TI IK IJKK: OMAHA, FJilDAY, JANUARY 31. 1013. Another Batch of 18-kt. Bargains will be offered to Saturday Shoppers Several lots displayed in our winddws and our v Ad in Friday Evening's paper will tell you all about them Sec the Windows and the Papers TTIC VOUNO PEOPLE? OWN .STORE 1518-20 FARNAM STREET. xrmpt'oti of wages, which In provided for in iinothcr scrtlon of the statute. McAllister argued for an ameridment t (icrmlt the exemption of $2,000 worth nt personal property, but he was outvoted. Ill, argument was that the farmer hal acres exempt as a homestead and the town nun i?ould have something near that altic M:V niM.S AKI'HCT UMIIA Maefarlanil Would Cut llitnn Tele phone Itntea 2.". I'rr Out. (From a Staff CorrcHpondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 30 (8pecJal.)-Thn fen ate Introduced twenty-four now bills this morning, spent an bour in committee of Lie whole, with Dodge of Douglas In the chair, and shortly after IS o'clock ad journed to go 'lri'A body 'to visit 'tho state university campus on Invitation of Chan lellor Avery. A letter was read by the secretary from Senator Hitchcock acknowledging the re ceipt of the. memorial passed by the state senate asking tho members of congress In Washington to voto for a bill for pub lic ownership of telephone comiumles, The senator did not express any views per sonally upon the matter. A resolution una ent up to tho desk by tfmlth of Seward, received from tho Uni versity club ot Seward county, against the removal ot tho university und favor ing a 1 mill levy for the purposo ot uni versity extension on the present site. The matter was referred to Jho commltteo on unlversltv. , Another resolution fathered by Macfar land and Haarmann nf Douglas calls for the state tu. rnter suit against several ountlcs of, "tio' state which nrc delin quent in their dues for caro of Insane aggregating JWfcl.fcl. In cummlttco of the whole a bill by lloagland of Lincoln' to amend the law regarding suits to qulvt title to real estatu xo that hearings may be had In chum hers was considered and ordered en grossed for third reading. CJnnrnnts' of Jewelry. Senate file , by Saunders ot Douglas, ivqulna that-all. dealers In Jewelry shall bf prah)btedi from rcprcsentipg their gbeds lis containing more gold or silver than they huvetf Tho penalty Is a flue of not less than JSQ0 and Imprisonment In t tic county Jail. This bill 'was also or dered engrossed for third reading. Senate file 43, by Smith of Seward, was illn 'luscd for tho greater part of the morning session. Thin bill provides that Gliars Fact of Pimplis, Blaekhtadt i Wonderful ZEM0 Also Stops Terrible j Itching AT ONCE; Cures All SJcin TroublM. ' t a sbo sottlt ot ZSHO Today. "At last! At last! One application of ZEMO, the wonderful new treat ment, quickly put an end to those awful, humiliating pimples and black heads. For the. first time tn months I haven't been nshamed to go out In public" A trial ot ZUMO will con ylnce you of ita astonishing results in clearing the complexion. .XVuaf Ke?'"1 I Surely and QuUklv. , ZEMO la a clean, antiseptic solution. not a greasy paste or ointment. You simply apply ft on the afflicted part your pimples, blotches and blackheads, all eczema sores and pains, prickly beat, rain, tetter Inflamed or reddened kin. all disappear. It also cures dan druff, whlcb Is scalp ertema. ZEMO Is guaranteed to stop itching immediately. It gives Instant relief. "I have had wonderful benefit from your famous ZK.MO for the akin. It has cured my face completely." Miss UN.. Rugby Place. St. Louis. Mo. Go to any first-class drug store and get a 1 5c sealed bottle of ZEMO, or nt direct on receipt of prlre by E V, ttose Medlclno Co, ht. Louts n. Wil and guaranteed In Omaha bv Sherman & McConneU Drug Co . and all other leading drugUts. MmnjiKHUHj AyeKs Sarsaparilla Tonic and alterative. Increases strength. Restores healthy functions. No alcohol. bold for bO years Ask Your Doctor. 3. r. im (v. TRAVEL AKAMAN 'IZW IEIMUIA TlrtU tiWrvkWlM wllh Qutt e. a (.. II ' lr'olf. Mt CMunhul took el (ar Is WEST XHDXXB AWD PAH AM A XAKPChfOM a SON. Ca. Agtc. u 8a. u lill. S . Ckicass. nur BWtm.blp tt( the state engineer shall draw uniform plans for all etutc aid bridges. It finally went over until a future sosslon. Henato file 119. by Husliee of Kimball, against fraudulent ndvertlslng of real estate for sale, was ordered engrossed for third rending, but later recalled and put over until a future session. Ilaarmann of Douglas Introduced a bill this morning which provides for the ownership of the electric light and power plant In tlio rlty of Omaha or to con struct and operate a new plant. It given the city power to vote bonds for the pur pose by a majority vote of the voters voting thereon at a general election and In, (itso of a Hpeclal election 60 Pr cent of all the votes cat on the proposition. Oninlin I'honr Itnlm. Macfarland of Dougla tossed Into the scrmloilal hopper a bill' which applies to the city of Ouinha only and requires all telephone companies operating In that city to file within thirty days from the passage of the bill a complete schcditlo of rates with tho railway commission, with classification charge for telephone srrvlcn which was In force January 1. 1913, Companies may charge for furnish log service 75 per cent of the rate as shown In the schedule filed at that time. Haundcrs'ot Douglan Introduced 8. F. 245 thin morning, which amends section 7701 of Cobbey's statutes Iri relation to tho voting of bonds for city Improve ments, and adds therein to Include bonds for the purchase of the olty auditorium. The report of the committee appointed to select subcommittees to visit tho state Institutions reported, but several changes were requested by different members and the list was cent back for correction and later again reported corrected as follows: .School .for tho Deaf at Omaha Talcott, Macfarland and llaarmaan, Institute for mind at Nebraska City Hurtling, Grossman and Reynolds. Asylums at Lincoln, Hastings and Nor folk Hrookley. Marshall and Hale, Hoys' Industrial School and Hospital at Kearney Bushee, Wink and lloagland of Iincaster. Hxperlmental Rtntlon at North Platte Bartllng. lloagland of Lincoln and Ileynolds. Poldlers' Homes at Mllford ami Grand Jslnnd Wol,. Krumlwich and lloagland ot Lancaster' , Institute for Feeble-Minded at Beatrice' Bushef, vt and Hummel. . Statu Prison Krumbach, Placek .and Ileynolds, Fish Hatcheries, South Bend .Saunders, Wolx and Orate. Girls" School at Geneva Splrk, Krum bach and nartllng. Industrial Home at Mllford Klein, Shumway and lloagland of Lancaster. Orthopcdlo Hospital at Lincoln Cox, Ilobertson and Ileynolds. Kxnrrlmentnl station and Hatchery at I Valentine Saunders, Buihco and Hrook ley. .turmal Schools at Wayne, Chadron and i Kearney Klechel, Cordeal and Ollls. i State Ptibllo School nt Lincoln Uodge, Kemp und Marshall. buy trouw bu ItTsVn "neU"i"rter buys nr. icing's Now Lire puis; for constipa- tlon, malaria, headache and Jaundice. ment. Rebel Forces Are Menacing Juarez KL PASO, Tex., Jan. 30. Tho combined rebel army failed to form for the attack threatened on Juarc before dawn today. Meanwhile 309 federal reinforcements en tered the city. The rebels, however, practically surround It. American army officers, who are watch ing the rebel advance from Guadeloupe, j thirty miles east on the Texas border, t declare the line of march extends for I nearly twenty miles, with 1,000 to 1.J00 i mm lti 1lnf. advance guard reached the vloin.ty of .luajfex shortly after midnight, but 0"le Salarar could not concentrate his forces before dawn. MI5XICO C1TV, Jan. 30,-The mUed columns of federal troops. Including ar tillery, liave been ordered by tho War department to- proceed against the rebel forcea menacing Juarei. General Antonio Ilabago, the commander of the northern division of the federal army, whose head quarters are at Chihuahua, has been told to furnish the troops and to send them toward the north over the Mexican Cen tral railroad. United 8tatea troops on border patrol out of Fort Hllss. Tex., are held In readi ness for active service. Disorders occur along tho frontfer. General K. 7.. Steever. LI today took precautionary measures in iioiuina an otucern ana men In readiness. The Twenty-second Infantry has been or. dered to prepare five dart' rations and S00 rounds of ammultlon for each man. WOMAN WHO KILLED ANOTHER IS ACQUITTED t'OOKKVILLK. Tenn.. Jan. ,urv , today acquitted Mia. Myrtle Barnes, wife (of a wealthy Putnam county man. of the iharge ot murdering Mrs. Delia Judd Last May Mrs. Barnes boarded a tralti j near her home, sought out Mrs. Judi lar.d shot lisr dead. Mrs. names hid (charged that undue Intimacy existed be (tween her husband and Mrs. Judd. IU.KMA t llllUll Kf (I) TU nil DAYS The Paris Medicine Co., IC4 Pine street. 81. Louis, Mo., manufacturei of laxa tive Uromo Quinine, have a new nd won derful discovery. UltOVE'S BA-NAItE CUTIS, which they guarantee to cure any case of KC.KMA. no matter of how long standing. In 10 to 30 days, and will refund money If It falls. OflOVfS'8 SA NAUK CUTIS Is perfectly clean and doi not slain. If your durugglst hasn't It, end us Wo In pontage stamps and It will bo sent by null. Advertisement. J INYITES SOLONS TO OMAHA i Judge Sears Asks Lawmakers to In spect New Court House. DAVE ROWDEN 18 APPOINTED Onmhn Velrrnn Will Aanln tlr l.'oin inniiilaiH ni .MM lord Dnrntln orilclnln Are AkUIiib; for More Pay From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Jan 30.-(8pccal Tlogram.)-Judgc Willis tj. Rears of the Omaha district court spoke briefly to the house this morning, having been Invited as ex. speaker to do so. He Invited tho legislature to visit the Douglas county court house to get pointers for a new stale house. The commission appointed by Governor Aldrlch to draft ,a worklngrnen's com pensation bill was "requested to continue In sen Ice to the state during the session of the legislature and to furnish the com mittee the data It has gathered In IU Work. Job for Dure ItorrUen. Three new appointments were given out by Governor Morehead this morning; C. C. Bills of Sterling, to bo commandant of the soldiers' home at Grand Island; he Is an old soldier and a former county Judge. Dave Itowden of Omaha gets his old Job under Governor Shaltenbergcr of com mandant of the soldiers' homo at Mllford. Samuel A. Towers of Columbus will be a field game warden, nrneaedoiT' nill Killed. The house Judiciary committee last night derided tn kill Iteprescnta- I tlve Drueiedow'a bjll to premlt clerks of police courts to 'accept cash bonds In minor cases. The commlttre at first vpted to recommend the bill for passage, A statement was made that the measure wsa In the Interest of roisterers who would escape prosecution by giving false names and depositing cash for their ap pearance and later forfeiting II. Tho action was reconsidered and It was then voted to recommend that consideration of the bill be Indefinitely postponed. DnncUs official.. "Want More Pay. Douglas county officials are not satis fled with tho pay they are receiving and are bombarding tho legislature for In crease. Hero is the Increase the Indi vidual officers are asking: Assessor Counsman, WOO; rieglster of Deeds Han dle, $1,000: County Clerk Frank Dowcy, 11,600; Deputy District Clerk Stecre, M0: county tommlssloners. tzoo each; County Surveyor George McBrldc, ll,00n; deputy county attorneys, 400 each; Treasurer W. L. Ure, 11,000; court reporters, $500 each; Clyde Sunblad, clerk of the county court. $700. The delegation1 desires to hear from the taxpayers re garding tho proposed Increases. Wtll visit t'lilvrr.lt, Krldny. The house demonstrated ita ability to change Its mind this morning when after voting to visit the unlvorslty campus this afternoon, It reconsidered Its action nnd decided to take up tho chancellor's mvl- tatljn tomorrow. Trimble ot Sherman ob jected to accepting the Invitation be cause he said he did not want to be led around by an "unregistered lobbyist. ' Contract l.nbor Uyatem Condemned. The house adopted a resolution by Mathers of valley as opposing contract labor at the state penitentiary and reo ommendlng that the prisoners be used to tna.ke clothing for the other Institutions ot the Mate., . 8TIL!, TilK IIII.I.S FLOW IN ! . leinberii,olrIfoue nnd Senate Ilnvr t.'nllmltril 5npily. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, an. 30.-(Spcclal.)-Tho fol lowing bills were Introduced tit tho house today: II. IL 4SS, by Audcison of Kearne Proposed constitutional amendment abol ishing publication of amendments when submitted. Gives legislature authority to fix method of advertising them. 11. it. ISO, by McCarthy of Grceley Makes a maximum rate of ,(H cent per nine, air uno measurement. lor live min utes telephone conversation: maximum rato between any two points In the state, $t.2; penalty, $1 tn 15 fine. II. II. J). DV Krlckson of Fran l n Provides tliat any state bank liquidating voluntarily or reorganising as a national bank shall receive back 90 pr cent of Ita guaranty runa assessment. II, 11. 491, by Pearson ot Frontier Urn Ha foundation and basement ot all pub lie buildings to stone, gninltc, concrete, cement, cement mortar, reinforced con crete and cement with steel posts. II. It. i'J2. by Pearson Provides that am- school district may pay 10 per cent of the face value, of bonds or any multiple thereof, nt any time, regardless ot mu mmy. II. It, 493, by Flanagan of Douglas Makes obtaining ot any sum ot money over $16 by false pretenses a felony. Present law $33. II. H. 494. by Hubbard of Adams-Mnkcs Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday. 11, n. 495, by Snyder and Hubbard, both of Adams Provides for annual con ventions of county and city superintend ents, .their actual expenses to be paid out of school district funds. II. It. 496, by Snyder and Hubbard Changes time of county teachers' Insti tutes from Juno, July or August to Sep tember, October or November. 11. It. 497. by Foster Giving authority to train conductors to eject disorderly pas sengers, whether Intoxicated or not. Pas senger to receive a refund for his ticket when ejected. II. It. 498. by Foster Gives railway con ductors police powers In tho apprehension of law violators. For ttnllmty Crossings. II. It. 499, by Foster Amends law com pelling railroad companies to allow other companle to cross their rights-of-way; requires ofossings only when ordered by state railway commission; makes exten sive provisions fur Interlocking switches and other details. II. Vt. M, by Foster Makes It a mis demeanor to trespass upon a railroad right-of-way, track or depot grounds. it. Tl. 601. by Foster Provides for the sale of unclaimed or refused property In lKiaseaslon of railroad companies. II. It. SOI, by Foster Allows railroads to charge a penalty of not more than cents where fares are paid In cash on II it, W, by Orr of Hurt Permit creditors of an estate to present claims three months after death of decedent. 11. n. 604, by Druesedow, Foster. Flan agan. Bugarman. Lee. Yates. Simon, lloff and Uraln, all of Douglaa-Permlts city of Omaha to raise by taxation for mu nicipal purposes l.'JW,tt. raising limit from $1,000,000. Maximum amounts as follows; Fire department. $J70,tt. Jn stead of $20.(m; police, $200,000. Iiuteud of $160.0H; public library, $30,000, un changed; street lighting. $:o,000. tin changed, parks, mooo. Instead of $00,000: street repairing, J2S.O0O, unchanged: clean ing pavements. $10,000. Instead of S-M.OOO. repairing pavements, etc.. $50,000, un changed. 11. n. 50. by Davl of Douglas Mukes Douglas oonnty surveyor ex-offlcIo'hlRh-way commissioner, with $1,000 extra sal ary; outs out optional provision for ti highway commission In Lancaster. II. It. WW. by Van Dcusen of Washing ton Requires physical connection of tel ephone companies, railway commission to enforce. 11. H. 07. by Gusta.'son ot Saundera Itemoves party circle from the election ballot. Am f nil Klerllon Larr. H. It. 608, by Gustafson Provides foi mailing ot sample ballot to each voter' secretary of state to preparo list ot can didates fifty daya before primary. In stead of .twenty-five; county clerks f make up list forty-five daya before prl mary. Instead of fourteen: requlrea can didates' petitions to be filed sixty duyi before primaries. Instead of thirty; re quires signers to petitions as follows I'lcsldciit and vice president 1,500. stut jffl. ts and t nltr-d f tales emaU'i lA) congressman. 280. other district officers, v rrom thcIi count . county and local officers. XV Signatures must be distrib ute! In une-hulf of all the counties; can dldates for presidential clet-tors to lie named by state committers: state con ventions to be hold the first Tuesday after the first Monday In June II. It. 6Mi. by Trumblp of Phrrmaii Abollshefl eleethe road overseers: glvei rounty commissioner or supervisor abs". lute Jurisdiction of roads In his district permits hint to use his share of coiliiH road flinil nlld nil ull.itlrl n hi- n.u.t district or division. II. It. 5 10. bv Mnrnl.v nf Ctl mils teaching of dear pupils In stntt "r"ool by cither sign or oral system . , "J' nievens or ijncoinl'rn hlblts city, village or school district offi cers to accept, use or distribute any pass to a show, dlrcus. carnival or entertain ment. Penalty. $5 to $100 fine and re moval from office, nuLI ?'v l'.y . jRCls,u" of Nuckolls i m."" ,iudKB concurrent Jurlsdlc 'oil,, i ,dl"trt court In misdemeanor m,i lnv.0,vln 'ian $.V fine or six months' Imprisonment. IT. r ri-j u.. t -. . fiV om . "CB i "'igias-rroviues enni,f ?mac removal from office of county lKard member who votes for any claim not audited by county clerk" J i1' 0,'- y Anderson of Hoyd-Pro- J.ou" mm. Vi Ba,c "f.al1 "tlnnul lands now unsold, oxceptlng surh as rontaln m n!ir2 't nn,'' Provld'nf for the lease of mineral lands. a.' ,R-.."15: by ''fnrthy of Cumlng districts shall provide clothing for children who arc compelled to go to school. It parents of children are unable lO CIO MO. rlLtr!?;. 51?' bV ,Ioffmcistcr of Chasc ?i,a.rj ,10 tl,c O"1" lw, designate;. stock yards as public markets and pro. vLrdo.l-Bi.ino c,,nr5e "naI1 bc made for ?i".fe wlirrf! Rr(,s nre for depot facilities, Provides also for Itemized Kfi ,r "tal rallwnV commissioners, and provides graduated penalties for vio lation, not exceeding $,VX fine or six months In jail for each offense II. H. 617, by Hoffmelster of Chase Makes n county high school compulsory yi-H f?",1"", Wllch ontaln no twelfth grade high schools. H. It. is by Keckley of York -Freight rates on live stock. Potatoes, grain, fruit ' 'u'n,'or building material In cnrload lota shall he so per cent of the present rates until such time as tho rail- j raimnimion, after hearing, shall piovldo for higher rates pur"K' Bl,a" Uninhn (In mil. vMf:.n; 6,2'. by,Smlth f Dougloa-Pro-vldea for the c tv nf n,i,., r. ..r and operaUng municipal, electric aas orhe;tb.,ca;,,'i,!;,,e'se,cpl,o,,c sMcm H. It. 520. by McKlssIck of Gae-Per- tmeafcSheTs'ni?;sr.,;t,esn,endCnt" t0 ho,d J"lt i1: n;, B;1- b-v Kchnupp of Gage-Pro-VIdes that countv irr.niiit.r. .' each annual meeting, shall file a atate. vear nH .WV ,"PCnt ,ho PWloUs year and tho funds now on hand. II. It. oK, by Wood of Dlxon-Walves all claims of the state of Nebraska to a quarter section of land In Dixon county. H. It. ..23, by Trtlmblo of Sherman hn'irniUmt 'Po'fonous preparations be plainly marked poison. IVcw .Heimir flllU. S. F. 235. bv Shiimn'!ii. i-vi. n vldes for a system of sUte life Insurl S. F. ZK. hv Sln:i,j r..i fi0,"yit.htlBl,wa5'. commission bill prold Ln?..l'V nuf,n8 county, where county i vviioieniuner, ti.irr) shall bo addel as compensation therefor. i, , -' ,,v Haarmann of Ioualos Provides for nnhlln n,..n.r.i.i., Ci rvlc Plants in city" of Omalia. vw,v' 8. I. 238. by Haarmann of Douglas Provldea that county clerks shall audit a" claims against their counties. T.?..i r , " tiaarmann or Douglas Provides for regulation of salo and manu factum of vinegar. n.,F,- Hnnann of Douglas- Provides that colinlv oloplr e cpunty shall receive $1,600 for preparing city nnd county tax lists. i ns S. F. 241. by Dodge of Douglas-Provides for punishment for tho crime of stealing or receiving motor vehicles. I i i by "odn of Douglaa-Provides for punishment of taking, using or oner atlng motor vehicles without consent of owners thereof. na'. .V..213' "' Macfarland ot Douglas Prohlblta operation of acetylene gas plants nt distance nearer than twenty feet from any store building or, dwelling house. ' 8. F. 244. by Macfarland of Douglas Provides for filing of schedule, rates of Omaha telephone- companies -with the state railway commission, and fixing local rales of leased exchanges In that city at 70 per cent ot rates charged by other companies. 8. F. 245, by Saunders of Douglas-Kx-empts question of Issuance of bonds for erection or purchase of Audltoriuit from operation of special electloti law of Omaha. H. F. 216, by West or Hall-Requires railroads operating double track systems to build shelters for passengers on far aide of tracks. , 8. F. 247. by lloagland of Llncoln-Abol-labes demurrers In civil actions, 8. F. 218, by Splrk ot Sallno-County road bill. S. F. 249. bv Kelchel of Ncmaha-Pro-1des for the "numbering" system of elec tion ballots for all state, county and city elections. S. F. 260, by Hummelt of Webster Pro vides for recovery of taxes on personal property omitted from assessment, S. F. 25I. by II tasty of Jefferson-Pro-vldes that In all action's where the re covery sought Is unliquidated and plain tiff a resident or nonresident, latter must .furnish surety for costs 8. F. 252. by Placek of Saunders Tte peals law providing that counties must pay for keep ot their Insane patients nt the state hospitals. An enactment of IS73 and never enforced over the state. . S. F. SKI, by Klein of Gage liaises county peddler ta.v as Ht present levied. S. V. 2)4. by Hoaglund of Lincoln Pro vides for condemnation of land for use of Mate board of agriculture In extend ing state fair grounds, 8 F. 25 by Ollls of Valley-Halscs nurses' examination fees from 15 to $10. 8, F. 266. by Shumway of Dlron Re leases all claims of the state of Nebraska to the sw'i of section 5, township 31. range 5 east. In Plxon countv. 8. F. 257. Ry Hoagland of Lancaster Provides that cities may borrow money and Issue bondH for the buildlnr of city hall. Jail, fire department and other puh llo buildings. Applies to cities of between 6,000 end 25.000 Inhabitants. S. F. 2SS by Marshall of Lancaster Prohibits the use of the name "Unlver alty of Nebraska" or the making of any misleading statements In connection therewith by person or corporation en gaged In teaching music or uuy cultural or educational subject. IIONU IIII.K M1JF.TS OPPOSITION Members Mncli Put Out nt "Way Park Menanr- UeTlvcd. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 30. (SpeclaU-Senator Macfarland Is very much put out at the opposition to the bill he Introduced In the se.nato nnd Leo Introduced In the house providing the Omaha commission may Issue bonds to tho amount ot $100,000 for park purposes. Davis In the house Is very much opposed to the bill, and the two had quite an argument oyer It at noon. Senator Macfarland saya elevon wards In Omaha voted for the bonds, but the Issue wna defeated by fourteen votes Settles Sour, Upset Stomach in Five Minutes Pape's Diapepsin As soon as .it reaches the stomaoh all that distressing gas, Sourness, Heartburn and Indigestion vanishes. TImo It: in five minutes all stomaoh distress gone. Nn Indigestion, heartburn, sourness. or belching of gas, arid or eruc tations ot undigested food, no dltxlriess, bloating, foul breath or headache. Puna's niaoemln is noted for Us speed In regulating upset stomachs. It Is the surest, qulekest stomarn doctor ip tne whole world and besides It Is harmless and delightful. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear they know It 1 needlets to have a bad stomal 12th and Farnam tarn ! SM Our Special Sale Friday On January 31st, at 8 A. IV1. Entire sample lines consisting of Misses' and Ladies' Silk and Serge Dresses, Waists, Kimonos, Bath Robes, Underwear and Gloves, purchased from New York, Philadelphia and Chicago manufacturers, and will be SOLD FOR LESS THAN 50c ON THE DOLLAR. We have assembled the greatest assortment- of ready to wear merchandise and offer to you the biggest values on earth. This special sale begini Friday, January 31, at 8 a. m. and continues, until every sample is sold. READ THESE REMARKABLE VALUES flo.00. $20.00 and $25.00 MIssob' and Ladles' Silk Dresses In all the latest designs, every ono a 191?. model; n great va n riety to BOlect from, special sale price !6.98 $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 JMIses' and Ladies' All Wool Serge Dresses, blue and many other colors to se laco from, spe cial salo price. . . . $3.98 $7.50 and $10 00 Silk Kimonos a great bargain, special salo price $2.89 $5.00 All Wool Bath Robes, beautiful patterns, Rpcclal sale price $1.45 $2.00 Flannel Kimonos. 89 12th and Farnam of the Twelfth ward. He says tho people of Omaha want the bill pasted. Illl, I, I.NCRKAHHS OMAHA I.1IV Mnjorlt?- of Donslna Conpty Delega tion favor Mrasurr. (From a Staff Coorrespondcnt.) LINCOLN. Jan. 10. (Special.) The ma jority of the Douglas delegation Intro duced tho bill In the house this morning providing tho levy to bc made, by the. city of Omaha for Its various depart ments. The levy for municipal purposes is $1,200,000, an Increase of $200,000 over lust year; the fire department fui)d is raised $Ml,000; the police fund Is raised $10,000; park fund Is Increased $200,000, and the fund for sweeping and cleaning pave ments Increased $10,000. , ' Former Jteprosentatlves1 Walsh and Dest 6f Douglas county were down1 th'.a rriornlng "Just lookin' '"round." Sir. Walsh when a hiember introduced a bl'l appropriating $75,009 to build permanent buildings at the state fair grounds. la Is still Interested In the state fair and Is might;- proud of the fact that It 'vas a Douglas member Mlko Lee who In troduced the $100,000 bill for tho same pur poses this year. These ex-members found the state at largo Is not opposed to Douglas county but on the other hand they discovered that the members from out In tho state look on Omaha as really a part of the state, and they feel very kindly toward the Douglas delegation. As figured out It Is up to the Douglas delegation to make good with the members from th9 smaller counties, do nrf fighting among themselves and the members will be abl? to do some legislating ot benefit to tho state and Omaha. , Robert Smith says he is asking nothing for himself In the way of an Increase lit salary, but ho believes his deputy. Stcere, Is entitled to a raise. Gcorgo McBrldc wants pay for acting as county highway commissioner, and wants no Increase merely for being surveyor. Al the other officers, or a majority of them. In Doug las county want more pay. "Wild Bill" Klbourne. former city clerk of Omaha, who Is now living In Lincoln, was up this morning commiserating wltu the Douglas men who arc asking for more money and thanking tho Lord thut he Is not In office and wants no office. Qustafson Introduced a measuro In the house to change the present election laws. He would have the state commit tee name candidates for presidential The bill changes the time when fillings nre to be mado and rips up the primary law generally. The section regarding the nomination ot candidates for presi dential electors, It ts argued, will prevunt persons nominated by one party from Jumping in and supporting the candidate Of another party fbr' president. Foster had In a bunch of railroad bills giving conductors on trains authority to make arrests and throw off disorderly persons; and allowing the railroads to collect S3 cents In addition to regular fare for persons without tickets. Lee has a measure to cause the re moval of any member of a county board Who votes for a claim not previously audited by the county clerk, Hoff wants It made known that if any one elso In Omaha desires an increase In salary ho must get his request down here right away as the time la almost up. ! Get a large fifty-cent case ot Tape's Diapepsin from any drug stors and put your stomach right. Stop bring miser able life Is too short you are not hero long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest It, without fear of rebellion In the stomach. Dlaptpsln belongs In your home. Should ono of the family eat something which doesn't agree with them or In cao of an attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach derangement. It Is there to give the quickest, surest relief known Advertisement $1-75 Crepe Kimonos. ... 73d $1.25 Fleece Lined Kimonos, at ' 55d $1.50 Wrappers, mostly all dark shades, special hjff sale price JU $1.2f House Dresses for m 50c MIsseH and Ladles, (spe cial sale price 700 styles and colors of Sample Waists, in oil sizes, consisting of lawn, mohair, silk, flannel; open front or back, in sailor, round, square and V-shape col lars, including Middy a p Blouses; values to $3,50, tffttf special salo price W $1 .bO Values Black Sateen and Bluo Chambray Waists, a a open back or front, spe- AAl clal snle price WVt IMJsmflUAiTliirjiM'iMaiiaiirAri iliiilr " - Labor Party Favors, Votes for Women , LONDON. Jan. nO.-The British labor i party today officially declared Itself in i favor of women's suffrage. By a vote ot So") to WT, 11 conference of the representa tives of most of the trades unions of thei United Kingdom adopted a resolution In structing labor members of rarllament to oppose any franchise bill In which women were not Included. Tho significance to the woman suf frage movement of this resolution Is very great. Tho trades unions havo be tween 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 members, nearly all of whom arc electors, and their attitude would carry enormous weight ln case woman suffrage wore mado a plank In the prbgiam ot any1 party at a general election. MLS NEARLY CRAZY ECZEMA ITCHED SO Head and-Face Raw All Over. Hair Coming Out Badly. Scales on Head. Simply a Sight. Used' Cuticura Soap and Ointment. In Six Weeks Sound and Well. Ooon Rapids. Iowa. "When nry little girl was two yean -old there was a sore came on her head Just above Mm temple In her hair in the shape of a boll. It Cent getting larger, caoalag her lota oftpalo. After a couple of weeks It broke out In pimples all over bar head and face. She vas a sight I tell you. It affected her eras so she coald hardly see. Wo thought sbe would go blind. Her head and face were raw ail otot. It kept getting worse all tho tune, and was Joxt raw sores, nor hah- came out badly when It was combed and we were afraid It would ail come oat. The ecscua Itched so It nearly nt her crazy. By spoils there were scales on her head as large as a quarter, She was diaOgnred; she was Just simply a sight. She was cross and fretful all the time. "I bought a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cnttcura Ointment. We coold sea an improvement the flrst week and sbe got better right along. In atz weeks she was oond and well, Cuticura Soap and Oint ment cured her." (Signed) Amos Paatay. Apr. IS. 1912. Ooticura Soap 25c and Outicnra Ointment 60c. are cold trm j bme. Liberal sample of each mailed free; with aJ-p. Skin Book. Ad dross post-card "Onticura, Dept. T. Boston." 9rMa who afaars and shsopoo with Oo Uenra Soap vm find It beet for akin and scalp. AT ONCE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN, HEAD GOLDS AND CATARRH VANISH Drcathe Freely! Clours Stuffed-up, Inflamed No.se nnd Head and Stops Catarrhal Discharge. Cures N Dull Headache. Try "Ely's Cream tialm " Get a small bottle 'anyway. Just to try It Apply a little In the nostrils and In stantly your cloggod nose and stopped-vp air pastages of tlijb head will open; you Mill breatho freely; dullness and head ache disappear. Ify morning! the catarrlv coldti)-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. ilnd such mUery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any I 12th and Farnam 75c and $1.00 Ladies' Tailored ana Kmbroldered. Waists, Kiiiiy souea and mussed, special salo price , 15c 25c Ladles' Taped Vests, special sale price 7c $1.50 Ladles' Silk 18 Button Gloves, white or black, special sale price. 69c $1.00 value Ladies 18-Button Chamois Gloves, a wide rang of colors to select from, . m a Kcelal. 8.a,e 48c "5c quality Children's 4 a Ribbed Pants and Vests, special sale price Wv 10c Children's and Ladles' White Handkerchiefs, salo price , 2c 12fh and Farnam " - ' Don't Pull Out the Gray Hairs Restore Color "Pull out ono gray hair and a dozen will tnko Its place," Is on old saylns which- is, to a great extent, true, If no steps are taken to stop the cause, Wnen gray hairs appear It Is a sign that, Na ture needs assistance. It Is Nature's call for help. Gray hair, dull, lifeless hair, or hair that Is falling out, Is not necessarily n sign of advancing age, for there are thousands of elderly peoplo ilth perfect head's, of hair without a single streak of gray. . Wlum gray hairs come, or. when th hair .seems to be lifeless or di?ad,- sonm good, reliable halr-rcstorlng treatment shoujd .be resorted to at once. .Special ists sa,y that one qj ,i,0 jjCBt prewar,,, tlons tp use ts the old-fashloiicd ' "gage, tea" which our grandparents ."ugd. The best preparation of this kind is Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Hcmcdy, a prep aratlon of domestic sago and sulphur. sclentlficallyi , compounded with later discovered hair tonics and stimulant tho whole, mixture being carefully bal anced and tested by experts. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Is cjean and wholesome and perfectly harmless. It refcshes dry. parched hair, , removes, dandruff and gradually restores faded, or gray hair to Its natural color. ,.. Don't delay another minute.. Start using Wyoth's Sage and Sulplmr nt once aqd see vyhat a difference, a, few days' treatment will make tn your, hair. This preparation Is offered to tho public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by all druggists. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., X0i So. 16th. 324 So. lCth. 207 N 16th and 2tth and Farnam Sts. Advertisement. Quickly and Safafy Ko mat tar whit tb nmn TrrnilT Krafn a Hrronsnats. indiffetfm, cold, grippe, corru, or 0Tr-lntlaltMiC4raUl had paina rttld ruickly to ANTI-KAMNIA TABLETS Tri wonderful Mln m1!vsm an akaf jtaim. 'lOe A 2Se Var-Vca.Mj Twentieth Century Farmer Best of Its Kind la the Wart drug store This sweet, fragrant balm dissolves by the hest of the nostrils Penetrates and heals the Inflamed. swo len membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the a(r passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleans. Ing. soothllng relief comes immedlate.lv Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed hawking and blowing. Catarrh r a coid' tth Ifa running nose, foul mucous drop! ping Into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith lust oneo 1,1 i-i.. . Cream Balm" and your cold or catanh will surely disappear. Advertisement.