Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Btaok-ralooacr Co., Undertakes.
"ave Root Print It Now Beacon Pres
Lighting1 rixtnrei, nnrgess-Qrandsu Co.
Bailey the Dentist, nty Nafl. n. 2566.
The Nebraska Saving's ano x,oa'n Am'n,
offers n safe and profitable plan to help
you save, icos Farnam street.
All Steal Ttaln The Rock Inland has
quipped lu tjolden State Umtted with
Hll-Btrel sleepers, thus making It a train
ImvltiK steel equipment from engine pilot
to tail light.
W. H. Thomas s Son, 22S State Bank
MiUdlnc. are In position to make real es
tate buns of S0.(X or CO.(U an con
veniently a a loan of $1,000. Prompt and
ateful attention to all applicant. Your
tHielncsw solicited.
TV. Rowdeu Ooes to Mllfonl Walter
Rnwden, son of the new superintendent
of the soldiers' Homo at Mllfonl, has loft
'or Mtlford to becomo general store
keeper at the Soldiers' Home. He has
lieen operating an etovntor at the city
hail for the Uwt two years. Kmil Peter
son has been appointed by the mayor to
mlrceert Itowdeii.
Buyers Oo East The Mllwaukoo road
tonight takes east u largo party of buy
er who go to New York to select stock
for' two of Omaha's big department
stores. .In the party will be J. TV. Hob
bins, manager of tlio millinery depart
ment of the Orkln Brothers stnto. Ho
will bo accompanied by two Of hi as
sistants. The Brandt-Is' Stores send the
following mimed parties: Harry Uoyd.
Mr. Heed, Mrs. Rubin. Miss Kohn, Meyer
Ulkjer and Mr. Hopkins.
Dr. Brltt Asks DamageB For personal
Injuries sustained lu an automobile iicxl
dotit. Dr. Leonard K. Britt ha stttited
suit for MO.000 damages against the
Omaha Concrete Stone company and
N orris real estate dealers and buildeis.
Tho doctor alleges he was permanently
Injured when his car ran Into a pile
of crushed stono deposited by the defen
dants on Thirtieth street between Blnney
and AVIrt streets. Ho says tho stono was
loft on tho Htreet In front of a lot on
which tho defendants were building, and
tin warning light was placed on tho pile.
Ho snys he Is permanently Injured and
partially incapacitated for tlio practice
of Ills profession.
Several Nebraskans will take part In
the program of tho department of super
intendents of tho National Education
association, at its meeting In Philadel
phia, February 24 to March 1. Superin
tendent U. I'. Graff of the Omaha schools
Is chairman of tho division of superinten
dents of smaller cities. This division will
discuss tho subject of service rendered
by assistant superintendents nnd super
rlsors and Fred Hunter, superintendent
jf Lincoln, schools, will speak on that
topic.- jr. CI. Dark, superintendent of the
JIouk City schools, will also address this
ured chapped,
bleeding hands
NEW York, N.Y., Not. 3, 1912.
"My face and hands were chap
ped to such an extent that the
ts bled, and tlio burning was
ful when I washed my face; it
night tears to my eyes. Of course
my face and hands vrcro a eight, and
felt like a rasp. I tried several ap
plications without results, but threo
applications of Kcsinol relieved mo.
I put Resinol Ointment all over my
face and hands and arms, and kept it
on all day, washed i t off i n the even ing
with Iiesinol Soap and put a little
Ointment on, then put on full dose in
the morning again. I noticed the ben
efit from Iiesinol when I washed the
first time after using it- 1 was soon
completely cured." (Signed) Miss
IL da liar tine, WO E. 189th Street
For 18 years ItesiwJ boa been a doctor'
prescription and household remedy for
skin troubles, yimpleo, barns, sores, ptlte.
etc Rccinol Ointment. (SOe and $1 and
RezioolSoap CCSc) sold by an dmcjrliU.
For sample of each, write to Dept. U-T,
Eednol Chem. Co.. Baltimore. Md.
. ....i Her
lntie. Mother us-e! it for hrr
tables. And now 1 am lifting it
(or ray baby." So tpokc the
young mother. Three Generittaai.
It Soothes tho Child. It Soften
the Cum. It AlUjra the Ptin.
It' RelieTes Wind Colic. And it
ii the But Remedy for Infantile
Diarrhoea. Favorably known
and told all over the world.
Cltfuutt and beautifies tha hate
fromota a Icxurnct growth,
tfayer Falls to Has to re Qray
PrTnU hair falling:.
lyv. ami 1 oot Pmrrtira.
mmm Lin
One of tho few "Genuine" Sales that happens each year. We never
"carry over" any stock. Hence tho following low prices:
Howard & Foster's $5.00 Winter
Tans and Gun Metal, nn rjr
button and blucher sJeJ)
Johnston & Murphy's $6.50 and
$6.00 French Calf and i mm
Gun Metal, button 3,ti i
and lace, now v
Wllliams-Kneelnnd & Co.'s $4.50
Tau, Russian Calf, , c a (u
button and blucher, X.-t
Cato" last, now wxv
McDonald & KUey's (Jrt nr
Patent calf, button in
and blucher. now vwm w
Reynolds & Co.'s $4.00 Tan Rus
sian und Gun Metal,
button, English last,
See Our Display
in Show
9 85
ju,jo 1
Hearing Will Be Had Before City
Commissioners Saturday.
I'lty Prosecutor !n that If Premctl
lie Will Itnpllcntc nt Least One
Person In Some Unsavory
Fred W. Anheuser, city prosecutor, will
be asked to answer to charftes that h?
was KUllty of conduct not consistent with
his duties as a city official when the city
commission convenes In special session
Haturdny morning at 10 o'clock to hear
wltnest-es on tho charge that Anheu.ur
Introduced u Klrl who had not previously
been In bad company Into a resort .n
which ho owned part Interest and if ft
her there.
Anheuser asked for an InvestlKatlon to
be held this week following his requost
several days bko to have Investigation
postponed until he could gather evidence.
Mayor Pahlmati has issued n call for a
special session of the commission to hear
witnesses and pass on tho propriety of
Aliheuser's netH.
"1 don't know just what will be done,"
suld Mayor Dahlman. "I suppose wit
nesses will bo examined and hearings had
until the council has learned all the facts
of the case, and then some recommenda
tion will be made."
Anheuser has promised that If pressed
for "evidence" he will Implicate at least
"one person" in some unravory perform
ances. Ho says ho has ull tho necessary
material to prove his own Innocence and
to show the girl who charged him with
the offense for which ho will be Investi
gated was not of good character whon
she came to Omaha.
A great many of the farmers of western
Iowa are turning away from tho raising
of corn, asserting that it Is injurious to
the land, accoidlng to Iewls Abbott of
Clarluda, la . who was In Omaha after
having spent soiuc time in .South Omaha
looking for cnttlo with which to stock
his pastures in tho spring.
"W'e aro beginning to pay more at
tention to small grain," said Mr. Abbott,
"because it requires less care, and Is
fnr less injurious to tho soil. When a
man plauta a field of corn it means that
ho will work that ground over from four
to six times during that summer. Every
time he works it. just that much morn
of his ground is washed away by the
next rain thut comes along. Your ground
gets poorer and poorer. I Just refused
a man threo eighties of my land, simply
because ho wanted to put It In corn. He
wanted to rent It, but when I found
ho expected to put com in It I would
not let him have It. Lot tho fellows raise
It that want to, but a good many of us
are beginning to feel that It takes too
much work, nnd at tho samo time ruins
the Innd."
James M. ' t'hesebrough, general p.i
senger agent of tho Pennsylvania road,
with headquarters at Pittsburgh, an old
Omaha boy. Is In town calling dn rail
road men and looking up former ac
quaintances. Mr. Chesebrough ' "was a
clerk In tho Union Pacific general man
ager's offlco when Udward Dickinson
held tho position. From hero ho went to
tlio Vandalla and later to the Pennsyl
vania, whero ho secured promotion after
promotion until ho stepped Into his pres
ent position.
Mr. Chesebrough left Omaha more than
twenty years ago. and though he has
been hero sovernl times since on short
visits, he notes many changes, The sky-scraiK-rs
have all been erected slnco his
last trip here, and when ho looked them
over, ho confided to his friends that ha
expects during his lifetime to sec this
! rna ..f l,1 lniiAu( ntirl ltist eltlfia In llm
United States.
xJust think of buying a suit, coat or
dress for only $5 Saturday at Julius
Orkln's, 1510 Douglas St.
President Mohlcr will still bo president
only of the Union khiclfic, but with the
Union Pacific owning the Central Pa
cific, tho president of tlio Central Pacific
will probably consent to take his advice
on matters of material concern.
John I. Kennedy will introduco tho suf
fragist heodllner getting to bo a profim
slonal introducer, as It were.
W. F. Stoocker denies the soft Impeach
ment that lit) Is tho moving plcturo
potentate of Omaha, but admits that he
has a proprietary Interest In nioro shows
thun any other 0110 person here.
A. II. Iturnett.put out his shlnflo at
first at Mindcn, Nob. ' J
Frank J. Burkloy's first wag-eanilns
performances were aa a telegraph
of Men's High
oes Selling at Cost
S. & M.'s $5.00 Gun Metal, button
and lace, on now a fa n
English last, S3 75
vva v
Holland's $4.00 Winter Tans, but
ton and blucher, dou- nrh rr
ble soles, waterproof. . X
v w v
18 lines, all good makes, $3.50
shoes, Bomo higher. mm
patents, dull and S 0.
tans, now
174 pairs $4.0(1 and $3.50 patents,
buttons and blucher
cut, small and large
slzes your choice. . . .
16th and Douglas
Rival Companies to
Vie Illuminations at
"Nebraska" Show
There will be considerable rlxalry '
tween tho Kleetrle IjIrIii company and
the gas company at the "M.ide-lnNe-braska"
show, which will be held In the
Auditorium, March 5 to IE. In that each
will demonstrate the full use of Its best
forms of Illumination. Hoth have taken
space In the show for exhibit purposes,
and will put lu miniature plants showing
the everyday twentieth century uppllatue
of their products In carrying on business
Another very attractive and especially
educational exhibit will he that of re
frlgoratlo'i ns applied to butchers, gro
cers and general store uses, whero meats
dairy products, etc., are to bo kept fresh
and In a thoroughly sanitary condition.
This exhibit is to be made by the Uakcr
Ice Machine company ot umaha, who, by
the way, hac some twenty or thlrt
operating plants In stores of this city
and many more throughout tho state of
Nebraska. Tlio retail grocer and butcher
will be particularly Interested In this
display of machines lu operation.
liecnuse llovernor Morehead Is to be
in Washington to witness the inaugura
tion ot President Wilson, he will not be
present on the night ot tho opening of
the "Mmle-lli-Nebraska" show. He will
send a representative, however, and on
Ills return. Mnrch 7 or S. arrangements
will be perfected for a Nebraska execu
live night and Invitations will bo ox
tmded to the statu legislature and state
officials, the governor and others, to be
present on this occasion. If this Is ac
cepted, ns it was at the time of the first
land show, given In the Omaha Audito
rium, special efforts of entertaining them
and giving them a chance to realize tho
Importance of Nebraska's Industries will
be mudo by the management and perhaps
by the Commercial club. This mutter
will bo taken up by President l U.
Hclnert und Vice President O. W. Darner
with Commissioner Guild and Publicity
Manager Parish In tho next day or two.
Tho Commercial club will arrange Its
program for the opening night ns this
Is to be "Commercial Club of Omaha"
Jinny firms who manufacture heavy
machinery and articles that are too big
for tho smaller spaces on tho main floor
In the Auditorium ure' contracting to put
dlspUiys in the machinery hall annex.
Thero are 4.000 squure feet of spaca lioro
to be utilized, and tho lecture rooms aro
also to be located In this part of tho
hall. Tower will bo furnished to opcrato
machinery, and this Illustration of Ne
braska products will bo well received
and patronized.
With the exception of five spaces all
the main floor booths have been sold.
This Is a very remarkable showing nnd
hns seldom been equalled by any other
Indoor exposition.
Bank at Florence
Being Reorganized
Tho Farmers' State bank of Florence
1ms been reorganized with a capital
stock of J10.000. II. K. IaswIs, cashier,
and associates havo sold their stock to
Do Uoy Austin and associates. W. It.
Wall, president, retains his Interest. The
new officers Of the bank are W. It. Wall,
president; De Itrty Austin, vice president,
and J. W. Peters, cashier. Peters was
formerly with the City Savings bank
and with the American Hand Sowed Shoe
company. Austin Is vice president of the
Austin-Peterson Shoe company.
.Mr. I.ewls has bought stock In, nnd
haa been elected assistant cashier of a
ilarlau, In., bank which Is now being
Police Magistrate Fostor fined J. R.
Hyland, manager of tho Western Union
Telegraph company, $5 and costs for al
lowing Gerald Wilson, 12 years of age,
to work as messenger t6r the company.
Under the law t Is a misdemeanor to
work children under 14 years of age. The
complaint was made against Hyland ns
official agent for the company.
Manager W. W. Umstead of tho West
ern Union says ho feels the caae Is Just
a little bit farfetched. The boy is big
for his age and has no parents and must
support himself In somo fashion.. He says
work as a messenger Is healthy and gives
him a living, and Is far better than being
dependent upon somo Institution for sup
Relative to tho murder of Station Agent
Hood at Miller, Neb the secret service
department of the Union Pacific has re
ceived Information that robbery was not
the motive that prompted tho killing of
the man. Twenty dollars were found in
tho pockets of the diwl man. Nothing
In tho depot office was disturbed. A
check of the tickets showed that the
money In tho cash drawer accounted for
all sales and. freight receipts.
Investigation shows that the bullot that
killed Hood was fired through the depot
window from the outside. Several parties
are under suspicion, but not enough evi
dence has been secured to Justify an
Embroideries at Auction.
Monday, February 10, all the embroid
eries from the Einstein, Wolff & Co.
auction held In New York, January 21,
will bo placed on sale at actual auction
prices. See Blxteenth street window dis
With nearly half n fl07n appealed Jail
sentences now pending m district court
and another one hanging over his head,
imposed only Thursday morning, Klrby
Brown, former proprietor of the Vienna
Hotel cafe, was arrested again yesterday
by Detectives Kennnlly and Dunn. This
time Brown wus churged with being
drunk and using abusive language.
Recently the ollce closed up Brown's
resort, known then as the "Blood Bucket"
und "BuBter" Brown's place. He was
ordered to leave town, but has failed to
do so. When arraigned In tho police
court this morning he was fined 110 and
costs. The Judge overlooked In some way
tho suspended Jail sentence.
Most I'mill In I'olaua
to the dyspeptic. Klectrlc Bitters soon
relievo dyspeimia, liver and kidney com
plaints and debility. Price 60c. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co Advertisement.
Cloth Skirts
13S Wanton's nnd Mlnncs
all wool skirts odds nnd
ends, included nro whlto
skirts slightly soiled, cholco
SATURDAY, Omaha's Exclusive Cloak House Will Offer
IT is with pardonable pride that we boast of being tue leading retail establishment
devoted exclusively to women's and misses' ready to-wear apparol, one of the main
reasons for this supromaoy is the fact that wo begin each season with an entiro now
stock that means we absolutely close out overy garment during tho season that it was
bought and in announcing this great final cleanup sale wo want to say that while some
of tho lots are small the bargains, however, . are truly remarkable as this is positively
the Greatest Sacrifice wo have ever made. You owe it to yoursolf to come to this store Saturday.
Women's and Misses' Coats, Suits and Dresses
Final Clean-Up Sale Price. SATURDAY, at
PLEASE NOTE None of these garments will be altered or exchanged or dolivored.
JULIUS ORKIN, 1510 Douglas
Jerry Howard Files for Mayor of
the Cityv
Amendment Added that Will Hxteiul
Office of Holder for Another
Year nnil Do Au- with 1
SprliiHT l'llecuon.
Jerry Howard filed for tho democratic
Humiliation for mayor yesterday mora
lug. A few hours later John B. WntklnJ,
chairman ot Iloctor's charter revision
committee and In charge of all legislation
affecting South Omaha, drafted an
amendment to tho city charter that prac
tically extends tho term of the present
officeholders ono year. This la done ;n
face of the fact that a specific law on iho
stutute books and upheld by tho supreme
court of tho state declares that thero
shall be an election for a three-year term
held In May, 1913.
The legislature Is to he asked to amend"
the law so as to repeal that part which
requires that an election be held this
spring In order to afford tho present
officeholders an oxtra year. There are
several reasons' why tho present office
holders, some of them at least, am op
posed to an election this spring. In tht
first place, it Is asserted that Howard,
with the backing of tho laboring men and
many business men who are dissatisfied
with the present conditions, will defeat
Hoctor for tho rcnomlnatton. In the sec
ond ilacc, Hoctor Is accused of having
blown hot and cold with Hyan and
Plvouka and both men wilt demand an
opportunity to vindicate themselves wis
Former Fire and Police Commissioner
Ryan Is said to have been compelled to
bear tho heavy expenso of the trial lately
concluded and his friends are rallying to
his support In the belief that ho was not
accorded a fair deal by the mayor. Hyan
Is a shrewd politician and his strength,
It turned against Hoctor, Is likely to
causo tho mayor more trouble than he
can handle. Plvonka also has a strong
following and he Is alio expected to use
It against Hoctor It tho latter docs nut
get Jnto Una again. Both Ryan and
Plvonka are opposed to the extension ot
terms for the present officeholders on the
ground that thoy are thus denied an op
portunity of vindicating themselves,
aiujrlo Cltr Hoirllnir League.
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
A. Chaae 123 174 191 481
Martin 13S 1M 123 427
Hancool: 1S2 !(M 140 431
Hansen 135 169 ICI 449
H. Chaso 212 155 136 BOS
Totals 790 760 751 2,301
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Cox 158 133 158 G;
318 320 SOUTH 16th STREET
CO A TS Serges, Broad
cloths and Fancy Mixtures.
Special sale of real "Scalctte Plush" Coats, in large -4 j
variety of styles; all silk lined; values up to $30.00.. 9 I Zw
Final Clean-Up Sal
! letter lift 14 192 551
I nrlbble 149 203 152 501
Tombrlnk 1st 143 101 4K
l'eschek 16S 160 100 491
Total fc&9
Handicap 3
Totals S62 818 815 2.595
riarrnitsiJN candy kids
1st, 2d. Xd. Total.
Kagenberg 16N 14(5 202 5I
Hunt 1SS 197 JKI 544
Winters .. 344 170 144 55H
Petersen 1M aw 233 001
Francisco 201 189 113 503
Totals WW !K)J 851
1st, 2d. .Id.
Wolfe 138 142 173
Hwlft 183 170 1 50
lloyle 165 H3 &
Nichols 134 207 m
l-tler 175 176 162
Totals .
785 '83S MK 2,428
19 19 19 57
Totals 801 857 O 2,485
MnKte niy tiossip.
Uncle Davo Anderson's condition was
unchanged last night according to near
Mr. and Mrs. William Kozlal of 003
North Twenty-fourth street announce the
birth ot a sou.
Mr. and Mrs. Btnnley lllda are rejoicing
over the birth of a son nt their homo at
Forty-second and 'A streets.
William Queenan. who has been sorl
ously III with pneumonia, Is said to bo
convalescing at his home.
Cleorgc Oribblo has returned from Hloux
City whero he was called by tho Illness
of his sister who was operated on for
appendicitis last week.
Jerry Howard left for Uncoln to spot
out the lobbyists against tho minimum
wage bill devised for tho benefit of tho
laboring men and women.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Harali J. Murl will
ho held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from
her residence, 3213 11 street. Interment
will bo made In llellevue cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Sorenscn,
wife of H. 1'. Sorensen, will be held
Bunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from tho
Ixjfler Memorial church. Rev. Thomas
Bashaw officiating.
A meeting of the barbers- union was
held last night at the Houth Omaha re
publican headquarters. Politicians hayo
been endeavoring to have tho union take
a hand against tho petofflre merger.
There will be a public meeting of tho
Albright Social Sorvlco Institute Saturday,
February 15. Tho Institute has opened
In tho old telephono building at Twenty
fifth and M streets with a roster of
thirty members. Night classes will bo
Inaugurated soon.
South Omaha camp No. 211, Woodmen
of tho World, will give a minstrel snow
at the high school auditorium Saturday
evonlng. Ono of the features of the even
ing will be the attendance, of Chief of
Police John Ilrlggs and Probation Officer
Paul Macauloy. who will chaperon forty
newsboys as guests of tho enmp.
The body of Oeorgu H. Hood, who was
found murdered at Millard, was brought
to I!rewei"s undertaking parlors this
morning. Ho was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Hood of llellevue. Funeral
servloes will be held at 10 o'clock at
Flrewer's chapel. Saturday morning,
liurlal will be at llellevue.
The Roys' basket ball teams of Omaha
and South Omaha will play this evening
nt the South Omaha High school gym
- - -....f-H.rii, nnd .1 streets.
Game starts at 8 o'clock. The Omaha
Parisian Cloak Co,
and Q
SUITS In all this Seasons
Best Styles.
VALUES UP TO $25.00.
tram holds tho championship of tho Trl
city loague. with Uellovue, Omaha nnd
Council Dluffs.
Twenty Indians Sue
Government for Old
Land Allotments
Twenty Indians of the Omaha Indian
reservation arc filing suits against tho
t'nltcd States In the Omaha division of
tho fcdoral court asking that thoy be, al
lotted portions of land as other tncmbora
of tholr tribe In the past. John Ijoo Wob
ster Is attorney for tho Indians. He
takes the position that the reservation
belongs to tho Indians and for that rea
son no one of the Indians belonging to
that tilbo can he denied his allotment of
the laud.
Tho caso hinges on pucocsslvo Indlun
legislation In congress, and, In tho couri!
of which, former nets wcro not repealed.
In 1883 congress passed a law providing
fnr tho allotment of lands to each Indian
of tho trlbq. An agent was sent to tho
reservation to mnko tho allotments to
Indians then living. After' making dis
tributions to a considerable number Iho
ngont left, without, howovnr. giving,
somn of the tribesmen their poptlon.
Then In 1893 congross provided for more
allotments. Uut under tho now act they
wero to bo mado only to Indians born
slnco tho act of 1882 nnd allvo at tho
time of the enactment of the law of 1893.
The law of 1882 stipulated that the former
allotment was not repealed. So whn
the ngent went to tho reservation to
make allotments under tho act of 1!93 ho
made them only to Indians born slnos
WM and ullve In 18JV3. Slnco then the de
partment has held this samo position.
It Is largely the young Indians born
slnco the date of 1893,that aro now asking
for allotments. Them aro also somo In
dians who had a right under the act of
1882. but nover took advantage of that
right and somo of theso aro now making
their claims. Under tho act of congress
providing that tho United States may
suo und bo sued In Indian affairs, this
action Is being brought In the nature of
a suit against tho Unltod States.
Wives and daughters of the lilks will
share tho celebration of the twenty
seventh anniversary of Omaha lodge to
night In the social after the lodge, begin
ning about 9 o'clock. The program will be
given by tho Omaha Elki' orchastrn, th
Ak-Sar-lUin quartet. Mrs. 11. C. Rich
mond, Mrs. Oeorgu W. Shields, Mrs.
Harry O. Steel, Mrs. Grant Williams and
Mrs. K. A. Ileeso and Messrs. O. Neblo
and Jsromo II. Latsoh. Dancing and re
freshments will follow.
Key to the Sltuatlon-Ueo Advertising.
Shirt Waists
Ono lot of waists In nil sizes,
odds nnd ends. Home aro
Hllghtly soiled and mussed,
for hour, 8 to 0 OC
A. M. &OC
Alleged Counterfeiters Are Captured
by Local Police.
Men Are IleliiK Held for Further Iu
-vmUirntlon hjr (he Federal A11
thorlllm Vny nun 111 IU-nt
with IloRnn Money,
Tho poll co mado a ratd Thursday upon
a room ot 709 North Sixteenth street and
arrested a. D. Nicholson, Richard Do
barton. Oeorgo Left und Frank JCcnt
under suspicion that they nro tho squad
that havo been passing counterfeit dol
lars at tho different restaurants around
In thu course of tho soarch mado
around tho room Bomo ot tlio spurious
.coins wore found sown ip In a bed thk,
Detectlvo Jllchuol Sullivan Is mvestl
Kbtlng 'tho case, but has not yet found
uny ovldonco to Show that tho guiiR
nado tho counterfeit coins. Tho men
havo been In tho city but a fow days,
They havo beon pusslnr tho phoney dol
lars on merchants about tho city and
paid their room rent with tho bnd monoy.
Tho federal authorities will toko charge
ot tho case and make a thorough Inves
ny order of tho United States supremo
court the clerks of federal courts will
hereafter keep soparato records for Iho
equity and other cases. Hitherto equity
cases havo all boen kept on tho docket
with other cases, From now on thoy will
be kept under a separate numbering ani
a separata docket will bo kept for them.
This Is In accordanco with thu new rules
of the supremo court governing federal
court procedure. It moons also that fed
eral Judges hereafter will take testimony
In equity cases Instead of depending upon
transcripts of depositions previously
Robert Blackmore, in years old and re
siding ut 4340 Tarkor street, mysteriously
disappeared from his home on January
8 and slnco then not a word has been,
heard from him. Ho waa attending' Wal
nut Hill school nt tho tlmo and none oC
his friends recalls having seen him slnco
the morning of that day. There had been
nothing about his behavior to indicate
that hn had planned to Ieavo home, and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Black
more, aro consequently grlcfstrlcken to
know what hns becomo of their son.
DRESSES All wool Serge,
Corduroy, Silk a id Chiffon
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