The Oma Drawn For The Boo Tho best newspaper artists of tho country contrlbuto their beri jrork for Doe readers. Daily Bee THE WEATHER. Oloudyj Warmer VOL. UI XO. iw. OMAHA. SATlhDAY MOH.lX(i, KKP.Ul MOMX IWUKN. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HA MIES PLUM TO ME ADRI ANOPLE FORTS BY DIRECT ASSAULT" Bulgarians and Servians Arranging to Storm Turkish Stronghold at Once. CORRESPONDENTS ARE BARRED Neither Will Foreign Attaches Be Allowed to Be Present. TURKISH ENVOYS RECALLED, Or - Peace Plenipotentiaries Are dered to Return Home. PEACE SENTIMENT IS GROWING Itl ll. f I In: I AVI 11 I'a I. nnil .i li:iNnlnrH of I'lmcri1 i' t tin rue of Munition 1'i'fWMit llvu-llileil . Hon III I Irx. i SOK1A. llulgarla. .Ian. :d. -It le bellcwd ! t;.ai tin' Hulgarlan and Hen lair tio. ps ' Iii'sIi-k'hk ilie fortrotts of Adrlanople pr . !io. to tuke the place by storm, remit 1 1- I ies ,.f tin- sacrifice of life suvh n at - 1 lack would enfall. " j Il'ilgil1ali army hcadyltirteis iOda a. - ! iioujitt-.t that no fon-lfiii illltary atta-'lv -nr newspaper enrresjlHUideiits would l i allowed follow til" I'olthoomlug on 1: ulloiiH. and ihl is taken as an Indica tion tha: "itch an atlack W contemplated Adiiainide in well supplied with piov!- ; sior.t j ml .ir.ttiiunltlon. accoidlns to ' -..! Hera who dcsei ted .totlav. Ttii-Uisli ;ikii)n Iteculliil. I.OXDOX, Jan. 31. -The Tuiklsli govern- a. " irTeiit today sent oideis to tho Ottomni p..,.,. nl,.r,i,,ot"ntlarle to leave I.01..I01, at once lor the Tin klsh yapltal. according to 11 dispatch from Constantinople. Thn ........ .1...! - . .1. .......1.. ' " iifiiiiniu Riieimiu ui witting oi?lfJion throughoilt Kuiopo in favor of pcato in the Hallcans Is exercising a pro- fountr intiuenee on the peace delegates ill l-oiidon. The ICuropeati. ambai-sadoi b one." ncie will soon make themselves tho j rnlted atnles District Attorney Wise mouthpiece of this widespread sentlniQii; vigorously opposed the application for in .irder to convince some of the more ball, aiguing that even temporary liberty oii.vleldln- spirits anion? the i5pre3enta- 1 to Castro would fccTcat tile purpose of Ui tlfs of the al'.lcs. 1 department In the steps It has alread Ktu-opean diplomats tnkr'the view th?t j taken. The court, however, sustained the Tin Key, especially after the revolutionary I application and fixed next Friday fo titovi ment which brought into power men I hearing arguments. ' r i.iisitjereti irreconcilable on the iuesllon J Followed by a curious crowd Custru of ptjace. could not offer more than was j went Immediately to a hotel where n contained in yesterday's reply to tho i,nd euguged a suite, lie was all smiles Powmk. Tbji they think justifies resunip- I umi heamlng witli liapplncss as he lo tion f negotiations between the allies vited photogiaphers to surround him as ""'J, 'I ,t,oman ,n,',,re- ! he posed for his picture. In a statement Ihe Turks witli their usual shrewdness. ' i-,. utl.i l.ttt.ill,' ,,l .....I.-...I 111,. l'nu1ilt, .rt.ln instead -or simply asking for the holy sin lues and a few more monuments of historic or religious charcator In the city Pf Adrinjip;ilv.... suggested dividing tho ..1 .. .. ..' . ii.-. hivp loom tne lion's sliaro. although they leave to MP'sadu tho railway sla- tlon on tl;o line communlcatliiL- him. ! Macedonia. Tills concession, however, w not io- i garded as their final word 011 the sub- 1 Ject. Tho wtiy to an accommodation be- i tween tho parties may .still be left open. ' It ia thought that the men now ruling j ot Constantinople wish to have at leust ! tno appearance of not ceding as much as i their predecessois. j t.!..iiuii. 1.. f.. ,x- - .,i-.iim.. mkii. oi. ureat petslmlsm garding tlio Halknn situation is dlnnia v..i ! 10 Ha elicit in official circles hero owlnc in iiiiirrii. I imconipromlsing attitude, norma nv conjunction with the other u ! doing its best to persuade Rulgarla and ! 'r. .i . . a .unt- in iuiompi 10 roacii a compro mise, but the resumption of hostilities on Monday next Is regarded as highly proh ibit. 1 no situation causes considerable con- cern to the tJonnan government, which : fears that If the war should bo resumed Bulgaria may push matters beyond Its own Interests. Turlioj- lli-enlln Soldiers. CONSTANTINUI'IR, Jan. ni.-All the officers and men of tho Turkish army on furlough have been ordered to rejoin their leglments within twenty-four hoifrs. The military governor of the capltnl has Issued an i-mphatlc denial of tho reports of dissensions among tho Turkish troops on tho TchdtulJ.if lines. ' (ireekK May (,'onf Incnti- (,'onl. WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Tho Greek government has notified the United States that coal shipped by way of tho Dardanelles to Clack sea ports will bo eubject to seizure unless It lsN;ertlfIe'J for local consumption at neutral porta. KANSAS PROPOSES TO EXTEND RECALL TO JUDGES TOPEICA. Kan.. Jan. 31 With a pro vision extending Its opeiatlon to district and suprome court Judges, tho Kansas house of ropresentatlvcw today passed 11 constitutional amendment for the recall or public officers. Tha house had re jected the measure laht night, but It was reconsidered today. Tho measures (iro- ides that a petition of 25 per cent of I me voters can lorce a recajj.-election on ' 111 uiui-ern in me state as well ikjiius piaceu at jo,w yend Ti,lw, respes as district and supreme court Judges. ' tlvoly. ......... . . ,. ' 1,1 M16 message received by Howell .'t ROCKEFELLER LEAVES .was etated that Jones made a signs 1 1 QflllTUPRM PAPICIO DfitDn statement and It is Infered that his ' "-" uvnnu NKW YOKK. Jan. 31. As another step preliminary to carrying out tho recent dissolution decreo In thq Southern Pacific Union Pacific case, William Rockefeller resigned today as a director of the South- 1 vn Pacific. Tho vacancy was not filled, I The Weather Vemiirrnt ore Onilllllt Yete-'- Hours. 5 a. in... Veg. j a. m.. 7 a. in.. 1 i r a. in. 9 a. 111. 10 a m : 11 a", in'.!'.'.".".'.;! "Za n i 1 P. in.... ! p. 111.... ?t P. in.,.. P. 111.... 5 p. in.... u p. m n. in 4' -. in.... MODERATING"- nt PEOPLE BURN TO DEATHiQIWPI C TCDR1 Qll I Fire Wipes Out Entire Family at! Richland, la. I HARRIS FARM HOUSE BURNED I r of tlmirr, llin Wlfr, Son nnil Ills Mother Are I'n ii nil In thi Itulnx of Fnrm Home. Rli'HIiANO. !b.. Jan. 31 -Major Harris. in ifo ami two children r.n.5 his mother were hunted to death ut 1 u'clucU this niotiiliiK when tlulr fiamo house, three by,1flrem'r,M or Richland, '.van destroyed The dead. MAJOR HARRIS. IS yeuts. MRS. MAJOR HARRIS. ems. ARNUTT HARRIS, 10 years. TTRV1S HARRIS. 7 venrs. I MltSi. KAN NIK HARRIS. M years. The fire was discovered by Wesley 1 Jlowl, u neighbor, who summoned oilier "own Ik dour, soon the house was u heap of rjlii. r-onfH'iili.K the (.hum-it bodlCi of the enlivi lh'i! household -husband ami wife, two little hoMs anil tin agul g'Siidiinitiier. The 'jlig': of the fli" I- nut known. Castro is Released For Few Days Under Habeas Corpus Writ ; j tight In Hit senate It still ptovldes for ! NKW VuUK. Jan. 31. I'lprluno Castro, t one term of ni. years for the chief e. former president of Wnezi'ela, walked the '.ecutlve and iiiuUes IilellBtble to rr-el.v- streets of X'jw Yoik thi.- afternoon, ' tlnu any pi rsons who In trie past had held temporarl' a free man. under wilt or i u,n office , eletloli or by suocisslim. JhabeflB corpiih IsmriI h Judge Holt In 1 The closest voted of the tln , came m the federal court. Argument on the ques- Senator Owens" amentlment for a popular , Hon of making' t ho writ permanent will xoto on ,,res,irt Uoe p,0Sdcnt, dc bn heard Friday next. i lea ted thlity-flvo lo thirty-two. and Sen A hiirelv comuanv foriilshetl the i5" i ....... ... ... . . i ball. Tho case whs brought boloro Judge Moll as ,c ieult of the refusal of Oepart.uent of Commerce and l.iboj- to , admit the general to this country. 1 Hs I.... ..... lulr.. I....1 ..I. , ready been held at Kills Island for seveial weeks "In n. muiiucr sufficiently outrnK- , eoiis to satisfy the vliullcttvcncsa of any t authorities for oxcluding him. He Is 1 speak Wednesday ril&ht at 11 'dinner of the Northwestern society,, at which John ' Hays Hammond Is to prqslde. Mayor .had- inviiF.i Cltstro lo lilaKe lit lit 11 call. . fN J? T 1 1 1 nT hf?.TA K.O h hfifl . StOVA v r ; Burned, Watchman Nearly Smothered CHICAGO. .Ian. III. For four hours earl' today, Michael Koser, 63 years old. lay bound and gagged on the floor In u norm siuo ucparuticnt store, wnclo lie I had been left by safe blowois, and ! watcned smoke cuiiiug up irom smoulder- '"' blankets used, by tho thieves lug blankets used. to ftnnitnn n u. 1 H .... 1 1 .... er'"l that ho might be burned to dL'atu without being able to glvo an alarm Koser made a superhuman effort to freo himself when he saw the blankets start to blaze and succeeded. He was success ful In loosing a tic which held his arms and the removal of he gag from his mouth and tho ropca'about his legs was a matter of a few moments. He tele phoned an alarm, first to t!ij fire de partment and then to the police. When tho former arrived the interior of dic bulldlng, which was of two stories, (vaa In flames and the structure and con tents weer destroyed with a loss of f 75,(0 1. The safe blowers, tour in number, btoko Into thestore shortly after midnight ind. according, to Hosier, were only a lew minutes blowing open tha safe and es caplng with J1.200. Closer was employed In the store as a night watchman. Nolen and Jones Are Arrested in Memphis United States Attorney HowclJ received a message yesterday afternoon from Memphis, Tenrt.. that the arrest of Ernest Nolen and James M. Jonos had bee.i mado there. Attorney Howell has filed a complatrit.'trfarglng tho two men with trying forcibly to deliver Dlggs Nolen from tho custody of IJnlted States offlcors us he was awaiting trial here. United jStutes .Attorney Todd of Jlem- phis was'wlred yesterday and he accord- Ing had warrants Issued for the arrest 1 f the men. Their preliminary hearing '"a oeen 01 ror Kobruunv. and th menn.i lie Mnf..H . .u..' ..- means lie confessed HIT UtlUlllIH IO help Dlggs Nolen to his liberty. NO SPECIAL PARCEL POST EXAMINATIONS TO BE HELDI 1 WASHINGTON. Jan. 3f.-AdvertUe- i jlutnts of correspondence schools to the faffed that thousands of appointments appointments would be made to positions In tho parcel ;post Bystom have resulted In the Civil ! Service commission being' flooded with otters of Inquiry' from all parts of the couniry. "No such Increase Is contenulnti l I said the commission In a statement todav. ! -1 .1. -uiiiiciioii wun ipasireu Dy tlie houte. A retolutlon pro- the administration of the law will bviding for a state constitutional oonven- pir.oimeo u mo regular employes In Ine I -1 J postal service and If any additional cm- j i plnye are required they will be appoints ; to positions in the regular ssfvloe. It In : ! pot contemplated that any examination- j.wlll be held especially for the parcel i'post system. UIIIULL ILI1III "ILL STAYS UNAMENDED Senate Defeats Every Effort Alter Works' Six-Year Term Proposal. to FINAL VOTE PROBABLE TODAY j Opponents of Constitutional Change! ,....: o n. 1 ' "lu"ul,lb uuulb1' ! POPULAR VOTE PLAN BEATEN ! Turned Down by Thirty-Five to -Thirty-Two Ballots. ROOSEVELT OFTEN MENTIONED Wllllmiin Sn No Fool Nnllnn Cum' Wn Afraid ol n 'l)eoot Till i ru-r II Mini (iot lllni. WASIUSGTu.V. Jim. SI .The senate , defe'itcd twins every attuui'i to unit ml :th? Works hIiikIo iiicaltlent'U 'term resolution. When a recess taken tonight It appealed -ri-talii that i. finnl voti- on the proposed innstlHitloinil j amendment would bo leached tomortvw, I ami Us opponents were mustering nil possible t re-null) 1 ilMvut It. A the mi'fi'iip emerged from the da t u'.ir i .t.nii:i tiuirniiun'iii to icukuicii io fcls yonrs jnp loln) (1f tl(, president who j m'ghl be ln ofn,'.0 wlu,n tho wust,tutmml j ltmcni,K.nt f,,,. Wlls nit,f,M,. Tlll(, WHB 1 .(..f-,,,..! ,1,1,,,. vK- 1,, n.iri.- I . ... ... ......... I'i'FM'itl 'oiiiiniiy Not K'Ci(i-I. I'roppsals foi two four-year terms and 1 one four-.vear term, suggestions to mod- ' ify the resolution -so it would not affect j T11 ft. Wilson or Itoosevelt, ami ameinl I incuts to make It apply only to presidents .elected after Its ratlflcat'ou, wure all tle I f on ted by large majorities, i Progressives and republicans Who tle ; rlnred themselves friendly to Colonel J Roosevelt again led a fight against the 1 entlro resolution. The progressives do- clarcd It was against American govern- j mental principles to limit the right of tho 1 people to choose a president. j Senator Crawford Insisted It was aimed ( I at Colonel Hoosevelt. ' ol I111 Id of Despot "Wo are asking the American people to I i foreclose themselves of the' right to call ! I Into tho. service the 'man of the hour duiv I Ing a crisis upon which the very destiny) of the repubUc may be hanging," declared 1 1 R.iin imf 1 frii ifr1',l lint's, m n fni nt ,. - -r :- -" ;::r "No, we are not afraid of a despot 1 tortctl Henator Williams, "neither was any 'other fool nation that ever existed until ' atfer they had got him." Tho debate centered about theidcclara- 0,1 v,ummiuce. tlon by Senator Williams that unless such -amendments were adopted as to make REV. OLYMPIA BROWN SPEAKS Roosevelt. Tafl and Wilson eligible for another term the friends of Hoosovolt and Rleiiuro Will tilvc- Women Illuhl o others might oppose ratification of tho) constitutional amendment by tho states, "Whatever might bo the- motive's of iiioso woo oppose tne nmuuumciu, oen ator Williams said, "they would be able to say to tho people: ' 'They arc after one man's scalp; ho received more than 2,000,00(1 votes ot tho American people ami now they aro trying to make him Ineligible.' " Morrison Is Sent to Look After Steel and Iron Strike WASHINGTON. Jan. 3t.-Samuel Gomp ers, president of tho American Federation of Tjibor. after a 'conference hole today with the representatives of the steel and Iron strikers at the Rankin and IJiatl dock, Pa., plants of the. A'merlcan Steel and Wire Co., sent Franlr Morrison, sec rotary of the federation, to take charge of the situation at once. WASHINGTON. Jan. 31.-A "relgti of terror" at tho Ore Mine Woikers' strike at Mlnovllle, N. Y Is charged in a re port to the American Federation of Iibor by Joseph N. Camion, a union organizer. ".Mounted and foot police, bosses and foremen," ho declared, "aio breaking Into thoNhomesJ of tho strikers and com pelling thorn to go 'to work nt tho point of guns. Some who rofuso are thrown into Jail." Tho federation has not yet decided what steps It will take. ASK FOR LAW TO PREVENT KILLING COWS AND HEIFERS KASA8 CITV. Jan. 31. Letters urging kiiv unai-i uuuii me uauie 01 ine country to thnt tho supply of beef will meet the demands of un Increasing num. 1 ber of consumers were sent from here 1 today by It. P, Woodbury, sicretary of tho National lAvo Stock exchange, to the governors of all states In which legis latures are In session. Legislation Is asked for forbidding the . slaughter or sale for slaughter of heifer 1 calves or cows under three years of ago, 1 except those unfit for breeding purposes. Sir. Wodbury also urged leading live TWO MORE STATES LINE . UP FOR DIRECT ELECTIONS HOISK, Idaho, Jan. 31,-The Idaho sun ate passed a resolution today rutlfylng the proposed amendment to the federal constitution providing for the election of United States senators by direct vote of the neoDle. Tho resolution has linen tlon was passed In the house. CARSON CITY. Nev., Jan. Jl.-The Ne- vada assombl. declares In favor of ec. Hon of UnlteJ States senators by dlr.ct, vote of tho people by ratification of the proposed amendment to the contltutluri Ttlere waB I10 duseiitiiifc vole I F Canada: "Wasn't it From tho Montreal Dally 8tar. WOMEN FAVOR TRENCH BILL Delegation of Four Hundred Calls ! tt n ... Voir for It-iri-rtiiiil ve in I'oiigreim Colby -Mr, Clnrn A I no Tnlks. II. WASHINGTON, Jaii. .11. Four hundred women from every section ot tho 1111)011. led by Mrs. Clara . Colby. Portland. Oie., appeared today before the house committee on presidential and congres sional elections to appeal for the passage of tho French bill to gtvo women the right to vote for lepresentatives In congress Heading tho petitioners was Uev. Olyim pia Urown of ltaclne, Wis., president ol tint Federated Women's lttiulity league of tho United States, and with them were a dozen members of congress, Including representatives from eacu of tho nine suf frage states. Tlie hearing was held In the largest ot the house committee rooms, which was ut most filled to Its capacity beforo the stenographers In tho building began to desert their offices and joined In the dem onstration. Women of all uges, some with waving plumes, silks, satins and furs, stood throughout the heating; a few had chairs and otherg. camped on the floor, surrounded by their wraps, hats and parasols. Mrs. Colby pleaded for a constitutional amendment prohibiting states from dis franchising citizens on account of sex. Declaring that "the constitution says tho representatives shall be composed of tin people of tho several states," sho asked, "Aro women people?" Sho added ttiat American women would continue their earnest and dignified efforts to gsln po litical freedom as long as might j: ucces miry to gain their purpose. Representative Mondoll of Wyoming, Hayden of Arizona, Hakor .pf California. Lafferty of Oregon and ,fthera told the committee of the. success of equal suf frage in their states. Reprosuntatlvo Trimble of Georgia ques tinned the right of tho federal government to establish franchise rights In the states tt"d drew i vigorous roply fiom Mrs iieiva i-ocKWooj. who uecian-ti mat 11 was not a speculative question, but an ostahllslitVl fact that there was precedent for a federal amendment to the constitu tion grunting tho suffrage to women. I " - - MAKI.Mi -MAltCIIIXfJ (illWXH WumIiIiirIoii Women Urvole l)n- to Sett till? on CoNtiiiue. WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. There was a slight lull In Auffraglsm today, too- Iho illltant members put aside their shields iuud bucklers and took up the bodkin und the needle to prepare for the parade Murch 3. Suffragist headquarters echoed with suoh cries as "Isn't It a dream!" and "What u perfectly b-e-e-a-u-u-Uful offoct." No males, not even the mall earrler, was admitted during tho sewing bee. The women wore1 preparing the official gowns to bo worn when they march down Pennsylvania avenue In tho pettlcoutod parade. "The coatumo Is to bo vary dim ple," said one of the members thought fully, biting a thimble and thrusting en Idle needle through her apron as she blocked the doorwuy. "The dn-HH was designed In New York 7 lUwitliiuuil on Two.) i'aking the Top Layer Off for this that I was asked to pay so I T ' Theational "Capitaf I'rlilnj-, .lnliiiiiry ill, ltlj:i. The Convened at noon. Drbato on Works single six-year presi dential term resolution was resumed. The House.' Convened at U a. m. The free list was subject of ways .'11111 means committee's tariff revision hearing. Appeal was made by women to eou grcsilonul elections commlttm for pabsaga of bill to glvo women right to vote for representatives In congress. Tramp Steamers Are Controlled by Trust, Says Humphreys WASHINGTON. Jan. .11. -High rat oS" for transoceanic freight aro caused by supply and demand rather than by "conference agreements among steamship lines," W G, Slckel of the Hamburg-Amerloiii Steam-hip company today told the houso shipping trust committee. "Tho doubling lu freight rales In the last two or threo years," ho said, "Is the result of a vast Increase In shipping, which now exceeds the ahiount of tun nuge available to carry It. We are forcel to maintain reasonable rates by tho reur yf competition from regular lines outside of tho confereneo or from tramps. Wo naturally try to get as much oilt of thi business us possible, up to tho danger point of killing tin; liiisluovs or driving the business to tlie tramp .ships." "Tlieso tramp steamers Unit you my control rates are practically all owned by the conference lines," said Representative Humphrey. "I don't admit that." "Hut 1 iniiko tho statement," said Mr. Humphrey. "A majority of these tramps are owned or conti oiled by tho confer eneo lines. Tho conference lines uso them to handle their surplus freight." Mail Carrier Walks 195,000 Miles 1 CHICAGO, Jan. 31.I.awrenCe I.eUrjn, Chicago's oldest letter carrier. wrft fig ured that in his forty-four years of serv. Ico he has wulked 195,000 miles, gave up his duties after the olose of hli day's Work yesterday to become a farmer. In addition I.eRron gave four yeura more Jf his life to Uncle Sam, having served ai a personal scout for General Grant in tho civil war. JxiUron was tho first carrier to be appointed to deliver mall on horsi". back In Chicago, He was assigned to the couth side when the district was sparsely sottled. Theio were only forty-five onr. rlers In Chicago when ho began work. and all of them, he says, were chums. For the last thirty years he has deliv ered mall to the merchants of South Water street, and yesterday they pre sented him with a gold watch. He will remove to Kansas, where ho owns a farm. He was born In Kast India nearly seventy years ago. Mi-irrloim l)lrap Aiiiniitr Mieep. amSBLBY. Colo.. Jan. 30.-It Is rennrld that farmers In northern Colorado have lust from 1 to 3 per cent of their sheen through the ravages of a mysterious dis ease which appeared lu the section of the country coon after the feeding season. It Is stated that the disease Is not being rhecked and inurh fear Is expressed for the safety of stock. heavily not long ago I" t horris;to be tree lance ji Nebraska SenatorEleot Will Not Be Bound by Caucus, SAYS WILL GO IT ALONE ConslilrrM Himself Frrr to Hutrr Any Coiiihlnnttoii lie Hera Fit that Will Allnlu llmls I ! MerU... (From 11 Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. .H.-(Spodnl Tele gram.) Opposing scoiet caucuses .iitid de claring his Intention to follow In the senate the course ho hasSnursucd In the house, Senator-elect. Nonis today mado a statement partially outlining his plans when ho enters tho upper branch. "During my term Hi tho senate," said Mr. Nortls. "I Intend to support on tho floor of the senate any mcaaiiro which I consider light. I f I bellovo In any of the policies advnnccd by President Wil son, I wi.l support them In every possible. w;ay. ' I will do tho same with' regard to legislation proposed by anyone else. I am not going to tho senate hampered by party considerations. "I do not believe In secret cuueus legis lation and will not enter anj: caucus which jiroposcs to commit my yot'e one way pr the other. I have not entered a party caucus for several years and will follow the same course In tho senate as I huvu done In that respect In the house. Whllo I am not adverse to par ticipation In conference regarding legisla tion, partisan or bi-partisan, when theio conferences attempt to make agreements binding votes, they go beyond the sanction which I recognize ns legitimate and I will not be a party to any such agreement. 1 Crude Oil Advances Another Seven Cents PITTSnUIlGH, Pa., Jan. 31.-The ropH advance In tho price of the principal grades of crude oil wus continued totla when at the opening of the market ap. other 7 rents was tacked to the initio, making Pennsylvania crude, tlie basis if oil values, $3.40. Other prices announced were: Mercer lllaok, $1,93; New Castle, $t,JJ; Corning, $l.3, and Cabell, $:. Somerset and llugland were unchanged. , Reports from tho principal pipe Hue companies show that during this month tho runs from wells located In tlie eastern fields. Including Ohio and Indiana, haw averaged a Ilttlo more than 115,000 barrel a day, whllo dining the same period ship ments have averaged a Ilttlo more than 118,000 barrels a dHy, an excess of con sumption over production of about lOO.OOi barrels during January. So prosperous have some of tun oil companies bocomu that one Pittsburgh company declared a 100 per cent dividend. 'Jn llrlott nt .Nloux City, SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Jan. 31.-Thls section Is In the grip of a cold wave today, tem perature dropping from 31 above yes terday to 10 below today, ' DAVENPORT BUSINESS I MAM IO Mlinnrnrni mnin 10 munuencu DAVUNPOnT. ' la , Jan. 31.-Krnet Daldorf, a storekeeper, was held up In his place of business last night and mur dered. The man was masked. PEARSON PERMITS LIQUOR RESOLUTION TO SLEEP ON TABLE Frontier Member Docs Not Insist ok House Members Going on Record on Bill. HOUSE EXPECTED DEBATE No Objections Heard from Any Side to This Action. OMAHA BILLS STILL ON WAY Five Measures Looked For Do Not Make Appearance. EXEMPTIONS FIGHT POSTPONED Memlirrn Who nit,rt Action In Fnvor ItiH Hill Would He Itrt'onwltlcrrrt I'm' It Off Dnltl Mranare Comrn l i for I'nswairtt. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Jan. 3l.-(Hpeclal.)-nepre. sontatlvo Pearson of Frontier has con cluded he does not desire to kill off all liquor legislation this enrty lu tho game, especially with several more blllm almost ready tor Introduction from Omaha, so ho nFkcd today that his resolution con tinue to sleep on the table In the house, and there It sleeps. He Introduced u resolution several dny ago asking that all bills making any reference to tho liquor lawn bo indefi nitely postponed. The house put the mat teti over until today for debate and con sideration, but tha timely motion br Pearson saved anyone going on record, and the liquor amendment bills wlH.s-s' their regular course. 1 Oinnlin. 1IIIU Not Ilrrc' 1!. Thoso five Omaha, bills icj-li It has hern reported vrprf aiTt to jXncoln to b Introduced ny. 10 legislature to repeal the 8 o'clock 'bslng law, the flackctt law, the AJtj 'i. law and others had not made hf apprnrance In tho house this after noon, and thoso member of the delega tion who wero hero profess to know noth ing about tho bills. Simon, who It wua reportod was to Introduce tho measure, snld hn would not do so, had not re ceived tlie bills nnd did not expect to re ceive thimi. It was his opinion that the delegation would try to repeal tho Al bert law because iiome good people) of Omaha favored lis fepcul. Nit I'lHlit on Hxrmptloiia. There was no fight on tho Knudson ex cmptlon bill today, ns predicted by PI innn of Douglas, who said lust night he proposed to move to reconsider tho action of the house, in voting In tho cmmlttoo of tho whole to recommend the bill fqr passage, nut Simon didn't. Ho did noth ing iiboiit It. 116 said he would nhow thq people how ho stood on the measure when It camo up for passage. PI.ACKIC FUR SCHOOL IMlllllV NniuiilerK Hrnntnr Hcckn InventlKn tlou of ltenrnr- Institution. (From a' Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 3L-(Special.) -Five bills were mado Into lawn In tho sen ate today and adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock Mpndny afternoon. A communication from the legislative refcrenco bureau was read asking that that Institution be furnished twcnty-flvi copies of all bills Introduced, in ordor that they might exchange with other leff Islatures In session. Their rcqucet was granted. Placek of Saunders believes In tha In vestigation gamo and sent up a resolu tion calling attention to the deficit In the treasury of tho oys' Industrial sohool at .Kearney and asked that a committee of throe bo appointed to make an Investiga tion Into the affairs of that institution. Undpr the rules tho resolution went ovor for a day. Congressmen Lobeck and Magutre noti fied the senate that they had received tna resolution passed by that body atkln? that the government at once acquire own ership to all telcimone and telegraph lines and that the eame would receive consideration. Like Senator Hitchcock, they did not state whether tho resolution met with their approval. Vcw IIIIIh Pnasorf. Senato file 110, by Hoagland of Lincoln, requiring Irrigation companies to report to the state engineer a list of all lands to be watered Instead of to the superin tendents of water divisions was passed. Senate file IOC, by Kemp of -Nance, ww pnssed unanimously by all senators pres ent. This bill makes It a felony to carry opiates or flrearma or any intoxicants' or explosives Into tho state penitentiary un der penalty of flno or Imprisonment or both, Senate file 88, Introduced by tho codifi cation committer, was passed and pro scribes a term ot Imprisonment for not less than twenty years for the crime of sodomy. No. 61, by Graco of Ilurlan, requires ah railroads, canal and Irrigation companies to construct and maintain proper cross ings over their roads, canals nnd bridges uiitl empowers tho road overseers of dis tricts with authority to require the same to bo done. The bill was passed unani mously. VKor AiM-urnlo A ill i-rtisliiu'. In committee of the whole, with Utasty of Jeffers'on In the chair, No. 119, by TOMORROW The Best Colored Comics with The Sunday Bee "