nnO UEK; OMAHA. SATURDAY. IT.BRt AKY 1, 191.1 Almost here! A real opportunity for every housewife in Omaha and vicinity. Watch for your coupon in our full-page announcement Sunday, February 2 It will entitle you to one full-sized regular 15 -cent package of DR.PRICES Ilgrain the cereal 'food for everyone Absolutely FREE 100,000 Introductory packages to be GIVEN FREE because we want everyone to know how de licious ALGRAIN is. No obligation no purchase necessary. Do as you please about buying more but we think you will be glad to. Dr. Price has for years been working on ALGRAIN. At last he is satisfied with it "the fulfillment of all desires as a food specialty." : Wheat, Oats; Re and Barley the cereals which combine in ALGRAIN to provide just the nourishment the body needs, in right proportions. Fine for children fine for ALL Clip the coupon from this paper, tomorrow then get your FREE package and give ALGRAIN a thorough test. Your local Grocer will cheerfully exchange the coupon for one full-sized package of ALGRAIN the cereal everybody likes. Don't miss your package it's FREE Price Cereal Products Co. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. OCBAX STEAMSHIPS. Unique "'Round-the-World" Voyage on a Fast New Ship Finest Accommodations 10 Weeks of Travel. All for $639.10 Here is an opportunity (or travel lovers to join in the " 'round-the-world" voyage o a fine new ship that is making her way to Pacific waters. Sailing from Liverpool April 1, her route will bo by way of Gibraltar. Vlllefranche, tho Suez canal, Hong Kong and Japan, with stops at leading ports, then on the unny Pacific home toVancouver, B.C., and across the con tinent through the matchless Canadian Rockies "SO Switierlands in One." Side trips arranged for Monte Carlo, Cairo and the Pyramids, with plenty of timo to see China, Manila and the Philippines. Start now, if" you wish, and tour Europe. We will arrange your tickets. R. M. S. Empress of Russia Sails from Liverpool April 1 Destined for service between Hong Kong and Vancouver, B. C, this new EMPRESS, now building In the United Kingdom's biggest 9 fflmHHil Japan shipyards, is the fastest and finest boat ever designed forTrans-Pacific traffic. Your choice of the best accommo dations that are offered for $639.0 first comers get first choice. We will take you to Liverpool via any Taurona anu steamsnip l from any port that you prefer Relieve yon, throughout the lOweelis'trlp.of all the cares and responsibilities ygf of travel. You will be un der the constant escort of 0 Canadian Pacific officials. i.et us give you the full de Ulli of this ununual voyage no especial occasion tliat In surci Interest ami pleasure not offered In other around-tne-world trips. Everything explained It you w,U call on. or write ao. A. TValton, dan'! Ant, 316 South Clark Straat, Chicago. GAMBLING IN THIRD WARD Man Held for Highway Robbery So Testifies in Police Court. TELLS OF SEVERAL PLACES I'pllee J mine I-oster nj- (lint Ho la Powerless to Clour V the I'lncrn. ThoitRh An Uoulit The? Are llnnnliift. Gambling houses, saloons Hlnl houses t ' 111 repute are allowed to run wide open lti the Third waul nil nlcht In violation of the law. according to the testimony, o' llcnr Hentley. colored. In police copi t ) entciitay. while belris tiled "ti a high way robben chaise. Tho Mldwaj, a colored "Joint" operated by Jack llroonifleld. Is open at all liou-si of the da and nlRht, he stated, and there Is always a blr; erap Game open to tbe scneral public gotnK on all the time Peer and whisky enn be purchased there bv the shiss or bottle anv time durlnR the nlpht, he said, there belnc no attempt t' hfep the sal secret. I tun t close vp these Joints ' Police Magistrate Charles 1C. Foster saiJ "If the police refuse or ate unable U d their duty It Is not my fault. No doubt these places arc runnltiK full tUt bit It Is up to the police to look oft'i these affairs " 't rill of Club. Monties also told of another piaco known us the Jones club, where Ituuor can be purchased and mones last In gambling camcs. Ho did not ouitc re number the Address, but thought n was on Douglas street about two block wesi t of the police station. I Bcntley was ariestcd foi robbu.R Jo Ilaxter and Deck Barker, two Mondanun. la . farmers, on the Douglas street briilir. last Sunday mornlntc. lie was liound over to the district court under H.OX) bonds He told of making the rounds of these places .Saturday nlfiht with the two Iowa farmers and participating In the ciar panics and buying hecr and whisky. The IHS Four saloon was visited, he said, and beer purchased. Porno months ago the proprietors of ih Midway Jack Broomfleld and Billy Crutchfleld were tried six tiroes In police court for violation of the S o'clock closing law. Each tlmo tho Jury disagreed. Thi defendants were discharged In district court Essay Writers for Prizes Are Divided for CompetitioE Prizes for essays In tho school students' Know Omaha contest have been dlvdeo to cover five winners In each class of the competition. Children In tho varlou. grades of South Omaha, Benson, Flor ence and Uundco public and parochla schools will compete with children In the same grades In Omaha schools. Pupil of the first, second, third, fourth anc fifth grades will compefo for the $15, $10. $3, W and $2 prises with essays of not more than 600 words. The high school Htudents are divided Into ninth and tenth grades and eleventh and twelfth grade to Compete for $10, $15, $10 and $5 prliea with essays of not more than 1,000 words Students of Crelghton university. Bcllc vue college and tho University of Omaha, who arc abovo the preparatory course will wrlto 1.500 word essays for prizes of $25, JC0 and $13. The eBsayn will bu turned Into the committee May 9 and the prizes will be awarded on Know Omalia day, May 23 SARATOGA SCHOOL PUPILS GIVE AN ENTERTAINMENT Tho eighth graCo pupils of the Sara toga school gave an entertainment n Wednesday afternoon for their relatives and friends. There was a good-sized audience and tho performance took place In the auditorium of the school. Tho program was as follows: Piano solo, "Silvery Waves," by rtuth Wilson. Song, "Pirates of Penzance," by Eighth grade. Recitations, "Three Wise Women," by Dorothy Grlffls, Vclora Boono and Esther Houftcr. Recitations, "Throe Wise Men." by Philip Stroll. Louis Houser and Orlundo Brunncr. Wand drill, by Elsie Barbe. Esther Peterson. Emma Koeper, Jcannettc Ryder, Mildred Olcson. Carrie Pateison Benlna Splllard and Magtla Jacoen. Class play. "The Return of Persephont,' bv eighth A's and Il's. Recitation, "Grandfather," by Garnet Nelson. Song, "Schubert Serenade," by school. Piano solo, by Miss RadaJek. Vocal solo, by Mies Inez 1-atey. Address, by Rev. Edward lllalop. Song, "Tho Merry Makers," by school. the th'i Deadly Fright possesses sufferers from lung trouble till they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will help them. Price &0c and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement Sore Throat Sloan's Liniment is an antiseptic remedy for inflammatory diseases of the throat and chest. For sore throat, croup and asthma it gives quick relief. SLOAN'S LINIMENT is also good for cough or cold. A. Cusr.of 'Waldo, Ohio, wrltei: I had a lerera torn throat and forfourdayi could not swallow, an my threat had welled tery mnch. I uwd four drops of I.lnlment on liimpi of aiurar and Ut It rtluolTe on ray tonf n. and In eight hours I was completely cured." AttlK.iJui. frlc licit. fi.it. Dr. Erl S. Sloan - Boston, Man. OCKA.V .STI2AMMIIIPS. Twin Screw The Largest and Finest iHeamer to BERMUDA Ilouod Trip. ItO A up. lit data cxcluilrtlf, OroUra W.;.,., Ftk. li Tlcktlt latrthniblt wlia Qmtw S C The Iloyal .Hall Htcam Packet Co. 8ANDEHKON HON. Oen. Acta., li So. LaSalla St.. Chicago, or any lotal steamship ticket agent , JAPAf 5?5SKc TOUR vi ti cmui...r Minila un.l Uiirn. Small m if 'l rift' Marin iTil lint a-ran. mm'a urel ur la i:urop and Vorth rp -rt- w H Ho k, MM Paraam - UBiha. I I I LAPh, uinta Lig. N T. FINAL CLEARANCE .IN. BRANDEIS BASEMENT This is the Final, Positive "One-Day Clearance" Before Invoicing! ALL WOMEN'S AND CHIL REN'S CLOAKS, SUITS, BRESSES AND WAISTS IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUc The rder has ffttno out: "Clean up all Odd lolf bortro night."" These priocs mil do it. We have of fared biff bargains in tht basement for years, but these cut prioc specials Saturday will amaze even woman who corner down stairs. Although these are odd and broken his there are sizes t cofftft(ly lit everyone. - Womm's $10-S12.50 Long Costs S3.38 Your choice of just .'U)0 good, practical, long winter clonks, made of chinchillas, novelty cloths, hroad cloths, pretty mixtures, etc.. in all the colors and styles that are shown in more expensive gar ments. Not one garment worth less tlmn 7.no. Mnttj- nro $10.00 vnlues mid sonic nr worth ns IiIrIi t $12.50, at lor Women's $6 and $8 Long boats at $2.1 There are 400 long coats in this lot. They are all good, .xcrviccahlc winter coats thirl ,il! last 11 . -1 . i ii i years. .uan six ics ami an colors i are included. Not one cloak1 worth less than $5. Many have sold regularly at $6.50 and $7.50 Some worth as high as $8.00. hasement, at K Children's S3.50-S5 Long Coats at $1. Just 250 coats for children in ages 8 to 14 years arc in this lot. Made of good, heavy cloak ing". the pretty girlish styles and col ors that aro In demand everywhere for practical winter wear. Odds and cmltt. Not a garment la worth Icwb than $3 many worth $4 and even up to 5, nt. . $J 00 Women's $8.50 and $10 Suits at $3.50 Just ninety of these up-to-date wool tailored suits in Rood ntylcfl and lnutorlnla, colora thnt aro mo h( In demand for practical wear. They have born nelllng all seuson long at $8.50, $10.00 and oven up to $12. HO In Saturday's selling thoy will go at, each $50 Small Children's Coats at 79c Thorc aro 175 children's coats In this lot for little tots In agos 2 to 4 years bearskins, broadcloths, kerseys, etc. good, 'serviceable little coats In all colors. Vlicy nro worth $1.50, $2, $2.30 nutl some up to $3, nt Women's i $7.50 Silk, Wool Dresses $1,98 This Is a small lot and some aro mussed and slightly soiled, but the values aro thero thut cannot bo cqualod anywhero In town. A'll dcslniblo styles and col ors. . Positively mudo to hcII nn IiIrIi w $7.30 nutl even up to $10, nt Q C For Women's 75c Long Fleeced Kimonos OOCpretty colors and designs good, full cut. Women's Outing Flannel Night Gowns Good, ,Q Q flannels, yoke taped, good length, worth to 75c. OuC FINAL CLEARANCE SPECIALS ON BASEMENT BARGAIN TABLES All HUk Tnffctn Hlbbons i Inches wide good colorings basement, final clearance, per yard 5 Dress Trimmings nntl Hrnldn -Thousands of yards of all kinds no matter what tho former prlco, yard Hoys' Flnunel and I'ercnlo Waists SllBhtly soiled worth up to 40c, at 182 Boys' OvercoatH Ages 2i to C years -values up to $3 basement, at SI All Wool mid Wool Filled Hlnglo lllankcts Extra large size made to sell at $3.50 to 4.50, at each 81.08 $3 French Satine Covered Comforts with one sheet puro white cotton filling basoraent, at each 82.08 10-4 Mze Hoft fleeced cloublo Cotton BlanketH for or single size beds white, grey and tan, at pr. 30i Women's Wash WAISTS Worth up to $1.50 at 25c. Here aro 600 oddH iuiiJ ends of womrn'N wulHtn, romo of which nro niUHKod and nnllcil from linmlllng. There hto rooiI tailored find lln gprlo walnt styleH Momn colored ones, at 25c Mon'w and, Hoys' SIiIiIh All sizes, worth up-to 50c dueh special at SSr7? Boys' fiwtiitcr Coats Various colors all Blzes Wortli up to 35c, at 25d lion's Heavy Flocccil nnd Hibbed L'ndcnvcar Urokon lots, worth 50c, ut, a garment 20i Moii'ri Nt'Kllueo nnd Hoft Collar HhlrtH Worth up to 75c, at JJOj; Men's and Boys' Sweater Mufflers, wortli 20c, at . -lOtf Misses' nnd Children's Hats nnd lloniiots, nges 2 to 12 yearB, at 25e Any Woman's Trimmed Hat, In basement, nt 1 In Hnsemcnt Notion Department. 25c Back CombB, nt, each 5(4 10c cards Ocean Pearl Buttons, card, 5 Best Lawn Tape, bolt 5 From Our Near Neighbors Ham JohtiKon, J. V Cornish, V. V. kell und Groigo Uoker. Dili- VVcrplHK Water. William fhPrr- wa a lsllor In tuwn lawt Tuesday. Wllltum Kdprur of IJncoln vleltod old (1 lends hero Wednesday . rrank A. Davis went Ut Auburn last Tucuday for n two weeks' visit. lieu C.lbsoii li l8ltlliK In Krlcson. Neb., with his slater. Mrs. Charles IJwl11r.ll Attorney C. E. Tefft tmnsacted buni neso In St. I'nul. Minn., this week. Ilev. J. li- Andress enjoyed a 'lull this week from hla pnxonts mldlnR al Crete. Ram Kroll of Auburn Ih vlaltliiK lite sister. Mrs. H Johnson, for a low days. Uev. and Jlre. L.V 'l''"""." Lincoln paiienBen Thurrday mid vlelleO friends. .1 C. Jones has fold his rai 111 near towi to Searl lavl of Lincoln. Consideration. 1104 per acre. Mrs. If. A. Crozler lr enJJ UB. v from her mother. Mrs. H- M. Nve and hrsr slste-r Josephine. Mr and Mrs Olo Olson entertalnod friends last Monday evenlnu In honor of Mr. oald Mrs.' Kred Smith, visitors from California. CnarUa I'hllpot and son. riert. left Krlday for ChlcaKo to sea the automobile show and vttlt relatives In other parts ot tha state Mrs. Mary Bute of Iowa and her sister. Mrs. Sarah VanlacUum of Omaha, couslnj of Mrr, I' H i.onler, were reeent visitors here. Jacob DominKo Is makinC extensive Improvements on his recently purchased property In town Hid expects to move in this seojon. Henri' Ilubbai-d has purcharert the Mrs W. C. I.add residence and after com pletltiK some repairs will move t6 tuwn with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Nels rtoberson of Jllvei dale, Neb., arrived last Saturday ana will make a three weeks' visit with rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mr. Wru Dawson are pleased to entertain their mother from Omahn while the latter is assisting during a stetre of sickness In tho Dtwson home. Mr and Mrs. W. & Hlrd of Stockton, Kan., camo In Wednesday nlKht to visit their dauKhtei. Mrs, Jim Johnson. They will remain here one month and In Jowa one month. After a year's residence In Nebraska roeuperntinir his health O. M. Wise ac companied by his wUu .department for Kansas City last week for a vlult with relatives and then -o to their homo In Pennsylvania to reside. NprlnKfleld. It, I) Sack of Qrcsham is visiting rela tlves here. II. H. Uvnrs of Modale, la., was calling on friends here this wewsk. Kd Dovrd returned from a two weeks' trip to parts In Colorado. Mrs. Will Frank of Alnswcrlh ih visit- lug the home of C I), hmlth. It. G. Glover of Weeplpjf Water was I heve a short tlmi Tuesday, ; Will lffkr of Klmwood was dulncr bust. ti'-s In Springfield Wednesday, I Mit. Jostph Armstrong u lslllng It-' 1 J ami M's DM M'-' .hil, parents, ,Mr. i.inooii, lloss Whitney lias none to Je)uroii. la,, to uiigago In abstract biislnrifS. The senior class or tho hlh solioul will Rfve an entertainment at tho .tpeni house J'ehruary 10. Floyd Davidson, who l.rt been In rail road ojnatnicilon work In Montana, ar rived homo Thursday. Hy I'enulnKton of l'lalnvlew was hurt) Thursday. Ho brouuht a load ot stock to tho 8011th Omaha market. Hf-turiilmr from the l'nclfli! onast. John, Will and Kd Morrlsey Were guests of K. .V. Chilstlanson over Kunday. W. K. Utttos 1 1 an a badly sprained ankle uitueod by the overturning ot a wiikoh ind a hayrack, which was blown over b. tho wind Members of tho Onuid Army mot hiri Wednesday Their numbers are reduced to elKht. They aru M. (J, Nicholson. John Munford, T N. Oraham, T T HeJl Wll. Illnlr. ' -Kelly $ua ArlutYvUii. . C. Todd and wlfo ware Lincoln vis Horn Wednesduy. O. Gravely of Union war vlsltlns Joluifj,l''lttJ' ,,f Ruthven, la., aro time wvunesaay. Mr. uud Mrs. GeurRu C. Sheidcin ,wer in Lincoln Tuesday. Itobcrt Vlall was a bustnnss visitor nt W-eei'lni; Water Tuesday. I). I). Adam? uiih hi Omaha on luminous tint early part of tho wool.. Illuln Porter of Murray m transact tiiK business heio Wednesday. Mrs. Admit went to Johnson Wednes day to see 11 sister who Is vury sink. )j. K. Jlsdley, who has brun nulte sick for two weeks, is ablu to bu out again. h'runlt Martin Is homo . from a four weeks' vlelt ut his old Iioiiih In Virginia, Warron Mium left this wtjelt for- a two mouths' .'lay at hla boyhood home In Ohio. Woatey Klvott has returned from a thrco months' visit at his old lioinn at Liberty, N '. Mr and Mrs Westell wt-ro hosts at a "T (I o'clock dinner lo the hleli school lean er Wednesday. . .Mrs. James Uuylcts of niokeii UovJUr't for home Thursday after a tow w."'kH' stay with Jior brother, Wllllmn Tuelioi Mm, .1. A. Grey uf lied Oak ni.d M Oatt) of rtllthveti. In., nrn i,ufu i. the home of Air. and .Mis. -J. :. i.ur.K I 1 '1 .VCOK. Colonel aturiii and wlfo ntorair,d t 1 lattor'H brother. I.yrurirus McCurljv f Gardimr county, Nebraska, th fi tho week. V. I). -Kelly AVua All Oiuuiin jtonaay. Mrs. J. V. W.'simrt Is vlslllnz r- In Missouri VsJIuy. Mr. and Mi-h. A. I'. Howss im 1 OnmliA on Saturday. Itev. nnd Mrs. C. I'. Ij.jie; vre j" OitiHha on TuosJuy. Henry Grimm utlendell th" at;.n.i, t. 1 . meetings In I.lu?ulu last week. Mls Edna I-'arnsworth nt Omiiha . U..eii for a week with her aunt, Mrs L ' Karr, and family. Mrs. Whitfield, wife or Prof V a Whitfield of tho city tcnonl. 1 " iti--'' III at her homo here, BUY AT A REXALL DRUG STORE AND GET SATISFACTION TOILET GOODS TOOTH PASTE P.axall Tooth Paste 190 2Dc Hanltol Tooth Paste 13a Colsate's Tooth Tasts- - at lOo and 30o .'jt Hanltol Tooth Powder iao 26i Motor's Tooth Powder Wo wmmemmMsmmmmmmmm GOT A COLD? Itoxull Cold Tablets . . 35o Hhennan's Cold Tablets aso ICucolyptus Catarrh Jelly aso and ... . . . , ... 6O0 La Grippe Cough Hyrup a5o and . . OOo Blnz Urunchllyptus, 880,600,81 l MASSAGE CREAM EXTRA SPECIAL 10e Hhlnola 4o Palrbsnk's Kalry Soup, per cake 3'4o 20-Mulo Team ilorax. at .90 3 cakeit Ivory or ool Soap for lie AT LOWEST ntlOES IK CITY 0e Pnmpi'lau Massago Cream for ... flso ISc Kunltol Tooth Paste for lOo RoxhII Tooth Paste 100 tl 10 Gouraud's Oriental (!ream for 89c I 3bo i'rostllla for . , lto !6o Packer's Tar rioap for 14o 50c Trench Java Hire Powder for . l9o (The abovn the Kenulne. Ilourjesols.) 60c Dr Charles Flesh Pood tor . 19o RUBBER GOODS OF ASSURED QUALITY We personally guarantee- every piece of Hubber Goods c Hell. Good Hulb SyrlnKe ... .39c Household Hubber GloveN ...39c "-iiuart Fountain Hyrlnge . ... 43o .1-quurt Fountain tiyrtuge . . . . 09o Nipples, best kind, ouch 3o Hath Caps ISo to COo Infants' Syringe, sovrral kinds, at a So Aioilllsets 3So to 91.20 luart Water Uaes . . 49c Candy Bargains Uc of flar 's 00c SAV I ItMAY CANDY for Wo aro exi luslve afc-eiits for Outh'a Celebrated line of Con fections, aellliiK from lOo to 92. Special Prices on Borden's Plaited Milk not- aim for 430 ill 00 slzo for 89o II i5 (hospital uizel fur 83.33 $r00 can (10 pounus) for 34.48 Dainty "Eats" for Shoppors at our two downstairs luncl. and soda rooms. Excellent aer vice and moderate prices. SODOASIS Downstairs at 16th nnd Oode. OWL'S WEST Downstair at the Owl -'Oth and Harney Hts. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, rnoPHiETOKs or the four omaka bexall stores. Shsriuan tc McConusll Drug- Co.. Corner ICth and Dodre. Loyal Pharmacy, Hots! oyal Block. uwi mug uo., uornsr ictn ana Harnsy, tiii Harvard ruaruiacy, corner 34th and rarnanl, ijfiiifciiiiilliiltllHlTiM-llfrTrnsrtii i I