THE J3KK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FIOBIU'ARV (, 101.1. A xrtv 1 1 " " UARY, --.56 Vi A 'A m V Win H mWkX Gem a 3 a a Q I M SMI 11 ill III I H lit I W IH lIISalS I H I II nwrTM iiTi 1 i , r rpr r, t n .i trim r rrn 1 ststi-i T rr wrTuWiufn inmn? nil ill i ! in li li in iiiiiw I iiTiTr.r"irfntj r iy.1iimi,Tiuirc Ttr. rtjrtt m..jiriiMii, nn"flnivr Trrr.Mgvn iibiiiiimi mm. iiiiiniiiiii fx1 55 5E5HSaSHS2S?S?TC52SSESHSBS2SHSHSHSZSE5SSHSES3Z ES "1 C. W. HULL COMPANY Exclusive Nebraska Selling Agents. "Western States" Portland Cement (Manufactured at Independence, Kansas) "Red Wing" Portland Cement (Manufactured at Kansas City and St. Louis, Mo.) "Hawkeye" Portland Cement (Manufactured at Des Moines, Iowa) All of these brands are strictly high grade Portland Cements sold under our positive guarantee that they will meet the requirements of the United States Government and the Aiherican Society for Testing Materials. Our facilities for "quick service" arc second to none. Our prices arc right and we guarantee prompt returns-' on sackB. 3 J I SPLENDID EXHIBITS AT SHOW Manufacturers Have Many Displays of Machinery in Motion. EVERYTHING FOE THE HOUSE S3 " ' 1 Main Officp, 1603 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. I,nymnn nm Well n tbe City Con Irnclnr In Attracted by Hxhlbl tlnn Tiaw nrlnsr Mnde nt Oninlin Auditorium. Exhibit of... PETER PALMER Con?H& Cement Work Oakland, Neb. c 0 c G 0 D B B B B B ft THE MAJESTIC Foundation Coal Chute Concrete Machinery W the World We Are the Largest Manufacturers ofgj including hnwVund power, block and brick S machines, tampers, mixers, dimension 51 stone machines, curb stone nmcldnes, roof- H ing tile 'machines, tile and. ornamental k moulds,ftc. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE SPECIAL K EQUIPMENT FOE. THE PARMER K ft H post moulds, tile moiildB, silo moulds, etc. S V ft LOWDOW, CA.KABA. SOTTTW WP.Mn TWT1 M Nebraska Representative; W; E. Owens; $ Omaha. ft including block machines, mixers, fence Ideal' Concrete Machinery .Go. Protects the Building Tho loor locks open linn self closing gravity latch, inal Ing It Hurglar I'roof. Manufactured by MAJEBTIO rtraiTAOB 00., Huntington, Ind. Omaha Ajnt DuuinDa una wo jamon uortrs song co. nJ Sunderland Bros. Co. ffl ((0TAUtVATF)! vlUittnU I Ei PORTLAND CEMENT EXTERIOR in When you build have your homo r any. a color of Portland Cement you select! t COME TO BOOTH 26 AUDITORIUM we will tell you how to build delicate shades of color. n' ft, The Garden City Sand Co. 7C0 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., ft the most ! CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 3. I Simpson Molds FOR Ornamental Concrete Work (BvOth 14, Oamtnt Bnow) Tho greutest and most complete lino of forms in tho world for Porch ( olumns, Balustrades, Vases, etc. THE JUNIOR OUT FIT FOR BOYS makes praotieal builders of them and furnishes c n d 1 ess amusement of an en tirely new kind. The Simpson Cement Mold Co., COLUMBUS, OHIO. A trip through the aisles of the Audi torium Tuesday night, when the Mid West Cement show opened, revealed some exceedingly Interesting sights to the lay man rh well an to those versed In cement machinery and construction. Perhaps the most elaborately executed exhibit at the show Is that of the Omaha Concrete Stone company of Omaha, of which Secretary Whlpperman Is manager. It occupies a large spaca In the south east corner of tho Auditorium and shows a comprehensive display of concrete stone construction. The Ideal Cement Stone company, an other local concern, also haa a very beau tiful display In cement construction as ! shown by tho accompanying Illustration. Much fnvorable comment Is being heard from visitors on this exhibit. Perhaps the most unique exhibit Is that of Peter Palmer, concrete contractor of Oakland, Neb., who -Is also president of the Nebraska Cement Users' association. Mr. Palmer shows a miniature hnurc constructed In a beautiful white concrete, showing a lawn with Fldo on watch duty. This exhibit In delighting the young folks as well aa proving Interesting to the .grownups. One of the exhibits which makes the strongest Popular appeal Is that of Tho Simpson Cement Mould company of Co llumbus, O.. near tho southeast corner of tho Auditorium. It conslstn of a great variety of ' porch columns, vasos and other ornamental pieces, many of them represented" by beautiful miniature puro wilto models made of white sand and white cement. Simpson moldH are very extensively used all over Nebraska, Iowu, Kansas and Oklahoma and Ihe designs are familiar to all who are In touch With tho wonderful development of concrete building. Beveral notable examples of work In these nioldrt arc seen In, Omaha, among them the veranda of the flno JU!kp,nroad residence at Nineteenth and Murdette streets, built by tho Omaha Concrete fitono cpmpany. , House AVIthlii it Hnniir. Another very Interesting exhibit Is that showing the Van Guilder hollow wall machine, tho effect of which virtually makes a house within a hotise. lly steel reinforcing every nine-Inch Isyer ver tically, horlxontlcnlly and across, ' tills system U said tu make tho strongest. dryest and' most economical construc tion In tho world, Ellis M. Santee. santary dairy and building expert of Courtrand, N. Y after trying out various Mntn work found this system tbe. correct one j and Is now lecturing In 100 towns and 1 cities exclusively on the Van Guilder j hollow wall system of construction, anJ assvrts It to bo the greatest achievement in construction of ' substantial, artistic and sanitary concrete construction. Mixer In Operation. At booths twenty-two and twenty-three the Ideal Concrete Machinery companw of South Ilend. Ind.. is showing the type C batch mixer in full .operation, showing the rapid production of concrete blocks, with all the hand labor elimin ated. This company Is the largest manu facturers of concrete machinery In the world. W. B! Owens of Omaha Is the Nebraska representative of the com pany. G. B. Hopkins of South Bend, Ind., secretary and treasurer of the Ideal Con- I creto Machinery company, Is In attend ance at the Auditorium exhibit. The Garden City Sand company of Chi cago Is showing a beautiful exhibit with its product, known aa "Stonekote" Port land Exterior, This Is a beautiful and serviceable exterior, which was sold In 19$ cities In sixteen states last year. One of the features of "Stonekote" Is Its adaptability to Interior decorating, be ing available In every shade of color, A feature of this company's exhibit at the Auditorium, is a little "green baby," which Is made, of porcelain and "Stone kote" exterior In green. Machine Attrnda Attention. The Elite Manufacturing company of Ashland, O., Is exhltlng a concrete mixer, which Is constructed entirely of malle able Iron and steel, with low-down hop. The machine Is simple In con struction, has a positive force feed and seems easy to operate. Many visitors to the show are taking a deep Interest In this exhibit. The following legend Is found over the exhibit, of the Majestic Furnace and Foundry company; "If a burglar should break Into the cellar would the coal chute? Jo tho kindling wood." While this daffydll ts not entirely new, yet It applies most aptly to this business, be cause of the product of the company, which is being exhibited. It Is a steel and Iron ooal chute of the very latest make, having many attractive features not to be found In other makes, such as, burg lar and dirt proof automatic locking de vice. Interchangeable 'from chute to win dow feature, etc. This exhibit Is appro priate at the cement show because of tu serviceable character. Not nt the Show. Willie the C. W. Hull company Is not an exhibitor at tbe cement show. It nevertheless la coming In for Its shar of attention this week among those In terested In cement construction. This company ts the exclusive Nebraska sell ing agent of sveral high grade makes of Portland cement and affords a positive guarantee on these products. The facilities of the C W. Hull company for quiche Jserrlca, the wires ther ssk, make their irercent business an exceeding large and: profitable one. of the Omaha Concrete Stone Company 3 -dSZ5ES2S5S5R The Wonder Cement Scuipiared Concrete Products Never Before Shown in this Country Southeast Corner of Auditorium, Just as You So n to the Stage Exhibit lAi monf (SfAnA f Omaha, Of IMVHI "WrlBIIRIi BiWIIW WW. net). R: n We have the mixer you are looking for at BOOTH 47 Low Sipwn Hoppers Positive Force Feo'd Always in plain sight Malleable Iron and Steel Construction i ! Elite Mfg. Co. Ash and, Oh o. Van Guilder Hollow Wall Con crete Machiie Continuous Air Chamber From Seller to Hoof Sleel Reinforced ThrouRliout Don't Waste Your Money Tlio labor employer for making' building- material rneb as blocks, brick, tile, etc., we utilize to erect the building. Completely revolutionizing building methods. ODIt WALLS AUH STUONG13U being double, and monollthlu from footing to root plate with a contlnuoiiH air Apace everywhere be tween a house within a house. The walls are tl,d together, also steel reinforced horizontally every a Inches high. Our Buildings aro Wanner In Winter, Cooler in Hummer. Damp proof Vermin proof Coat less Frost proof No maintenance Soil higher Fire proof Everlasting Kxterlor Finish, Up-to-Date Italian Stucco. OUH HU-0 MACUINKS build tho best silo walls in the world. No freezing If ensilage, , No vermin. No lepatrs. Continuous air space. Stand forever. Send for illustrated Folders. Van Guilder Hollow Wail Company 72S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Rochester, N.V. a THE ONLY CEMENT IN THE ENTIRE WEST jT will pay you to visit it. Even if you are only inter 1 ested in keeping your feet dry. Cement construction today stands out as the foremost building material of the world. If you don't believe it come and see the mov ing picture that we show of the Panama Canal and Keokuk Dam. The entire show for 25 cents.