Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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formerly with the Orkin Bros.'
Store, to Manage the Millinery
Department to Be Put In by
the Nebraska Clothing
Mr Freeman, who for nearly twj
r,it.i had the management of Orkln
1'ios ' ni'ilinery department, left his po
f!ti m with that firm February I to open
,v ru iulliiher department for the Ne
I T-k . nothing Mi Kreeman, slnoe
ii. s t'J orailiu on March I". 1911, haj
A. I Jlhl.MAN
established lilniflclf as n success In tne
millinery business. He huh brought ho Hi
by the Bennett company, which then n.i l
the store now conducted hy Orkln Bros.
Immediately after he became manager of
the millinery department of this store the
business began to Increase, because the
stock of poods became, one. of the best In
this section, and the manner In which all
customers wero handled was thoroughly
Mtlsfactory and made them return to th.
tore again.
While at Orkln Bros. Mr. Freeman en
tered upon the policy of giving u guar
anty with all millinery purchases. Ha
made the business ono on which nil buy
ers could rely. Ills forces backed him Up
by making sales statements only of thd
kind that would leave the customer satli
fled. No customer was permitted to ,"
away dissatisfied.
In the east Mr. Freeman had his Ural
experience In the millinery business. For
some time he was In New York and later
lie became an Importnnt factor In the mil
linery business of Klegel, Cooper & Uj.
of State street, Chicago. Ho was wltn
thin firm for eight years.
During the, time ho has been In Omaha
Mr Freeman nan been Impressed with the
buying ability of the women of this city
II has been due to their tastes and t
their power to discriminate that the mil
linery sold hero has been so high class.
In some towns women demand a choip
clans uf hnts, hut In Omaha the tastes
uc fine, and no store can hope to hold
.he millinery trndo unless It gives th-i
est goods. Mr. Freeman built up a largo
luslness becauso ho entered to the refined
.antes better than anyone else hero did.
WHEN Milady needs n
perfume of exquisite fra
grance one that has a sweet,
delicate bouquet of lasting power
she always buyB
Our new creation is winning
its way Into the hearts of women
everywhere, because of its super
lative quality and popular price.
Sold Jy leading drug
and Stpmttmunt afore.
C AGNEL CO- P.rfum.r. NawYerk
SUcliardsoa Sniff Co., Wbls Slaters.
Votes for Women Cards,
"Votes for Women" playing cards Is j
the latest novelty used for promtlng the
suffrage cause.
A lettnr has been received at local 'f
frage headquarters from the Natloi-u
American Woman's .Suffrage usaoclall.Sii
advising tho sale of "Votes for' Womc.r
playing cards. The Omaha Wonviti
Whist club has given an order for tlm-i;
dozen packs of cards. Mr. H. M. Fair
field has ordered a dozen .to help the
suffrage cause. Mrs. Charles Kountxe .in
ordered n dozen for one of1 the bildnt
clulte. Mrs. Draper Smith, state president
of the Suffrage association, has sold it
large number both to suffrage and ant!
suffrage friends, who want them f'jr
the novelty. If not to ass'st the cause.
The first order for the cards will be
sent to Washington February 15 al:d
many rard chilis having suffragists as
members arc sending requests for the new
Lambda Gamma Theater Party.
The Lambda tlamma society of the
I'nlvcrslty of Omaha gave a theater
party Thursday afternoon at which
Misses Grace Huntley and Myrle Kauf
man wero honor guests. Other members
of the party were Misses Katherlne Case,
Katherflic Mntthles, Murlllu Case. Clara
Hendrlckson and 1'ansy Williams.
The theater party formed part of the
Initiation ceremony of tho society, which
Is the first of Its kind formed at tho
Pnlverslty of Omaha.
Pagalco Dancing Party.
The I'agalro club, which was recently
orgnnlzed, gave Its first private dancu
Tuesday evening at Gentleman's hall.
Punch wns served during the evening.
Thoso present were;
Misses Misses
Helen Hwanherg, Hose Dixon.
Catherine Murray, Kato Dcwell,
Ethel" Mulhnlhind, Wanctn McCiino,
Francis Mulhplland, Esther Larson,
Katherlne Tunlson, Ida Kills,
Hsther Swanson, Margarita Adams.
Messrs Messrs
John While, 11. Wllloy.
Leo A. Callahan, Harold I'edcrson,
H. K. llernandes, M. JuckBon,
O. C, Slaughter, L. McKennH,
P. Murray, J. C. Morgan,
lit. Soronson, K. May,
C. Hardin, H. Schlecht.
Harry llnltt, Fred Christiansen.
Friday, February 7, 1913.
This store closes
promptly every Satur
day at 9:00 p. m.
OWN 3TORC v-x jr
The more you
know about this store
the more - au
want to learn.
u I.J ' I
Small Lot Bargains to Tempt Saturday Shoppers
The number of garments included in each lot is ample evidence of the thoroughness of our winter clearance.
A Ye invite good judges of merchandise to see these small lots before deciding which of all Omaha stores is the bona
fide value giver.
Swastika Club,
The Swastika elub met Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. C. Wober.
The prizes wcro won hy Airs. J. F. Sulli
van, Mrs. C. C. Weber and Mrs. 1
Mehrcns. The next meeting of tho club
will be at the home of Mrs. F. Swearln
gcr In two weeks. Those present wero:
A. Buck.
A. Foote.
.1. F. Welch,
J. B. Hhafer.
A, Jetes,
.1. F. Hulllvali.
C. C. Weber.
1. Foley,
8, K. nearer,
1). W. Hensley,
O. C. Warner,
'P. Mehrons,
F. Swcarlnger.
for Infants and Invalids
It means the Origlaal and Genuln
mtAm- JmitatictUe
The Food-Drink for ell Ages
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
FbrinfanU.invalidsuuJ growing children.
Purenutrition.upbuilding the whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers and Um aged.
More healthful than tea or coffee.
Taka no substitute. Ask for HORUCK'S
HORLICK'S Contains Pure fllllk
Wedding Surprise.
Without advising either relatives
friends of their Intentions, Mr. H.
Kidder of Cleveland, O., and Miss Mar
garet Dcnecn of Omuha, quietly boarded
a train for Bt. Louis unit were married
In that city Wednesday. News of their
marriago camo today and was a complete
surprise to their many Omaha friends.
After a brief sojourn In Bt. Louis Mr.
and Mrs. Kidder will go to Palm Beach,
Fla., for n month's Btay, after which they
will go to Mr. Kidder's ranch In Colo
rado. They plan to bo at homo In Cleve
land after May 1,
Mr. Kidder Is a former Omahan, but Is
now connected with a firm In Cleveland.
Baraca Banquet.
( The Hanscom Park Methodist Iiplscopal
IlaracA class, with their guests, the j
Phllatheo. class, enjoyed one of their
most successful banquets lust evening In
the parlors of tho Hanscom Park Meth
odist church, Twenty-ninth and Wool.
I worth streets. Ono hundred mid thres
Uaracas, Phllatheas and visitors look
their places around the tastefully dec
I orated banquet board at T;W p. rn. Toasts,
readings and music followed the banquet
I Mr, George Danley presided as toast
I master and Introduced:
Mr. Gerald Drew, who tnnniiul "Hn.
Guests." '
Miss Pickett, who toasted "Our Ba-racas."
Mr. Cecil Berryman, piano.
Miss Dora Bass, readings.
Mr. Karl Clute, "Our Greatest Need.'
Mr. Ed Smalls, violin. '
Hev. Mr. McCasklll.
Mr. George Danley and Mr. Georga
Barnum are deserving of many congrat
ulations on their successful efforts In
planning and handling the entertainment.
Evening Card Party.
A party was given by Miss Francei
McKennu at her home Tuesday evonlnir.
wnen cards and games furnished the en
tertainment. The guests were
Alien Mae Murphy,
t.uiiuii auer,
With Cupid's arrows flying thickly nil
about her during her four years of train
ing In the Wise Memorial hospital train
ing school. Miss Cecelia IVdersen re
malned resolute, determined nut to foiego
n promising career for married life foi a
while yet. at least. Ten other girl?
started with her four years ago. but ono
hy one the sharp dartH of the little cherub
pierced their hearts nnd they dropped
out. As graduation time neored Super
intendent Ida Hulette discovered thnt
the graduating clas consisted of only
ono girl.
Graduation exercises were to have been
held during the lattff part of March
when the Wise Nurses' homo opens, but
only a few days ago Miss Pedersen was
proffered an attractive situation in a
Houston, Tex., hospital and she accepted.
She left Tuesday.
"Tho notel of American Ideals"
Washington, D.C.
Hotel Powhatan
Pennsylvania Avenue
at 18th and II Streets
Sw. Fireproof. European Plan
r ' '
Lodge Dancing Party.
Wllllum McKlnley lodge No. 621 of tho
Independent Order of H'nal ll'rlth enter
talned the Ladles' Auxiliary at a dancing
party ut their club rooms. The rooms
were prettily decorated In blue and white,
tho colors of tho club. Afiout sixty couples
enjoyed tho evening iit tho flint of n
Berles of novel partlcn planned for the
season. The party wan under tho direc
tion of J. L. Ilrodkey, A.' F. Flnkensteln,
Max Kattlcman nnd Jack Farber.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Monctto Mltcheltrec and Miss Ida
Drahos will lcave.-thla. evening for New
York City, where they will make a
stay of three weeks,
Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Nash leave Monday
to spend a few days at Kxcolslor Bprlngs,
and will go from there tov Washington,
D. C, heforo returning home.
Lieutenant Charles P, Grge of Fort
Hlley is expected Sunday morning to be
the guest of Major And Mrs. Charles
French and Miss Marlon French of Fort
Crook for several days.'
Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Copcland and
daughter, Miss Ixiulso Copeland, will
leave Friday for Colfax Springs, Ia to
spend a few days, after which they in
tend to take a southern trip.
Personal Qoisip.
a son was. born to 'AtrvfonA Mrs. A. E.
Kennedy, Monday at their home.
Mrs. F. II. Ilrubaker und family leave
Omaha today to make their future home
n Stuart, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Itlley left Thurs
day evening for Philadelphia where they
were called by the Illness of their daugh
ter, Edna, who' under went an operation
for appendlcltles. Miss HUoy Is a student
at the Sacred Heart convent, Kden Hall,
Mrs. John Dole, who underwent nn
operation for appendicitis at tho Metho
dist hospital is somnwhnt improved. Mr.
Louis Dale of Springfield, Ky is spend
ing several days with his brothers.
Messrs. Frank, Walter nnd Fred Dale,
until his mother Is convalescent..
Mabel Johnson,
uoru eanuers.
Margaret Dowllng,
James W. McCoy,
Qeorge Dixon.
jonn Hpeuman,
uoraon Adams,
waiter uregor".
Katherlne Dixon,
Helen Russell,
Wllma Drummond,
Gladys Llghtrmvn.
D. Howard Itedmond.
Frank Clarke,
C. M. Fairfield.
James J, Lowery,
ltooms, detached bath, $1,50,
32.00 up.
Hooms, private bath, $'-.50,
$3.00 up.
too per cent. Fire. Germ and Dust
Proof. Two blocks from Whits
House, and near all points
of Interest.
v kith iron bouvenik booklet
Owners sod Operators.
Direction and ManaeniiEj
Harding to Build
for Creamery Plant
Plans und specifications for a $300,000
building at Eighth and Furnam streetrf
ore being prepared and the contract will
be let and actual work of construction
begun within the next few weeks. "The
Harding Ice Cream company will erect
the building to replace tho old structure
now In uao there. Fisher & Lawrle are
architects. The building will be eight
stories high, of reinforced concrete, with
basement. Charles Harding of the Hard
ing Ice Cream company has applied to
the city building Inspection department
for a permit to erect this new building.
For Men, Young Men and Boys-
TO $22.50 OVER
to 40 in the new
est brown nnd crey
127 SAMPECK $6
TO $10 BOYS'
SUITS-Sizes o' to
1(5 years, Norfolk
and double breast
ed styles, wonder
ful value,
that sold for $5.00,
(5 to 16' years. Dou
ble breasted and
Norfolk styles; ex
cellent foi
school . . . .
COATS that sold
up to $6.00 Sizes
3 to 10 years all
good styles and of
the famous Benson
& Thorne
quality. . .
i For Women, Small Women & Jtmiors-
43 La'dics' and
Misses' Suits that
sold to $25 Sizes
32 to 38 and. 15 to
17 worsted, chev
iots and novelties,
well tailored and'
highly de
sirable. . . .
47 Small Women's
and Junior Coats,
$19.75 Sizes .
that sold to $19.75.
Sizes 32 to 38 and
15 and 17, all popu
lar fabrics, includ
ing: a fow aa or
70 Ladies' and Jun
iors' Dresses that
sold to $25-40 of
size 32 to 38, and
30 of sizes 15 to 17.
Good tailored styles
Including 2-plcco Peter
Thompson's Silk,
Voile, (TMn OP
Serge, iftllliZU
Broadcloths WlUlstU
22 Small Women's
Coats that sold up
to $29.75 Sizes
32 to 38 and 15 and
17 in boucle and
chinchilla excel
lent models while
they last
$15.50 !
Phi Rho Sigma Frat
Gives Big Banquet
to Its New Members
Kta chnpter of the Phi Itho Sigma na
tional fraternity ekve Its thirteenth an
nual bnuiiuet at the Hotel ixiyal Thurs
day, I'ust active members oi me organ
ization, who have made their mark In
their profession, mingled freely nnd told
Htorles with those who have Just taken up
tho study of medicine. Klfty present and
future physicians wero gathered around
the board. The banquet Is given annually
in honor of tho men who havo Just beer.
Initiated Into the frat. There arc at pres
ent thirty active members ofuhe organ
ization, all students at tho l frelghton
Medical college. Alumni members of
Omaha nnd Council Bluffs were present
to welcome tho new men.
Dr. A. H. Mack acted as toastmaster.
Dr. 1j. B. Bushman responded to the
toast "What Phi Itho Means to Me. ' He
reviewed the history of the fraternity at
the nudtcal college, describing Its troubles
sinco Its organization fourteen years ago,
Dr. K. C. Henry made a brilliant talk
on "Origin nnd Development of Greek
letter Fraternities." Dr. A. E. Mcrrltt
Spoke on "Memories Wise and Other
wise," declaring thnt tho JNii Itho society
Is tho leading medical frat at tho present
time. Short talkB were made by others
Those prcsont were:
Dr. M. J. Ford, M, A. Cunningham,
Dr. John E. Slmpson.C. O. Detfs,
Dr. P. T. Conlan, W. I,. Douglas,
Dr. Ernest Kelly, T. 11. Fleming.
Dr. J. P. Lord, N. If. Farroll.
Dr. T. J. Dwyer, Qeorgo Mattlson,
Dr. B. M. Hlley. E. V. Neuman.
Dr. C. McMartln, T. V. Thornton, '
Dr. A. L. Dormody, W. K. Fast,
Dr. IajuIs Dermody, It. E. Hall,
Dr. E. S. Oecsman, J. McAllister,
ur. Jonn Duncan. u u. Aiooro,
Dr. I n. Bushman, J. F. Schwertly,
Dr. A. E. Mnck, M. A. Shllllngton,
Dr. E. C. Henry, W. U Shearer,
Dr. Siebert A. U Barr.
of Council Bluffs. J. R. Kleyla.
Dr. Merritt Frank Murphy,
of Council Hiutls, J. 11. Murpny,
Dr. McAtoo J. J. Young,
of Council Blurts, i. Bgan.
For the Invalid's Pension Association
mill iiwnimiiMiiiM.i
All Three Earns
mm ft $1.50 for
i. p. a.
Any Two Earns
$1.00 for
$3.10 I P A
Dr. Barstow
of Council Bluffs,
Max Flothow,
William Arrasmlth,
J. F. Borghoff,
F. B. Gillespie,
H. Jenkins,
C. U Martin,
J. L. Russum,
C. F. Bhooks.
If you fall to -attend our great final
cleanup sale Saturday you will regret It.
Bee ad Page Eleven, Julius Orkln, 1510
Douglas St. Advertisement.
"Cascarets" the
Best Laxative
Evening Bridge Party.
Mr. and Mrs. James Klnuard enter
tained at bridge Thursday evening. The
prises were won by Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Tlllotson. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Redman,
Mr. and Mrs, William B. Rowe,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E, Dodge,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tubbs,
Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Tlllotson,
Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Dorward.
At the Hippodrome.
Mrs. T. uordon Banders entertained a
i box party at the
Wednesday matinee,
i Mesdames
A Warren Bonner,
Walter Johnson,
t HuKsell Benson.
Barney Woodward, a trusty at the city
Jail, gave Foreman Tom Baughman of
the police garage, and Chauffeur George
Armstrong an exciting chase up alleys
and over fences when he escapl from
the garage where ho was cleaning un the
I police cars.
After a four blocks' chase, Baughman
overtook the fleeing prisoner and brought
him back to Jail where he was charged
with vagrancy. Woodward was Bervlng
out a 15 fine Imposed by Judge Foster on
the charge of being an Inmate of a dis
orderly house.
Hippodrome theater
Those present were:
Paul Balrd,
Jhmes Qulnn.
T. Gordon Sanders,
Master Thurston Sanders,
W. W. Club Celebrates.
The W, W. club was entertained by
Mrs H. F. Shearer Wednesday after
noon, the occasion being the bjrthday of
the hostess and also of -Mrs. Swoboda, a
club member. Carnations ere used In
the dining room and as place cards. Mrs
George Swoboda will entertain the club
February 19.
For Miss Harris.
Mrs. Howard 9. Skinner entertained .n
formally at luncheon Wednesday In honor
uf Miss Rena May Harris, the guest uf
No llcjidnchcs, Hllllonsness, Sluggish
Liver, Constipated Bowels or
Sour stomach by Morning
no oads now bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable and uncomfortable
you are from constipation. Indigestion,
bllllousness and sluggish Intestines you
always got the desired results with Cos-
carets and quickly, too,
Don't let your stomach, liver and bow
els make you miserable. Take Cascarets
tonight; put an end to the headache, bit
ltousneas, dlzzlnetss, nervousness, sick,
sour, gassy stomach, backache and all
other distress; cleanso your Inside organs
of all the bile, gases and constipated
matter which Is producing the misery.
A 10-cent box means health, happiness
n.nd a clear head for months. No more
days of gloom and distress If you will
take a Cascaret now and then. All drug
gists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the
children their little Insldes need a good.
gentle cleansing, too.
News Stands Charge S2.60. Save $1.10. Ean 50 Cents for Charity.
For 500 Subscriptions to the above magazines each month till June the
Publishers win deposit ?3,000 for The Invalid's Pension Assn.
I Positively Must Have 357
Subscriptions by February 26
To earn the first $2,000. Myself and fifteen other suffererB will receive
S10 a month each. Watch personal ads for results.
3,843 Written $1,750 Earned 2,157 Yet to Write
To pledge my nremises to Charitv Is a brutal alternative, but I could not live alone nor cnulrl T rnr nuffi.
cie'nt business to pay a woman by any other plan. For instance there are 50,000 registered agents for the 5ur
tis Co. alone besides 75.000 Postmasters who can claim their commission on these publications. Isolated as I
am, if an order found mo here in a back yard in the Sub urbs it would be a sheer miracle.
It is brutal to suppose an invalid utterly helpless and bedfast could support himself without some
consideration. Ho could not obtain a crust of bread or a glass of water for himself. Nevertheless over
100,000 read theBe magazines in Nebraska and Iowa alone. If 2,000 would favor me with their order
and renewals to earn the $3,000 for the Invalid's Pension AsBn. it will insure myself and fifteen other
sufferers $10 a month each; without expense to anyone.
Paralyzed 12 years, without functional control, with wounds which
- - - ' -W ------ - w w WWUWW, VrCUUUb L14 UT1UU
board, fuel, laundry and treatment and pay a woman $5.00 a week for less than $60 a month. Utterly friendless
and dependent wholly upon myself for support, my situation is terrible; for NO SHUT-IN could possibly earn a
dollar by magazine soliciting; the cost of correspondence would EXCEED his profits. By pledging $6 000 to
CHARITY in three years (prizes which I could not earn) I havo earned sufficient in COMMISSIONS to meet ex
penses, but I am left several hundred dollars In debt. Twice recently I have had convulsions in my sleep and
chewed my tongue terribly. My time is short but I wrote OVER 6,000 subscriptions last year and to February
1st nave written over 3,800 and If the SAME SUPPORT Is given to insure the required 500 subscriptions each
month till June to earn the S3. 000 for the I. P. A. this season, myself and FIFTREN nthe a.irfo ,m
oelve $10.00 a month each, which with the INTEREST on the $5,000 previously earned will give me $32 a month
Anrl In naoA et TT.T.WQO tt.n 111 I 1 1 . 1 1 i . , . .. . ..
iuui.viud mo uinouuauuii win iiiuuru my iivunuuuu ior a year or two wnereas otnerwise I will
bo DESERTED without help or care, for which reason I earnestly ask your order and influence.
Oh what a merciless struggle It is. But I am confident if the S3. 000 la named nnon Ihnoo fifteen hm.
ty Invalids have actually drawn their pension for a year, that my future will be fairly safe.
A Hundred Thousand subscribe for these magazines in Iowa and Nebraska alnnn. Thmmnnria u th. t. w
JOURNAL, and 8. E. POST for gift purposes. A Thousand farmers would find THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN
tue best investment they ever made. A Thousand copies of the S. E. POST are purchased weekly by people
In Omaha alone, who could save $1.10 a year. .
If 300 will not place their order or renewal at once to sava this. 13.000 fop th t t a ,i
you suppose there is for a Friendless Invalid isolated as I am.
Orkin Bros. Buy Shoe Stock of
Sherwood & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb.
The shoe firm of Itobert Sherwood
& Son, Plsttsmouth, Nebraska, has
rttlreU from business and sold th
entire stook of shoes to Orkln Brothers
of thls oily.
The stoek, wnlch consists of several
thouMiiul rili of shoes, Is being
crated for shipment nnd will arrlvt)
In Oyialm hortly. After Its arrival
r huge foicv will he set to work to
unpaik the goods 8nj make prepara
tions for a large shoe sale that will
be announced very shortly.
Orkln Brothers said today they
would dispose of the glgantlo stock:
at 50 cents on the dollar, and said
tho vale would In all probability be
held some time during the coming
week. Extensive preparations are b ty
ing made at the store for the event
and the (Inn Is making every effort to
serve a large patronage with utmost
Two times the light
from oae-htU your present gas coisnmption
Here Is a new home light.
It has been tested and ap
proved by our labratorles
and is now offered to you
at a price within the, reach
of most every one.' This
light, by test, throws off
exactly twice the light
given by the open flame, at
the same time consuming
but one-halt the number
of cubic feet of gas per
hour that Is required by
the open flame. The arc
quickly pays for itself and
proves an economy and
household pleasure thereafter.
Cottage Arcs
Artistic, sfecsratire
tnd durable.
Prise ealy
Omaha Gas Co. 1509 How,r st- Tcl D"-605
Mrs. Roy W. Moore.