Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1913, Image 1

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Drawrj For The Be
The best newspaper artists of the
country contribute their Le?t
work for Bee readers. ,
Fair; Colder
Bulgarian Minister of Finance Says!1"1" tod-v- dwiwra. the lown hotn. a ,
"... r aj four-stor.A brick structure at 333-33; North
Attack on Fortress of Adria
noplc Comes First.
Days' Notice Will Expire
Monday at 7 P. M.
Belief that Conditions Are Much
Worse Than Indicated.
Yniinii' Turku tln-e Mnn Km-mlcn
In Ami) Division SertliiB In
A sin tie Province Reply
Sent to Powprn,
1 'A it It. Jan. SO. The Bulgarian minis
ter of finance. V. Theodoroff, who Is or.
his way lo Sofia froni thu London peace
conferences, declared today that h re
gards the resumption dt .war between the
Balkan allies and Turkey as certain. 'The
first engagement probably will open next
Wednesday," ho added.
"At the expiration -if the armistice," M.
Theodoroff said, 'the allies will press the
siege of the. 'nt'tress of Adrinnople until
thi place falls, simply holding the Turks
In check at Tchatnlja lines. After the
fortress has been tukim all the Bulgarian
siege material will be tiansported south to
the Tchatnlja fortifications.
"Bulgaria has lost 0,000 men killed
slpce tho war broke out and half the
domestic animals of the country are gone.
The Bulgarian government Is now main
taining SSO.OW men In military service.
At the conclusion of the war the expenses
of tlie govethment will remain Immense
until tho matellal of the at my hns been
restored and until tho pensions growing
out of the conflict have been paid. Bul
garia d6es not usk for u. loan at the pres
ent time, but n large loan will be flouted
Immediately after the war with Turkey
ends. '
,intttl,t" Knrninlly Hmleil.
Balkan allies today gave notice of the i
tei initiation of the armistice, the pcrjod
of grace of four days to start -at 7 o'clock
this evening.
The Turkish government displays a
spirit of compromise In Its reply to the
note handed to It by the representatives
of the European powers on January 17.
The response .was presented today by
Mahinoud Shefkct Pasha,' the grand vl
ler, to' Margrave Johann Von Pallavlclnl,
dean of the diplomatic Corps In the Turk
ish capital. -
The porte stipulates for the retention
by TurHey oTJliose quartern of the-fortress
.of Adrtanbple In"rdCH'MHc tiolr
shrlne..ajc situated. It proposes lo leav
in the hands of the powers the disposal
oi the !and;'ori the right bank of the "Mar
ltza, rlver'whlch runs (through Adrlanople.
At the same lime, the Ottoman govern
m'enUconscnts to the dismantling of the
fortifications of ths.t city.
I.earra Intuilnr Question to Power.
In reference to the Turkish Islands In
the Aegean sea, the document Insists on
the malntenanee of Turkish sovereignity
there, owing to the proximity of the
Ulands to the Turkish mainland, but It
Intimates the rcadlneBS of tho Ottoman
government to leave the settlement of
,h Insular reirlme to the powers.
The reply takos note of the promises I
made by the European powers In their !
recent Joint communication Vespectlngj
the giving or aid in tne ruiure ooveii
mcnt' o'f the territory of ths Turkish em
pire. The religious and historical grounds
which compel the porte to stand out for
the retention at all events of that portion
of Adrlanople containing the sacred
shrines, a're recapitulated at tho end of
the reply, which Is n lengthy document
of four pages, written In French.
Civil Wnr In Turkey Probable.
LONDON, Jan. 30. Events In the Bal
kan peninsula, are moving with Mich
rapidity that the world, may soon be
confronted, not with the question of
peace or war,, but with a catastrophu
which will lead Turkey Into a tremendous
clvjl war.
Those who know the Ottoman empire
believe that the revolt among tl Turkish
troops on the TchutalJa lines was much
more grave than was announced In the
short vdlspatches passed by the censor
Close observers of events In Turkey eT"- I
pect that similar revolts will occur In j
tlie Asiatic provinces, where the elements ,
opposing the Young" Turks are stronger
than In European Turkey.
WASHINGTON Jan 30 Thefortlflca-
11. . .nnr.npi. iinn hlu rnrrvine nnnroxl-
matcly 5,ZlS,iU), an Increare of 51.1S2.01S
over the appropriation last year, was
passed by the house to3ay. In addition
to the appropriation made by the bill
authority to enter Into contract oDllga- j
tions for the further sum of J300.000 also i
Is provided. The bill contains a provl-
slon which restricts the secretary of war j
to purchase nothing but material of
American manufacture except In casos
where It Is for tho Interest of the United
States to purchase material abroad In
limited quantltler.
The Weather
'or pinalia, Council Bluffs and Vicin
ity Fair and continued cold.
Temperature ntyOmnlin Yesterday,
Hours. n?.
nTl 5 a. in - !
iJ 6 a
a. m..
7 a, m.,
S a. ni..
'.' a. m..
10 n. in..
Jl a. m..
I p. m..
m. .
4 p. pi.
. filly
S li." Ill Si
Dp. in 33
7 p. Ill
S p. m 2?
Three Men and a
Woman Burned to
Death in a Hotel
CHICAGO. Jhii. .. Three men and one
woman were burned to death, three mon
were seriously Injured and a dozen oth
ers suffered lesser hurts In a fire, which,
Clark street.
Tho hotel was a cheap affair, which had
only wooden cots' for beds and was obov$
a saloon. All of the dead were found In
the rooms they had occupied. Thoi
seriously hurt Jumped from windows,
cither Into an alley or onto the spur of
tho Northwestern L.."
The dead:
JAMES O'QAKA, 30 years old. New
Haven. Conn.
H. BENJAMIN, 40 years old, home un
known. JAMES I.OVK, barber, 35 years old, 117
-Marlon street. Oak Park, 111.
PEARL CLARK, also known as Wil
son, 7 years old.
When firemen arrived clouds of sinoko
were coming from every window. It was j
their theory that those who lost their
lives had beep awakened, but were un
able to find their way out of the build
ing. The -loss was estimated at
No cauise was given for tho fire.
( I
Great Slides of
Earth May Delay
Oanal Opening
WASHINGTON. Jan. 30.-Rccent slides
of earth and rock Into the Culebra cut
will make necessary great activity If tho
Panama canal Is fo be opened before the
end of the year, as has been predicted
by Colonel Goethals. More than 500,W
000 yards of earth and voek have fallen
Into the cut this mouth, and engineer-)
fear that another Impeding break at
Purplo Hill will add not less than 1,000,000
For a long tlme-the notorious Cucuracha
Blldo on the east bank of Uie canal has
been quiet, but on the afternoon of
January 16 the earth movement began
so rapidly as to carry away some of the
dirt cars" and completely covered all of
the railroad tracks In tho canal except
one. Purple IIII1 Is holding back a tre
mendous amount of earth slowly moving
towards the cut, but the. hill Is showing
signs of weakness and sholld lt break
nway the canal prism would be nlmnst
filled at that point.
'(Suffragettes Start
Riot m Crowded Hall
in Dundee, Scotland
DUNDEE. Scotland, Jan. CO. Well or
ganized bands of suffragettes raised -t
pandemonium today during the ceremony
Of conferring the freedom, of the city on
Premier Asqutth, The premier had hardly
risen to acknowledghehonor "Whni'l
ahrieks of "Traitor! Traltorr filled" trio
Stewards and policeman were soon
busily occupied In throwing tlie
uuu ui iiir uuiKlinK, tiowis oi ion
brutes! You brutes!" und sharp scrim- I
mages marked tho passage through the
hall of each group.
One woman sprang over the front of th
gallery and was only saved from falling
flmftn? tho rrmvHorl mtrllntwa t ti .. ,nn
hlfiu h(. ih. oo .1,0 , ,., ....."i
w ' frf viii u v k iimv t?u t ciai iiicil ot'icu
her by the skirts and held her suspended.
Judge Sends Three
Bank Presidents to
Prison in Slonth
NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Evor.v- ten days
since New Years' a bank president has
Damron was recently found guilty of mis-
applying J2.E00 of Its funds.
The other two are" David A. Sullivan,
president of the Mechanics' and Traders'
Ibsnk, convicted of the larceny of $20,000,
und Broc It. Shears, president of the
I Borough bank, found culltj of mlsappro-
Iprlatlng $3,000.
! SftP.l'P.T.flTV N TPl
k,CiU1C'Ua'J-J i-NaOi
Orders Deportation
of Oipriano Castro
WASHINGTON. Jan. 30,-Socrctary i
Nagel late today ordered Clpriano Castro, j
lormer iresiucni 01 enczucia, neporteil
troni the I'nltod States because he had
refused to answer certain tiuesttons pio
) pounded by the Immigration nuthorltleh
' at New "iork ,0 determine his fitness ns
an Immigrant.
Eoof Stolen from )
House in Chicago
CHICAGO, Jan. 30. -Of all odd booty of
thieves shown In the police records, the
most curious was reported today when
K. A. Williams, who lives alone and
works at night, complained that thieves
had stolen the roof of his house.
"If It rains or snows today tny fur
niture will be ruined," sighed Williams.
Williams' house Is a one room affair
i on which he had Just placed a new roof,
j The new timber evidently was regarded
a valuable asset by the thief or thieves.
UL'l'Tir, Minn., Jan. 30. John Jowell,
h carpenter of this city, rucelved word
from England today that his uncle iu
23 , Cornwall had died and left U.OUO.COO, of
t,H ' ... .... . ....
' i wiuen Jewell s snare, no exooctx. will ii
i-Dvcral .mill Ion dollars. Jewell lias twen
' laborer since early manhood. He .van
born' In Camborne. Cornwall, forty-six
yea I ago. His wlfo and two sons will
than; Ills (jood fortune
oeen sent to jail from Brooklyn by Su- ; ' ' ' ' " " " " political business. William J. Bryan to-
preme Court Justlde Crane. The third , f"r torm va" U,cs11 thlet J, by i day replied to reports ' sent out from
man he has sontenced this year Is will. wt,ou' a"""rftts Presidency and r r ' ,r ' lo r e
lam C T)amron former nresldnnt nf .i, H'c declaration of Senators Brlstow and J 1 1 t0h" rtrcct tnni mr. iirjnii nau
iani wamron, lormer prcbiuent or the given nssurnnces that ho would accept
Home bank, who was today given a term I Itcr that this proposed limitation B Bccrotur. , ,ate In the
of one year In the penltntlary. His bank hf" cstructlv-e of American pr -, P
i-iuai-u na uuoik 111 .1 a injury. iim. anu - -
Bristow's Proposal to Allow Change
of Executive at Any Regular
Election Loses.
Kansan Seeks to Amend. Proposed
t Six-Year Term Act.
Wide Variety of Conditions and!
Exemptions Before Chamber.
Illxon Uuestlou Motive of Those
Who Wnnt Climiite null Hrlstow
SnT" Would Destroy Anu-r-Irnn
WASHINGTON,- Jan. 3.-Piosldcntlal
terms ranging all the way from two 'o
six years, prohibitions against se-nd !
terms and third terms; exemptions that j
would affect Roosevelt. Taft and Wilson
and proposals for the recall and the direct j
popular election or. prcsiucius wore inniM
Into the senate In rapid succession In the
flist day's consideration of tho constitu
tional amendment limiting a president to
a single term of six years.
In a session filled with lively debate,
Senator Bristol's proposal that a presi
dent could be, recalled at any regular i
election was Voted down. 68 to 10, and I
Senator Hoke Smith's amendment lo
make the slngto term four years Instead
of six was defeated, 42 to 23.
Over a dozen amendments were pending
when tho Benatc recessed tonight. They
will be taken up tomorrow.
Senators. Dixon and Polndextcr, progres
sives; UrlstoW, progressive-republican,
and Lodge, republican, led tho fight
ugalnst a restriction of the presidential
Senator Williams, democrat, proposed a
four-year term with the privilege of one
re-election, but his amendment was so
drawn ns to prevent Colonel Koosovelt
from seeking another election.
Ten for Prenlileutlnl Itccnll.
The defeat of tho Hrlstow ameiidment
for recall of thu president followed a
short debate. In which Senator Hrlstow
urged that to make tho federal adminis
tration properly responsive to public de
mand the people Hhotild have the right !n
change the president when they change
congress. The vote on tho recall amend
ment mustered ten votes only In its favor
the following senators voting for It: I
Ashrust, Brlstow, Clapp, DlxjOf Gronna
and Polndexter, progressives and repub
licans; Murtine, Owen, ' Perky and
Thomas, democrats.
The candidacies of Itoosevelt, Wilson,
Bryan and Taft figured In the fight
.Uir.qysliout.ilie- dy-J3enator Borah said
President Taft had not used the power
i of his office for his own re-election In
, 1912 to any greater extent than President j
i iiooscvcii nau used u in iiari lor i lie cicc
: ,, , M
'Presldcnt Roosevelt wanted Mr. 1'att
nominated because ho believed Taft ! (:. Alexlimki of Trenton, N. J.. cloie per
would carry out tho principles to which sonal fj lends of Presldeilt-elect Wilson,
tho Roosevelt administration was de-1 itsulti-d in tlie nnnouncemeiil hero by
voted." said Senator Borah. "A presl- j the Miami Herald today that Mr. Bryan
dent who would not uso every effort to ad given positive assurance that he
! Perpetuate his policies would not bo worth
his salt." '
Ai.HV.or. Senator lllt.-lu U.
Senator Hltchfcock asked If it was "not
1 nenator iiiiciicock nsi;eu 11 11 was
j generally believed RooBoyelt favored
! Taft's nomination In 1908 so he himself
could be a candidate In 1912."
"1 kno wthe senator himself does not
entertain such a thought," retorted Sen
j alor Borah, "so I feel free to say t(at
, such an Idea Is the product of a ills
1 eased mind."
I ot tM0 P'ogreeslve fight against the reso
Senator Brlstow declared tho people I
should be free to choose their own pici-l- !
dent and to re-elect n president when
they believed It
the constitution
was wise. He declared
should Include 11 recall
provision, so that when congress is over-
iiiiruHii utuunc tin tttiiiiuiiHiraiioii in 1101
j satisfactory the people could also recall
j the president and establish a new ad
ministration throughout.
i Joseph G.Robin Has
! TTI t- 1 m 1
mis ricuure xaKen
NEW YORK. Jan. 30. .Joseph C.
Itolilns failed today to escape the rogues'
gaiicry camera man ai ponce neau -
imalters, although Joseph B. Kelchmun.
i William J. Cummins and Charles II.
Hyde, who were convicted largely on
t Itobln's testimony, were xpared tho or-
deal. Handcuffed to "Bull" Jennings, a
. notorious criminal, Itobln was photo
graphed and "finger-printed." He wni
then sent away to begin ( his prison term
of ono year for bank wrecking.
Police Commissioner Waldo explained
yesterday after tho failure to photograph
Ilelchman, Cummins and Hyde had been
biought out by an Investigating com
mittee, that the prisoners had never
been In the custody of the police, but
were held by the district attorney's of
fice. Wilson Will Wear Silk
Tile at Inauguration
ii lit
TItENTON, NV J., Jan. 30.-Proldent-elect
Wilson, 'asked If he Inul made any
further plans for his Inauguration, replied
that he had decided to wear a silk hut
when reviewing the parade.
"I suppose I'll have to concede that,
much to custom." he said. 'Ilio only liinu
he ever felt uncomfortable as governor of
New Jersey, he. salil was the day ho wore
a silk hat' nod sat on h horso reviewing
thu trow at Schi Girt a year ago. Ho has
worn a felt hat on every occasion since
i&fcSr" . v
-esJi WWW 1 11 LiiS
i ii i n i i iii iii iii iii iii iii rtin.'w r i
- ri . laaimi5
i hcv! i cj .nnIri ir hi i mm mm mmmVN
go ir i rm mi m 'T-' ' i i ittt:;
111 0WU J 1 . I I II AnU I A lM 1rpp IT
r. Alk i 1 . ml i I I f WIT? VAM I v - - X f U I TL.(JHV.;f II.IIJ I7M. I
i '.h wv&zz- c-T-tt will rou give m&szm
Unto Whom We Give Our Greatest T rust.
From Wisconsin State Journal.
I diu mi iu mivLv unmnui uuu
Announcement that Ncbraskan Will
Be Secretary of State.
Henry K, Alrxnnilr-r nml ntlirr Close
- -I-VtenilK -nr-rrrsiriPfi't-Klppf C.i v
Situation Tilth
MIAMI, Fin., Jan. 30. Conferences bo
tween Wllllnm .1. Ilrvuii anil other nrom-
ncnt democrat lenders. Including Henry
: would
acrept tlie portfolio of secretary
j of state In the Wilson .cabinet.
I Mr. Alexander left today for Trenton and
; l " 'r 'f Mr. Bry-
an h answer to ir. wuson.
. Mr. Bryan will, it Is said, remain nt
I his winter home here until tho lust of
I Fobrunry, whun ho will lenve for Wash
' Irgton to attend the Inauguration cere-
j ".Not A," fn llrjnn.
Declaring that Henry E. Alexander of
I Trenton. J. J.. did not' cull upon hhn on
"No attention whatever
should be paid
I to such repot tH as sent out fiom .Miami
last night. No friend would presume to
utimilf fni't-tui. In Riiph a imilfi-r. nml nn
' ,., ..,,. ,....,,, ......, . .u..,. mn
j CHn ,)( t.onBlder,.,, H friPlu). , lako lt for
1 .,., i.r,.i,ioi,t...lf.nt wi1h.hi will
j . -....,. ,. ....biisbed
' and I wfH v.lvc out anything I want pub'
' llnliorl Tsfltlir nf us sbrtiihl tin belli rn.
I sponsible for what anybody says. Speak-
lug for myself. I do not euro to discuss
! unauthorized-reports. Mr. Alexander did
'not i-ull unnn nolltlenl business nml our
conversation was about an entirely dif
ferent matter."
Report .Muy He True.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 30. Because of
the lack of authorltatlvo statements ft mn j
any of the principals Involved rupoi Is i
wcro regarded with misgiving regarding
Ir. Bran and the Wilson cabinet.
It was said, however, that Mr. Bryan '
had confided to prominent democratic
senators some time ago that he hud been
offered the position nml had decided to I
accept It, but none, of the It inlci.s would
permit the uso of his name today iu con
nection with tlie report.
i I
NKWYOBK. Jan. .TO.-The New York
Stock exchange toIay appointed u com
mltteo to visit Albany and confer with
Governor Hulzer regarding proponed leg
islation affecting the exchange. The com
mittee Included J. B. McMahon. president
of the exchange: three ex.-presldents, K.
K. Sturgls, Rudolph Keppler and II. i.
Tomroy, and six other prominent broken
and bankers. '
WASHINGTON, Jan. S0.-Noinlnatlon
sent to the senate today by President
Taft Included:
I'rederlek S. Strnttou, to bo collector
of customs at tian Kriinclfieo; I). Ii. Ivoyt
to be surveyor general of,()rgon; Doug
las W. Marsch, tu bo receiver of public
moneys at Pierre, S. D.
mJf as.
. ppPFee Doctor
iJ h t mamr
" S I fKu.. I SHE'S A WIDOW PI tSfiOKnto.. .
Patch on Trousers
Clue to Wagonload
of Stolen Goods
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. IlO.-lleioKnltlou
lust night by Mm William J. Mayorick
h'ernundmndtrotisers' resulted In the af-J
rest ot two men and tho recovery fioin
tho homo ot one of them of a wngonloHd
of articles stolen fi-om Seattle homes. '
Charles Castro, from wliosn home the
articled were recovered, wiib( wearing Hit
clothes and Sat opposite Mrs. Mayorlck
In a street car. When she questioned Ills
right to the clothes he abused her and
men passengers took 111 111 In charge and
delivered him nt police headquarters.
Maybrlck'H name was written on n
pocket lining.
Tho other man arrested Is Toney Donlo,
who was found In Castro'H home. The
police say lie is a member of a hlackhund
organization that has been terrorizing
Seattle Italians and that he Is wanted
In Idaho to-iinswer criminal charges.
Fine Service Given
By Arson .Combine
NEW YORK. Jain 30. Tho excellence of
tho servlco the "arson trust" furnlsho-i Its
client was vividly described by Max
Klclnberg when hiv arlveil today il.iUcr
arrest from Detroit. Klelnbcrg Is under
Indictment for arson, flist degree. t
In his confession given out by tho dis
trict attorney Klclnberg said he nod
j concluded that a flro was the best way
to recover loaes In tho tailoring bum
noi-H. l-'ili'iids told lilm about "Izzy,,the
Painter," and lie arranged with "Iz.y"
to do the Job for Vi. Klolnberk Insured
his stock for 11.600, removed the most
valuable tolls of collh, locked hlsiliopj
and gave "Izzy" the key. The next morn
ing, he said, the condition of the place
Justirie.l "izzy reputation.
'"r ror" n,'Mm "iJlctmcnts
I f"""' today.
Governor Names -More
il-'rom a Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 30.-(Hpeclnl Telegram.)
Governor Morchend iinnounced the fpl
ImwIiik appointments this evening:,
Mis Marian Helman of Arapahoe, sit
UOKiapliei' lu oil department.
Joseph Helnier, Hastings, steward at
Lincoln asylum.
Mrs. Joseph Helnier, matron nt
Icnln asylum.
1 Albeit Totnsolan of Omaha, S. A. Uipp
of Nulson and Puul Joiiom of Bonkelman,
I bunk examiners.
P. J- McAnllo of Omitlm. fire liutpoctoi.
Aifam Sloup f Omahii, deputy oil In
Paul Thompson of Grand Island, fire
The National Capital
Tliurxdny, Jniiunry III), llll.'l.
The Semite,
Began debate on slx-yenf single presi
dential tflim bill, with agreement to vote
on nieHkiire before Hrtjournpient.
Manufacturers urged the itinnufacturent'
aouimltteo to amend "net weight hill" no
us tu permit "renwjnnble variations."
The House,
Resumed delate on fortifications ap
propriation. Sundry schedule whs again subject of
tariff revision hearing before ways and
mvuns oomniltten,
Lalior committee held hearing on hours
of labor bill for women of District uf
Adopted conference roport on Immigra
tion bill.
Senator Clark Reports Bill Looking
to This End: '
HesJoVnei',,. on. Orlulnnl, Uitrj, Will
,)1l' to AiIBiIiiIiih' l.nilit Under
(lie llnliiriteil Home! t-ud
1. 11 ir.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent,)
WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 30.-(Spo-ulal
Telegram.) .Senator Clark of Wyo
ming, favorably reported today from I ho
committee on public lauds, the bill to
have the residence of a homesteader on
nn original entry tpply to adjoining land
Inken nubseriuetitly under the enlarged
homestead law.
Tho senator dnclures that It was not
the Intention of those who framed the
law to require more thiui flvo years resi
dence on any homestead, but because of
a ruling In tho Interior department that
a mini must live the full time on an ad
ditional entry, settlers In some cues were
obliged to live oil land nearly ten yearn
before securing title,
It Is hoped by friends of the measure
to pass It soon In order to give reason
able beuflts to ninny settlors who other
wise must live n much longer tlmo on
their lands, The bll passed the house
uoinc tlmo ago. A II hough the ruling com
pnlucd' of was made by the Interior de-
parlment, they hnvn recommended tlie"J
passage or the present bill, believing thtit
unlets It Is passed they must construe
the present law strictly as to resldenco
Will Urnvi- Molirnrii I, nml.
Hepiesentutlvo Klnknld today said tout
the land to beopeiied for sottlcineut In the
olil I'ort Niobrara refcervatloii Would
drawn for In accordance with the eus
toiu Iu the Ilousevelt ndiulnlstratlon. The
ttact will contuln, Mr. Klnknld said,
jiibout r,0,WO acres, of which uppinxlmatnly
werf,!'00') ucres would be uvallabln under the
iiinrtor section not, and the balance under
! the one section act. Tho city of Valentino
I bus tho right to purchase about 4M) acres
I adjoining tho townslte for water works.
I loads, telephoiin right-of-way and pnrk
I I 1 1 poses.
( MoeUholdi-rs Imiulre,
Letters arc coming to niombcrs uf tlie
Iowa delegation from citizens of their
statu asking for Information ni tu the
soundness of the two Insurance com
panies, the Commercial and the National,
in the Dlstilct of Columbia, now under
Investigation by the- houso district com
mittee, 'of which Representative Prouty
of Iowa Is ii member.
Tho two companies linvosold stock !n
lown and other states, and the letters
are from investors who aro seeking ad
vice as to what they should do, If any
thing In regard to their Investment. The
loport of the couunltteo will bo watched
with a great deal of Inuterest by the
Iowa men when It Is forthcoming. It
probubly will be made within the next
three weeks. '
The nomination ot Douglas W. March
of Pierre, 8. D as receiver of public
moneys was sent to the senate for con
firmation today.
TOP15KA. Kan., Jan. 30. The Kuusas
state senate today unseated Its lone jo
clullst momber, Kred .Stanton 'of Craw
ford county, by a vote of 5S to 1. 15. K.
PorUr. lopublloau, who contested Stun
ton's election, was awarded the seat, t-'vl.
dence tended to show thut men crossed
the line from Missouri to vote for Stan
ton; that there were errors In tho count
and that scoros of aliens voted
Senators Spend Afternoon Looking
Over University Campus While
House Works On.
Members Speculate on the Finan-
' cial Problem.
Even Then Would Mean Creation
of Two Institutions.
'I'ii liny ectlpil I, ninl lit City of t,lu-
roln mul Krri't llnllillnn Would
Kntiill Cunt or To .Mllllonit
In TvMity-l-'lc Vrnn.
(Krom a Htaff Correspondent.)
J'INCOUN, Jan. 80. (Hpeotal.) Discus
siou of thu consolidation of the I'nlVei
slty of Nobuiska with the university fai.n
at the farm has reached the acute stage
The senate spent the afternoon Inspect
Int the town campus, while the lionjr
declined to nccept the Invitation of His
chancellor, on tho theory that It was .1
wasto of time.
Tho discussion Is over the cost of the
consolidation, whether It Is cheaper and
better to buy more land adjoining the
present campus or construct all th nct
buildings needed nt th farm, and grad
ually move the entire town Institution
to tho fnim, whero there Is' plenty if
room. It Is conceded on nil sides that
at present the Institution needs new
buildings and more ground.
To Bceuro six blocks east of the present
campus and a portion of ground adjoin
ing the athletic field would cost the statq
$iO0,tKX). This added ground would give
the town campus thirty acres, the next
to the smallest campus for a unlvcrsit.)
In tho country. This JOOO.OOO Is the ap
praised value of this ground. Including,
of course, the buildings upon It. To re
move the buildings, however, so the re
gents have learned by experience, costs
about the value of them. The regent
paid IVT.SOO for two and one-half acres
for the athletic field, bo the value placid
on this other ground by the appraisers
Is considered very conservative.
Cost or Present IMnnt.
Tho orlglnnl cost of all the bulldlnast
on tho town grounds, Including the tern
Plo, which wus a gift to the state, wni
1985,361. To dllpllcute the floor space nt
tho state farm In modern fireproof build
ings, no the best authorltlei estimate,
would cet about looaooo.
To, buy tho needed laud for-"the town
campus and construct necder ti build,
lugs, adding tho price of tb- land and
Interest, Iu twenty-five ye::rs would
amount to approximately J2,000,000.
To build nny more structures on the
town site would mean tho building up ot
two big Institutions. The saving (n rjn
nlng expenses of tho two Institutions In
the opinion of those who have Investi
gated, If they are consolidated, within
llfteen years would pay for the coat ot
thu new buildings.
Tho Institution receives money from the
government for every student of tho ug
i (cultural college. It Is not generally
known, far Instance, that since 1S81 the
state has received from the agricultural
and .Morrill fund l,'-o0,0')0. The per cap
ita cost of the students of the agricultural
college Inst year was J123.S6 and tho gov
ernment paid the college $M for every
boy and girl registered In this college,
or 'J-D more than th ccxpense of tho
Time mi .Street Curs.
There are t30 students taking work at
both tho university and the farm and
these students In four years spent seventy
days on the street cars between the two
It Is the Idea of the regents that If the
siliools-iire consolidated at tho farm more
students will lako the agricultural course,
and thus much inoie financial aid will
bo received from the government and
there will be nn Immense saving to tho
taxpayers lu running expenses and It
will save tho taxpayers from building up
two big Institutions where one Is suf
ficient. K.VHMPTIUX
House Semis -llenmire on Peif..Altep
Consideration, ' """"
(Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nob., Jan. -,-(Spectu.)-I
tonne roll 1M, by Knudson of Nance, a
bill for nn exemption law, was recom
mended for passage by the committee of
the whole In the house this afternoon
Of tho Douglas delegation Vo following
.oted to kill the bll: Druesedow and Hoff
The vote 1 for favorabo recommendation
was 74 to 23. The bill provides that heads
of families who have neither lands, fuwn
lots or houses subject tu exemption as a
homestead shall have exempt from forced
sale under execution the sum of t00 in
any personal property except wages. The
provisions of tho act do not apply to the
When Mr. .Jones caiuo
homo tho othor night und
found that his wife had
sold thut old furniture iu
tho uttic for $20 he Syas so
pleased that ho gave her
$10 more.
Mrs. Jones used a Dec want
ad. You can do tho uamo
tlioy poll anything.
Clear out tho cellar and tho
attic- Sell thoao old things for
which you no longer have use,
but which still havo good ser
vice in them for, Why
huva your inpney tlod up In
useless things? Let Bee want
ads turn them into cash for you.
Tyler 1000