Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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braska Telephone Company, tame down
to Join the telephone lobby, but he wag
not noticed nroiimt the teRlslativo h.uN
today JudRA Hoot l ntlll camplnR nt
the UndHI for the allied railroads. And
n lot t)t untrained advisers from out In
tho tat, Ineludlntr Henry Meyer of
'tOmaha are nere. I TTerdmnn tnraM
down occasionally does Tom Nolan Ct
Houth Omaha. Tltere liro aevernl bills
pending alfectinr ifie llrpior Interest and
the stock yard", Hut neither ban regli
tered n InoWnr nttef the lntereete of
thefe corporations.
AiRRnnna to jvamh nnptJTini
InslMwl that these1 Items 'ehoulct ' be cut
cmnSsSiAX stii.i, , ty t.wMt
- f jmmtftT,. " - -
Attorney Arjtne Contra! tjnr .11
'' ' forr Cnmitlnt.'js y
(From int f$taM i C.otye-'pniMt'nt.)
lilistXfii, Kob.Jge)jBllfll)KraJn )
A.Wrumcnlii In tho Pnegast pdnlest for
tho'ient of Senator art'mTpof21.outfn
county occupied the tlme'-of the, ountast
committee this ahemoon. II.' K Ix-a'vett,
attorney for aiicoast, enilrnivored to
how tln-re was fraud committed the
Second precinct , of- the ThlrcJ.wtir.d in
Omaha, and that Uiji poll bwlcs sn6wcd
that 11J votes had .boon $aet n'Uqr rnan
nnmed Coffey had voted, nnd his affi
davit showed that he had voted about
5:.K) In the afternoon, a half hour before
.Last Bills in House
Vnrtrn lllll nelutln to
Tlnnirlna C'Otintr.'
(From a Htaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN Neb., Feb. .-(BpecUl.)-The
...I- l mnar nf tho
no nam w.u. ............. - ,.,. ,. ,.
time after cdnvehlpir In committee or tne , ; ' j
1 closed that the liamesrtherem -written
A petition was received y5tb. CottcJ ,h" rn" the, ramB "
tary Mkln that no )etslatlon beinade " registration list. Ho also called
Snst vended L'JWnt. medicine. .In "n the board to the similarity
the lay of Ten. or Increase. In 11- c"' " Urn. atraUht.-republics
" K wMld.U't the high W pilots wWch wer casMrftfav,- ot the
of llvln. Tho petition was slltnedb democratic legislation candlflatt., and In-
everal hundred people, 'but nothing about: lhat.,,h MRe wua made Wtween
it Indicated from whence It came nor io h tlmo the ,polls?closert -hnd the count
aenator aeemed anxious in stand sponsor the lillota bfimn when a majority of
jor jt the board waj at .uppe . ,
Petition were aJ.o received from the u' C.' Itoad. attorney fo"r Ores..
Tlatt.mouth Commerdil club" ap'd from man, said Uint the contestants had collel
Nebraska City calling; attention to the 'or a recount of the ballots and' that
railway bills Introduced and osklmr that ""t bad showri that Grossman was atlll
no legislation be piesed tou'ehtni railway thq lead by fifteen votes, 'As they
comwmtes. ''.a1 Pnnc, t,lolr caae to a count 6t thj
. Senate file a, by Olll. of Valler. which wniotn, and tho count had still left Gross
relates to the. duties of the Board of Con- man tu the lead, that should settle Um
trol, was placed on general file, matter, lie citod from tho Sautidum
in committee of the who), with nrook- county case of two year, oro, where a
ley of Hay In the chair, senate file W. contest had been settled by ehowlns who
by Hummel, was dumped. Into the waste; hlul cast the fraudulent ,votf and' for
basket after a'brlef discussion. It called whom thoy had leen cast, then deduct-
for the appointment of as.totont county 'nK those votes. No attempt had been
fcttorneys when the regular county attorJ mado to show who cost fraudulent votes
rey needed assistance. 'n th' . !,f
Senate file 118. by npbertson of Holt T'o committee will probably settle -the
pro1ds an amendment to the Juvenllej matter tomorrow after an oxeoutlve aos-
law which allows the parent, of 'a. chfid slon. ,
ho are too poor to suppor. It, but are- ,Tho roeult In the recount ofj'tlio Second
nhle and competent to taJte proper carej precinct of the Third word jja$o Gross-''
'of It, $10 a month for It. .aupport;. The, man 3C8 and l'ancoast 103. The election
amendment alinwlns; th parent. $10 ,firl Save Grossman 278 and M'anctmst
month was made by Dodge, of Douglas. MB. This gavo Grossman a lead of slx-
The bill wss oYdered engrossed for third teen In the two precinct, recounted,
reading. ', !
Senate file iip, by Dodge of Douglas TO; UHK TOWKli and HASKllKNT
was "ordered emrroesed for third readi
Ing. Tho blirjprovldes that the asscssrfr1 Architect Miller Pinna Wy to
of Douglas coilhty shall appoint t)e dep- , lono 8ltp Depnrtmont..
ny assessors of the county. In cxplano- - U'Vom a Staff Corresponefajrr)
"tjon of his bill Senator Dodge sold that J'lNCOLN, Feb. 6. (Special.) State
tit the last election, with a ten-foot bal- wrcniioct(urd M. Miller of Omaha, whd
'lot to consider, when the votV got down WW( Ibstmcted by tho senate to make nn
'to two feet of names, of candidates for examination of the stato houe and rquho
deputy assessors, very little attention was UmUU-a and plans' for tfio jecnsfructlon
paid to the candidates, and evetvlf there of t1 building so (hat the waste' places
had been very few people knew. anything C0UM b utilised Into off ISis "rooms," lias
about their qualification.. Ip fact, hi P?YlP.'?U tl,e work a?a haa submitted
sld that one of them was serving" a term ''".J.?'"" lo lne "naie. jiK-nays:
i it. w..i ...r,r L ' he following n re tho Itoms which I
Jir 7u ... ; ------ i,hvo Included and am of. t,ho, opinion that
llil An thn.tvnrlr. Tho 1 Breseilt tlmft!
bill wu ordered erigrosd Xor third rwMl I iTiHi,i".JE?SS?,i,.5aE-2c iAWSSW"!-
Ft, I- Um t,oU tnnl tin htlU J 1 11(7 ti.1l flXtUrOK. VHtlllH II till lilt tho nvj
third, reading. ,.mmoMately. VPon c?n- .iffl?T$r$
venlng and the following wero passed: their present positions nnd rearranging
H, l a Smith' bill., which, reaulrcis lSf(lfaino1 ,, ,"' ft1,WHBl2 li-J- l,r-
that the stato engineer .Hall prepare hnl- 'Y a. tum.el h -tako care r6t alf these,
form plans for the construction of nil J"!?; ,n,An,lr wocdsrt:a complete nt,
bridges bulk Anywhere in tho state., wus H,1.' 1 giV w,rt wrrliloni In
tlm flrt bill up and will beta law if the tVr!m.nA 21 i"T- x
house and governor cpneur In the . work ,nri to nut iT Vri.ilT, 1 ".i
of the .enate. The vote was 23 f,r and B iprvfSSW modrytoPC
rur tne purpose or erecting court nouses, i i nHV0 u flinired'''fh imiiiintint. i
The bill the lew and will enable" Ln ".Tir,,?,;, "f.
aiuall counties tq build 'mqre BUb.Untlnl Ing out" tho fpaHuTonsV "If bund the prSS
"".VV.110'? w. . . . onl tlrway- leading (o thw towen In
H. F. iKJby.PartlfnsVP Otoe, also was tlio first story .of tlio tpwer. I .have
passea. oiu -proviats lor toubs oy i iiguroa to Jit up a few cmmltte
man uy inosa not ow to gei iwib ior rooms, laying' noors. bringing in mora
that purpose. light, plastering, electrlo lighting, anil. In
S. F. 63, by Dodge of Douglas, which fact, everything necesnary to put these in
orlKlruilly prohibited the employment of flrst-cloes condition. .
minor. In saloons and breweries, but Utor Ho osllmatca thnt the coat of earrvtmr
warn ti mnnflad tr wiiw rl 1 1 ltWikr I . " "
viii .i.. 4W- .XT! ut tno above will lx in round numbers
ployment ot minor. night messengers. .. in addition to the above rccom-
flnlnrr ruu.e menus mai n w.irenouso be constructed
, ,mmi4. e t'i,. .i,At wui5 Rn,",w up0" t"111 Wperty 'to house the
In committee qC the whole, with1 Sovri- -((tfnB.A nVi,,..h.V , ...
ilere of Douglas in tho chair, S, F. 1M. Thl8 T :l,V.k . , i
v.,. xvi-i, t..,i a v ii i. TI"8' "e tWnks, can be accomplished at
. , . V; x Jj. T " outla" of Ahol,t 5.0M and will be
Hoagland of Lincoln, wer brdeied n k,!..,.--, -,f t th. ,,, - . ....
SSS i.?'1.: -r-.n to,bo abov-e
Utlttiimii; vnni.u w i vj t psi w i pjjj4fj3j
!lJ?"iu L.T. IT. ! a An addlt,on 8houId b0 made to the boiler
2.C00. The bill was finally ordered en- .ln to nMkn m . r ...
snDN .w to T' ; writ B0P9,0f the cftfflenter. engineer,
jnent Dy iieynoios ot cu.uhb in. etc.( and mom Wr romojeiing Uki j,!,,,.
amount to fi.soo. , plant.. Too aotal cost .would amount tn
A no lonowinK iiiiiw - tuiiBiucuru iii 1 16 COO.
committee of the whole at the afternoon
cession of tho .enato were recommended oJVB
w ,wov. , , , t , . . . ii ii, . i
a. v lis. Dy iievnoiiis oi uawes ib. m. i-ii--j u...,i.. ... ......
.l.- . . u 1 1 1 .... 4nV . I "
-. . "c I.soainco or noml.i
B. F, 21G. by Macfarlana or Douglas v rum a niun. uorrcsponuent.j
Employes of lawyers not to take Uepo- IjINCON, Feb. 6. (Special.) A bill
mtJonZ m L.,... which failed to be Introduced In the hou&o
technical defenses In atDeled civil ao- JMtolday, which wua prepared for Intro
tlons. ductlon, authorised the city of Uncoln , WAS 1IKI.D RAC1C
R. F. lhfL bv Ileynolda Raises witnesses' I n ..,. turning r usnmitit nt rJ
s. v. im bv iVmn nf nrPnnii, 1 buy land to b used as n state unl
lor embezzlement of funds from labor verelty campus, adjoining tho present
v. n.. '.. , iniiii, ub.
8, F H. by Talcott of Cedar Ratifies ,,, M iwia,.,, nt kibwUb fnnnnr .n.i
trr,rt .Wtlnn nmi.nilm.iil . 1 OlIHTU S1 fieliaWKa, former LOU
federal constitution. I pressman, had charge of, the matter, or
b. r. too, ny Kiein or uage Alien voting I at least ibe bill was prepared for aim,
I but for some reason It failed to material-
TOCKKli SHOWS COMM1SHION l'e- ". Mlanl Is .Vending consider..!.!,.
T , tlmo In IJIicoln, presumably trying to
tiorernor'a Aide Kxpecta to Make "W tl,e university from being consol
the Trip to Wnthlnvton. Idated wltli the tat farm
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Colonel "William F, Stoecker, and with
Colonel John Sink of Orand Island helJefferln and Iturbnnk Seek Pay fr
will ride down Pennsylvania avenue on I Contest Appearance,
March 4 horseback. If Champ Clark had (From a Staff Correspondent.)
been elected he would havo ridden a lINCOIN, Feb. . (Special.) A. W.
nmle. I Jefferts nnd Byron Ilurbank have a claim
Colonel Stoecker walked Into the ofduo 1" " -nd of tho claim committee of
of the ooinmondcr-ln-chlof of the Ne- tno nou,ft for n be du for
braska soldiers this morning merely n ttomex"' " t'10 contest proceedings
private cltlien and he marched out a alnt members of the Douglas delega-
full-fledged colonel, for hi. excellency ore. tlon ln the house nnd senate. The price
(Krpm, a Staff Correspondent.)
I. INCphN, Fob. 6.-j(SpeclHl Telegram )
-Following bills were introduced In the
house -yestenlny evening:
H, n-73. by. JloyioUls of Hed Wlllqw
iVovlden tnat defendant ln murder iris I.
acquitted on ground of Insnnlty, ehall be
confined In an asylum not more than ten
nor less than flv years.
II. It 7A by Chapcll of nrown-Mvo
stock gnizlng elsewhere than at resldenco
of oivner shall be assessed nt his r.'pl
dertce. '
H. It. 79). by Anderuonbf Koarno Lilh
franchlsen persons engaged In any unlaw
ful occupation.
It. tL TJl, by Hcgan of Plnttc-Stutc
nudltor may refuse to Issue llccnso to
Insurnnco agsnt or may revoke sama for
H. It. 798, by nichardscn of Lancaster -I'ermlls
state university and othor In
stitutions with sanYe ontrance requite
mont to Issue certificate to teach to others
than graduates
H. It. 7H9, by Funk of Phelps Physical
value ot common carriers an found by
Htate Ilallwny coiTimlHlon hall be their
obsessed value for taxation.
H.ill. m, by lMilk of Phelps-ProhlMts
imbJIo frvic( corixiratlons fiom owning
stock In other corporations of slmllur
II. It. 801, by Funk of Pholps-Flxcs
express charges at 35 per cent of present
H. It. by Schueth of PIntte-Clty.
vltlngc and school district treasurers to
deposit all money in excess of 1109 in
bank paying best Interest.
11. H W0, by liurket ot Lancaster
uivcs ciiy or incoiu right to remove
weedft from street and charge cost to
owner of adjacent land.
H. II. SH, by Hurket of Iincaster 1'cr
mlts city nf Lincoln to operate a rofuso
disposal plant: may Issue bonds not to
exceed 1100.000.
H. It. M0. by Biirkct of Lancaster Al
lows prosecuting attorneys of cities to
lune exceptions to tinuitig ot court.
H. It. m, by liurket of Lancaster Al
lows city of Lincoln to Issue bondh to
amount of J300.OK) instead of J150.000 to en
large or extend city electrlu light nlunt
and to levy 4 Instead ot 3-mJll tax.
I'll 1.1 Ijl- I'iMver l'lanlM.
Provides for publlo ownership of water
powor plants; stato Irrigation board to
pass upon onKtneerlnir feasibility of
project: water power district to be formed
iy whatever counties, cities or parts or
counties shall approve participation by
majority vote of electors thereof; such
district may Issue bonds, build and oper
ate water power plant.
ii, ju w, uy Trumoie Actual construc
tion of any water power plant must
begin within sjx months after grant and
ho extension of time shall bo granted;
progress to bo reported once a month.
H. It. 810. by Trumble Prohibits li?sn-
nnre of wator power grant to private
persons for morji,than too horsepower t-t
h single slto.
II. Jl. 811, by Foulop of Fillmore In
cities ot less than 5,000 population, bonds
may be payable any time after ne year.
II. It. 812, by Ixtsey of Dodgo Statu
Sllberlnlendent denrlvnlinf rleht to tlecldn
.disputed points of 'school law.
u. . 813, by Shipley of Dodge nnd
Drain of Don kiss To remilato construe-
tldn Rtid nlalutenance of electric truhrmls
slon line.
t.JI. It. HM, by McAllister of Dakota Su-
penntcnaent ot minora uins- home snail
bo a physician nnd shall receive present
combined salaries ot physician and su
perintendent. H, It. 815, by Shipley of DodgeMVatcr
commissioner ln cltlcH of 6,000 to 23.0JK)
population may be directed by board of
publlo works If city council so directs.
II. II. 816, by Hhlplpy of Dodge Compels
physical connection "of all telephone com
panies; subscriber to have right to specify
by what route message shall travel; Vato
to be 1 cent for each of first twenty-five
miles and four-tenths of a cent for each
additional mile, distance measured by air
liner toll fee to go 12 per cent to orlg
inatlnr company, 12A per cent to ter
minating company and the remainder as
the Stato Hallway commission shall dl-
,r Improvement Ilonil Intra m.
- 11. R. 817. by Joint Code Itevlslon Com
mlttto Permits any county, city, village
precinct Jor township to Issuo bonds for
Internal improvements, not to exceed 10
per cent of assessed , Valuation, if two-
third, or tno elector, no vote
H. It. 818. by Steven, of Lincoln-Fac
tories shall provide scat, on which female
workers shall alt.
II. It. 819. by Hoffraelster of Clmae-
Provldlng state license system for real
state broKers; tee.
ll. It. 820, by Nichols or Madison Mort
gagees, assignees and owners or mort
gages must record with register of deeds
their postofflce
II. It. 83J, by Foster of Douglas Appro
priates $2110,000 for a state reformatory, to
be located by the Stato Hoard of Lands
and Puddings.
II. It. 822, by Foster or Douglas KstnD
llshes state reformatory and provides for
Incarceration therein of persons undor 21
yeafs'bf ago convicted of a felony.
II. R. 8ZI, by Foster of Douglas Secre
tary of Hoard ot Kducatlon In Omaha to
receive !2,&oo a year, superintendent of
buildings 82.250, for one-year toons; all
teachers and Janitors must be elected by
majority vote, of board by ballot.
JI.,il. 824, by Jeury or umcimter Appro
priates 128,000 to equip laboratory at state
farm and law building at university city
campus, both lit course- of construction.
II. It. 825, by Jeavy of Ilicaater Pro
Idea for sterilization of certain criminal.
feeble-minded persons and other defect
ives, by board of physicians, who Bhall
receive $10 a day.
II. XI. 82A. by Ilollen of Unox. Hardin.
Fries and Pearson Consolidates puro food
ana oii.departnjeniH.
II. It. 827, by Ilollen of Knox Amends
Juvenile court la.w as regards adoption ot
H. n. 828. by Norton of Polk Tho gov
ernor shall preserve as nn oncn publlo
record names of all persons who petition
him to sign oc veto any bills, or who rec
ommend or remonstrate the appointment
of any pvon to office.
llrrivrrs and Saloon Licenses,
II T , fl.w. I X ' 1 1,1l. T .
, n. iv. o-j, uy .uiiuii tn i-iiiu ii ii
brewer aids applicant for saloon license
to secure aine, aueh llconse shall bo rur-
rl,..l (
II. It. 8.10. hy Norton lit Polk-State
Itallwuy commission tu have right to rcg
ulatu rates of gas, electricity, powor or
water In different municipalities.
H. It. 831, by Norton or PolK-Crcates
precinct boards of equalization of three
vldrs that names of state witnesses shall
ln Indorsed on lotnplalnts In cases ap
pealed from police court.
II. It. Ml. by Yates of Douglas -Provides
for payment of surety, bondH of
any public official by governing body
H. It 846, by Knudson. Allen. Yates.
Gtistln. Hanks, Chappelf. Anderson of
Douglas Appropriates tS.COO -for hatching
house and aquarium for" state fish farm
H. It. St, by Kndson of Nance-Provides
for fish and game advisory board
of three, appointed by governor, to have
appointment of all other game officials.
II. It. 7. t Vales ot Douglas Limits
police court fees and rosts to I2.W, bars
policemen from rocrlvlng witness fees.
H. It. MS, by Yates of Douglas Pro
hibits any bank or banker from Advertis
ing falsely regarding capital amount
, H. It. m. by Yates of Douglas Credi
tors of seller of bulk merchandise may'
waive right to Inventory.
H. It M0, by Yatrs of Douglas-Provides
lien on prsonal property for work,
labor or material.
H. 11. 8S, by Yates of Doiiglns-Prohlb.
Its stenographers from' revealing confi
dential secrets wbn on witness Rtand.
II. It. 862, by Yates of Douglas Pro'
vldcs Jury trial In appeal coses from poi
lice court.
H. rt S58, by Yates of Douglas-Pro.
vldrs employe who resigns or Is dls
charged must be paid within five hours.
H n. R5t, by Votes of Douglas Pro
vides thnt persons convicted In police
court shall work ftut Tlno nnd costs at
rate of 23 per day.
Stock Ynrils Public Market.
H. It. 855, by YaUs of Douglas Do
olares stock yards to bp public markets,
repealing Ollls stock yard bill.
II. It. bU, by .Sugarman ot Douglas Pros,
hlhlts sale, giving awuy of drugs or dope
except on physician's prescription.
H. It 8M, by Jruesdow ot Douglns--Deflncs
public wurehousos and puts them
under control of State Ilallwny commie
slon. Nebraska Manufacturers' associa
tion bill.
IK H. 868, by Druesedaw .f Douglas
Provides that every school child lq Omaha
shall have 1,Ki0 cubic feet per hour or
fresh air.
H. It. 8M, by Drucsudow of Douglas
Authorizes Douglas county commission
ers to issue J10O.O0O bonds for workhouec
and purchase of poor farm.
II. It. 80. bv .Muri.l.v nf Sitllt.n Pro
vides that propptty omitted from taxa
tion may bd blaced on assessment rolls
when discovered. Present law only within
one. year of omission,
ii. it. wi, by Hlmon Amendments to
South Omaha churtcr.
H. n. K02. by Simon of Dour as Limits
action mritlnst Htx-ctlil nsyessments for
Improvements ttv one. year after Buch as-
seniimeiiL if maun.
II. It. 803. bv Yates of DoUelas Pro
vides for payment ot premiums on bonds
of all state officers requiring such und
sets forth amounts. AnnroDrlates about
14,000 for payment of sumc. Kxccpts state
11. 1L 8M. bv FUhpr nf llnnnp-.Mnkpj
It unlawful for owntr of farm to receive
moro than one-third of crop raised us
II. It. 8C3. bv Snyder of Adams Rel.ea Is
the law ruUUng to the testing of grain.
II. It. 8W, by Ilnggerty of Custer Per
sons follcitlug funds for any organiza
tion, society or Institution outside county
where solicitation is mado shall secure
llcmiso from Stato Hoard of Charities and
pay jrr ror state license dnd Jl tor county
II. It. 807, by Muthor of Valley-Limits
number of , employes of state senute to
fifty-two and any number of custodians.
and, thoso of houso to fltty-slx und fixes
Kulurlcs as folio wu: Secretary of senate
and chief clerk, $10 per day; afHlstant
secretaries and clerks. IS per day; ier-
geant-at-arms, 5; several others Who now
receive Jj, at $(, and leaves many at J.i.
H. It. 868. by Corbln of Johnson-
Promissory notes must be listed for taxa
tion and before being collected must be
stamped by assessor.
II. It. 80l, by Shipley of Dodgc-Judlciar
officers Ineligible for any other officii
during term for which elected. -
H. It, 870, by Smith. Anderson and Da
visCounty commissioners may feed
prisoners und establish kitchens for same.
Cuts out 60-cent per day provlslo'n in presj
cnt law aand advertising for bids.
II. It. K71, by Smith of Douglas-Itegu-lates
bonds of trustoes. guardians und
others and compels courts to dlschargo
principal when he does not renew, bond
at utno required,
(Continued fiom Pago One.)
scnted lilm with his commission.
This was the first the cx-reprcsonta-
tlve knew ot the great honor that had
come to him. and he was almost over
whelmed. He bowed and saluted and
gave his promise he would uphold tho
charged was 150 for each officer against
whom a contest wnalmUltuted,
W. S. Heller of Omaha filed a claim
with the legislature asking fov $531.10 for
work done ln connection! with the Gross
mun-Pancoast contest. Of this amount
1140 was for attending session during the
dignity of the posltlon-lf he could .tick contMl at a session und 22S was for
v ju norso-on an occasions. Alia there 760 pages of transcripts,
smii anions me motion I I
-.I....VB 1 "
The colonel spent considerable tlmn in HYMENEAL
tho bouse, recalling the good old days
fiwuiuA wfiucr ui inf. coni I i ' 2ir
inntee in the whole" he Ai.ed;to. declafce "".r3R. TS . ,
wembers "out of motion." which wa Telegram.)-JoTn "SVolteriW Kansas City"
really correct.
and Miss Grace Bclmars ot Columbus. O,
were married here this evening by Itev.
R. M. Badger of the Lutheran church.
Dodge lias Measure to Kxeinpl Ux-
prnacs for Postasir.
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
The Part. Medicine Co., 2621 Pins street.
St. Louis, Ho., manufacture, ot Laxa
tlve Bromo Quinine, havo a new and won
i.ifli.ui, reu, t.-tspeclaI.)-Accord. aerfut discovery. GROVE'S BA-NARE
lne to a WU .Introduced by Dodge of cirrm whirh i,v ruarant i, our.
Wuglas the corrupt practice, act will pot any case of ECZEMA, no matter of how
irWB v - postage, printing and new.- long standing, ln 19 to 90 daya, and will
paper advertising" when the candldats rfund money It It falls, GROVE'S HA-
foi; offlea come to maka up his exponas J NARK CUTIS I. perfectly clean and do.x;
aciount Heretofore Jt ha. been the law not .tain. If your duruggl.t hasn't It
to count In thoso Items as th portion of avnd us 50o In postage sttmpa and It will
a candidate's -expense., and "many people I be Sent by ;nalU Advertisement.-
which is considered ample to defend tho
lines. Large reinforcements have been
sent to Galllpoll, where there now are
70,000 men, There Is talk ot landing a
force In the neighborhood of Rodosto, to
outflank tho Bulgarians, but such a
scheme Is impracticable. In the present
state of the Turkish organization, the
army would starve the at
tempted to leave the coast.
"From u. military and economic stand
point Turkey's position ft hopeless.
Nothing cap prevent even, worse mlsfor-
tunes except Immediate acceptance of the
Iovrn Nuti Notes.
SII13NANDOAH Two Shenandoah High
school lads, Hughey Wheeler and Horace
Foskett, hnvo pertectea a nomc-mauo
wireless telegraph apparatus by which
thev successfully telegraph irom one
bnmn to tho other, a block and a half
apart and frequently are able to decipher
messages flying across in,o continent.
GIII8WOLD Roscoe Prather. an elec
trlclan employed by the Urlswold Llgnt
and Power comnany. was Instantly killed
Tuesday morning while working at tho
top or a pole in tne soutn part or -town.
Mr. Pruther had been in. the employ of
the comoany for several months and was
considered a careful workman. He leaves
a widow and three small children.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
members each, two-year, term, nod de-
II. R. 032. by naker ot Thomas Freight
trains of more than thirty cars shall be
manned by one engineer, ono fireman, one
conductor and three braKenirn; over Iltty
cars, oue added nrnKeman,
11. It. KM. by Haker or Thomas I'hysl
clan subject to revocation of license for
one year It be solicit or accepts valu
able consideration to scouro patients from
pr for another physician.
it. it. Nt. bv .MCtunsicK. lieu ger,
Baker. Murphy. Regan, Schueth, Urott,
O'Mnlley., Maurer By paying a $60 li
cense, any railroad or sleeping car com
pany muy sell tlquor on Interstate train.
it. it. no, ny I on oi t'Rwnee v ece oi
state Insurance examiner und expenses
hall be paid intq stato treasury uft'ur
examination occurs; now paid In advance.
H. R. S36. by Cronln of Holt-Purma- I
pent school fund may be loaded to farm
ers at t per cent, secured by first mort
gage for building of silos.
. It. R. 837. by Cronln of Holt-Creates
a fund o( 1300,000 out of permanent school
fund tor loans .to farmers to blld silos.
H. R. 8S8. by Hardin .of Harlan Re
duce, secretaries! of State Board of Phar
macy from five to three members; annual
registration fee ot CO cents Instead ot C
. II. It. 39, by Hardin of Harlaji-ln
trials of crimes against women, five
women may be subpoenaed upon de
mand of prosecutor or complaining wit
ness as an advisory board; ehall receive
fees of witnesses.
Prlseflicbt lllll hy Tales.
It, R. 810. by Yates of Douglas Repeals
prize fighting law In cities operating un
der llielr own charters.
H R. 841, by Hunch ot Otoe-Make
head of state Institution liable on his
bond for deficiency over S per cent of
II. IL 842. by Korff of Cedar -Male..
It mandatory on county board to establish
and vacate roans wnrn law is compiled
Willi, now optional. I
If R. 813, by Yates ot Douglas-Pro- j
fAMiltt .
uviiusi VHikni'dBiei m
for all coBdltlopi wbere pilots prombisstl-
urau-scnea, neuralgia, acme or rnrocic
neuainio, goui, nerrontneas, insomnia,
paws peouiiir to women, etc
JVa. m trtmulmt, SMrtuu or habU former.
M All Prusslet
10c ft 2ft Vt.P0ik,t.Box,i
1? i
Flrt Vtstiv;t, Bar.Urt Steal, KNp
jrour monejr tnd t1uWm In thu Am.
V?i ' pPOl Vaum m Ih. Dae
Bulldtns. Ill go. nth St. Uoiu r..t
IS par yaar,
ip L
must be to the aesthetic mind
what a bowl of mullgatuwny Is
to a healthy forager, wot Yon
can. delva closer Into the kernel
ot this nut at the
14th and Farnam Sts.
areain Events
Extra Specials that Mean an Actual Saving of Money to Careful Buyers
In this sola Friday, wo are untlorprlclog merchandise that la sonsontiblo
goods at tho very height of their demand. All now Iota at prices Impossible
to secure at any other time this season.
Long Oloth 70 yd
Yard wide firmly
Wot an long cloth, mua
iln and cambric lor
w" o ni n's and chil
dren a uhdergarni'jutr,,
uien'8 tilght BhlrtK, or
for making -sheets
and 'jf IQ
pillow cases; M rt
at, yard
Muslin at 5c yd.
TJiousaiids of yds.
36-inch wi.dq. un
bleached muslin, of de
pendable )iiallty; will
bo Md Friday on big
bargain rum -
sduaro v C
per yard,
. Basement
Sheeting at 25c yd.
9-4 Fruit of tho
Loom Sheeting, is
worth 34 e a yarU a
worth while saving
hero Friday; will go
on sale -fck pay
from tho VaPJUTC
bolt at,
ierpentine Crepe
Serpentine crepe is
worth 18c a yard
all new designs for
making pretty spring
kimonos, in jubt tbo
go on
at, a
; will
New Zephyrs 9c yd
Neat stripes, checks,
small plaids and plain
colors- will lyuko
pretty drosses fpr '
street and home "wur
tho colortngB nro ab
solutely fast sTf.
Jdst ie- SBC
ceived; at, " Jrltf
per yard
Tissues at 5c yd.
H e m n a n t s ot yarn
tissues, s t r I p o s and
checks, in various col
or com-tjinations. TJiese
are regularly 15c val
ues; on salo rgm -Friday
per yard,
Bleached Muslin
More tluui 10,000
yds. 36-iu. bleach
ed in u s 1 i n r e m
nants, will he sold
on big bar- Ci .
gain Bquare JP IC
Friday at
Just &
From 8 till 9 a. m.
e will sell short
lengths or various
grades and assorted
lots of all kiul-j cut
ton goods. They hit. 3
never before l.een
offered at a
this price; "jj C
per yard,
Many other big special bargains on spsdial tables Friday
New Lots of Curtains From Orcutt Stock
Every day wo bring forward great now lots of
goods from our Immense purchase N6w goods Fri
Lace Curtains,. worth to $2 a pair go at, each, -10c
Poniercs.worth to $5 apair7 will, go aCoachfl.TS
Couch CoverB, worth to$2!cach, go"at4 eachVHc
laco curtains, portieres, couch covers and drapery
day at bargains just as big as ever. Basement.
Curtain Rods from the Orcutt stock, choice, ea., Re
7fic to jl guaranteed Sunfast Madras, yd., HOc, nilc
f Bungalow and Novelty Nets from Orcutt stork, 15c
S3 Suitings $1
Imported 'Tailor Suit
ings, many' sjnglo pat
terns chinchillas, ve
lourB, peau do gant, 2
tono diagonals, ctc.--mostly
50 to 54 inches
wido -sold
up to ?3.00
a yard; at,
a yard
Main Floor
! -Velvets At 25c yd.
V U t i J l' V t H illlll
rwnnanl lengths
up to 12 yawls, of all
silk faced velvets,, also
all wool .challlcs - on
trout ,ua,c
g a i n,
at, yard . .
Dress Goods .
DresB and skirt
lengths, also p 1 o,c o s
Buitable for misses'
children's frocka--
worth up
to UWrr,
big taWe:
at. . . . . i ,
Plain and fancy taffe
tas, messallnes, black
corded silks, foulards.
27 and 32-lnch kimono
silks, "block fr.4.
mescaline, lilv
eiq; at, yti. ZLim
rtA .
Wain Floor
Suitings at 69c yd.
Imported and domestic
suitings coatinss and
materials for drosses,
diagonals and whip
cords, broadcloths, etc.
that have boon sell
ing to $2.50 rv
a yard 64 6C
on bargain
square at.
per yard ....
Mnln Floor
Brocade Satin
Pieces about a yard
long, ln beautiful com
binations of designs
and colorings, suitable
for coat nan
nnd tucket 'fir fl If
5 Sill
Dress Goods, P'cs
Imported matched
dress goods plcce3
up to 10 of one kind,
p 1 o c o s suitablo for
many purposes, for
school drosses, skirts,
flltlHrnn'a kbm. tvgpm
coa-ts- " fePCrC
main floor,
at, each. .
Main Floor
ivortli fl
axmammmeaS an
Very Special Fifty
pieces of regular $1
yard wide black
dress m o s s a 1 i n e,
hrnntlfitl ikb.
luster and jf I of
flriiBh. for
Friday, yd. .
Main Floor
if 37
Orcutt's Brussels Hugs, worth t6 J15.00, at $7,
18-lnch embrold o r e d
nainsook and cambric
flounclnKB and corset
coverings', also med
ium and wido galloons
in floral, eyelet ana
blind offects,
worth to ooc
a yard; at,
lyeioi am
Main Floor
- All Ofver tace
Th6usaiidu of remnants
and odd piccos allover
laces, flounclngs, cor
'set coverings,. lace iu-
Berti.ons and galloons,
racdaljlpns, etc, all
kinds; on JB f r
sale, each, m sit
at 25i I If
Main Floor
Val. Laces, 2Vc
Thousands of yards of
remnants and odd lots
of French and German
Val. laces" and Inser
tions, torchons and
fancy wash laces
worth up to
8c a yard;
per yard,
Main Floor
Neckwear 5c
Womert's neck wear
that is slightly soiled
and mussed wash
able stocks and ja
bots, lace Jabots, col
lars, etc. worth up
to 25c mg
on sale C
Table Padding
54-inch double fleeced
table padding 39c
value good grade
limit 3 yds.
to a cub
tomor, at,
a yard
l gruuu
Bed Spreads
We vif -self 400
larire size croeh'et
bed spreads
good val
ucb, nt,
each ......
Terry Oloth
18-Inch Unbleached
Terry Cloth, double
ply excellent (qr
ha-tntA nan .Pkw
17c values; VJC
per yard. Jj
Bed Spreads
B e a u t i ful Lace
Bed Spreads nl-
$-f .49
Tonight, Saturday. Mat. and Eve.
BAvld BelQseo Present.
HI. BlaIet Success
Wtn Leo Bltrloh.teln
Sunday, 4 Daj-u, Matin o Wed.
Maeterlinck's Tne
Hew Theater Production
Cast ox 100
Prices l 60e to 93.00
Newly Surfaced Floor,
Opens ttatunluy. Kulirtiury S 2 tu
C anJ 7 Jo to 10 i. in dmly Strictly
orderly and first class. Admission
Afternoons. 15c evenings, 2oc- -Including
skates and rheckine wraps.
Uarentr, ompllmentary
W. E. CHAMBBB8, Manager.
W altar Roaanow, looaJ Manayer.
and Her Own Company
In Her Now Play of
Miss Lang has licon Marring In
this nlar for the past three
'moiitliK, meeting with great suc
cess everywhere.
New Lots of Rugs From the Orcutt Stock
Hundreds of rugs are brought from tho reserve stock rooms daily. Some of tho
best brtrgnhis in the Orcutt stock here Friday.
27-lnch Velvet.t Axmlnstor and Wilton Rugs, i Orcutt's Brussels Rugs, worth to $10.50, at SD.08
I iUrcutt'8. Wilton Rugs, worth to $27.50, at $15.08
I The Only Cement Show j
T will pay you to visit it. Even if you are only inter-
ested in keeping your feet dry. Cement construction
today stands out as the foremost building material of the
world. If you don't believe it COME AND SEE THE
show for 25 cents.
llouif. -XU4.
Mai. Every Say, ailB. Every Vlfht, 8:13
at ai re-ttv WT al TfTHITTTY r
TtU Wack-jeua U Laii'l "CAUrOWMA"
Ccirlea & Faaor Vaa CO.i Urrr U. latar
illljn-leVnt' "The Wla4 ot Appul
tlwa": Ilall ' WU3 TO Ttirte Bnaiu; Ro
lando Broa. i P&lta'a .Waakl- IttTltw,
. frtcaa Matlnaa 0Urj , loo, bat aaaU tsi
ai,cpt Eaturday and uadar. NUota ISo, ,
Week Peli IB G reel Btocklnfs.
A Great Farm Journal
Krug Theater
Matinee Today, 2:30J Itlflit, 8:30
7 ZJtaAE-OS 7
Xisdla'a' Dly Elme Matinee
rrdlay The Country Store
"Omasa's rpm CEITTEB,"
lBjnjJ4T7jL Mat., 16-35-500
S?AJAZ4X Evs-s., 15-35-50-75C
She ramous Eanpklng- Hobo,
Jphnstou & Buckley. Jack Strouse.
Arllr-Kton & Cocliran. City Comedy 4 an.i
the Imperial Iluealun Baltet of si).
X.adlea' Dime Matinee Sally
e M TIT I, miMVUrt
I WW V eM ViaaUHiUJi iU ttJJ"
lS?,i0.usrl.a,.st ?. 18th Hy tone Vaude.
Teddy bearei Dnoean
I'.co u pp , Ourti- Jt
Wrlm t. Valto l;ai
lac Dua l)un Cord n lUntJ i ...
I Prom a to 6; at 7 and 9 p. M- Dill.
Kot Cheapest
( i