Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    TllK Ufch: OMAHA, KUIDAV. ,1M' 31, VM'X
Wtdnesdij- of pO'itonltK amxl 21 viu-. UcCmuin.v cv.-nlnR. wrockhm tin; r-lilt I- ipm CAY CADMPP TAkCC
Tim fiiiirini uui i.r .1 ii. i-i. i I....H.. iv... .1.. i .i.- .. 'uuurHA rHnmun ihixuo
. . . .,. imii uiin in ,m linn uniiii iiijhiiiik mi- iimpi iiivy iiy
Practice is Cause of Many Lapses,
Says Auditor.
tilfitrnlnir it Agent Who Kini1on
This IMnn of Work linn Tre-qnently-
Cnneeit Mnnr to
I.our Out Entirely.
ftiUirday mornlnc.
Albert Urhlil.. tit Ijnnln. 111., nml
Miss tlrorala llmfr were married at St.
Joseph's Catholic church In this city
Wednesday by Father lkill.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. SO.-(Bpeclal.)-Audltor ,
A. B. Jloward has been receiving some
complimentary letters regarding the pub
lication a few days ago of his action In
the Brown matter, where the latter was
accused of "twlstlnK" In his solicitation
of Insurance, or what Is more commonly
called "knocking" on the other fellow.
Such work has often resulted In the
holder of a policy who listened to the
twister losing- out entirely by reason of a
lapse In policy and his death occurring
before the new policy became effective.
Regarding tho' same, the auditor says:
The records, disclose, out of fifty-five,
legal reserve life companies licensed to
do business in this state tn 1911, a lapse
of $672,835,815 of business. This, upon ah
ordinary twenty-payment life policy nt
the age of 35 (which Is an average age
of Insurance written), would be I3G.I2 per
thousand. Taking this or a basis, It
would amount to 24,370,119.72 of premiums.
Ninety per cent of these lapses aro
caused from what Is termed In the In
surance field "tlitlng." Ninety per
cent would lie $21,933,107.93, the amount
policyholders have lost by listening to
an unscrupulous agent, or someone who
feels that he has a mission to perform,
and that Is to make people dissatisfied
with what they have purchased and for
which they have paid their good money.
If you wish to reduce It to the business
in Nebraska:
Tn 1911 thoro was a laps of $12,206,124.
At a premium rate ns above stated of
J36.22 per thousand. It r wld bo J442.S65.10.
and 90 per cent of that, caused by tho j
policyholders and residents of this state
have lost by agents discrediting other
companies Instead of advertising the com
pany thay represent.
NORTH BEND, Neb,, Jan, 30.-(i5p.ecia!.)
-A movement for a Young' Men's Chris
tian association is being agitated here,
with good prospects of success. Organizer
Hooper of 6maha was hero recently look
ing over the field and arranged- to return
with an assistant about February 8 and
9. at which time the organization will oe
effected. Ways and means for securing
a gymnasium hall and equipping It also
are under- consideration.
The fifth span of the new steel bridge
over the Platte at this city Is almost
completed and preparatory work for th-
icmalnlng three spans Is finished. The
piledrlvlng crew has moved to Fremont.
The bulldlns Improvements for North
Bend during the last year amounted to
about $57,000, which added to the Improve
ments of the adjacent territory summed
up to fully JIlB.OOO. Almost all of the
building material was bought here.
The city council Is considering an elec
tric light franchise proposition, with a
very probable Indication that a contract
of that kind will be made with the Fre
mont Blectrlc LlghTand Powc fcompany.
.V twenty-flvo ycar' franchise la' pro
posed, Tiling -and' ditching for drainage pur
poses will be" tn operation In this vlclnltv'
ns soon as spring opens. During the year
1912 about 111,500 was expended In the
North Bend territory for drainage pur
poses. -
County Supervisor Hector Is planning
to begin work on concrete bridges for this
part of the county, active work to begin
us soon as the season will permit
The North Bend High school has se
lected a team to contest for the honor of
representing this district tn the state de
bate. The North Bend and Schuyler
teams will meet for debate some tlma
this week.
The Modern Woodmen and the Royal
Neighbors are holdlnga big fair this
week, the proceeds to be used to pay the
Indebtedness on their new hall.
SKWAKD. NpI Jan. TO. twain' )
District Judge E. B. Good 1kM n short
sitting of the court here. In the mattei
of the estate of Jane K. thuiKl.ts. 'e
ciased. the stilt of the heirs iisnlnst tho
First Congregational church's bequests
whs decided In favor of the chinch. Iim
9 of the will vested' the till" to ccrli n
stuck of tho First National bank of ew
ard in the bank's officers In trust, the
pioeceJs of the earnings to bp paid to the
church. Item 10 of tho will devised cer
tain real estate to the church so long as
the same should be used for church pur
poses and upon certain other conditions
These Items were nttacked by the heirs,
hut ti e court upheld them and held th-it
the Income of the bank stock should be
pild to the church and also that .In
real estate should belong to the church
so long as the conditions of the will were
compiled with.
No order was made in tho stilt of Ralp'
W. Douglas against Dr. Kent for pos
session of the dwelling house which Mrs
Douglas deeded to him before her death,
the deed being held In escrow. This, the
cdirt stltl has under advisement.
In the case of John H. Kerscnbroek
against the Blue River Power company,
where the plaintiff claimed a prior right
over defendant to a power site on the
West Blue river below MIlfoTd, the court
found against the plaintiff and In favor
of the power company. This waa an ap
peal from the decision of the State Board
of Irrigation, which alsp found against
Kersenbrock. This case Involves the con
struction of the 1911 Irrigation laws and
will be appealed to the supreme court
OilvtiiK Tho occupants escaped Initio.
Hobet t K.vd, r ploltt er resident of -
Beatrice. sllpxil and fell on th side- 1 XOIIt Vl.l'.lt. Nek. Jan - iSpo lal )
walk, breaking his hip bono. A. AU-aml.-r Itisnc has Just taken on .
i business proposition that Is rather unique.
An automobile dilven by Lewis Robin-I Tho Persistent and Judicious Fso of I A young funnel living near Seluikr
son crashed Into a buggy in w hltli Robert ' Newspier Adverlslnis Is the Road to has given Mr Uctac tin- responsibility
Hlvcns and Marshal Mills were riding I Business Success. ! of selecting him n wife The new client
of Mi 11' zac is the owner i f a la gc farm
near hrro imd Is supposed to Ho u-r)
well-to-do. A rather timid nature Is his
only explanation for net halng found n
suitable helpmate. Air. Iteaap has boon
promised a good foo providing ho supplies
a satisfactory spouse for the young man
and snvs that ho will bo glad to arrango
an Interview between his client and nn
voting womnn who minus btisliuss Th
j qualifications aro few, the young farnu.
BSKing oiny lur n muiiuc, iiuiiii-iu ins
girl who Is reasonably young. Local lovcts
of tho romantic aio anxiously waiting to
son what success Mr. Rezac will have.
Tho Persistent nnd Judicious Vse of
Newspaper Advcrlslng Is the Road to
Business Success.
(From a Staff Cot respondent t
LINCOLN. Jan 33. -(Special Telegram 1
Taxation was the theme of the morning
session of the county treasurers or the
state, in session in this city. A W. Scrlb
ner, tax agent for the Union Pacific rail
way, favored the creation of a tux com
mission. This commission would have tho
power to equallre fill differences which
might arise. Ho sa'ld' the state of Kansas
had such a system' and It was a great
success. C D;,2Traphagen of Lincoln
thought a nonpartisan and nonsalmied
tax commission to serve In each town or
city tts an ..advisory board would solve
the question of unequal taxation.
.1 n. fi. Miller, deputy assessor of
Lcaster county, believed the present sys-
tern to be the better system ana ecn
went so far as to praise th present poll
tax system, which has been much criti
cised. Ho advocated making deputy as
sessors collectors of delinquent taxes, as
they understood the situation In most of
the cases and would know what to do.
W. G. Ure, county treasurer of Douglas
oounty, said when he first went Into of
fice he thought the duties were of a cleri
cal nature, but he has since become con
vinced that there was much moro than
that connected with the duties. He be
lieved In going after the fellow who owed
taxes and was able to pay them, but
thought that It was best not to make trou
ble for the men who could not pay.
E. A. Gurney, banker of Fremont, spoke
on the banking question and advocated a
central bank backed by Uie government
as a cure for panic.
SBWARD, Neb,, Jan. 30,-(6pecIal.)-George
Thomas has. sold his business
block to Miss Amy Brandhorst and .Mrs.
Sarah. Thomas for $M,000. He will buv
-fc a 4flO-A(rA ranch In litahn
N, HvFranMlln will build a new gar
age next to the Windsor hotel.
It. H, Dlers has traded his residence
here for "Riverside1 the 113,000 farm
owned by Mrs. Sarah Thomas. A plaster
bungalow, finished In ' oak. and mahog
any, makes this one of. this finest farm
homes In this county.
Ernest Klsker, a former resident of
this place, died. In Denver, Colo., and his
remains will be brought here for burial
K. p. Better received a mamouth
coooanut bearing rf parcels post stamp
from M, A. V. Davis, who Is sojourning
at Miami, Fla.
City Clerk Ward Mount has resigned
his office to go on a, farm In New Tork.
FAIRBURY, Keb., Jan. 30. (Soeclal.l-
Guy S. Adams, who pasred a bogus check
on Mayor Frank E. TJnoher of this, city
for. 135, went to Lincoln and continued his
operations- among the. merchants of that
city. Tho Harblne bank of this citv re.
vcelved $125 In bogus checks from the Lin
coln people. Adams appeared at the Har
blne bank tine day ind displayed a per
sonal check for J1S3.S0 nnd said he wished
to transfer his account from the Watklns
National bank of LawrenceT Kan., to tho
local bank. This Institution honored the
check and gave him a bank ,'and pas
book. An attempt ill be made by the
local k merchants to compel ' the Harblne
bank to pay the checks, '
' l.lRht Klectlon nt Uxford.
OXFORD, Neb., Jan. 30. (Special. )-On
Tuesday of next week there will be held
a special election In Oxford for the pur
pose of voting bonds for Installing elec
trio light. The corporation recently an
nexed that part of the town which was
In Harlan county and some other out
lying territory.
Miss Ella Sipp of University Place
commenced her work as special teacher of
iJoriitlon In (he high school here last
FRANKLIN. Neb.. Jan. 'W.-CSpeolal. 1
Wlltlam Dlener, who was seriously In
jured Monday morning when tho boiler
to the engine of-hls threshing outfit blejar
up near Macon, Is recovering. He 'was
badly scalded about the face and ashes,
not and dirt were Mown Into the burns,
The door to the engine, weighing about
twenty-five pounds, was picKea up nw
yards away and a shovel, "Which Mr.
Dlener was holding In hfs hand when the
explosion took place waa smashed to bits
Mrs. Harriet JHurgeon was married to
G. C. talriwhfeld at the Congregational
manse by Rev. John J. G. Graham Mon
day afternoon. Both have, been mart led
before and both-are past 60 years of age
The Franklin All Stars basket ball team
defeated the Alma town tcani at '.he
opera house here last night by a score of
10 to 8'Vlt waa a fast game and well
played by both teama.
Peter' Ne'tson. son, of Mr. and Mrs. J 1.
Nelson, living northeast of town, acci
dentally shot himself In the hand Mon
day morning while putting a .22-callber
rifle In the buggy. The bullet lodged In
thn wrist, .where it will be' left If It dees
not cause further pain.
Iran Gilbert Hawkins, 4-year-old son
otMr. and Mrs. J. G. Hawkins, living In
the east, part of town, died Sunday morn
ing "of cancer. Eminent phj-Blclans anil
surgeons were consulted all over the
United States, but they could do him no
BEATRICE, Neh., Jan. 30.-(SpecIal.)-The
railroad committee of the Com
mercial club held a meeting Wednesday
to discuss the building of the proposed
line between Beatrice and Hastings by
the Union Pacific. A committee of two
was appointed to confer with the proper
officials to urge them to build the lino
between these two towns.
Promoters of the athletlo park project
ara willing to buy the land and makeMho
park, provided It can be done for $17,000.
Tho'' lol are located on .North Fourth
street, and If .the owners demand more
money, the question of raising the extra
funds will be put' before a mass meetla.5
of -citizens'.
Clarence Caldwell, son of Mr. and -Mrs.
C. E. Caldwell of Harblne, died hero
A Sudden Collnuar '
of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels Is
most surely prevented with Electric Bit
ters, the cafe regulator. 60o. For salt
by Uea".i Drug Co. Advertisement.
ale Friday Bargains
Every Section Throughout This Great Store Contributes Rare Saving Opportunities Come, Share In Them
Frlilny Speclnl
Rogers' triple plato silverware. In
cluding berry spoons, child's
sots, meat forks, teaspoons
dessert and tablespoons
choice of cacb, or set at I hi
Orkln Bros. Main rioor.
Friday Speclnl
Klonr--"RxcclBlor Patent," 48-lb. sack at
$1.40. "Our Prldo"
and "Prldo of Oinn-
na, special Friday si
i sack of IDS.
Orkln Bros. nassmant.
O-IU, BUCK ilk
Four Big Events Scheduled for Saturday
Our Pre-Inventory
Sale of
The Values are
Simply Irresistible
Orkln Bros. Main Floor.
We offer you
choice of
Stock of
our entire
BOOKS Boys' Clothing
-w ) u ti,, p,inc i.;i.-a Tina.
Ai Three Vrivcs Like This:
Hoys' Suits, values to 12.50, for $4.1)8
Hoys' OverconlN, vnliics to $10.00, for. .$li.DH
Hoys' Overcoats, vnlucs to $15.00, ftr $IM8
Main rioor Boys' Ssotlon Balcony.
Another Big Ifccorri-Breaking Sale
of Women's and Misses'
Coats. Dresses and Suits I NECKWEAR
Representing values of $'20, $'2o, $'J7..r)0,
$30, $;j2.r0 and $:ttehoiee, $8.!)o.
Orkin Bros, Bsoonrt rioor.
Our Ghoice-of-the-House
Sale of Men's
Involving alues of 50c,
7,r)0, $1 and $1.50 at J9o
Orkln Bros. Main rioor
Friday Special
$1.00 Alarm Clocks, 59c
New Haven Alarm Clock,
fully guaranteed,
worth $1, special
for Fridav at 59c
Orkln Bros. Main rioor
Friday Special
$1.00 and $1.25 Gowns, 69c
Women's" Outing F 1 a n n o t
Gowiib, white, pink or bhlo
6 Rti'lpcn, Mqinire tucU-
lA oil yokes with lilfr
Jla turndown t-olliir, also
i B a V neck style. 1 ami
iViV tl.IT nlue.i. Friday's
hhIf, choice .... 090
Orkln Brothers Stoona rioor
Friday Special
75c Rubbers, 39c Pair
Women's Storm or Croquet
Model Rubbers, all sizes, first
quality, regular
7C cents value,
Friday's salo
pair 30c
Aiouei uu
Orkin Bros. Main rioor
Friday Special
$1.00 Corsets at 79c
Corsets made of good quality
of coutll, medium bust, extra
loiirf, finished with
11 a strong edKlnK. Kiiaril
I w B hooks nt bottom of
9 nlll Hklrt. 4 hose sup
I iW porters, $1.(10 value,
at 79o
Orkin Bros. Second rioor.
Friday Special
35c Bungalow Net, 23c
Bungalow net In white, Arab
Ian or Ivory colors, 45 inches
An wide; regular sell
M Jtt ing price, 35c, Frl-
miil dav tne special
price Is
Orkln Bros. Third rioor.
Friday Special
$1.25 & $1.50 Dresses, 89c
Children's Dresses for ages 6
to 14 yrs,, percales, madras,
Rnluten nml ginghams.,
plain colors, stripes
and plaids, trimmed,
finished in a variety
of styles, $1.35 tn
SKIiO values 89o
Orkin Bros, Seoond rioor.
Friday Special
Cocoa Mats, 39c
C'oeou Mais, si.e414 by 24
3f Inches, reduced for
II fll quick selling in Fri
TINi day's sale to,
. WW each 30c
Orkin Bros. Third rioor.
Friday Special
$1.00 Brassiers, 65c
nraisicrs, well made of strong
long cloth, finished with em-
6 ma broidery Inserted yoke
La of nllover to match,
perfect fitting res
ill lllur price $1.00. Kri
day, go at, your
choice 80o
Orkln Bros, Second rioor.
Friday Special
$2.98 Axm'ster Rugs $1.59
Sanford Axmlnster Rugs, size
27x60 ins., a full line of beau-
uiui patterns, a
$2.98 value,
Friday at.
each ....$1.50
Orkln Bros. Third rioor
Friday Special
Sale of Lisk Boilers
$3.00 No. 7 Flsk copper boilers,
IS oz., KrldHy nt $1.95; $2.00 No.
8 Lisk copper bottom hollers, 16
oz. nouom,
$2.:K Mo. 9 Link
copper h o ttom
boilers, 16 oz.
lint torn, will
go at 51.49
Orkln Bros. Basement.
Friday Special
50c Table Damask, 33c
Bleached Table DamaBk, mer
cerised, assorted patterns, a
good fifty-cent qual
ity, for F r i d a y.
a big special, the
yard at 33c
Orkln Bros. Linen Section
Friday Special
Suit Values to $4 at $1.69
One lot of Children's All Wool,
Double Hreasted Suits, former
ly priced up
to $4, choice,
FTidny, suit,
at $1.00
Orkin Bros, Balcony,
uounie isreasi
Friday Special
4 Pkgs. Shelf Paper, 10c
Pretty Shelf Papers In assort
ed colors; offered in Friday's
sale, regu-
a r size
k gs . , at
pkgs. 10c
Orkin Bros. Mnln rioor
Friday Spqclal
25c Ribbons, 122c Yard
Fancy Ribbons in light and
dark shades for hair ribbons
and fancy work,
a 25c value, for
rriday, the yapd
Orkln Bros. Main rioor
uiirn snauee
Friday Special
200 Paper Napkins, 10c
Paper Napkins, good quality,
prettily decorated, on salo Fri
day, big
value at
oo for
Orkin Bros. Main rioor
si mini iiiu a
Friday Special
20c Wash Laces, 10c Yd.
Wash Laces, many widths and
designs, for fancy work and
trimming under-
Cwcar; cotton and
linen, Friday, a
yard at 10c
Orkln Bros. Main rioor
Friday Special
25c Window Shades, 160
Cloth Window Shades, come In
two shades of green, a good
If 1 25c value, re
hu:eA for Fri
ll Q h day's snl'in
WeC, v to lc
Orkln Bros. Third rioor
Friday Special
8c Handkerchiefs, 5c
Men's full size cambric hand
kerchiefs, pood grade of cloth,
C a Be" rteBu,ar,y at 8c,
Bfw special for Fri-
II I " h p 1 c a at,
each 3o
Orkln Bros. Main rioor
Friday Special
Boys' 50c Waists, 39c
Doys niouse Waists, 'the fa
mous "Puritan Orand," worth
50 cents for Fri
day's selling,
your choice at,
each ,30
Orkln Bros Main rioor
Friday Special
Boys' 50c Caps, 29c
lloys' Fur Hand Caps, sell In
regular way at 50c: they are
reduce! for tbe big
sale Friday
to, ydur choice at,
each ,20c
Orkln Bros. Mala rioor
Friday Special
49c Blankets, 29c
ninnkets, good quality, como in
gray; n good forly-nlne-cont
value, cut for
Frldny's sulllng,
choice, por
Orkin Bros, Maln rioor.
Friday Special
65c Allover Lace, 39c
Oriontal Allover Lace, well
covored In new designs for
waists nnd yokes,
Offa in. wide, a good
Ifl Id vnltio. speclnl
WW for Friday, yd. ilOc
Orkln Bros. Main rioor
Friday Special
55c Bed Sheets, 33c
Bed SheetB, blcachod, full sizo,
seamed, size 72x90 inches, rog-
ular price Is 55c,
on salo Frldny,
the yard
cues, rog-
Orkln Bros, Main rioor
Friday Special
15c Pillow Case3, 80
Pillow Cases, bleached, sizo 4 5
x.1 6 inches, sell regularly at
ft - A 15c, they are
I ft specially priced
J JLc I for Friday's sale,
each at . . .8c
Orkln Brothers Main rioor.
Friday Special
Waist Values to $5, $1.98
Lingerie Waists, high and low
neck, long and short sleeves,
trimmed with
lace nnd em
broidery, $5.00
value, Friday .
Orkln Brothers-lecoud
Friday Special
I2V2C Crash Toweling, 9c
Crash Toweling, all linen, soft
finish, sells regularly at 12Vc
9 the yard, an extra
fl special In Frl
lB day's sale, a yard,
W at Oc
Orkln Bros. Linen Beotlon
Friday Special
Waist Values to $2.50, 75c
Llngorle Waists, high and low
nock, long and short sleeves,
trimmings or lace
and embroidery
with fine tucks, also
embroidered skirls
$1.."0 to $2,50 values
Orkln Brothers Second rioor.
i aippves,
Friday Specials In
SUOAH, 3rnn
ulaled, 1 .00
23 lbs... W I
OKA l'EH, Cspl
lol hrund, 2Bc
quality, Friday
ran . . . , I 5 0
fornla, Cn
IXday, ll. OU
HO AT, Din
mom! Cor
lleat 'Km All,
nniKD nF.UF,
'V r 1 b e b l"
brand, 2So
?0r.,. 20c
ouvrc o i j,
fano' Imported,
$1,75 value,
one-half gal
lon I as
for .... !
COFKHK, best
brand, C I 00
3 lbs. .. I
r B B S 50c
plate with each
VrjohaHo of 3
lu. of coffee,
Also a dec
orated c h Ina
plate with pur
rhaie of a
pound of tea.
t'npltol brand,
lra. 25o
nc,w!' (Oo
Cliase brand,
all larre nlze,
r'rldny rj
each .... UU
Iledlunds. extra,
sweet, regular
iOc nellnrs,
speolal. 5lQA
dozen . OOU
API'l.Kfi, fancy
Jonathans, pk.,
BSc, tin. 85
box . . 3l
f-1' K T T UCR,
fancy hothouse,
?orh,.aa: 5C
fancy hothouse,
8 bunch- Cn
s, for ... 00
rOBfl. Jerseys,
?orb": !0c
Upanlsb. C.
each ... vU
Orkln Bros. Basement.
Friday Speclnl
50c Stamped Towels, 39c
All Mnen Towels, Hire ".C,x2l
in., stamped, ready for working
in iv variety of
pretty designs, 50c
value, Friday's
pro-Inventory price .
Orkln Bros. Sec6nd rioor.
Friday Special
25c Boston Garters, 11c
Men's rtoflton Garters, good
quality elastic: regular selling
price Is 25u:
your cholco In
Friday's sale
Orkln Bros. Main rioor.
Friday Special
Children's 35c Dresses 25c
Children's Urcssos, stamped,
ready for washing, wide rungu
of cholco dcslgiiB,
35c vnlucs, Fri
day's prc-Invcu-tory
salo price. . . .
Orkln Bros. Second rioor.
UU I 1 II 13
F.rlday Special
50c Tooth Paste, 33c
Pcboco Tootli Paste, the most
popular tooth pnsto on the
market, 50c value,
Frl. ay in tho
toilut section,
per packugu
Orkln Bros. Main rioor.
on ipo
Friday Special
59c Petticoats, 39c
Women's Outing Flannel Petti
coats in plnln white, pink or
blue also stripes,
regular price 59c,
Friday's sale
Orkln Bros. Second rioor.
Hill IV Ul
Frldny Special
39c Suspenders, 15c
Men'B SuspenderB, Will give full
service nnd satisfaction; they
sell ordinarily at
510c, but aro re
duced for Fri
day to
Orkln Bros. Main rioor
jn: tnoy
Friday Special
50c Perfumes, 19c
Jergon's Fine PerfumoB, they
sell regularly at 50c por ounce
a very special
value for Frldny'a
Orkln Bros. Main rioor.
or ounce
Friday Special
35c Brooms, 25c
25 dozen 4-tlc, first quality
brooms, mado from best quality
broom corn, 35c
vnluo, special
Friday, I to a
customer , .
Orkln Bros. Basement.
Friday Special
50c Face Powder, 25c
Charles' Dainty Face Pow'dor,
which ordinarily sells for 50c,
a 'big special
In Friday's
ror ouc,
Orkln Bros. Main rioor.
Friday Special
35c Spider at 23c
Kxtra quality, heavy steel
spider, guaranteed not to warp
or craok: our
regular 35c
value, special for
Friday, at
Orkin Bros. Basement.
Friday Special
35c Whisk Brooms, 16c
Whisk nrooms, very good
quality, and formerly sold at
25c and 35c, offer
ed In Friday's
boiu at
Orkln Bros. Main rioor.
Friday Special
Neckties, 2 for 25c
Men's Fancy Knitted Neckwear,
values at 25c, 35c and up to
50c, priced
for Friday,
15c each,
Orkln Bros. Basement
Friday Spocial
25c, 35c and 50c Hose, 17c
Women's, Children's and In
fants' Hose, Imported and do
mestic makes, sell
regularly at 25c,
35c and 50c, the
pair at
Orkln Broe Main rioor.
aim uo-
Friday Special
Hat Values to $2.00 at 29c
Little Girls' Trimmed Hats,
made of velvet or corduroy,
values up to
your choice In
Friday's selling
Orkln Bros. Basement.
Friday Special
59c Union Suits, 39c
Women's White Cotton, Floece
Lined Union Suits, worth 50c
reduced for Fri
day's sale, your
choice at, the
Orkln Bros, Main rioor
nuriu ouu
Friday Special
50c Sweaters at 25c
Boys' Heavy Cotton Sweaters,
sell regularly at 50c, priced
In the big sale
for Friday,
at. . i
Orkln Bros, Basement.
Friday Special
29c Union Suits, 19c
Children's Ribbed Cotton
Floece Lined Union Suits, have
drop seat, good
quality, a 29c val
ue, In Friday's Bell
ing for
Orkln Bros, Main rioor
ins, nave
Friday Special
O'coat Vals. to $10, $3.98
Men's all Wool Ovorcoatslzea
34 to 38, vaiuu up to J10.00;
coats ior smaii
size men, Fri
day,, choice
at. r
Orkln Brothers Baaement.
Friday Special
$1.25 Union Suits, 89c
Women's Union Suits, heavy
fleece lined, white or cream
color, sell regular
ly at $1.00 and
$1.25, special
Orkln Bros. Main rioor
or cream
Friday Special
Suit Values to $10 at $5
Men's Blue Serge Suits, good
quality and stylish, regular val
ues 10 fiu;
cut for
Orkln Brothers Basement.
Bh, regular vaj-