Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Drawn For The Boe
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Probably Snow
VOL. XLII NO. 201.
mm TRfcvfteAUKS.
PAYS XI 04 189,941
Southern Pacific Sells in Dissolu
tion Proceedings at Cost
Shown on Books.
Present Holders of Securities Given
Opportunity to Buy.
Will Finance Sale Totaling Hundred
and Twenty-Six Millions.
Arrangement Formed by rtoprowen
(nttven of Tito Honda tin (I Ap
proved by Attorney General
NEW YORK, Feb. 6.-l'laii8 for tho
dissolution of tho Union Pacific Railroad
company and the Southern Pacific com
pany as decreed by the United Slates
'supreme court were officially announced
In detail tonight after a protract3d ses
sion of the directors of tho two compa
nies. The terms are said In a statement
Issued Jointly by the roads to have tho
approval of the Department of Justice at
Washington and the agreement now
awaits confirmation of the court In the
federal district where the action was
originally taken and by tho .-allroad
commission of tho state of California.
In accordance with recent Intimations
the severance of Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific results In Union Paclfl's
absoluto purchase of Central Taclflc.
which has been the bono of contention
between the two prlncjpal roads of the
The agreement also provides for the
sale of all tho Southern Pacific stock
hold by tho Union Pacific at per
cent with accrued dividend to the, stock
holders, common and preferred of the
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific, other
than tho Union Pacific and Oregon Short
It Is understood that a syndicate haa
been formed under the leadership of
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and their foreign
connections to. finance .the sale of Union
Pacific's holdings ofSouthern Pacific,
amounting to $126,650,000
Statement ly Tito Bonds.
The official statement Issued Jointly
by Union Pacific and Southern Pacific
"The boards of directors of Unioif Pa-
clflcand Southern Paclfjc Railroad com
panies today approved plans which h ivo
been Under considerations by special
committees for several weel's and which
have worked out with the attorney son
oral, subject to the approval of the court
as follows:
"The purchaso by the Union Pacific of
the entlro capital stock of the Central
Pacific, consisting of $07,275,500 par value
of common and $17,400,000 pat value pre
ferred stock, for the sum of $101,189,941
tho cost at which It stands upon tho
books of the Southern Pacific company.
Eighty-four million, six hundred and scv-rnty-flve
thousand, five hundred dollars
of the amount was to have been paid In
stock of the Southern Pacific company,
held by the Union Pacific at "par. but
legal difficulties having been found n
tho way tho plan has been changed so
that payment Is to bo madd as follow.?:
One hundred and twenty-six million, six
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, par
value being the ohtlro amount of stock
of the Southern Pacific company held
by the Union Pacific Is to be offered to
the stockholders, common and preferred,
of tho Union Pacific and stockholders of
tho Southern Pacific company, other than
tho Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line.
for subscription at "0S per cent and ac-
crucu Qivmencir Tins orrer is to bo un
derwritten and subscribers are to receive
the dividend payable April 1, 191S (detail?
to be given later). Tho proceeds of fit,'
675,600 of this stock, less the underwriting
commission and expenses. Is to be paid
over to the Southern Pacific company,
together with $5,449,000 of the Southern
Pacific company's .4 per cent gold bonds
and $14,065,441 In cash.
Plan .Subject to Appro-ml.
"The attorney general or tha United
"States has assented to the csentlal fea
tures of this plan, but It is, of course,
subject to tho approval o fthe district
court In which the government litigation
is pending and also dependent upon the
approval by the California railroad com
mission, of agreements for certain track
age and running rights In that state. The
plan and agreements will be presented to
the court and commission wtlh the least
possible delay."
Julius KrutUchnltt, chairman of the
Sctithern Pacific company, In discussing
tho sale of the Central Pacific stock by
the Southern 1'aclfle company, paid that
while tho directors have not decided what'
disposition to mako of tho money thus
received, a considerable part of it will
be needed. In tho near future to pay for
extensions, for equipment and for addi
tions and betterments. The amount Is
sufficient to take care of future require
ments, ho said, wlthOut Increase of fixed
The Weather
For Omaha, Counoll Bluffs und Vicin
ityProbably snow; not much chango In
temperature. '
Temperature nt Omaha Veterdy.
Hours. Deg.
5 a. ;n 8
6 a, m 8
7 a. in 10
X". in 12
9 a. Ill U I
10 a. m 17 !
11 a. m...., 18 '
12 m.... 30,
1 p. m... 26
2 p. m 33
m 33
m , 25
S p. pi 23
p. pi 22
fll 20
8 p. m.
Bryce Appointed
Member of Court
of Arbitration
LONDON. Fob. 6. -James Bryce. Brit
Ish ambassador at Washington, has been
appointed by -the British government as
h member of the permanent court of
arbitration at TJie llajiuc. y
It was announced at the time of Am
bassador Bryce's resignation thut his de
parture from tho United States would
depend upon the settlement of the
Panama canal question between Great
Britain and the United States.
Sir Cecil Sprlng-KIco Is to be Mr.
Rryco's suuecessor as ambassador at
WASHINGTON. Feb. C.-.Mr Dryer's
appointment as a member of tlu perma
nent court of arbitration of The Hague
Is to fill a vacancy to bo caused ne.xt
August by the retirement of the president
of tho British delegation, Hon. Sir lid
watd Frey, who will then be SO yeans
of age.
It Is understood hero to be the purpose
of tho British government to continue Mr.
Bryce In his post until tho conclusion of
the Panama canal negotiations. This Is
tho presumption that tho issuo may be
brought to an amicable settlement di
rectly between the two governments or
that an agieument shall ho reached for
Its arbitration before the expiration i-f
., . . , , . ., ,A . v , ,,
Uu present administration. If that should
ur.l .11.,. i. . ..,o..i Vi
appear Impossible It Is expected Mr.
Bryce will remain In Washington under
the Incoming administration long enough
to develop clearly President Wilson's at
titude, when the .negotiations may bo
turned over to Sir Arthur Ceclt Sprtus
Rice. l win 1,1 1 1... nni ,ll,. I ri,iraii.,
arbitration It I. nrnhahln 'that Mr. Wo
might bo selected as ono ot tho arbi
trators. .. - ... .--in
Mails Transmit
40,000,000 Parcels
in Thirty-One DayslS-rr10;-.0
WASHINGTON. Feb. -Approximately
40,000,000 parcel post packages were han
dled In January. At the fifty largest
postofflccs 19,365,533 parcels were handled
In the first month of the operation of the
now system and tho business of tho last
two weeks exceeded that of the first two
weeks by more than jfooO.OOO packages.
Chicago exceeded all other cities In t'.io
number of parcels handled, Its total be
ing 4,163,153. Now York handled 3.519.7SS;
Boston, 1.151,408; Philadelphia. 1,035.000; St.
Louts, 917.809; Cleveland, 879.7GS; Brooklyn.
S34.000,: Detroit, 501,072; Cincinnati, 412.SS1;
iunsas Lity, Kh.iuz: iiaiumoro,,
Minneapolis, 300,000; San Francisco, 250,000,
Washington, D. C, 222,953: Milwaukee,
212.9W; Pittsburgh, 207,076; Atlanta, 183.0-.HJ;
St. Paul, 181,056; Now Orleans, IGO.Sii;
Seattle, 153,692; Indianapolis, 152,942; Dal
las, 130,200; Louisville, 114,076; Denver, 110,-
396; Itlchmdr.d, 100.CO0; Nashville. 69,270, "airJ
Jacksonville, 42,963.
The present season Is the dull one Jn
postoffJce business, but even If there
should be no increase in the parcel post
work, about 600,000,Oj(X parcels would bo
handled In the first year. Some post
masters estimate that 1,000,000,000 pack
ages will be handled this year.
The preliminary appropriation for tnj
establishment of the parcel post has been
exhausted and Postmaster General Hitch
cock asked today for an additional appn
prlatlon of $750,000.
I ;
Murdered Agent
Will Be Brought by
Father to Bellevue
KKARHI3Y, Neb., Feb. 0.-(Hpeclal Tel
egiam.) The death of Station Agent
George A. Hood at Miller was dhe to a
gunshot wound Inflicted by a person or
persons with felonious Intent to kill. This
was tho verdict of the Jury at the cor
oner's Inquest held at Miller Wednesday
Upon extracting the bullet It was found
to be of .32 caliber and had caused death
by severing the Jugular vein. Nothing
has yet been found from all of tho -vll-nesses
examined that would glvo any
clue to Identify the murderer.
Tho Jury tecommended that the county
appropriate a sultablo reward for the
apprehension of the guilty party.
A. II. Hood, father of the dead mail, a
resident of Bellevue, Neb., and a brother,
II, Hood ot Fort Crook, arrived at Mil
ler Wednesday and will accompany the
to Bellevue for burial.
has been proclaimed throughout Salvadj
Piesldetit Araujo lies In a dangeivus con
dition as the result of an attac. yester
day by five would-be assassins. Only
one of the five shots directed at him took
effect, but surgeons fear the outcome of
a vicious machete wound which laid tli
president's head open from the back of
the skull to the nostrils. One of the cul
prits, Vlrglllo Mulatlllo, was captured
and tho authorities are on the trail of Wm
other four. American Minister Helmke.
who reported the details to the State ile
tiartment tnriav. nalri rntnnletn f ranmillliti
prevailed throughout the republic anil
that the attack wbb regarded as hsvliisi
no other significance than an attempt lo i
remove President Araujo. '
. I
UAUIAIIItkl lfl line
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. .-Tho United
States collier Nero sailed from Puget
Sound navy yard today with a cargo of
sand to be used In building tho largo dry
dock at Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands,
Six similar voyages will bo made by the
Nero. Ordinary sharp sand such as the
Nero carries Is not obtainable In the Ha
waiian Isjjinti, where rocks are volcanic.
I'l-nry Nuliiult to 4tpe ration. I county hospital today Aged men wio
WASHINGTON. Feb. C Bear Admiral . knsw him sixty yeurn-ugo when lie first
n??'l- .Kl l'0ury' ?.rotU exll1orr- " came to Nevada say lie was an old man
milled to an operation here last night,!., ,, ' , . V " '
the nature of which Is not disclosed. ; ,,lun' T,le '"Br"- a giant In stature, often
Alarming repoits that It was for appeu- .told of accompanying his master during
dlcitls or stomach trouble are emphat
ically denied by the family. The ex
plorer Is reported today as doing well
tsr -
New York Commissioner Takes
Action, Following Confession of
Graft by Captain Walsh.
Inspector Sweeney is Mentioned as
the Man Higher Up.
Mayor and Commissioner Talk Over
the Situation.
l'rramt t'nnrelnn to (Irnnd
Jury Monditj anil ltitiirnt
Indict mciita.
NKW YORK. Feb. d Dennis Sweeney,
,,,,,,. , ',, '""l"c
inspector ot police, was suspended from
... - , ,
,ho Ncw Wk l,,lc" l by Commls-
sloner Waldo this afternoon. His natno
had been mentioned In the graft confes
sion made last night by Police Captain
Thomas WaWh, likewise suspended today.
With Sweeney were suspended two po
llco captains Jamea Hussey and James
P. Thompson. Had, has formerly bean
L?" "Por of the district, over which
Sweeney ruled until today, but wero d-
moted to captains. Walsh's Rtory will
bo presented to the grand Jury Monday,
when District Attorney Whitman will ask
for Indictments.
Captain Walsh confessed on his
sick bed late last nlcht that hn wit,
I a grafter nnd had shared gruft with an
e and another man
commissioner took notion
ns soon ns he had confirmed from the dis
trict attorney's office tho -authenticity
ot Walsh's confession. No action against
tho Inspector had been taken this morn
ing? On Monday, If well enough, Walsh will
tell his story to thu grand Jury. Numer
ous Indictments nro expected.
This afternoon Waldo conferred with
Mayor Gaynor concerning tho latest
revelations In his much.lnvestlgated do.
partmcnt. steadily under tiro slnco the
murder of the gambler, Herman Rosen
thal, last July.
Irrigation Safe for,
Next Hundred Years
WASHINGTON. Feb fi MMieio i.
"nothlrrtr whatever (ii corfdlll0lifiTft7M'Tll, ommlasioner declares that United
west to warrant the belief that irrigation
agriculture Is In any danger of extinc
tion today, tomorrow or within the next
100 years," asserts Secrctury Wilson of
the Department of Agrlcultuie, In reply to
a letter from Secretary Fisher objecting
to the declaration of Dr. B. T. Galloway,
chief of tho bureau of plant Industry, thut
so far as ho knew there never had oecn
nny long continued successful Irrigation
farming otr arid lands anywhere In tho
Tho sccretnry adds, however, that there
arc conditions in tho west needing tho
most careful consideration oh tho part of
all those Interested in tho proper develop
ment or this vuat region. Ho sayB Dr
Galloway in a recent statement to a
house committee meant that "In inai.y
parts of the world whero arid conditions
pievull. such as Aslutlo Turkey, Persia,
Afghanistan, tho uxtremo north western
portion of India, parts of North Africa
and our own southwestern country. Irri
gation agriculture has had its periods of
rise and decline."
Fear Court Decision
MaLot in Coolies
I.O.S ANGKIjKS, Feb. 6.-An Inv.vxloll
by coolie Chlueso Is feared by Immigra
tion Inspectors as the result of a declaim
handed down today by Judgo Wellborn
In the United States district court holding
that h Chinese once legally admitted to
tho United States could engago In any
occupation he destred. x
The case was that of Wong Kul, a
laundry worker arrested for bolng ille
gally In this country. Wong displayed a
certificate of a'dmlssrlon as a merchant,
Issued In t his name and signed by tho
United States consul at Hong Kong. H,
was ordered deported by a United States
uommlsHloncr on tho showing thnt ho tVas
not following tho bulne.s set down In
the certificate. Judge Wellborn, however,
sustained Wong's appeal today and or
dered his release.
Immigration officials here bolleye tn0
decision will offer the'dilneso a way of
evading tho exclusion laws as applied io
coolie labor. Government attorneys fllci
notice of appeal. '
1 '1I(1B' lcu- The reversal of the
aeuns which has been noted In tho
l'"lted States this winter has also marked
tllp wU'er In France. The series of nb.
normally moist and warm days recently
"tuer'anfeJ n the northorn provinces' hns
l 1 rouuenurons into mooin III
the Parisian suburbs two months beforo
their usual time, while the buds on the
fnilt trees In the extensive orchards of
Normandy and Brittany arc already
ItKNO. Feb. C Fiank Iatcus, a negro
between 110 and 120 years old. died ut the
the Black Hawk war In l&3i lie also re
membered clearly the first Inauguration
of Madison as president
MJSnome in the Dark
Fom the Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Official of El Paso is Charged with
Violating Neutrality Law.
.o ('linrwp U Slnde Aiinlnst lltin, us
lie in In Chili iialnin Friction
Over Attempt to Arrest
Accused Official.
I3L PASO, Tex., Feb. 6. Unrlqun C.
Llorunte, Mexican consul at El Paso, H
accused of conspiracy to ship munitions
ot war from tho United States to Mexico,
In a federal warrant Issued here. United
States Commissioner Oliver today com
missioned R. K. Bryant to serve, the war
runt if Uorente,, who Is supposed to be
Juares. crosses tho International line.
Stutes Marslml Bert J. McDowell, at Ban
Antonio, had ordered Deputy Frank M.
Nowinan not to servo the warrant.
Tho warrant AKaliiHt Llorcnto was Is
sued last night by Commissioner Oliver
on complaint of Ilohcrt H. McDonald.
McDonald charges that on June 7, 1912.
tho Mexican consul furnished money to
him and two companions with whloh to
purchase arms fur 'the uso ot the federals.
McDonald and his two companions were
arrested as a result of this alleged
transaction, and held on, charges of violat
ing the neutrality laws. Tho charges also
Involve Alberto Madcro, nn unole of tho
Mexican president, but no warrant was
Issued, because ho lu now In the city ot
Flee Juares.
Consul I.lorento had been relieved of
his post here and was to have departed
for the capital today. When ho was In
formed last night of the charges against
him, he crossed to Juarez and the war
rant was not served
Commissioner Oliver, upon learnlngof
the failure to serve the warrant, laid tno
blame upon tho United States marshal's
office, and Jho appointment of Bryant ai
a .special officer to make tho arrest fol
lowed. The commissioner holds that he,
not the msrslio.1, Is Judge ot tho suffi
ciency of the charges to wnrrant arrest.
Llorente had been stntloned In 151 Pasi
during tho present revolution. He was
formerly stationed In Kuropc, and his
friends hero have expressed the belief
that he was soon to bo apiolnted consul
general to Germany.
Will Not lleturn .No it.
PUABEZ, Mex., Feb. 6. Consul B C.
IJorente, for whom a warrant haa been
Issued In KI Paso, charging violation of
tlin neutrality laws, said today ho would
not now return to El Paso, but would
proceed to Mexico City. He admitted em
ploying three Americans to destroy the
Mexican Central railway, as charged, but
says he warned them not to violate the
United States neutrality laws.
Consul I.Iorente Intimated that he may
return to El Paso later to answer the
dinners Aitalnst Official.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6.-Charges i.f
American officials at El Paso being ''at
the beck and call of the Madcro govern
ment" were made before tho house for
ebn affairs committee today by A. P..
Burgess of El Paso, attorney for several
claimants of damages growing out of tho
border troubles. He declared, that Assist
ant United States Attorney Engleklng hod
settled "sub rosa" with tho Mexican
consul tho claim of ono woman. Hop.
resontatlve Kendall advised Mr. Burgers
to present his alloKutlons to the Depart
ments ot Justice.
Tho committee was considering u bill
to pay $236,000 in claims to Amei leans.
Payment Is urged with tho idea that this
government shall demand reimbursement
from Mexico.
f ST. PUTKHSBUItG, Feb. 6 -The Duma
.bill admlttliiK-vomen to practice law :n
lltussla was rejected today by the council
of the empire by 91 votes to tA The lead-
lug llusslan Jurists and practically th.i
entire liberal public opinion In Ktissla
favored the bill. The elder generation i;f
statesmen headed by the minister of Jus
tice, however, pleaded eloquently und sue.
cessfully against any extension of tho
rights ot women.
First Pension Checks
Under New System
Are Mailed bn Time
AVASH1NGTON, Feb. fl.-The first
chocks paid to pensioners under the new
system which did away with tho eigh
teen aKcncles In vnrlnus parts ot the
country, . uniting them hero under ono
head, have Just gone out and every one
of the more than 300,000 due this month
wero In. tho mall on time,
"The crucial test, tho one we wero not
sure we would bn nhlo to pass success
fully, has been made without a hitch,"
said Dr. Alvnh II. Thompson, In charge
of the disbursements today, after the last
pensioner's check hod started 6n Its way
On account of tho vast work In bring
ing In all thoso agencies with their
voluminous reaords. It was feared thtro
might to soma delay' this first month,
but such, happily, Is not the case."
One of the things that pleased him
most about tho nan' method of pay
ment, Dr. Thompson declared, was that
all the checks are drawn on tho treasurer
of tho United States. In days of strin
gency or n money Darilc, he said, this
would tend to keep money from concen
trating for the thousands ot banks
throughout tho country that would be
called on to cash pension checks, total
ing many millions annually, would be
able to keep their actual cash at homo.
Darrow Asks More
Questions of Franklin
LOS ANGKLES, Feb. .-larence 8.
Darrow directed a searching fire of cross
examination today at Bert B. Franklin,
confessed Jury "fixer," and on whoio
testimony tho former chief counsel for
the McNamara brothers Is undergoing
trial for tho second tlmo for alleged Jury
Tho examination had to do with alleged
statements by Franklin, who was em
ployed as an Investigator by the McNa
mara defense, that Darrow had had noli
ing to do with bribery of Juror3 In the
caso of James B. McNamara. Tho wit
ness denied over having intimated that
he had acted on his own Initiative and nit
at Darrow'a request.
Franklin was subjected to re-dlrect ex
amination when Darrow released him.
Wilson Begins His
Inaugural Address
PUINCUTON. N. J. Feb. 6.-Presldent-elect
Wilson walked today unaccompanied
by secret service men from his home to
the Princeton university library to work
there upon his Inaugpral address.
"I guess I can walk tho streets ff
Princeton nlonc," he said, smiling. ,
Mr. Wilson sat Inconspicuously In the
conference room of tho library sketching
In shorthand the first draft of his addreis.
"I Intend to be as brief as possible," lie
remarked, "and I'll certainly read It yery
fast If the weather Is as cold as today."
Mr. Wilson said today he would be un
able to attend the exercises In Washing
ton, February 15, In memory of the late
VIco President Sherman.
GKAND ISLAND, NeU , Feb. 6.-(Spo-clal
Telegram.) Flro today destroyed sev
eral buildings and stocks of a combined
valuation of $30,000 at the village of Dan
nebrog. A tiro wall and the efforts of th5
firemen pumping water from a creek
with gasoline power prevented the wlplnz
out of the greater part of the town. The
Insurance Is $30,000,
The buildings destroyed In tho Danne
bro gflre were those occupied by J. Jen
sen, general merchandise, and the Danne
brog bank owned by C. C. Hansen ot
this city. A. K. Carlson, diugglst, build
ing owned by H. II. Ilnnncn and ware
house of N. 8. Peterson & Son
The fire Is believed to have originated
J ln tle t0Hr ,oom 0f t10 Jensen store.
It was discovered 1 a young woman
sleeping In an adjoining bulldln earlv
this morning and little of the contents
of the Jese bulldlg could be snvd be
cause of the advaccd stage of the fira
when dltcovercd.
Allies Arc Marohing Direot Toward
Greek Fleet Will Attempt to Force
1'nananr nnd Iloinbnrd Conatnu
tlnoplr from the flea nf
SOFIA, Feb. 6. The main object of the
Bulgarian armies, apart from tho reduc
tion of the fortress of Adrlanople, was
disclosed In dispatches given out by tho
War office today. Tho plan Is to reach
the Dardanelles straits nnd clear them
for the passage of the Greek fleet Into the
Sea of Marmora. Then the Greeks will
uttaclc Constantinople directly from tho
saa. i
From reports of the fighting to tho
north of the peninsula of Gallipot), It can
be seen that one ot tho columns of Klnrf
Ferdinand's troops Is marching straight
for tho city of aalllpoll. It has occupied
nlready the villages of Medeste, Char
ksul, Kavnk and Bulalr, which nre on
the neck of the peninsula. It has not yet,
however, como Into contact with any
largo force of Turkish troops, of which
there are said to be 70,000 on the Gallo
poll peninsula. These, lnthe opinion of
military experts, should be able to offer
a strenuous resistance to the advnnce of
the Bulgarians from the north. The guns
of the Dardanelles forts also can bn
trained toward tho land side. On the
.whole, the Bulgarians have a soVere task
beforo them, y
T uric 11 Army Defeated.
The Turkish army occupying tho pen
insula of Gallipoli and defending the
.Dardanelles suffered a defeat at the
hands of the Bulgarian troops to tho
south of tho nlver Kava yesterday, ac
cording to a Htatement by the Bulgarian
war office today.
The Ottoman troops are said to bo re
treating ln disorder toward tho town "f
Bulalr, a small place to the northeast of
tho city of Gallipoli. They are pursued
hotly by the Bulgarians.
The statement concludes that as the
result of this success of tho ..Bulgarian
troops the whole coast of the Sea f
Marmora as far as Bulalr Is now In the
hands ot the Balkan nllles.
Difficulties which have arlson between
Greece anil Bulgaria as to the division f
tho spoils of tho Balkan war and as to
the fate of the captured fortress of Sa
lonlkl wore tho reasons for n vUlL nnlit
to (he Bulgarian capital today by Premier
venlselos of Oreece.
M. Vcnlzelos conferred with Premier
Guerchoff of Bulgaria and King Ferdi
nand. It Is hoped that his visit will re
sult In an agreement.
Turkish Position llniirlrna,
LONDON, Feb. B.The Dally Telegram
publishes a long uncensored dispatch
from Its correspondent, Ellis Ashmead
Bartlett, at Constantinople, In which he
says the Turkish people are In such a
state of misery and destitution as a re
sult of the war, that thfy are completely
Indifferent as to the fate of Adrlanople.
"The cabinet is ln a quandary," says
the correspondent, "It knows that It
will be compelled to cede Adrlanople and
ts only seeking some means to says Its
face. It Is said that the coup d'etat only
was Intended to occur after Ktamll
Pasha surrendered Adrlanople, but was
precipitated by some mistake. Hence the
difficulty, tho ministry now Is In,
"There is not a cent in the treasury
and there are no means of getting money
until peace Is concluded. Meanwhile, the
country Is drifting to ruin and bank
ruptcy. "A great anti-war demonstration oc
curred Sunday In front of the war
office, at which the Young Turks were
publicly denounced as murderers and
thieves. Mahmoud Schefket Pasha ap
peared on the balcony and tried to make
a speech, but was greeted with oppro
brious epithets.
Mlarry nuil Disease In Camps,
"Tho misery In the Turkish camps Is
Indescribable. It has been bitterly cold,
with a heav snow; the soldiers are III
fed and badly sheltered. Smallpox, en
teric fever, dysentery and pneumonia
have replaced Asiatic cholera.
"It Is undestood that the forces at
TchataJJa have been reduced to 12,000,
(Continued on Page Two.)
Lower Body Recommends Change in
Constitution, Following Wis
consin Tax System.
Bollen Would Cease to Print Amend
ments in Papers.
House Agrees to Pass Bill by Fuller
of Seward.
I.eirtilntlve llalla Favored Nerm
Innly, rtejranllesa of Anti-Lobby
Resolutions So Dolilly
fFroin a Wtnff Correspondent,)
LINCOLN. Nob., Feb. 6,-(8peolal Tele
gram.) With no debata and apparontfy"
no mieresi in uie subject, the house n
committee of tho wholo this afternoon
recommended for pansago r proposed con-
stltutlonnl. umonrtment which. If adopted,
will chango tho entire tax system of tha
ststo and pave, the way for single tax.
The proponed amendment, which was
Introduced by Norton of Polk, leaves tho
selection of property to bo taxed to tha
legislature and provides It may tax In.
come and privileges.
Norton said tho amendment Is n. ennv
of the Wisconsin tax system, hut no en
Pianation or tho bill was mado to tha
house and it was recommended for nn.i-
ago In a listless way in contrast to tim
strenuous dehatn oh a bill by Fries of
iiowar! providing for paying election
clerks and Judges SSfccnts an hnur rrsi.
bill was amended and tnlked to death anl
many resurrected and sent baek i
standing committee to bring In again,
which Is becoming a. favorite pastime of
thp house.
I' ii M Inn iur Amendments.
A proposed constitutional nmendment by
Bollen got through with no debate with
also as little Interest shown ns tho on
proposed by Norton. Tho Bollen amend
ment provides that the proposed constitu
tional amendment shall be published ln
pamphlet form nnd sent out to the people
Instead ot publishing them In newspapers.
It provides a majority of tho votes oast
on the proposition, for tho amendment
carries It, and tlicro flhnll be no party,
designation of the proposed amendment,
In explaining his bill Bqllon said he be.
lloved It better to clrculato copies of pro
posed amendments by pamphlet than to
piibllah tfhemjn newspapers,
"Many o? our publishers are of .small
caliber," he said, "and don't heallso tho
Importnnco of these proposed amendments
to the people, therefore they send them
to Omaha, Sioux City and tJncoln and
havn them printed on their patent sheets
In the Inside of, the papers and they am
not reaa."
Tho house seemed not to care anything
about It, so tho bill was recommended for
Telephone Connection.
Tho following other measures were rec
ommended for passage:
II. It. , by Fuller of Howard Provid
ing for the physical connection of tele
H, It. 7S, by Anderson of Kearney
Prohibiting tho marriage of whites with
Japanese, Chinese or negroes of one-
clghth blood. Tho original bill Included
Indians, but the first Amcricuns wtro
cllmlnnfed from Its provlsons.
II. K. 30, by Jackson That canddatca
voted on at the primary must havo their
names printed on tho ballot, and pro
hibiting writing ln names, 'waB discussed
and sent back to the committee to fix up,
Lobby Hows In Sight.
This big, virtuous domocraUa house,
which adopted a resolution to Insist upon
conformance to the provisions of tho anti-
lobby law, seems to havo forgot that
such a law existed. While Its committees
aro Investigating most everythihg In tha
state the anti-lobby law is being dally
vtolatod, with no objections from mem
bers, now that It has been pubUshed, that
the house will not stand for lobbying.
This morning registered lobbyists weio
In the lobby of tho house buttonholing
members and talking about pending leg
islation absolutely contrary to law. At
the non hour lobbyists came on the floor
of the house and Iscussed bills with In
dividual members nnd there was no lok
of resentment on the faces ot thesa
For a time there was no lobby arouml
the legislature, these artists evidently be
lieving their appearance might incite
some members to throw in rrtore bills than
they otherwise would.
For Film Ceusora.
Among the arrivals yesterday wero W.
,F. Stoecker of Omaha, president of tha
Nebraska branch of the Motion Picture
association, and a half dozen members
ot the organization. They aro seeking to
have passed a bill to provide for a board
of censors for motion pictures. They
want a state board and have In Buch n
measure, but there aro other measures In
which provide for local .Inspection of the
films. They oppose these bills.
O. If. Pratt, conected with tho Ne-
A Reminder
That Want Ad
Phono it NOW don't
wait until this after
noon. Get it in tho
N morning. Thin after
noon we will ho rushed
and so will you,
Phone Tyler 1000