The Omaha Daily Words Backed By Deeds That's why The Uco linn frlcmls and enemies, ami whr it wields an Influence for public good. THE WEATHER Generally Fair VOL. XL11 NO. 'JOO. OMAHA. Tlin?SDAY MOKN1NO, FlflBJKUAUY (i. KOlHTKlON I'AOKS. SINULK COPY TWO (10 NTS Bee SHARP ENGAGEMENT BEGINS LATE IN DA? ON TCHATAUA LINES n.ii i' n t ti; n n .Bulletin Days xvoar oi uig uuns tuni , ..... ,., ! , , water -"outilv. Introduced a Joint resold-I Be Plainly Heard m the tton In the upper house providing for j Turkish Cauital. I "l0 appointment of a Joint Icglslatlvo , THOUSAND TURKS CAPTURED , Report that They Attempted Sortie , frnm 'Rpsierrpd f!ltv. j U FIRE OF ALLIES EFFECTIVE Turkish Report Says Only Eight Killed in Adrianoplc. ALL JREPORTS ARE OFFICIAL Nothing; In Known of Aclnnl Hap pening nt Front Except from Stntcmcntn Made li' the Commanders. IIUI.I.HTIN. LONDON. Feb. B. A sharp engagement began late today on the Tchalalja line?. Recording to a dispatch from Constanti nople. The roar of the cannon Is said to be plainly audible In tho Turkish capital. LONDON. Feb. 6.-Duting a, sortie by the Turkish troops from Adrianoplc to. daj;, J.000 of them were taken prisoners by the Bulgarians, according to a din patch from Sofia. CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 5. The forty-eight-hour bombardment of Adrian ople by the Kulgnrlatis and Servians has thus far resulted In only eight deaths within the city, according tb tho war office's official statement. Fifty prlvato houses have been set on fire. Bhukrl Pasha, commandor-ln-chlef of Adrlanople, reported by wireless tele graphy to the war office here today: "The enemy Is bombarding us. One hundred and thirty-eight common shells and eleven shrapnels have fallen ln the city, killing eight 'people and wounding ten. A number of houses are In flames. The bombardment continues." Mahmoud Shefket Pasha, Turkish grand vizier and minister of war, left for the front at noon today. His departure !s taken to indicate that some forward ac tion Is contemplated by the army at Tchatalja. Slese Gens tn Action SOFIA, Feb. C The bombardment of Adrlanople continued today on all sides of the city. Tho heavy siege guns brought up by the Servian troops were trained on the principal works of the fortress. Bulganlan army headquarters "report that yesterday passed without any fight ing along the Tchatalja- lines. . . Alt JiXT Is. demreiUv " WJjjDON, Feb. 5. The bombardment of Adrlanople, which opened on Monday', proceeded without interuptlon today, A report was., spread that the 'Bulgar ians hs!d decided to- suspend operations for twenty-four hours so as to give the Turks garrison an opportunity of sur rendering. This, however, appears to bo without foundation, as arc many of the stories spread broadcast in reference to conditions around and in the beleaguered fortress. A message from Belgrade, Servla, this morning speaks of the "1eorI0 conduct" of a couple of Servian regiments which participated ln an attack on the outer' clrclo of forts. There Is no means of verifying this or any other reports, as such fighting as may be In progress is taking place behind closed doors so far as the outside world is concerned. De pendence has to be paced on the 'mora or less biased stories given out by the respective army headquarters. Only on extremely rare occasions can a news paper correspondent succeed in cir cumventing tho strtct censorship. Prliiee Iliiasan Kscnpon Execution. ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Keb. 6.-Prlnce Aziz Hassan, cousin of the khedive of Egypt, who was supposed to have been court-martialed and executed at Constan tinople for fleeing at tho battle of Klrk Klllvsch, arrived here today by a French steamer. He boarded the vessel at on" of the ports of Asia Minor, where It called on Its way from Marseilles. Ho declined to glvo any explanation of his escape from the firing squad. Prlnco Aziz Hassan was In command of tho Turkish cavalry At Klrk-Ktllsaeh and was said to have been responsible for the panic among the Turkish troop?. Mahmoud. JIukhtar Pasha tried to stop the flight, from the battlefield by shoot Ing several sodlers with his revolver. BABC0CK MAKES FILINGS, FOR WATER POWER SITES (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 8. (Special Tele gram.) H, E Babcock made three fil ings for water power sites with the Board of Irrigation this afternoon. The papers show that ho is Interested with H, L. Dohcrty. Tho filings are at St. Paul for h dam near Cushing, costing $$S0,OO0, at Kent a dam at 1720,009 and the last at Palmer, n dam for l, 150.000. AH these 1 sites arc on the Loup river above the filings heretofore made. The filing fee amounted to' JJiCiV). DES MOINES POLICEMAN IS FATALLY BEATEN BY THUGS DBS MOINES. Ia., Feb, S.-Joshrra N. Suits, a policeman, was attacked and probably fatally Injured by thugs early today while attending to bis duties. Three men have been arrested on suspiolon. The Weather Temperature nt Omaha' Hours. S a. in DeE. i. 4 $ a. m , 4 7 a. m s 8 a. in , $ 9 a. m c 10 a. m 7 11 a. m s ii m j 1 p. m.... 3 p. m J p. to., . Storm Nearly Ready to Break in Wyoming Legislature riiBYBNNK. wyo.. Keb s.-(specii )- j The first .IB., of the approach!.. storm In tho Wyoming legislature occurred yes- i iterdav when Sennlnr Mnrtollo of Sweet-' 1 committer to Investigate the Wyoming ,,".. ' .... ...... , . , " I other state Institution!. Instead of re- ferrlng It to tho standing committee on state institutions, President sag. placed the resolution before the committee of IIL. ... t. I ,1... . tiir i. luiir. ii in i vu inn imi ..iii-ii hit: matter come, up for di.c,sion another i row win start which win eclipse any-; thing experienced thus far In the session. Stockmen are much concerned over the fate of the wolf bounty bill lntto duced by Mr. Wlndlcmnn of Converse county, which carries an appropriation of .'S5.O0O. The bill was returned to tho hpuse from the live stock committee with an adverse recommendation. When the matter Is taken up in the committee of of tho whole, the cattle and sheep Inter-'; ests will make a .lesperate effort to have tho bill put through even though the appropriations should be cut down to ' v.onsiuoraoie com.i.c.u .1 .-cub over Senate Kile No. 6, by' Mr. Christ- I tnan, which purports to be a pure food law. It Is charged that the bill has been ' Introduced at the Instigation of outside . oil companies and that Its real purpose Is to harass the Midwest and Franco- j American oil companies which have re- j flnerlcB at CaHper. Wyoming. So strong j has the feeling become that there Is 1 some sort of a "Joker" In the bill, that when It was discussed by the senate com- , mlttco of the whole, several senators declared that they wanted to know more about the measure before passing It. Senator Sullivan declared that It looked as though nn attempt was being made to discriminate against Wyoming com panies and at his suggestion the bill was laid over, without prejudice, until Friday. Six Milllions for Holders of Tobacco Common Stocks , NEW YORK. Feb. .'..-More than 56,000.- . 00) will' be distributed among holders of ; tho common stock of the American , Tobacco company from a 15 per cent j extra dividend declared today. Like the $40,0u0,00' "melon" divided last wee By ( the Standard Oil company of New Jer-1 soy, this extra dividend results from the supreme court decree dissolving the old corporation and represents proceeds of the sale of certain treasury securities In accordance with the decree of dlssolu-' the governors. Hon . - J The ftoc,k exchange resolution of to,t ffho declaration t'oijayy.'njake , a' totai ftltty was cjcptcd nnaqlm,ouly,(ond Jaifi of H,000,000 In extra dividend's received j effect aVkw'e. ' -4 ? , ' by tho stockuolders-slnce-Ute-old.Amer., !-.. nlil. l,,lrrfn..r.'t. " lean Tobacco company w dlseolved. -Tiie comphny dealareS also today a j quarterly dividend t of fi per cent, which j places the common stock on a w per cent : annual basis, an increase of 24 per cent quarterly. Southern Bankers Loan to Farmers in Violation of Law WASHINGTON. Feb, 3.-Cliarges that national banks throughout the. south openly violate the natlcnnl banking law by loaning money on real estate mort gages were made by Sol Wexlur, a New Orleans banker, today before the house currency reform committee. He told the committee the national banking law should be amended to legalize loans on real estate securities and said he knew of banks ln Louisiana. Mississippi and Alabama loaning their funds on real estate, to accommodate farmers. He rec ommended that such loans be legalized and limited to eight months paper to allow the farmer to "make his crop." "The farmer Is the only man who Is not allowed to take his stock ln trade Into a national bank and secure credit upon it," said Mr. Wexler. Taft and Clark Will Speak at Sherman lVToTTI HTl Q 1 SfiWinP muiuviiwi rwvyj. t , 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. President Taft, I ten senators and Speaker Clark will speak 1 at the memorial services In the sena'e 1 February 15 for the Jate Vlco President James S. Sherman. Invitations to the services will be sent to former President Roosevelt, former Vice Presidents Fair banks, Stevenson and Morton, member of tpe supreme court, cabinet nnd dip lomatic corps, governors of states anJ other men. 1 Benteen's Divorce CSiTif In "niOYYllCJCJQrl kJUlU IO JLlOllilOOUU. rcap'n edck w! 1; Z. . -- . ' . ... Of ..11, TTr,ii,t sni Infantrv. ncalnst hl ... .. t- , l Pa.iUai. was dropped In tne circuit court here to- j them. Cay. Neither Captain Bfnteen nor his j Realizing that there might be an elec wlfe appeared when the case was callul. i tlon without their votes, they rushed to The attorney for tho captain said his j the house gallery and shouted down upon client had not answered a letter inquiring his wishes In regard to th suit. Thera unon Judce Taylor dismissed the cue. When thte suit was filed In April, 11. ..,..., ,,.n,e, ,.a.lned t Jef. ferson IJarraeks, near here, and his wife was 11. ing at a St. Louis hottl. This i captain since has beon transferred to San "Francisco and a few months ago hl wife went wpst. It Is believed there has . , been n reconciliation. ; EXPOSITION APPROPRIATION AT THIS SESSION PREVENTED. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5.--fjpr-ononts rl . i- i.ii, . r.'Si . UK mil iu ,uim ,..v-,w, bu,o..- ment participation In the Panama-Pa' ifK U Internat'anal expos'tlon prictlcally fore 1, 'sUlled. action at tHs session by a fil - ubtsle In the house tonight- WASH SALES BARRED ON STOCK EXCHANGE Stringent Resolution Forbidding F(lke Transactions Unanimously iHSSCQ. SUSPENSION IS THE PENALTY Rule Applies to Anyone Connecetd , with Exchange Firm. SULZER'S BILLS INTRODUCED n . . Tf;l1 w l Ti it a Governor Will Not Be in Hurry to Press Legislation. ! OTHER REFORMS CONSIDERED I . - 1 jvnrlmiK Coiuiiilltrr nf Wnll Strrrt j llrok-r Xo nt Work 011 Itulra to I'rnrnl Objrrtlnnnblr i I'rni'tlcea, Viiiii; f.-.K n,., v, vnw. ovV rxcmMHP this afternoon adoptwl ' ft stHnsent resolution against "wnih 1 ub;. Tllls nctlon followPtl coa(iv Introduction I nthe legislature toda; of' bllls , ccommendlng slock exchange re- f0rll1g tts outlined In the governor's rceent messaKC- T,,e bonl.(, of BOVC,.nor, ()f , eX(.1H1Uie Bdop(eil ,ht, fo,ow,lg ICS0iutlon: No membcr of the CJ;chanM or C0II. nccted ,np frm slla Rvr op k execule orar for the pu-. chaHn. or ,,, of sccr!tics wnlcIl involve )n otmnKe , ownershlp." Plmshmellt fo rthls offcn,c already H aetfor, ln tlle constHon of le excharw lm(er te head of ..fl(.mloUR ,,,. ,,... Am. ,.B,inrl nf ,,, -..1. m.Uo. member llablno" suspension for a period not exceeilni. one year. The rule as now adopted Is broader in that It applies not only to a member of the exchange, but to anyone connected with a slock exchange firm. Other Itnlm Considered. Various committees of me still are nt work upon rules to prevent opf rations and transactions which have . been criticised. The conclusions of lthp committees. President J. 11. Mabon'taH. j ! ate to bp submitted to the covernors from time to time. The resolution adopted today hits mar? ,3,.fcty at ti,c subject which, has oecu- pC(1 )uuic attention ever since the aBltn- ton against alleged exchange abuses bf. B3n. u d(!a,H ,pec!flcally with some .f thft evna pointed out In the report of Ms Hughes cammlttec several years ago Officials of the exelwnge declined to' comment on the bills Introduced at Al-' imny one of which bore dl-cctly on the 1 resolution adopted at today's meeting of h ALBANY. N. FdbiiriP-.Va Slock rk 'change'' 'Ycfotrn leilalaiio'if 'will ui en-'H" acted urttll even-one interested has had a chance to express their views-or the seven bllls drafted by Governor Sulzer anu inirouuceu in uio aaacmoiy ium-. ir,.icu t UIUU miuw mi n im , business and that further negotiations partridge sold his examination showed While one of these measures wdu!d fix (body was. found he was In his shirt w,tJ, the strikers were out of thd cjuestldn.. ,0 trace of blood, a maximum rate of Interest, of 13 per. tleeves.nnd bare-headed. Nothing In tV A proposal made by the United Manu- ! Mayor Herbert E. Oyles ofAlken, test'. (.cent on call loans, Ui governor said to- office was molested. It being thought fncturer Assoclallon more than a weektf.inii ff,r thn state, snld Bsnch irnvn tlic night he was not committed to such a, that after the shooting tile murderer tan 1 proposition nnd .that the question of en-.away. J acting legislation calling for the Incor poration of the New York Stock ex change was being held ln abeyance until further Information Is available. Darrow Questions Bert Franklin IX)S ANGELES. Cal., Feb. .". -Again acting as his own counsel, Clarence S. Darrow, former chief counsel for the Me .amara oromers, cross evannncu uqu to ta RiIOrtly after midnight nnd ton- rore lie is inaggururcii, mougu up 111 Franklln today and obtained admission i nnllej uf,tn morning. ! dlcated today that he would try to reach that Franklin, his quondam chief "Inves- j xhern Is little or no clew as to the decision us to selections before that tlgator" in the dynamite trial had pro- cured Immunity for testifying against him. Franklin adlmtted he had pleaded guilty to having bribed Itobert Bain, the McNamara Juror, for the corruption . . . I , ... la rtAH, At. , .In I o ui ..un that he also bad been "exempted" from IHinifclimeni lor irauijnm iiEaius. iur- 1 row in the case growing out of the al- 1 leged bribery of George N. Lockwood, a McNamara venireman. Darrow was tried several months ago on the Lockwood Kharge and was acquitted Kranklln declared his Immunity was a "matter of opinion." but at length, ac- cepte a stipulation made by Assistant DUtrict .uorney Joseph Ford that he had obtained Immunity. The Immunity feature was credited wttn Having exercised great influence with the Jury, which acquitted Darrow ln the first trial. TlnnVQ TiOfVlirfin OTl Tnrlv T.PfHQlatnrql XOiLKlJ JJDglOiCKUUlO CONCORD. N. H.. Feb. 5. Th.) I I monotony of the thus far. Indecisive oa!- noting for United States senator In the j legislature was relieved today when scv- 1 , . . , , 1 1 1 1 TrtV. cZ rlAln offiEiX. i vnllnvr had been delayed and found the! ' 1, A ....mhlv ll tk 1 1 1nf-L'.t aVtll.lf.t j the speaker their demands for admittance tiv the floor and the protection of their : constitutional rights to take part In the I p.oceedlngs. Some or the younger men clambored down from the gallery (o the j floor. After a heated debate It was decided to open the doors and admit the tardy ones. The ballot resulted in no oholce. J CASTRO WILL LUNCH WITH SULZER TODAY NKW YOItK. Feb, S.-Ciprlano Caati-o. ex. pre dent of Venezuela, today accepted an Invitation to take luncheon w lith nv r- . . a.. ... a, ill...... .yo.Binur i ...onj .uinwuu... i He will leave here In the morning and ' return Thurda night to be in New York ion Friday, when argument comes up on j ln writ of habeas corpus. From I lie ClriCHgn News STATION AGENT HOOD KILLED !,...'.. BodjOI UniOll Pacific Man at Miner 1 ! Fonlld with Bullet in Brain. j : nrpnT ptjodKutv TlxmTCTttTTlT?T l01 ""JPRTl UNJJISTURBLD Drird ,Mnn Found Out In thr Snotr, . tine lllm'.k from Stntlnn, llan headed Riid In Slilrt sleejru. KEARNEY. , Neb., Feb, l-(Spf cfal Ti. rge JI. iloqd,' tlnlon i5jf!c erram.) George station ogent ;t J4!l)dr,;-Nebw,erity.s!x miles northeast of hefe, on the Callawa, branch, was shot and kilted Tuesdav I Might.- HI llttlcas. bddf was found 'rt :clol to Hie depot 'Wcdnosdav morplng. T 'n seenis mat noon ina uuay 111 in-" in tne depot when someone hi- A bullet nas shot through n window "f the office and one of .rS-callber was fired Into Hood's hesd. loding at the base "I the brain. Blood was found In the ctiai. that the agent had occupied, aa well as J upon the floor leading out of the office. 1 Upon notifying Coroner Stearns, hn Is-1 sued Instructions to leave the body where ' It had been found. Sheriff Andrews nnd ' County Attorney McDcrmdtt left for Mil-; ler by automobile today. . I , It seems certain that lood was, killed! TltlCNTON, N. J.. Feb. 'S.-Presldcnt-before midnight, ns the ground under the 1 elect Wilson sees no particular reason Know rnmnirnrnl i why ho' should announce his cabinet bc- , ,.,..,... of thp mrd(.ror r murderers. An miinnsv ln 'trf hp held - Wrdnesdnv afternoon. ' ' ' s Hood was a single man of good habits and so Jar as known .had-no. enemies. I He had been ! 1at.fc tcn'y in the employ of tho I'nlon years, t PROGRAM FOR. INAUGURAL CEREMONIES COMPLETE WASHINGTON. Feb. 6,-The program or the Inaugural ceremonies was com- pleted today. It follows In detail tho J when asked about hi attitude toward plans for the Inauguration of Taft and j tl)(? minols senatorial contest, the gov Shennan four year s ago. Platform ; crnor rvDlled: across the east front of the capltol where President-elect Wilson will take tho onth Of Office and deliver Ills address Will be 'built to accommodate 8.0O) spectators. I S.OOO more than four years ago. Z . .! - 1 - 113 wuiitti uapiLfcti, AVedne.dnj, l"- '".t. The Senate. ' .1 Convened at noon. Interstate commerce committee deferred "bill "for6 Physical final action on house VI 11 valuation of railroads and set February 111 ior neunnit rauruwu inirrcsi s. monies. I In fOTinal btatnment Senators Chlllon iiwV"o,Vhfie"lueiV.,n CharS''8 "K"'1 legality o' their elect.on. . legality oi meircra. , Aaopteo concurrent renoiutiou aiiintit- Itlng presentation of claim on Mexico for damages to Americans along boruor. ar?ny"aend WW ft to'ttM arTd' consular service to officers on retired list. Senator Smith Introduced amendment I to postortice appropriation d iu 10 auni i ! h?? mtt" "ur8ery lock to Parcels; POKe.ched agreemeni ,u vote during Kg - islatlvo day of February II on Connect! cut river dam bill, and Senator Hurto'ii opened debate In defense of bill. - y The lloo.e. T rt m eninlnlliaa 1 1 tl d In nen UJIa against rettrictions .urrgundlne; Jevelop - " Kxposltlons committee favorably ported bill for delegation of congress- I jnjng ,"nu,e"ln6 of J"lfe"'on ne'corunif ndations that national banks I bo permitted to loan money on real ostat Were rhade to i currency reform commlttr. . j,., , Mn.Mnntli.n nf mil.. Cf nnneotts li-glslatlor . Wednesday cal- jendar wltlidbte on District or t olu..t- j ,Jft5J1pl; igrieU to wiuc h bi-ttleahlp apploprra,' f rua. Dream of the Legislator Strike of Garment Maker s Cost Thirty Millions in Month NEW YOItK. Feb. r-ln l!ic month the strike In the men und boys' guriuenl making industry begun heir, it loss of j:0,W0,()iW hits 1km borne by the manufacturers and their workmen, ac cording to oBtlinutcs1 published Mbdayr It Is.dcclartjd.'that moie tUft.r of ho'utiuual oiitjatl of mtn's'and youths' riuqy, mad, tilythli amminyp tfijv 000,000 lias been lost to tttfl,uir(eslii' this city wl.llf tho ln In waaejto work men Is estimated nt slC.OOO.WO.-, This does n M; -"IhAlimk llii. I;. Innlli-'fl-il. liv I tin IfIUk In llin. Wnirien'n Industry. l.treHs no sign of peace In sight. One hianufaeturcr said that the Industry liad intv lost the greater part of the season' : business and that further negotiations uB0( however, Including provMon for a flfty-two hour week and an incrcnio In wages of from 3 to 10 per cent, was to ;ovor (o l)r lv Hastings Wyman, Jr., for be voted on today by tho garment cutters, microscopic examination. The tatlorB and operators have taken no , Vf Wyman testified that he had dis steps to vote on the mutter. covered 01. the knife what ho believed to " ' be blood stains. This view was sustained, WllCjn'n riynP.P.T.S T.O mM- y l)r Hoyden M'lms nf Oolum- , I w www Finish Cabinet Soon I time. "I remember very well suld the gov- I ""I01-- ""int Prfsldent Cleveland did not announce his cabinet until after he had u"n Inaugurated nnd' there were spepq- j rations and guesses until the-day or an. iiuuiiceineuf. The governor said lie Hoped He wouu not find It necessary to follojvMhat pre cedent. Mr. Wilson was urged today to appoint an secretary or agriculture, 1 . a. war 1 rett of Unori 'C1,X an., president of the National h armors' union. j ..A) j have aaI( t thnt the democrats ought to return to the primary choice. 1 OUKni to return 10 ine uiiiuuiy uuuib-c. . ..ou- r ll, tirlman- vote. In 1 nn,,;... 1 f.t ,i4-v wpre entitled to two' Jemocratlc senators. jimg AHOnSO Will XT-i. TTinii. Avnnvinin jQ, V 1S1L AllierCia MAD III D. Feb. 6.-KI11S Alfonso ot ! will not visit America, according to an official statement todaJ. Iteferrlng",r""uu"1 u,uw ,ne l"ce 1 to .eports as to nich nn Intentlcni on j "ta maje.ty. thMoni .hTm 1 uiil nutu. 1 '. Thr, l-inr- .ll.t.i,, tii ..ri., I jwirsonsl Infrest In the United. Statev , ' , , , , , . , ,- ,. . , ,, , " n. .von miU iu uac im, i t a visit there If It had ben possible." 1 I SAYS COLORADO WOMEN : 1 UULUnHUU "umt" DRINK MORE THAN MEN,a"uuU about th" va,ue ot tlie j afterward found. UBNVBII. Cnln. Fh s -Tweniv 1 women to one man ln Denver drink Intox- Icitlng liquor and they drink more than I n,tn," ' ' , . . . I This was the, statemtnt made on the floor of the Colorado senate today by C - . a II 1 . . . . f 1 - .. I . I ; owed R vlROroUB atlncW oy Mri. ,,ec., Itlng Uobln'on, Colorado's flrt woini'ti.; enator, upon a statement published ip i Washington nowspapcr anJ ntlMhuU'l V ! Heckr. tu the effect that "yoinen in , Denver drink more highballs, titan nup." i ,sMtor lloblnson denounced the uuot. d I SttMtor lloblnson denounced the quot d state ment as an Insult to the women ifjJudge CaipeitteV, who1, prObably will pre 'C'oloiado and threatened to -povi- the n- .klde at the t : i al, oerrJled demurters tu puls'.un of Heekfr from Lie lenatc If It Ileej Ml 1 BLOOD- ON BEACH'S KNIFE Testimony on Point in Famous As- .sault Case' Conflicts. DIAMONDS -MADE ' OF m PASTE llilllor 'I'estlflea thnt (Je'ins In' Hnr rlnu Were.. Worth lniul Tito Dolliim lllouil nn Fetire 4 Picket.- AIKKX.-Hi Ci. Klr 3.-Tho)ioecutl,iii 111 the. trjal of Frederick O. Head) of Now V6r&B.ri'Uird of .attacking llfii with "inutMeiynis Intent." rested today?' . Dr. Prtrtrldge or Augusta, Go., was the first1 witness c&lleu" b'y'the defense. iJructi' diamond-studded knife was shown tu til 111 and he Identified It as one which wan s(.limlttd to- HMn tart" March" fo'be trutfri for Ilin nrmr.ii'n nf Itlnnd. Dr. knlfe to him on request about three weeks after the assault, and later lie. turned It b'.a, to whom he submitted the knife. The prosecution offered In evidence u report from Dr. Mlms declaring his opin ion that stains on the steel were bloot cells. It was admitted, however, that the tests muilo were microscopic and not chemical. Uxiiert Hail n Opinion. On rrors-cxnmlnatlun Dr. Wyman ad mitted that he had taken tiro knife to an Augusta cxpecj' Dr. Partridge, before i""'inilttlng It to Dr. Mlms. lie said that Dr. , rartridgo examined the knire, b'Jt declined to express nn opinion. "Didn't Dr. Inrtrlle tell you that ne couldn't find any trace of blood?" de manded Colonel Henderson. "if I remembered thnt he did I'd say 'so," .replied Dr. Wyman. 'Didn't Dr. Pilrtrldge cut his finger and put It on a blade of a knife In order to make, comparative tests?" "I didn't know It If he did," ' Lawyers for the defense announced that they would call about eight witnesses, making it certain thnt the case would continue until tomorroV. ( A Kurrlnifii Called Paste, 1 it iv. ijumnsc- ruiiyr ui u loctti payer. itestlflerl he exnnilneil the llvinh nr'eiiilHit the" night of the 11.1 mi 11 It and found evl- Idences tjf a struggle In the side yard. '!. 'ssld.he.was with the chief of Police when said .he. was with the chief of police when 0 .ur Utaln.ed fence picket. He said one of tb I earrings was mashed.- He expressed tne joplnlor, they were paMe and worth only comb ttbo"1' 2' I Onmw.exam!natlon the witness said iDn ,ne Bmn or l"n tomans nead woui.l jha - But It wouldn t knock out the earring I0" 'ne other aide of her head, would It?" .r,,i Prn..nnr u,,,,i-r aeked Proiecutor (lunter. - "Not likely.", replied the wltnens. ; nurai policeman S. R. Holly, tho next 1 w,,n'V- W"? " ",e "ad 8nJ' iveratlon with Hcach the night of Cra i. Heacir said ills wire had lost a P-r of rrtnf,. He said he did not know exact value, but they were wortn j about SI.000 or W.(00." replied Holly, . I - TRIAL OF JACK JOHNSON IS SET FOR FEBRUARY 25 I " CHICAGO. Feb. S. The - trial of Jack Johmoii on thajses of violating the M.ann white slae adt war set todHy for Feb. ( ruarjr "5 In the t'nitod Slate district iouit. Cfor annoulnina this date. nourt. Vn!orf aunouliclug this date. .v IndktiiinitJ tmbodylns tho accusa- F OR NUMBER OF MEASURES FILED IN THE LEGISLATURE Lawmakers at Lincoln Introduce New Bills Till Total Exceeds Twelve Hundred. NEVER SUCH A F'OOD BEFORE Members in Night Session to Dig Up Few More. ' j IMPORTANT BILLS ON LAST DAY Water Power and Occupation Tax Measures Included. I LOBBY INQUIRY GOES OVER I I'lililUhrra Itcspnt ("rl I Id mil of Their Act nnd ltrnlnttnn nf Milp- lej'a Will lie l linimed He fore Ileitis; Pressed. tl'uini a HlHff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Feb. B. (Special Telegram Legislators took advantage of the laS day for thte Introduction or bills and filled the files In truth house and senate In tb house elglity-slx measure's were Intro duced and In the senrito IIS wer credited to the thirty-three members. But the house will swell Its number a' a night session. . . . Tho total number Introduced In the sen ate was 157. ngnlnst ItlH two ycais agr , In the house tint total number was 7'JI, against 7W two "years'ago. Some o ftho very Important bllls of the session were, held back until this lai( day. The two bllls by a special commit te relating to the wator pdvvcr of thu state weer Introduced In tho hotiie. Theee hills were outlined this morning. Th lental of .the water power Is fixed at i per cent of the gross receipts of the coir- ! pany leasing. The lease may run only I twf nty years, after which the propel t revel ts U the slate. The other .ncnsil r is luco ur 11 tiininiiflBiuu m pviiu- iiir tlon of water power and repo.t 1o the next legislature, thn cohunlsslon to 8"ve without pay. Off tipntltin Tax M ensure. Polls Introduced his ' occupation ttlx nirHsu.p, which provides an npndal tax of one-tenth of 1 per cent, on the palilMp capital stock of corporations, "proportion ute to the roperty owned In this state- The house passed ' the exemption bill which dors not exempt wages from at tachment, The Douglas deteglitl&n voted as follows: Agnlnst the bill. Brain, Hotf, Drijesedow, Smith, Fos ter, Sugarninn, Yates,; for the bill, Let Davfy. Anleron. ' ntcliardsnn.tjif Lancaster Introduced 11 bill in the house today to give life to the nohsfltmlonal amendment. pr6vidlng for the Initiative and referendum. His bill sets ont the manner of tho petition to be filed with the secretary of state when n legislative act Is to be roferred to a ref erendum vote and when legislation In to be Initialed. The bill makes It a felony for anyone to sign any petition With any name othe' than his own ojto certify falsely to al natures. Procedure mlth Initiative. Tll petitions are to be filed with the secretary of state and It la made the dntv of the Attorney general tb got up n tjtle for the proposed legislation giving '90 words or, less the Instance of thj leglsla Hah , I ...... ., ' I . . . . ., . . . . ' 11. oiiuuiu itnyuiic oujeci 10 tne true as prepared by the legal department lie has authority to go Into court within ten days and try to have it clninged. An arguntent for and against the legislation may be rued with the secretary of state printed by him arid sent out with the bal. lots and the proposed legislation to the county clerks. The persons making argu ment, however, have to pay for the print In gof this. If tho secretary of state shall refuse to accept a petition for the refer endum four months preceding the elec tion, tho petitioner may go int the Lan caster district court and mandamus him to accept It, or objeqtlon may be filed In tho courts to its acceptanqe. Petitions for the referendum must be filed within ninety days after the adjournment of the legislature. I.nbhr Inquiry tinea Orer. An attempt this morning to table the resolution for Investigation of the telephone lobby failed In the hous this morning. It was laid over for oh day. Governor Morchead has reappointed Dr William Hnxter as superintendent ot th Insane hospital at Hastings. Senator Uartllnrs Sunday base ball bill passed the senate today with the emergency clause by a vote of 24 to . the nay ovtea being Grace and Hoagland of Lancaster, Hoagland of Lincoln ICemp, Marshall, Ollls, lteynolda aril Shumway. Hrrmmell absent. Connt of Votes oea On. The contest proceedings In the Gross-man-Pancoast case before the special senate committee continued this after noon, the ballots in the second precinct of the Third ward of Omaha belnt counted The returns of the election gave Grossman, 75; Pancoast, 67, on a total number of ballots cast of 2S1. The resliH of the count gives Grossman, 138, Pan (Continued on PageTTwo.) rr A Reminder That Want Ad Phone it NOWdon't wait until this after noon. (Jet it in tho morning. Thin wfter noon wo will be rushed and so will yoy. Phone Tyler 1000