Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    run iLe: omaiia, tiuksday, .tamtary 3 10m.
Your "Semi-Annual Chance" to Buy
At About Half Price
iid throughout the snlo ilaj'w thero won't be an unoccupied chair
lit our store for mer n njliuilo nl n time. WK KNOW tliU from pre
vious Mpcrlentcs In thcno Miles. H'c quote tlies.e npcclnl prices In
order effort n quick clearance, so tliat when spring styles arrive
ue Hill not he hampered hy u carried over-Mock of odds and ends,
livery tylo and leather to ncleet from, mid the prices spenk for
Say Bill to Prevent Mixed Marriagei
Start to Jim Crow Law.
,r tixpnprr Mm l.latrn to Ailctrr
hy .Innira Krrly of "hlrngo
Trlhnnr llnndlt MaUrn
rnmllnital Holdup.
Wright & Peters' $5.00 Hand Sowed,
Patent nntl Gun Metal, button,
Laird & Schobor'a $6.00 Imported Ta
Calf and Dull Calf, tuat kid and gray
crav.enctto tops, bench made;
II. H, Gray's Son $4.50 Patent and Gun
Metal, button and lace.
now . . . '
Laird & Schobor'a Imported Mack
HuckflkTn, finest, made, was $G.D0;
now. ...........
Duttonhoffer's $4.00 and $3.50 Patent
and Dull, cravenottp and kid tops,
Wright & Potcrs' $5.00 Tan ItUBBla
t'alf, button, Victoria last,
tiow , r
21 Hrfcs, all Bdod makes, $3.50 Bhoe's,
Bonio higher, patents, dulls and kids,
light aiuleavy soles now
All tho broken HncB $3.00 and $11.50
shoes, patents, dulls and kids
go at . . ,
279 pairs small sizes, $4.00 and $3.50
qualjty on bargain table your
choice '
n Russian
Howard & Foster's $5.00 Winter tana
and gun metal, button and bluchor,
Johnston & Murphy's $0.50 and $0.00
French Cnlf and Gun Metal, button and
laco, now '
WllllamB-KncQlund & Co.'a Tan, Rus
sian Gulf, button and bjucher,
"Cato" last, now
McDonald & Kllcy'a $5.00 Patent Calf,
button nnd bluchor,
Reynolds &. Co.'a $4.00- Tan Russian
and Gun Metal, button, Unglish last,
8. & M.'s Gun Metal, button and lace,
on now English last,
now . . ,
Holland's $4.00 Winter Tans, button
and bluchcr, doublo hoIob, waterproof,
now ,
18 lines all good makes, $3.50 Shoes, p
Homo higher, patents, dulls, and tans, 3k A tljl
now - Vi" W
174 Pairs $4.00 and $3.50 Patents, but- aj a
tons and bluchor cut, small and large
sizes, your cholco W
16th and Douglas
"('rom H Staff Correspondent.)
UE8 MOINES, Jan. SI. (Special Trie
KruiiD -Representatives of the Afr
American Irmrue. made before a nubile,
tommlttnn today n, vigorous flRtit on tho
bill to forbid the marrlase of whites ami
lilackw In Iowa. Joe Hrown us clialnnun
of tho executive eonwilttee protested
liftalimt the hilt ns tlio tep In th
dlrcctlon of establishing u "Jim Crow
law In Iowa, and declared that It was In
violation of thu constitution and spiilt
of lon-a Institutions. lie stated that t ip
I.I.OuQ colored people of Iowa would pro
tet npalnut the passngn of such a bill
hi this Jubilee year of emancipation.
iniirr I'liMUher Meet.
Ivventy newspaper puhllshcra of the
state met here today to consider matters
of Intercut to them. James Koely of Chi
cago spoke to them ami there were papers
on business matters connected with the,
newspaper business nnd printing. The
members wore dinner Kueats of the
Moines club and tomorrow will hear trout
opponents of the proposed workmen.!
compensation and liability law.
nnld Hnndlt Worka. ,'
The scoro or more of holdups ln(Dea
Moines within the, last few weekH reached
a climax this morning: when a youiif, ,aii-
dlt, posing an a city detective, entered,
the borne of It. M. Moehn, cover.vd Mrs.
IjMoehn with a revolver and tfien pio-
curded to ransack and rob the heme. The
holdup, the most sensational Villi which
the pollen have had to deal in months,
nottcd the thief lt KewlJtjnts of thu
.neighborhood are badly frightened as d.
result and the polled arc making every
effort to apprehend the robber.
For Direct Kbrctlon.
Without a dlsHcntltiR vrto the proposed
amendment to the feVrnl constitution
providing for the direct election of tho
L'nlted States iwjnators.Ws ratified by the
lower housu of the jdowa legislature to
day. The expected flgUt qver the concurrent
resolution calling vpoix tho State Board
of Kdticatlon to rescind recent changes
made In thu study courses of state edu
cational Institutions was prevented when
Representative TClay objected to consid
eration by; upnanlmous consent.
(Continued from I'aco Ono.)
dncllne. "to luhTmy recommendation as
national committeeman, whatever It muy
bo worth, to tho credentials of any ap
plicant selected' by' tho nld of republican
votes." You favor making these dfflces
elective by law. Why not, since wq havo
no law to'thlR effect, submit tho liiattor
td the peoplo -,.aa voti)o iti election of
senators and tako, their recommendations
as a batU (r the consideration- of- the
president In making apjxihilnientsT Vo l
surely favor our iresrnt method of get
ting around a philh provision of 'the con
stltutlojri In taking from the legislature!
tllo right, tp. elect senators. If you do,'
bow can you object to having Irealdent
(Wilson get bis recommendations for post
masters dlrccj from the people they serve
rather than from political bosses Tou
fe liable to boyoj trouble Retting 'around
that bit ofcloislc.
Tour contfiitlon that none (but demo
crats shall void at these prlmiirUs Is not
only Indefensible, but extremely Imprac
tical. Suppose we follow youf jnjtlvod uul
put up the sign "Only Democrats Can
vote twijut jviii'.your election com
mittee do when tho 6,000 of republicans
who voted for Wilson ana Stephens, .be
lieving they Have 'a right to Vote at llu-sfr
primaries, present their ballots? Will
you slam the door In their faces and tell
thejn to go? It would bo a fine return
fqr their sacrifice of party ties In aiding
us to elect a democratlo president and
congress. What will your election com
mittee do with those other thousands of
lifelong -depioersJs who last fall voted
Xor t-lther Taft or IlooeevoItT Refuso
their ballots because they bad crrod In
voting the last time? Aa a matter of
fact you would have it real wrm tlmo of
Jr, and before you- gpt very far your
hidebound partisanship would bo punched
full of boles, as It should be. I have no
patience with It myself. I advocated tho
mU of the people before, the election,
eien spefcljy declaring time and again
In public speeches for the election of
poslm8tofs and federal Judges, und I
uni going to practice It as tar as I can
otter the election.
You state In your letter in Hut nr...
sent to my district that you will refu
to endorse any democrat who received
tbe endorsement of the people at an open
1 Miliary. Your position Is absurd and
docs you a great Injustice In the first
lace, unlvus the precedents of tho pun
ore completely reversed, your rocomnu'nd
ntloiis will not be required; but If tbsv
nfc, required and prevail over a prlmaiy
rndotsemcnt of the pooplo of a democrat
for pottmasler I shall stake my iolltleal
future Jn .behalf of the rights of the po
pie of my district to conduct their own
affairs, even to " the e-lectlon of post
masters, against the wishes of political
bosses. It will bo a contest I shall enjoy
.U. the keenest degree, and the vordlct of
the; people can easily bo foreseen.
1 do not wish to be harsh In my plain
statement of my views, nor do I wish
to -onvey the Idea that I do not hold
you In great respect as a man of high
lienor and Integrity. 1 could not mn
cijve or you doing a dishonorable thing
du ur simply wrong, on this siibjc-t,
and lert those who read this stutoment
may not know what th Third district
method Is I .repeat It very briefly as
Toe -ounty chairman of the democarth
c ntral comuiittev Is empowered to call a
cityc-Uff of democrats In the town or towns
wbtro a postmaster Is hr be chosen. Thla
cj:u when assembled can by a major
ity vote recommend a candidate for post.
BiJurter and this recommendation will b"
.oprldertd flpnl with me, Or If the caucus
AtmA mil ulilnfn t.L,. 'n . . , .
-" J - ' f 'm'-V y t IMAJIUUIUIUIH J
sen and prtrurs?to submit It to a Tirhnary,
'Wjon. it can ao bo and the plurality
elipluj of the primary will revelve retViin-
nuislutlon to ibf president. The candl
Jfllr mlst be in.raU upiroved an
fh by. tho ivral aod ipy chainncu &
committees, but all legal voters who are
patrons of Uio office muy vote:"
1 could not conceive of a moro demo
cratic way of.chooHlng iHistmastcrn and In
closing I am going to Indulge In tha
piopliccy. that after this year there will
i)ot bo a sliiKla pOHtnmnter named In any
district In , Nebraska not endorsed by a
democratic caucus or an open primary.
Tho day. of political bosses Is gone. The
peoplo nre going to take possession .of
their own government from top to bottom
Yours very truly, '
J. p. '1 Am giving thls statcment ta'tbe
prexs so those who have. rem! your stuto
ment muy understand the situation.
MOSCOW, Russia, Jan. ,29. An Insane
painter named Ilalasheff today .entered
tho Trletlakoff art gullory and slashed ta
pieces tho famous painting by Repine,
representlbg Ivan tbe Terrible murdctitu;
his son with an Iron staff. Ilalasheft Is
wealthy. Ho was apparently suffering
from religious mania. Ha has been placed
under observation.
KKARNEY, N'cb., Jan. I3.-(Speclnl
Telegram.) At a meeting of the bona
ball cnthulasts lu the city ball last night,
C. W. Klblnr was elected president!
Charles K. Oehler, secretary; C. W. Nor
ton, treasurer, and A. l Ktlllan. W, I...
Stlckel. K. II. Morcy. P. W. McGuIre arsl
V. J. Everltt were elected to the dlrecti--ate
of, tho club. Other officers, sitchns
scorer, groundkeepcr and assistants, -will
be clCtel In tlib'near future, probaby by
tho new- board of directors.
CHIC VOO, Jan. 2. Directory of the Til I -noln
Manufacturers' association yesterday
Instructed their legtahitlvn rnimlttee to
work for a $1,000,000 approprbitlon for the
Illinois exhibit at tho Panama P'aclflo ex
position In 1916. Tho attorney for the
organization was Instructed to prepare an
appropriation bill for presentation to tho
CHICAfiO, Jan. 29. Married aliens
whoso families are In their nattvo lands
must bring them to the United' States be
fore they can becomo cltlrens, according
to a Tilling of Judge Anderson of In
dianapolis, who was sitting here yester-dap-In
place of Judge, Ijondl. The court
mvwlo the ruling as a general policy rela
tive to tho naturalization of nitons. For
tills reason out of eighty-eight applicants
for citizenship Judge Anderson held up
the applications of two.
DOVRR, ' Del., Jan. 13. Wlllard Saulz
bury, democrut, was tndny. elected United
Stutes senator from Uola-are to suc
ceed Senator Harry Richardson, republican.
Tlir Itnlinnlc I'tncar
destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver
und kidney diseases, for which Electrln
Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy. Mc.
'or sale by Ronton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertslng Is the Road to
Uuslness Success,
TEAL store service demands
- the utmost in value-giving. That's our idea
of modern retailing; we know it's your idea. We wish to em
phasize this method as the- first principle of the new manage
ments efforts to serve you right. Take full advantage of it.
Note the notable values
An unreserved
clearance of our entire
stock of men's and young men's
high grade clothing. The fact that
many of America's host clothes mak
ers' finest garments are in this sale
makes it of double interest to all par
ticular men.
$12.50 to $40.00
All the newest styles at
Correct Apparel
for Men and "Women '
JOHN A. SWANSON, President ) -WM.
L. HOLZMAN, Treasurer NeW Uwner
Federal Officials Charged with Cou
j J spiring with Pelagic Sealers.
llnnsp Committee Ak State' IJe
linrtmpnt to Arrnime for Iletnrn
of atoney Collected for
Ship Seised.
Washington; Jan. sa.-in a report
on fur seal conditions at the Prlbllof
Islands tho bouse committee, whlqbi-conducted
a wide Investigation, today en
dorsed a closed season of flvo years.
President Taft recently asked to have ;i
law to that effect repealed,
The committee reported that the North
American Commercial company had vio
lated the law by hilling female sealH an-1
recommended that the attorney general
proceed against the sureties for the com
pany who subscribed to a bond of $.YX),'X)
for faithful fulfillment of Its lease. The
sureties were I). O. Mills und the lato
Senator Stephen 11. Elclns. The commit
tee charges that tho lease was obtained
by fraud, which consisted of tho filing if
a falHo affidavit by Isaac Uebes, presi
dent of tbe company, to the effect that
neither ho or his associate, Herman LJcbc,
were engaged In italagic scaling or any
violation of law. (
The committee sets out that Llebes an'J
his ussoclnto tvere Interested In the
steamer J. Hamilton Ijewla, outfitted "for
thn purposb of committing dopredatlons
on tho high seas," and that the I-lobes
combined with "Alexander Mcl-eun,
known as a notorious Hritlsh pirate, to
commit depredations on the high sens by
way of unlawfully kilting fur seals be
longing to the government of tbe United
"Vnllr pnmmlKpn fltwln " hiivh lif rn
port, "that Isaac Ltcbcs corresponded'
and agreed with' II. If. D. Polrce. then
third assistant secretary of the United
States, and Charles Townsend, seal ex
pert of the bureau of fisheries, .in pre
paring and collecting a fraudulent claim
for damages for the seizure of the 1ow1h
by tho ItUBsInn government. Tho ITugue
tribunal awarded tho United States
for the owners of- the vessel. The com
mittee further recommends that tho State
department negotiate with Kussla for th
purpose of rectifying tho wrong done by
Ucbe, C. H. Townsend and H. II. D.
Pelrce against the government of Russia,
a friendly power."
l'onr Soldiers Wounded.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 29. Major Oen
eral J. Franklin Bell, commanding the
Philippine division, lopotts today that ip
the engagement with Moros near Jolo
Monday Karrlcr Clarence C. Underwood,
Troop G, Eighteenth cavalry, was dan
gerously wounded and tho following were,
severely wounded: Privates ltoy Keller,
Hobyrt A. Tracv and Sylvester J. Youpg,
all of Troop K, Klghth cavalry.
Mix This Simple Remedy
for Kidneys or Bladder
Wcalt, deranged kidneys or bladder cnu
be cured in nearly every case by Using
the following well-known formula!' Gef
one-half ounce Murax Compound, lie
half ounce, fluid extract Buchu. Take"
homo-and mix with six ounces good pure
gin. One to two teaspoonfuls of thW
mixture after each meal and at bed tiivie
will aoon put tho kidneys, bladder ind
urinary organs In good working condi
tion. Such symptoms as backache, rheu
matic pains in the Joints and other un
nicntlonablo symptoms are aulcklv s'ton-
Any good druggist has the Ingredients
for this mixture. Anyono cnu mix.
Ono should use the best quality of gin
In preparalng this mixture, also the gen
uine Murax Compound, which comes orilv
In sealed wooden tubes. A substitute wlil
not give the desired results. Advertisement.
I If you
only knew what pleasure the
Victor-Victrola brings into your home, you
wouldn't be without one for a single day.
The followmg Omaha id Council Bluffs
dealers carry complete lines of VICTOR
VICTR0LAS, atad all f the late Victor
Records as fast as issued. Ya are cor
dially invited to iispect the stocks at
aay of these establishaeits:
Any Victor dealer in
any city in the world
will gladly play any
music you wish to hear.
$15 to $200
Victors, $10 to $100
Victor Talking Machine Company
Camden, N. J.
Branch at
Council Bluffs
tar. lotb and n 11
"rvi-W1 yc'e 10-
Geo. E. Mickel, Mgr.
Brandeis Stores
Talking Machine Department
in th Pompeian Room
A. Hospe Co.
1513-15 Douglas St., Omaha, and
407 West Broadway, .... Council Bluffs
Orkin Bros.
Victor Department
Third Flor
Cor. 16th and Harney Sts.