Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Stnckrloonr Co., Undtrtfiksrs.
Hrt Root Print It Now Dem on Prens.
Llfhtlnc rlzturti, nurffess-rjraiidsn Co.
BUley ths Dentist, City NVt'l. O. 2;.66
The Hsbrasks, String's n I.o'n Ass'n.
offers n safe and profitable p'nn to help
you save, iwo l arnam street.
The Stats Bank of Omaha pays 1 per
fent on time deposits. 3 per cent oli sa
Inn nerounts. The onl mnk In Omali.i '
whose depositors are protected t the
depositors' KUarahtco tunn ot the state
of Nebraska. lt t and Harney street,
Blair Bridgs li Sf Northwestern
officials are advised that at the ulalr
brldce the Xllssourt river has been turned
back Into Its chatniel and that tne cut
tiliR of the. bank has ceased.
Bald for Bootlegging- William licnr;
Harrison, an Indian, was brought to
Omaha nnd lodKed In the count Jail hv
Deputy I'nltcd States Marshal Sides of
Dakota City. He is to bo held to the
crand Jury on the charge of lntrodu:lntt
liquor on the Indian reservation.
Haw Btrsat rlusher Bought- .Vt a.
mectlne of the city commission a street
flushing machine was purchased for Al
KURel, street commissioner, at a cost of
M.UQO. The successful bidders were St
Louis men. The flusher will be used In
connection with two others now owned
by the street cleaning department.
Hew Through Train Heginnlng Sun
day tho Hock Island will Inaugurate
through car service between Omaha and
Fort Stockton, Tc.. a point close to the
Mexican line. The through train will bs
tho Oklahoma express. It will go from
here to Wichita over the Rock" Island and
from there to Fort Stockton over the
Orient road.
Hue for Their Pay For failure to
make full payment for work done In con
structing driveways, approaches nnd
doing other cement and concrete work at
the postoffico building at Columbus. Neb..
Anderson-Freedman company has sued
Unrtlett & King In the Omaha division
of the federal court They allege that
T551.S6 Is still due them for work they
did under h subcontract they obtained
fropi .Bartlett & King, who had the con
tract from the government.
Impostor Qets'but
Little Help Before
He is Found Out
Class Play at Lothrop School
H .flKHslsBsBK B. Hs9Hsbsbsb1
H IIIIMSsbBiBbCbbbbB ssbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbH
Another of the Juvenile Delinquents
Escapes Punishment.
Lml IMrmlK Utility To He Svnl in
Mllllnry School Second n Jrl
Off, with Same Condi
tion Vttnchcd.
Vonder Janyseck Is the name given by
a sandy compiecieu. mmuio hbcu umu
who has been securing help from local
people under falsp pretenses. Posing as
an attorney troni Texas, where ho says
he his been conducting a law office, ha
called upon Rev. O. D. Baltzly of Kountse
Memorial ch'urch nnd asked for' help.
Mr. Rnltzly was roovod' by tho story
that the man told, a,nd accordingly called
up several men whom ho thought could
help the fellow to some kind of employ-j
ittbnt which would tide his over his pres
ent financial embarrassment.' In oncyln
stance ho was offered employment if he
would show up the next morning, nnd In
the other ho was given a liljrnt'r lodging
and money for" several moals,v
The suspicion of one of his Benefactors,
however, was aroused, anoxic wired the
governor of Texas to confirm a refer
ence to him that Janyeck hod given.
The reply Was that tb 'man was an irn
pastor and had bec - doing- thesntne
'thing all over thewest. '. ,
fie is described as having a- baby face
land one thaV WV him well-In 'wrlngine,
'sympathy fro? anyone he accosts for
help. Thero Is a faint German accent. In
his lajiiruafe and he lias a good knowl
edge of carman' s-f fairs.
r. -
Duiin Says Police
Station a Disgrace
Chief of Police Dunn declares the old
police station at Eleventh and Douglas
streets 'Is a disgrace" and ought to be
condemned ly the health commissioner
sat oiiuo. Not only Is it nn "old vam
shackle of a place," but tho chief ofi
police hays it Is a disease-breeding
"Joint" and ought not be used for the
purpose ot JaDlng men and women. -..
Finns have been underway for several
weeks to build a new police station.
Police Commissioner Ryder has recom
mended that 'bonds be voted' to erect
three police statiqnst one central and
two others farther 'outl
' Borne provision may tie.' made In the
charter to cover the cost- of.-conatructlng
a police station as well as other-buildings
for municipal, purposes.
Another of tho seven sons of prominent
families arrested by the Juvenile officers
for engaging In Immoral practice Jvlt'i
poor girls of tender years yesterday
escaped the humiliation and heart-racking
torture' of a pubtlo hearing, to which th -six
girls were subjected Wednesday after
noon. Tho lad w.oinTbefore Judge, Howard
Kennedy of the juvenile court in his pri
vate office, confessed his guilt and was re
leased uKn hta' father's promise to send
hi in awuy toB. military school at once.
In mitigation the boy pleaded that the
girls begnpvthe flirtation with him. which
led to ttfcceedlng, serious Indiscretions
One of -the lads was released by Judge
Abraham L. Su(tpn last week, when the
fatlj promised to send him away to a
military BChool. In tills case Judge Ken,.
i4ay wllH'maRe an order conforming to
(he oral order of Judge Sutton. It will
be the same as that In the case "of the lad
whoso hearing Tvas hnd this morning. The
order releases tho ,boy to the purent In
consideration off the nrgmisa of the father
to senA him away to a school approved by
tho court; Until he attains his majority
he. shall' be a ward' of the. court, to -which
monthly reports in writing must bo made
by the lnd; the court may alter tho order
at any time, before the boy attains his
. . Xot ,to Shield, ,I,iI.
Judge Kennedy said -the hearing was
hot held' Inihls private office' l?y any u-
slKnjti sftliW'.the lad tronnhe hirmllta
Uon'anJ'e'mbarrassment ot a 'publlc,,hcar
lng.' " . '
"1 was about to take up another matte
her lu .my equity court room
boy was brought In," said the Judge. '1
told them to come Into my office and I
talked the matter over with the boy and
his father1 and their attorney. No one
would havo been denied admittance."
Juvenile Officer Bernstein said the hear
ing was a public one and It Just happened
.to he. held In the Judge's private, office
Instead of In tho Juvenile court room, in
which the six girls were tried torether.
In further explanation Rernsteln said the
glris had refused to -plead guilty and 'had
stood trial, while the two boys who have
escaped publio hearings pleaded guilty.
Acting under Instruction of Judge' Ken
nedy, Bernstein will file a complaint
charging criminal assault against the boy
named by three of the girls as the first
causo of the wrongdoing. He ma be
sent to the state industrial School for
Hoys at Kearney, but will not be vent t )
the penitentiary, as he Is but 1G years
old. Bernstein said.
The Juvenile officers are searching for
other boys named by the girls; for a
chauffeur whose first name was nil the
girls could give, and for lliiuor dealers
who may be charged with veiling lluunr
to minors. One boy has agreed to takn
tho officers to a place where the boys
and girls bought liquor. Arrests are ex
pected before evening.
Chicagoan Tells Commercial Club
How to Shorten It.
Announcing for
To llnve the People Vote Only fori
Tlmir Of fieri. Which Hnrc (
Hit iv I tli I lie Policies of '
(iovrrnmenl. I
WAl'KON. la.. Jan. .10. -(Special. )-A
very peculiar case has come to light here.
Tiast Monday Thomas Whaleu was acting
lu the capacity of a trial Juryman and
win then hearing n case. Tho session
closed for the evening and ho was ex
pected to report In tho morning. Ho
stopped nt the Wlttllnger home. He wis
apparently all right at supper time.
He disappeared that night and, after
continuing court for nearly a half day,
the trial proceeded with cloven Jurymen.
(Search was continued for Whalen. Two
days and two nights had passed when
a farmer hy tho name of Sandry re
ported ' finding him lu his field crawl
ing on his hands and knees nnd suffering
from the cold and exposure. He had hnd
nothing to cat nnd only hnd on light
clothing. Ills hands were quite badly
frozen nnd so' were his feet. Death from
exiiaustion and exposure would soon
have taken him. Sandry lives north of
lanslng and 'Whalen bud wandered nearly
forty miles from where he was last seen,
Ills mind returned about as quickly as It
left htm, and all this time la a blank to
liable Threatened
by croup, coughs or $o)ds are Kpon re
lieved by tho use of Dr. King's New
Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton DruV Co. Advertisement.
Le Bron Objects to
Having Auto Stolen
Bert Ie Bron, prominent In Rod and Gun
club circles, took exception to a couple
ot young men trying to run away with
his automobile and before he was
through with them they wero In need of
physicians attention. lye Broh left his
machine standing In front of the drug
. store at Seventeenth and Farnam streets
while he went Inside for a minute. He
noticed two youths hanging, around the
machine and going outside ordered them
away and then returned to the store.
Looking put of the window he saw one
in the car and tho other trying to crank
It. Hastening outside he' chastised them
in no gentle fashion when they took to
their heels..
California "iVonion Berlanaly- Alarmed
"A short time ago I contracted a se
vers cold which settled on my lungs and
caused me a great deal of annoyance.! I
would have bad coughing spells and my
lungs were so sore and inflamed I began
to be seriously alarmed, A friend rec
ommended Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, saying she had used It for years. I
bought a bottle and It relieved my cough
the first nlsht and In a week I was rid
ot the cold and soreness of my lungs,"
writes Mlis Marie Qerber, Sawtells, Cat
Fur sale by all dealers. Advertisement.
Superintendent Cahlll of the Omaha di
vision of the Union racific. and Mrs.
Cahlll have returned from two weeks
spent in soutnern uaniorniu.
Bert Ely,-' passenger director at the
i;nloii station, has gone to Hot Sprlncs
on a vacation, and during his absence nls
duties uro being porformed by Fred
Hughes of the Information bureau.
Montrose Lee, who rrew up In Omuhn,
Lolng a son of the late Charles R.
Is In the city tlsltlng his old home and
frlendf Mr. L. who U an asxuyer and
inlnliif englnenr. Is on his way to Monte
video. Uruguay, where he has been en
gaged by the government to aid in the
Geological survey lu ue maae or. mat
Prairie Park club will entertain Its
friends at Its club house this evening
with a -minstrel slrow. The performance
Will start at 8:30 p. m. and tho progijrn
will be as follows:
Lew Nelson, Interlocutor
Banes, Messrs. Gardner and Conley.
Tnmbos. Messrs. Hellen and Harris.
Singers, Messrs. Pcrmusten, Ocheltree,
uisorow ana wescoii; .Misses tsars, uarr,
Ocheltree nnd Hampton.
"Up the Rickety Stairs," Mr. Harris.
"Creole Sue," Mr. Ocholtree.
"Ain't it Funny." Mr. Conley.
"Mighty Like a nose." Miss Hampton.
iet it Alone, .Mr. uaraner.
"Vhfn the Sopds of the Desert Grow
Cold," Mr. Weatcotl.
"You Ain't Talkln' to Mo." Mr. Hollen.
"On thn MIsbIssIddI." Mi-. Dlsbrow.
Waltln' for the Hobert 1-3. Tice," Misses
cum, i,-ari. iiampion, unneuree; Messrs,
Hellen and Gardner.
"Comln' Thro' the rtye," Misses Sass,
Hampton, 'uarr, ocneltree.
Virginia Kssence dance, Mr Hellen.
1 think it much better to give ten
minutes' consideration to candidates for
office before voting for them than o
pend ten days after the election wonder
ing whether or not the officials are really
fit for the place." said Kdwln H, Cas-
rels of Chicago In a talk on tho short
tallot before the Commercial club at
noon. ;
He had several exhibits of the long
ballot which he used to Illustrate his au.
dreys, one of which was n ballot trom i
New York City, fourteen feet long. ' It
was Impossible," he said, "to vote
ballot Intelligently. Jt was full of un
desirable candidates who were given
votes In many cases Just becahso their
names were pronounceable or looked fa
miliar after having been posted around
on billboards."
The long' ballot and the spoils system,
said the speaker, encourage the political
boss more than anything else. It was his
plan to have only thoso officials who have
to do with the policies of the government
placed upon the ballot, these officials
being given the responsibility of appoint
ing men to technical positions under
It Is next to Impossible to get the best
technical men for public positions by
popular vote," said Cassels, "Such posi
tions should bo filled by appointment."
Hy taking these positions off the. ballot
and leaving only those officials who have
to do with tho policy of tho government
and those whose offices are conspicuous
anough to demand attention the ballot
can be shortened, he explained.
John L. Kennedy was phalrman of tit's
onday, Feb. 3
An extraordinary sale of
Lace Curtains
and Rugs
The culmination of several very fortunate
purchases from such well-known
manufacturers as
Alex, Smith & Sons, S. Sanford & Son,
W. & J. Sloan and Others.
The values will be simply wonderful
See Sunday papers for particulars.
Water Board Fails
to Reduce Rates
Members of the Water board spent fif
teen minutes at the meeting ycstoiday
Tho members present lonkod worried
Commissioner Howell was tho most
cheerful of the lot. He spoke In a ,iv
soft voice and rarely lifted his eyes from
tho business of the bills In front of him.
Nevertheless, considering cverythtfnr. ho
nppeurcd quite cheerful. Ho neglected to
give the board the word to lower wute
ratcs and make good tho promise oncu
ivi; i : ill iii : m Kh u1 m m ,u wtocH
Key to the Situation IJee Advertising.
Drummond to Handle
the Locomobile Oars
Wednesday V. H. Reno, district sale
manager for the Locomobile Company of
America, came o Omaha and completed
arrnngements with tho, Drummond Motor
ccmpnny to distribute tho Locomobile cars
In thlB territory. The ngency for the
Locomobile was formerly held by tho
late J. J. Derlght.
Despondent as the result of ilrlijlt and
111 feeling on tho part of his parents In
New Orleans, Charles H. Uuford, it
switchman, qommltted suicide early lust
night In a 'room at tho State hotel by
swallowing nearly a glassful of carbolic
acid. He was still nllvo when I'ollco
Surgeon Kolts cntne.
His act was evidently ono of consider
able premeditation, f6r on a chair bestdo
him were several envelopes containing In
surance policies, membership cards in
the Brotherhood ot Rullwny Trainmen
and personal effects, as well ns farewell
letter to relutlves. All of tho letters
were written on Hotel Homo and Hen
shaw stationery. Hufnrd cumo to tho ho
tel early In the dny and hnd not slept In
the bed.
I tssBsMIMMMMM SMl B -f TTgsss
Key to tho Situation Dee Advertising.
you and
Take a bottle
, Stands Uncle Sam
He makes it easy for you to know
when whiskey is pure. The little
green stamp which he places over the
cork of every bottle of
m Cfbod aid
Bottled In Bond
rMJ rnssissT
. Electric Window Fix
tures Mean Bigger Business
Now, during the busy season, is the
host time to install brilliant Electric Fixturos
In your Btoro- windows, Kyeryone who passes, your
r-Btalillaliment each night la a prospective customer
for you. People are unconsciously attracted to tho
store with brilliantly lighted windows they enter to
tnulo and aro nsly mado permanent customers.
It costs surprisingly little to light
your windows by electricity. Even if you
do not keep open after dark, you should keep your
windows bright. IM your store moke n lasting Im
pression on every passer-by.
Inexpensive Advertising
That Brings Results
At little cost, you can enjoy the
bonofits of trudc-bringing oloctric lighted
windows. Why not get your legitimate share of this
profitable form of advertising? Don't wait until your
competitor hna-taken all your best trado. Hold your
prcsont customers and attract new ones by installing
Hloctrio Window Fixtures now.
Omaha Electric Light
8c Power Company
is the sign of pure whiskey. It means that the whiskey was made,
aged and bottled under Uncle Sam's watchful eye. He knows it is
pure and he so labels ft. It is a little stamp with a large meaning.
See that it is on the bottle you take home.
"Since 1857"
Your opportunity
may be here
The renl estate burgains nnd business chances
which aro offered in tho classified section of The
Bee are among tho best presented by any paper in
tho west. Hundreds havo gained immensely
through reading these pages and taking advan
tage of tho opportunities presented there, Phono
Tyler lOOO