Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1913, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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Engagement of Mary Alice Itogcrs
and Frank Keogh Announced.
Ultnrs rr IIcIiir lUlnnlirly Hn
trrtnlncd Otnnlinn I'lnn H
Mlrml I nix rrlij' I'nr
tlr t Iilnvnln.
oclnJ Cnlrnilnr.
MONDAY Mrs. Unnc Carpenter, recep
tion tor hr datiahtpi. Jim. UorKe
JUrkcr und Mlm nhi .aiiM-iitrr; .i
Marguerite MonllM. luno.ieon id the
lKiyai I c i Ml I'O.otuy .M rnn, Major
and Mrs. t'arl h nRi.nunn dinner at
rort Omaha, lire i. tMimivrian.1. iuaU
liec p.ut hi the rp'um. Mir i'IihiIvr
(irirnth hoalcni of th. meeting ut trie
Head iik "Uh at rort lr)ok; I rMfchtun i
founders day banquet at th Hum
T( tv&DAY vvi.nuai br.dsc Qlnner nnd
.adlfs nlKi.t at tlin omuhn. iluli; Mrs
AJtnur . ittenden Smith, luncheon ni
the Omaha -luti. Mi. and Mia. Oiivki .
aum uinner st the Jmaha club for
Miss CTiase . MlBS Kfthnr Hyrne, huntraa
of tlio A union IJrldirr club. Mra T J
Matvonet. hoatess ot the meeting; of tlio i
Vmatetii Mitaluii ciuii. mis. i-ari v
Ha r unarm, at-nome-day at fort Omaha.
MIm Alice Carter notess of the meet
injr of the Debutante Bridge. -lun
r iJNKSDAY- Am Vednuda .
HIinHDAY-Menibers' night at annuaJ
art exhibition of the O nnha boclots of
lite Atts In the lecture room of thu
public HbnU.
KltJDAT liiha' nnnlveriurt and daticlne
party at the club rooms. Lieutenant and
Mrs UreRff, dlnnor at Fort Omona
SAT I HDAVMr. and Mrs. Kiank McCoy
entertain tho members of the Mnrnuny
An enRRRcment of iinimual Interest Is
that of Miss Marj Alice rtogflra. dauKh
ter of Mm. Thomas J HoRer, to Mr.
Krsnk Kt-onii Miss Rogers hrlongs to
one of the best families of Omaha and
la n granddaughter of the late MlUon A.
noRere, a pioneer of this city.
She la one of the most charming metn
berR of the vounner set and has traveled ,
extensively In thli country and Kurupe (
and has nlso visited South America. Since
finishing at Miss scovwe s roiiooi in isew
York Miss Itosera has been quite active
n society, notwithstanding she has made
It ti point to continue her studlen In
inulc nnd languages.
Mr Kengh has mndtf his home with his
nitnt. Mrs. Hn Oallagher, for many
years, and la prominent In both business
and club circles. The date of the wed
ding has not yet been given out.
Art Exhibit to Be Extraordinary.
Omaha Roclety Is now keenly Interested
In the forthcoming art exhibition which
Is to lie given by the Omaha 8odety of
Finn Arts. It Is to start Thursday. Ket.
ruary C, and continues unlll the night -f
the 20th. This Is the fourth annual (lb
play of masterpieces given by the soclot,
and Its devotee have shown their mnrked
appreciation by their general attendance.
The opening night. Thursday, has bumi
et asldo for members and associate mem
bers, and the occasion Is to be celebrated
by their being given a private view of the
collection. The dignity and beauty of
many of the productions will not fall to
Impress the mental coloring ot their pa
trons. Irovllons for only the best liavo
gone forward nnd this year's event is
going to be a step or two ahead of the
last one.
To California for the Winter.
Many Omaha people left Saturday for
California. Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Wattle
nnd small daughters, Margaret and Mary
Wattles, Mrs. Herman KounUo, Mrs.
J. J, Dickey. Miss Dentin Dickey, Miss
Mary Hurklej und Mr. Frank Hurkley,
all left on the name train for Los An
geies. Mr. and Mrc. Wattles and family
go directly to tholr beautiful winter home,
Jualita, In Hollywood, nnd will entertain
a number of Omaha friends at different
Mrs. J M. Metcalf Hnd Mr. and Mrs.
W J Durgcss are among the Omahuna
at, the Virginia hotel at Long lieach.
Visitors in Omaha.
Mlts rtuth Kvans of Chicago, la spend,
trig a few weeks visiting Mr, and Mrs,
Charles nurmester, Jr. Several bridge
parties weer given In honor of Mlsa Rvans
last week.
Mrs. Oeorge Moore, and daughter, Miss
Marguerite. Moore, of Kansas City, are
the guests of Mrs. and Mrs. O. D. Kip
linger and will return homo this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick ot Sheridan,
Wyo., who are visiting Mrs. J. J. Brown,
plan to leave this week for an eastern
Mr. George Mlxtor and small son, who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kll
Patrick, returned Saturday to Mollne.
Mr. Mixtcr spent last Sunday here with
Mr. and Mrs. Hoxlo Clark left Thursday
for St, Louis after a month's stay here
with her mother Mrs. Ella Squires. They
will remain In St. Louis with his mother
for two or three weeks beforo returning
to their country rdace near New York.
Mr, and Mrs. Myron Creamer of New
York, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
A McPhane from Sunday until Tuesday
on their wny to California, sirs, vreamer
woa formerly MIsj Juliet Moffatt of New
York and visited Mrs. McShane two or
three year ago, Mr. and Mrs. Creamer
are on their wedding trip.
Mrs. Ralph Bhepardson of Aurora, for
merly Miss Helen Uunyon of this city,
arrived Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Uryant Rogers for a few days.
Mr. George N. I'eek ot Mollne Is the
guest of Mrs. and Mra. C. C. George for
a few days, having come over for the
hrtstenlng of Mr. and Mra. Oeorge's lit
tle girl. Mra. Peek returns today to Mo
llne Mr. Marr O'Connor, formerly Mlsa
Marlon Tyler ot thla city, l visiting with
hef small daughter at her parent's huma
In Council Bluffs, having recently arrived
from Fort Mcintosh, Tex., where Captain
O'Conner has been stationed since his
eturp trom the Philippines last summer
Mrs. Kurta of N'ampa, Ida., Is the guest
of Mrs. J. W. Oannctt
Mm. John D. Kite of Washington, D.
' is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Demp
ster Goes to Chicago to Reside.
Mr. and Mra. Philip Schwartz, SK6 Har
ney street, will move to Chicago early In
March. Tlitlr many friends In Omaha
'exret that they have decided to make
t is change. Mra. Schwartz will visit ner
lormer home In St. Louis lefore going to
Chicago to reside.
U. of N. Parties at Lincoln.
Reservations for the big all-unlverslty
.arvce of the University ot Nebraska mr.y
be inade with the secretary of the Uni
versity club ot Omaha, as the studtrt
'ommlttee In charge ot the affair made
early provision for the alumni, who will
uttetxl Ui affair.
Accommodations have been made to
entertain about 400 guests at the danoe.
Tli a student couples will make up the
IT eater part tot the attendance. However,
Visitor from Chicago
MUM 111 TH
G of Mrs Charles
all the fraternities of tho school aro ex
pecting back a big representation of their
grada and likewise sorority girls o(
former years.
Tho dunce, which will be held February
ti, promises to be one of the, finest col
lege affairs oyrr held. The big audi
torium floor has hecn entirely made, svnr
for tho event and a scheme of beautiful
decorations Is pi mined. Favor will bo
given and among the features of tho four-teeu-plece
orchestra Is a harpist. A large
order of flowers has been mude and u
skilled decorator retained to plan th
Dance at Riverside.
Mr. Gcowo A. K. Itlchaid entuitaliwA
Thursday evening ut his country homo.
Riverside Tho evening wua spent In
cards and dancing, and the prizes were
won by Dr. Salisbury. Miss Isabella Dun.
can. Miss Margaret Scott and Mlsa Kllxit-
beth Mcintosh. Tho rooms were dec
orated In red and white. Tho table center
ulece was u basket of red roses. Thoso
present wore.
Margaret Kdwtmts,
Clara Morton.
Kuphemlu Kemp,
Agnes Kuthellord.
DeWltto Salisbury.
Charlotte Wilson,
Dorothy Harrlman,
Pearl Brown,
Floro Kennedy.
May llurvey.
Luclhk Patterson.
Thcli'HU Duncan,
Murguiet Congdon,
Blanche Cutdilng,
(lludya Hariiiioii,
Orayeu Reynolds,
Ilaxel Nlvhols,
Mabel McQueen.
Margaret McPhersoiiMurgurot Itlchurd,
KlUubvth MClntosn. Agnea Maxwell,
Dorothy Cole,
Ollvo Graham,
Dorothy ie.
Ijiura Roberteon.
Huleu MoWaln.
Isabelle Duncan.
Nannie l"naldson.
Allco McPhcrsuu.
Nancy Young,
Mary Bluno.
Marv Pollack.
Kltzabeth McDonald,
Anna ormsoy.
ljiurn Miller,
Margaret Matthews, Blanche Wells,
Marguret Scott
Hnldn Davis.
Kllla Friable. Jr..
Paul Campbell.
Albert Crowley.
Claude Davis.
Hugh Woodard.
George Wood,
Kdwln McLean,
John NIcholH.
Harry Ixivutt,
Henry Wood.
Jack Wurner.
RuRtelt Holmes,
Darius Madison.
GeorKn Adams.
David 1-ariniLT.
AIvk Kemp.
George UoKers.
Dr. Halliburv,
William Pollack.
Jack Fulton,
RiiRKell Robertson,
WllllttJii Richard,
Herbert Mills. Jr.;
Thomas Brown.
Richard Collins,
William Rogers,
Charles Scott
Karl Thompson.
Austin Berry.
Robert oauorne.
FM'd Ioe.kwood.
Richard Edwards,
Herbert Ferns,
Percy Morgan.
Harry McGregor Jr
Colonul Baldwin,
Daniel Blukely.
Conrad Walton.
Edgar Jackson.
Ueorge Richard.
Mr and Mra, Allen K. Marah
Mr. and Mra. Georgo Mclptyre.
Mr. an't Mra. Lnvett.
Mr. nnd Mra. E. R. Oslprne.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGregor
Mr. und Mrs. John Richard.
Birthday Surprise Party.
A birthday surprise party was given at
Magnolia hall, Monday evening. n honor
of Miss Marguerite Brown's twenty-first
birthday anniversary She wua presented
with a cut glass water set. The evening-
Burmester. Jr
was spent In music and dancing. Lunch
eon wns served. Thoso present were: .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell.
Mr. and Mra. John B. Brown.
Mr. nnd Mis. Kdwurd Docckul.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knnwold.
Mr. nnd Mrs. August Wuege.
Mr. and Mrs. C c. Kraime.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McDonald.
Mr. anil Mrs. Frit Htecker.
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Thompson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Otoe C. Bchwerln.
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Greenwood.
Mr. and Mra. Charles Nelson.
Mr. and Mra. H. Wahl.
Misses Mioses
Muiguetlte Brown, Tlllle Deokvr,
Anna Decker.
Kill tli Gnthshon.
Lulu Barne.a,
Usther Barnes
Kmum Punchea, '
Viola GUBtotaon,
Margeret Monroe,
Cnrrlo Glvcon,
lCdnu Morrow.
Kathlyn ilvm'ii.
Mlunlo (lleoer.
Clara GleRer.
Anna Mueller.
Helen Klllott.
John Rather,
John Andrews,
Herman laiiHtn'.
Mark Scherwlu.
Harriett Bchwerln.
Vivian Thompson,
F. Ullle GoHnrk,
Agues Nelson,
lilslo Moore.
Helen Docekal.
Lucluda WllllauiH,
Klslii Helling.
Helen Gnthahou,
Muud IVauklln,
Kdtth Greenwood,
Winifred Greenwood.
Mtldmay Glveen.
Hntry Krause.
C, A. Glveen.
Ben Athcrton.
C. O. Moore.
Bradly RumbarHer.
William llHinburg,
Leo Gardner,
rruco Scherwln,
llenrv Gustofflon,
Vintoma Club Party.
Tho Vintoma club gave n dance at
Armhrust hall Wednesday evening. Thoso
present were.
Alice Van Burgh.
Kvuly Spellman,
Grace Kooppe,
1-nura Buker,
Clara Beechcr,
Mablo Beecher,
Mario O'Neill,
1-eoim Johnson,
lHora Bohman
of Chicago,
Kathryn Krug.
lira co Thompson,
'Margaret Peterson,
Elsie Falvey.
Clara Kroehler,
Luclle Jodelt,
Madge Sturrock,
JIary Harnett.
Mary Richmond,
Agnes Wright.
E. W. Willrodt.
W. O. Shrum,
J. M. Jncobsou.
Chick Bennett,
1C. A. WeRterllng.
William Rancr,
A. It. Hutcheson.
W, J. Krug.
Otto Hochter,
Claude J. Shrum,
Henry O. Huiiseu.
II p. Shields.
A. W. Falvey.
Shirley Menefee.
U M. Smith,
H. Schroeder.
Hurry Reschkc,
F. J. Jodelt,
l-clloy Baumbaoh.
Fred Armbrust,
Kmll Gull, jr.;
Arthur JuhilMoh.
.1. II. Truvls.
Carl Malm,
Allied Swunmn.
R. Roberts.
Gay Cook.
AVIlhehnlna Arm-
Hulda Armbrust.
Irene Rellly.
Lenuea Pearson,
Graco Slater.
Cecil Wlthncll,
Sohple Madverln,
Marguerette Mc-
Mario Mitchell.
Margaret Mathica,
Evelyn Nenle.
Marie Jensen,
BesH Clirton.
Allco Johnson.
Celhi Harnett,
Edith Mlcklc,
Irene Busch,
A. J. Jackson,
C W. Stepanek,
Henry Bock.
Edward F. Rellly.
G, K. Anderson,
F. S. Appleton,
Roy Swanson,
A. B. Amberaun.
Leo J. Byrne,
I. N. McNeill.
John Ward,
J. G. Trilde,
II, K. Sehellberg.
. E. Alqulst,
Roy Penraon,
Herman Bastion,
Henry Uige,
K. A. Croft.
W. C. Hontley.
John W. aiover,
James McCaffrey,
Julius Soegaard,
Harry Johnson,
Edwanl Altman,
Frank Peters,
Mr. nnd Mrs. D.
Mr. nnd Mrs, r
L. Kernnn.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Casa.
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Smith entertalnod
Saturday evening In celebration of the
twenty-nrst birthday of their son Wil
liam. Thoie present were:
Marle Duloy,
Kdna Wllke.
Marjorlo Beckett.
Bertha Petersen.
Kthel Padmore.
Ruth Neef.
Vivian Von Nor.
Murvel Smith.
Luoy Shields.
Leo Hllsworth.
Peter Holms,
Ralph Smith.
Justice Hngel.
Alfied AbrRhamaon,
Bertha Neef,
Jennie Hanson.
CltlBsli) Bucklund,
Jessie Padmore,
Freda Janoskl,
Luctle Petersen,
Martha Frankfurt,
Mlldrod Shields.
Junior RoRltrr.
Walter Wilkc,
Otto Nelson,
Frank Duley.
Harry Smith,
Aleck Bucklund,
Carl Hanson,
Will Smith.
Guy Beckett.
Arnold Rusk.
Clarence Simpson.
Celebrates Eightieth Birthday
In honor of Mrs. Bertha Klein, who
celebrated her eightieth birthday anni
versary Sunday, January 10, V4, end Mrs,
M. Moskovlts entertained at olmier. Mrs.
Klein was bom In AuttrU-Huugary and
came to Omaha forty years ago. She Ih
the mother of six children and has twenty-two
Hominee Club.
The inembera of the Hominee club wen
entertained ut the humc ut Mlsa Vivian
an Nov Thur.'ilav evening ProgreflfUe
high five was the feature of the tionlr.g
Kneral musical selections were given,
after whli'h luncheon was eerved Th"
hoilee was beautifully decorated wltn
roses and chrysanthemums. wtre
non by Mrs. Kwlng and Mr. llaarmann.
'those present were.
Mhi thit
Lynch. Vivian Van N'oy.
Walter Sorensen.
Cliollle Hanrmann.
thit Thomsen.
(lRa Petersen,
A fr,d Petersen,
i.r!.nv Piers.
Mr and Mrs. Franklin Q. Dln;.
Dinners of Wednesday.
f nnd Mrs. J. K. Summers, who have
i i.een giving a series of dinners, enter
ta ed Wednesday evcnlnK. when thoco
iiresint were:
Mi and Mrs. Kduard P. Peck.
Mr and Mrs . W. WftttleR.
' Mr nnd Mrs. T. L. Kimball.
Mr and Mr. John T. Stewart. 2d.
Mi and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith.
Mr anil Mrs. Clement Cha?e.
I i and MrB. .!. I. SiimmerR.
Mrs .1 J Brown entertained at dinner
Wednesday evening for Mr. and ilia.
Jolm latrlck of Shertdnn. Wyo. Covers
were lax) for'
Mr and Mrs. John I'atrlili.
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Barker.
Mi nnd Mrs. Henry F. Wyman.
, Mr and Mrs. Ward P.urgCM.
, Miks fttrlli Hamilton.
1 Mit. .TeRHle Millard.
Mrs J J. Ilrown.
Hnndnll K Brown
'hui ces Brown.
In Honor of Mrs. Marr O'Conner.
Mrs Marr O'Conner nas the guett of
honor Ftlday evening at a dinner given
, by Mrs. ISIIcabetli Wlldman at her home.
The Clubles" In Council Bluffn. Cavalry
' vellow. otit of compliment to Mrs.
O'Connor, whose husband belongs to the
j Fourteenth cavalry, rormed the ileco-
latlons, which were Jonquils and yellow
I shaded caudles. Covers were laid for
' Mrs. O'Connor. Mrs. D. 11. Wheeler. Jr.;
Cnptnln nnd Mra. Van Duyne, Cnptaln
and Mra. Brady of Fort Crook, Mr. A
B. Warren, Mr. Charles Stewart, Lieuten
ant Fulton. Captain Howell, Mrs. Wild
man and her mother, Mrs. Stewart.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given Mr. Kdward
Wlrthnafter at his home Wednesday. An
enjoyable evening wan spent und toasts
were given by each of the guests. Mr.
Henry Monaky acted as toastnuistcr.
The following guests were present:
Herman Aucrbach.
Dave Cohn,
Sam Density,
Jot Brodkey,
Kmll NuBbaum,
Joe Pepper,
Harry Goldberg,
Mark Leon,
Sam Leon,
Abe Flnkensteln,
Isadoro Reese,
Arthur Rosenblum,
Henry Monsky,
W. J. Waller,
Joe Wolf,
Kd Wlrthsaftcr
Theater Party.
Mrs. Tallin JankowskI gavo a box party
at the Hippodrome Saturday afternoon
for her daughter, Kathcrlne. In celebra
tion of her eleventh birthday. Tho In
vited guests were:
Mlssee- Mlsscs
Luclllo Ellis. Florence Richardson,
AgncB Zlch, Evelyn Wfstgate.
Katherlne JankowsklLucllle Alexander,
Edith Larson, Helen McQulstlll.
Genlvn Aron. Matle AlbertHon.
Anna Albcrtson,
For Out-of-Town Guests.
Miss Margaret Richard entertained at
afternoon tea Friday at Riverside In
honor of her out-of-town guests.
The rooms were prettily decorated In
purplo nnd white, with table, decorations
ot violets.
About fifty guests called during the
afternoon, The out-of-town guests wcro
Mlsi De Wltto Salisbury. Kansas City.
Mo.; Misses Isabella and Thereaa Dun
can, New York City; Mlsa Elizabeth Mc
Intosh. Chicago, 111.: Miss Elizabeth Mc
Donald, San Francisco. Cal.; Miss Mar
garet McPherson. Los Angeles, Cal.;
Miss Margaret Edwards, Portland. Ore.;
Mlsa Mabel McQueen, Tacoma. Wash.
Evening Entertainment.
An entertainment was given by Mr. and
Mrs. A. Westergard Thursday evening at
their home, 1802 North Thlrty-sccond
street. Thoso present were:
Mr. and Mrs. N. Westergard.
Mr. and Mra. A. Weatergard.
Mrs. A. Westergard.
Misses- Misses
Mottle Pophal. Honor Yard.
Helen Wcstci gura. juarie aru,
Ethel Foyle,
Mablo Welch.
Frances Granville.
James Carpenter.
Walter Peterson.
Olga Petersen.
William Rehschuh.
Alfred Petersen,
A. A. Westergard.
Columbian Circle Card Party.
The Cotumbtan. circle will entertain at
cards Monday afternoon, February 3, at
their hall, Twcnty-Becond and locust
streets, when ten prizes will be given.
Tea in Honor of Mrs. Guy Howard.
Mrs. Howard was tho guest of honor
at a tea Thursday afternoon given by
her sister, Mrs. Fairfield, when about
twenty-tlvo of Mrs. Howard's old friends
were asked to meet her. Mrs. Theodore
Rtngwalt poured tea.
Engagement Announcement.
Mr. and Mrs, Sylvian Wellman an
nounce tho encasement of their daughter,
Hortensc. to Mr. Fred Gllckarf of lluf
fnl.i. The wedding will tako place in
! April at the Standard club In Buffalo.
The ceremony will be perlormed by Rubbl
Murk, who will bo ussUted by Rabbi
Alphonze Gllckurf, brother of the bride.
To Wed in Concord.
Cords were received this week for tho
' wedding of Miss Jcnnett Bancroft, daugh
! ter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Parker Ban
croft of Concord. N. 11.. to Mr. Asa
Shlverlck on the evening of Saturday,
February U. at 7 o'clock, at the South
Congregutlonal church, Concord. Mr.
Shlverlck and his bride will be at home
after May t at SET Ulmwood avenue. Buf
falo, N. Y.
Tea for Mrs, Peck.
Mra. C. C. Georgo gave an Informal tea
Friday for hor guest, Mrs. Georgo Peek,
of Mollne, tho guests asked being Mrs,
Peek's old friends,
Personal Gossip.
Mrs. Hurry Nott, who naa ueen m a
sanitarium In Kansas City for some tlmn
as tht result of a nervous breakdown, Is
slowly Improving.
Celebrate Birthday.
Mrs. It. C. Behrens waa pleasantly sur
prised by a number of hor friends In
celebration of the anniversary of he'
brlthday. The guests brought a luncheon j
and also decorations consisting of rose?,
carnations und ferna. Thoae present were;
Mesdames Mesdames
G. Storz, A. Ickeri,
M. Flothow, H. Geest.
W. F. Stoccker. K. Rltter.
Peru Club Banquet.
The Omaha Peru dub will si-e Its n-
nual baniiiief' Frlda cenlng, Februai i.
I' stead of Saturday evening, R-i vaa
planned Ti:v banquet will be held i
tho Young Women's Christian association
and Mlsa Hills ami President Hays of
Peru will be the honor guests at the
At the Country Club.
An enjoyable dinner dance was given
Friday evening by the members of the
Original Cooking club at the CoUntrv
club. Dinner was served from small
tables, each table having a different dep
uration of cut flowers. The members it
the Cooking club are Mcadamcs George
Prlnz. W. H. Wheeler. W. S. Poppleton.
Ward Burgess. Joseph Barker. Luther
Kountzc. J. T. Stewart. 2d: Charles
Kountze, Mosher Colpetzer and Samuel
Burns. Jr.
At one table with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Hosford were:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Btirgc.8
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart. 2d.
MImi Daphne Peters.
Mr. Cuthbert Potter.
Mr. Robert Burns.
Mr and Mtu. Clarke Powell had aa
Mr. and Mrs. Aithur Gulou.
Mr. and Mra. Luther Kountze.
Mies Ellzsbftth Congdon.
Ueutenant Raymond Smith. Fort Crook.
The guests of Mr. and Sirs. K. T. Swobu
u ere:
Mi. and Mrs. W. S. Poppleton.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kennedy.
Mlzs Lynn Curtis.
Mr. Earl Gannett.
With Mr. and Mrs. De Forrest Richards
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cowglll.
Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Prlnz.
Mlts 1311a Mae Brown. ,
Mlts Elizabeth DavlR.
Mr. Iiwrence Brlnker.
Mr. Robert Dinning.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Fairfield had as
Mr. and Mrs. William Tracy Burns.
Miss Helen Davis.
Mrs. Eva Wallace .
Mr. Walter Roberts.
Mr. Stockton Heth.
Together with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C.
Wharton were:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountzc.
Dr. and MrR. Robert Harvey. Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns.
Miss Oladya Peters.
Mr. Gerald Wharton.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davis had as guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tukey.
.Mies Ixiulse Dinning.
Mls Dorothy Morgan.
Mrs. Ben Cotton.
Mr. C. .7. Lord.
Mr. Ralph Peters.
Mr. Gallagher.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. Max Klien entertained at a bridgo
luncheon Friday afternoon In honor of
several out-of-town visitors. Covers were
laid for:
Philip Orkln
Of Sioux City,
Xucker of
F. M. CraBUe of
Fullerton, Neb.;
II. Hlrachman.
II. Rapeal,
B. Predmetsky.
Miss Mollle Hlrschberg of Chicago.
Lenten Sewing Club.
The ladles of the First Presbyterian
church aro requested to meet every Fri
day morning at 10 o'clock In tho church
parlors. They will sew for the Child
Saving Institute. The women aro asKeil
to bring lunch and coffee will be served.
Dancing Party.
Mr. and Mis. A. B. Alplrn have Issued
Invitations for a dancing party In honor
of their daughter. Miss Goldie, to hi
given nt Jacobs hall Monday evening
February 10.
Newman-Shane Engagement.
Mr. und Mrs. I F. Shane, 427
A Child
of the most eminent composers. Not
only can you play any selection, but
you can play it with intelligence and
feeling. Come in and try it.
The Whole Family Will Enjoy It
You, of course, think of the pleasure
you will derive from a Hospe Player
Piano, but the actual experience of
that pleasure will greatly surprise you.
The many exclusive patented fea
tures on the Hospe Player gives you
something just a little different from
the ordinary player piano.
"It keeps my boy at home at night," re
marked one mother; "yes it keeps the whole
family at home, and the evening's entertain
ment brings us all nearer and dearer to one
You, too, can enjoy the pleasure.
May we prove it to you?
1513-18 Dtuglas Street
1 1
Forty-fifth etrcet, C hicago. Ill announ o (
the engagement of their daughter Bel''- i
to Abe Newman, formerly of Omaha, now
l tesldent of Chicago, son of Mr. nnJ
Mr. Jacob Newman, 4812 Indiana avenuo,
For Visitors.
In honor of Mrs. Robert Harvey ot
Chlrago. Mrs. Charles Kountze gave n
luncheon Friday at her home and Satur
day Mia. Edgar Morsman, Jr., gave a
small luncheon for Dr. and Mrs. Harvev
and Sunday they will be guests at dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Stewart, 2d.
For Miss King.
MIrb Pearl Rockefeller entertained nt
dinner Saturday, followed by a theater
I party, In honor of MIhs Grace King, thv
'guest of Miss Dorothy Morton. Thoia
present were:
Grace King.
Dorothy Morton.
Catherine Barton,
Dorothy Blark,
Helen Brandels,
Loulsn Colter.
Wllma Howard,
Gretchcn Langdon,
Mildred Rogers,
lren Rosewater,
Harriet Sherman,
Olga Storz,
Loulso White,
PenrI Rockefeller.
In and Out of ths Bee Hive.
Mrs. Ralph W. Sloody left Friday even
ing for her home in Chicago.
Mr. Lester Hcyn has gone to St. Louis
to spend the week with friends.
Mr. Arthur D. Brandels has returned
from an extended stay In the cast.
Mra. V. Joe Fisher of Cheyenne, Wyo.,
is visiting her sister, Mra. W. A. McElroy.
Mrs. Walter Appel of Denver Is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trcller. 101 South
Thlrty-alxth street.
Mrs. H. 8. Weller returned Friday from
Fort Dodge, la., where she has been vis
iting friends for two weeks.
Miss Susie Cassady and Miss Brooks
Carroll left Friday for Cuba, where thoy
will make a visit of a month.
Mrs. Herman Newman has arrived front
Chicago to spend time with her son, Air.
M. B. Newman, and Mrs. Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scotl left Sunday
for Washington, D. C, to bo gone ten
Mrs. H. Newman of Chicago arrived to
be the guest of her son, Mr. M. B. New
man, and Mrs. Newman, for an extended
visit. t
Mr. Arthur J. Cooley will leave Feb
ruary 11 to join Mrs. Cooley at La Jolla,
Cal., whero they have a cottage until
Mrs. Eugene Levy of Lln'cbln. who
spent a week with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. II. Rehfeld, has returned to her
Mrs. John L. Kennedy Is expected home
Tuesday or Wednesday from two weeks'
stay with her aunt. Mlsa Hanscom, In
New York.
Mrs. Lester KIrschbraun and baby of
Chicago, who aro the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hitler, will return to their
home Sunday.
Dr. Leroy Crummer and Mrs. B. F.
Crummer went to Excelsior Springs
Wednesday, the latter for two weeks, the
former for a week's stay.
Mr. Sidney Powell, who has been tour-
(Continued on Page Three.)
All Work Guaranteed
Prices Reasonable
A 6th A Harney
Can Play
theHospe Player
Piano it is so easy
to operate. The
Hospe Player Pi
ano enables you
to play with ab
solute perfection
the compositions
$5.Q0 Nemo gives
you everything you
can get in a corset
except needless frills
FOR the fastidious
woman, who wants a
dainty corset that is strong
enough to make her look
youthfully slender:
No. 510-Iow bust$-
Latest Nemo Invention ) F
The elastic extension of the
long back assures ease whether
standing or seated, and prevents
that "corset line" which can rob
even the cleverest gown of its
symmetry. Sizes 2 1 to 36 $5.
With Last ikops Bandlet
HTHE greatest supporting
corsets in existence:
No. 523 low bust)$
No. 522 medium J
For every woman who needs
perfect abdominal support.
A joy to dressmakers, because
they make a full figure look
Endorsed by physicians, be
cause they have preserved and
restored the health of thousands
of women. Sizes 20 to 36 $5.
With In-Curve Back
QREATEST figurc-reduc-
No. 506 low bust
No. 508 medium -
The four deep skirt-gores of
Lastikops Cloth, and the broad
bands of Lastikops Webbing that
form the In-Curve Back, produce
extreme slendemess below the.
waist. When you sit down, the
elastics spread and you're com
fortable. Sizes 20 to 36 $5.
Be a Wise Woman!
Put not your faith in soy ordinary
elsttie ihe Nemo patented elastics are
the only oat that don't "give out."
. KOPS BROS, Mfr.. N.w York (I,
Dainty Lunches and
Hot or Cold Drinks
served In a tempting: way at our
two downstairs lunch and soda
rooms. Kxcellent service and
moderate prices.
Downstairs at I6tli snd Dodge Sts.
Downstairs at the Owl, lth and
Harney Sts.
A Great Farm Journal
The Uest lu the West.