Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE BMW: OMAHA, SA'ITKDAY, MlimiAUY 8, 101.1.
W a NTh.b -To trade, new bungalow In
man town for vacant lot In Omaha.
ddress. It 648. Bee.
V ANT Improved farm; I will exchange
Bxl income town property and pay dlf
erenoi. no agents. Address Mil Hlnnoy
uioahn Neb.
FOR HA LB or exrbange. improved
'1'iarter. three miles south of Aberdeen,
D. O. 1 Von Arx. llelolt. Wis.
Farm nml Ilauoh Land.
FOR RENT SO-ncre farm southwest of
South Omaha. Mrs. E. M. Clark. SS24
rand Ave.. Omaha, Neb. Tel. Wob.V32.
HEED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract ot
flco In Nehtoa-ta. 209 Brandels Theater.
" large rooms, strictly modern, dak
finish, attractive design, large lot, beau
tiful locution, commanding sightly view,
J3.S50 for quick sale; your own terms.
II fine residence lots In oholeq locution.
3 and 3 blocks to car, $475 to $900 each.
Also 19 Rood building lots near 3SUi and
.t streets, South Omtilm. $125 to $300. Sur
roundlcjp lots "well Improved with hdmes.
Will build homes to suit purchaser, and
on rental term. .'
K0 CASlr, $17.50 PER MONTH
Hood 4-room, modern cottnge, olec It.,
mis, bath, etc.. east front lot, $1,800.
("all and see photos of these and other
luraie offerings at low prices and easiest
terms. k
132 Ramge nidg.' D. 827. 15th nnd Harney.
Dundee Home
. For Sale .
486 Davenport St., 7 rooms and sleep
ing porch, full 2 stories with attic Tiled
bath room and vestibule. First floor, largo
reception hull, living room with flreplaoe
and dining room all finished In oak. with
oak floors, kitchen finished in hard pine
with maple floors. Second floor, 4 bed
rooms and bath, finish White ennmol with
birch doors, stained mahogany. Basement,
Fox hot air furnaoe, laundry trays, fruit
cellar and coal bins, cement floor. Full
screens for entire house and storm wln
dowB for north, west and east sides. A
thoroughly modern up-to-date house. Lot
50x133. Asphalt paved street, one of the
best locations In Dundee. One block to
car line. Owner lives In house and will
be glad to show It to you. Price $5,750.
See its for terms.
George & Company
902-12 City Nat. Hank BIdg.
Phone Douglas ' 75a.
free at office; 2 stamps by mall. Clios.
E. Williamson Co., Real Estate. Insur
ance. Care of Property. Omaha.
FOR SALE IS-room house; arrange
ment and location suited for bdardlng
and -rooming; town, of 1,200: cheap for
cash If taken at onco. Address U. A.
Steven, Loup City, Neb.
12-ROOM house, Kountzn Place, Omaha,
$7,000, clear, oIbo other clear Omaha
property. Want California. 1133 W. 42d
tit., Los Angeles. CaL
GOV BRNMENT freo lands, artesian
water, irrigation; will let parties In on
two banks storting there. Armstrong Inv.
Co.," 331 Board-of Trade. Douglas 664.
California land excursions 1st and 3d
Tues. W. T. Smith Co.. 815 City Nat. Bk.
' ' Mlclilimu.
WE sell Oceana, farms-rgreatest fruit
county. . Alsq potato, corn, alfalfa, stock.
List free'.' ' Hanson & Son', 'Hart, Mlch
. A'ebriuika,
lMPROVED FARiI-320 "acres. $5 jxn
acre;12.mlles from town! rich black soil;
W cres broke; all fenced; house 22x24;
near school and In sight of twenty-five
othen farm houhes. Must have your fil
ing right. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb.
, Nevr VorU.
FOR SALE Two large alfalfa farms In
center of Holsteln-Frlealan cattle -market,
Onondaga county. New York. One 400
acres; with fine brick manor house and
tw6 other sets' of buildings. One 200 acres
on suburban trolley from Syracuse, with
two good dwelling houses, now cow stable
and milk house, Strictly high grade
property; Frank Hale, Onondaga Bank
BIdg.. Syraouso. N. Y.
KANSAS FARMS and tranches for sale;
DO to 25,000 acres; write for free Ust. V. B,
NIQUETTE, Sallna, Kan. .
North Pukotn.
IS SECTIONS prairie land on main line
of N, P. railroad; one section' has good
buildings, an excellent farming and stock
proposition. Price $6.50 per acre, on very
easy terms. ' North Dakota. Address Ray
P. Skinner, Albert Lea. Minn.
Ship live stock to South Omaha Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Live Stock Coumilnlon Merchants.
, CLIFTON Com.. Co.. 222 Exchange BIdg,
MARTIN BROS. & Co., Exchange BIdg.
Sealed proposals In triplicate, construct
awl RANGE OFFICE on military reser
vation, near Plattsmouth, Neb., will be
received until 11 a. m., March 10, 1513. In,
tarnation furnished, on application. Pro
poses should be endorsed "Proposals for
construction of Target Range" aitd aU
Uresifd' to Quartermaster. '
Tell ho- to feci for ett. how to bull J,
Koute tnlnrd cconotnlcillr, ho to
prcvedt mdscure dlseue. U7rlt( or
.-ill for FR$ Books postil will do.
GEO.II. LElCO.OtM. 1. OmihtNtb.
Shin ytur own Onxou to a decided
adv.antagf-. Write toJuy for important
circular, ve nanaie your grain ana hay,
regardless of location. We handle seeds.
AtKo bubdIv feeders everything. 11
years experience. Absolutely reliable
service. ,
439-441 uranaeu mag., unuu, ao.
.llftill Market.
per; JrreKVilar, spot and February, $14.75
bidi March. $I4.S014.97; April, $14.60
H. kt: May $14.M&l4,75l electrolytic, $15.75
tfUi.25, nominal; lake, $16.00316.35,- nominal;
castings, $)5.50, nominal; arrivals, 50 tons;
exports tlls month, 6,445 tons; London,
dull; spot, ,66 12s Cd; futures, 6(1 15e. Tin,
strong; spot, lia.3a43.70; February, $49.r.
(543.06; Match. $I8.SJ.25; April, $18.6U
48.00; London, steady; spot, 223 10s; fu.
tures, 221 Kb. Lead, steady, at $l.25ft
4:35; London, fltt 15s. Spelter, weak, at
r45ti6 55; Indon, 156, Iron, Cleveland
wufruntx. fir lHd In Loudon.
t'offei- 3Iurke,
S-ftW 'TORK. Feb. 7. -COFFEE Fu
tures market opened easy at a decline of
1 to 21 iointM under heavy selling. The
close was Iwircly steady and from 23 to
;D pullitii net lowur. Sales. 100.353 bags
February. 12. S6c, March. 11.15c; April
13.38c. Ma. U.29c; June. 1326c, July,
I. ; Sc. A.igJSt. 13.J8c: Heptembir. 13 42c
Ovtubi r. 13. iiiti November. 13.27c, Decern
ter mid January 13 21t- pot roffee
asiii' Rio ,s '3Sc fantos. 4s l&'c.
Mud dul!, fonloa. IjSj'bc, noinmt
Cash Situation Little Better on Ac
count of Buying by Millers.
5Iny lirnlti Slcn Cntinot Sep t'no
of StrrttKth In Corn Unlcsn It U
3lnrineut an llnylnK
Side of Mnrkrt.
OMAHA, Fob. 7. 1911.
Wheat was strong during the entire day
yesterday, but the only real lively Mmo
noted Jt the market was durlug the Ust
half hour of the session. So'mo of the
Chicago speculators put out short linen
early and thnv r.nrl nn the advance.
The cash situation In wheat was a UttlJ
Better, with sales of P8.O0O bushels to in
terior mlllnrs. Ttin mnhninl rinorted six
loads of wheat for foreign shipment, Kan-,
us City reported a heavy carryover from
Mieanesaay ana little demand yesieruay.
A messaitn ririlvt.,l frnm that dtr lata
In the session said that millers, have been
holding off for lower prices. A majority
of the traders could see but little In ,tlio
situation that Justified yesterday's ouige,
and said that If It had not been for the
strength In coarse grains It might have
been a different story. One trader said
the market had the appearance of being
passed up. and he is working for lower
prices, unless, of course, there Is a n,i
terial change In the news. However, ho
expects higher prices eventually. Bulls,
believe that purchases on the minor set
backs will bo rewarded, and hint 'hat
bears will not have things their own way.
in the near future. Cash wheat, '.flla
The sudden nnd unexpected flurry in
the corn market Just before the clpse
yesterday was a puxxle In the eyes of
many grain men on tho Board of Trade.
A few of them said that the strength dis
played was largely on the buying by the
principal longs In the market and that
three words, "Muscle and money," were
accountable for the complete reversal of
conditions. Weakness and dullness
traveled hand In hand In the corn pit
during the morntttg hours of the session,
and at thin time there was considerable
In the way of news of a bearish char
acter that held buyers aloof. One of them
wan that the holdings of exporters' at
the seaboard wero for sale nt bargain
counter prices and that the cash demand
in all positions was as flat as the pro
verbial flounder. Resting orders, how
over, wero held In the pit on tho buying
side of the market, and at a time when
the situation looked the weakest and tho
market presented a friendless position on
brokers holding those buying orders.
Cash corn was lc higher
Oats wero taken by the same strong;
concerns that have been on tho buying
side for sometime, which not only drovo
many shorts to oover, but created a de
mand from investors. Cash oats vwas
Clearances wero wheat and flour oqual
to 322.000 bushels, corn, 511.000 bushels and
oats 19,000 bushels,
Liverpool closed with wheat i4o
hlgher and corn Hd lower to il higher.
Primary wheat rccciptB were 823,000
bushels and shipments of 406.000 bushels
against receipts last year of 508,000 bush
els and BhlpmentB of 225,000 bushels.
Primary corn recclots wero 212.000 hush-
els and shlpmonts of 873,000 bushels
against receipts of 1,189,000 bushels and
shipments of 681,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 666,000 bush
els nnd shipments of 512,000 bushels
against receipts of 403,000 bushels and
shipments of 357,000 bushels last year.
The following cash sales wero reporttd
WHEAT No. 2 hard winter: 1 car (yel
low). 88c; 1 oar, (yellow),. S7c;
4 oars, 86c; 1 car. 85c; No. 4,
hard winter: 1 car, 84o; 2 cars, S3c. No. 2
northern: 1 car, 85c. No. 3 spring: 1 car,
83c. No, S mixed: 1 car, S4c; 1 car, R3c.
No. 4 mixed: 1 cor, 82Kc. No. 2 durum: 1
car, RGHc.
CORN No. 3 white: 1 car, 4C!4c; 4 cars,
46&c. No. 4 white: 1 cor, 46a; 1 car, 3c.
No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 45V4c No. 3 yellow;
3 cars, 45Vo; 5 cars, 45c No. 4 yellow. 1
car, 41 Wc; 3 cars, 44Wc; 1 car, 44c. No. 4
color: 1 car, 45Kc. No. ,3 mixed: 1 .car,
46c; 6 cars, 44ic. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 4lVio:
2 cars, 44c No grade: 1 car, 42c.
OATS Standard: 1 car, 33'ic; lcar, He
No. 3 white: 18 cars, 32V5c. No. i white:
6 cars, 32Uc.
Omnha ash I'rlaes.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, SSdyRSc: No. 3 hard,
847o; No. i hard, 8066c; No. 3 spring,
82vt083c; No. 4 spring. 812c.
CORN No. 3 white, 46J4j2M6ic; No. 4
white. 4546o: No. 3 yellow, 45SV4o; No.
4 yellow. 44S44t4c; No, S. 4446c: No.
4, 44igiHHo; no grade, 40f.44c.
OATS No; 2 white. 8SHS3?4o; standard,
3sgS3Uc: No. 3, .'White,. JBl33V4o; No. A
White, 32ig32Ho. " "
BARLhiY Malting, 663c; No. 1 feed,
RYE No. 2, SSHWc; No. 3, 6SQG84C
Carlo t Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 45 455' 109
Minneapolis.-. 3.19
Duluth 29
Omaha 38 85 51
Kansas City ..- 63 42 10
St. Louis 87 92 44
Winnipeg 264
Features of the Tradlnir nnd Closlnjr
Prluea on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Feb. '7. Wheat sagged to
day under selling due largely to the1 gen
erally favorable crop, outlook and poor
prospect for exports. Tho market cloted
steady ot prices ranging from last -night's
level to US'Ho below. Corn finished VMfVic'
down and oats varying from Vdfl'Uc off to
a shade advance. Tho outcome for pro
visions was 5i7Uc advance In cost.
Most reports on winter wheat indicated
sufficient snow covering and said' that
other conditions wore satisfactory. Even
Nebraska fields have' been Bending no
complaint. Milder temperatures northwest
tended also to renew the courage of the
bears. '
Several strong swells preceded the final
dip. Advances were based to a consid
erable oxtent on a rise at Liverpool, ac
companied by word that drouth continued
In India and that there was heavy ab
sorption of wheat by European countries.
A sharp falling off,' however, in North
American shipments proved an offset.
Despite a brisk upturn- at Buenos Ayres
corn failed to hold after rallies. Cottom
houses were big1 sellers 'and country ship
Ping points gave evidence of more
Kelatlvo firmness developed In oats,
owing to light receipts.
Lively demand for provisions was In
spired apparently by an advance in the
hog market Realizing Bales proved mora
restricted- than has recently been tho
Futures closed aa follows;
Artlclel Open. High. I Low Cloe. Yes'y.
Wheatl I
,9O0lj 90H
Corn. I I
May. Kf?itf&4
July. 64V4'?i
53H! 531
Sept.34?itJ'! S5Vt 34i
Oats, ill
May.34'435 35U S4i
19 524
19 60
10 45
10 474
10 60
10 45
10 424
10 474
July.i34T435l 354 3KTt
Kcpt.24iEPT,, V M&
Pork. I ' I
May.f 19 00 19 72H 19 65
July.19 52601 19 6741 19 60
19 70
19 65
May.i 10 45
10 65
10 62
10 50 '
10 474
10 65 '
t 10 474I
July. I 10 46
10 47H
10 55
10 47
10 42Vi
Sept I 10 50 (10 B7H60) 10 60
Chicago Cash PrlceB Wheat: No. i red,
$1.1161.1341 No- "3 red. $1.0231.00; No. 2
hard. 93ftlWc; No. hard, 9lfiWc; No. 1
northern. 93Ko; No. 2 northern. 89fi92c:
No. 8 northern, W49c; No. 2 spring, $0.
90c; No. 3 spring, Njtao; no. 4. spring, AO
ffh5o; velvet chaff, &S&024o; durum, 88
03c. Oats: No. 2 white, 344&374a; No'. 3
white, 34ft34Kc; No. 4 white, 3333ttc;
standard, 35ft5Vic Corn: No. 3. 494504c;
No. 3 while, 51ti62c; No. 3 yellow, 494Q51oj
No. 4, 46469c No. 4 white, 4840fc; No.
4 yetlow, 4v49o, Rye: C34fc44c Barley:
50tr70c. Keeds Timothy. $3.0OH4.O0; clover.
' $12.00fla).00. pork. $19.40019,70. Lard: $10.45.
Ribs: $10.010.W.
i firsts 16VSUc, firsts. 23c
I Bt'TTEIl Steady , creameries, 27343C.
EGOS- Weak, receipts. 4.076 rases; at
I mark, cases Included, 19ftr . Refrigerator
I POTATO ES-iUidv receipts 8 cats,
10 55 10 42H
10 674
10 67H W45
10 65 10 62H
10 65 10 42H
10 60 10 Wl
10 424!
Mulligan, l4;c, Minnesota. 4HI47C Wis
consin. Ir4?r.
POI LTRY-AlUe, strong, tuikeys. Uh .
cuicKen. IBc; springs. 16c.
:notntlnnn of the Day nn Vnrlnns
spring Mtents. $4.4OCf4.G0; winter stratghtn,
pprtriK clrars. $4.304.4$; wlntr extras
.S0tff4.0l) K'ntiois ..lrK. I 1iVffi K
choice to fancy. $3.90iff4.oa Buckwheat
flour, dull; $2.3Mii35 per 100 pounds.
CpRNMEAI-Wteady; fine white and
;e low. $1.309'1.S3; coarse. $1.8501.30:
dried. $3.15.
,.R.Y1'?Qulct; No 2 western, 67o c I. J.
BARLEY -Quiet; feeding. 584c c I. f.
New lork; malting, 00070c c. I. f. Buf
falo. 'oo. ! elevator, and $1,104 f. o. b.,
IVJ.VT, ,lon'"i'' i northern DUlutn,
$1,014 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was
.nerVOUM mill itftnr mluotipltti, 41...
cables and wafnews eased' off on favorable-
crop advices, closing unchanged to
i;Jow''ri Ptrt sales, thirty loads. May.
lt0(ffl.0u closed $1.00; July closed 984c,
September closed WJtic. Bonded whcM;
2JL. ,UBCU Juiy cioseu vnsc.
CORN RllOf mni-tnt
5S4c f. o. b. afloat.
...lto7;s,pot market, firm; standard
rhlte, 40c; No. 2, 29o; No. 4, S74S4c;
1oIIlS,ldaJC,, No- 1001.0G;
No. 2. 8585c; No. 3, 75?To.
FEED Rfnnilv- i
100-pound Racks. $22.50: standard middling.
MO-pound sacks. $23.50; city, 100-pound
sacks, $24.50.
,nJ!0.53ulrt' Btute- common to cholco
"g. 20028c; 1911. 12Qil5c; Pacific coast 1912.
- - - P - ...... ..iiiii'vi. iiioin.
29c; seconds, 27028c; tjiirds, 21025c; re
jects, 19020c.
)vi8I9NS-pork- steady; mess, $19.75
0: family, $21.008 23.00; short clears,
WlO022.25. Beef, quiet; mess, $2O.00
i.111 i.woi.Wi ooei Hums,
$3O.OO0v!2.oa Cut meats, steady; pickled
utuicr, i 10 it -pounus, lzviw'wc; pickled
hams, 14c. Lard, firm; middle west
prime. $10.0JMO.CO; refined, quiet; conti
nent, $11 16, South America, $11 65; com-
lll'TTEn-m l.,i t: r-n i.i,.
...... . v. . i id, luun,
creamery extras 374038c; process oxtras.
inmauon creamery firsts, 240
25o; factory held. 220234c; factory cur
rent make, first, 224523c; seconds, pack.
Ing stock, hold, 2i2l4c; packing stock,
current moke No. 2, 200200.
CHEESE Steady; receipts," 1,183 boxes;
Stiltp. whnln mill l,al.l r.nln..
17i01RUc; state, whole milk, held, white,
j.7'u i:c: siaie wnoia milk, winter sp.
clols, 16017c; skims, 214c
10GGS Steady; receipts, 8,767 Cases; fresh
rn t li o rnil nvtran 97fA. V. 1 ,t HnMt. n. -
ago best, 22023c; refrigerator firsts, 2O0
2l4o; nearby hennery, whites, good to nifica, now laiu, AJ'illc; nuOTDV
hennery selected whites; defective in
i'""., u-iu; nearoy nennory
browns. 27(S2Sa: vplm iruilmreil wkii..
l'Olir.TUV r.lvu alnorlv u....(..n V.II.
ens, 15c; fowls, 164c; turkeys, 19c; dressed,
firm; fresh killed' Western chickens, 110
jou, lowio, u'fliic; lurKeys, noi3V4c
St. I.ouU GenernI Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 7. WHEAT Cash : No.
1 rod, $1.0101.124; No. 2 hard, 91,494o.
COHN-No. 2, 608604c; No. 2 white,
OATC No. 2, 3Cc; No. 2 white, Stic .
RYE Unchanged, 634c
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT May, 93?ic; July, 89,083?io.
CORN May, 63c; July, 63064c
OATS May, 35Vio; July, 364c.
FLOUR Steady: winter natnnts. $5.00(3)
5.25; extra fancy and straight, $4.0004.80;
hard winter clears, $3.4003.65.
BKiiau ximowy, iw.w. .
BRAN $1.0001.03.
HAA Timothy, $12.60; prairie, $10,500
13.00. .
TWINE Hemp. 8o.
PROVISIONS Pork. Jobblmr. $16.75.
Lard, prime steam, $10.00. Dry salt meats,
ooxea extra snorts, $il.oo; clear ribs,
$11.00; short clears, $11.50. Bacon, boxed
extra shorts. $12.00; clear ribs, $12.00; short
clears. $12,004.
POULTRY Firm: chickens, 13c; spring,
134o; turkeys, 18o; ducks, 16o; geeso, 13c.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2fe0O5c.
EGGS Lower, 2c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 11,000 10,000
Wheat, bu 104.000 105.000
Corn, bu 110.000 47.0JO
Oats, bu , 76,000 51,000
Kansas City Grain unil Provisions.
2 hard, 8691o; No. 3. 85&iH)c; No. 2 red,
$1.0001.04: No, 3, 95c0$l.O2.
CORN-Hlgher; No, 2 mixed, 48c; No.
3, 47404So; No. 2 white, 61o; No. 3, dO0
OATS-No. 2 white, 3G4033c; No. 2
mixed, 340344c
HAY unchanged.
HYE Unchanged.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT-May S408Sc; July, 86H0
CORN May, 52H062c; July, E340C3fco.
OATS May, 36c.
EGGS Extras, 24c? firsts, 224023c; sec
onds, 14c.
PO ULTRY-Unchiuiged.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 53,000 ss.OOO
Corn, bu 42.0)0 26,000
Oats, bu 4 10,000 lfl.ooa
nilnnenpolls Grntn Market.
May, 88Hc; July, 90Wo; September, 89H0
SOWc. Cash: No. 1 hard, 88Hc; No. 1
northern, 8787T4c; No. 2 northern, 85
85 No. 2 hard Montana, 87T4o; No. 3,
CORN No. 3 yellow. 44?4046.
OATS-No. 3 white, 31U31c.
RYE No. 2, 56068c
FLOUR First patents, $4.3O04.C5; second
patents, $4,1504.60; first clears, $3,1003.40:
second clears, $2.3002.60.
Liverpool Grain SInrkel.
easy; No. ! Manitoba,' 7s 5d; No. 2 Mani
toba, Ca 6d; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s 34d, Fu
tures, firm; March, 7s 5d; May 7. fftirl
July, 7s 3d. iia'
CORN Spot quiet; American mixed new.
6s; American mixed old, 6s nominal1
American mixed, via Galveston, 6s 7d'
Futures, steady; February (La Platta) 6s
3d; February (American mixed), 4s 94,(1.
Mliivnnkre (.rain Market.
1 northern, 92093c; No. 2, 89091c; No. 2
hai-d winter, Kfl5c; July, 90c
CORN No. 3 yellow, 4S0494c; No. 3
white, 520624c: No. S, 490494c; May,
63c: July, 64j40644c. y'
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Feb. 7.-CORN Market M0
4c up; No. 3 white, 49Vi0iAj; No. 3 yel
low. 48U04S4; No. 4 yellow. 464047V:
No. 3 mixed, 48Uc; No. 4 mixed, 4704711c:
sample. 44045c. niyi-.
OATS-Market Up; No. 3 white, 34U
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-COTTON-8pot
closed quiet: middling uplands, -13.95o
middling gulf, 13.20c. No sales. Futures
closed easy. Closing bids: February
12.42c; March. 12.39c; April, li23o; May!
12.23c; June, 12.13c; Juy, 12.17c; August.
12.00c; September, 11.65c; October, lL60c;
December, 11.69c; January, 11.69c
In fair demand: prices firm. American
middling, fair, 7.60d; good middling, 7.16d:
middling, 6.94d; low middling, 6.76; good
ordinary, 6.3d; ordinary, 6.02d, Sales 9,000
t) in ana Hay Murket.
OMAHA, Feb. 7. HAY No. 1 upland.
$9.50010.001 No. 2. $8.5000.50; No. S, $7,000
8.60: No. 1 midland. $9.00010.00; No? 1, $8.60
ES.WSNo, 3, $7.OO0.&O; No. 1" lowland.
.5009.00; No. 2. $7.0008.60; No. 8, $6,000
7.00. Alfalfa: No. 1, $13.00013.60; No. 1
$11.00012.00: No. 8, $9.00011.00. straw
wheat, $5.00; rye, $5,60; oats, $6,00,
IninortM at Ner York,
NPW" YORK, Feb. 7--ImportB of uier.
chan'dlst) and dry goods at the port of
New York for the week ending February
1 wero valued at $23,197,254, Imports of
specie for the week ending today were
$172.09tS silver and $369,429 gold, exports
IL282.9U silver asd t3.17U86 gold.
Announcement of Dissolution Finn
Fails to Stimulate Trading.
l n I on Pnelflc l)lilnn StretiKth nt
Times, AlthonRh Southern Pn
elflc Is Sold Copper Is
sue Are Strong.
N'MW YORK, Fob. i To those whose
Interest In tho stock market lies In the
opportunities for speculation which It pre
sents, the action of the market today was
disappointing Tho pronounced dullness
of receitt' days hub been.. oxplAlned partly
on tho ground that the market whs await
Ing news of tho plans for segregating the
Hnrrlmnn lino, but announcement ol the
terms over nlKht failed to stimulate trad
ing to any appreciable extent.
At the opening Cf the market today
some effort wh ni.iOc to Huiken Interest.
Traders Wrt un (irive nenerally nnd tho
wluino of business -In the ilrst hour was
considerably luraer than yostetxlay. Hut
tho paeo 1ld pot hold. 'It-ndlng tailored
down to small proportions ,tind the market
flattened out to the sumo monotonous
plane of rec-nt ttiiJ'H
I'ulon 1:uuh oU,ruul strength at
times, althuugU Southern' lVclflo dragged,
being sold on th tlirory thut tho sulo of
Union Piuiflo n ImltltngV of this stool;
would lucro.tso Uio fUatlng supply. Tho
copper IssiiOH wero strnng, Tho check In
tho decline of copir motnl abroott
Btrongthened these nmiros and Induced
sonio short covering. The copper- pro
ducers' statement bf nn Increase in iUrvks
In hand of nearly ts.000.000 pounds was In
keeping with nrollitilnnrv ivitlmivh-H and
had no poroei.tlble el feet orl copier shares
Bond were lilrgului' Totnl miles, u
value, $2,373,000. Panama 3s iidvniu'cd ,
on call.
Number ot sales and leading quotations
on stocks today were as follows:
BtlcR. Hlll. Lnw. ClOHO,
Amlgtmtnl Cnppr .... H.SO0 1ZK 12 7JH
Amtrlcnii AsrlcuHurnl M
Araeilcun Urn Sugar 7Vl
Amerlcin Cn .Jfn to J9',k St
Amrrlcan On pM ,x. 1S 1 1U"fc
Amrrlun (1 A P HI
Anifrlcin Cotton Oil H)4
Am. Ire ercurltln. 'St
American IJnwrl n
American laromotlr ... lot) 39 W t1i 39 '4
ADteiicaji B. A 1U 1, 7SS 7.1 JJ
Am. S. A It. pfd... 1M Iff; 107 107
Am. Sutar Jlrtlnlnn 200 117H UT-i 11?
American T. A T OiXI 1SI' t.11 WS
Amrrlcan Totnrro 4l 11 Itm tU
Anaconda Mlnlnr (V. ... 000 S7H 37i 174
AtrhlMn SW 103. 103 W 1MH
AUElson rfd loiii
Atlantic uiui i.ine 1J
llaltlmorfi A Ohio S00 10!U Ur,i in
nthlhfm Rtoel 37
Urouklyn JUpId Tr l.sol 1H M 1
Canadian Fuel Mo 1.400 !Wl
rentraj Leather ZOO M'k :; ISH
Cheaaptake & Ohio 100 77 tTUt 'J7V4
Ctilcnio O. W 100 17 17 17
Chicago, M, & St. P foil 111H 111 lllVi
Chicago & N. W 1S
Colorado F. & 1 1,300 MS M"; 3ST(
t:onaoiiaatpi uaa zoo uik 13J I3IU
Corn Producta ; 1 4T
I)lawar A ln.l..on It
Hsnver A. Itlo Urande 201
IV-nvcr A II. O. prd loo Vti 37; 17
Dlatlllera' Hecuritlts .... 600 i is
Brla ( "'i 1 0T4
Krle lt pfd M0 -U 4tU'
KtIb 2d Pfd 3Si
Otntral Eloctrlc 400 llav; 14i 141I
Oreal Nbrthern pM 1,000 l!Ji 121 lan.
Great Northern Oro ctfB. 100 38Vi 3ti 3SV;
Illinois onlral JiH
int.Kn.ith ipt inn 1QU 1R 1ft
Inter, iftt. pld 700 3i Wl MW
International llarveaier . I.ioo 1H1 112 113
lnter-Murlne pld 18U
International Paper too 11H 1lli 11VI
International rump ino in, it
Kanaa City Southern.... 101 :H 2
Uiclcile oaa ii's v
Iehlgh Valley 1.300 161Hi W 1S1U
LouiBVine & jvaanviue. .. iiiu is
M.. St. P. t S. Ste. M. 100 140 140 Wi
Mlaiouri, K. T 17
Missouri r-aciuo i.rai 11 fin 4ia
National meruit 100 119 119 1114
Natlonnl Ismi 61
N. It. H. ot M. M old.. 100 !4 24 23H
New Tork Central 300 10S 107 107"i
N. I.. O. ft W 200 32 31'lj U
Nbrlolk & Weatern 700 109?i 109W 10HH'
Korth American 100 80U W)U 10
NorUiern 1'acirio 1.S00 U HSU Ut'i
l'acltlo Mall 2
Pennsylvania 1.300 120H ISO 120
People's C!a 100 11DU 15Vi U
P.. O., 0. it St. Ij 100
IltUbumh Coal 600 J314 S2H 23
ITeeaed Steel Car 300 33 33 32Ki
Pullman Palace Cnr . . 161
Tteadlnc --s- 12-200 lHt 16.'. IK
Slepubllc I. 8 too 2Ti 27i 27U
Ilcpubllo I. & 8. pfd.... S00 87 M 87'i 7U
Hock Itland Co 4'H) 2IH mi 23i
Ilock Island Co. pfd 400 4!!. W, 42H
St. U & H. F. Id pfd 27
fioaboLTd Air Une 20.
Beaboard A. U pfd 47U
Sloaa-Bhefflelcl B. & 1 44
Bouthern Pailllc lliWO 10RU 10IW 104H
Bouthern Railway 100 27 U 27 1; 27
So. Hallway pfd. ......... 40) 80H S9, M
Tcnneasee Copper 1.400 S&H 3414 14H
Texas A Taclllc 20H
Union Pacific 17,100 lelH l0i 1WH
Union PaoHlo prd 600 MM. 83!,
United Slates Kealty 71V4
Unltod State Rubber.... 1,W0 7H 6614 G7H
United Statos Bteel 19,200 654 04 H 6('i
U. 8. Bteel pfd MO 109 10S4 loss
Utah Copper .? J.4 6JTi 6314 U'i
Va. -Carolina Chemical 3(
Wabajh IK
Wabash pfd UH
Western Maryland too 46 4i1i 44
WMtem Union 109 7i',i V2V4 72
Weatlnghouee Bleetrlo Hi
Wheeling &. U E 7H
Total wle for the day, 174,000 chares
Sew York Money .llnkrel,
call, steady, at 2gi per cent: ruling -ato,
2H per cent; closing bid, 2T4 per cent; ot
fcrorl nt 3 npr cent. Time loans, firmer:
sixty days, 3V4 per cent; ninety days, i'S
4Vi per Ceni, six inonms, iviinv per coin.
per cent.
ttTinilT.TrJn fiXCIIANaB-flrm. with
actual business In bunkers' bills at $I.SJ7u
for sixty-day bins ana at h.ww ror uo
mand: commercial bills, $4.S3W
HIIjVER Bar, 82Hc! Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, firm; railroad, Ir
Closing quotations on hnds today were
as follows:
ti a ..f 2s. rec.101 K. C Bo. ref. In... U:
'do 'coupon Wl U B. Oeb. 4s 1M1.. 2!i
ti rj, ss. res ,v-7i-.., . ui.
do oouoon 1MHM. K. & T. lit 4. 93
U. 8. s, reg "i7...ul' Rrn' ' "
n .m lltti'Mo. l'aclflo 4s.. 70
Panama Sa i-oupon. .lOlli do conr. 6s.. 74
A7C. lt ts ctfs.. 6 eN a i, of M 41,, ji"
iroor. As. M i. g sua s
A T & T c 4S..106H do deb. 4s. , oi
Am. roDarco i,...,.. ... ii. at ii.
.mnnr A. Co. 4HS. ln CV. SUS Ig
AUbtBon gen. M A W. 1st c. 4a. 9H
do dr. & 1MO lMVt it, or. 4s 109
do cv. 6s 101 No. Pacific 4s n
A a U lit ts....'. 95H do 3s tv,i
Bal. A Ohio 4a 70. 8. L. rfdr. 4...
do l'A ; Ei.;1'""- H 1916. 97U
llrook. Tr. cv 4s... 90J4 do oon. 4s lOlli
Can. or oa. oa. Tiivriiiu . Ren. wik
Cen. Kltlier 6a.. WW. U-A 8. F. ts 4s 7
ik & Ohio 4Us. l0(V do e'en. '6a II
do conr M t. U 3. W. e. 4a. my,
Chicago A A. 3Hs C3 8. A. U adl. 6s ... 1S
U. u. ft u. J. u;oo. coi. S7
do gen. 4 do rv. 4s K'A
C M A B P c 4',ia 1MV4 do 1st ref. 4s m
r n. I A P. c. 4s. CiTSo. Itallvav 6m. imii
do rig. 4 do gen. 4a fi!
C. A B. r A e 4Hs 13iUnlon Pacific 4s . . MU
I). A II. ov. ... i oo cr. 4s 5t
n X- It fl. ref. 6s It Mo 1st I rf 1 (jt
Distillers' 6s .,. 8.. Rubber. (.... 103U
Krle p. 1. 4s M4U. B. Steel 2d ts ..loiS
da gen. 4s . 7SHVa.-Car. Chem.. 6a. 7tJ
do ov. 4s, ser. Dll Wib. 1st A n. 4,. ,1"
III. Cen. 1st ref, 4a. Westes-p Md. 4s,. ,. IIU
Inter. Met. 4l,s.... UK West. Elec. cv. 6a.. jt!
Inter. M. M. 4Ms. UK'Wli. Central 4s. . i
jaian si" wti
Bid. Offered,
London Stock Market.
IX5NDON. .Feb. 1. American secuHtl
opened steady and about unchanged to.
day. Trading wts light during tho fore
noon, but the list advanced under the
lead of Canadian Pacific, and at noon
prices rangea irom uncnanged to 1H
nigner inan yesieraay jvew york clos
London closing stock quotations:
Consols, money .. 74H Louie. A Naah. ..Mtt
du eceovMi 10,, nan, tei . v
Amal. Copper . 74HNcvr York Central. .Hi
Atcbtaon ,...10H Norlolk A West'n .lllli
Halt. A nhlo.....,104K OnUrlo ;A Wett'n.. I2M
Cuadlaa Pacftls ,,214 I'ennsylvanU
.. 42
Chesapeake a.... w 3teadlng
CN. Oreat Weetern 17 Bouthern ny ...
Chi., Mil. A BX. IM14 Bouthern Pselfle
Denver A Rlf Q... 22 Union Pacific .,
Erie , 3 U. B. file. I
do 1st pfd.. OH Wabash ,
Grand Trunk .. 30 De lleera
Illinois IXUral . 1U lUnd Mlnea
SILVER Uar, steady at 28 H-16d per
ounctr. ,
MONEY 14044 per cent.
PJBCOUNT RATEB tiliort bills, 4 15-W
o pef cent; three months' bills, 4 13-18
per ceni.
iuuuiiiim 01 ine i rrainry,
WASHINOTON, Feb. 7. -The condition
of the United States treasury at the be
ginning of business toduy was: Working
balance, $81,875792; In banks and Philip
pine treasury, $34,1G0,4Q5; total of general
fund, $149.0J4,KH. Receipts yesterday,
$2,4tf.079; disbursements, $,3;K),177 The
surjdUK this fiscal year is $7,&H,$19, aii
against a deficit of 21,7il,v73 last year
Tho figure for u-ielpts. disbursements.
i l' c-x litile PniiHiua canal and publli
debt tratisACtlmis.
Trnnnetlona of Anaoelated llniiks
for the Week.
NMW YORK, lb. T.-lhudstrcefs bank
clearings report for the week ending
Kebriiiii y . shows an aggregate of $$,KKI.-
,V10,(XO as ugHtlixt $iS.(M1XH last week and
WWaUWiai In the corresponding week last
year. Wollowlng is a list of the cities:
Amount. I Inc.
New York
St. UmiIs
$2,1.VJ,7,IH) S.4
84.R.tiOO fi.4
1,I2S,(K.X) l.S ......
174,MS1,(W) si:
S2.Ol7.Olli) i;j .
fix,cciva sit.0
I r.H,iH 8.B....
I 54,STJ.(XX 3
I 4I.CW,X lt.l
1 37,M,000 ' 12.7
IU17.00rt 13. r.
2s,431.(Ww SV.rV
?4.34iml 22.11
22,l7,0a ' 10.0
l!."43,O0O, 163
1R,CST,000 3.1
16.4HP00 1
15,776,1X10 1.4
10.231.C00 7 J
;i,!'.S,OO0 B.2
!.!3S,tW ...... S2
s.tir.oi '.... 2.5
S.S29.00O fi.3
fi.lJ,X) IS. 4
B,r,O0O 2.7
4.7r.4KW . ,7.!
3,iss.x) ;a.r.
4.W.0O0 6.4
4,4CV,0OO 3.H
I 3,nS4,000 19.0
T 4,329.000 ' R.6
I 4.329,000 S.5
! ,2,SM.(10 10.7
2,33S,000 9.0
1.704,000 7.S
1,X4,000 15.1
1.110.000 10.9
891.000 33.7
i7,0(W 10.0
KW.000 S.O
7.S23,00 12.8
7,tV!.tO0 3.8
2,0;4,00i1 14.1
3,044,000 ..1
.Kansas (tty
4jan Francisco
IjO Apgeles
Now Orleans
Portland, Ore
St. Paul
Indianapolis. .......
Halt Lake City
Des Moines
Sun Diego ,
Dayton ,
Cedar Rapids
Springfield, 111
Qulncy, 111
Rlomnlngtoli, III..
Ogden, Utah
Docatur, HI , BOIlVllltl,
St. Joseph ..
Sioux City ..
Ronton Mlntnir Stocks.
BOSTON, Feb. 7. nosing quotations
on mlnlne Stocks we:
Alloues JlliMohawk 6tU
Ainsl. Copper 71 NeTidi Cton 17
A. z, .1.. t a a BiifcNipiwinr Mines ... it,
Arlsnnn lm SSNorth nutte JSH
n. ti C V. St B. M. !, North IJlkrf 3
Cal. A. Arlwiia.. .. H'tOM Doralntoa 4SU
Cal. & Jleela 490 Oaceola NU
Contcnnlal H Qulnoy Tl
Cop. Range i O. .. 4SHRhannon 114
lli.t llutte C M... UliSuperlor 50V,
Krsnklln (bnunerlor A II. M... IV
Cllniux Con I Tamarark II
Uranby Con 4 U. B, P. It. . M... Si
(Ireene Catianea .... H An rM U
isle Itnyale Copper. 211 Utah Con 10
Kerr Lake 34Utah Copper Co 614
Lake Copper 194Wlnona lh
J a Halle Coppor.,.. IVWoWertne M
Miami Copper 11
Neir York .Mint nor Stock.
NKW YORK. Feb. 7-CIohIiib: nuota-
tlmls on .mining stocks were:
Com. Tunnel stoek.. 9 Meslcan 76
do bonda 1 Ontario ....,. ......tW
Con. (Til. t Va.'... 10 Ophlr 1
Iron Slleer 160 Small llopea 16
ldvllle Con 10 .standard 100
LJttie Chit! Yellow jacket 11
Ilnnk Cleurlnga.
OMAHA, J''ob. 7.-Hank oleartngs today
wero $2,891,852.20. ngatnst $2,856,213.70 for
tho corresponding day lost year.
BUTTER N6. 1, Mb, carton. 3So: Yo, t
S0-lb tubs,.34Hci No. 2. 3Sc.
CHEKHK Imported Swiss. 32c: Amerl-
can Swiss. 2Cc: block Swiss. 24c: twins'.
19V4c, daisies, 20c; triplets, 20c; young
Americas, 21c; blue label brick, 30o; lim-
ucrger, i-iu., zik, i-iu,, 220; rnow ora
while, 20c.
I'OUIjTRY BrolUrs, $5.00HO.O0 Por do.;
hens, 16c; cocks, llo; ducks. 20o; geese, 180;
.......... tfK... .!..-.... An . 1 V . At,..-
broilers, lfiVt41o; hens, llo: old roosters,
tVic; uncus, run leatnerca, 110; geeee, tun
feathered, 12c; turkeys, 10c; pigeons, per
doz., 00c; homers, $2.50; squabs, No. L,
$1.60; No. 2. 60c.
FISH (Fresh))TPIckerel, 8c, fror.eni
white, 12o, frosuii; trout, 14c, fiozen;
large crapples, , 12o, Iroion; Spanish
mackerel, lCc; eel, ISc; haddock, 12c:
flounders, Uq; shad roe, per pair, 40c;
salmon, 18c; vhailbut, 18o; frosen Uo; buf
falo, 9a; bullheads, 13a Oysters, oay
standards, $1.(0; northern, $1.90; selects,
$i.C5; counts; 'ft.eo.
FRUlTa-Orunrtea:orCallfornla navels,
fully colored, 30 size, $2.00: 90 size, $2.25;
126 size. $2.50; 150. 17G, 200 and ,219 size,
$3.00. Qrane fruit: Extra fancy Florida.
40, 54, G4 and SO, per box, $3.50. Cranber-.
vIao, XtHw..Mlt. I .1 b ...... I v
Howes', Jumbo, per bbl., $9.50; extra fancy
Jersey, per bb( $9.00: extra fancy, Bells
and Cherry, per box, $3.00. Lemons: Air
Ship brand, 300 or 300 size, $6.70. Cocoanuts
in sacks, per sack, $5.76; per dozen, 80c.
Honoy; new Colorado, twenty-four
frames, per case, $3.75. Dates: Fard, 15
lb. box, per lb lie; New" Hall, bulk, por
lb., 7a. new Anchor pkg. (00 cartons), per
box, $2.25; new Dromedary- (30 'cartons),
per box, $2.76. FJgs: new 12 12 12, per box,
k5c; now 5-crown (Turkey), 16a; new -crown
(Turkey), ICo; new 7-crown (Tur
key,), 17c. Apples: extra rancy Washing
ton Jonathans. 113. 125. 138, 150, lt. box,
$1.K2; extra fancy Washington Q rimes'
aoldens, 113, 125, 138, 150, box, $1.76; extra
fancy Washington Roman Beauties, 72, 80,
S8. 96. 103, 125., box, $1.76; extra fancy
Wnshlngton Black Ben Davis, 72, 80, Ss,
90, 104. 125 count box, $1.76: extra fancy
Washington Red Wlno Baps, 104, 112, 125,
138, box. $2.00: extra fancy Pink Cheek
Waxen and WWte Winter I'earmalns, 96,
104, 113, 125, 138, 150,. 163 count, box, $2.00;
extra fancy Colorado, unwrapped,, Whlti
Winter l'earmalns. 150, 165, 180, 200 count,
box, $1.66; extra fancy New York Bald
wins, per bbl., $2.90; extra fancy Now
York R, I. Oreenlngs, per bbl., '$3.25; ex
tra fanoy New York Stato Russets,, pel
bbl,, $3.00; extra fancy Missouri Jona
thans and Qrimes Uoldens per bbl., $4.00,
6-bbl lots or more, asserted, 15o per bbl
off; extra fancy Missouri Ren Davis, pel
bbl., $2,50; extra fancy Missouri Win
Pippins, per bbl., $2.75; extra fancy Ml,
souri Willow Twigs, Black Twjgs, Vork
Imperials and other fine varieties, per
bbl., $3.25.
lloica Htronir tit Illitii l'olut of Year
Cattle Steady.
CIIIfTAnO.. 7A' 1,1..
l.fpOO head; markets steady; beeves, $6.60
in.uv; inxas sir.ors. n.vfOb.W, western
steers. $5.65Jj7.30; slockers and feeders,
$4.7iti7.UO; cows and heircrs, $3.0Cr7.4O;
calves. $4.6O5il0.25.
HOaS Receipts, 20,000 head; market
strong at high point of the year; light,
$7.75&.05; mixed, $7.70ff.lYi; heavy, $7.65
8.00; rough. $7.55.70; pigs, $6.6OQ7.80; bulk
of sales. $7.66..00.
SHIOBP AND liiVMBS Rocelpts 6,000
ncaa; market strong; natives, J4.B.Vcfl.lO;
western. $5.00416.25: yearlings. $6.wy,i'7.90:
lambs, native, $6.9039.00; western, fi.W3
81. Louis Live Stock Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 7.-CATTUJ ReceiDts.
1,900 head; market, steady: choice to
fine steers: $8.5000.00: good to nhnlr.
steers, $7.00Q8.50;' cowb and heifers, $6.50
W8.W, buns, it.w.oo; calves. $4.2fia7.00
Texas and Okluhoma steers, $5.2507.90;
cows and heifers, $3.75fj6.50.
IIOOS-Recelpts, 7,400 head; market
higher; pigs and lights, $6.508.05: mixed
und butchers, $7.oMW.05; good, heavy, $7.95
HlUCBl' AND I.AAIBS-Receipts, 6,000
head; market strong; muttons. $5.264&.TS;
yearlings, $7.X87.60; lambs, $7.XS8..
Sioux City I.lve. Stoek Market.
Receipts. 600 head; market steady; native
steers, $7.0088.60; cows and heifers, $6,000
7.00; canuers, 3.6034.60; stockars and feed
ers, $a.2&tf7.60; calves, $6.257.00; bulls,
HOOS Receipts, 3,000 head; market 160
20o higher; heavy, $7.4&JJ7.60; mixed, $8.60
8.60; light, $7.4M7.65; pigs, bulk
of sales. I7.4MW.M-
SHBEP AND UAMBS-ReoelpU, 1,000
head; market strong; wethers, $4.7&S5,M;
ewes, $4.0OU6.00; lambs, $7.003.26.
St, Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST, JOBHPH. Fh. 7.-CATTIB-Re-eelpts,
head, market steady; steers,
$,75fi.76; cows and heifers, $3.767.60;
calves. $6.&0310.00.
HOURRecelpts. 3,400 head, higher; top,
$7.M), bulk, $7.tW(T.7a
HIIKBP AND IAMBB ReceirHs. 1,800
hvad, eUong; lambs.- t7.60S.7i,
Cftttlc Receipts Light and Prices
Stcrtdy with Thursday.
Sheep nml l.nnths Acllie Sellers nnil
Ten t Fifteen Cents lllnhrr
Thnn "rhnrsilny Almost
tlnek to IUhIi Point.
SOl'TII OMAHA, l-'cb. 7, 1913.
Receipts were: Catllo. llocs. BheCP.
Off Iclm Monday 5.005 6.H4 8,497
Xii , . ' ' ""day 4,006
Stt 0 "! iv,,hiesda.v.... -4.114
Off IcIhI Thursdav 3,291
lisllmate Prhhiy ;fl
Kite das this week..T7jsi
Same dayn iltt week..m.94S
Same davs 2 rv-'Wo i
"ine nays a w ks. ago. 20.104 Bl.t.ti 4'.i.'.k.4
Same days 4 w'ks. uga.19.lisu 44.S7VI B1.194
Same days last year.. ,19.204 7H.410 34,157
The following tuble slulws the leeelpts
of cuttle, hogs and sheep nt South Omaha
for the year to date as compared with
last year. v.U.1. 1912. Inc. Dec.
Cttle k.10.M67 11M02 11.045
Hogs 3.t,37 4W.2.". 68.X78
Sliuop 2iil,BM I12.S42 43,678
Tho fnllowlnir luhln wtifiwH llt riinsei of
Prices for hogs at South Omaha for tho
last few dnj-B. with comparlAons:
Date. I 1913. 11912. 11911 I1910.I19CI91m.I1907.
Jan. 28.
Jll. 29.
Jan. 90.
Jan. 31.
Feb. 1..
Feb. 2..
Feb. 3..
Feb. 4..
Feb. 5..
7 3SW
I 7 431 8 03 & 91 4 29 I! 71
6 93 S 04 5 Us 4 1O ti 11
03 7 54 G 11 4 1.1 72
02 7 47 8 12 4 17 0 85
5 96 7 2tl 8 IM 6 22 4 10 fl f8
6 06 7 2tf S 3S tl 03 6 81
05 7 88 S 30 C 91 4 111 i
7 40 8 29 l! 0l 4 Yi 6 03
M) S 32 C 141 4 2i S6
6 (Hi 7 49 6 13 4 22 C 91
tl 00 7 42 8 61 I 4 16 81
7 3SH
7 $2
7 2SVt
7 42
7 4iJ4
Feb. ..
7 .IS
Feb. 7
Receipts and disposition of live stock nt
tho Union stock yards, South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p
m., yesterday:
Cnttlii. Hogs.Shecp.H "s's.
C. M. & St. P 2 2 . ..
Mo. Pacific...,, 1 7 ..
Union Pacific 5 24 10
C. ft N. W., east,... 2 5
C. ft N. W., west... 46 4 1
C St. P. SI. ft O... 4 A
C R. ft Q west.. 4 31 5,2
C B. ft Q east... ,. 1 .. . 1
C, R. 1. ft P.. cast. 2 7
C .,R. I. ft P., west. .. 3
Illinois Central 2
c u. w 1 .. :.
Totnl receipts 29 136 ' 19 4
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Morris 'ft Co. 96 1,300 602
Swlf.t ft Co HW , 1,789 1,002
Cudahy Pnvklpg Co,.,.,. 154 2.0S7 1,178
Aimolir ft Co 137 2,269 1,481
Schwartz ft Co ss
J. W. Murphy 2,190
Lincoln Packing Co 2 ...
S. O. Picking Co 1... 1
H 111 ft JSon - s
F. 11. Lewis 15
J. II. Root & Co 34
J. H. Hnllii.. 2l
Werthclnier ft Degen.... 6 ... ...
Rothschild ft Krebs 2
Mo. ft Kans. Calf Co.... IS
Cllne ft Christie 9
Other buyers Ill ... 12
Totals S00 10.01S 4,305
CATTLK Cnttlo receipts were small, ns
usual on a Friday, only twenty-nine cars
Doing reported in. As might be surmlsca.
thoro were not enough cattle to really
make a market, with the result that there
wero no now or especially intercsung ae
vclopmunts. Such cuttle as were otforod
generally commanded steady prices and
pretty much everything had changed
hands In good season in tho morning.
J ho market on beef steers has
strengthened up considerably and prices
are now iuhi&o filghor Mhan last week
und In some cases possibly 15!iC3c higher.
wows una ne rets a so nave steadily
worked up and they are as much as 10
(0 loo nigner than a woek ago ana even
more on some of the more desirable
Slockers and feeders havu been stronic
sellers every day this weok. Receipts of
tn iu Kinn or emtio nave lieen lglt,
while there has been a vurv fair, buvlnir
demand and everything received has met
with ready takers,
y violations un cattle: Uood to choice
uoei steers, ii.6WtVH.-i6; fair to good beef
steere, $7.(037.60; common to fair beef
steers, io.sow.w; goou to choice noirers.
IO.25S7.00: good to choice cows. M.OOma.CO:
fair to good grades, $5.0006.00; common to
fair snides. 13. 25116.00: icood to choice
Blockers and feeders, $11.7507.75; fair to
gooa stocKers ana feeuers, JB.zfiWu.75;
common to fair stookers and feeders, $5.00; siock cows ana noirers, it.750t.N;
veai caives, w.wyv.w; duiis, stags, etc,
lteprescntative sales:
At, rr. 0. ;Af. Pr.
.914 C 60 t 1:30 7 10
910 t 90 49 K4I 7 10
77 90
977 7 00
1004 7 10
W6 7 30
....1176 7 40
....1120 1 46
....1H1 7 60
....1366 7 76
....60 00
....1160 00
9 ,...1160 6 26
..1060 6 60
...1117 6 60
. . .1060 6 66
...1061 ( 76
..,991 6 NO
...T006 6 k0
...MS 6 HA
...1141 6 90
...1S0S 6 90
.1101 on
1 10M 10
9 1097 ( 10
9 1104 ti)
.1400 6 2T
11 1111 ( 94
t. 910 e .10
17 1112 I 8S
Pi 1231 i to
. . . 611 6 90
1010 6 90 9 660 96
sZl 1 10 l 700 1 So
TO IS t 720 - 60
6 710 I ii
9 1170 i 76
. . 910 6 00
..1110 6 16
1600 6 65
1170 6 11
1786 6 90
1610 Oil
..1060 6 40
.'. 600 ( 60
..1090 60
..KM 6 16
.1720 a IS
1 ..1610 6 76
1...'. 4S0 4 60
1220 6 95
1 27J 24 179 60
T 416 6 60 1 140 9 00
2 212 10 1 200 9 00
11 444 10 1 210 9 M
1 970 t 76 2 140 9 00
166 7 00
2 4I& 60 4 642 7 00
t 716 49 6M 7 00
1 71 U 10 786 7 OS
4 170 t 90
HOUH-RecelpUi tills morning footed up
about 136 cars, or 9,500 head, the lightest
Friday run for three weeks. The supply
was a little lighter than last week, 3,000
head short of two weeks ago and 4,0u)
smaller than, the corresponding day last
year. The Jirst five days this week total
up In tho neighborhood of 66,000 head, the
lightest since the second week In Jan
uary, when only 61.000 were reported dur
ing the same period.
Opening bids this morning were M'flOc
higher, but prices Improved as the trade
advanced and the bulk of the supply
changed hands ut figures that were a big
dime higher than yesterday's average
trade. It might be mentioned In this con
nection that the lighter weights showed
tha big end of the advance, being genei
ally lOftlSo higher, while tho heavier
grades were no better than 54110c up, The
market was, If anything, stronger at the
close than at any other time, and was
uctlve from start to finish. While every
thing moved up the discrimination against
the heavyweights Is still decidedly In evi
dence, and even the choicer kinds wer
rather slow to sell.
The most of the sales ranged from $7.50
T'.H, with several loads of real heavy
stuff below $7.60 and quite a sprinkling
of good lights at $7.60. Some hogs sold
up as high as $7.66, 15c higher than Thurs
day's top.
Representative sales:
No, Av. Sh. it. ,No,
. 211
. 241
7 66
,216 120 T 90
,307 10 7- 36
24.. .
1 .
.. 7 61
.. 7 66
.. 7 66
.. 1 66
., 7 66
.. 7 66
40 7 66
.. 7 66
.. 7 66
I, 7 66
.. 7 in
.. 7 66
90 7 66
40 7 66
.. 7 66
.. 7 66
.. 7 66
.. 7 66
.. 7 65
. 7 66
.. 7 66
, 1 66
SO 7 66
- 1 63
.. 7 40
. t 40
W 7 40
60 T 40
20 T II
,.. 7 41
40 7 46
40 7 46
.. 7 4S
40 7 43
10 T 46
62 226
49 222
4,9 234
64 22t
U 201
76 ,.949
70 S41
1 206
II 222
72 261
47 211
12 266
41 921
II 212
12 211
49 211
7 44
... 1 46
... 7 46
. . 7 46
... 7 60
... 7'60
... 7 50
... 7 60
.. 7 60
... T 60
90 7 60
29 l
. .209
. 221
. nt . 1 Wl
M . . m 40 7 60
64 179 ... 1 so
7 tin in 7M
7 . . . IM 48 7 Vt.
M . . IM ... IM
71 .. . MS ... 7 10
1 171 ... 7 W
1 ..IM .. ID
6t . .Ml ... 7 60
if ....lit , . IN
0 ... tit ... 1 W
4 . . ... 7 (
70 ... at . . 1 M
11 tm ... 7 no
8 m ... 7 60
74 Ml 0 J M
J Ml ... T 60
.'... . 119 .... 7 60
M4 ... 1 60
41 IM ... 7 60
II '....III ... 7 60
M.... Ill ... 7 60
44 HI ... 7 M
70 149 ... 7 60
67 M4 ... 7 60
II IM ... 7 60
0 t ... 7 60
61.. .....IM ... 7 60
74.' JJ ... 7 60
i. ' . 919 0 7.'.
70 .. ..911 7 6.
71 W ... 7 6
J97 ... 7 6S
K ZU . . 14 .
tl J7 40 7 61
at . . i
l 901 . . 7 6S
1. ... " ... 7 65
76 M4 ... 7 64
77 179 ... 1 6S
M . ...117 ... 7 6
60 lit ... IK
1 !04 ... 7 6li
M IM ... 7 66
79 9 ... T 65
H 209 ,., 7 66
rj 22 ... 7 61H
71 221 ... 7 67,
76 !tt ... 7 6TH
., 9M ... 7 10
72 114. ... 7 60
79 242 ... 7 110
71 191 .. 70
97 HI 164 7 60
79 Il ... 7 0
1 tM ... 7 M
M 210 ... T M
10 tw ... 1 o
74 217 ... 7 60
tl 211, ... T 0
4(1 97' 407 60
aft. . v .22 ..; 7 60 72 17 ... 7 60
IT.... '7. 176 .. 7 60 7 217 M TM
91 261 0 7 tO 9.. 204 40 7 M
910 40 7 62U (4 211 ... 7 40
79 2t ... 7 62U 94 199 ... 7 40
69.. . ,2M . . 7 69M 71 Ill ... T 62Vt
9.1 164 .. ' 6214.. M tOJ ... T 46
11 ? . . 4 76 '
fill KKP Though a liberal supply was
In sight for a Friday and most other out
sldo points reported only steady prices
early In the morning the local buyers
started out In good season and bought
must of the offerings almost na fast on
they could get lit them at a generul ad
vance of fully lOJHSo. As isn ns trado
commenced there seemed to Se a brood
demand for both sheep and lambs and If
nnythlng tradn Improved as tho market
ptogrcssed. Some fed Mexican lambs
touched $s.S0, Just 15c higher that tha
same kind ot Inmlm sold on Friday. Tho
bulk of the lamb offerings moved around
$s.50t)8.7R. Ah high us $6.76 was paid for a
bunch of fed western ewes. As already
mentioned brisk trute featured the mar
ket and practically "everything wan dis
posed of in short order. Today's receipts
were estimated at about nineteen cars or
4.5S4 head, being considerably more than
a week ago, two weeks ngo and a year
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, $S.50fl8.90; lambs, fair to
good, $8.35rrS.50; yearlings, good to bholce,
$7.35f7.70: yeatllngs. fair to' good, $7.00H)
7.35; wethers, good to choice, $6.006.30;
wethers, fa r to nood. $n.85WS.OO: ewes,
rood to choice. $5.50flC.86: owes, fair to
good, $T.255r6.fi0; cull sheep and bucks.
Representative sales:
No. ' Av. Pr.
2?.i Mexican lambs , 1 8W
416 fed ewes Ill ft to
110 fed ewes 97 6 .'"
WC fed owes 115 6 JW
IM! fed ewes 114 6 3.1 '
196 fed owes 113 6 35
4S0 Mexican yearlings .......... 86 7 60
fill Mexican lambs 60 8 .VI
25 Mexican lambs, culls, ....... 40 o so
26 Mexican wethers ...J....... 100 6 40
30 fed ewes ..-.... ...i 131 6 40
21 fed Iambs , 80 8 40
It fed lambs 90 8 23
213 fed ewes i.... 130 8 J6
466 fed ewes . VI ft bit
C02 Mexican lambs 71, & 75
.un red lamus m w
20 fed ewes 99 5 to
Kalian City Live Mock Mnrket,
Receipts. 700 head. Including 300 south
erns; market stendy; dressed beef and ex-,
port steers, $7.l4f.50; western steers, $0.60
(il.00; Blockers and feeders, $5.76jj7.60;
southurn steers, $6.00ft7.40; southern cows,
$4.0tVjt6.W; uatlvo cows and belters, ft.OOfi)
8.00; bulls, $5.00H6.25; calves, $.6ftr9.60.
HOGS Receipts, 4,200 huad; murket
uglier; uuik or saies, (.kku.iu; neavy,
7.60a'7.fi0; packers and butchers, $7.G537.75j
lights, $t.ww7.7ri; pigs. $u.2Mp7.26.
SHI5UP AND LAMBS ltccelpB. 2,400
head; market higher; Colorado lambs,
$7.H05.75. ycaillngs. $6.26tff7.60; wethers,
$5,204)6.76; owes, ;t.50(f(C.25.
1 Stock In Hill lit.
Receipts of live stock at the six prln
clpal western markets yesterday:
uame. iiogs. mieep.
South Omaha 760 9,500 4,600
St. Joseph 600 3,400 1,600
Sioux City 600 3,000 J.0UO
Kansas City 700 4,200 2,400
St. LoUlB 1,900 7,400 6,000
Chicago 1,600 25,000 6,000
Totals 6,060 'e2,600 20,6(W
Hngai Slnraet,
steady; Muscovado, 89 test, 2,98c; contrlf-.
ural, 96 test, 3.4Sc; molasses sugar, 89 test,
2, Tic; refined, steady.
Dry Goods Market,
NEW Y uttMC, Feb. 7.-DRY QOODB
Cotton goods markets are steady, Pulled
wools lira easier In this market. Yarna
aru steady.
Irrigation Safe for
Next Hundred Years
-i sJ
WASHINCITON, Feb.. 7. There IS
"nothing whatever In conditions In tho
west to warrant, the beltof that Irrigation
agriculturo Is In any danger of extinc
tion today, tomorrow or within the next
100 years," asserts Secretary Wilson o
tho Department of Agriculture, tn reply tp
a letter (rum Secretary Fisher objecting;
to tho declaration of Dr. B. T. Galloway,
chief of the bureau of plant Industry, that
so far as ho knew there never had oeen
any long continued successful Irrigation
farming on arid land anywhere In tho
The Hocrctnry adds, however, that there)
aro conditions la tho went needing tha
most careful consideration on the part, of
all those Interested in the proper doveloiH
ment of this, vast region. lie says Dr.i
Galloway In a recent statement to a
house committee meant that "in maiiy
parts of the world where arid conditions
prevail, such at) Aslatla Turkey, Persia,
Afghanistan, tho extremo northwestern
portion of India, parts of North Africa,
and our own southwestern country, Irrli
gatlon agriculture has had Its periods of
else and decline."
W, M. James, colored "coke" fiend,
burned up his shoes and set fire to th
floor ot his room In the old Arcade at
115 South Tenth street, because Ma
thought tho pollco wero going to arrest
him for stealing tho slides. After start
ing tho fire ho went back to bed, whera
he was found asleep by E. It, Martin.
The flames had burned part ot tha
floor and set flro to the bed clothes.
Martin put out tha fire. James thou
begged Martin to take him put Id tha
alley and kill him. Bollcvlng tho man
Insane, Martin took him to the policy
station, where he Is being held on .Ui
charge of vagrancy.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Feb. 7.-H1B
clothes burned from his body, Peter Ge!
vert, a farmer aged 60 years, died from
burns and exposure on his way home
after buying groceries for his wife and,
five children at Humboldt, near here. A,
lighted pipe In his pocket la believed tcj
have caused the fire.
PIERRE, S. D., Feb. 7-After a heated
debata tho house passed the stato tax
commission bill as an emergency measure
It will become a law as soon as Qovernos
Byrne affixes his signature.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is tha Road ta
Business Success.