Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1913, Image 12

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    Till-: lilOH- (WF1V, FRIDAV. .TWTAKV U 1010.
tlnion Pacific and Southern Pacific
Disagree Over Oakland Property.
Int Report front rn 1 nrW Inrtl
vntn Hint Southern n ranch of
llarrlmaa Hr'lrm Una Most
Arsnmrnla In Its Furor.
Information coming to the Union ra
il fir headquarters from New Tork, rel
tflve to the dismembering of the llarrl
on system of Pacific roads and piscine
lach on Its own footing, In to the effect
thai Just now the greatest stumbling
Hock In th" way of an cftrly solution of
the problem la the Oakland, or mote, as
It la better known.
The Oakland mole Is the property ot
Ihe old Central Pacific, tt consists of a
farge area of made land between the city
tf Oakland and the bay. It extends from
the city to the ferry landing and I coV
rvered with a net work of tracks, from
rhlch branch lines of the Southern and
Bid Central Taclflc spread out to the
north, east and south, tapping almost
r'cry portion of tho grain and fruit rait
ing district of California.
fnlon Pacific interests at the confer
ence In New York Contend that the Oak
land mole, being the laoperty of the Con
tral Pacific Is a part of the system from
Dgden to Oakland, and It they take over
the Una Iwtwen the. two points, they
Should own the terminals and the
branches radiating; from It. They further
contend that If thoy are. not permitted
U take over this property, tha line from
Ok den west would be of little value, as
Jt would leave the Union Pacific at the
tntrcy of tho Southern.
Ureal Vnltir to I mIiiii Piwlflc.
Union Taclflc Interest use the addi
tional argument that the Oakland ter
minals do not mean so much to the
fjoulhern, as It has terminals of Its own
rver on the west side of Han Francisco,
srhlrli arc reached by both the coast
end tho 8n Joaquin line from Los An
geles and the southern portion of Cali
fornia. The Southern Pacific Is Just a Insist
nt that Jt should have the Oakland
properties, baaing Its claims on the as
sertions that In the event It should be
jlvon over to the Union Pacific this
mid would be In a position to control
the entire business ot California and the
pacific coast, both In and out, with
the exception of a narrow strip west nt
the mountains, to the north and south.
-According; to reports from New Tork,
the .Southern Pacific has a little tho
best ot tho arguments, unless the courts
houtd step In and determine Just what
properties each rosd Is to take over.
Union Pacific Interests now own
W0,OCO of the stock of the Bouttiern Pa
cific. This Is a majority ot Southern
stock, but according to a former court
ruling, this has, figuratively speaking,
been picked up and net aside. In other
words. In settling the controversies be
tween the Interests, this stock cannot be
voted. This leaves the minority Interest
in thn Southern Pacific In absolute con
trol and so far they have not done any
thing that woild be In tho Interest ot the
Union Pacific.
Fourteen- Year-Old
Girl and Farmer Run
Away from Millard
Almost beside himself with grief and
fear, John rtoarli, x farmer, two miles
west of Millard, has appealed to Sheriff
Felix J. MeShane, Jr., to find his I'l-yenr-old
daughter,' Martha Roach, whd dlrap
peared Wednesday nlghj. with Henry
I.unenbcrg, M to K years old, who has
been occupying a neighborhood farm.
The sheriff notified tho polite and anked
marriage license clerks In Omaha, Coun
cil Itluffs and other cities to bo on the
lookout for the couple.
bunenberg for a year has farmed prop
rty of a relative, which adjoins the
Poach farm. Of late he has taken Ills
meals In the Roach home, haying lost
his housekeeper, Wednesday afternoon
I.unenbergdrove to the Roach place itnd
while her mother was busy nboul tho
House the girl packed a satchel and Joined
I.unenbcrj In his buggy.
The two spent a short tltpe. in .Millard.
Uarly In the evening I.unenberg. hired a
man to take his rig home. Here tracks
of tile farmer and the young girl nppeats
to be lost.
Mr. Roach said his daughter and tain
enberg had not appeared to be Interested
In each other more, than casually and
their departure together was a complete
surprise to him.
Patrons of the parcel post will have to
bo educated, not only as to the kind and
amount of stamps required, Insurance of
parcels, mailable and nonmailable matter,
hut, according to Assistant Superintend
ent Johnston ot the fourteenth division of
tho railway mall service, some will nave
to be educated In regard to how long rt
roast turkey will keep In a mall car of
ordinary temperature
"One of the clerks In a air the other
day," says Johnston, "notlced'a peculiarly
offensive odor In tha mall car. Ho traced
It down to a certain package .and found
It contained a roast turkey. The turkey
had been mailed somewhere on ths east
coast and wai addressed to somewhrv
In California. The odor of decomposition
was too strong. There was no lltlng In
the same car with that turkey. Bo the
clerk kept the wrapped and label and
tossed the turkey out of the door."
CUstodlan Cadet Taylor of the Federal
building has received word from Wash
ington to the effect' that the Installation of
an air washer In connection Willi the new
heating system of the building., Is prac
tically a .certainty. The proposed- plan Is
to wash the air drawn Into the furnace
for use In heating the bu,Udtpg before It
Is finally forced Into the rpoms, This will
diminish the smoke and soot and. besides
keeping the walls of the building cleaner
will uiake It, more sanitary -for workers.
The washer Is not likely to be Installed
before 'next spring.
Is Wont in the History of Western
All Ihe nllrnU llunnlnir Inlo
Oinahn Hare Orders for Cars
that They Are Unable
lo "tipplr.
Railroad freight men hae awakened to
the fact that the freight car shortsue
right now Is the most acute In the history
of western lallroadlnn. It has been bad
enough ever since the middle of last De
cember, but light now it Is worse nan
at any time In the past.
The car shortage Is due to the fact that
with, a strong market and a prospect of
a number of hlg freight steamers being
headed for New Orleans and (lalveston,
the movement of grain south for export
Is heavier than a month ago, when th
low rates were effective.
The Omaha-Chicago roads ate able 13
find a few cars, hut those operatfng to
the south are unable to locate nnthlng
on wheels. The Wabash haH orders 'or
1M cars to be loaded with grain to the
south; the IJurllngton, ZW: the Hock
Island, JM), and the Missouri Parlflo 3u0.
According to the reports of tho car ac
countants of the Omaha and southern
lines, there are not fifty empties In the
Omaha, South Omaha and Council muffs
yards and what Is still worse, Is that
there Is not likely to he a supply In the
near future.
The Northwestern Is doing an Immense
grain business Into Omaha, but as It Is
not tied ul with nny line to the south
tt Is not hauling much out. Wednesday
and Thursday this road brought 200 can
of wheat, corn and oats Into Omaha, Its
report for Wednesday shows that on the
system 5,003 cars of grain, lumber jmd
merchandise were handled. This has been
about the dally average during January,
almost double the business of last year.
Kven with Its thousands of freight
cars, the Union Pacific finds Itself short
more than BOO cars, all of which could
be loaded with Nebraska grain for
Omaha were they available. Out along
the line Jhe elevators are full to the
roofs with wheat and corn and at many
of the towns buying has been discon
tinued until .such a time as cars can be
obtained to relieve the congestion. When
this time will come no official will pre
dict, for during' the last month, when
an elevator or warehouse has Deen
emptied It has been refilled within thirty
six hours and there Is nothing to Indicate
that the supply of grain In the hands of
the farmers has decreased lo any great
Hotel Directors
Fix Date for Filing
Lease Applications
The directors of the Douglas Hotel com
pany held a session yoeterday In
President .Wattlo's office to talio up mat
ters In "(connection with sthe new hotel
project for Omaha. After tho meet I ns
Mr. Wattle said:
"The only definite action wo have taken
Is to fix February 15 as the time within
which the applications for lease shall '
pcrfi-cted. Wo have threfc propositions
from tenants, any of whli-li would seem
to be satisfactory, nnd may have more
when final decision Is made next montn.
The iUestlon of architect whs talked over
Inddniltally. but It was agreed to net
definitely upon the leasing first "
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to"
Ms Returns.
H. H. Brandeis' Estate
OverMlilion Mark
1 Ip the estate of II. Hugo Brandeis the
leport of Hie, appraiser has been filed In
the county ' court, fixing the aggtcgato
value of hlij property at Jl,O76,00X;. It
Is expected that the Inheritance tax In
this -estate will approximate $10,000.
Wants to Annul the
Transfer of Property
Harry McClure, formerly of the Evans
Model Steam Laundry company, has
started a district court action to annul
property transfers made to James Aim
cow, ot tho Kvans Model Steam Laundry
company, when McClure was trying to
collect ll.Stt Judgment against Alnscow.
The judgment, was obtained on a note
tn 1808. Originally It was for 11.600. but
.It has been Paid In part. It Is alleged that
when McClure procured an execution
against AInscow's property to satisfy the
balance duo on the Judgment, Alnscow
transferred a K.t00 residence property to
Millard M. Robertson and 9,W0 worth
of laundry stock to Mrs. Alnscow. Robert
van later transferred the residence prop
erty to Mrs. Alnscow, It Is asserted. Mc
Clure's petition alleges that the trans
fers were made, without any bona flda
consideration and for the purpose of de
feating the execution.
IF you knew how many different ways Faust Macaroni can
DC Served. Vnil WnMid h.nVI It covnrnl 4lmnc nttnnr iimnl
write for free recipe book and find out. Faust Macaroni is
a auvuiy, iuoin5ume aisn you mane a wnoie meai
on ii aionc Apq tCQI jflorougmy satisfied..
mil Campbell's In town, lie who for
tncrly was manager of the publicity
toureau of the Commercial' club and Is
now secretary of the Northwest Pevelop
r(ent league, arrived from a tour through
the south, saying h Is Impressed mora
than ever with tho greatness of Omaha,
pie will remain here until Haturduy, when
ht goes to Helena, Tont
Campbell says he recently finished 41,096
miles ot travel through the northwest
And during tho trip saw more goods from
Omaha than any other city. At every
Klstlon, some within a very short dls
tanco from Chicago, Minneapolis and. St.
Paul, he said he saw Omaha made goods
utacked on the platforms.
Campbell declares the northwest coun
try Is showing remarkable development.
"There were SLOW homestead filings
made along the lines ot the Great West
ern railroad In MI." said he. "There are
70,000,000 acres In the territory still open
for homestead entry and an equal num
ber of deeded lands at less than P0 an
Interests opposed tp the coastwise ex
emption clause In the United States pan
tuna ' policy have secured and published
In pamphlet form a symposium of ex
pressions from prominent Journals, qlr
Kjmen and educators over the country
coinciding with their views. Two Ne
braakana are thus quoted. Chancellor
Avery ot the University of Nebraska and
Jilshop A. U Williams ot the Episcopal
The chancellor says:
I have always regarded the provision
ot the Panama canal hill exempting ths
coast wise trade of the United Stales.
ks a very grave mistake on the part ot
congress, am an American ciuxtn with
tiulte a Urge acquaintance among prom
inent men In Europe. I feel humiliated
whenever the subject Is mentioned.
The bishop" says:
1 am for world-wide competition, a free
Canal ana against coastwise exemption.
Jlovr fo Bankrupt tUr Doctors,
A prominent New Tork physician says,
"If it were not for the thin stockings and
thin soled shoes worn by women tbe doc
tors would probably be bankrupt" When
you contract a cold do not wait for It to
develop Into pneumonia, but treat It at
once. Chamberlain's Cough llemrdr Is
intended especially for coughs and colds,
end has won a wide reputation by its
cures of these disease. It Is most effect
ual and Is pleasant end safe to take. For
Hie by aU dealer. Advertisement
li ttrentthtnlnf . too,.
non inin s p
the mtt4rl
mo'iturt-prool i
At' aU grocers'
5c and, lOe
packages. p-
St. Louis, Mo.
Home' Comfort
depeuds largely on good light. IiicandasuctiL
Gas Light is nearest dnylight nnd'is. therefore
beat ndapted for homo lighting.
The Reflex Light
is a convenient nnd moat deairablo liglit for
almost any room in tho home. It supplies
the ideal light to road by, sew or. work by.
It gives more and bottcr light than any other
lamp and at a decided Bavirig.
Use Incandescent Gas
Light ami Be Satisfied
We have majiy styles, at a wide range of prices.
Call at our store, or send for a representative.
Omaha Gas Co.
Tel. Doug. 605.
. 1509 Howard St.
i mi LZo-fc.n.JDk- yit r j, . .m easssjEw. i
The Bargain Opportunity
of a Lifotima
Monday and Tuesday
Feb. 1st, 3d and 4th
New 1913 Patterns in
All perfect goods Not one
dollar's worth of old stuff
in the entire stock, and over
$100,000.09 worth included.
In Omalia's Greatest
Rug Bargain Event
Beginning Saturday at
See 16th Window Display.
Comparison of values will
insure your purchasing here.
of a piece of Juicy, homo-baked
apple plo is one of the charm
ing events at tho
14th and Farnam Sts.
Saturday Matinee,
The Clilcaro .Mimical Success
People '
Kezt 'Bunday 4 Days Mat. Wed.
The Original Hew York aud London
Cast and Production,
Matinee, 2:30; Tonight, 8:15
Farewell Week
Dally Slat.. 153550o
SVffS., 1D-35-30-7BO
Sere's the Classiest Uusloal Outfit That
Eyr moiled Into Town on Oar Wheels
Extravaganza akd VA,tJDEvn.r.E
A typical S2 prpiltictlon. tie Hayen.
Harry tiheppel and O-O-O-O-h! That
lleauty Chorus.
"Worth CUtttWnir the X11L.
Bf vanasTiue inciunss .lunn mug
wo., jovisi joo .'ar
roll, t Sisters Kelcey,
Kreak Pero. Krone
man Bros . Jew! tt
.Jordan; Hlppeapope Plctiireb,
rrom a to 8; at 7and P. M. r.-.Uy.
Wat. Every Day, ailB, Every Night, 8:15
ret.irE Mounts nj nunrb undr. xur-
tlna lliith'l L Utlltt (liMlqaF. Ths Muilktl.
ctrli. GoMiinlth & lluppr Htrr, limn, Krtsk
and Truman illce. Paint La Uramlill. Tatha's
Wnkly llWw. FrKfi, Mat Qallrrr btit
Mats tic. ieet Saturday an! Sunday Mini,
tOu. Hi. . lie.
Where the
Beats are
Krug Theater
Mat. Today, 2:30; Night, 8:30
Merry Maidens
Friday the Last Day of Our Month End Sak
Means the close of a very busy month for us and it means for you a day of bargain getting
that you'll long remember at
Every department will show HHHEHMpppNMppH Hundreds of small lots, too
scores of choice bargains in isP 1 JTkI few of them to be advertised
all Rinds of desirable and j I 1 W If ' 1 i IT'S and have you find them sold,
dependable merchandise jSl3B sacrificed for a quick
A Great Month-End Sale of
Fancy Notions Here Friday
A sale of special interest to Ladies of Omaha and vicinity, as it will include
nil the Highest Grade Dress Findings, Wash Braids, 'Hose Supporters, Toilet Ar
ticles and Hall Borchert Dress Forms.
Kleinert's Dress Shields , 10c Wnrren'a Kcatherbone,
No. .1, 2 Co quality, pr. 17
No, 4, tho 30c finality, pr. 21d
No. 6, tho :?5c quality, pr. 2oC
Omo Dress Shields
No. 2 the 25c quality . .17'.2
No. 3 the 30c quality ..SI
No. 4 tho 3Cc quality . . .25J
No. 5 the 40c quality ...JJOtf
No. G tho 50c quality .. .35
Naid Dress Shields
at 7C
10c Collar Supports, at 7Mst
,)c Collar Supports, at ..3l
Coat Hangers, each ....lOd
Skirt Hangers, each ....tOt
50c Pleaters, each 25!
5o Pearl Buttons, at ..2l4j
10c Poarl Uuttons, at ....5(
15c Pearl nuttons, at . .Q
100-yd. Sewlim- Silk, spool S
200 yd. Coals' Thread. 3
200 yd. iMerlck Thread, 3i
No. 2 the 25c quality IT'A 1 200 id. Barbour's Linen. S
No. 3 tho 30c quality ...21rt Coals' Darning Cotton, three
No. 4 the 35c quality . . .25 1 for ' 5
15c Warren's Feath'rbonc 10 500 yd. Basting Thread 3V4
Collar Boning, 7':ti&3l 10c Hooks and Eyes, card 5
5 Per Cent Discount 011 all Hall- Borchert Dress Forms
splendid Notion Bargains for Friday.
5c Hooks and Eyes, card 34 J
Wide Dress Belting, yd. 7 3
Silk Seam Binding ....2d
10c Pins, por pkg 7
5c Pins, per pkg 34$
Gladiator PinB, pkg. . . ,2'Ai
Adamantine Pins, 6 pkgs. 5ei
10c Hair Pin Cabinets ...55
15c bundle Hair Pins ...10
10c Curling Irons, at ....5
15c Curling Irons, at ....5c
Kid Curlers, all sizes . ...5
15c and 20c Hose Supporters
at. J in
Velvet OripvTfow S11
Children's. on.-Bnlo
Ladles', on sate, pr.
25c Part HosoSupporteH&
50c Pad HosolSupporterft, JLUc
ocoies ot 1 nf
Jj 3 sf 1 Cs sNi
A Tremendous Underpricing in
Beautiful Silks for Friday
44-inch Fancy Chiffon and Silk Voiles In
checks and striped and bordered styles, ftn
regular values to $1.00, yard at d&OC
Beautiful All Silk Messalines $1.00 values,
In plain and glace effects, blacks included, go
on sale, per' yard at OOC
$1.00 Black Dress Taffetas and Peau de
Sole, 3C Inch wldo, soft chiffon finish, on r7Q,
salo Friday, at, yard lOC
Remnants of Plain and Novelty Silks To
$1 values, 20 to 27 In. wldo, tyo nnd AO
In 1 to 10 yd. lengths at. . OC ttOC
See the Beautiful New Silk42-inch Satin
Charmeuse. plain or, brocaded, all new ti AO
spring colorings, at yard P A ttO
Dress Goods SpeerJis
A Van ted-weaves and colorings in wool
dress fabrics at a saving of almost one
half. 36-inch Whipcords, serges and novelty
Dress Fabrics, 59c to 75c yard'values, vq
on salo at, yard awOC
Keinnants of 5-i-inch dress goods, $1.00
values, 2 to 5-yard lengths, good A Q
assortment, at yard '. . 45C
04-inch suitings .and clonkings, cheviots,
Basket Weaves, Vicunaa, Broadcloths and
Dlagonals,?1.00 to $1.50 yard val- fQ
ties, at yard OOC
.'54-inch fancy cloakings, bearskins aud
Silk Plushes, that sold to $5.00 qq
yard, choice, yar& . . aOC,
Friday Linen Specials
Hemmed or fringed, cresim
or white Turkish Bath 1 f
Towels, 15c values, ea. llC
Pure Linen, hemmed buck
towels, full' size, 39c nr
vnluen, eaci nt uOC
Mercerized Pattern Table
Soths, SxlO, $1.50 J"i rf
lues, each at. . . . vl iUU
Heavy weight, 54-inch,
silence cloth, table pad- 9
ding, 39c valucj, yard mOC
Men's Velour Hats
Choice of our entire stock,
$3.0'J to $0.00 values, $1.50,
$2.00, $2.50 and .$3.00
anaiiwaaiaiBiaaiaiaisaaHalaMiswasasB 4
Boys' and Children's
Winter caps that sold Ao
$1.00, all in 3 big lots to
close, at 19c, 29c and 39c
f ..... ... z. ,-
irai) 1 1C1.V9 Ul D1UO IUU1 WQltO
Japinee Ware
For Brcaicfnsf; Sets and Tea
Cups and SaUQora, 6 for 75
Breakfast Plates, C for 75s
Oatmeals, 6 for 60d
Bread and Butter Plates, 6
, eo
Tea Set Sugar, Cream and
Tea Pot, set .75J
Cake and Bread Pl&tee, each,
it i . . . ....... ...,.252
Syrupy,, each .., .,.-253
Butter Trays, eafch ..-..25d
Spoon Trays, each .,... 25J
koi, atmj ui kiiu-ui-niuiitii vicihuv dic in nu hvvh ci." Rem
P'lannelettes, good patterns, 8'c
values .' 5j
Itcmnants of wide blue Ginghams,
7c values 5
Remnants of 36-inch Percales,
I2'jc values 86
Hillsboro Dress Gingham, new
patterns, 12lc values ...10d
Remnants of fancy striped Pon
gees, lSc values 13
Remnants of Serpentine Crepe,
Extra Bargains in Ladies', Chil
dren's and Men's Furnishings
Ladles' 35c good heavy Jersey
Ribbed Vests and Pants, all
sizes, at 10J-
Boys and Girls' Union Suits,
regular 75c quality, all sizes,
at 39
Ladies' Union Suits, extra or
regular size, worth to4L1.50,
at GDt 49t 35d
Men's colored Laundered Shirts
all sizes and colors, worth to
$1.50. go at ....40 5ti
Men's good heavy fleeced lined
and Jersey Ribbed Shirts and
Drawers, .all sizes, worth to
$1.00, ro at 40 35t
Children's 75c Outing Flannel
Night Gowns all sizes, 35d
Ladles', Men's and Children's
regular 25c Stockings
at 12d
Men's Union Suits, worth up to
$2.50, go at 81.45 f86
and 75
Ladles' $1.50 and $2.00 Union
Suits, at 98
good patterns, 18c values 10
Simpson Prints, perfect goods, all
colors, Cc values ...i.S'cJ
Sllkcllne, !16 Inch wide, good pat
terns, 15c values lOti
' Amoskeag Outing Flannels, 12c
values lOt
Shirting Cheviots, stripes and
plaids, 12V&C, values 10
Famous choice oG-lnch half
bleached muslin, 9c values 6-i
Cloaks, Suits and Skirls
Domestic Boom.
Women's long- coats, plain colors
anil mixtures! values fK 4E
to 12.50, cat h ... ,fUstU
Women's ono-pleco dresses, series,
corduroys and messa- 5Q QQ
llneH. values to $10.. ifOsSJO
Women'n dress skirts, well,
good styles, serees and ntlx
turen; values to 0 Q'S
J3.98, nt each sfcs5IO
Women's house dresses, well
made, Kood styles, all TQn
sizes, $1,00 values, at I 5U
Women's dresHlne sauques made
of percales, s;ood styles, LQ.
BOr values, nt each UWU
ritildrcn's percale nnd Rlnshain
dresses, well made, sood colors
and styles; J1.2B QO.
Black and colored , petti- J Do
valucf, at each
Hack and colored
coats, 69c valued, at.....
Boys' and Men's Clothing
Somestlo Boom.
Boys' knee pants, assorted colors,
all sizes, 75c allies, for 4So
Men's Suits, well made, cood
Htyles, browns, hlues and Brays;
$12.50 value, at each 98.80
Uoyn' two-piece Suits, large var
iety or colors and wires; values
,v .v. "I"-" J
Ready made Sheets, 72x90, 50c
values r.39
58-Inch bleached Table Damask;, '
39c values 25ti
Embroidered Baby Flannolfi, 59c
values '50
Shepherd and Scotch Plaids, 16c
values lOt
Sarnac Percales, 26-inch -wide,
new patterns, light and dark
colors, 12&c values .-..10i
Matchltss Valuis in
and Draptrits
$2.25 .Lace Curtains, SL45
pair Dainfor -patterns in
white, cream or ecru, full
size.. v
$1.35' Lace Curtains 95c
pair Big assortment of
dainty patterns in
or ecru.
aiie Bungalow Nets 25c Yard
19c Sateens and Cretonnes, full
.16 Inches wide, on sale,
t -13tt
$8.25 Rope PortJeren jfor
double doors, at pair 32.50
Drapery Remnant of all kinds,
values up to 45c yard,
at, yard ...5t
48-Pound Sacks Best High Grade Diamond H Flour for $1.18
f -
This flour Is made from tho best se
lected wheat: nothing finer for bread,
j cs or cakus.
10 bars Lennox, Heat 'Km All or Dia
mond C soap fur ,35o
10 lbs, best White or Yellow corn
meal for 17H
6 lbs. best hand picked Navy .Keaus.
for 35o
10 cakes sllexo scouring soap . ..25o
( cairn I.u Lu cleanser, It beats the
Dutch, for a5o
The best domestic Mnraronl, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti 7lic
u lbs. -fancy Japan Hlce, 10c quality,
for 2bo
k cans oil or mustard Sardines. . .3So
Jello, Jellycon or Advo Jell, pkg;. 7so
The best Boda or Oyster crackers.
per lb 60
The Kcst crisp l'rotxels or Ulner
snaps, ier lb , .5c
(.rape Nuts, rer pkK lOo
TL V t'orn Flko, per pkg. Be
Veast Koain. per Pkg. . . -Jo
pkg. best Tea Slftlngs lOo
(iolden Santos coffee, lb 33o
Pint Jars pure rtralncd Honey . .35o
The best bulk Peanut Butter, per
Ths best, strictly frasfc Sffcs, from
Ui cenntry. pr dosen S3o
The best Troamery Butter, carton sr
bulk, per lb. 35o
The best Country Creamery Butter,
per lb 30o
The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb., 35c
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c
Jenny Bros,' Famous Brick Cheese,
per lb, . . . .' 18o
lloquefort Cheese, lb 3Bc
Idnm Cheese, each 9So
Bod (Hobs CooVlnf Onions, spsolal
fanoy Ho. 1 stock, nothing flnsrt
IB lbs. for , lfio
Per Bushsl, 67 lbs S5o
15 lbs. best lied Hlver Potatoes, to
the peck lBo
12 lbs., best No. 1 Oano or Uen Davis
Apples, for .30a
Fancy flat Dutch Cabbage, per lb., lo
I'resh Spinach, per peck lBo
Fresh Beets, Carrots. Turnips, Shs
lot or HadlsheH, bunch ........ o
Fresh Head Lettuce, per head.... Bo
2 bunches fresh hothnuso Lettuce.. 2s
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. 7Uci
.1 large Soup Hunches 100
n large Ureen Peppers ...10o
Cape Cod Cranberries, quart... BV-o
2 bunches fresh Parsley. . , Bo
Old Meets, Carrots, Turnips or Pars
nips, per lb lHo
Fancy shelled Popcorn, lb 60
Atwood Oraps Trait, 64 !,"., 60
Highland Navel Oranges, the orange
of quality, do.. ISc, 8O0, SSc, 30o
Haydsn's Msat Market Bpscial
Ntw owned and controlled by them.
Sirloin or-Porterhouse steak, Ib...lBo
Fancy Pork Loin Chops, lb . . . ,13Uo
MorrelV" Mince Meat, bulk, lb.... So
Hex Hacon, ver lb lBo
Morrell n pure I.ard, 1 -lb. carton, lBo
No. I Tork Sausage, lb 7o
Fish Prices
for Friday
We now own and control
our market, give highest
quality at lowest prices and
16 ounces to each pound.
No. 1 Halibut, perlb...l5k
No. 1 Cat Fish, per lb. 3 5,
Fancy No. 1 Pike, lb.
Fancy No. 1 Flounders, per
lb ...15t
Fancy No. 1 White Fish, per
,b 15
Fresh Herring:, per lb, . .Qd
Fresh Perch, per lb. 12ttti
Fresh Silver Salmon, per
lb '.17&
Lake White Fish, lb.
Fancy Norway Mackerel, each
FtanaiT UddfePb.aDlJ$
No. 1 Cod Fish, per lb. 15S
Mllchner Herring;, keg 85e
MUted Herring, keg .,75
Anythlng'ou Want in Fish.
Try Hayden's First p.