THE BBK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, .IAINTA RY 31. lOl.'J il s I.K OR V.XCHAXC.K U. K. I what Tradtnc with tho Palmtr Co.. 1106 w. o; w. md. omaiia van k. c. trahlfc -Otnnlm roilnm mnr1rn. f i3 - tin ii HQ iui muii-j in ivtuisas viij. x vy. TO EXCHANUE-36U acres prairie and timber land. C miles of Tln Valley. Nor man county, Minnesota. Price. $?.000.l0. Give full particulars to proposition In first letter. B. A Warner, Twin Valley. Minn. Walking Distance Strictly modern except heat. Cr cottage, having large living room, dining room, two nice Hired bedrooms, bathroom with best of plumbing fixtures and large kitchen, cemented basement and walks. Nice neighborhood, near 20th find Ohio Bts. Will take, Ford car or vacant lot as first payment, balance reasonable SCOTT & HILL, "Douglas (mo. 307 McCngue Bldg. Fine Place For Chicken Raising An attractive 3-room bungalow, brand new, having commented basement with outside, entrance, city water, electric lights. This little bungalow Is well built throughout. It Is located on a good-slied lot with chlckan house and part for chicken raising. Only one-half block to ear line, convenient to schools, stores, etc. Now Is the time to get ready for the raising of chickens In the early spring. Owner will take vacant lot or Kord car as first payment, balance like rent. SCOTT & HILL, Douglas 1009. SOT McCague Bldg. IIEAJj ESTATE TRACTS OV T1TLIS. rt Co.. oldest abstract ot 206 Brandels Theater. i e Home For Sale Mrt street,; rooms and sleep Davil"j "gtori.'s with attic. Tiled lng Porch, W" vestlWle. First 'loon large bath rpoTJ11, iivln room w'.tli fireplace "wJftPbotn t finished lit oak. with oak floor.'. Wiicyil finished In hard pine with maple frJirs. Second floor: 4 bed rooms and bath, finish white enamel with birch doors, stntned mahogany. Basement: Kox hot air furnace, laundry trays, fruit cellar and r-oal bins, cement rioor. mm ens for entire house, and storm Will i's for north, west and east sides. A thorouhlv modern up-to-dato house. Lot 0x135. Asphalt paved street, one of the best locations In Dundee. One block to car line. Owner lives In house and will biVlad to show It to you. Price $5,760, Beo ua, rr- terms. George & Company 502-12 City Nafl. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 766. Walking Distance Strictly modern, 6-room. square house. Has large reception hall, living room and dining room with paneled walls and plate mil. All these rooms finished In oak: nice kitchen with pantry and entry- way on first floor. Large bedroom across the entire front of the house, with a big closet and a built-in cheat of drawers, rii-mrue also window seat. Two otner mce-suea bedrooms and large bathroom with tiled walls, and best of plumbing fixtures. All floors throughout the house are oak. House beautifully decorated, having fine lighting fixtures. On a corner lot. streets paved; paving paid. Fine neighborhood, handy to schools, stores and car line ' , Owner Is anxious to sell and will con sider 11,000 or good vacant lot am first pay mint. like rentr SCOTT & HILL, Douglas 1000. .107 McCague Bldg. CHOICE NEW HOME AT SACRIFICE. 7 large rooms strictly modern, oak rin lsh. attractive design, large lot. beautiful location, -commanding sightly view, IJ.twO for quick sale, your own terms. 110 OASH, 35 PER MONTH. 11 fine residence lots In choice location, 2 and 3 blocks to car. S475 to Km) each. Also 19 good building lots near 38th ami J streets, Houtn umann, to nw. ur. i--ndlng lots well Improved with homeb, .Will build homes to suit purchaser, and on rental terms. WO CASH. 317.50 PER MONTH. - Oood 4-room. modern cottage, electric light, gas. bath. etc.. east front lot. el.Nv. Call and see photos ot this and other home offerings at low prices and easiest terms. RUSSELL &. M K1TRICK CO.. 432 Ramgo Bldg. D, 827. 15th and Harney THEEE NEW BUNGALOWS I100J3OWN, BALANCE MONTHLY". Each have 5 rooms and bath, fully modern and on onu floor. Nice large din- Vlng room, living room and reception hall Jwinlshed In oak. Kitchen, bedroom and bath finished in pine, combination light- mulshed In oak. Kitchen, bedroom and ibath finished in pine, combination light ling fixtures, furnace heat, Full cemented Phasement. Lot 42x129 feet to alley: yard tne fixtures, furnace heat, Full cemented vhasement. Lot 42x129 feet to alley: yard - , , I . . 1, kUfll ... nicely sodded, only H block to Sherman Ave, car line and two blocks to new school. Price J2.00O each, 1100 down, bal ance to be the Maine ns rent. These will go quick; don't be to late. Payne & Slater Company, 616 Omaha Nafl. Bank Bldg. JBlELiD CLUB DISTRICT Six rooms, reo. hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and one bedroom on first, floor, two bedrooms and bath upstairs, furnace, corner lot, 42x120, paved street, prlco $3,350, $.'40 cash, balance 330 a month, which Includes Interest. located 1001 So. 38th avenue. BEMIS-CAELBEEG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN One of those nifty, new. strictly mod- ern .6-room. bungalows, worth W.2G0, fjr 12,900. Only $160 cash, balance $30 monthly. One block from car and store, thre blocks from school. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Douglas 1781. 2 LOTS Corner (j 80 FEET BEMIS PARK. $1,210.00. W. H. GATES, 44 Omaha Nat. Ban Uldc. Phone Douglas 1294. MUST . sell my modern bungalow; worth $3,600. Any offer takes It. Ad dress B' 622, Bee. THE ROSEBUD LAND, '0. handles exchanges of all klnt. Room V Continental 111k.. Omaha. LOT on alley between Harney and Howard on 13th St. Tel. Doug. $34. 12-ROOM house, Kountze Place, Omaha, $7,000, clear, also other clear Omaha property. Want California. 1135 W. 42d St., Los Angeles. Cal. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEB JOHN W. nORUINS. JWQ PARNAM sT "WELL-ESTABLISH ED real estate bus. Inesa for sale, incorporated fur $10,0w, fully paid. A 621. Bee. S. 11ET Six rooms, bath and reception room; first class neighborhood. $1,000 cash, balance monthly. George P. gaxr Phone iJouglaa 338. Room 603 Ware Block. ACREAGE. TEN acres land, new 7-room' house and barn. See owner, Chaa, Johnson, 70th and Center. Phone Douglas 7S8J4. REAIi estate: jwisi 4e . i, run BAtjta California. California land excursions 1st and .2d Tuea. W. T. Smith Co.. 814 City Nat. Bk. CALIFORNIA-100 acrea best Irrigated fruit land $. per acre. J. Taylor Baker, Oak, Shasta Co., Cal. AD AIM A Mm nOAMIU? M ADVTT Increased Offerings from Argentina Weaken British Wheat. CORN MARKET IS OVERSOLD Consequently Ileum Are More Confi dent 'I'hnn They Have llren und Say that Adrsntsge Shonlrt lie Tnkrn of t'plurn. OMAHA, Jan. 30. 191S The United Kingdom failed to en couiage holders of wheat in exporting countries yesterday, as the b'dtfor the cash wheat were out of line with the real value of grain In Chicago, and In addi tion to this the Liverpool market showed a generally weaker tendency, closing .with fractional losses. This weakness was doubtless caused by the Increased offerings from Argentine ntu at price concessions, too. The continent pur chased 160,000 bushels of wheat In America and this was without doubt mainly grain that was rlsed north of the International line. Had It not been for the short Interest In wheat, which were bought freely, a far different story would have been told here. The fear of a renewal of trouble between Turkey and the Balkan states caused shorts to be come active buyers, and the offerings being held rather tightly for tho time being. There were gains of VQio for the day. but there were alltrht reactions and declines from the best prices reached, a few taking profits on the hard spots. Although there nr favorable weather conditions for moving the wheat crop, there was a further falling off of 200,000 bushels In primary receipts yesterday, showing that growers are either running close to shorts In some sections, or that they are holding their wheat for higher prices. The Armour Drain company, through Its own brokers, bought consid erable wheat yesterday. Cash wheat unchanged to Uc lower. An. oversold condition In the corn mar ket was the best explanation traders could give for the rally yesterday: and that the strength In the Buenos Ayres market was entirely responsible for the buying. Bears were more confident than ever last night and said the advance was entirely natural and advantage should be taken of all such upturns to sell for In vestment, believing that May corn wU shortly go below 60c and stay there. A SDeelal cable from Argentina said the crop reports In that country are exceed ingly conflicting. That the exportable surplus Is estimated at 153 0onono busiicls. The southern hemisphere agents aovancc win opinion inai uieee peesiininiiu rcui m are exaggerated. Cash corn, unchanged to 14c lower. Oats were the weakest grain on the llft yesterday, refusing to sympathize with the strength In wheat and corn. Cash oats, c lower. The following cash sales were reported today: WHEAT No. 2 hard winter, 2 cars, 854c; 4 cars, S5c. No. 4 spring, 2 cars, 81V4C No. 1 northern. car. S6c. No. 2 durum, l car, Ro',ic. No. 2 mixed, 4 car, 85c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car. 83c. CORN No. 3 white! 5 cars, 454c. No. 4 white: 1 car, -450. No. 3 yellow: 13 cars, 43.e. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars. 42"t.c; Z cars. 424c. No. 3 mixed: 8 cars. 43c. No. 4 mixed: 3 cars, 42V4c; 1 car. 42Uc; 2 cars, 42c: 1 car, 41Uc No grade: 1 car, 40?ic. OATS No. 3 white: 3 cars, 32',ic. No. 4 white 2 cars, 82c. No grade: 1 car, (corn mixed), 31e. Clearances were: Wheat and flour. 662.000 bu.j corn, 662,000 bu.; oats, none. Liverpool close: wneat, uncnangeu iu Hd higher; corn. WT'd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,007,0(0 bu. and shipments 675,000 bu., against re ceipts of G69.000 bu. and shipments of 275,-' 000 bu. last year. rrimary corn receipts were i,i,w mi. and shipments 1,080,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1,483,000 bu. and shipments of 86C.0O0 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 707,000 bu. and shipments were 616,000 bu., againit receipts of 660,000 bu. and shipments or 618,000 bu. laat year. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-vNo. 2 hard. M'.T8IHc: No. 3 hard. S3i4c; No. 4 hard. 78l465'4o: No. 3 spring, S3V4084c: No. 4 spring, 8lj' "CORN No. 3 white. 45Ul5Vic; No. 4 white, 4445c: No. 3 yellow. 434SVc; No. 4 yellow. 42ff42ic; No. 3 corn, i2& 43c; No. 4. 41HS42HC. OATS No. 2 white, 32i!?33r; standard, S2V4c; No. 3 white, 32Uc; No. 4 white, 32c. HAIVLEY Malting, 5563c; No. 1 feed, 421T47C. RYE No. 2, 59S9ttc; No. 3, 58ii36Dc, Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. Louis .... Winnipeg ... 67 433 143 ,V1 9S 44 7S ss 287 ir7 81 76 NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET lluolatlons of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. FLOUR-Steady ; spring ratents. S4. 404.65: wlntsr straights 111 ftfUHJ KTl. winter not. ill. 14 7(V7 10! spring clears, 34.2094.45; winter extras No. 1, J4.u0fl-4.15; winter extra No. 2. I3.90if- 4.00; Kansas tralghts. 10ft 4.2.. Rye floui, dull; fair to good, fS.& huck I wneat f our, dull: 12.33 per 100 IDs. I I-! V . 1.- , T QiA..i. eiHH ...v.ttA ,,4 yellow, 1.301.35; cctarse. S1.26Q'1.30; kiln tunea, ,3.16. RYE Quiet: No. 2 western. 67c c. I. f . Buffalo. BARLEY Steady: feeding c. I. f. New York; malting, 604j70c c. I. f. Buffalo, w lirJAT npol market steady: No, rod. tl.064. elevator, and 11.10. f. o. b afloat, nominal; No, 1 northern Duluth. J1.C1. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market closed net unchanged. May, m lo-lwijW'c, ciosea at iwftc; juiy closed at aiHC i Bonded wheat, January, closed S1.00U: Way, MHc;-July, 97'.c. Receipts. 66,000 on,: smpmeniB. itu.wi du. CORN Spot market easy; export, Kc, f. o. b. afloat. OATS Spot market steady: No. 3. 3Se: I no. 4. siw. , white clipped. 3S&41C. Ro eelpts, 95,000 bu.; shipments, 3,000 bu. . HOPS Easy; state, common to choice, 1912. 201i22c: 1911. 12815c: Pacific coast. 1912. 17Sf23c; 1911. 139160. HIDES-Steady; Central America, 2Sc; Bogota. 28i,429',4c FEED Western spring bian. $23.50: standard middling, $23.50; city. $24.50. HAY Standard. $1.00(31.05; No. 1, $1,074 91.10; No. 2. 96c$1.00; No. 3. SOflOOc. LEATHER Hemlcck firsts, 28fe9ci sec onds, 2728c. PROVISIONS-Pork, mess, $t9.70fl!9.90; family. $21.00C3.00; short clears, W.iKWj 22.2.".. Beef, mess, .OOtgrzUiO; family $24.ft"25.00: beef hams, $30.00032.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, $12121ic; pickled hams, 14c. Lard,, steady; middle west prime, 110.4010.60; re fined, steady; continent, $16.05; So.ith 'America. $11.50; compound, J7.6W7.7.V lll'TTER Market rirm; creamery ex tras, !545!6c; firsts, 32cT35c; process KKAIj K8TATK 11ANC1I LANDS FOR SALE FAll'l Mlasonrl. LAND FOR SALE-Wrltn for prices of torn, clover and blue grac lands. Co Operative Realty Co., Humansvllle. Ma ." vlrik. IMPROVED FARM-320 acies, $S an acre; 12 milts from town; rich black soli; 50 acres broke; all fenced; house 23x24; near school and In sight of twenty-five other farm houies. Must have your fil ing right. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb, Wl.coniln, THE KEROfJfiON8eed Co. is opening the largrat seed farm In the country In upper Wlaconaln. Thia ought to be a sug geatlon to the homeseeker while there is yet cheap landa In the state of high quality grains. Write for Information to the Wisconsin Advancement Assn.. Mil waukee, Wis. LIVE STOCK MAniCET OF WKST Ship live atock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. I.Itc Stork Commission Merchants. RYERS BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. Sc. Co., loxctuuig Bldg, TALLOW- Prime ilty linds. 6',c. spe ilal. 6 coiinm. Ofi'ac. extras 2ttf;4c. Imitation cream ery, first. rtmKo; factory, held. Mi)c, current make, firsts, JSfiWtc; seronds. !1 Vac. packing slock. June make, aSlHc current make, No 2. Alf204c: No. f, 17 1!c. CHKBSE-Steady. whole milk, held, white or colored specials. U'JtUVkc. state whole milk, winter laarto. white or colored specials, not green. lHri&c; skims. I5tf 14c. EdOR-Markct was firmer. fresh gathered extras. 3T.c. held fresh average best. lMf20c. refrigerator firsts, lPfiWtc; nearby hennery, whites, good tp large sire, new laid. nOflfllo, Selected whites, defective In site or qilalltv. 2Mf Vi-...; Viiiil ".I" ir.V "..j7.." .l. ivl ijl in ureesru. i-hw.j . ....... . killed western chickens. 12tflfc fowls. 13 fflCc: turkevs. 14rfS3ic. Live, firm; west- era chickens, 14c, fowls. 15c; turkeys, lSSflPc - i CHlCAtJO ORA1X AXI MUV1H.! t Kratnres of the- Trading: ami Closing: Prices on-Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Jf. 30-Assertlons that hereafter European buyers would give preference to Argentine wheat as against cargoes from the United States and Can ada took much of the snap today out of an attempt to advance the market here. Closing prices were barely steady at a gain of He to U5fVc net. Corn showed a loss of to HW-"c. onts finished tho same ns last night and provisions varied from THc decline to a rise of 2Via ... Drouth reports from India, which put strength In wheat prices during the first part of tho day, seemed to lose effect when the Argentine bugbear led to ex tensive realising sales on tne part, oi holders. War news, reports of Improved fimip ri.manH in the northwest und pre dictions of cold weather appeared equally powerless to keep prices trom siippiuk buck. Favorable weather and Increasing re ceipts pulled corn down. Bearish news from Argentina and the late setback In wheat counted also In depressing prices. Buying orders from the southwest made oats comparatively steady. Ixjcnl specu lators weie the best sellers. Packers unloading weakened provisions The Department ot Agriculture report was not satisfactory, as the longs had believed would be the case. Article, Open. I Hlgh.l Low I Close.! Yes'y. Wheat May. l I ,92T93'41 93 July P0VJ 91 l- Wl904t8"l s'a'i S9ii I I Sept.R91'.4 S9'4 Bl'i Corn. I I siiv. sifiTiiMTta: nim sin: ars'savi". July.i WMtlKWa? 53V3'453t.i'O-lli3?i'0ti Sept.! Oats. I May. I July., Sept. I Pork. I 53j I 34 341,41 33M .KtfWUI 3374j 33T. 34 33T4 33T'334 34HJfi 34 I 34 33!i May.flS T 4A 1 ! 19 30 19 10 19 12H! t9 20 19 15 13 174 19 as 10 25 10 30 10 X. 10 274 10 25-27 10 2714 10 274 10 324 ID Lard. Jan.. 10 25 May. IP 27-30! 10 no 10 M July. 10 274 10 :iw 10 17-20 Ribs. J an. I 10 20 May. I 10 30 10 30 10 20 July.i 10 30 I 10 30 10 17H 10 25 Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 red, $1. 10(31. 11; No. 3 red. $1.0391.08; No. 2 hnrd, omUKWc; No. 3 hard, 9Wlc; No. 1 northern, 91Jf02Uc; No. 2 northern. 8ci POc; No. 3 northern, 87JS9c! No. 2 aprins, SSBSOc; No. 3 spring. 8&S8S0; No. 4 spring, 78ff81c, velvet chaff 841T91c. durum, iitf 92c. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 50c; No. 3, 474 (ff48c; No. 3 white, 50i(r04c: No. 3 yel low, 474'!r4'.4c: No. 4, 455p47V4c; No. 4 white. 4ifOOc: No. 4 yellow, 4545f47,4o. Oats: No. 2 white, 35V44f38Mc, No. 3 white, 33(a33Hc; No. 4 white, 32fi32ic; standard, 2434Hc Rye- No. 2, W&'IM'io Seeds: Timothy. $3.0WH.16; clover. $12.00S).Oi. Barlev. 61870c. Provisions; Lard, $10.2.".'ul 10.27: Ribs. $10.37. Pork, $18.95W19.17,4. RtiTTEru-Steady; creameries, 24ff34c. EGOS Easier; receipts. 4,214 cases: at mark, cases included, 19iiClc; refrigerator firsts. 16fl"164c; firsts, 22c. POTATOES Weak; receipts. 39 crs; Wisconsin, 42047c; Michigan, 45847c; Mln ncsoUa3S45c. PO"t" RY Alive, firm; turkeys, ioc; chickens, 15c; springs. I4"c. St. I.011U fieneral MnrUrl. ST. IiOUIS, Mo., Jan. 30. WHEAT Cash, firm; track No. 2 red, '$l.lOg'1.12Vs; No. 3 hard, 90694c. CORN Higher; track No. 2, 49c; No. i white. 60WS61c , . . ,J OATS Higher; track No. 2, 34c; No. 2 white. S5i8"3"&c. RYE Unchanged: 63Hc. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT-May. 93ic; July. S'c. CORN Lowel ; May, 60ic; Jul). 514 61OAT8-Wek; May, 34Ue: July, 'MilWi FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $3.00 W5.25; extra fancy and straight. $4.00lf 4.80: hard winter clears. $3.4093.55. SEED Timothy, $10.00. CORNMEAL-$2.90. BRAN Lower, $1.0001.02. HAY Timothy. $12.00glS.36; prairie. SU.0OS15.00. BAGGING 9!ic. TWINE 8c. , . PROVISIONS-Pork. jobbing, $16.. 6. Drv salt meats, boxed extra shorts. $11.00; clear ribs, $11.00; short clears, $U.12,A. Bacon, boxed, extra shorts. $12.00; clear ribs, $12.00; short clears, $12.12H- Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 12:000 12,000 Wheat, bu 106,000 l-T.WJO Corn, bu 90,000 47.000 Oats, bu 61,000 80.000 Kansas Cltr Groin and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 30. WHEAT Caah, unchanged; No. 2 hard, 86H4KJe; No. 8, 89g91o; No, 2 red, $1.0101.00; No. S, 96c(f$1.0J. CORN Unchanged to '4c lower; No. 2 mixed, 4747Mc; No. 3, 46',i(cH6Hc; No. 2 white. 43Hc; No. 3. SiSiBc. OAXS-Steady: No. 2 white, 35eOJtio; No. 2 mixed, 34&34HC Closing prices of futures; WHEAT May. J7T48Sc; July. 85;&68Tic. CORN May, SOSSOlc; July. 61ic. CJATS May, Xr,c, RYK Unchanged. HAY Unchanged. BUTTBR-Creamery. 32c; flrats, 30!ic; ceoonds, 28Vic; packing, lVic. EaOS Extras, 24c; flrats, 22H23c; sec onds, lie. POULTRT Hens. UViro; roosters, Sc; young turkeys, 18c; ducka, lSUHo. , Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 78,000 66.000 Corn, bu 81.000 2R.000 Oats, bu 20.000 9,tO0 ."lllnnrnpolts Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Jan. 30. WHBAT May. 87T4c: July. S9Hc Closing: rush; No. 1 hkrd. 87T4c: No. I northern. S6JS7Sc; No. 2 northern, 848G4c; No. 2 hard Montana, 87Hc. BRAN-$19.M. FLOUR Fl rst patents, $4.VS4.65; sec ond patents. $l.1M-4.50; first clears, $3.10 3.40; second clears, $2.302.60 FLAX-$1.33"ki. BARLEY 4&6 69c. .Mllnanlirr Grain Markrl. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 30.-WHBAT-No. 1 northern. 91U091Vjc; No. 2 northern. fQQ 90c; No. 2 hard winter, 934Mc: May. 9014c; July. 89c. CORN No. 3 yellow. 47,4S4Sc; No. 3 white. 60'ic No. 3. 47Ho; May, 6lie; July. 02Hc. OATH Standard, 3435e. BAnLKY-atftTOe. 1,lprion Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 30. WHEAT-Spot. teiLdv: No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 9d: No. 2. 7s 6V4d: No. 3, 7s, 4d. Futures easier; March. 7s 4"Ud; May, 7s 2fl; July, 7s Hd. COIlN Spot, easy; American new, 6a 2d: American mixed old, ts; old, via Galveston, 6a 7id. Futures, steady; Jan uary, 5s lHd; February, 4s 10'd. Pcorln Market. PEORIA, Jan. 30.-CORN-14C lower; . 1 1 . . V , ...linn. O. & eilUW. a74l' uni t 4.". 1 7D"'l 45Hc; No. 3 mixed. 4614Ji47l4c; No. 4 mixed, 45H84Uc: sample. 3SQ44C. OATS uncnapgea; ro, i wnne, mt 2JUc; standard. 34c; No. 3 white, 33U-,i No. 4 white, 3a802l4c. Tnrpenllue and lloaln. SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. 30.TURPEN TINK Firm, 3114c to 4l4c; sales, 96 bar rels! receipts. 241 barrels; shipments, 51 barrels; stocks, 21,500 barrels. Rosin, firm; sales, l.OOO barrels; receipts, 1,300 barrels; shipments, 114 barrels: stock. 130.750 barrels: Quotation! A. B., $4.95 5.70; C. I)., $5.50 to $5.70; E., $5.93 to $6.fti; F., $6.15; G., $6.15 to $6.20; H., $6.15 to $6.25; U, $6.26: K $8.60; M . T.!i N., $7.05; W O., $715; W. W , $7.80. itniit ifAnir nmniir nimnm hXi TUna MUUl MAimm f ' rrj; . p.j, T.,! Trading on Considerably Larger i Scale in Stocks and Bonds. UNCERTAIN TONE IS LOST l inisnl .Movement Apparent! Ul rrrteil Chleflj- AKalust hort ln teret, from Which Most of the Demand Conies. VHW Vntll .ton .-M Trf1lnF nn , ... - a considerably larger scale today In both bonds and stocks. The market lost the uncertain tono of tho prcxloiis session, ami vlgotom advances were made through the list. Almost nil of the leading stocks were In brisk demand and gains of 2 points or more were recorded among such standard Issues ns Reading, rnlon Pa cific, Steel and Amalgamated Copper. Profit-taking sales In the last hour largely reduced tho advance. The Improvement In the tone of the market could not be said to be due to any positive new influence and appar ently the movement was directed chiefly against the short Interest, from which came a large part of the dejnand. This view of the situation was supported by tho way in which once or twice during the session prices were marked up buow nntly as bear traders rushed Jo cove?. Further mnnlpulntlon on n large scale of American Can stocks had much to do wit hthc market activity. The comon stock wan pushed up over 5 points to 45i, within less than 2 points of the high mark reached Inst October. The preferred moved "P 2H to 129. No definite Information has been given to disclose a solid foundation for the rise. Southern Pacific, which was ex ceptionally strong yesterday, was com paratively heavy today, although the De cember statement showed a gain In net revenue of $44,000. Slight Irregularity developed In the bond market. Total' sales, par value. M.750,000. United States 3 declined on call. Number of sales and leading quotattoni on stocks today were as follows: AmtliiiBiited Corpr American Acrlcutluril AmrlMn Hft fviursr Amerlrsn Cn ... Amerlcin Cn pfd.. . Amrrlcin C F American CVtlcm Oil. . Am Ice ffrurltlet.. Amrlcftn l,Ineed . . Arotrlrtn IcomettT . Ainerlcjtn . A TX... Am 8 n. pfd Am Fuir rttflnlnt... Anifrlcjn T T American Tot-acco . ... Anaconda Mlnlns Co... AtrhlKon AlctilKon pfd Atlantic CoiM 1,1 na Paltlmore A. Ohio Pfthlchcm CtMl Drooktrn Rapid Tr Canadian TarKlo . ... Central Leather ChetaptaJie A Ohio. . . . Chlcsno O. W Chlcano, M. A St. P.. Chicago & N W Colorado K A I I Contolldatwt Oas Corn rroducta Palawar A !ludon Imer A nio Grande. Denver & It. O. pfd... Dlttlllera' Kecurltlm . Erie Krle lat pfd Jl.tMn 7'l its 101 il tl4 1.1(10 ? v lSMf 4( 2.ltrt 124 .114 !V ' III M ti tt't 40 m 300 I. TOO It it "4i 41. tin M0 I04U 1NU lfSV 00 117H 1UW ton tisu. Ill M 00 IUK 7'4 M7 1.400 MS JTH JIH j.ioo loss irH 100 102 10 i.oo ioiw iii ' no Jp sm 10144 130 1 loiti MS4 l.'OO 91 "4 3,104 141 4on : 1,200 7I4 1S '1 'JJJt 'JJJ !!,. '!! :,foo 114 400 iiu 8.300 37 1.100 I3M4 3S.100 11 13. 1SIU .1,. 11. i.iii iat ii7 ui 1l 21 II HU i a?? 13,000 700 too 34 44 31 44 ,..7 F.rla M pfd (reneral Ktartrlc . Great !sorthern pfd Oreat Northern Ore ctfs. llllnola Central tnterhorough Met Inter. .Met. pfd Internationa) llarreeter.. lnter-Marlne pfd International Paper . .. International Pump -. 41 40i tat. . 1 I 400 1I2U 14IH :,ooo its i:i4 Hsu t.too 40U mi ; 100 ii't ins 1S7'4 l.too ls i US 1 !,100 100 :oo its l!l 14 124 Il4 rS 1SS 1 US 103 V4 Kaniaa City Southern Laclede Qaa Lehigh Valley UHilailllo V Nashville.. M., St. P. & S. Bte. M. MlMourl, K. a T Ittatourt Pacific National DUcult iXatltmal Iad ... .. n. rt. n. of m. sd 'tt. . New York Central N. V.. O. a W rtolk Weatern North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pcnnnylvanla I'rople'a flu P.. C, C. & St L I'Jttaburgh Coal Preyed Steel Car Pullman Palate Car Reading llepubllo I. &. H , llepubllc I. It S. pfd.... 'Rock UUnd Co Rock Wand Co. pfd St. L. & 8. V. Id "pfd... Air Line Seaboard A. L. pfd Bio... Sheffield fl. & I Southern raclflc l:.O0O 14JS 14IU IMS 20) INS IMS 1 IW 1I1S 1HS 140S 100 ST. 21H I7S l.tOO US 4tS 4H4 100 lit 1:2 HIS 00 HU IIS 1 100 :j 23 24 1.300 1M'4 10IU 109 400 ' 32'. 51 3 S.iOO "11314 HI 1HS 2W SOS 0S 0S 3.000 120S 11V4 HIS 2O0 30S !0 0S 1.100 123S 12 123 700 116 HIS 1IIV4 101S 2,000 28S 22S 23 S3 1IJ H.401 IMS llilt 1SU 2,400 26 2IS S COO IJS 23U 42 27 S 20S tS 43S If 7 2.600 2,100 :oo 700 100 2tS 40 31S 20H 4 IS 46S 4i 40S I7S 0 300 41 30.400 110 101s ios 27 27H fos os 34 34 Southern Itallrar So. nllwar pfd Tenneaaeo Copper Taxaa & Pacific Union Pacific Unloo Pacific pfd United Statea Itcaltj Unltl BUUi Rubber. ... United States Steal V. 8. Steel Pfd Utah Copper Va-Ca.rollnt Chemical .. Wabaah 'WabMh pfd Weatarn" Maryland .. .. Weelern Union Weatlnghouae Electric .. 2.40J 27T4 f00 WIS 0 34l 300 20S :os mi 31,000 1IIS IMS HIS 200 W',4 V'S 0 72 S 2,300 r.7oo s US i 4114 MS 400 1104. DOS DOS 2,(00 tiH MS (4S 1,000 3IS M 31 S 314 13 42S 71 7IU 7S 100 ZOO 300 4,700 1SS 1S 72S 74S 1114 43S 71S 74 Wheeling I B Total aalea ror tne cmy, nr... ' ir lork Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 30 MONEY ON call, steady, 2M3 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered per cent. Sterling exchange: '",K.w',.h, actual business In bankera' bills at $4.8340 for 60 day bills and at $4.8750 for demand. Commercial bills, .ta, , ..... SILVER Bar, GJc; Mexican dollars. aBCNDS-Qovernmcnt. easier; railroad, Closing quotations on bonds today were fi" t?Jil.W$".: ...! K. C. So. ref. 3. ,$., do coupon 10 L. & N. unl 4a i X! S 3ai reg lo:SL. S. d'b. 4a 1111. 3S 'do -coupon 102SM. K. T. lt 4a. 14 U g 4a; reg 1H 1 Itn. 4Sa... . MS do coupon lllS'Mo. Pacific ,... .70 Panama ! oupon..l03S du eonr Ca I4 A -C lat ta ctfs... M'iN R R of M IS. 17 Amer Ag. 1014 N. Y C. g. 3S . 7S AT&T cr. 4a.. 104 do dab. 4a . WS Am.' Tobacco 6a. ...Ill N. T. K H H. Ardour & Co. 4S. Ri cv. 3S. . MS Atchlaon son. 4S. 744M & W. lat c. 4a. tS do cr. 4a 10 13S do ov. 4a .112 do cr. M lt4SNo. Pacific 4a MS IS do 3s 61 KU'O. 8. L rfdg 4a. W HSrenn. cv Jli 115. MS M do con. 4a I02S 1014. Heading gen. .... SIS A. C. U 1st 4. Hat. Ohio 4a.. do JSa Brook. Tr. cr- 4a rn. at Oa. la,. Con. leather l MH tt. L. & S. K. It 4a 11 Cha'a. Ohio Us. -100H do gen. Is. 114 ' do conr. 4S St. L. 8. W c 4a.. n'S , Chtogo n-- -. CD Q. J. I--- MS80. Par. cot. 4e MS do g0. 4a t!i do ct. 4a 1314 CM I rt 4Sa.l04i do lat ref. 4i 3S C R. I. P. t. 4a. 43; So. Hallway la 106S do rfg. 4s 17S do gn, 4s 77S C & 8. r &. 4S. M',4 Union Pacific 4a.... M p". & II. t. 4" do cv. 4s .. MS D & n. O. ref. It. MS "do let ref. 4a 13 niatltlera la .. M!4l. 8. Rubber . . Id Frl. 0 I. t MSl'. H. Steal 24 ta. .102 do gen, 4a.. - 7 Va.-Csr. Chem. la. 1744 do cr. 4a, str, B. 74 Wabaah lat & ei. 4a 41) ; 111 Cen. lat rsf. a iit weaiern o. a. ... Inter. Mat. 4Ss MHWaat. Bier, ty U 4 Inter M. M. 4Ss- 4414 Wla. Centrtl 4a . SI Japan 4Sa WS Bid. Offered. r York Mliiluir H locks. NEW YORK, Jan, 30.-C1oslng quota tions on mining biock were. CV.m. Tunnel slock. 1 Heilcan .. 71 ..2(0 .. IS .. 11 ..100 . 11 to bonds 13 Onurlo Cob" Cal, Fs. Iron alitor . ... L-aJrllle Con. Uttle Chief .... Offered. . 13 Opblr ..ISO Small Hope . .. 1 'Standard .. .. .. 1 Tallow Jacket Hank ClearliiKa. OMAHA. Jan. SO. Bank clearings for today were $2,929,254.61 and $2,054,077.13 for the corresponding day last year. Condition of Trenaorj. WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. The condition of the United States treasury at the lie ginning of business today was Working balance, $88.845.&60; In banks and Philip- days. SUfflJli per cent and W days, S4iT'4 pe? cent; sfx months. Wiiper cent Vimuv Al urn CA N T I L E PAPBR-4146 reasurx . .U 227 SS. total of geucuu m1. t4 ..:, receipts . yeste-laN. ribursement. ..6ts me ur- plus this fiscal year Is $8.4(7.i'47. as against deficit of I4..V,114 last year. Tlie tig- UTttl fl,r reCrtpts. disbursements and sur plus, etc . exclude I'anama ciuini niu public debt transactions l.omlon StooU Miir4.rl. I LONDON. Jan SO. -American i securities i were dull and featureless during the early trading tivlsy. Prices advanced a frac tion after the opening, but later eased off. At noon values ranged from H above to 14 below ye.terda"s New York closing, ljondon closing stock quotations: onrolo. metier T U-U tultlll & Nli I4a do ouM "J Mo.. Kn. K Ti a;' , Anul. IVpper tJ New York Cestui. US't , MfhtKm . ... uv ,-sonon nmira nj'i Ojtn.dlsn P.fltlc . MTU 1 rnirltnl . . M4 1 CtipVe Ohio MV, Ufilln . ltil tlreit WwUrn tJU Southern Rt "t' I hi. Mil A St lMU4Snutrim l'tcltlc . 1UU 1ner lJ CI St t'nlon rtt!e ...tH Krlo ...MP S Steel S do 1M pM lWhh 4 flrind Trunk SS He lleen 114 111lncl Centrtl ...IJHiUina Minn T SILVER Bwr. firm M per ounce. MONEY 4rf Per cent. DISCOUNT RATES- Shoit bills. 5 pe cent; three months. t!4 13-18 per cent. llnston MlnlpR StooUs. BOSTON. Jan. 3fc Closing" quotation ' mining stocks were: Alloux 3 Mehk 54 Aml. fA'ppfr . . tSiNeid Con HU A. r.. U s 51 NIplMlna Mln ... Arlion Com. S'4frlh Putte .. . SKI II. C. s. M tii.North lake .. i Cat A Art ion . l old Doralilon .... It Cl. & llecl IM . .1 M CVntennUI 14 Qulocr 74 Cop. nne 0 C. . 4Hs(innon U Kjt Piitle C. M. . 14 Superior 51'i PMIikllh "VSupetlor & P. M... 5W ntroui Con SUTimu-ick l Grnby Con. . V. . H. It. M. . 41 llrerne Cininti do ttd O'l lule lUiyile LVpper. SlUPtth Con. IVti Kerr Ike 1-ltllu Copper Ci. lJike Copper . ..80 Winona Im Suite Copper. . 44W'oltrtne Miami Copper St M4 Ml 7!4 U.MAI I A (J KM'. It A I. JIARKKT. BLTTKR-No. 1. Mb, carton, 35c; No. L 60-ll tubs, 34Hc: No. 2, 33c. CHEESE -Imported Swiss, 32c; Ameri can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c: twins, IMiC; daisies, 190; triplets 19Vc: Young Amerli'HS. 21c: blue label brick. 19HC: Urn- 'Tiger. 2-lb., 21c; 1-lh.. 22c; New York " I ite. 21c. it..t.-T.', .-.fne nit... Kr 1 'wv,- V. i.r,,' . . 1.1. is. .-.u. .. , , luo . No. 3, 12 Loins, No. 1. 2! lie; No. 2, 17'io, No. 1, 12'ic Chucks. No. 1. 914o; No. 2, 8I4C, No. 3. 8lc. Rounds: No. 1. 12c; No. 2 11.c: No. 3. 10?4c. Plates: No. 1, 8c: No. 2. 7'ie: No. 3. 7c POULTRY Broilers, $.S.00iii5.O) per do.; hens. 16c; cocks, lie; ducks. 20e; geese, 18c; turkeys, 25c: pigeons, per doz.. $1.20. Alive, broilers, 16c; hens, lie; old roosters, 6Hc; ilucks, full feathered, 14o; geese, full feathered. 12c; turkeys. 16c; pigeons, per dor.. 60c: homers. $2.50: suuabs. No. 1. $1.50; No. 2, 50c, FISH (Fresh)--Plckerel, lie, fror.en: white, 14c. frosen; trout, 14c, fror.en: larirn crannies. 12c frozen: Soanlsh nmrberel. 1f.: eel. 15o: liaddork. 12iv. flounders, 1.1c; green catfish, 14c; shad ner pair, 40c, salmon, 15c; halibut, 'c' froren, 13c; buffalo, .ic; bullhead, 1Sc; oysters, nay stAndarus, $!.; 11.90: nrlfM'ln tl.RO: cnimts. 12.00. $1.60; northern, vnniTa-ilMHff... i-nlie..P.,lH navels, .'.til, .3 v , .. .im. i.niiiuinin colored. 30 sire. J2.00; W size, $2.26; ,:6 M- KiM I1". 3 a'"! 21 :W - 00. Grape fruit: Extra fancy Florida, 4ti. 54. 64 und 80. ner box. $1.C0. Cranber rles. Wisconsin lone keening, extra fancy '.owtv. . .luiuuu. per him,. tt,uv. exirn. laiicy Jersey, per bbl fci.OO; extra fancy, Bells and Cherry, per box. 13.00. lemons: Air Ship brand. 300 or 3G0 size, $fi.76. Cocqauuts ... .. 1. ...... Bin. p ,t, .1 n . . .. SA ill nuwnn. t'v. on.n. r,i. t' .v.vii. tr.-. Honey. new Colorado, twenty-four frames, ner case. 13.75. Dates: Fard. 16- ho. Psr lb., 12e; New Halt, bulk, per '" ,c; nev' Alienor pwg. (an cartoni), per Pino t 10,100 MS, 64 an! lux, $.: new Dromedao (30 cartons), 3 (oo nti mil mil tper box. $2.76. Figs: new 12 12 12. per box. ioo lis IIS lSic: now 6-orown (Turkey). J5r; new 4- i-rown tiiirKeyi, ibc, new i-crown (Tur key), Ifc. Apples: extta fancy Washing ton Jonathans. 113. 125. m. 150. ins. box $1.85: extra fancy Washington Grimes' Uoldens, 113, 125, 138. 150, box, $1.73; extra lancy wssmngion iioman neauties, m, 88. Wi. 103. 125,. box. $1.76: extra fancv Washington Black Ben Davis, 72, (0. 8, 90, 104, 125 count box. $1.75; extra fancy Washington Red Wine Sans, 104. 112. 125. 13ft, box. $2.00: extra fancy Pink Cheek Waxen and White Winter Pearmalns, 98, 104. 113. 125. 138. 150. 163 count, box. $2.00: (xtra fancy Colorado, unwrnpped., WJilt- winier i-earmains, 100, no, jku, jo) count,, box-. $1.S5: extra fancy New York Bald wins, per bbl., $2.90; extra fancy New York R. 1. ureeningsi per oni., $3.2; ex tra fancy New York State Russets, per tiDi.. N.ti; extra rancy Missouri Jona thans and Grimes Qoldens per bbl., $4.00; 5-bbl lots or more, asserted, 16o per bbl. off; extra fancy Missouri Ben Davis, par bbl.. $2.50: extra fancy Missouri Wine Pippins, per bbl., $175; extra fancy Mis souri Willow Twigs. Black Twigs, York Imperials and other fine varieties, per DDI., J..0. Cotton Market NEW YORK, Jan. 30,-COTTON-Fu- tures opened steady: January. 12.76o: Feb .......... ,., . tnHnu j-,... . j. 10 Jti.t IUHI;, I.TW, Minilill! U1I.U1 yritlf 1.4U, May, 12.25c; July, 12.17c; August, 12.01 of- rered; September, ll.wc; October, 11. November. l!.61c offered: December, ll.ilto NEW YORIC Jan. 20.-COTTON-Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 18.15c middling gun, u.auc. nates j.iiw nates. Futures closed barely steady: January 12,69c; February. 12.32c: March, 12.330 April. 12.25c: May. 12.20c: June. 12., It- July. 12.16c; August, 12.02c; Beptember, 11. mc; octoner, ii.46c; December, n,ic, LIVERPOOL. Jan. 30.-COTTON-Fpat In fair demand; prices easier; American middling ralr, 7,.ncl; good mlduling, 7.Uid; middling, 6.83d; low middling. 6.65d; good ordinary, 6.2id; ordinary, B.ld. .tlrtnl Muiki-f. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. METALS-Cop per: steady; standard, spot and J ami a r: 115.00 hid: February. March and Anr $15.26fl 13.75; electrolytic, $16.50: lake, 118. W (Sfltt. 75; castings. ia.r1,i.'); arrivals, 2.040 tons; exports this month. 22,471 tons London, steady: spot. K8 17s 6d; futures, 68 fis, Tin, weak; spot. January. $50.00 srtju.4u; r-'euruary,; March $49.58: Iondon, weak; spot. 228 lOai fit tures, 225 Cs. Lead, firm, at $4.2531.35 ixmnon, Jtio s ta. pelte, easy, at 10.7 16.90; Iindon, 26. Antimony, dull t'oOKsou s, iv. 7u. iron, easy, unchanged Cleveland warrants. Gus 9d In London. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 30.-5IETAUS- Lead: steady, $4.22',i. spelter: weak. $6.70, Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-COFFEE Fu tures market closed steady, net 8 to 13 points lower: sales. 48,000 nags: February 12.96c; March. 12.20a; April. 12.32c; May 12.45c; June, 12.50c; July, 12.58c; August 12.65c; September, 12.73o; October, 12.f8c November, 12.64c; . December, 12.58c, bpot cofree. quiet; Rio Tio. 7, HVtc; Nantoa. No 4. 1614c. Mild, "qtllet; Cordova, 15ie18c, nominal. Dry Gnoda Market. 1 ' NEW YORK, Jan. 30. DRY GOODS Qray goods for converting purposes were in active demand In the dry goods market today and prices showed a firmer tend ency. Domestics were quiet and yarns easier. Nasal- Mnrki-t, NEW YORK, Jan. 30 SUGAR Raw, atendy; muscovado, 89 teat, 2.98c; centrlf. tignl, ! test, 3,48c; molasses, 89 test, 2.73c; refined steady. SI. Louis Live Hlonk Market. SHEEP AND IAMB8-Recelpts. 5.000 head; lOo higher: Colorado, $8.00aH.5u; wethers, $0t30.50; ewes. $4.0(fi5.(. . ST. iJOVm. Jan. 30.-CATTLE-Recel!)ta. 3.M0 head, Including 200 head Texans; string; choice to fine steers, IK.7Mj:iiM; good to oholcn steers. $7.0008.73; ntockers and feeders, t-'.2a4f el.Ki; native cows and heifers. $.',.508.00; calves. I4.00flti.4j; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $J.407.90: cows and helrerv. $-ir.V(j6.15. Hoas-Recelpts, 11,000 head; market 10r 15o hlB'her: pigs and lights, $S.0087.bO; mixed and butchers, 17.rOit7.hO; good heavy. $7.707.SO. SHEEP AND IMBS lUcelpts. 2,eKrt head; market strong; muttons. $5.00216.00; yearlings. $7.00(88.00; lambs, $6.70fl.o6. Kansas till- Lite Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 30. CATTLE Re. celnts. 2.700 head. Including 700 head soutii- erns; slratly, weak; veal calves, WUlic 1 lower man wonnuy, nresHrii oeer .mo export steers, $7.506.50; fair to good, $7.0) dH.W. western steera. t,oo.uu; siocuurs and feeders, tDXMilM; southern "tears, $5.ftti'J.75; southern cow. S3.7S1i6.CjO; native cows and hrlfern, $4.004j7.50; hulls. ll.'rr 6 00:' calves, $6.500.76. HOGS Receipts, 12.40 head; lights. higher; havy weak. hulk. $7.40&7.oJ; pigs, $6.256.75 fill 1111 n CTflfll M ADlUT ? Recrinta of Cattle T.irfht nnrl Prices I jvcccijhs oi VBvuc ijigiu una irriucs i Steady ot Stroneer. i ' " HnflR 5TnftNfl Tf TTVP. 111(1117.11 ! Sheep Command tlood .Heady Trices, While I.amtia Arc AetlTr unit Ten to Fifteen Cent I Pt Ml Selling: Karl. SOI TH OMAHA. Jan. 30. 191-1 Recelnts were CBttle. Hogs. Sheep "11 c n! Monday .. 5.224 . 5,041 . S.7C1 1.9IH) 7.5S3 12,114 Official Tuesdav. ' 17,755 13.714 16.300 7.775 4.S00 Official Wednesday ivmimio Thut solas Kotlr rinvs this week- I A (11 1 rA.3n2 IVs 6.?ll 47.860 47.:CvS w,m 3S.71C SHtne days -last vear. . .2O,0i W.TT Same 3 weeks ago 18,981 42.tit-3 -amn ;i weeks ngo lS.or.t 4.iio Same 4 weeks ago 16.196 38.742 days last year. . .19.354 M.S34 The followlnir tahle m.iki the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at 8outh Oinnha or in year to date as compared wuu last year: uia. 1912. Inc. Dec. atlle M.iwi aoorrr ,mi lors iia.iM mixta 4,8i1 Sheep VH,t(i) 164,203 40.7W The followlnc table shows the range of prices for hoga at South Omaha, for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. 1913 1912. iltir.ll0.11909.)19Wi1907. an. 21 . 1 7 IMTil I 7 611 N t h H7. 4 sa n. S3. 7 Z2U1 S 89 8 33 I 8 SO, 6 021 4 12 6 61 6 44 48 6 61 6 63 6 76 6 U 6 72 Jan. 23 7 21V 6 31 7H 6 001 4 Ml Jan. 24.) 7 23U R 94' 7 00! 4 15 an. 25. 7 29V 8 961 7 50 7 45 S 05 6 06 4 31 Jan. 3G km 7 92 8 02 6 00 Jan. 27 7 25 IB 91 Jan. 28. 7 324 7 49 7 4S 7M 5 921 4 8 03 8 04 5 91 4 29 all. 29.! 7 S2'.l 8 !U 5 9 4 Ot! Jan. SO.i I 03 7 M I 6 111 4 13i Sunday. Receipts and disposition of llvn stock at the Union stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending nt 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Shrep. H'r's. C . M. A- St. P. Ry. 2 5 1.. Mo. Pacific Ry 2 s Union Pa'clric Ry... 9 f.l 10 C. N.-W., east.... 7 10 C. N.-W.. west... 17 K C. St. P.. M. & ().. 7 ! C. H. &. Q cast,.. 2 10 C. R. A -y.. west... 20 4 7 9 C. R. 1. P., east. 4 10 C R. I. P., west 1 2 1 Illinois Central Ry. .. 6 .. I C. O. W. Ry 2 6 Total receipts Tl 2.11 21 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris et Co 245 2.(107 269 flwlft & Co 2S7 3.4S1 1,317 Cudahy Packing Co.... 489 3.ft.4 1,201 Armour & Co 351 3,93.1 1.S74 Belt warts & Co 911 .1. W. Murphy 2.818 Morreli 5 ... Lincoln Packing Co 5 So. Omaha Packing Co. 1 W. R. Vansant Cp 46 Benton. V. 8. & Lush.. 21 Hill et Son 67 F. B. Lewi 26 Huston & Co 4 ... J. . Root A Co 15 J. H. Bulla 51 V. Iltiss 23 McCreary & Kellogg... IS Werthelmer & Dcgen.. 8 H. F. Hamilton 13 Rothschl d & Krchs.... 8 Mo. & Kan.-Calf Co.... 47 Cllno & Christie 61 Other buyers 346 ... 633 Totals 2.330 16.865 D.29I CATTLE! Cattle receipts were light, as might be expected this late In the week, only saventy-slx cars being reported In. For the four davs this week the receipts foot up 16,000 head, a decrease ot about 4,ow head as compared with the corre spondlng period of last week nnd a tie crease of over 3,000 head as compared wltlt tne same time last vear. wun so lew catt lei in airm ana Willi a fair buying demand tha trade on beor steers was in a good healthy condition, with prices at least strong. Thero ws, in ract, a reeling that anything desir able Would have sold fullv lOu hlcher. Cows and heifers were In fair demand. and they, too, commanded good, strong prices, tne offerings being cleaned up at an eany hour in the morning. There were vert- few cattle nl' feeders In sight, but what few there were sold very readily at good, strong prices. One bunch of warmed-up steers of very choice breeding sold to a feeder buyer tit f I .ID. Quotations on Cattle: Good tn choice beef steers, $7.60ff8.60; fair to good twef steers, $7.0087.50; common to fair beet steers, it.Z5Q6.rn; good to choice heifers,; good to choice cows, is.75gti.50; rair to good cows and heifers. 14.75516.76 common to fair cowa and heifers. $3,253 4.50; good to choice Blockers and feeders, J.75fi8.W! fair to good Blockers and feed ers, $6.UOQ6.75; common to fair stookers and feedors, $3.00a.00; stock cows and heifers, 14.76tf.w; veal calve, $9.0039.00; bulls, stags, etc., it.WQrs.-a. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 11 7 7 1 II 41 !!::::: .... , SI 14 II 11 1 2 2 4 I 4 1 I 1 1 I t 4 22 4 17 6...,. 1 1 7 II 1 1 1 1 4 !!.'... 7 t 2 1 At. Tr. ... ISO 11 ... Ill 6 IS ... 162 6 M ... 02 7 00 ...1201 7 00 ...1062 7 OS ...3(0 7 15 ...1007 7 It ... 117 7 20 ...1144 7 24 ...1224 7 21 ...1014 7 21 ...1060 7 21 ...1011 1 10 No. to 12 40 A, Pr. ..1211 7 16 ..1291 7 16 ..106 7 40 ..1276 T 40 1 21 II.... 16 61 22.,.. SI 21.... 14 (.... ...1:04 '7 40 ...1211 7 43 ...1173 7 46 ...1301 7 46 ...llll 7 41 ...1002 .7 60 ...1271 7 66 ...1333 T 16 ...1213 T 43 ...Mil 7 70 COWS. ... 171 4 S3 ... Ill 4 40 ....1226 6 40 ....1213 t 0 ....110t 6 11 ..,,UV I 16 ...,1107 6 66 ...( 142 1 70 ...1110 6 76 .... 974 4 76 ...1101 6.16 ..I0M. 6 It ....1121 1 66 ...HIT 100 ...1111 100 .... Ml 1 00 ....nil 100 ....1266 ro . . til 1 06 .. .1061 1 06 . . 1121 I 11 ....(400 6 11 ....1200 I 16 ....1011 20 ....1IM I It .... 140 1 00 .... Ml I 00 , ....tot 10 .... 671 I 10 .... 414 11 .... 144 1 16 .... 710 31 M 6 16 .... Ml 10 .... 740 1 10 .. .1164 1 U .... 714 76 11!!!! u.'.'.'. u'.'.'.'. 10'.'.'.'. ... M0 4 to ... Ml 4 IS ... 176 4 II ... 671 I VI ...1043 1 00 ... MO 1 00 ... 120 I 10 ...1040 6 20 ...1110 tto ...1116 6 23 ...KM 6 26 ... 02 6 26 ...10SI i 4S ... 116 1 16 ...1000 4 60 ...1174 1 66 . . M0 6 66 ... 140 I 60 . . . WO 1 40 6 10 4 20 10 32 1 3 10 17 ...1MI 6 60 HEIFERS. III I 40 126. t 40 , 740' 6 50 . 170 6 70 117 6 70 . 410 6 60 . tO0 6 16 . 744 1 6 .760 4 00 . ISO 4 (O .460 6 Oil , tto 6 00 nl.'!!!! u. ii 1 . 700 01 BULLS ..1160 6 36 1 ... ilou 1 10 1333 6 M 1720 1 ft 1310 6 IS 1400 6 IS 1640 1 00 1610 1 00 1110 1 10 I1S0 00 . Isio oo TIC t 10 770 1 id 1000 10 M0 6 X . . 730 1 40 .. W 1 40 ..1400 1 40 ..160 6 40 .1160 6 46 .1460 6 60 ..Bit 6 10 ..ton 1 60 .. ISO 6 60 ..1630 6 60 ..140 t 70 1. 2. .11M 6 10 1 1140 6 1 1860 6 76 CALVES. 214 I 21 240 6 60 216 1 60 . 170 6 00 , 330 00 411 I 36 476 Ii 220 7 10 ISO 6 60 no t ;t 160 1 76 1M 00 174 (-0 130 00 310 V 00 310 00 IK) 00 170 04 2... 126 I 60 110 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. It.. II.. 13. U.. 161 6 10 ii:;::: 6U I 76 .110 76 (10 6 (0 460 6 W , 71 4 tl , fit 40 468 1 W ,444 10 .116 6 M 111 6 U , IM . 4 60 . it 6 ,614 6 W !:v:; 11 1 : ... . 7 1 I. . . II. . .. . 610 1 71 . 4 I 76 . 110 It . 171 1 10 . 766, SI . til 7 "0 1 . IM T 00 1 .660 7 00 . m 7 00 Ml 7 11 1040 7 24 est o i i: ; t ti ; IliMlH Thte vn a pretty good artue ,nnr,rt for.ft fnlrly large supply at price m,yWhern from strong to a big nlekel l,B,ir';. with the imik of the hogs showing a nickel advance There was little if any snipping tienmnfl. but quite n spnnk- ,lnK ' hogs was bought on speculntUi account The packers were again by tar the hrRle.t buyers and took the bulk of the offerings at a range of $7.3MJ'7.40 and st-veral loads nt $7.4.i. O001I light ami butcher grades seemed to be In heat te quest and In consequence the advanc on them was more marked than on the heavier kinds. A very noticeable feattui ot today's trade and that ot the last d or two ts a narrowing of the price rang This la due to the fact that quality 1 cutting a hlg figure In the trade, as hot . light and heavy hogs of good quality se,l to tho best advantage and at uearij thi same prices As noted above the majoi Itv of the offerings sokl readily at the ndvance. tho pens being cleared compni atlvely early In the forenoon. About 16,300 head were reported in anil while the supply was slightly less thnn Inst Thursday It was considerably In ex cess of two weeks ago. Compared wlt-v the last few days the" general quality wss cry good, as nas evidenced by the-'fact that a goodly number ot loads sold at the top price, $7.45. itreptesentativo sates: No. At. Sh. Fr. No. A. h. Pr. S3 224 ... 7 40 63... ...22 ... 7 40 64 ill ... 7 '10 It H4 ... 7 40 M Mt ... 7 40 44 :l .. 7 to 41 171 1(0 T 40 41 240 ... 7 40 II IS ... T 40 14 tV"... IVt 41 110 ... 7 40 61 Ml 40 7 40 00 S10 ... 7 40 16 315.... V40 It 7:9,..,. 7.40 11 111 ... 1 40 43... .4. .374 . . 7 40 21 703 ... 7 40 it tit .;. 1 40 II itt ... 7 40 10 260 160 1 40 31 lit ... 7 40 30 246 ... t 40 61 260 ... 7 40 13 214 ... 7 40 71 131 ... 7 40 l 331 ... 7 4 0 70.. .....110 ..1 7 40 14 317 ... 7 40 II 320 ... 7 40 S3. ......Ill ... 7 40. 11 331 ... 7 4 0 1 240 . 10 7 40 It 220 ... 7 40 11 211 ... 7 40j a t ... 7 Vl M 140 ... 7 40' . tl 340 ... 7 40 SO Ill 40 7 40 71 221 ... 1 40 ST 340 ... 7 40 13 Sit ,.. 7 40 SM 210 ... 7 40 10....,, .S3! ... T40 16 tl ... 7 40 13 1 ... t 40 64 tS 7 40' 60 216 ... 7'40 10 til 200 1 40 41 Sit,... 7.40 11 J261 ...'7 10 11. IM ... 7 41S II 114 ... 7.41S 61 311 ... 7 41S 63 361 ... T 46 S3 117 ... 1 46 St 117 ... t 46 74 12 ... 7 46 13 ... 7 46 90. 14 114 .. 7 10 .. 7 30 . 7 30 . . 7 32S .. 7S it 7 ii 40 7 3S .. 7 15 .. 7 IS .. 7 36 ... t 31 40 7 16 ... 7 M .. T 16 .. 7 31 ,.. 7 31 .. 7 II M 7 31 .. 7 11 111 213 .11 .244 .ill .241 too U. 13. 14v 117 31 Ml 14 Ml ...341 1 Sit 44 80 M ,.3W 26 131 M 303 t.. M.. ..311 ..117 ..110 St.. . ,3T 110 1 31 ..376 240 7 31 ..111 ... 7 36 11.... 4.... .114 30 7 U tl .. Ml ill .. 7 .. 7S7S .. 7 37S . 7 17S .. 7 17S HO 7 37S 40 7 ns .. 7 1114 .. 7 IIS 40 1 17 S ... 7 17H .. 7 37S (. 7 17-1 ,.. 7 17S 40.... 10.... H.... ..311 ..III ..231 ,..312 ...sis ,..: ..313 ...242 ...Sll ,. tot ...33 0.... 11.... I.... IV. . 42.... 43.... ...241 40 1 J7S I.... 211 160 US 74.... ..111 .. , 7 31S 40 7 171, 71 ..104 ..111 .:: ... 7 17 ... 7 ITS :o 7 371, tO 7 17S ... 7 17S . ..114 ...JO ....III .171 .203, .110 .lit .114 ... 7 US ,.. 7 IIS 0 7 17S ... 7 IIS ... 7 17S 40 7 17S ... 7I7S ... 7 17S ::: III 44 1M II Ul 14.... 11.... 74.... II.... 17.... ..340 ..237 137 ,.m .. it ..up 10 7 40 10 7 40 10 7 40 ... 7 40 PIOS AND STAGS. ... I 71 1 460 It 7 10 140 T 0 1 610 60 7 60 3. 1. 410 110 7 II SHEEP Another ltaht sunblv of lambk and aheep put In an appearance this morning, as only about twenty-one cars or 4,uo nead were received at tne1 yarns. The receipts were lesa than one week agi, two weeks ago or a year ago. A3 to lambs nnd sheep offerlnga the supply wan pretty evenly divided ana'- tne general quality was very good compared with the last tow days. Mainly under the influence of light re ceipts, both locally and at other market points, the general trade In live muttons showed some improvement over yester dny. It should be remembered, however. that no improvement Is evident In the eastern mutton trade, the last advices from the east Indicating a continued weak and lower tendency, wlillo trade was fairly active this morning it was quite apparent that buyers only mean to buy on a hand to mouth basis. A ot late fed western ewes made up the bulk of tne aged sheep offerings and sold at steady to strong prices. There were several loads, of very good ewes offered, the highest pulnt reached being $5.00. Lathbs seem'icd to be In greater demand than nnythlng else on sale and In consequence changed hands readily at an advance of 10ffl5c. Some Mexican lambs brought us much an $8.25 during the early trade. A bunch of fed westerns sold up to $J.W. On the whole everything moved In n fairly active way and a complete clear ance waa effected In very good season. Quotations on Sheep nnd Lambs Lambs good to choice, $8,0008.33; lambs, fair to good, $7.658.00: yearlings, light, $.85$ 7.15; yearlings, heavy, $(.60-3.Si; wethers, good to choice, $.tOQ)6.8S; wethers,' fait' to good, $5.0035.60: ewes, good to choice, 4 75e6.10; ewes, fair to good. .14.354.76, culls, sheep nnd bucks, $2.7504.00. Representative sales: No. 26.1 Mexican lambn Av. Pr. 74 8 25 SO 8'. , D5 , 7 l 82 6 5 ,63 7 90 ,60 7 W) ,96 fi M .07 6 n , 92 i.0 , 103 5 V 237 .fed lambs . ... It fed yearlings 24 fed yearlings 36 fed lambs .... 12S fed lambs .... 163 fed yearlings 75 fed yearlings 24 fed yearllnga 221 fed ewes o. ........ ClllOAni) LIVE STUCK MARKET Cattle U11II and Steady Hoes ami Sheep lllnlter. CHICAGO. Jan. 30.-CATTLE-DU11 nmf steudy; recolpts. 5,000 head; beeves, $6.2Mti 9.20; Texans, $LWiiJ5.75; westerns. $5.i4 7 SO; ntockers and feeders, $4.75(87. i'-. cowa and heifers, $3.0097.50; calves, J. frlO.26. I IOQS Market acttxo to 5'iHOo hlghci receipts, 29.000 hend; light. $7.40,17.J, mixed. $7.467.75'. heavy. $7.307.80: rough, $7.307.45; pigs. $6.00617.40: bulk, $7.6.v&7.7'. SHEEP AND LAMBS Market mostl 16iH20o higher: receipts, 9,OfO head: native muttons, I4.wrr5.;j; western, h.wio.nj. yearlings, $0,3547.75; lambs. $6.603t.75. Mnnx CIO' Live .Stock Market. SIOUX 47ITY, la., Jan, 30. CATTLE Receipts, 1.000 head: market steady to strong; native steers, $3.2.VtJ8.50; cows anil hetfars, $4.5026.75; ran ner. 13.2j.tf4.u0 stockers and feeders, 16.25a6.t0; calves. $6.0O7.0O; bulls. $5.00038.75. HOGB Receipts. 6.500 head' market. Hi higher: heavy. $7.3507.45; mixed, $7.30t 7.40; light, $7.30(37.35; pigs, $6.25ig3.75; bulk of sales. 1J5.3MW.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts. Ml, Joseph Live Slock Market, BT. JOSEPH, Ma, Jan. :. CATTLK - Reoalpta 1,300 head; market steady; steers, $6.5059.25: cowa and hclfcrs, $3.7oU7.7o, calves, l.V&010.00. , HOGS Receipts 11.000 head; market higher; top, $7.50; bulk ot sales, $7.4246' 7.47H. BliEBP AND LAMBB-Recelpts. l.MM head; market steady; lambs, $6.&0&S5. t Stork In Slant. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western markets yesterday: came, nogs, encci. South Omaha St. Joseph .... St. Joseph .... Sioux Cltv .... i(,-ni 11.000 I.NOU t.uO) 1.0 ,.oc 9.(100 ' ll.WJ 6,500 12.000 11.000 29,000 Kansas city St. Louis Chicago Totals ,13,400 85,600 KWM Cross is Conquered By Young Shugrue NB"vV YORK, Jan. 30. Younr filiugrii. of this city outfought Leach Cross, ill 4 local lightweight, In seven out of ten rounds at Madlafin Squaro garden tv night. Near tho end qf the fourth round Cross, after "stalling" nnd apparent1' tiring' suddenly sent Shugrue lown for three seconds with it hard riant to lit Juw when the boll ended the round. Croat outpointed his man in the next tno rounds, but Shugrue had lite better of lit remainder of tbe lxnit