The Omaha Daily Bee Word? Backed By Deeds That's why The He has friends and enemies, nml why it wields on Inflncnco for public good. THE WEATHER Fair; Colder VOL. XLU NO. 202. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOHNTNO, KISBHUAHY 8, l!)UI SLXTK10N PAllES. SINGLE COPY- TWO CENTS. ROCKEFELLER ABLE TO ANSWER BUTFOUR SHOBTJOESTIONS Examination of Invalid Oil King by Chairman Fujo Over in Few Minutes. MAGNATE'S VOICE FAILS He Whispers Replies to Stenog rapher, Who Repeats Them. GIVES NAME AND RESIDENCE Amalgamated Copper Company Was Organized in 1870. PUJO MAKES A STATEMENT Chairman Say" lie "H'onld Hve nefused to Aslt 9(orr Questions ' Even if Doctor Had Not Intervened. JEKYL ISLAND, Fob. 7. After an ex amlnatlon of scarcely twelve minutes by Samuel Untermyer, counsel for the Fujo committee, William Rookefeller, tho BEwl Standard OH magnate, this afternoon Bh6wed signs of a laryngeal spasm and Indications of an approaching nervous collapse. At the Insistence of his physi cians the examination was discontinued. When Representative PuJo and Mr. Untermyer reached here this afternoon to examine Mr. Rockefeller they Immedi ately went Into conference with his coun sel and personal physician. The party, accompanied only by the official secre tary and stenographer, then wero taken to tho Rockefeller apartments, where the examination was netd behind closed doora. With Representative PuJo sitting as chairman the examination began, with Mr. Rockefeller seemingly in good phys ical condition, but afjer a few questions he gasped and his throat seemed to close and his TOlca trailed off Into a choked whisper. With a bound Dr. Chappell wa3 Rt his side and the examination was ended Dr. Chappll was sworn and testified that his patient was unable to proceed. The examination ended abruptly. Statement by Fujo, Mr. PuJo later gave out the following Statement: "Mr. Rockefeller's condition la simply pitiable. Be not only ahakca like a lea all over his body, but after the first question he began to cough convulsively and It was evident that he was laboring under great excitement and on .the verge of collapse. He had to slowly whisper the few words he' spoke into the ear of tho stenographer, who sat beside him. This ho did with the fTealejt difficulty. Burcft B. thing as an examination would 'b; im possible. As soon as Dr. Chappell Inter vened and. requested that proceedings go no further. Mn Untermyer and I felt that It would be dangerous and Inhuman ta ro on." Continuing, Mi PuJo saldj "Even ft Dr. Chappell had not Inter vened I would havo refused to proceed on my own accord. Nothing would have In duced me to assume such a responsibility, In view of what we know of the char acter of tho disease, as well as from Drn. Lambert and ChappclL Only Four Questions) Asked, If anything had happened to Mr. Rockefeller during that spasm of coughing I never would liave forgiven myself. If we had believed his condition to be so manifestly critical we would not have dreamed of attempting the examination.' When the examination was brought to Its abrupt ending, Mr. Rockefeller was trembling violently. His face had flushed and the muscles of his face and brow worked spasmodically. Only four ques tions had been asked. Mr. Rockefeller whispered his answers In the ear of the stenographer of tho committee, Mr. Hanna, who repeated the answers aloud. At the beginning Mr. Rockefeller said that he had no disposi tion to avoid testifying "except as I have been cautioned by my jihyslclans that doing so would endanger my life." Mr. Rockefeller stated his residence, denied that his health allowed him to play golf, and, answering two question, said that the Amalgamated Copper com pany was organized In 1899. Then his voice failed. The Weather For Nebraska Fair; colder. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday, 5 a. m 6 a. in 7 a. m 8 a. m .. J a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m t 2 p. m 3 p. m 4 p. in Bp. m 0 p. m 7 p. m.... 8 p. m Comparative Local Record. , 1913. ISli UH, 1916. Highest today 33 Lowest today 9 - Jl Mean temperature 3) 13 26 32 -Precipitation .00 ,00 .CM Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: , Normal temperature Deficiency for the day uvi; i. .? Total excess for tho day ETAO ETA Total excess since March 1, 1913 2Sf Normal precipitation 01 Inch Deficiency for iho day 01 1 nod Total rainfall since .March 1.... 25.63 Inches Precipitation since March 1.... 26.63 Incher Deficiency since March 1 4.(9 Inches Deficiency cor. period In 19U..13.C9 lnchei Deficiency cor. period In 1910.. ,. 11.61 Inhee Reports front Htntlons at' 7 I. 91. niotlnn nnri State TemDera- Hleh. Tlaln. of AYeather.. ture. est. fall ,. 10 23 .02 . J S3 .00 . 16 16 .01 . 24 3( ..00 . IX 28 .00 . ( 8 .01 . 16 22 . 25 31 .o: .18 18 .01 . IS 20 .GO ,.-36 W .01 . 4 II .00 .21 2S .00 14 20 Denver, clear Dea Moines. clear Dodge City, cloudy. Lander, clear ttherldan, clear .. .. Sioux City, clear .. Valentine clear ... Boys Escape from School and Nearly Freeze to Death MITCHELL. S. D.. Feb. 7.-Maktng their escape from the state training school at Planklnton, and being exposed to the severe cold all the night long, nearly caused the death of Leo Elliott and Henry Lundn, two lads who have been confined In the Institution. It was a bitter cold night when tho two boys managed to get away and they walked nine miles before they found a place where they could be taken In from the cold. They stopped at a vacant house on a farm, along about midnight, hut found notning in wnicn tney could uuua a lire, and so tney started It ton the floor. In a few moments the building took fire and It was entirely destroyed. It was not un til several days afterward that the fann ers around there learned how the housu burned down. Along toward morning, with their feet partly froaen, the boys struck the house of a farmer who took them In and made them as comfortable as possible. Suspecting that they had broken out of tho school, the farmer called tho sheriff over the telephone and ho went out and got them. Yesterday It was necessary to amputate several of the toes on each foot, but aside from that the boys will pull through. Elliott, who lives at Sioux Falls, escaped from the school last summer, but was caught. Hitchcock Submits Amendment to Liquor Shipment Measure WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. "When a mem ber of this body Is charged with tho duty of construing the constitution the ques tion of the effect his decision may have on his personal fortunes should not for one moment be considered. When such a thought enters his mind he should ex qlalm, 'Get thee behind me, Satan.' " Senator Paynter of Kentucky thus be. ran a speech In the senate today In op position to the Kenyon-Bhepard liquor bill, which would prohibit shipments of liquor Into "dry" states. The bill Is to bo voted on in the senate February 10 Senator Paynter condemned the bill on the ground it violated tho constitution In that It surrendered to each "dry" state the entire control over Interstate com merce In that state. Congress had no right, he said, to prohibit direct personal shipments of liquor or any othor mer chandise. Senator HItchoock of Nebraska Intro duced an amendment to the bill to per mit the shipment of liquor direct to In dividual citizens In "dry" states "for personal or family use." Mr. Bailey Explains Order to Deposit Government Funds WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The much crit icised "treasury order No. 6" came today before a house committee. It requires customs and Internal revenue collections tojbtf deposited In national banks. As sistant Secretary Bailey of the treasuty testified that trie order was not de signed to concentrate monoy In national banks, but to lncreaso the number of gov ernment depositories that holders of gov ernment checks might cash them without paying exchange. "Formerly the subtreasurles had to han dle nine-tenths of the government checks eventually," said Secretary Bailey. "Now SO per cent of tho disbursing Is done by depositories." Secretary Bailey thought the treasury ought to keep a working balance of not .less than $25,000,000 and that about $50,000,- 000 should be kept In the national banns to aid In handling government business from day to day. At present the govern ment has a balance of about 190,000,005, with approximately $46,000,000 In the na tional banks. Wyoming Legislature Will Investigate Prison at Eawlins CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. 7.-(SpecIaI.) Democrats and republicans are preparing for the big fight which Is imminent over the Investigation by the legislature of, the state penitentiary at Rawlins. De velopments began yesterday when senate joint resolution No. 3 by Senator Martello, providing for the legislative Investigation of the state hospital at Rock Springs and "other Institutions," was taken up and passed by the upper house under suspe'i tilon of rules. Contrary to expectations there were'no objections from the derm-L-rats, who to a man voted with tho ma jority. Later In the morning their ac Hon was explained when !iiator Murray, the democratic leader, Introduced a spe cific bill for the Investigation of the penl tentlary. The democrats .had planned on having the Murray bill Introduced. Th republicans got wind of t:ie matter and out-genernled tne opposition by suspend ing the rules and passing the republican measure prior to the Introduction of the democratic bill. Famous Beauty Dies of Starvation NKW YOItK. Feb. 1.- -Lillian lurrnln llollls, who was said to be a famous beauty of the Pacific coast in 15S2, dhwl In obscurity here last Monday, It vtas learned today. Her body was found In a little furnished room on Forty-ninth street In which a score of cats were found slinking about, and there was every evidence, physicians said, that her death was caused by Inattention and lack of nourishment or practically starva tion. "In a voting contest conducted by sev. eral California newspapers In 1892." said one of those who knew the woman hero. "Miss llollls was proclaimed the pret tiest woman of the Pacific coast." A number nf actors and actresses vis ited an undertaking establishment yes terdav to see her body borne to a cre matory after simple service. GAMBLER TELLS OF BUYING JPECTION James Purcelle, for Seventeen Years a Gamester in New York, to Testify Before Aldermen. GIVES NAMES AND DATES Began in 1891 Paying $10 to Patrolman Jerry Murphy. HAD TO SEE CAPTAIN NEXT He Paid Sixty Dollars Every Two Weeks to Delaney. MAKES DEAL WITH SHERIFF Hundred Dollars n Week Paid to Run Tool Room nt I.onir Island City Ilnlf for District Attorney. NEW YORK. Fob. 7.-James Purcelle. for seventeen years a gambler In New Tork. unfolded today to the aldermanlc Investigating committee, graft lelved dur ing all that time. Testifying under oath he gave names, dates and places. He declared that he had paid the police many thou sands of dollars. Smooth shaven, nattily dressed In a suit of blue and wearing eye glasses, Purcelle road from a pad of paper, on which he had written tho history of his dealings with tho police. "The first protection money I paid was In 1897," he said. "I paid a policeman named Jerry Murphy $10 not to disturb a racing game I was running. After that I began paying larger sums. The next "was $60 every week when I was running a gambling house $50 'for police captain Dolaney and $10 for Dick Cahllt, the policeman, who collected It." Payments Increase. Purcelle declared he paid $100 a week to Sheriff Harvey of Queens county In 1900 for the privilege of running a pool room in Long Island City. "I offered him $50 a week and he said he would have to take care of the district attorney, too. 'Well,' I said, 'we'll make It $100 a week.' We had been running three weeks then. ' " 'How about the monoy for jhose three weeks?' he asked. So the next night I brought him $400 and I paid him $1000 a week thereafter till we left, three months later." "Did you make any money there?" "We made $4,000 on tho crap game, $2,000 In stuss and lost $400 in the pool room. We made about $5,600 clear In the three months and three weeks." tinder Cover for Mouths. Purcelle has been- "under cover" for months ever since tho beginning of Charles Becker's trial for the murder of Rosenthal, lie was ready to corroborate lit many "details Jack Rose's story of graft told In the., Becker ttial. but was not called as a 'Witness, because Justice Goff ruled out testimony through which the state hoped to prove that Becker had collected graft. Purcetlo will now tell his story, giving the names of men to whom he made payments, dates on which they wero made and many other details. Police Commissioner Waldo said today that notwithstanding the refusal of Dis trict Attorney Whitman, to permit Police Captain Walsh to. disclose his confes sion to the police, the Investigation by the police of his story would continue without Interruption. It was more Im portant, Mr. Waldo said, Immediately to get grafters off tho police force than to await the results of their trial. Inspec tor Sweeney, suspended as a result of Walsh's confession, has made no state ment. Millionaire Beach Found Not Guilty of Assaulting Wife AIKEN, S. C, Feb. 7. F. O. Beach wjs acquitted this afternoon In the Aiken county court of the charge of assaulting his wife. The Jury was out exactly one hour and forty-flvo minutes. Mr. Beach was not In tho court room when the verdict was read, having gono to lunch during the recess, but he arrived a few minutes later and went to the Jury box hiicI shook hands with members of the Jury. "There was absolutely nothing to tho case,' the foreman told Mr. Beach. "Thero was too much 'Watson' and not enough 'Sherlock.' " Mrs. Beach did not return to the court' room. The foreman said the delay In reaching tho verdict was duo bocause one or two Jurors wanted to "discuss everything un der the sun except tho caae." There was no demonstration when thJ verdict was rendered. Mr. Beach returned to his hotel to Join his wife. Castro Has Another Week of Freedom NEW YOBK, Feb. 7.-Clprlano Castro, ex.prcstdent of Venezuela, will have i t least another week of liberty In New York before the federal oourt renders .1 decision In the matter of tho habeas corpus writ recently obtained In dils bo. half. Castro's counsel and counsel for the government argued for an hour this afternoon before Judge Ward for and against the writ after which the court granted a week's time for each side to file briefs. Pending a decision Castro Is free to come and go as he phrases, under $00 ball, w(lch was automatically con tinued. MAN WITH DOG'S BRAIN IS RECOVERING HEALTH i ANN ARBOIt, Mich.. Feb. 7-The .e-j covery of W. A. Smith of Kalamazoo, fpij a part of whote brain the bura of a dog's brain was subttltuted Wednesday j seems certain, according to physicians, in . the hospital where the operation! was per. formed. The physicians say Smith will not suffer inconvenience from the substi tution If he recovers from the shock in cident to the opwatlOB. -SX i v i 186 TRIUMPH From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. WAR REPORTSME DOUBTED They Refleot Views of Various Army Headquarters. ATTACK ON CITY IS IMPROBABLE Forts on Asiatic Side of the Darda nelles Are Sufficiently Strong to Stop the (ireek Wn rsli I pa. LONDON, Feb. 7. The war reports thus far received here are viewed with con siderable skepticism, since It Is well understood they merely reflect the views which the rcspcctlvo army headquarters desire to spread. Yesterday's report from Constantinople of losses inflicted by the Turkish fleet on the Bulgarian army ad vancing through the peninsula of Cal- llpolls was today declared unfounded by the Bulgarian war office at Sofia. The Bulgarian staff asserts also that an Ottoman force which attempted yes terday to advance from Tehatlaja In the direction of Izzodln, was quickly repulsed by the Bulgarian troops after suffering hoavy losses. ' The bombardment ' of Adrlanople con tinues wfthaut "' appreciable advantago to cither.; lde..V " i iVot KUougl Slepe .Guns.' Military expend hft$ iiinibt whether the allies, even If tl ey secure d firm foothold on, tho shores of the. Sea- of MannoYa, possess, sufficient stronglll .hi siege guilt to overcome the powerful defenses along the Dardenellcs straits. Even If they can reduce tho forts on tho European sldo of the straits .there are stilt stronger forts on the Asiatic side, which alone would be able to bar tho passage of the Greek fleet. In Oermany if Is asserted that If the operations of the allies actually threaten the forts dominating the Dardanelles the powers will abandon their, position as mere spectators. Major McFarland Returns. NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-MaJor Munroe McFarland, Twenty-ninth Urlted States Infantry, arrived In New York today after nearly three months' special duty at the zones of tho war In tho near east. Although Major McFarland had ample credentials tho Bulgarian army did not recognize them to the extent of permitting him to go anywhere near the battles He took a horseback trip from Bclgrnde down through Macedonia to Balonlkl. He visited Kunatiova and Monastir and studied tho organization, tactics and methods of entrenchments used by the Servian and Bulgarian urmtes. The major thinks that the present fight ing will not an)oun( to much and that the war will ba soon over. Although hH position disqualified him from expressing an opinion as to who would be the victor, he said, however, that his study had shown him thnt tho American nrmy can learn much from tho work that has been done In actual warfare by the armies of the allies. The .cholera scare, he added, had been greatly exaggerated, perhaps hy the Turks themselves In order to frlgntun the allies from prosecuting their cam paign to tho environs of Constantinople. Four Warships Sent to Central America WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.-Four American warships were ordered today to Centra1 America to observe what are believed to be Indications of unrest. ' The Annapolis, San. Diego, Cal., wis ordered to Amupula, Honduras; the Duii ver, at Acapulco, Mex., was ordered to Acajutla, Honduras; the Dea Moines, nt San Domingo, was ordered to Blueficlds, Nicaragua, and the Nashville, at Now Orleans, was ordered to Porto Cortcz or Porto Barrios. TOMORROW The Beat Colored Comics with Thi Sunday Bee flow Times Have Changed The . National Capital Frlilny, February H, 1UIU. TJte Senate. Convened at noon. .Senator timltli of Michigan Introduciu a resolution calling on the president tar reasons of America)! Interference In NiC arnguap revolution. Interoceanlc canals committee deferred action on Root Panama canal amendment unui next week. Senators Oliver, La Follette, lloot. Bmoot and Cummins appointed Irglila tlvn steering committee. Pnnff.rttf.a nf lenittA nnri linilse consH- erod Lever and Page bills for sKrlonltuiul ahd vocational school extension with view to forming compromise measure. The House. Hesuinei debute on nitricultural appro - prlutlon bill. Adopted resolution calling on attorney general for papers relating to order with holding warrants .agHinRt manaara uu officials. HhlDPlng trust committee resumed Its hearings. Alaskan affairs subject of hearing be fore territories commlttcu. BUCKET SHOP fiJEN PAY FINES Eight Defendants Plead Guilty in District Supreme Court. AGGREGATE IS FIFTY THOUSAND ,. if... i Supreme Coiirt or United States He fused to Order Dismissal of the 4.('nes and All Decided to Plead Utility. W'ASHINOTON, Feb. 7.-Elght men caught in the government untl-b'uckct Bhop crusade In 1910 pleaded guilty nf nolle contendn In the district supreme court here today and paid fines aggregating $w,ooo. I.ouls Cella of St. Ixuls, Angela Ceila and Samuel W. Alder of New York pleaded guilty nnd were fined $10,000 enqU Oscar J. Itappell of Jersey City pleaded guilty and was fined $5,CO0. William F. Fox of Baltimore and Charles H. Alit or Washington pleaded nolle contende and wero fined $?,C00 each. Cases against Edward Allcmus and Robert Hall, Jersey City; It. Duryeo,' Washington; Henry C. Htumpf, Philadel phia; E. M. Browning, Baltimore, nnd Samuel Raymond, Jersey City, were dis missed. The defendants had appealed In vain to the supreme court of the United' States. Today's action ends all the bucket shop cases pending except that against Price & Co., which will be tried later this month. Helen Keller Gives First Vocal Lecture CHICAGO, Feb. 7. Specials from Mont clalr, N, J,, today tell, of the first lecture delivered there last night by Miss Helen Keller, blind, deaf and once dumb. De spite tho handicap under which the trl unted young woman worked, she was heard without difficulty except by those In tho rear of tlie room. Her lecture wits under (lie auspices of the local socialist party. Sho declared that she owed her ability to the help of her teachers, and said In part: "Wo are all blind and deaf until our eyes are opened to our fellow men. If we had a clear vision wc would not en dure what we see In the world today. "The lands, the llfo and the machinery belong to the few. All the work they do palm for the workers n mero livelihood. It Is tho labor of the poor and the Ignor ant that makes ub refined", and comforta ble. I um no liesslmlst. I believe that man was Intended for the light and shall pot die. It Is a good world and It will bo much better when you help me to maU) It more hhM want It." Diplomat Resents Charges of Graft j HAVANA, Feb. !.-ArthUr M. Boauprr. United States minister to Cuba, said to. day that he had cabled a full report to Washington upon accusations made i against him by the newspaper Cuba and if I he received authorization he would de ! mund the prompt and exemplary punish i ment of the paper's editor. He added that I the accusations were to obvious that they j ; did not call for any personal comment by i him. The Cuba declared eeterdsy that thu , notes of remomtrance presented by Mr. lieauprn against various questionable ' measures wero made on his own authority for personal aggrandizement and It hinted ' that the minister had Increased his per sonal amounts In Havana hanks and r ltted Larsa sums t ths norw WASHINC-TOM Trie iNAUCtUfCAU,. SENATE FOR PURE CLOTH Measure Sought by Laundrymen and Cleaners Favored. CERTIFICATES FOR MARRIAGE lllil ItrlnuK Out Much DImcussIiiii nnd I Amended to Include Ilnth Sexes nnd Then Iteeom nirndeil to l'ni, (From u Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 7.-(SecliU.)-Bcnntor Phicek's pure cloth bill brought a discus sion of general Interest In tho senate to day. Klein of Uago ald thnt ho was n merchant of over forty years' standing and that the bill would work a hardship upon him because ho had no way of determining the condition of tho goods In htH storo on hand nt tho present time and therefore could not brand them ac cording to tho requirements' of tho bill, Hongland of Lincoln declared that It was not necessary for such u law, as most of tho women were ablo to tol yhit cloth was adulterated. Placek differed with the senator nnd suld that some fcloth was adulterated In such a way that It was pretty hard work for even rnony ex ports to tell Just whether It was puje or not. He wanted nil cloth t6 h'ave i on It a label telling Jiist'.Nvhat It contained". He suld that the honest merchant, or th one who wanted to be honest, was badly handicapped because the dishonest, mer. chnnt could make representations which either he was compelled to make or not sell his goods, ' Pure" and "Impure" Silk. Dodge of Douglas said that he had rc-' ccntly beun retained by a client who had ruined u P dress whlcH had been guar anteed to ho pure silk und when she used the methods for cleaning pure silk tho diess was ruined. "If n piece of cloth In pure silk and has no adulteration," snld Senator Dodge, "It ' can bo soaked in grease over night and come out clean nn.l undamaged, but If It contains the In gredients usually used to make It appear as silk the cloth will bo ruined. Homo manufacturers have brought down the counterfeiting of silk und satin to u dc gree that even experts cannot tell the difference. They take cotton cloth, eject Into It n preparation of tin and It ap pears to bo pure silk. Wear or a process of cleaning only will disclose tho counter felting. Many of tho most reliable mer chants In Omaha have to take the guar antee of the manufacturer for It, as they cannot tell the difference, and so I think that this bill should pass, but I would suggest that nn amendment be madu which would exempt goods already on hand." I.I lie 1'urr Food l.nir. Klein thought that the 'law would cut little difference. He raised a laugh by saying; "It would be something like tne pure food law. You fellows down In Omaha used to sell us bologna and welnerwurst that wasn't mado of tho kind of stuff It ought to havo contained, but whon tho pure food law came Into effect you labeled tho stuff 'bologna style" and 'welnerwurst style,' und tho (Continued on Page Two.) Babies and Wooden Leg Sent by Post ULMKltS,' 8. C, Feb. 7.-A novel ad venture Incident to parcel post servlcj, Involving two babies and a wooden lex all three sent by mall, was reported here today by Edgar F. Phillips, a rural mail carrier connected with the local office. While covering his route ivlth two In fants and a wooden leg among his "paiy eels," Phillips was attacked by a wild cat. For a moment, says the carrier, hin live mall was In danger of being carried away. Selecting the wooden leg as the most available weapon, however, Phillips wielded It so well that he put tho wild cat to rout. All three parcels were delivered non tho worse for the encounter. MRS. SHEPARD GIVES HALF MILLION TO Y. W. C. A. NKW YOItK, Feb. 7.-Headquarters or the national board of the Young Women's Christian association were opened, today in a new $500,000 building on A Lexington avenue site, which was one of the latest gifts of Mrs. Helen Could Shepard. In addition to the national hoard offices there are class rooms and dormitories of the young women's training school and accommodations are provided for thff World's Christian Student federation, whose meeting the coining summer will be attended by delegates from forty dlf fsrsnt uuntrt. SPLIT FUR APART ON SALARY RAISE Only Two Representatives Able to Agree and" Others Decide to .Stay Apart Till the Vote. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TUESDAY Legislators Have Usual Discussion and Then Separate. INSPECTION OF NURSERY STOCK Horticulturists' Bill Gets Through After Comedy. MEMBERS IN JOVIAL M00B Fix I'n llolililc Drocucdow's roller llond Illll Ilxaclly us He Doesn't Want It and Ileenmiiiend It for Passage. iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 7.-(Spcclal Telegram ) The Douglas delegation got as close to gether on the lequests for more salaries of Douglas county officials this afti . noon as' tho north nnd south poles, Anderson called the meeting to discuss the Increases so that a unanimous vote would bo cast ono way or the other. But It couldn't be done. Tho talk developed only one or two of the delegation coul.l get umitilmoiiB. A tnesrngn i nje over from the scnatoun thnt they had decided to vote ugalnst 11 tho Increases and this made real dis turbance. Because most (It the house del egates have two or tlireo friends among tho officials whom they believe are en titled to nn Increase, Anderson Inlslts he will oppose any IncrpiiBc. The Commercial club was criticised as wero several Improvement clubs for 'knocking" any raises. Those criticising said tho Improvement clubs nnd the Com mercial club were dominated by the ncul Kstnto exchange. Simon Insisted that George McBrldc should get nn Increase and Yates said the commissioners should have $3,000 for all their time, After talking for some time Informnlly It wns agreed that every fellow would do as ho pleased when the bills came up. Adjourn Until Tuesday. The house and senato adjourned until Tuesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. In the house this was brought about after a lot by horseplay, occasioned when Andc son of Kearney tried to have the decision to adjourn so long reponsldered. When thU failed Yates moved to take, a recess until 8 o'clock tonight. Thls was jlefcujed amd grpans ami Kll' ' ' . w In" the committee of the whole tho bill t? van bu.en pro'vidlfiir fur. the statu entomologist to Inspect nurBofY stock an 1 thus prevent ravages of Insects 'In ohards waa recommended for passage after It had' been killed. . Us author- refused to inuKe any state ment of the bill, after tho house had made sport of It for a long time. IMo- bard said ho knew little about the bill but It was a good one and that was enough tij put It through. Drucstiow got two bills through ta committee of the whole, ono to permit tho sheriff to summon witnesses to learn. of the whereabouts of property to be r plpvlncd, nnd tne other to prevent tho hiding of property bought under control Bales. Code (Joes to Govcrnbr. H. R. providing for the adaption of , the code' as prepared by tho code 'com- mission, Is now up to tho governor for his signature. Just what effect this vew lay will have upon pending lesltatlon, amend- Cobbey's statutes, attorneys ure not sure. This code takes tho place of tho present statutes, but It makes no chnuges In existing laws. The bill to compel railroads to have 1 conductor In charge of light engines was recommended for passage in the hours. Fixes Drueaednre's Hill. The Judiciary committee of the house recommended for passage Druesedow'a bill to permit the acceptance of cash bonds by the clerk of tho polloe court, after It fixed the bill Just the opposite from what Its author desires. The bill now provides that it ehall be a mlt deimor for tho pollco magistrate or his clerk to accept a cushbond. Drucsedow left for Omaha without learning what this committee had done to him.' SAUNDI-ItS KXPLAINH HIS RIM, Merely Gives Connell Full Porrer n Bxclsn Board. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 7.-(8peclal.)-Senatur Saunders takes exceptions to the state- The Greatest Time and Pfoney Saver Wo think of railroads, telephones, the telegraph, the wireloss but how about want ads I They aro in the same class, It used to be when a man wanted help ho had to ask among his. friends where he could get a good stenographer, bookkeeper, etc, TODAY Uo puts a want ad and tomorrow he has only to chooso from a, dozen or more. Ho has furniture to sell a want ad brings many buyers. He has a house to rent a want ad ronts it ho has a houso to sell a want ad sells it. TlflSy AKE a great eon- venience, aren't theyf Phone Tyler 1C00 1