in TNI, IJUv O.MAIJA, I t 1!A , F1JIMU AKY I. !!)!.!. SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT-His Houo1' !!soinsHome Drawn for The Bee by Tad ' " A , s - . C - ')orriS , M . .III I Mil I II -I r x s GRAIN RE09RDSARE BROKEN Good Roads Boosters Locm Exchanged the BiBBcst I Meet in McOook Today Month in Its History. ,,r ,. ... ' , , . , ,. " Mri'OOK, Neb.. Feb. 3. (Special.! Tin- . , next animal session nf tho Oiimlm-Ufi- CORN CONTINUES TO COME IN , v,.r atmtl Uoh.i association win be i.h.i 1 In Mrt'ook, Tiinilay, February I, iiimI Receipts fur Iniinnry llicrril Ship ment li Tvto M lllliin i iini for Till M on III 4 'mil In lies ( Pour In. Jaii iary was tho biggest moiitli In the 1 istory of the Omaha, drain cxchangi. Thr. receipts were approximately '.t),Wi an the shipments 6,000.000 bushels of sraln. Including wheat, corn, oats mid barley. In ttir matter of corn, It In anticipated that February la going to bo better month than Jnuuary. Owing to a good deal of the corn not having thinotighly ilil'd nut, the receipts mid shipments were not heavy. Now the. cereal li In jilmc condition and the shipments nre romliiB nt ii lively nitc. .SIot of the ooni Ih koIiik south, liusi' iiuuiitltlen holng for i xport mid still Iiukoi- iiuiintltlca for the j-lantntloiiB mid for mllllni;. Tram Killed li- Triiln. UlUUllON', Neb.. Keb. . a.-(Hpoelul.- team of horren beloiiRlni; to Iawreuc A ohland was killed by u train here o'i iM'-iUay The nnltnnln were warnl bj a Htvlti'U niKlno and ran ncinw tne traot ! In front of a niovlni; Ktilnp of cars. Unu anlmnl had four feet cut off and f.ic 1 other wni so badly hurt thutjt had to bo ( nhot The waKon wan lladly wreelied. A i ll-jcar-old noli of Mr. Valiland who w'a III the xraRon was badly brulneil about tho face and Hide. The team wan vaiuel nt .' Hln-ady the IikIIi'iiIIoUh are for our of the ! bent and Ii)rt utteudeil nirellngx In the hiktoiy of the ansuclutlon. and thf inutti'i- of betler loadH, ewperlnlly the j promotion of the Interest of the Omaba Ueiiver traiiKcoiitilii'iital route l e- ' peeted to be Riven a material boost at thin mwlmi, an men of iiromlnenee will be piepcut from vnrloim pails of tin'' Htnte and will Hildretm the Rj'Hloim. Guv- I ernor Mooieheail will be here and has i promlMHl to speak at one of the seKHlonx J I'r. OverRiiard, president of the Nebraska I Automobile nnxoclatlou, will Hpeak. com- IliK from Kremont. The Denver Chamber ! of rommeren ha promised to have a lepresentathe at the Henloiin and to de liver an addioHfi on kooiI romlf, cupecl-ally- wllh leferelico to the Brent route now runnltiK from Omaha to Denver throui.Mi 'this city. The MeHoolt t'ominer- I rial club will rIvp tho deleKaten a ban. pint and mnoker with toast list In tho evenlnu. Tho ipiestlon Of Rood loads will be Riven a , vlKoroun and forceful boost at this session as the people of this section reeoRiilr.e the valuable worth of the Rrent loute. Allen Makes Effort to Get Stehr Free Ti?' nor the 'c vy 'aulino, Ks'u&rs thb 'oases OOri OUT THE flMMGlZ flMMEfi flMMCR OM the rao 'lariwny' GCHTLEMEH Be SEATED TnMoo-MornM johnsoh, how MNy chilluh una you7 interlocutor- i Hove threc CHJJJPtM, TflMBo. IMBO-BLL GPJL3 IHTERLOCUTOR. yen. Huw DID VOU KNOW 71MBO -flH Wfl& J"U6" LOOhfIN' AT DE TOP o youH Herta N'flwaef you Hna rvo Bones wn.L now srycy; WHEM VOU THINK SHEi'a ' HOME WITH SflBy &HE My OP our with flse lliiuil i:iectloii nt I'nlrbury. I'AinUtriSY. Neb., Tcb. 3.-(Speclal.) spcelut bond election will be held l'i Kalrbnry. Tueaday, for the purpose of votliiK on the $13,000 bond Issue. Tin school board desire to purchase the 1'nli bury hospital for an additional .scho d l ulldltip Tho (jtetiou will be held In (lie illy hall building nt Fnlrhtiry. Real and Honest VALUES PAY On of our cuitointra Satur day said t "I always attand XtraxaVa aalait tor aran If thay nflvartlis a anoa for BOo, X know It la a, btjrli arada shoa tor asaoapuonai ynine." Slits nrs rolnr fast. We adTlaa you to talcs advantat; of thate bttrffalna at one. Misses' and Children's l.xtrn lilsh top. button aboes. In cun metal, calf, patent colt ami tan. 10 lines. Boys' and Youths U liravy winter ahoes. . tan and black, Incluillpt; lilaii cui 20 OFF 84. 98 and $3 Taluaa 200 palm uf men's patent roll, button and blueher, broken lota, the itrcatost bufenlitti ever offered $1.45 EXTRA SPECIALS 88, $s and 14 Yaluaa 200 puira Wonien'H tniuv ilress party slippers, in patent leather, beaded and plain $1,95 "ti, $4 and $3.50 Valuta ;00 pairs on the table, broken slues In women's blueher kuii metal, calf, kid. awl patent idt $1.00 $3.00 Valuta 500 pair woinen'o tlire strap kid houo Slippers SI. 00 C1.0D nnd S3.S0 Valuta 100 palrw broken alies, wom en's fancy Hreis Mlpperx In patent, bid and till $1.45 Cat Prices for Women 445 0 Hiuinu8, import-C A Tltlonllltl rl 1 f V liutton $0 Hauan jtatont cottc i 45 vamp dull kid top.A button Hauan'8 Kun-t a 95 metal calf, button, Ol" 1. 11 V Bi;tvv Cat Prices for Men Hannn'H winter tr 75 (Kroni 11 Staff ('uricspoiulcnt.l l.l.VCOli.V. Keb. 3.-(8peclal.)-A pell tlon was received this mornlnp by Gov ernor Alorehead asklns for 11 pardon foe j Henry Htehr. a Madison county man who was convicted of manslaughter, lie was convicted of the murder of his stepson, who died from the effects of having his feet frozen. Htchr refused to call n doc. tor or to do anything to relievo the boy's sutferliiKs. UatiKrene, set In and, whll the boy's feet were later amputated, lie lied from tho effects of the disease. The dlstiict court of Madison county found him Riillty and he was sentenced J to tlo penitentiary. An appeal was taken I to the supremo court, hut tho latter af ) filmed the decision of the district rutin. and tho man will have to serve out hi. ' time unless tho governor listens to the , Plea of the attorney-W. V. Allen who 1 writes the Rovomor that In the hearing , before the supreme remit the court failed I to consider some very vital errors of the I lower court, and 'ho asks the governor to j take up the matter with his private sec ( retary. who is iv lawyer, and be will show ! him the vital spots. BEATRICE DRIVING CLUB ( ELECTSJTS OFFICERS IIKATItlCR, Neb., Keb. 3.-(8peclal.)-The lleatrlce Driving- association was re organized here yesterday by the election I of these officers: I'rrsldent. V. W. Mum- I ford of PI rk roll: vlee prrsldeut. W. V. l-'cott of Ucatrloe: secretary, II. V. j Klesen; dliectora. l V. Murray i)f lleatrlce. l.on Kpard and U Cornelius of I l'lrkrell. The association plana to have it ! three ilny meet here the Inst of July, j lr. and Mrs. John Marks, ngaluM 1 whom the county nttornfj- filed u pvtl- 1 tlon Frldny In the court asking tlmt their six children bo taken front them mil ! placed In charse of the Nebraska Hoard I for tho Controlof Dependent and Ncg- lecled Chlldtcn. gathered up their belonK Iiibs and left for Tecumseh with tlmlr ! family before the officers bad a chauc.t I to serve the paper upon Mr. and Mrs j Marks. Miss Millie McClanahaii died last nigh! at a local hospital, aged X. She loaves tw.i : brothers and a sister, her parents bavins ! itassed away In this city some-year ago. Itev. J. IJ. HrlgRs, who baa been pastor ! of the t'hrUtlnii church at Odell the lull two ytjiia, has reslgnwl and accepted n call from the Hrock Christian church. TO GET A CARNEGIE s ...... OH He wfluiso, wnLei, WftLKEa fi UTTUE BIT FURTHER THEN HE Wfl.;-EX) MOPC rt&fllN WE ONL wwsDDflK THE N HC WrLKEO SOME MOFfp.SUDDENLy HC TURN0D1MO UPON H5 morn Hnn ft son which Reno: "ifn man Got fyvnv wrH,ooo,oo could ft cap TBC HIM'"' If WHERE DYE GET THfiT STUFF? JUST THINK OF MoW ANV UVJES IVE likii VOC BltjSflP HAD LOST Hlb OflLi. om mo ve?y riosT drive. He HfU3 ONi.V5 fllNUTCB N VJHlCH TO PlND IT. THEy HUNTTO HftFfO DUTTHER& Wfl& MO&I6H OP IT. SUDDCNLV THE CriDD IE PICKED UP n BFlLL ftND UOOMINS FIT IT Reno pigh't picpo&& the DPILL THE POLLOWlNCr. "Bill Po&ref? enn put up r HONOTfCO T5ILL & IH n DlV HOW MUCH CAN A LPIMP POST?" o - OH CLR&EMCe! THSJBES Pi BIN 6 GROUND THB MOON BY NOT TAKING A JOB AS ENGINEER rn A PACCCMAPM. hkain;. HOME JAtyE"sT i BAKER AND LAMBERT ! RETURN FR0MJAASHINGT0N J I'itj Corporation Counsel I'en Hakei 1 ! and Klrst Assistant City Attoinny ' 1 bert huve returned from Wnshlintton. 1 I where they went to safeguard the city j ' interest In the suit of tha'Old Colony and 1 the electric light company cai-c. . Tlir 1 case did ,not como up nt tho session at which It was. expected It would bo beard : ami court adjourned for three week's. I when the riuic will be the second heard, j linker and Lnmbeit will ko bark t I Washington on February 25. SIl'U ItlMlIll Slipillles, We carry a full line of rubber goods I for the sick room. Alio auto rubber 'cIats and lubber footwear. Ituy you," I rubber goods of a rubber bouse. Omaha jilubber Co.. IfiOS llurlicy Tiit.- mm 1 Groundhoj; saw Jack Johnson's Appeal Dismissed by Supreme Court WASHINGTON. Keb. 3,-The supremo court today illsmlssed the appeal ot Jack Johnson, the negro pugilist. Indicted If Chicago on a chargo of .violating the federal white slave act, from the declulon of the federal court of northern Illinois. Justice !atnar announced the decision of the court, which held that a person was not entitled to attack tho constitu tionality of a law on hubcuts Corpus un less nil other means of testing Its valid ity had been exhausted. In tho meanwhile thn court pointed out Johnsun had been released on bull. The court did not pass on the conslltn tloniilltv of tho lnw In anv naitleulur. CmCAflO. Veb. 2. As n rpsult of 'hi, 1 dlsmlttbalyif Jack Johnson's appeal Ul BUILK 'Union Pacific Has MANAGERS' COMMITTEES A . , , A Appomtea Agents Howard II. Looinls. jnesldent of thn Building Owners' and Managers' nssocln" tlon, has appointed the following com mittees to serve during the ensuing year: Membership -f C. Sbotrs, chairman . Mr.-Clifton, C. B. Moser nnd A. A. All wlno. I'nicbaslng--Kd O. llunilltoii. chairman: AV. II. Thomas. Dr. Milliner nnd nichnrd Kitchen. Public Service Mr. Mcl'"arlund. cbnlr nien; II. II. nurbank, Paul O. Kubns and John W. ltobblns. Arbitration J. M. Walshe, chairman: V. V. Ooollttle and It. C. Strehlow. Legislation 1- II. Myers, chairman: A. C. Kennedy. I'. 1). Wead uud N. P. Veil. lusuruncn nnd Taxation B. M. Slater, chairman; Krank T. B. Martin and Rrnest Sweet. R II. Myers. John W. Bobbins and V. O. Wend were named as representatives of the association In tho Omaha Clvlo league. for Overland Route President Mobler of the 1'nlon Pacific, now In New York, has apprised the general offices here of the appointment of a number of agents for the OvarianX system, all of the men having fornvrly been Joint agents, representing the road nnd tho Southern Pacific. The. agents named nre: Boston, Wlllard Massey. New Knglund fi eight and passenger agent; Butte, Mont.. K. A. Shrewe. general agent; Des Moines. .1. W. Turtle, traveling passenger agent; Detroit, J. C Ferguson, general agent WHAT'S 5EC0ME OF-' EM his sh'aclow of winter. ' more weeks Our February Clearance specials of high- quality winter suits and overcoats should appeal to you slrongly. A. II. Watcrhouse became superintend- 1 ent of schools at Fremont when he gave I up the prluclpalship of tire Otunha, High j BChool. I Harry Wllklns went along to Chicago with tho Uudahy. office force. , j C C. Viight.for a while city attorney. 1 and then with the Northwestern law do- J partment. Is now Interstate comnlerco attorney for the road with headquarters at Chicago. Charles S. Young, who started out In newspaper work on The Bee, Is manag ing the San Francisco Kxamlner for W. B. Hearst. As a supplemental report, It should be noted t!-nt IV. It. Kopald, who .was for a while with a. Chicago advertising' agency. Is now assistant sales and advertising manager for Wrialey, perfumer, 'of that city. II. C. Plculc.ll. formerly commercial freight agent fot tho B. & O., with of fices for a number of years In the First National bank building. Is now Paslflo coast agent of tho same road nt San Francisco. Items for this heading- art inTlttd. . Serious I.ncrrn tliinx and wounds are healed, without danger of blood poisoning, by Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, tho healing wonder. Only 23c For I.os Angeles. II. O. Wilson, geh- sale b' Beaton Drug Co.-Advertlsement We offer broken of our Kensingtons trlct Attorney Wllkerson said today fiat NORTHWESTERN INSTALLS llie dines UKMiiiai iivkiu puuiuni wouiu be tried Immediately. When Johnson was arrestod after his Indictment, charged wth violating the Mann net, release on a wnt of habeas corpus was denied. In ap pealing to the Culted States supreme court Johnson attacked the constitution ality of the Mann cet era! agent; Milwaukee, T. L. Davis, com mercial agent; Minneapolis. II. F. Car ttr. dlntrlct freight, and D. M. Collin. j district passenger ngont; New York. ,T. I B. DeFrlest, general ensteru agent;. Oak- I Intnl. Tt ' Ttlncil,,! ni'Ant rn iroi ilo. NEW TANKS FOR FUEL OIL I Partment, nnd A. V. Stevenson, agent of till' AiriHUl- HtJ'UI llllCltkt Jl) IlllUt lTiBI Lawson Brings Prize Bulldogs from Europe leather lined uchcr anau best vo- leather Lr double ?lf. !5: $C15 Ni;w YOUK. Feb. l-HIsc Kngllsh bull dogs said to be worth which Ar nold Lawson, son of Thomas W. Iawson. of Boston brought to America from Kng- land yesterday, are said to mako up tho finest nnd most costly puck of bull dogs ever Imported Into this counttry. The dogs weie housed during the trip ac ross the Atlantic each In a tiny cottngj I Fremont on boat it tin steamer Amerlka. Tho col General Manager Wultcrs of the North western has gone west to Inspect the oil tankage Installed and being .Instnlled along tho lines. This tankage Is for hold ing the crude oil from the Wyom'ng fields and which after April 1 wlllbe used on all engines, both freight nnd pass enger, in tho service west of the Missouri river. At Norfolk the Noithwcstorn Is putting In tauknge with a capacity of 10,000 bar I els of oil. West of there the tanks lutvo been completed nnd many of them ave filled. The tankage at Omaha will bo the largest of at nhy point on the system, bavlg a capclty of W.uob barrels. Flva thousand-barrel tanks nre being con structed nt Hastings, Superior, I.lncoui and Uuwood, with a 10,000-bnrret tank at J. C. Perclval, agent; Philadelphia, 8. C. Melbourne, general agent; Pueblo, Colo.. Si. M. Tudor, commercial agent; Port Townsend, Wash., B. F. Owsley, com mercial agent; St. Iuls, A. J. Dutcher, general agent; San Francisco, S. F. Booth, general agent; San Pose, Cal., F. W. Angler, agent passenger department, nnd" f,. M. Cheshire, agent freight department. j Key to the Situation i Srat Bee Advertising lines (the finest re a d y - for - service garments we know of) strictly this season's stock at l i and even xz less than regular prices. Shirts! All of our Model brand $1 garments, coat style with cuffs attached in neat tasteful patterns, now 65c MA6EE & DEEMER ' 413 So. 16th. Clothes Hats Furnishings TRAVELING SALESMAN KILLS SELF WHEN WIFE LEAVES lection Includes Champion Centaur, four MRS.MARY HAYDEN SWEENEY nnd a half years old, which has taken DAOOCO AlAfKV ciumtv twelve champjonshlp pilies and beaten rMoOCb AWAT OUIMUAT every light weight bulldog In England, I ' according to Mr. I.awson. ' I M,s- ylar' Hayilen Sweeney" died at her Champion Beamish Blunderbuss ami j home. .M10 Farnam street, Sunday even Irlsh Boy weio two noted heavyweights I atlcr n" nl,lr!a "f nearly a year. In the collection. t i !,,, WB" years old and came to Omaha Thero ate no good bulls left In Kng- " froni Wisconsin where sho land." sakl Mr. Lawson. "I have all of luu1 Bnent h,'r "' "fc- Sweenoy them with m'e." ' I survived by her brother Joseph Hay- A twenty percent duty was required on 'en or Omaha. Wltllum Hayden and the doua. but Mr. I.awsoi. hnneli tn liuv Uiwrelico Hayden of Washington. Jumos G, G. Ohlman committed sulcldo Sunday night by shooting himself through tho heart with a twenty-two caliber revolver. ITU body was found yesterday morning tn the office of A. Culm. 1322 Farnam street, by whom he was employed as a traveling salesman. Domestic Infeclllty seems to have brought on an attack of melancholia and after his wife left Sunday for her folks who reside In Wlsnor, Neb., he evidently retired to the offlco and there was overpowered by the mood Into which ho -hnd fallen. Word has been scut to Mrs. Ohlman nnd an Inuuest will be held today. l.lfr Sriite.u-,. , ,llls abated on the ground tlmt the dogs UlHydcn of Omaha, and her sisters Ml I with throat and lung trouble nVe DfPn brought here for Imnrovlmr ' Buille Hayden. Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn and i H. T. CLARKE, SR., IS DEAD of suffering i ipiukl (ommuied bv D: Kuigs New Ifiopi A and f. l or salo by Ibatou Drug f'o derlUcincnt Laboratory Finds Antidote for Blood Poison Wonderful Results Now Being Accom plished by a Herbal Extract from the Swiff Laboratory En Atlanta. the natle breed Key to tne Situation Bee Advert mlug " ter V- 1 THE DEER WITH A SNAP TO IT Old Slylo Laiw U the Jtr that la brewed just tisht Bomtthlne ntircly .different in tha boltle beer Una lust M eood aiavtr could not be made bet'.er. , C. HTILEMArt BREWING COMPANV. UWU. LERCH A VAN SANDT, Distributor 311 soutn i vth at.. OMAHA. NEB. Piioaa DoarUa Si SO l(?onlltuifil from Tiiiri Onp 1 Mrs. John Y. Mudden of Omnlw ! The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock 1 1ST? he became a partner In tho whole ' this morning from St. Tetgr's church j le hardware house now known as the with Interment nt Holy Sepulcher come- lee-Olnss Hardware company. In 1&S3 he started the wholesale bouse or tho II. T Clarke Drug company of Omaha, with a brunch establishment at Lincoln. Ills sons, Harry. John, William and Charles, w-ero associated with him In this enter prise, nnd both houses did u large and successful business. In lfc: he built Clarke hall on Klk hill. Bcllevuc, the Institution now known as Bellcvun college, und presented It to the synod of the Presbyterian church of Ne braska, together with two lesldtmcea and IiTi acres of ground on which the build ings stand. In January, 1906, Mr. Clarke I was lrcted president of tho Nebraska State Historical society and also of the FAST PROGRESS MADE ON HASTINGS-GIBBON LINE CI KHUN. Neb.. Feb. 3 -tSpeolal.)-The' , Hastings Sr Northwestern bridge south east of town, across tho I'latte liver, Is completed und the rails arc ull In place :-1 tttat trains can run from Gibbon t the south side uf the Platte. This Is about cne-fourth of the distance from Gitbo t Hastings. The balanoe of tho di tanea la graded ready for the rails. ergs', Nebraska Territorial Pioneers' tlon. assocla BOY SHOT IN HEAD WITH A SMALL RIFLE i Wnl Point AVI in from l.lneoln. WH3ST POINT. Net., Fb. S.-lSpeclal. West Point High s.'hool babK't Uitl team defestvtl Temple High uf IJncoln ' b r Saturday ulgbt by the scoro of li t rt '4nruu: l'ST'6ln T.lNI?OI.N. nnun UF.;UF Chaplu lii' Men iC Arterburn Ol i.rjiiiui I if 11-, t Kr .pla UU.;Uti;;;;.... Wilson NOBFOI.K, Neb. Keb. S.-(.peclal Tele- I -,tUy ........It.c. H.U PilUnl , gram.)-llenry Bonier, age eighteen, waa ..'ciTtW th0 hd with nn -unloaded" ' WIImh tl). Fiee goalh: Cliaplii ! twenty-two caliber iifl by4 hla nine year ut of !'. Arterbuin. i out of S: Wilson. 1 iota brother Fred, at Klglfi, Neb., yester Krr,t't i: Tvflt' 1 ! ol,t of ,! Uefer '' I day. The boys were playing soldier and i Fred undertook to demonstrate how they , Pirsi-tent deiti.-uu U tne Itoad to do it tn the Balkan. Henry was hurried US lUturna- lo au Oiuah hospltaJ. The ancient and destructive treatment o Ions In use for blood 'poison Is now banished forever. No longer will mer cury, iodides and arsenic destroy human kind. The great Swift Laboratory at At. Tanta, la making a powerful herbal extract that Is unquestionably one of the greatest medical discoveries of alt times; This wonderful preparation Is now on sale, In. nearly ever' drug store throughout the country under the name of S. S. S. Its action la marvelous. Soma of the effects cf blood poison cured are mucous patches In the- mouth, ulcers on the tongue, lips. In the nose and throat: copper colored splotches, eczma, articular rheumatism, scrofulous sores and ulcers, and every de gree and etago of Ll.tod poison. Trie lima of SS. 8. S has become almost world Mo. It Laj glvcu yvrfect heiliU no autldutul effect. to those who years ago had given up ah hope. It has been a revelation to hun dreds of physicians who enthusiastically welcome the remedy that can banish mer cury and other poisons. There are thousands of pcoplo who would like to know Jioro about the won. ders of 8. B. S-, and a handy little book rrlth colored plates showing the strong! facts about skin and blooil diseases will be mailed free upon request to Medical Iepartment. The Swift Specific Cq., 1!? Swift Bids.. Atlanta,. Ga. In tbe mean lime get a J1.00 bottle of this remarkable remedy from your druggist and thus be assured of complete and permanent re covery from any skin or b!-oJ d'srder. Be sura to ask for S. S. H r. not u misled Intj buying blood, tonka that bav