Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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JF EVER there was an opportunity to save a lot of money
on dependable, high grade, home furnishings, that opportunity is here now,
at Hartman's, during the great rebuilding sale. Many alterations will be made throughout the
store, including new additions. We have outgrown our capacity for handling the large trade we
now enjoy, and it is necessary to enlarge and improve the store throughout so that we may in
crease our facilities for serving the public. A far reaching effort to bring stocks to- the lowest possible level before tho
contractors begin work on the building, will be made, as we do not want to run tho risk of having thousands of dollars
worth of high grade merchandise damaged hence you are afforded a most wonderful opportunity to save on your home
needs. Your credit is good. We make the most liberal easy paying tonus on every article that you buy. Note the fol
lowing great value: Look for the preen Price Tags.
Very Liberal Credit Terms on Every Article You Buy
A Very'Advance Showing
of Spring' Time Dresses, etc.,
for Little Girls and Infants
The Airiest, Fairicst
Garments Imaginable
Designed by real nrtlsts who know how to
fashion garments to emphasize the easy
gracefulness of the llttlp child. Mndo by
artisans skilled In the creation of the very
finest of clothing for little misses and babes.
Infants' Long
With dainty round
or pointed yoke finf
lawns or nainsooks,
trimmed with lace,
feather stitching or ii
touch of hand em
broidery. $1.50 up
Infants' Long
Pine nainsook, with
dainty lace odginic or
feather stitching.
SOc, 75c, $1.00'
Sundry Items
for Infants'
l.onk nainsook skirts,
at . . .."Or, 7"r to fjUi.r.O
Long flannel skirts,
nt . .H()c, $1.00 to $11.00
Cashmere Sacqucs,
at . .HOr, $1.00 to $.1.00
Knitted sacciurs or sweat
ers flOc to 92.25
Hlankrls . .IJOc to $1.."0
Mnrccllo crib spreads,
at 91.2ft to 9t.ll."
Ilnskcta O.V to 92.00
Hlbn ."c, 10c to 91.o()
Infants' Outfits
31-plcco set 910.00
lO-nloco set 91 5.00
45-plcco sot 925.00
Beautiful French
Dresses for the
Child 2 to 6 Years
Dainty Hwlmo.o. Hat lute
anil I.HWHS Plain, simple
Htylrs or elaborate model
iHVlnhly trimmed with
rlitnj' or Irlnh lares many
with n dash of hand cm
broidery. $1.50 to $15.00
Children's Russian
MartrH, Itepp or I.I nun
with aide or box' pleat slid
$1.00 up
Infants' Short
White Dresses
Uwm and n&tnsooka, yoke
offectn. with pnnoln of lace
embroidery and flounces o
match for iircs 6 month.
1 and 2 yenrt at OOo to 86
A Word About
the Garment
Wmrkers Strike
The revolting conditions aurroundlnir a certain branch of the narment
making- IndiiHtry In rexponnlble for the present Industrial upheaval In
New York. Yon wonder how good, germ free garments can lie mado
under hucIi condition. They ran not and they are not. Yon pity the
poor ulrls who toll for n pittance. So do we. Our aympathlea Ho out
to them. Wn hope for their mieeen". It meana much for all concerned
However. th out come will affect our buninesa not at all. The gar
ment we hoII are mndo in the tightest, moat sanitary work shops pes
alblo to nonstruct. Tho workers receive good wages ond decent treat
ment. They are able to buy good food and clothing and provide com
fortable abodes for themselves and families. They are not on u strike.
Our customers get hlh class garments and they are arriving every
day notwithstanding the "strike." No disappointment for our cus
tomers. Our garment business Is' not built on the heartaches of the
"East Hide Qarmcnt Workers."
stttntlons are, I grant. In states richer
than ours, although In Wlacoiuln, whom I
the disparity la not as great as In thp
cases of others, the state Is spending as
much In a general building program, with
no special matters under way, os we aro
proposing to spend for oampus consolldn
tlon or campus extension.
I trust also that no alumnus will, for
tho purpose of Influencing tho legislature
against campus consolidation, over-cm-
phaslit, the ilclebcy,'1rtlrcsont ;eiypj)
inciu. j me lorm, wimoui rcgaru to mis
question, we need a dairy building, nn
nnlmal hUHbandrv bnlliilnir. an audU
torlum, a gymnasium, ;i library, n hqtn
barn, an extctlWlon of the powe'f plant,1
an agricultural' engineering building, dor
mitory facilities far the younger girls
who come to tho school for agriculture, :
dining room facilities for all students,
better equipment for agricultural chem
istry; soils, field crut', otfc., to say notli-.
Ing of other highly desirable things.
More Itoom Imperative.
In connection with the work now car
ried on at the city campus also without
regard to consolidation wo need three
time our Present museum space, and,
twice the apace now occupied by the de
partment of chemistry. All admit that
Nebraska hall should be torn down and
a new fireproof building erected. If the
affection of the alumni for University
hall makes Its retention desirable. It
should be repaired and strengthened,
many departments should be removed to
new fireproof buildings, congestion of
students In the structtiro avoided, Its
basement rooms vacated and the building
Itself used to house some of the uni
versity's minor activities. Tho present
armory and gymnasium could be re
modeled Into a woman's gymnasjum, for
which purpose It would answer for quit?
a number of years. Wo should plan for
the construction In the near future of
an adequate men's .gymnasium. In this
connection permit me to say that all the
money now Invested In buildings for this
line of work U carried on our books at
an estimated amount of JIG, WO, The low
Agricultural college has Just completed i
ftitw gymnasium costing 116.1,000, and that
state also provides gymnasium facilities
lit the statu university at Iowa City. J
do not deslro io rnlso a dlsousxloh on the
relative magnitude of our needs, nor do
f present them hern as having any bear
ing upon the removal question, but merely
to Imprre upon the alumhl the fact thut,
while In many of tho state schools the
last ten or twelvo years liaVo been! tho
hklHflltur.arn tvi; valntli'Mtf inmiltlnr AinVh'
bcen.-standltiR stll. t ''
Oilier Fncllltlm liinileqnate.'
t-anno.t loavo this subject without
nudiRg tnat wn need an educational build
ing to house tho iempln high school and
the rducatlonnt activities of tho teach.
ers' college! also that proper lecture halls
and seminary rooms for tho arts collcgo
nrc In very urgent demand. Klnnlly, our
library nnd reading room facilities arc
Inadequate. I believe that I am well
within tho limits of truth in stating that
on the main campus only mechanical
engineering, physics, and law aro as well
housed ns corresponding departments In
mmiy Weaker Institutions of the country.
I bring out these facts to show that
alumni should not, In the present dis
cussion of removal versus non-removal,
lose sight of the- fact that, cither upon
one campus or upon both campuses, we
must enter upon a building program look.'
lng toward tho supplying of these, needs,
Uefore closing I wish to say a word
about salaries. KUher bill tho whole or
tho half mill will relievo the salary situ
ation, as it will muko It possible to churgo
all buildings und practically all repairs
nnd upkeep to the building fund. In
their cstlmutcti for the coming year, tho
regents have endeavored to protect oiir
present mill rato revenue, so as to leave
a Inrger 'amount available for salaries.
I believe further that a careful Investlgn
tlon of the Btato Institutions ot the
country will show that, generally speak
Ing, the best salaries prevail where due
regard Is paid to obtaining adequate
buildings and oqulpmcnt, that tho morl.
bund Institutions pay the poorest salar
ies. Either the new mill rnto or the
alternative linlf-mlll rato would enable j
the regents to use the old mill rnto for
Increasing teaching efficiency, and to
afford somo Immediate relief.
Leaves of Almrucr".
In recent years, In cndcnvorlng to re
tain our best men and to got from them
their maximum efficiency, tho university
'has followed a sotnnwhnt mora llberu
ipollcy regarding leivvo of absence than
Jyan formerly tho case. It Is hard to hold
men against Institutions which offer them
the Kubbatlcal year. In this mattor wo
havo dono tho best that wo could, both by
our .faculty members und by tho lnstltu
tlon, and I trust that every nlumnus will
recent tho Insinuation that leave of ab
sence, to such, men as Luckoy, Caldwell,
Howard, Fling nnd others especially In
view ot the Tact that to a considerable
extent such absences have come In part
as compensation for services rendered
gratuitously In summer sessions are In
any senso a waste of public monoy. If
the regents havo been unablo to pay such
salaries as the Tank nnd standing of tho
institution would seem to demand, they
have at least endeavored to mnko posl.
Hons In tho faculty In other ways as do
strnble as possible.
In conclusion, since even A less desirable
policy Is better than no policy at all, I
would urge my fellow alumni, nd matter
bow much we may differ on tho wisdom
of tho policy of consolidation upon the
farm campus, to maintain a judicial attl
tudo, to preserve an even temper and to
urge tha legislature to settle the matter
definitely nt this time. I would ask thorn
further to keep constantly In mind the
Institution's very great needs In salaries,
In buildings nnd In equipment to conduct
without asperity such a onmpalgn on onu
Mdo or the other as they may think li
proper to make, nnd. no matter how the
legislature may finally decide the question
at Issue, to bo ready to unlto cheerfully
and loyally for a great Unlvorslty ot Ne
braska. Cordially yours, 8. A.VEUY,
D. Sc. '92-A. M. 'W.
"Weak aiid unhealthy kidneys are prob
ably responsible for more aloknsss and
snffsring than any other olsiaie, there
Jots, when through nsgltct or other
cans, kidney trenble Is permittea to
continue, ssrlous results are sure to
(Continued from Page One.)
Dining Room Furniture
Solid oak 5-foot extension table
Highly polished, $7.50 vul no, at
Mnsslvo cxtonnlon table. Heavy pedestal,
rchly finished. $18.00 valuo, $i fk50
specially A "
Colonial buffet. American quarter sawed,
lilffli grade $25.00 value, spe- Sp-i AQ&
dally priced at r
Beautiful Kcnulne quarter sawed oak china
closet. Dent ends and mirror Si j75
top. A $25.00 value, priced at . . TT
Quarter sawed oak diner. Full box Boat,
strongly made. A $11.00 valuo, Si 8J
Bed Room Furniture
Very best American quartered oak dresser.
French beveled plate mirror In a 8705
colonial design. A $1T..50 vclue at
Massive mnhogany dresser. Pattern shape
mirror and beveled. An $18.00 81 1 RTi
value, nt 1 1
High grade and massive colonial chiffon
ier. American quarter sawed oak. Sq(J5
An $18.00 value, at T
Quarter Bawed oak mahogany voneer
blrd's-oyo maple dressing table. Bril
liantly pollshqd. A $28.00 val-i 1795
ue, at It
Massive colonial dresser- Genuine mahog
any or Circassian walnut. A $68 SOOSO
value, at
Fine Metal Beds
Artistically enameled Iron bed. A large
selection of pillars, nil sites, $1 4i
strongly made. $2.75 value 1
Heavy brass trimmed, all steel beds. Se
lection of colors. All sizes. $7.00 S098
value, specially price r.O
Massive 2-inch post chillcs Vernes Martin
or white. A $15.00 value, special S'yOS
for this sale
Guaranteed 2-lnch post brass beds. All
nizes, all finishes. A $17.50 SQ90
value, at V
Massive continuous 2-inch post brass bed.
10 heavy fillers, satin or bright Si C8J)
finish. A $80.00 value 71 O
tua vt-tw ma attention
but your kldnir moit, 1cus thy
do most and should tv alUatlon first,
IX 70a XI Uxt yoiir ldn7 r tfc
caje of your alckntii or ran down con
dition oommane tiklnr Sr. XXtmifn
watap-Boot, tb frat klAncy, llTir and
tUAAtr remedy, bacanae aa aoon aa your
kianaya bagrla to Unprova thajr will nalp
all tha otnar organs to baaltn.
Preralencjr of Kidney Disease.
Uoet people Oo not ttm m tue u. arm
ing' Increase and rrmarkable prevalence
pf kidney illfpave, While kidney ill"
orders are the most common d Imbues that
picvAll, they uro almost the lut rec
ognized by patient or physicians, who
usually content themselves with ,doctor
Ing the effects, while thu orlitlnal disease
j constantly undermines tho system,
A Trial Will Convince Anyone.
The mild and Immediate effect of
, Hwnmp-ltoot, the Krest kidney, liver ami
. bladder remedy, Is soon reullsedi. It
Islands the highest for Its remarkuhlo
results In tho moot dlrtresalng cases.
HymptouiN of Kidney Trouble.
; H nun-Hoot Is not iccommenutd for
everything but If you are obliged to puss
our water frequently nlaht and day,
smarting or Irritation In passing-, brick
I dust or sediment In thu urine, headache,
backache, lame back, dtsxlness, poor ill
Kestlon, sleeplessness, nervousness, heart
disturbance dun to bad kidney trouble
skin uupiloiiit from bud blood, nvurnlglu.
rheumatism, lumbago, bloating. Irrita
bility, wornout f ellnp. lack, of ambltlim.
may be loss of flesh, tallow complexion,
or Bright' s disease may be stealing upon
you, which Is the worst form of kidney
Sample ltottle Sent Free
If you nre already convince that
Bwamp-Itoot Is what you need, you can
purchase the regular fifty-cent and one.
dollar slzo bottles at all drug stores.
Sample not tie Sent Fre.
XDXTOKXAX irOTIOX To prove the. wonderful merits or Swamp-Hoot you
may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable Information, both veut absolute
ly free by malt. The book contains many of the thousands of letters received
from men and women who found Hwamp-lloo't to be Just the remedy they needed.
The value and aucceis of Hwawp-Root la ao well known that our readers are ad
vised' to send for a sample bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer Co., Illnghamton. N Y..
be sure to ay you read this generous offer In the Omaha Sunday nee. The gen
ulneiieaa of this offer la guaranteed.
Jantna If they succeed In, capturing them
while the Bulgarians are taking Aana
nople. Klpg Nicholas of Montenegro, on
the one !de. and Crown rrlnce Constat!-
tma of Oreece on the other declore that
they will take tho fortresses by storm or
lose their Uvea In the attempt
Hhoutd any fresh proposition to prevent
renewal of war give promise of success
the allies will now put as a condition not
only the cession of Adrlanople and the
Aegean Islands, but also the surrender
of Scutari and Janlnl to Montenegro and
Most of the Qreek and Servian peace
delegates left for home today.
Iltiarriliiu (lulil tletclna In Fmucr.
TAniS, Feb. 1. Owing to apprehensions
of a possible war, gold which Is now at
20 cents premium on 1100 has almost en
tirely disappeared from circulation In
France. The only places In IarU where
Kold coin can now be obtained are I'arlw
branches of American banks. Tho French
banks refuse to hand even one 50 franc
piece to their customers.
The hoarding of gold lias been In
progress for ..three- months. For two or
three days recently, when, peace In tho
Balkans seemed likely, a few gold pieces
began to reappear In circulation, but
these have onco nioro vanished.
llennenUnniptt Takes Commnml.
ST. I'lTiSHURa, Feb. l.-Oeneral
Hennenkampff. one of the few successful
Hufslan generals In the Husso-Japaneso
war, has been appointed commander-ln-chief
of the troops In the Vllna. Ills force
Included five army corps and will form
the main western army In case of war.
The Russian government Is of tho opin
ton that the new Turkish proposals ti
the powers furnish a posetblc basis fo
further negotiations with the Halkt.11 'na
tions. The Foreign office today began an
actlVe Interchange ot views with the
other powers in the hope of preventing
the renewal or hostilities, even at this
late hour. Tho chances or success, how.
everare considered slender
Bargains in
High Grade Rugs
9x12 Monarch Brussels
rugs. A varied assortment
of designs. Mndo without
mltro seams. $18 fkOS
values X vr
Dxll high grade Willon
Velvet rug. Floral and orl
e n t a 1 designs. Si Qt)5
$19.50 value . . , . IsCi -
9x12 Brussels nig. Ex
ceptionally fino quality, all
wool surface. $22 Si 085
values, now X
(ixi) Seamless Brussels"
rugs. All now nnd up-to-date
pattern. $14.00 SOS
values, now
9x12 heavy Axniinsler
rugs. Your cholco of many
patterns. $35.00 SO(k05
values, now tJ
9x12 lifcversiblo Art
rugs. Strongly mado In ar
tistic do.Bl 'R nB. Sff45
$10.50 values, now-.O
15 x 6 Axminster ruae.
Now and up-to-tho-mlnuto
designs. Good- val- So89
ues at $5.00, now. -. . O - -
1 ' "V
frp" "L i'i'i.1'"' Vs Massive 2-in. -Post
fCil ernis Martin Bed
IALii sizes - r-J-r-
Great Values
in Library
1 2-inch Continuous
continuous posts, five heavy fillers and strong supporting rods.
Q The chills are handsomely decorated. They are enamel- S Q
eci m rue popular gtua uronze, wiuuii is jar superior 10 any mm:
lirnnn IipcI nfforil nnd srnnrnntned not to tarnish. Snprlnl. thin nnlft . . .
American, quartered oak,
Colonial library table.
Strongly made, beautifully
finished. A $14.00
value TO .
Ladles' fumed or gojdcu oak
writing desk. Large nnd
roomy with numerous com-partraontu:-
An SA 05
$8.50 value .Tt
Massive colonial pedestals.
Finished In fumed or 'golden
oak. Worth $4.00, Si OS.
special T X
Massive quartored oak, atui
tomattc bed davenport. Up
holstered In genuine high
grade Imperial leather. A
$35.00 valuoSg98
Large and roomy fabricold
Jeafher couch. Quartered
oak frame, full steel con
struction. Regu-Si50
lar price $18, now XU
Beautiful quarter sawed oak
combination bookcase.
Roomy desk, magazine and
book compartments. Beau
tifully p o 1 I s h- S J
Hartman's famous unlfold
bed davenport. Heavily up
holstered and beant'fu'lv
carved frame. A SO705
$48.00 value, at.. Ct I
Parlor Furniture
Quarter sawed oak morris chair, imperial
leather covering and beautifully SE05
designed. A $10.50 value f
Largo mahogany sleepy hollqw rocker.
Beautifully tufted and upholstered in high
grado Imperial leather. $13.50. S785
value, priced at I
Ovor stuffed Turkish rockor, genuine
leather upholstering, plate-form baso.
Regular price $35.00, special Si Q75
at r XO
Genuine leather mahogany finish 3-pleco
parlor suite. A $30.00 value. A Si O05
wonderful bnrgaln at AO
Massive, highly polished, genuine leather
3-plece parlor suit. Beautifully carved
and brilliantly polished. A SOr.65
$38.00 value, at w..7&U
Stove Bargains
Larso size oak heater. Elaborately nickel
trimmed. $C95 value, and 12- SQ05
Inch flrepot t 5
Family cook stoves, mado of heavy mater
ial, four holes and large oven. Si A 05
$22.60 value 7Xt
$35.00 Merit's steel range with high closet
Large oven, beautifully nickel SOO05
trimmed and well made 5ia
Coles' original Hot Blast. Complete line In
all designs and sizes. Priced Si AOO
up from XU
Double heating base burner. Large size
flrepot, elaborately nicKel trimmed and a
guaranteed fuel saver. A $35
value, now
Kitchen Furniture
Mapjo kitchen cabinets. Two large bins,
two drawers and kneadintr bonrrl. tnQS
$7.0b valuo : T 5
Solid oak kitchen cabinet. Sanitary base.
large china compartraont with class
doors. An $18.00 value, special
Seller's celebrated kltohen cabinet. Waxed
oak finish, sliding metal top, So 105
absolutely dust proof. $35 value X
Dropleaf kitchen tables. Made of solid
oak, nicely polished. Always a $5 Sq85
value, special at TO
Genuine solid oak kitchen chairs. Strongly
constructed and made for hard every day
use. Worth $1.50, special at 7Q6
Bankr-upt Sale ef:Wall Paper andl !
: ' Room Moulding ' v
The cost mark will be forgotten apd you can
havo your choice of this fine selection of excel
lent designs, includlnn new Bprlng patterns, for
less than half actual value. There Is only one
condition, YOir MUST COMK KARLY. Mall
orders promptly attended to. Send for samples.
Your saving hero
will amount to
mora than cost
of hanging the
Gate City Wall Paper Co. (Inc.)
Sale Jn charge of Q. It. WHIIamB, formerly with V- L. Yetter &. Co,
If you want to read a
lhla winter, you'll have oread
The Semi-Monthly Magazine Section
With Youp Sunday- Bee
Now is the Time to Advertise Your Land for Sale. The Bee Reaches More People Interested in Farm and Resi
dence Property than AU the Other Omaha Papers Combined. Advertise in The Bee, the Paper that Grets Results.