1 TIIK BKK: OMAHA, SAT UK DAY, FEBIUTARY , 1013. CLAIMS FOR. EXTRAS HEARD Lateiuer Declares He Will Never; Approve Some of Them. j DECLARES HE HIRED AN EXPERT Good Things For Your Sunday Dinner, i Irntec Count r Anlnst Chnritra hnt Some Vf he ntTrtlr.nr Wm Not rirlnd 1'roprrlr Done Action Deferrod, Caldwell fe Drake' extra charge of C09 for an extra three. Inches of concrete on the county building roof wan declnred un warranted by John Ijitcnscr, countr Lul1dln architect, at the conference of the county commissioners and Caldwell k Drake, county building genera con. tractors. Mr. Iatenser said he never will approve allowance of this Item In the contractors' $13,000 bill for extras. Mr. Latenser made It known for the first time that more thnn two years ago lie privately employed experts at $19 n day to Inspect certain riveting of steel In (tie county building. Mr. Caldwell said three Inches more of concrete than was specified was required on the county building roof to cover. tteel beams. Mr. Latenser said that while the specifications In ono para graph called for a certain number of Inches of concrete, another paragraph required all beams to be covered, re gardless of the amount of concrete re quired. The board dlfcrred action on this claim. nivrtlnsr Improperlr none. It was regarding the Caldwell & Drake claims of (224 for replacing brick work torn out to Inspect riveting that Mr, lntenser mentioned tils private In flection. When union Iron workers were fighting Caldwell & Drake, they charged certain riveting was Improperly done. Mr. Lntensar said he ordered the brick work torn out that ths riveting might be examined. It was found to be satis factory. "I anticipated that some time la th future theso same ohargea would b rcTired.4 said Mr. Latenser. . "There be related the story of his employment oi experts who will swear. If oocaalon re quires, that the work was not defective. Action on this claim was deferred. Action was deferred on a claim of SM for extra woodwork and on n. fltO claim for dust-proof pans for the le vators. There Is some question tut to whether the county or the Otis Elevator company should pay the latter. Mr. Caldwell withdrew a claim of $183 for additional steel skylight support William IC Morrow, of the Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland, the contractors1 nurety, said he authorised Caldwell & Drake's men to make certain changes In steel work for elevator shafts, for which Mr. Caldwell claimed $.'. Mr. Morrow said lie would settle with Catd veil & Drake for that. Pig Pork Loins, Ib.l1c Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens 14?d Steer Pot rtoaflt Sd and 7d Young Vent Roast 10 Young Veal Chop - lOd Young Voal Stew -7 Stcor Porterhouse Steaks . .15 Lamb Chops, ?, lbs , . I.amb Stew, 7 lbs 25d I N'o. 1 nacon 14-J No. 1 Hams 13?i Small Hams llttd 33 lbs. Bert sugar for tl.00 48lb. sack best brand Hour 91.13 lied Salmon, tall cans 1G 10 bars D. C. or H. K. A. Heap.. 35c Ilest Country nutter, lb 30o Pkg, Creamery flutter 3So 26c tlutterlne, 2-lb. roll 40o Itoyat Santos Coffee, 2 lbs 45o Mason jar Tickles 10c 8 Be catui Oil Sardines ........ 30o 7 Be cans Milk SSo Mason jar Queen Olives ISo Sc Matches or Tooth Ticks, 3 for Co 4 lbs. dry Kidney or Chill Ileans, Head KIco, llarlcy, Tapioca or 8ago for 3Co 3-lli. cans Teaches, Tears, Arrlcots or Tluma for . . . .' .150 2Bo pkrf. Oats, Gold Dust, Hum ford Making Towdor or Bnlder'a Catsup for . . .180 10c pkg. Osts, ltaslns, Spaghetti, Macaroni, .Tello, Dutch Cleanser, I.yc, Hominy, Tumpkln, llaked Ileans, Soups, Catsup or Horse radish for 7Wo A Cup of Hsrshsy's Ooeoa will be served to you free on Saturday, Kveryone Is Invited to stop and sample the Elkhorn brand Cheese being served at our cheeso counter. COAL! COALI COAL! I Public Market Special, hand screonod. per ton - . . . .SA.OO Pillillr MnrUM fjjlillnl nap Inn ... 57.00 St. Spadra Jlnnl Coal for furnace use. per Ion . Prompt Salivary. PUBLIC MARKET 1616 Harnoy Phono: Douglas 2793 r Knights Will Not Permit Pickens and Barker to Quit Unless Charles H. Pickens and Joseph Barker can give very good reasons to tho Ak-Sar-Ben board of governors Monday night, their resignations will not bo no. cepted. Doth have written resignations and submitted them to their fellow mem bers for action at the Monday night meet Ing. Charles H. Pickens says his health Is becoming poor and business duties will not permit him to continue with the knight's governing body. C. IU Ulack and Charles Courtney are said also to desire to desire to resign, but Influence of other members is against them. The terms of Arthur D. Drandels nnd W. U Vetter explro this winter, but they will undoubtedly bo re-elected, say the members. City of Omaha Mixed in Much Litigation City Attorney nine has reported to' the city commission the 'number of cases "handled by the legal department during the year 1912. At the beginning of the -ear 120 cases were pending, sixty-four were filed; seventy-nine were disposed of and 111 arc now pending. This Is status of the heaviest litigation for number of years as far as the city is concerned. Tho number of cases dis posed of is greated than for several pre vious years. MUFF TAKEN AT CARD PARTY RETURNED BY PARCEL POST While Miss A. Smith. 3418 North Twenty-second street, waa aC a card party at the home of Mrs. William Kenna, Twentieth and Kmmet streets, her muff was taken by one of tho guests. The fur Is valued at $100 and was re turned to Miss Smith yesterday by parcel post. When tho gathering broke up Miss Smith discovered tho loss of her muff. 'A hurried search of the house failed to reveal the valuable fur. Ail the guests present had seen Miss Smith put down and could not account for Its sud den disappearance. Miss Smith advertised the loss In the Iaper, stating no questions would be asked If it was returned to her within a week. Today tho mall man delivered the stolen article at the Smith home. Investigation, which the police have been conducting, has been stopped upon re quest of Miss Smith. She says she satisfied to recover her property nnd does not want to bring the guilty party to jiutice. POLICE SEEK MAN WHO PASSED WORTHLESS CHECK Peoples MEAT Market Now under tho management of Martin Ileum who for six years made tho prices for tho people in the" Moat Do-' partment at Hayden Bros. The following prices will convince yon that wo can now furnish tho pcoplo with the best quality of meat at a much lower price at our present location, Chickens 14V2C Loaf Lard, 9 lbs. for $1.00 Pork Roast .9!&c Sirloin Steak 10c Porterhouse Steak. .12V&C No. 1 Pot Roast, 10c, 8c Boiling Beof ,..6c Ilindquarter Mutton.. . ,6c Forequarter Mutton. . . ,5c Mutton Chops, 3 lbs. 25c Mutton Stew, 10 lbs.. .25c No. 1 Boneless Brisket Corned Beef 10c 216 South 15th St. Iitwtsn Douglas and Farnam Phono loiig. 1840 Police and private detectives in every large city in me united states art searching for a man giving the name of 7 0. MacMtllan, who on January U ob tained 17S from the Home hotel on a worthless check. County Attorney George A. Maguey filed a complaint against Mac. Mlllan, charging forgery, in district court and warrants for the man's arrest were Issued. MacMlllan posed as an agent for ills. Doerr & Carroll, New York City horse dealers, and was a guest of the hotel for several days. Departing, he tendered what purported to bo the horse dealers' check against the Mercantile National bank of New York City, for $176, salary and ex pense. It as an old check, for the baqk had been out of existence for months. Sunday Dinner Menu and Tested Recipes breakfast. Halves of Grapefruit.. Spanish Omelets.. Holland Uriocho Cakes. Coffee. DINNBR.. Tomato lloulllon. Roast Lamb. tnt Jolly. Fotatoe Carrots' a la Voulctte. Cremo au Fruit. Cafe Nolr. SUPPEO. . Manhattan Scallops. Graham Sandwiches, Currant Cake.. Horn Toast. Mix with ono tablespoonful of finely chopped ham the beaten yolk of an egg and a little milk. Heat over tno nre without boiling and spread over thin buttered toast. Sprinkle with mlnc;d celery If desired. Nut llrenil. One-half cupful of sugar, one egg, one teaspoonful salt, one and one-quarter cupfuls of milk, four cupfuls of sifted flour,- four level teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cupful of chopped nuts. Deat egg, add sugar, then flour, which has been sifted with salt and baking powder alternately with mllW. then nutH, Allow to stand In warm place twenty minutes and bake In moderate ovm forty minutes. Watrr l.Hy Naiad. For each Individual use hard boiled eggs; when cooked let stand In cold water until cool enough to handle; peel, sure In strips onc-auartor Inch wide, leaving the yolk to stand In center; set on let tuce leaves and servo with French dress. Ing. This Is delicious as well as "artistic," Stewed Carrots. One quart cut carrots, one table spoonful finely chopped onion, two table spoonfuls butter, one tablespoonful flour, one teaspoopful chopped parsley, one tea spoonful salt, one-quarter teaspoonful white pepper will be needed Wash, scrape and out the carrots Into pieces one Inch long. Put on to boll with water enough to cover. 'boll until tender with, out a cover. Drain and save the water In which they were cooked. Put the but ter Into saucepan, melt, add the flour, mix well, add one cup of the carrot water slowly, mix the carrots and sauce and add the salt, pepper and parsley; cook three minutes. ROSENBLUMS BETTER GROCERIES lOR LESS MONEY 0 lbs. best OranuUttd nr. Borar CQU Hold Only with $1.00 order of other Groceries. lOo to 26a saved on every sack of Flour you buy here. Sunklat. Blue BsU at i n n rurltaa riour liU Washburn-Crosby oola Xstal.ft I on JMllibury Best f lida jsssi, guarantssa, I l ft sso , . if li l u xsnsi roam, 3 paokajrea arge cans Tomatoes a cans Old Dutch Cleanser 0 bars Ivory Soap X.BA.VS OKSSB8 TOB. T&CSH KEATS Phone orders acoordsd prompt atten tion. Phone us a trial order. L. ROSCNBLUM 808 North 10th St. 16th and Bart. SOUS'. 0282. IOg 10c 15c 25c fond pf onlon"a" smaTT"hred of "onion also, Fold the meat over so that season ing la In center. Dip each pattlo uto beaten egg, which also has been seasoned, then cracker crumbs and fry in hot fnt until nice and brown on both sides. Gar nish with parsley. Chocolate Pie. IJne a deep plate with pie crust, prick ing several holes in same with steel fork, and bake In moderate oven. Filling for pie Beat the yolk of one egg and one-half cupful sugar together, add one square of chocolate, grated, heat one pint milk in double boiler and add to it the egg. sugar, chocolate and two and one-halt tablespoonfuls of cornstarch dls solved in u llttlo cold milk, and stir con stantly. When sufficiently cooked re move from fire, add one teaspoonful of vanilla and pour Into the crust. "When cold cover with whipped cream. An Auto Collision means ' many bad bruises, which Huck en's Arnica Balve beats quickly, as xl does sores, cuts burns and pHcs. Sc.' For sal by Beutou Drug Co. Advertiser ment. Jellied Pruurs. Stew about two doicn large prunes;' when cold remove stones. Take the same amount of almonds, blanch and brown them; put one almond in each prune. Take one-half cupful of gelatin and put over It Just enough water to cover. Ileut the Juloe of prunes and measure out one pint and pour over gelatin; have the juice boiling hot. Add one-half cupful of sugar and the juloe of three lemons; strain and pour over prunes. Put this In a mold and when served cut a piece from the center and fill with whipped cream, or use for a wilad with mayonnnlse dressing. Sir t Pattlrs. Take, a pound or to of fresh round steak, cut off the fat and run through meat chopper. Separate Into small pattlrs and III the center of each place a pinch of salt and small pinch of pepper. If Cranberry Jelly. One quart of cranberries, one pint of sugar, one pint of ,wnter. wash and drain herrlea and add the wuter. It come to boil oulokly. mash and add the sugar. Doll again and. Bteadlly for fifteen min utes, stirring often. Mash through colander or puree strainer and-set away to cool. This makes three or four glasses. Ment Loaf. Almost any meat may be used-success fully in a meat loaf, provided there Is some fat, bread and egg to bind the ground meat together. A very nice loaj can be fashioned from stewed lamb i -1, . . ... . n . .i j gruuilu, p vino Ul l w u v, .laiu uimu. soaiiea lit twin. union t'SK. aumc nam seasoning, salt and pepper. A brown or tomato gravy shouldrbe terved with meal loaf when the dish Is to be used hot its a dinner meat U particular to garnunj the loiif neatly. Tip-Top Bread Remember that name when you go to your grocer the next time, and vou will get the best bread the sanitary, clean bread which is used by the most exacting housewives. TRADE MARK REG . U.S. patent or rice Tip-Top is wrapped in sanitary covers which are dust proof, germ-proof, and in sures a perfect bread. U. P. Steam Baking Co. 1 - None bfetter ever baked. .Crisp and but fry them! Biscuits are all so good in every variety that youH like them all everybody does! That's be cause they're "The Quality ' Biscuits of America." And that's why we want you to try them FREE. Just send the i coupon for our. gift "Surprise Box" of Assorted Sunshine Biscuits. JoOSE-VlLES? pISCUlT (OMPANX Bakers of Sunshine Biscuits ;mmiimiiimiimmiiiiiiiiimii iiiiiiimiiiii .niiimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company Omaha, Keb. Pleas tend me FREE my "Sur prise Box" of Assorted Sunshine Biscuits. Nam Addf CSS t. .......MM....,...M..MM.,......,.M. Orocer's Nam,. Addrttt. $7?5 Great $71! Suit: Overcoat Sale $ After a most successful fall and winter business we find numerous broken lines in our Suit and Over coat stock. Wo don't want to enrrjr any of theso over to another season nnd offer you tho choice of theso UncH of hleh grndo Suits and OvercontH formerly selling nt 912.00, $15.00 nnd 918.00 at tJio ridiculously low price of y85 UNEQUALLED TROUSER VALUES Largest Stock in the City to Choose From CONSERVATIVE OR PES TOP STYLES All Our $2.50 Trousers. $tis S5.r$2 1.35 $4.00 and $4.50 Trousers. $2 .95 Men's Fine Dress Shirts our regular $1.50 QCp grades; Saturday mu Men's Silk and Silk Lisle Hose 25c grades; Saturday THE LAST DAY of DrexeFs Mid-Wiiter Cleanup Sale Tomorrow is tho last day that you can buy these high grade shoes at audi ridiculously low prices. A Last Day Special Women's and Misses' Ext. 'a High Quality Dugen Hudson and Cramer & Son, lace only; no better quality made. Women's sizes S to ,6. kid, velour calf and patent colt; ?2.50 and tf i Ef $3.5j0 valuas PlOU Two hundred pairs 'Misses' kid, velour calf and patent colt; $2.00 and (t- fr $2.50 values. ... P J. iuO .Your Last Chance on These 90.00,. S4.00 and $30 valnsa 200 pairs on the table, brokon sizes, In women's blucAer gun metal, calf, kid and patent coit $1.00 $2.00 valuta 200 pairs women's three-strap house slippers $1.00 $s.oo, 99.00 and $4.00 ralnea 200 pairs women's fancy dress, party slippers In patent leatb er, .beaded arid plain. $1.95 94.00 and 93.50 Talas 100 pairs broken sizes women's fancy dress slippers, in patent. Kia and ami $1.45 20 OFF On all Boys' and Youths' Heavy Winter Shoes in tan and black, including high cuts. ,Cut Prices lor Men. $7.BO Hanan's winter weisht leather lined djj? yc tan blucher tpOv O $7.00 Hanan best velour calf, leather lined !C QC blucher ipO.aCO $0.50 Hanan's double soled, velour calf,- 4lC 1 C blucher ipOslO $8.00 Clupp's genuine French calf, double soled to heel, English last, blucher . . . . $5.95 $7.50 Clapp's imported Nor wegian tan, Eng. djpf OC last, blucher .... )U00 $0 Macdonald-Klloy Norwe gian tan, Eng. c a last, w't'rpr'f solo ipO.Trij $5.00 Howard & Foster; kid blucher, leather do 7C lined, do'ble sole PO0 $5.50 and $5.00 Howard & Foster heavy winter tan, double soled fcO 7Q blucher" ....... !0 5 2l valiiea 200 pairs men's patent colt, button and blu- Am V veuutJB cheri jjj-ohen lots that must be sold at onco f .Cut Prices for Women. $0.00 Hanan patent colt, vamp dull kid A jr top, button . . . .- ipeTmctO $5.50 Hanan's gun metal calf, button, two fe'l OC styles . , . n inTrssSsO $5.50 Foster's patent colt, dull top, lace, 4jt t)C dress toe SHc,iJ $4.50 and $4.00 Armstrong, high grade, patent colt, gun. metal calf and kid, blucher and but- djo Qf ton Pa0 $5, $4, $3.50 values, 500 prs. patent colt and dull calf and kid, blucher and QC button V A tJtJ Drexel Shoe Co., 1419 F""m 8t- DOIM'X try to jolly your feet .along in a pair of mis-fit sale shoes when you can have, them fitted comtortable and styl ish in a pair of WALK-OVERS at $3.50, $4.00. $4.50." $5.00 For Men For Women Walk-Over Boot Shop 319, S. 16th Street 1T m "9 '9 a vv nat you aon x use don't need sell quickly I and profitably Tn Omaha, as in any city, are persona with many belongings that tney never ubo tinners too cuod fo. throw away. Of course vou could give them away, but-you don'tj They s mply stay around tne place. &ei i them. You ("AN sell them through The Bee. . There is a ready market in Omaha for suet i things. You'll" find somebody - asking- foil them every day. The Bee Want Ads ; are searched daily for such bargains. Any thing you don't use, and that you ought to sell, can be sold profitably through Tble Bee classified columns. ( Our copy department will arrange the e'd. Phone Tyfcer 1000