THE JiEE: OMAHA, Fit l DAY, JAXfARV 31. Irl3. THIS OMAHA DAILY BliK ( FOt'NUKD BY KDWARD ItOSKWATKH VICTOn HOSEWATKH. BD1TOR unit nUIMiINOJllNAM ANDJJTM. Kntrml it Omaha postofflce a second ' matter. thumb of aunscnirnoN: S mdav Hee. one year.... I'm Saturday Bee. one year "ally By. tvlttiout Sunday, one year. . Bl'y IJee. and HumMv. one vear.. DKUVKKKD 11 IA1UUHK. f vflitn and P midnj. per month 40c ) ut Stimlav. pertnonth.. c 1 venlng without .'ally tlee. iiu-tudlnK Sunday, per mo. tto Dally Uec. without Sunday, per mo... jc Address all complalntB or Irresutarltlea dellvr ry to Clt . Otctilstlon Dept. rtEMlTTANCE. llemlt by draft, express or poitat order, tsvable to The nee rubllshlne company. Only S-cent stamps iv.eWed tn payment of small accounts. Personal check, ex cept on Omaha and eastern exchange. nt 'pted. OFFICES. Omalia-TJn' e building. "Auth Omaha IJ1K N treet. Council Uluffs-H North Main street. Lincoln K Little bulldlnc 'hlcaro 1041 Morauette building. ICanras Hty rtellance building. N'ew TorkH Weft Thirty-third. St. Leuts--40S Frisco btilldlnr Washington-?: Fourt-enth St.. N. W. COHnKBI'ONDENCE. 'ommunlcatlons relat'.ns to newi ard editorial matter should be addressed maha Dee. Editorial deoartment. OECUMHER ClIlCtfLATION. 49,044 f tMc of Nrbraaka, County of Douelaa, a: Uwight Wllllamr. circulation manastr of The le Publishing company, being duly aworn, say a that tht average dally circulation for tha month of December, llli, vu 19.044. D WIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my preaence and aworn to before ma thla Slut day of December, im. noBEivr hunter. (Baal) Notary Public bacribera learlng the city tcmpararlly aknnld hare. The lire mat I ad to than. Addraea Trill ha hanged aa oftra a requested. 8nr cure for stooping shoulders : Sit, stand and walk erect- Governor Dleaso is trying to make It hot (or tho reporters now. Sign of spring: A break In the Illinois -legislative deadlock. Parcel post Is certainly a. scream If they can ship babies by It. Governor Sulzer may bo consid ered already the hero of tho movies. More might be said for the average banquet If It wero not for tho windy speech, U heaven ts a mental condition, as a Missouri editor says, how about Kansas? Trick horses aro apt to Jump tho track, whothor racing as lobbyists or legislator). After nil that fusillade, tho Honor able Nathan Philip podge, Jr., should consider himself squolched, Frank Gotch seems to have stopped giving dub wrestlers stand ings by putting them on their backs. nut when Berkeley, Cat., hai made It elf a ca,tless town, what thenf WesloT-OoBton Herald. Oh, rata! Eddie Koy must Btand in with tho Atlanta boys. The papers refer to him as tho funniest twin p tht) woria. It would be the height of ab'surd- ity to place over the tomb of John I'ftui Jones the motto; "Rest In Peace." uhere are those old-fashioned statesmen who used to break down from overwork, asks an exchango Dead and burled. The third time Is usually tho charm, but in the caso of Tillman evidently there is no charm, for he has gone back for the fourth time. It is eald that Mr. John Darley eorn, the prominent Impresario, has returned from tho somewhat ex tended excursion on which he em barked January 1, Evidently what la needed with certain youn folks attending school li more watch-care in the home. The school, nor any other outsldo agency, can do It all. The republicans and democrats to gether broke the Illinois speakership deadlock, and It is charged that the dtial also Involves the United Statea Rcnatorshlps. Note that the charge comos from the "progressives," who wero themselves trying to make that cry deal with the democrats. That reminds us, we hear no re ival of the talk to make the vice president an unofficial member of tho cabinet, with ranking voice In the administration second only to tlie president The Job of vice presi dent s evidently going to remain about what a former Incumbent de scribed It something between a re tired society leader and a contingent hejr-apparent to the royal succcs Ion, It ts proposed to give the county treasurer f.600 more salary for being custodian of Water board funds. Yes, a'pd thenglve um au additional salary for handling school board money, and another salary for keop-. lag the fire and police relief funds. TKyen ' this would be bunglesome, however, when It would be so easy to go back to the old fee system of a big Juicy percentage on all collec tion and the' privjtege to farm out the deppiLs and I'QCket the Interest. Cabinet Talk About Bryan. ; " noinci miK nnout Mr uryan, riroj ever since n democratic president wbsi nmiurecl, has become more (leflnlto with the announcement that he Is to bo offered the place of secretary ofj Btnte, and has signified a willing-1 ness to serve. Up to this time the prevalent opinion here In Mr. Dryan'sl home state has been that ho would prefer to exercise his self- r,Knl , (rcct th(J part wjc assumed party whenovcr he thought It was not doing what It should, as a private citizen rather than to share the responsibility of the Wilson administration In an of ficial capacity. This view has been based upon his known character, rec ord, and ambition, and his indisposi tion heretofore to be n private In tho ranks, and take a superior's ordorn. Should Mr. Hrynn go Into the cab inet, the effect upon his own aspira tions for the presidency will nntur ally bo weighed. He hna been cred ited with putting the one-term plnnk Into the Ilaltlmore platform to pave tho' way for his own candidacy In 101 C. An invitation to Bryan to handle a cabinet portfolio nniHt bo taken to indicate Governor Wilson's acceptance of that declaration, as we all know it Is construed by Mr. Ilrynn, as foreclosing blni from seek ing re-election. The Split-Fee Doctor. A graphic representation of the ovIIb of tho eplit-fee business, as it has taken hold of too many of our physician and surgeons, Is presented by one of our cartoons. While the extent to which this abuse prevails may possibly be exaggerated, that it is a real monace to the public cannot bo denied, Tho split-fee means the oxposuru of the unsuspecting patient to unnecessary or needlessly expen sive medical treatment or Burglcal oporatton merely to nopnrato him from his money. And worse than that, It offers inducement to the lit tle doctor to feud tho mnw, not of tho best and most skillful specialist, but of tho ono willing to give him the biggest percentage split on the re ceipts. This is an evil which could bo greatly restricted, if not alto gether abolished, by a simple bit of legislation declnrlni; It unlawful, anu ponnllclng thoso who Indulge In it with forfeiture of their licenses to practice. Tht Returned Mail. Tho government has Just realized more than $10,000 proceeds from tho Bnlo of valuahles found in moil returned to tho dead-letter office, which' means some heavy individual losses. This Is all bocnuso of the simplo carolessncBs of writers in falling to place their names and ad dresses in the upper left-hand corner of tho envelope or wrapper, as they are instructed to do. It 'stands to reason that If the Poatofflce depart ment has so much difficulty In Recur Ins proper compliance with estab lished customs, It will continue to encounter added trouble with tho multiplying complications of the sys tem, such, for Instanco, as parcel post. 'All of which emphasizes the fact that profitable returns would surely follow a reasonable amount of Judicious advertising In connec tion with Its services to the,' public for a price. The Postoffite depart ment Is a gigantic business Institu tion and is Just as much In need of advertising as another large commer cial enterprise. The failure to take advantage of modern business meth ods Is ono of the weaknesses In government-managed Industries, yet a weakness that might easily be cured. Senatorial Bulwarks Threatened. "Old things are passed away; be hold, all things are become new,' even, apparently, )n the senate of the United States, whose cryptic powers of preservation ho long with stood time's corroding elements. , , Pillars of tradition crumble 'and fall, relics of it day that was. "Tho blight of seniority must go," pro claims Mr. Bryan. And "men cannot afford to be courteous when great l sues are at stake." Already, before tho Nobraskau assumes the reins of dictation over tho new congress, a "URRtern senator arises and ex corlates his own colleague without immediate provocation from the lot tcr. Evidently along with the "blight of seniority" goes the with ering "senatorial courtesy." A brilliant scheme or Congressman Maguires to erect federal govern-! ineut buildings' at all the state fairs. has been unceremoniously knocked on tho head, but not untU it Aas served its only purpose to make its spomor solid with certain - con stituents interested tu the Nebraska state fair. By the way, -would Mr. Mugulra ever have projected that novel Idea bad not the state fair grounds been planted In the middle of his district? The form of shearing the speaker of power to appoint committees was duly gone through at the opening of the Nebraska legislature, but it was only a form. Nearly every day some Important special committee Is created whose members the speaker names Just as he did before. A Wisconsin congressman referred contemptuously to Washington monument as has the "an Egyptian obelisk." He ought to see the Lincoln' statue on bur Omaha High school square. Backward liOOKHK Thisft in'Omalia COMPILED OOP $ JANUAHV 1. 1 ODD a i Thirty Vcar ,lgi-i- The election of Genera! Atanderson for t'nlled States Aenator was formally rati fled In Joint e.zftlon of the teglalatura with eenty-hve vote recorded for him. The Hee Joins In extending him congratu lations. According to the city directory Jut completed, the population of Omaha la es timated at 47,910. Doc Smith, our county urveyorH la en gaged In drawing ward mapa for uee u( aiipeatora ami county official. ' The Dee reporter today had a delightful alelgh rldo behind Dick Wilde's matched black. -Will Her" and "Ulnck Diamond. that skip over the gorund like a couple of reindeers. The death of "Betty" at the Paxton liaa caused many "what's" from friends. "Butty" was a blra. Apprentices and experienced milliners are wanted at 1 Oberfeldtr & Co.'s, 1310 Douglas street If. IC. Ilayden offrrs a reward for tho return of a lost diamond Hng to the Ne braska National bank. A potato day was held at the North school, contribution Kolng to the poor of the city. The Omaha Oiee club Is to havn the alstance In Its forthcoming annual con cert of the star.aoprano singer, Mls Jen- k Dutton of Chicago. Twenty Veara Ao navival meetings at the South Tenth Ktreet Methodist church were atlll tn progreaa and likely to continue another week. Omalhv weather fur tho day. it was believed, would be recorded a unprece dented. At U. a. m.'lho mercury stood M degrees above xero; nt 10:30 p. m., S belo xero. The preclpltattlon began with the advent of a strong north wind. Korc caster Murdock predicted a continuation of cold weather. Tha typographical union undertook "to whip Into line" the only nonunion print ing- ahop in town, when the printers ut Keea- struck nnd left their caaea. Ac cording to Frank A. Kqhnedy, spokesman for fie union, the walkout might last A week or n year. The flve-story building at Twelfth and Howard streets, to bo occupied by the Morse-Coe shoo factory, was almost com pleted nnd the whir of wheels In this new place of Industry. It Is said, would son be heard. The county commlasloners definitely de cided that 1150,000 should bo expended dur the, year Improving country roads, inacad amlrlng Dodge and Center, especially. Ten Years Ago The Burlington took Initial steps to prevent Omaha from assessing Its prop erty within tho city for city taxation by filing a caso tn the federal court. It prayed for a temporary order restraining Tax Commissioner Fleming and members of the city council from aoting upon tho 1900 nssesament of the property of that company. Edward Johnson of tho Barrett-Johnson Tntlorlng company went to Cincinnati to attend the annual convention of the Mer chant Tailors' National exchange. C. F. Tracey of North Platte, secretary of the Union Pacific employes' grievance committee, with George W. Vroman, treasurer of that committee,' were In the city with a few grievances for the 'com pany to redress. T". E. Etter, who had been night clerk of the Millard hotel, resigned to (to to his home In Topeka, Kan., for a brief rest and then accept a position with J. E. Market In one of his numerous hotels over the weat. Tha First Baptist church Rave out tile announcement that It would erect a new house of worship on Twenty-ninth street. between Furnam and Howard. The cost wns placed at about 140,000, and a com mittee was named for tho completion of plans looking to tho enterprise. People Talked About Lillian Rumell Moote says the "happiest day In a woman's llfo Is her wedding day," That makes four for Lillian. I'nclo Joe Cannon denies that he has- sung lit "swan song." Not yet. lie has four weeks for rehearsing for tho main event. The largest brood of children that ever occupied the executive mansion of Illinois goes into It wth the Installation of Clov. ernor Dunne five boys and five girla. Papers filed In the surrogate court of Brooklyn, N, T show the estate of tho late Will Carleton to be about ti.OW. Money and the muses rarely pull tu- gether. The youngest newspaper editor In Kan sas Is a elrl. Hhe Is Mils Leah Kettle, and she set out the Austin Journal, a weekly paper. She Is 17 years old ttd has been managing editor, editorial writer and city editor since March. John Bergman of Palmer, Minn., te cently, with only four cigars as weapon, held a packer wolves at bay until assist ance arrived from the camp whert he wa employed. Lighting all four el tars, nd Jabbed their lighted ends at the beasts, only stopping to puff the cigars to keen them glowlnK. Doings of Women Mrs, Peter Yantx, who lives in a poor little log cabin near Redwood Fall. Minn., has Just fallen heir to 80,000. She ays "ho will not leave her cabin. Mtis Helena Ktsterllng nas lost her Job as physical culture initructor tn Bethany coltege, Weat Virginia, because o pretty that she turned the heads of the male students. Jane Bltknell Toung, tha widow of Joseph Young, brother of Rrlgham joung, Is dead In Tacoma, Wash., at ... . .!,., ;t,ie ae of w 'ar nd months. For thirty years she bad been n follower of Mary Baktr Eddy's teaching. The king of Denmark on the occasion of his recent vtait to Btockholm, per sonally conferred upon Mile. Bally Hog trom the rare distinction of the Danish gold medal of merit In acknowledgment of the excellent work she has done in Introducing Into Denmark the Swedish IJng system of gymnastics. In BalUmoro the- Federatlou of Wom en's clubs provided twenty members with rcalcs and set them to testing the accuracy or the weighing done by tradesmen. The results wl be put at the service of tho Inspector or weights and measures, but will uot be mad public. I 1 . Twice Told Tales Wonderful Hrpnrter. At a studio tea In Washington square, Philadelphia, a painter sard: "No man can be always witty. People pretend that Whistler was always witty. Here H a story about Whistler that I haVe even heard cited as nn example of his unfailing wit: "Whistler, as you know, hud a tiny white lock upstanding In his black hair. Well, at dinner once, his hostess cot someone to detain Whistler In the dlnlni; room, and In his absence she dtstilbuted tiny white feathers among the men, and each man put his feather In his hair. Whistler, on entering the drawing room, beheld a half-dozen black-nalred men standlnfr In lln. enrh mnn villi a trhttit lock exactly like his own. i f'Whlitler, whose wit was said never to derert htm, turned red as a turkey cock, he shook all over, then he roared: " V'cry pretty, very pretty, but I'll never speak to. a single blank dash one of you again! ''-Pittsburgh Dispatch. Tlir AII-ArounU llcnortrr. Representative Anthony of Kansas used to be anowspapor reporter, nnd at one tlmo In his career worKed for a city editor who n anted to get about Ki worth of work for 110. lie was complaining that he had u poor staff ono day, and said confidently to Anthony. "What we need hero is a crackerjack writer a man who knows news, who can write English splendidly, who can ba pathetic or humorous and who ts an In defatigable worker." . "Well," replied Anthony. "I know the name of such a man, but perhaps he wouldn't want to come here for the sal ary you pay." "Who Is he?" asked the city editor. "His nsme Is Mark Twain." Kansas t.CJty Star. Forget It, The subject of "the pecrles leader' Is always handled very carefully In the office of Speaker Clurk at the capltol. A member of tho Kentucky congressional delegation took a constituent to see the speaker not Ions nfter the Ilaltlmore convention. "I met you once before." said the gar rulous visitor. "It was at one of William J. Bryan's birthday celebrations." "Well," drawled Mr. Clark, "you can store this In your memory, too, that you'll never see me at another one." Kansas City Times. t The Chicago Pace Tho discovery of a polite street car conductor Is featured with a picture 'n one of the local papers. The rarity runs on the Ashland avenue line and his name la Mike M. Muiien. Thirty thousand dollars' worth of as sorted dogs aro yelping at the Western Boston Terrier show. One purp Is valusd at 13,000. another at $2,000. The barking bunch averages Jl) each. Robert K. Durke, long featured as a democratic boss and famous as the drum major of the Cook County Marching- club, has been Indicted for embezzling 5.6tf belonging to an organization with which he was Identified. Judge Kenesaw Mountain Indts of the federal bench, In trying the case of n bankrupt victim, prilled ft loan shark until ha admitted his Interest charge on a 13 loan amounted to 397 per cent a year. How the borrower escaped with his skin set the court wondering. Municipal Judge Mateoney gives it out cold that accused persons springing Irish namea that do not belong- to them will get the limit every time. A stranded Turk mumbled the name of "Mike Hi gan" In such a mysterious brogue that Judge Mahoney up and soaked him for fc. remarking as he counted the money: "Stealing' Irish names Is one crime I 'n tend to abolish." Heads of families In the suburbs of Wlllmette, Wlnnetka, Kcnllworth and Olencoe, patrons of the Trter High school, have organized a crusade agalnat the newly discovered practice of compelling Klrl atudents to strip for medical exam ination at school. In one Instance the certificate of a family physician -was re fused and the girl forced to atrip with nine others. An Interesting feature of the ruction Is the uctton of the National Society for Medical Freedom siding with tho parents and Jumping on the allopaths. Over the Seas Spain Is going Into the navy bulidlntr race withborrowed money. The shipyards of Kngland and Ireland re enjojylng unusual activity. Ruaala'a oil felds do not produce aa much oil as Oklahoma, or California, Tha neweat diamond field Is In the Kaaal river district, Utlglan Congo, West Africa. Barely onv-fsventh of the population of the British empire Is composed of whites. In the densest parts of Bombay tl cxe are 70 persons to the acre. K4 Vork has ,000 n the sap.e area. Two hundred electric clocks controlled by a master timepiece, have bun in stalled n a Liverpool hotel. The Chinese,alphabet of S.0 characters is being revised down to forty-two, twerr- ty-threo vowels and nineteen consonants. A member of the Belgian Parliament has Just pulled off the twelfth annual repetition of a speech on the political Infamies of the opposition party. Black opals, for several years exten sively mined In Nfw South Wales, have become exceedingly rare, hardly any having been found for nearly a vcar. German statistics show that 1512 wut German's banner twelve-month In grain production, the harvest of wheat and rye exceeding those of any previous year. The military aeroplanes of the French government now number about 400. On developing Us aerial navy It rpent In 11Z 14,000,000 and this year will expend J.000,000. I The lxmdon & Northwestern railway management -reports very satisfactory re sult from a "grievance hearer," an office created for tha purpose of adjusting grievances of employes. China has been hit hard by the 'n creased cost of living. The price of rice has Jumped CO per cent sine mi-dun partly to the famine and more to the rie rtrueton of crops during the fighting on the Yangtze, Beginning the first of the year a gen eral advance of doctors' fees took place in France, as follows: Old fees, 3, 4 and S franc (W.5TV, .772 and .965); newly s tabllahed fees, 4. P and 6 to U franc t0,TT ,W3 and U5J to 11,53). r1 k HioBeeslenGtB ox The Modern Woodmen nntra. HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. .-To the Editor of The Bee: On January 82 an article In your paper. "The Present Rates Will Stand," contained a statement of the head consul, Mr. Talbot, giving notice to the membership of the Modern Woodmen of America of the capitulation of tho executive council. This surrender, thouKh coming late, is good news and gratifying to the membership. If thin surrender had been made year ago, hundreds of thousands of dollars would have been saved to the order and Its membership Increased 1CO.C0O. tn the beginning- prayers and petition were presented to the head offices, urg ing and Imploring them to withhold the proposed rates until the meeting of tho next head camp or call a new head camp, or submit the whole matter to ref erendum vote of the order. All thea4 pleadings were In vain. There being no alternative, the roemberahlp then applied to the courts for relief. In every' state where suit was brought and In every casevi the courts ha,r held In favor of the plain tiffs and against the rates. . I heartily agTe with the heal consul that all discussion of the last head camp and the proposed rates should cease. Doth have passed out of exlsttnc and aro of the paat. 1 agree further with hlni that all members should apply them selves to the work and good of the order. So far as Nebraska Is concerned discus sion of the rates ceased months ago, public Woodmen opinion and sentiment crystallized quickly after the Chicago meeting and the only dlscuslon that fol lowed was the effort of the head officers at enormous expense to educate the Woodman that tho proposed rates wero Just what he needed. I note that the head consul fears other suits will be brought. No other suits aro contemplated. If the exper'SMce through which the order has passed during the last year Is to be of lasUnfr benefit, it will admonish the head officers to keep In touch with the wants of the rank and file of the order. No fear need be felt that the membership will not take a deep Interest In tho selection of delegates to the next head camp and it is hoped and believed that men will be selected -who will represent the true sentiment of the memburs. I do not know the exact loss In member ship which the order has sustained dur ing the last year, but It cannot be lesa than 10 or 15 per cent. Ifeel safe in saying that had It not been for the hope held out by our application to the courts for relief the decrease would have' reached 33 per cent or more. I-et the delegates to the next head camp be fairly selected, let the conven tion be free In Its deliberations and all Woodmen will abide by the result. JAMES V. DEOHTOU Chairman State Committee Modern Wood men of America. Wnnta Kxtvnalons Flrat. OMAHA, Jan. V, To the Editor of The Beo: I may be wrong, but my Idea Is that what tha people of Omaha moat need and want of the street car company Is not so much cheaper fares as better serv ice. For that matter, Omaha needs ex tension of lines for Its upbuilding most of all. If we were a great, populous city, fully or fairly well grown up within, our population covering our area, then we might be content to let further extensions wait indefinitely. I live In a part of town that needs street car service, and I sup pose I will be called selfish, but Just tlie same, I'll bet I'm tn the majority on this question. D. D, II, Popular Science The conductivity of aluminum Is about 60 per cent that of annealed copper. Pure glycerine will remove stains from table llneh, even when there haa been cream In the coffee. Tungsten filaments for commercial elec tric lamps are being made as small as eight ten-thousands of an Inch In dt amcter. Aluminum can be blackened by Im mersing It for a few momenta In. a bolt ing SO per cent solution of caustic ttods. drying It and polishing with a pltjmba.- Koed brush, Dr. F. R. Bergtus, the scientist who has been conducting experiments in producing artificial coal, has, by employing- a high temperature and a high pressure, changed cellulose to peat In a few hours. The same change by the process employed by nature, he states, required 7.000,000 years. A new way of obtaining a low atep for street car entrances without lowering the body of the oar or using two steps haa been worked out on the now cars of the Kansas City street railway. The floor of the rear vestibule 1 a foot lower than the floor of the body of the car, but thoj passengers, on Birimn, nun m v bule, land on a ramp or inclined passage way wWoh ris to the main floor. Editorial Sittings Indianapolis News From the way those striking waiters are acting In New Tori:. It looks as If somebody bad given them a bum steer Instead of the usual straight tip. Philadelphia Bulletin: The high cost of dying appears to b keeping pace with the high -cost of living. The tombstone dealers have decided to raise the price of headatonaa. Chicago Inter Ocean. Governor Bleaso or South Carolina advocates a bill to pun ish newspaper reporters who mlsquot speakers. There are cases where any ch'anga would be an Improvement. Washington Post; Former Secretary of State Root haa apokan and Secretary of State Knox has spoken, and now England would like to hear from the next Secre tary of state, William J. Bryan. St. Uouls Globe-Democrat; Kx-VIce President Fairbanks will raise cattle on an 11,000-acre Illinois farm. No need to worry about the ability of presidential personages to make a living when they retire from office. New Tork Tribune: Jersey legislators cannot be of much use to the railroads nowadays. There waa a time when the companies fell over themselves in their anxiety to se that assemblymen and senators had free passes. New York World; President-elect Wil son In New York on a shopping and theater trip, and President Taft in the White Houe "talking over the haae ball situation" with callers and showing him aelf "immensely pleated." Illustrate the before and after condition of presidential enjoyment SUNNY OEMS. "What Is ou glneter do wlf dnt dog?" "I's glneter sell 'Im foh 3 cents." "You kalnt make no monev dat way. De las' party I sold 'Im to foh X cents Klrume JJ next day to take Mm off delr hands. "Washington S'tar. "The? times falsity one prevailing Idea." "What Is that?" "it doesn't follow that a man belongs to a secret society because he's got the grlp."-BalUmoro American; Izaak Walton I see after the Panama canal Is complete experts expect the fish of the two oceans to mingle, eventually producing some new species. Mrs. Walton Well. I'm glad of that. I'm on to all of your old fish seories Vonkers Statesman. "This college education does not help a-boy In business life." "Oh, yes. It does. My boy was a champion sprinter, and now he's sot n good position as a bank runner." Haiti more American. "What was the result of that popu larity contest?" "It spoiled the dispositions of a whole lot of fellows who thought they ought to have won the prize," Washington Star. "One or the preachers comes forward with the declaration that the devil Is not mentioned In the Old Testament." "What of It?" "Well, he claims that, there being no mention of him In the Old Testament, there cannot be a devil." "That's ho proof. The Old Testament does not mention the Illinois legislature. 25 cent "Danderine" for Falling Hair and Dandruff Grows Hair Don't iay 50 cents for worthless hnir tonics Use old, reliable, harmless " Danderine Get results. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of. a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There Is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of Its lustre, Its strength and its very llfo; eventually producing a feverlshnes and itching of the scalp, which If not reme died causes the hair roots to shrink, iooscn and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely zave your hair. Twelve Fast Trains Daily Between Omaha and Chicago MP New families aire constantly coniig to Onaha wht A want roons 4 If you hava any apartment or houies to rent, you should let these newcomers know and the .way to tell them is through the Bee classified pages. People who come intb Omaha always read the Bee first. It has a national reputation and everybody looks to it for information. Better put your "for rent" ads in. The Bee right now. PHONE Tyler lOOO but there Is one -chliago Itccorii U r aid. "The drama '' said the serious pe.sorw "needs to be elevated." "Well." replied the practical manager, "am I not doing my best? Haven't 1 put In an aerial ballet?" -Chicago Post THE SECRET GARDEN. 'TIs good to sit a-dreamlng when wintry winds are rife; To hug the warmest corner and forget the stress of life; To turn the visions Inward away from cold and care And find that flowers of summer,. are sweetly blooming there. 'Tts (rood to snatch some moments away from dull routine; To forget the petty details that make life small and mean; And safe within the recess of the soul's secluded shrine Behold the universal shaped by a hand divine. 'TIs good to walk at evening where lift ing clouds of grey , Reveal a golden circlet round the hilltops t AT B.V flV j And we retiring Inward may find that toll and care Are most divinely blessed when the light of love ',s there. And though outside 'tis cold and bleak and winds reverse are rife. Within your soul let summer flower keep bursting Into life; And you will find a refuge here as In a summer clime; In your own soul's secret garden where 'tis always summer time. Omaha, Nflb. -BAYOL.L, N13 TREH,&. Get a 26 cent bottle of Knowlton's Dan derlne from any drug store or toilet coun ter, and after the first application you will aay It waa the best Jnveetment you over made. Tour hair will Immediately take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which Is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appear ance of abundance; an Incomparable gloss and saftneaT. but what will pleas you most will be after Just a few weeks' use, when ypu will actually see a lot ot fine, downy ljalr new hair growing all ovr the scalp. Advertisement. a 'rips Round Trip Excursion Tickets Are on Sale Daily via the C. & N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba, .New Orleans, Mobile dnd the Gulf Coast lThe splendid trains of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway between Omaha and Chicago ronnect at the latter city with all lines to the South and South- east, forming a passenger service that cannot be surpassed. Tkrvagh rmllway mnil tltamihlp (felar an alto on tala lo tho MoJUtrranoan. Ma Holy Land raa to all Kmropman eltU: Sleeping car reservations and reservation of fwice on steamships to points named above given prompt and careful attention. Trains Loavo Omaha for Chicago 7j.. re. 6;0O p. m. 8:50 pn. 12i05 p.m. 6:35 p. m. 7i53p.m. AUDailr The Best of Everything Chicago and North Western Ry. 1 40 -1 403 Fatwm Strut rbonlB