complaint which he will file later. "With
his formal complaint he expects to file
sufficient evidence of the alleged dis
crimination to warrant an order from the
commission correcting the rates com
plained of.
Your Small Change
Will Go Further
at Beaton's
Measured by value and price
tho shrewd shopper always
finds bargains nt Beaton's. We
are known as the reliable drug
gists soiling; standard goods at
the very lowest prices in tho
a rzrw speozaxs fob
11.60 Gourand's Oriental no.
Cream OU
26c Sanltol Bath Powder Qfi
$tr:iZZ" '."tio 89o
26c Cutlcura Soap 20C
Beaton's Compound Tar and Wild
ZerZ 25o, 50q
Given immediate relief to that
hacking cough.
BOc Pebeco Tooth Pas to 3JjQ
:5c cake. Juvenile Soap' Qj
75c Pompelan Massage Q(
46c and 60c Tooth Brushes, OC
celluloid, transparent.. . fctfU
1 pint Distilled Witch Hasel QC.
in bottle fcilU
1 pint Household Ammonia, OCn
In bottle UU
60c Dr. Charles' Flesh 4Cn
Food ... eiiJU
6O0 Dr. Chirles. Face I fin
Tollow ths Beaton Path."
rarnam and 16th Hts.
The Only Cement Show
T will pay you to visit it. Even if yon are only inter
eated in keeping your feet dry. Cement construction
11 "i ' '--j
today stands out as the foremost building material of the
world. If you don't believe it COME AND SEE THE
show for 25 cents.
Absolutely the
Season's Last!
Your Choice
of Any .
Suit or
in our stock,
that sold up to
(Blue Bxeepted)
Society Ilrnml nnd Htern Mayer
Clothes Included
Corner 16th and Harney.
Never brushed his coat. Carried
around a great lot of dandruff with
him. One day a friend told him of
Hall's Hair Be newer. He talked with
hU doctor about it. Then -used it. Now
his scalp 'is clean and healthy. No dan
druff. No falling hair. No danger of
staining tho hair, either.
David Belasco Presents,
His Biggest Success
With Leo Sltriohsteln
Sunday, 4 Days, Matlneo Wed.
Maeterlinck's The
Hsw Theater Production.
Oast of 100
Prices SOo to 33.00
Coming BOTH5R1T , UAK&QW.B
A -Xlmltsit ssascm of "4 Weeks, Start
Ins; Tomorrow, Sunday, 'Ka't. All
week, scats. Wednesday and Satur
dayOmaha's favorlts Actress,
Presenting for the first time here
her now and successful play,
This play was written expressly
for Miss Lang, and she lias bpou
"tarring in it for the past three,
months, meeting with, great success
Weak Tab. 10 Green Stockings.
Si2riMjuB7i uy Mat., lo-as-soo
X?AJi8n'tr Evg-s., 1E-25-50-7EO
Ths ramous Laughing' Hobo,'
Johnston & Buckley; Jack Strouswj
Arlington' & Cocliran; t-'ity Comedy 4 and
the Imperial Russian BaWet -of 80. '
Ladles' Blme Matinee Dally
"Worth- Climbing the Hill"
On Bouglas St. at lBth Hytone TauAs.
villa Includes Howard's Hounds and
ieuuy uears; jjuncan
Winter; Zara Carman
T r o u p'e ; Curtis &
Wright: Yalto Dant-
Not Ohsapsst
S, Bl!!S.T
lat Duo: Don Gordon i ll!oo.., ii,L1.'
from a to fil at T and 0 P., M. acuiy.
l)oui;. -1UJ.
Hat. Svsry Bar, 3ilB. Every Klrntefiia
Note Karly Curtain Saturday Night
8:15 Sharp.
Next Week. -v
Krug Theater
Matins Today, 8i30) Night, O130'
Ladies' Dally Blme Slatlnse
frdlay The Oonntry tera
Nawly Surfaced Vloor.
Opens Saturday, February 2 to
5 and 7,30 to 10 p. in. dally. Ktxk-tly,
orderly and first class. Admission:
Afternoons, 16c, evenings, 2St-ln-cludlng
skates and checking wrapsv
parents, complimentary,
W. B. CHAMBERS, Manager,
Waltsr Sosanow, Local Manager.