14 Bringing Up NOV DEAR, HOPfc W1U. EMCOURACE. The count, he t verrr wluimy Ar)0 COME, w r rinC FAMILY WANT ADS Want ads reed red nt any time but to insure proper classification must be presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition Mtd before 7:110 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads re ceived after such hours will hare their first Insertion under the head ing, "Too Late to Classify." CIIARME RATER. Six word to the line. One insertion IS dent per line. Tito or more consecutive Inser tions O cents per line. One line per month 91.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts aro measured by the line, not by the word. CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSUIOATION. One insertion 2 cents a word. Two or more consecutive inser tions li cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. NOTE The lice will not be re sponsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after the 10th of the following month. An advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot be accepted. 1 1 - - - aiAnuiAnn licenses. License to wed have bn Issued to the following: Name and Residence. Arc. Mike Lorlnoi, Omaha w Mary Miller. Omaha 'iX J6hn J. lie anion. Omaha Kmiiy Shaw, Clarlnda, la JInrrv Lincoln. Omaha Sarah Schwartz, Omaha 23 Kverett M. Wllea. I'lattsmouth Henrietta Koplschka, PIMtsmouth. 18 Jesse Rlmmer, Missouri Valley, la SI Rachel Hansen, Dunlap, la 17 Daniel S. Roberts, Auburn.... V dertrude IJoleJack, Omaha 3 Con Ashlock, Union,.,... I'l Pearl Tuttle. Union It (William Clayton, Omaha -1 Margaret Agler, Omaha 19 BIItTHS AND DEATHS. "Blrths-T. D, and Anna Fawcett, Z711 fiouth Ninth, boy; Louis and Rebecca Bates, hospital, girl; J. and Ada Daber, 2011 Elm. bi Pllpo and Angesl Crln. tallo, HOC th Sixth, girl: C. and Catherine Jamison, 8304 South Twenty fourth, girl; N. D. and Mary Ryan, rTOS North Twenty-fourth, girl. DeathsJennie McDowell, 26 years, Boott's Wuff, Neb,; David Iisby, 4 yeara. 1621 Clark. BUILDING PERMITS. X Klein, lilt Douglas, alterations, $1,000; Xrexel Shoe company, 1410 Far nam, al terations, 13.600; Preston Medlll. Forty, ninth avenue and Leavenworth, frame church. 11.000, LODGE NOTICES. It will pay any club, hotel or lodge to Kct the newly designed settees, tables, etc made by Oroaha Furniture Mfg. Co. HELP WANTED FKMALK Aseats and Saleswomen. WANTED At once, several good sales- laaies lor nousn to house demonstrating. Good salaries to responsible parties. Call ri ins union hi. The Aonelne Co. WANTED Saleswomen of experience id wm gooaa seoiion. Apply Bupertn Undent, J. L. Brandels & Sons. Clerical and Offtee, OTBNOGRAPHER who Is willing to do rira worn a wnue lor ine experience; Pleasant office. Address at one. O 635. Housekeepers and Domestics, A good reliable woman wants day ui n, i nunc UUUKIRI IKM. EXPERIENCED cook; no laundry. S. 38th Bt H. SOD.' 416 WANTED An experienced cook. Mrs. Arthur P. GuloU. 41st and Harney. II. SC. WANTED Woman for general hoiuu work could use man and wife. Lyrruii T Shugart, Edgewood Farm, Council diuiii, ia.- THE SERVANT GIRL Pnoill.BM KOLVED - Tbe Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents or Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. CAPABLE white girl for general house work II. 66S4. OOOD girl or middle axed woman for general housework, tia Cass. . WIDOW lady wants position as house, keeper, city or country, 1709 Dodge. . GOOD girl for general housework. W Parker. 411 If. S8th Ave, W. 32S3. COMPETENT girl for general house work no washing. 3316 Burt 8t GIRL for general housework. 4631 Harney GOOD girl for second work. 3005 St. Mary s Ave. EXPERIENCED linen room woman. Apply Housekeeper, Hotel Rome. WOMAN to work for husband's board. tJOVi S. llth. Phone Red 764a Miscellaneous, WOMEN wanted for government poll lions. IW per month- Omaha examination oon. Write Immediately for specimen jutstlons. Franklin Institute. Dept TJI A. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG women rumliir In fimh t, strangers ar Invited to Welt the Young Wpmen's Christian association building i- onue ana jun wnsre they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our aveler1 guide at the Union station. 7 1 I 1 V II " ' 'I 7 TTi n i n if Father VLCOMC COONT! M' Zt MErXlCAM f PAR DO JJ . I MUW 0 OUT FOR ( LADnr ME HAVE h.U CNT ' ' ' HAVE 2 ( . ' AVT1IUC OOT MY J ZtPLEAUKC LOVELY EYC, DDNT Know YOO WERE I ehEmcNT SoM f WELL.' i. r I i- . I HERE SHAKP MArMn WlTW ' 1 m .ltt I WCUU. I 1 tcr wilu t - s ut, ;u;t. - - l-T.V FOR THE: I ' J "'WE EHTtRTAIN YOO' V ' OH'.CCXJHT T hp ntrtMO V LOVE OF 1 ' ' MOV.' V r- J OOARCA . Y CAR ao . j Uj A I N T M UCH lY ' PETE! WHAT I " " I fter J ' . v 1 Jr a, -1 HP HELP WANTED MALE tKnl, Salesmen find Solicitors. WANTED-Kxperienced salesmen In silk and dress (roods department. Apply Superintendent, .J. U Brandels k. Sons.' Live Agents will write Jseger Manufacturing Co,. Vn Brandaia Theater Bldg.. Onmh-t. WANTED Ambitious young men to bo coma traveling salesmen and earn while they learn. Write for particulars. Bradstreet System, Ilocheiter. N. T. Young Men to Solicit In city and on road. Magaxlne propo sition. 678 nrandel IllcTax. AGENTS Send for our new premiums plan ami sample. Doth are free. Easy, quick Sales. Oood money for Rood agents. Harlow Hupply Co., Box 1127, Los Angeles, Cal. Clerical and Office. VOll office work see n. V. Marti. CO-OPEIIATIVIS RKFEIIKNCE CO., 1016-ia City National Hank Hldg. WANTED In our department devoted to cashing cheoks and drafts, a man who has held position as paying teller In a bank. Must be well acquainted In Omaha. Apply A. t). llrnndels. Office, third floor. J. I Urandels &. Rons. Factory and Trades. LEARN AtJTOMOIHLE ENGINEERING. Get Into the automobile business; learn It complete In the largest and bust equipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen are In demand. Wrlto or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL., 141S-U DodKe St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED At Boone, la., two good me chanics. One wagonmaker and one black smith. Must be first class workmen. Steady work nhd good wages It suitable. Theo. Thomson, Boone, la. Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knlest. UeeUldg. New Home. 16 & Ko meals. 1514 Capitol. WANTED .a sober, reliable butcher and sausage maker at once. Fiends ami drunkards need not apply. J. H. Hoeber, I'Temoni. neo. COATMAKER wanted nt once. F. U Holmes, Amps, la. A GOOD. Steady. Inilustrlniin lirnH. maker for a small city: steady employ ment to the ritht Dariv. Address It.ih. Bon-Dlckman Imp. Co.. Seward. Neb. Miscellaneous. Air and liquid burner, consumes "5 per cent air. Interest for sale. 1630 Capitol. WANTED A middle-aged man from Pennsylvania wants a position as fore man of a farm or some other business, I m moving west about March 6, 1911. Address C. G. Hull, Hatboro, Mont gomery county, Pa. Wanted Two men experienced in Oxy-Aoytelono welding. Must bo capable of handling any job. For information address A Mfg. Co., Y 40 Bee. WANTED FOB 1J. ft AnMYM7. bodied, unmarried men between" ages of II and U; cltltens of United States, of auuu. iiiKiai'icr una lemperaie naDita, who cah SDtak. read and writn tha t.-jiv. Ilsh language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Building. 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neb.: 06 Fourth bi., oioux -ii-. is.; iw mo. autn mi., Lin coin. Neb, ARB you unemployed or dlsailfiri wlthyour work, or get very low wages, I with no prospeet of advancement? The 1 auiomoDiie uuciness oners you oppor tunities. Our graduates are trained by practical experience In demonstrating, re pairing and driving all maks of auto mobiles, and command large salaries. Enormous sales of automobiles has left great shortage of good men. Write for full particulars and learn now before the spring ruth. National Automobile Train Ing Association. Omaha, Neb. RAILWAY MAIL examination evcry where May 3. Clerk-carrier soon. Hun dreds needed acount parcel post Work for Uncle Bam. Salarits raised. Write American Institute. Dept. 19. Kansas City. Ms. HELP WANTED MALE) AND FEMALE. WK FURNISH competent stenogrann- era services free to emolover and m. ployes. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. lilt Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. Mil MEN WOMEN Out mvwnm.ni tier cels pdst jobs; $20 a week. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. X14-A. .Rochester. N. V. SHIRTWAISTS beautifully I.imr1.ri lie Carey Laundry, 18th and Howard. WANTED SITUATIONS RESPECTABLE woman, mlddle-ageO, wishes permanent place In small family, with comfortable room; reasonable wages. Address F 661. are Bee. WANTED Bundle waablnc. Web. 1143. YOUNU man now attending high school wUht-s work of any kind after school hours. 'Phone Har. SSC. YOUNG man wants work on farm or n city Doug-. 9872. WANTED .Poult Ion hv wldnw n h,.nu. keeper In a' widower's home 017 rooming iiuuvc, Auurcma ai qis. nee. wAninu rosiuon in Danx, or as uooKKteper. uy young man 01 two years' experience. Can furnish A-l references. 1 VKSlTfi kwii. rVMs r5,rn Address M Nebraska City. Neb, MinULll-AQKU man t'i!i a nmtlil of some kind; reliable and honest In every1 remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrul way. reftrenc. will be given If required, lug piles. S0u postpaid, wunples free Bhcr Address J 668, care of Bee. man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Corjfliht, 1IU, leuraitleail A. B. C. of Omaha AARON'S, corner 16th "and Karnam? Prise winners: 1st, No. 2897: 2d, No. 173(1; Sd, No. 2KI1J 4th. No. 1570 ; 6th, iso. iow; em, mo. zuvz. BE LI. DRUG CO,, 1318 Karnam. Crutch rubbers, crutches, elastic trusses, all kinds of rubber gooda-anythlim you wnnt from a drug store. CACKLEY BROS., 121 N. 16th. Homo made grape wine, fl gallon, Two quart bottles beer. 2&c. DUNDEE WOOIKN MILLS, lBth and Harney Sts. 115 suits and overcoats made to order, guaranteed to tit. ECONOMY Electric Signs bring busi ness; save cost In lighting. E. M, Clark. 16th and Douglas. Omaha. FOSTER-BARKER CO.. WO Urandeu lildg. Doug. 29. General Insurance carried In reliable companies. GROSS Lumber Wreoklng Co. All kinds Laundry, Dairy second-hand mach- Inery; pipes, shafting and belting. IK YOU have scrap metals, rubbers and rags, write for prices to Omaha Metal and Rubber Co.. 101 S. 8th St. J. A. 8CHROEDER will tell you any thing you wish to know about the Moose lodge. Tel. D. 6826. 41(i U. llth. K KRR Abstract Co., 305 S. 17th at. Better be safe than sorry, nave Kerr do your title worlc LANKTRKE Electrical Co., 308 H. lSW St. -yler 1011. All klnda of elec trical contracting. Got our prices. M ON REIT'S. Mfr. of wigs, toupeue. switches from combings, II. Mon helt'a beauty parlors, 404 S. 16. UU.W. NEBRASKA v if CLE CO.. 15th and Harney. Douglas 1662. We rent, re pair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas. Tel. Tyler SO. Water fronts, graten for furnaces, steam and hot water heaters In stock. Petroleum Coke, 110.(0 per ton. Greatest heat-giving fuel on the market. No ashes or smoke. Give us a trial or der. Union Fuel Co. Douglas 268. Q" ALITY printing; prices right. Pnotie Doug. 3266 and let us quote prices fin printing. Barton Ptg. Co., 600 8. lRh. R ElO Hotel, now open for nustness. Modern every respect. Special fam ily rate by wk. or mo. IKS Cuming. SISTEK tailored suits. Gowns, remod eling and repairing; reasonable edit. 201 qtty National. Douglas 6969. TAKE your friends to the Mandarin cafe, 1409 Dougtus, upstairs. Omaha's nvnlllcllr. nlilnA. nnf f I. if j.Hr U NITED Clothes onop, 1612 Farnam St. Suits, overcoats, raincoats Roady-to-Wear 310 and 115. Why pay moreT W" "eetern Millinery School, 4iT Paxtoti Blk. Spring & summer classes start ing now; prepare for early positions. CELLO GRATE, TON JS.&0. The nearest to anthracite: absolutely smokoless. Coat Hill Coal Co. D. J78. YOUR doors and windows made cold, dust and rattle proof by consulting F. H. TURNEY & CO., 603 Ware Ulk. Douglas 469. rrEIGLE: . D.. L. A V.. Soranton. Chestnut and isov, per lull, tl.w. x oyytn a Coal Co. Phone Doug. 930 or Tyler 1761 Wanted situations A CHRISTIAN married man wants, .1 position as Janitor or any other kind of work. 'Phone Douglas 64S0. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE TIE THAT F.NDURE8 Is a lucky wedding ring from Fred. Brodegaard Jewelry Co., 16th and Douglas Bis. At the 'Ign of the Crown up the Golden SUtra. J. S. Griffith, wig mfr.. 11 Frenier Blk. Entertainments. Coffee machine eaulJ- ment and service. Mrs, Soegaard. D. 34(8. GREEN TRADING STAMPS with your groceries and meats at Ablon's Grocery, 1604 N. !4th. Webster 128. Try us for quality goods at loweet prices. Multigraph I 1 JUJTl. JL JLLrvJ We maVe plates that will print clean and clear. Your orders solicited. Prices very reasonable. Information cheerfully given. UKK Pl'BLISIIINr; CO., Electro Dept. OmaJia. Neb- PARALYZED TWELVE YEARS. 2.171 subsdvtptlons to the I II. Journal, tl.0; S. E. Post. 31.60, and Country Gon tleman, 31.60, will earn 33,000 for the In valids' Pension Ass n. which will lusuci myself and fifteen other sufferers 310 a month each. Must have 371 In Feb. Your renewal worth 60 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD 1 1'. t'none uougias uu. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha, Neb. "n li-.CC Ladles and gentlemen; r aistaii B?.d tmg! nopals Trm f!nfn Byard of Trade Bldg. Ladles. xuu luo entrance on Farnam St. Wedding announcements. Doug. Pt. Co. Gibson's Buffet 323 South Uth St. The Harney Watch for the opening of this new 77 room hotel, comer llth and Harney Sts. European plan Buffet and barber shop In connLctlon-44 rooms with bath; close to ins retail umrici ana lurmcii. iincii modem; plenty light and ventlUllois Iirat-ciass service ana courteous iretit ment. Skates sharpened. 16c Nebraska Cycle Co. RKNOV, ATE FEATHERS. to clean mattresses. Call Omaha Pillow Co., Doug. 244T. We also carry a fine line of mnttrre and pillows. 1731 Cumin MONEY TO LOAN LOW rate. 310 Bee Bldg. Ttl. Doug. 1904. Union Ixan Co. Masauerade and theatrical utumt n I rent at Lleben'a. 1514 Howard. Open ev'ngs I M1ZKI. I.RAB- Pin- rvfon..i nilO 13EE: OMAHA, SATl'KDAV, FEBRUARY H, li)L;t. Nfwt Iftiln. OMAHA film exch., 16th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bartfnlns. automobiles" DRUMMOND'S Big new garage nt 26th and Farnam. ROBES And radiator covers at 32.60 and up. WILL sacrifice my 40horsepower run about: never been used. Address A 427, care Bee. BE8T AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors, slip cqvors; new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works, 25th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. 6922. UK 1 T-V 1 T. "REPAIRING, Murphy Did It BUSINESS CHANCES Air and liquid burner. Interest and ter ritory for sale. Address 1820 Capitol. TO get In or out of business, caTTon GANOE8TAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. WANTED by owner. Partner. Either working man or Investor to take one-third or one-halt Interest In land and cattle ranch In Custer county, 8. D. Write Frank Stanton, Folsom. Custer county, 8. D. FOR high-class Investments of any kind see Franklin Brokerage Co., 1623 Douglas. ANY kind retail store furnished or sold. Kcnnebeok Co.. 605 Be Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MovlriB picture outfit, lease of opera house, dance hall and skating rink, with sixty-five pairs roller skates; only one In town. Jewel Theater, Beresford, S. D. TWO Brunsbalk bowTTng aiToysfor sale cheap. Address Y 18, Bee. AUTO garage, 35 a mo.. 912 N. 16th St. WANTED To sell one of the best loan. Insurance and real estate businesses In the southwest; made more money than any other Institutions of Us kind In the southwest during 1912. Good reason for wanting to sell. Address Y 43. Bee. FOR Immediate sale, to close partner ship, an up-to-date drug Mock on a prom inent corner In Des Moines, la. Reason able rent; doing a good business; one of the neatest stores In thu city; no trading stock; nn opportunity for some one to step Into a paying business from the start. Address 319 Utlca Block, Des Molneo. Ia. (POSTPONED.) Notice of Public Sale. As trustee In bankruptcy I will recelva bids up to February 10, 1913, on the entlro stock and assets of the Leo Grotte Mfg. Co., bankrupts. 1212 f arnam St.. umaJiu, Neb., and on the eleventh day of Febru ary, 1913, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon I will announce the highest bid received nt the place of business and then and there offer tho said assets to 'the highest bidder for casn,- suujeci to tue approval 01 m court. This stock consists or the entire plant used to manufacture what Is known as "Slsx" and the formula wltli coni'rlsht used In said business, all being appraUetl at about 316,000. A. p. Trustee in wanKruptcy." SPLENDID opening for young Catholic doctor In small Iowa towm Reply at once, 8 879. Bee. ANY kind retail store furnished or sold. Kennebeck Co., 606 Bee Bldg., Omaha. BAKE oven for sale. No. 60 Black Dia mond Roberts portable oyen. In fine con dition; been used only few months; must sell. Write for price. I can save you money. J. B-aLouthan. OrtsWold. Is. HAVE vou some money to Invest? Our propositions will talk for themselves. Franklin Brokerage .Co.. 1623 Douglas. BUSINESS PERSONALS- Architect. J. F. COTTRELL. 4102 N. 19th. W. SSI. Attorneys. JUDGE MACOMBER. Rtate Bank Building. law office, EM Deautr Parlors. TTmrrlrnnnirUT Manicuring, Massage, HRirareSSlQg EIect Treatment. Cbll dren's bobbing. Welndlander Smlth.317 8. It Chiropractors. J. C. LawTence. d! C. 3323 Howard. D. 11 Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 633 Pax. Blk. Red 4687. Coal Healers. Partridge Thomson Co., best of coals. New location. SOS South I7th St Try P. M. Illinois at 85.60 per ton. Douglas 6642. Creameries, Dairies and applies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY, Detective. OMAHA Secret Service Dstactlv Arr-v bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1819. L. W. LONONECKER. 61TKarbach B!k7 JAMES A LI -AN, 313 Neville block. Evl Idence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. DrcaaxaakluaT. Dressmaking, home or tiy day. D. 8360. Miss D. Malloy, altering of ladles' suits, I refitting, rellnlng. 206 Boston Store. D. 3473. Dressmaking by the day. Webster 7401. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th t t uz. Dressmsklng by day or at home. W. 7001. Drfeiis. 1 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid tn i jiu orders; catalogue ire. Bnerman & I McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. ttverrtalnn Electrical. J Electrical Utilities Exchange. 351 Bee Bldg, Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far.. D. 1001: A-1501. HESS ti BWOBODA. 1413 Farnam 3t 'BATirB. florist Boyd Theater Bldg. L. HENDERSON. W19 Farnam. D. 12S3. BRANDEIS cut flovfrr dept. new store. Hints (or the Home. Rosenblatt ThlSnn(wM 11.60 on every ton: better coal; mors beat for leas money, full weight Douglas 630. ATTRACTIONS. BUSINESS PERSONALS OFFERED l'Otl .RENTj I OFFERED FOR SALE Drawn for foundries. McDonald Brass nnd Bronze fnundrv. Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Movinir Stornue unit jUleanlnit. 1,-f n . . . , H wuuiuu ouii. v an ac o.. -iiore van. & tl ?K i f 0 Um 1 1 u- TV ivtn Ttr C19 ...V.,, v-.-u ..... b (,, C. . 9, ... . W. w WW. Furn. moving; 2 men, 31 per hr. W. 2748. MumIc und Lituaiiauvs. Mnryland Martin, vocal teacher. D. 33G0. Experienced violin teacher.- Web. 7213. Nnraerlra uui deeds. STEWARTS SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson. 3GS-9 Brandels The. Bids.. x'rlntiuu. DOUGLAS Prlntlnu Co. Tel. Dou. C44. Lew W.Raber, Printer, gSlSPJJ BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COUltT. iiniuivu-umitijiniii s. iD. vu( u a 1 - Ity printing. Tel. Doug, 2190. 524 8. 13th. lUATInC.ll 1 IfMtl a IIH 1 1. Patents. HIRAM A. STURGES. uatent lawrr. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 34S9. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk.. Tel. Red7U7. Store and IJlttce Klxtnres. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 411-16-1S 8. 12th. D. 77.4. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2519 N, South Omaha. Truuka und BUltulmes. FREL1NG & 8TEINLE, 1MB Farnam St. Wines uud I.tijuorvs. WILLbW Spirfigs oeei. -.jquors, clga.rs, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 503-3 8, 13th bt VIRGINIA DARE wine. 6Sd a large bot- Me. Klein Liquor House, 322 N. ICth bt. EDUCATIONAL. 1 THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE is now open, yet It Is not too late to en ter. Students, are being enrolled dally. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Serv ice and Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the uMklng. Call, write or 'p.ionu for It at once. Address Uoyles Coilegv, Uui harney St.. Omaha, rgto. MOSHER-TiAMPMAN COLLEGE Winter term now open. Unsurpatstd classes. Finest quarter. Graduates axa guaranteed Koou positions. Work Ijr board. For free catalogue and full in. formation address Mosher-Lampman Col lege. 1816 Farnam Ht., Omaha. Neb. UriiuIuu. For the best dance muslo call Web. 5035. Special prices In Feb.; learn to danco where all the others do. 1816 Harney St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Flat mink muff, between Hen shaw and Rome: reward for return to The Bee office. PERhONS navlmt lost some artlols would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Ccuncll Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles- each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to tbe rightful owner. Call JJoug las 18. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET UAIL.WAY COMPANY. LOST Coral Cameo pin, return and re ceive reward. Mrs. Q. C. Wharton, 804 8. 37th St. II. 288. MEDICAL, Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Pi'.es. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bea Bldg.. Omaha. Gall Stones. Home Remedy (No oil). Medical Book Free. G. R. Co. Dept. O, 219 S Dearborn. Chicago MRS. FRANCIS Medical massage treat ment at patient's homes. Tel Web. 712J. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. FURNITURE. SALARY. LOAN 8. Let us advance you enough money to pay every one you own and with only one place to pay: you'll be more satis fied and surprised how cheaply we can do It. NO PUBLICITY. KA3IEST PAYMENTS. Lowest Rates. Confidential. 1 Private. UUA11A MUnluAUci LiUATf IU.. Established Twenty-one years. 1603 FARNAM ST. ' Phone Doug. ZSA. Room 215 Board of Trade Building. DO YOU CARE TO SAVE MONEY T HAVE YOUR MONEY MATTERS TREATED STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. IN PRIVATE OF FICES, by experts? It so, w will ne gotiate a loan for you on PERSONAL PROPERTY or SALARY. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Doug. 14U. 3d Floor. Suite 30). Paxton Bldg.. 317 a 16th DIAMOND LOANS at -Vi and 6 pur cent. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St TeL Red 60S. WltTUs- AVrU ailin naarl mAnaV innrai!. 11 ii i ir 1 r i-t ts vh - ate absolute privacy, prompt action. Ad- dress M out. uee. A ft on furniture, pianos and lVlOTlf-'V sute at a very low XYAWAIVJT rat0 of interest JNebraska L,oau uo., Douglas 1356. Be Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others, upon their owns names; cheap rates; easy payments: confidential. D. If. Tolmaa. 603 New Om. Na. Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on business or rest, dence properties, 31.000 to 6600,000. W. H. THOMAS SB State Bank Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS S3 to 3100. SALaR? LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 801 Paxton Block. DIAMONO LOANS at, 2 anu o per cent. GROSS LOAN CO., U No. ldth. The Bee by George McMamid Apartments nud Flats,- Gordon Van Co. IS tin nit et M hio a rri t ai 4.4 ST ar liUI Jin Ul Mnr v l HI H W - pi.AJe 1811 FARNAM SI. Second floor of Qulvet Bldg., 3-room- apartmsnt with large room adjoining suitable, forartlstror professionals who wtslr, thslrvhomes con tiguous. Hall Dlst Co.. 433 Rami. D. 7403. ""if HE CARLYLEPART1EN,T.S " HtOH CLASS, CLOSE IN, k:s huuth jrtii xl. 4-r. with steam, heat, Hd( And cold water, gas range, curtain rod. and JailltOr service furnished.; 335 summer; 345 "Wlht ter. PAYNE & SIM.TER COMPANY Omaha's Rental Men 616 Oma)iatNttt'l BankJBiag- . CLOWRY APARTMENTS AND STORE, LOW RENT. . . G. P. STEBniNS.,1610 CIUCAGO ST. FIVE-ROOM, steftm-heated ilt)artmnl In the Dunsanry apartment. , 10th and Pierce. Conrad Ypung, 882 Bfandels Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas' 1371.: 6-room apartment, completely1 modern. Scargo Bldg.. South Omaha; ttboVoi 616 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ratnge. 1). 17406. B-iinnMs strAm ittoAT Look at 914 Farnam, a Htrlftly modern apartment: 325 summer. 335 winter. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Men,, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank, Bldg, Hoard nnd It 0:1 ins... Merrlam hotel. 23th and Dodge, under new management: ulmtle and erisulte. D.S6. Close In. private family. 2618 Harney. 29th & Leavenworth Nloe homelike place; walking distance; modern. Ex cnllent board; tickets. H. 3389. Karulnhed noomS. 131 N. 31ST AVE., south room: modern. 2702-04 Farnam Nice room, single or en suite. Reasonable. ' NICELY furnished apartments Or rooms in exclusive apartment house dis trict. Very- moderate prices. Phone Harney 1286. i , FURNISHED rooms, In suite Of four, single or for light housekeeping: choice, reasonable. Douglas 5877. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat. 1708 Jackson St. Tyler 1521. HANSOME modern rooms; references required. 1909 Capitol Ave. oDuclss 3083. SOUTHEAST room, modem. Harney 1712. 201 South Central Blvd. Gentlemen. Knrnlsuud llounekceplns; Uooias. TWO or three housekeeping rooms, 2013 Davenport. Motels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Moeern. reasonable. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heated rooms. 32 per week and up; tree bath. Hotel Neville Directly opposite postoffice. a new, modern hotel, with hot and cold running water, steam heat, electric lights, local and long distance telephone In every loom. O. D. MCLACHLIN, Prop. Homn and Cottatce. 620 s. 18th 8t, 3 rooms with pantry, washing room and coal bin: nice place; call and see. 7- ROOM cottage, strictly mod., one . , blk. from Hanscom park tiJ.CO 5-r. and bath, fine location liOO 5- r., strictly mod., first-class 30.00 8- r. and bath 15.00 6- r., water and toilet, close In 15.00 4-r., water and toilet, close In........ 10.00 W. II. RUSSELL. D. 857. WEST FARNAM-New StUCCO, Sl N. tSth Ave.: fine location and only tiS. HmiRAfl ln Parts of tna city. raouBea Crelgn sop, aCo., g Biae GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO.-Stor-age, 83 per month. We contract your packing, storing andOiaullng. D. 4233 Shi D. 3785. Offices 117 S. 14th St 620 N. 16th. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1448. C-ROOM modern house. 632 So. 18th. Moving, packing and storage of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co... fireproof storage, 80S a 16th, by the viaduct. Branch offloe. 200 S. 17th St Tel. D. 4163. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on Cass St, between 36th and 37th Sts.. all modern Improvements. The Crelgbton University. Tel. Doug. 2320. T 8-ROOM modern house at 111 S. 41th St, on West Farnam-Dundee line; warm, comfortable home. Tel. Harney. S3tli 1 BEAUTIFUL home, strictly modem. 8 rooms, abundance of small trait: 22d and Brown. J. II. Johnson. 678 Brandels. 674 8. 28th St. 8 rooms completely .mod irn. Hall. 431 Ramge. D. 7406 A 4404. 8 ROOMS, modem. 112 N Sth. D. I7. IGO hauls trunks, light moving. D. 2497. 2433 Franklin. 12-r., all modern, 335. 1010 So. 2Jd St.. 8-r., strictly mod., 330. 2212 Mason, 8-r., all modern, 330. , 4107 Izard. 7-r., all modem, 118. 405 No. 26th St.. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, JIB. 1823 No. 24th, 8. Omaha. 6-r.. C. W.. 112. 1012 Pacific, 4.r.. mod. ex. heat. 313.50. 2317 Burdette. 3-r., C, W.. yrd. 37- B1KKKTT : UUMfAW 1. . 423 Bee Bldg. V D. 4764. Stores and Offices. i' ' FOR RENT lor wliolesalt llfht,inan ufacturlng or retail purpokts Farnam St after December 31 th, three-story and basement building. 22x100 at No. itu Farnam St Upper floors have light On three sides. Inquire at room 314. First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 134t 3-STORY brick bldg.. Uth and Cuming 8tr. Tel Douglas 2174. - LOT on alley between Harney and Far nam on llth St Phone Harney 884, , 1311 Douglas, rear store, ZtQU. $25. B1RKETT Si COMPANY. -43 Bee Bldg. t D., 47JI. OFFERED FOR SALE turnlmrr. Fl'RNlTl'RE of 9-room home, by pltce 211 S. Sth St. Phone Tyler 1U. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months, t'i. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE.'. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Rent an.J.i.- C. Smith & Bros.' type writer of the makers, by tbe month. 33.1M. or three months for 37,60. L. C. Smith a Bros. Typewriter Co., 1316 Farnam 3t. 'Phone Doug. 2213 HAVE a new Monarch typewriter; will sell at sacrifice, as I am leaving the city; machine can be seen any time. Address Ii 642. care Bee . CHEAP First class Underwood No. 4 Call D. 932. Miscellaneous. Air nnd liquid burner. Heat and cook with air: Interest for sale. 1620 .Capitol FOR SALE New and eecond-hanl carom and pocket billiard tables .in-1 bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender ' Co.. 407-4M Pfiith 10th St. NO. 3, one Kurtzman pianola, with fine cabinet and music rolls; good as new. Reasonable. 2206 Farnam. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrigerator- grocers' display counters, Ice ma chines. The United Line. 1117 Farnam. WE have a miscellaneous lot of old gas and electric combination fixtures, some straight electric fixtures, we will sell very cheap. Apply Bee Building Co.. Omaha. Neb. h.FKS 2d-hnnd. American Supply Co. Kindling. 14. 11. Gross, lumber & wrecking. $5 COAL; It's good; try a ton; best for money Web. 849. Harmon & Weeth. KINDLING, 31 load at factory. Acme Box Co... llth and Seward. Doug. 1837. PERSONAL f ASSAlTF.SweJ)an movement Apt iUXVOOAVJU, 1R02 Farnam. D-e54A G-ja V nr.onn mnrunv Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. THE RA T.VATlnW invtv n1lnl. - oft clothing; ln fact, anythlrm: you do not nead. Wn rntlfrt. r.nair anA ll . . lt N. Uth St, for cost ot collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call, Massacre Exnert treatment Mr Htn.l 208 3. 13th St.. Room 308. Close 10 p. m. MASSAGE, wait irlonr. Mmo A Hon nt Chicago. 109 So. 17th St. D. 7665. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse. 303 Boston Str. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where the; win do airectea to sunaois ooaraing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. Bcientlflo massage. Mrs. Hedlund. D. 7943 BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. 31 ner box. DOstDald. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb, MARSAlTffi Corns removed. 25c. Mrs. iiUlOOauti Haynes. 707 S. lith. D. 4492. ANNA MARKS Massage. 1802 Far- ZZr "aln- Apt 3. D. 6521. Massage. Mrs. Goldsburg. 303 Boston Bid. E. BELLE, scientific nnuiin' hatha- drugless treatments. 703 8. 16th. Apt B. ALVG-NETIO treatment. E. Brott. POULTRY AND ' SUl'PLIES EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred R, C. Rhode Island Rods; vigorous, hardy stock: great lay ers; country range: $1 for 15; IS per 164 A. H. BAKER. Benson. Neb. R. F. D. No. 2;. Tel. Benson 717-Vr. FINE Rosecomb Rhode Island Red Cockerels from egg-laylnt; stock. Corre- sponaence answered. s. King. Benson. Chickens for sale. Jfi doz. 2528 CorbjT REAL ESTATK LOANS WANTED City leans und warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat Sroperty, 5, 6 and C per cent: no delay. . H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam St WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 1100 to 310,000 made promptly. F. D. weao, vyeao mag., inn ana rarnam. GARVIN BROS. Jftg- g ft MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, 31.000 to 3600,000. W. H. THOMAS, 228 State Bank Bldg. 6?o CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.. 110-12 Brandels Theater Bids'. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska form. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas .S7U. LARGE loans bur specialty. Stull Bro " M. if TU ItKXT WANTED To rent a 3-room furnished, heated flat. References. Address K 669,' care Bee, WANTED to rent. 6-room. all-modem cottage or bungalow, in walking dis tance, for March 1. Address B 660, cate Bee. WANTED TO BUY Dolgotf Id hand store pays highest price for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. Best prices, clothes, shoes Shatton. W.647I WANTED TO BUY Bllghtly used high grade piano. W. 3726. LOOK Vi Py highest prices for ladles' ww and gentlemen's 2d-hsnd clothes, household goods and valises. Call Gross' man. 2519 Blondo. Web. 4663. WOULD like to buy a seven or eight room house to be moved on a lot Ont In the neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 430L WANTED To buy old broken watch and old gold. M. Nathan. 103. S. Uth St D. 6065. Quick buyers of furniture. SALE OR EXCHANGE It. y FOR TRADE 7 sectlojisalid. j3iX. Root. Arcadia. Fia Everybody's Doing It Vons what? Trading with the Palisst Land Co., 1106 W, O. W. Bid. 1