n K WANTED TO ill LOOKXVpay h'liet prices for ladle' t .. X r..and ?ehtlemen aM-hand clothe, iioiisehotd goods and valises. Call Gross HiaruJ6l9Jndo.Wb. m WOULD llko to buy a seven or eight, room house to be moved on a lot One In the neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. T.'ephone lied 4301. SALE OI KXCJIANaBK. E, -JJ? handle successfully exchanges of pierlt. If you have anything to deal In in a hurry, call Star Land Co.. 217 Natl Fidelity A Casualty Hldg I'hnne 1). tits Merehnndiso Wanted. JVlll exchange a first-tings Iowa, farm, M acres. splendid Imnroi ements. Everv acre Rood, rich, black CORN LAND. If you want the best there I', sec this farm. Price 1180 Her acre. BGSSERMAN nROS., Murray, la. Everybody's Doing It Doing what Tradlnr with the Palme? Land Co., 1 108 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR EXCHANOE - Ranches, farms and Income properties. Montgomery, Douglas 4810. Omaha. KEAIj estate ABSTRACTS I IK 'nTI.K. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nehrasita. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY I'llOI'Klt n 141 11 SAI.K Beautiful Home 1431 Emmet Street Reduced Price $3,650 Just east of Sherman Ave., on Kmmot St, In Sulphur Springs Add., wo have a splendid 7-room house, on beautiful lot, 60x124 feet, with very fine shade trees and fino lawn. nnvM strict, entlrelv mod em and complete In every respect, full nasement anil cement floor. Reception hall, parlor, dining room anil kitchen on first floor; four bedrooms and bath room on second floor: electric lights and gas; nil rooms decorated; screens complete. This house Is one-half block from Sher man Ave. car and on a beautiful resi dence street and a nice neighborhood. This house la a genuine bargain at the price, which has been reduced J800. It was built by day labor for a permanent home and has been rented to good tenants at $33 per month. If you want a good house, don't fall to see tills one. Clinrles W. Martin & Co., 1018 Omaha National Rank Bids. Field Club Home At Low Price $1,760 for good R-room. 2-story, modern square house, recently painted nnd decorated, nearly new nnd In first class condition, having largo recep tion hall, living room, dining room and kitchen, first floor and 4 bed rooms and bath on 2d, with stair way to attic; full cemented base ment, furnace heat; east front lot 46x125 feet, located on 35th Ave. between Woolworth and Poppleton Avcs. . Immediate possession: easy terms. This is the best value of anything wo know of In this dis trict Investigate. George & Company Tel. D. 756. 002-12. City Nat. Rank Bldg. WestFarnam Home Price Cut $2,000 Just received word from the owner of tho house at 334 North 41st street to cut price from $S,O0o to $6,000. Ten rooms, nil modern, a very pleasant home; two east front lots, 89x110, worth at least $4,600. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 297. 212 S. 17th. . Dundee Home If you are In the market for -a very choice home of 9 rooms, take, a look at 5010 Chicago St, today. Uoune has very fine vesttbdle entrance, large living room with beamed celling, fireplace, sun room, dining roam with fine built-in buffet, breakfast room nnd kitchen and toilet and lavatory on first floor; four fine bedrooms finished In white enamel with mahogany doors and bevel plate mirrors, bathroom with tile floor nnd large attic plnstered nnd finished In white enamel; oak floors up and down. House Is finely decorated throughout. There Is a fine basement with laundry, etc. Can give somebody a baragln on this. 53x142 feet on 8. W. corner 29th and Pacific Sts, $2,750 50x25 ft. on 43d SL Just north of Dodge St. l $1,000 . E. W. Stoltenberg 436 B. of T. Bldg. Doug. 1510 or H. 3116. FINE HOME A nearly new squuro house with leo. hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen on first floor, finished In oak; thrco bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor, screens and storm sah for windows, good furnace, modern plumbing, south front lot on paved street, closo to school, lo cated near Remls park. Price, J3.JW. Terms may bo had. BEM1S-CARLBERG CO. . 310-312 Brand! Theater, NEW DUNDEE HOME . 8-R-$5,750 5021 Capitol Ave., a very conveniently arranged home, strictly modern, full two Mtory and attic; first floor finished in oak; 2d floor white enamel; birch doors, glass doorknobs, oak floors; sun room on first floor and sleeping porch on 2d tloor: large basement, cemented, furnato heat, combination lights, screens and window shades; full lot, sodded; permanent walks, paving all paid. Terms can be arranged. Keys at our office, PAYNE & SLATER CO., oib umana .-Nat. Bank Hldg. Buy This Lot Now then build when you have the lot laid ..T"'8 ,.ot.,lB w'Hifn walking distance of 16th and Karnam; has sewer, water, gas, sidewalks, all paving paid; Is' Khti24 and close to schools, churches, stores and four car lines. This lot is on 27th St. between Marcy and Mason; price, JI.100. If you cannot pay all cash we can arrange terms of payment to suit you. CREIQH. SONS COMPANY. Douglas 200. Mi Dee Bldir. jr-" Near 24th & Cuming I St partly modern r'owTeV i.wL,8"." acri " m"s Horn town; rKh bl-ck sou; I sejl this property HghT awav Jff.. !! M br": nced; nouse 22iu4 1 buv- ltl proper,y rtlim RWay' K'm W'U near school and in sight of twenty-flv.i -r-k . - other farm houi.es. Must have your tti- Bostwick 21K S. 17th St. Sole Agent. Beautiful Norwood The choicest addition in the northern Part of .the city, opposlto Miller Park, on Florence Blvd. All Improvements n; no Jot over two blocks from the car line. We have a bargain in a beautiful bonis here owner leaving city. A few choice lots for sale. Norris & N orris yo Beo Bldg. Tel Douglas 4170. '5 LOTS Corner Si FEET BEMIS PARK. $I,ffi0.tO. AV. H. GATES, t Omaha Nat Ban Bldg. Phone Douglas 1394.' GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Outlook is Likely to Hold Both Bulls and Bears in Check. NO UNEASINESS IN CORN TRADE Thou Who .rr l.onir on Mny Corn Shorr Satisfied Spirit When Kvery Kffnrt Possible In Made to Dimn Price. I . OMAHA. Jan. 9. 1U. I ' ;". ,ner.p 18 a marked chnngt- In th ii.I. , 'Jorlty of wheal TAdcr be Ileve there will be n narrow urnlulne I market around the present level for some , time to come. They figure that with so , much wheat in the visible supply and I prices so near an export level, both bulls and bears will be held In check. Tho fact i that the greater port of the winter wheat Don is unprotected by snow Is regarded as one of tho things that traders should bear In mind, for with any severe cold weather It would be possible to start a crop scare In short order. Inasmuch as the heavy damage of last winter being till fresh In the minds of thu rank and file. It was the general Impression that prices might advance a little further, especially as all the Chicago shorts arc not In yet, but as the outside trade Is very light caution should be used In buying on the bulges, unless tho cash demand becomes materially larger than at the present. Cash wheat, Htrlc higher. i ne oig longs in May corn at Chicago. men with ample financial backing for most nnv kind nf u ileal, show no un easiness whatever because of recent ut tacks made on that cereal by concerns in the trade who are anxious to force prices downward, so that they may be enabled to take on some of this grain at a lower level than that ruling at tho present. It Is a well known fact that a coterie, of rich men who made a fortune In cot ton in isew York recently have placed their cotton profits In corn at Chicago on the. bull side. This market support , I'ruve a neip to me larmcrs aim I holders of corn In the country, as It will advance the price of the golden cereAl and make tho selling of grain much easier than It otherwise would be. The strongest concerns In thu corn trade were buyers yesterday, but the selling was heavy on professional account and there was considerable corn to come out through commission houses. Tart of this grain was long and a part of It was hort. Cash corn. i8'4c higher. Conservative people behove that In tho end the law of supply and demand will govern ana mat oats snoum ue som on all bulges, Argentina crop or no Argen tina crop. Cash oats Uc higher. Clearances were 313,000 bushels of corn, 258,000 husS-li of -ifj.M and whei.t and flour equal to 90.00") bushels. Liverpool closed lid lower on wheat nnd U&Hd higher on corn. Primary wheat receipts were 831,000 bushels and shipments were 706,000 bush els, against receipts last year of 518,000 bushels and shipments of 263,000 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 1,666,000 bushels and shipments were 865,000 bush els, against receipts last year of 1.896,000 bushels nnd shipments of 755,000 bushels. Prlmnry oats receipts were 757,000 bush cld and shipments were 802,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 673,000 bush els and shipments of 477,000 bushels. The following cash sales were reported today: WHEAT No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 85ic; 2 cars, S54e; 1 car, S5V4c; 2 cars, 85c. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, 844c. No. 2 northern: 1 car, 85c. No. 3 spring: 14 cars, 84c. No. 4 tmrlng: 1 car. 81tc. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. !6c: 3 cars, S4c. No, 2 durum; 3 cars, 85Hc. No. 2 mixed durum: I car, 85UC. RYj!Wso. 3. Y2 car, 68 He. BARLEY No. 3: 1 car. 56c. CORN No. 3 white: 74 cars. 45lsc. No. 4 white: 2 cars. 45c: 1 car. 44V4c. No. A KEALi ESTATE CITY rnoi'KRTV run SAI.K BUNGALOW BARGAIN One of those nifty, new, strictly mod ern 5-room bungalows, worth ,260. for 2,9O0. Only 1150 cash, balance 30 monthly. One block from enr and store, thrc blocks from school. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Douglas 1781. PRICE REDUCED New, modern home, C rooms, sleeping porch, oak finish, panelled walls, floored attic, pressed brick foundation, closo In; easy payments. Only $3,000. WRIGHT & LASBURY, Tel. Douglas 152. 506 S. 16th St MUST sell my modern bungalow; worth J3.500. Any offer takes It. Ad dress B 622, Bee. THE ROSEBUD LAND 0. handles exchanges of all klnus. Room Continental Blk., Omaha. LOT on alley between Harney and Howard on 13th St. Tel. Doug. 834. 12-ROOM house, Kountze Place, Omaha, 7,000, clear, also other clear Omaha property. Want California. 1135 W. 42d at., Los Angeles. Cat. TO BUY, SELL OK RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROHU1NB. 1SU3 PARNAM ST. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS. Indoxcd, free at office; 2 stamps by mall. Chus. E. Wllllamsou Co.; Real Estate, lnsui ance. Care of Property, Omaha. I WpiKT t.'AWVAM TUllfUIN Eighty feet trontage on fine residence street, Just otf Karnam. Ample room for moJcru wide-spaced houso or two or three brick houses to rent. Only J75 per foot. HICKS, 219 Board of Trado Hldg. WELL-E.TTABLISHED real estate bus iness for vale, incorporated for 110,(0), fully paid. A 621. Bee. S. 3IST Six rooms, bath and reception room; first class neighborhood. Sl.oOO cash, balance monthly. Oeorge P. Saxe. Phone Douglus X)S. Room 609 Ware Block. 5-ROOM modern cottage, near 2itn and Ames Ave., nice south front lot, nil fenced, paved St.; )JM cash, balance montnly, or vacant lot taken aa first payment. 106 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1653. ACREAGE. TEN acres land, new 7-room house and barn. See owner, Chas. Johnson, 70th and center. I'hpnu Doug. 7Ks24. KEAIi ESTATE i.'inil a l. ,i i.a ni. ..'.ill ml.H I I CnlUornlu. California land "eir.lons 1st and 5d ; Tues. W. T. Smith Co.. 815 City Nat. Bk. CALIFORNIA 100 acres best Irrigated fruit land $25 per acre. J. Taylor Baker, Oak, bhasta Co.. Cal. lllhauuri, LAND FOU SALL-Wrllc for prices of corn, clover and blu gracw lauds. Co operative Realty Co.. Humannvllli). Mo. MIBSOURI-AU sizes farms In Carroll county, Missouri; 70 miles east of Kansas City; corn, clover and blue grass land. For llkt write T. A. Shields, Tina, Mo. win..... your Ing rlgnt. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. '4 ia TWENTY acres good Texas land. $33 per acre, Will trade for merchandise or property. Address U 541, Roe. or H. H. Knapp, 752 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phonu Douglas 1456. Wisconsin. WITH consistently large crops and high value, 'Wisconsin farmers can afford to take life easily in the winter months, while the people of thu warmer citmatea are working on their second small crop. For details write Wisconsin -Advancement Association, Milwaukee, Wis. LIVE " STC MrK Ml IS h l'T i7F i (Ship tiiwk lu tMtii uu.na. 9t,, mllcagf nnd ihrlukagr. Your consiwo menu raien p.onipt and cartful aitao lion. Lltr Surk Couinilailuii 4'lri'bnuM. BYBRS BROfl. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. ta Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. & Co., Exchange Bldg. ' IMPROVED FARM-320 acies. 13 an THE BEE: ye im 10 cars, Hc. 4 cars, tlt,c. No. 4 yellow 3 cars, 4JV; 1 car. 41sc No. 3 mutinr l cr, 4S4c. 4 cars. 4JV , 3 cars. 4.V No. 4 mixed ! cars, 4tHe. 1 ear. 4tSc. S cars, 41c, No grade. 1 car, 41c; 1 car, 4040. O.VTS-No. 3 while 1 car. 3$ic. No. 4 white. 3 ears, S2,r. 4 car. 3Jc. Omaha 4'ah Price. WHEAT- No. 2 hard. S4'WtS-4c No. 3 hard. S4scir; No. 4 hard. 7S.JS5tjc ; No. spring, SsmiSlc, No 4 spring. 8HSZVc. CORN-No. s white. 4.14c; No. 4 white. 4444.V; No 3 color, 444046c; No. S yel low, 43Vi4!lc. No. 4 yellow. 43$t4Jc. No. 3, 4Jfl4Mic No. 4. 42tr4!4c; no grade, 45) 41c. OAT! No. 2 while. ."KtS3ic; standard. SJiHfMV; N. 3 while. S2,ct No. 4 white. nAKLEY-Maltlng, 663c; No. 1 feid, 4211 l"c. RYE No. 2. 6Mr604c; No. 3. 6S4fl6!-c. Cnrlnt Receipt. Wheal. Corn. Oats. Chicago IOC Minneapolis aa Duluth 101 Omaha 28 Kansas City 50 St. tenuis 16 Winnipeg 458 756 ns 84 ClllC.VtiO CHAIN AM) PIltiVl.lIONS Feature of the Traillinc nml Clnalntr I'rlre on llnnrd of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. SO.-Whcrit and corn alternated In helping each other today. nut tho latter whs the stronger at tno close. Oats gained slightly, while provi sions declined Wheal dinned earlv on ensv cables, but shorts ran tho price up later under a J variety of Influences. The northwest re- ported deliveries light: tho visible diip ply decreased, primary receipts weie Umlor the average of the previous week and a foreign authority Issued a bullish statement of probable European requlie iiients. The close wan c under the top and 'iSiSc better than the previous close for May. Clearances of wheat and flour equalled 960.000 bu while primary receipts of wheat veri S31.0C0 bu., agnlnut 513,000 bu. a year ago. The seaboard reported fifteen cargoes sold nbrond and a Win nipeg report, without detail, had It that .100,000 bushels Imd been sold to Japan. Argentina news ngnln held the center of the stage In tho consideration of the corn trade. An Influential house oiado public a cablegram declaring that the Argentina drouth and heat came too late to Injure the crop materially. However. Buenoo Ayres advanced an extra Zc cslerday and held onto It today. Primary receipts were 200,000 bushels under those of a year ago. Important shorts were the best buy ers nnd tho close was within a shade of the top. May HSHc over yctterday. OntR were dull. May eloslng tfcc up with corn. Spot ndvnced ,4o in the sample market. , . . KrnvUlnns onrnpil pn . hilt ndVallCCd early on buying by commission houses, of Which grain houses did the most. Pnccs eased off toward tho close on selling credited to imckers. Leading futures ranged ay. follows: Artlclel Open. lllgh.l Ixiw I Cloe. Ycs'y. Wheat 1 ' Muy. 92HV4 !W.i 92,4 93 July. W.ilWie'H 90V4 00S Sept. 8SI 83-i 8Si 89U Corn. I I May. 51$i&'H SlTi'so! 61, olTt July. 52i62?iC(iT(il 52i 52i Sept. 63.4o3itf4 53".45f Oats. May. I 33i 3434Vb 33i 33WT34 July. 33!. 34ti4f'i 3374 MM Sept. 33T4 33T44f34l 33T 33 Pork. 1 Jan.. 19 25 19 32V4 19 15 19 15 May. 19 35-30 19 45-47 19 25 19 25 Lard. Jan.. 10 27V4 10 40 10 27V4 10 30 May. 10 30 10 37V4. 10 274 10 2H Ribs. May. 10 30-27 10 40-42 10 27-30 10 32V4 fflO 30 92Htii!i DOUtfH SS?4 ,5IU0Ji 62tt4 53 Vt WnTi 331, 334 19 1714 19 374 10 274 10 30 10 324 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, J1.104H.14; No. 3 red, J1.02O1.08; No. 2 hard, 9M06o: No. 3 hard, wsrsottc; jno. i noriu tfrn. 91(592c; No. 2 northern, S8SS9iic; No. 3 northern. 84(f88c; No. 2 spring. R8fl89c; No. 3 spring, S4067c; No. 4 spilng, 7ftft' Me; velvet chnff, S4Ca67c; durum. 854i02c. Oats: No. 2, 33c; No. 2 white. 36Q36Ac; No. 3 white, 3.tf33?ic; No. 4 white, 32ft-33c; standard, 34ff344c. Corn: No. 3, 474tf 4S4c; No. 3 white. 50l4?50Vc; No. 3 yel low. 474Hj'49c; No. 4, 45a47Vic; No. 4 white. 48Hff49'4c; No. 4 yellow. 464f474c. Rye: No. 2.- 64044c. .Barley; W370c. Timothy: W.O0&4.13. Clover: Stt.OOjf 20.00. Mess pork: J18.90 19.15. Lard: $10.30 JJIO.32',4. Ribs: 10.374. ni'TTKR Steady; creameries. 24034c. EOGS Steady; receipts, 4.3S4 cases; fresh receipts, at mark, cages Included, 191r21c; refrigerator firsts, 16164c; firsts, 22ic. CHEESE -Firm: daisies. KUKUVjc: twins. 164 Wic; young Americas, 16?iy 17o; long horns, 17fll7'ic. POTATOES Steady; receipts, 30 cars; Michigan. 47(QMc; Minnesota, 45&48c; Wis consln. 449480. POULTRY Live, steady; turkeys. 15c; chickens and springs, 14c. St. Louis (irnrrnl Mnrkrl. ST. LOUIS. Jan. . WHEAT-Caah. No. 2 red, $1.0Sfl.li; No. 2 hard, SOgMiC. CORN-No. 2, 484if49c; No. 2 white, 504 OATS-Strong; No. 2, 34c; No. 2 white, 35(53540. RYE Unchanged, at 634c Closing prices of futures: WHEAT May. 93i'89314c; July, 80Vtf SSTic. CORN May, 51M51Uc; July, 62c. oat May, 34'ic; juiy, amc. KLOUR-Red winter patents. j.0Mifi.2.-): extra fancy and straight. Jl.OOS.SO; Jiard winter clears, $3.40(03.55. SHED Timothy, $10.00. CORNMEtAL $2.90. BRAN Weak: $1.011.03. HAY Timothy, $I2.COS16.60; prairie, $11.00 W15.W. BAaaiNn-9?ic TWINE Hemp. Sc. PROVISIONS Pork, Jobbing, $1.75 Lard, prime steam, $l0.35tfl0.45. Dry salt meats, boxed extra shorts, $11.00; clear ribs, $11.00 short clears. $11.124. Bacon, boxed, extra shorts, $12.00; clear ribs, $12.00; short clears, $12.124. POULTRY Firm: chickens. 12-ac; springs, 13c; turkeys, 18c; ducks, J tic; geese, 13c HUTTI5U nigner; creamery, 27ft3io. EGUS Weak, at 214c Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9.000 12.0U0 Wheat, bu 90.000 180.000 Corn, bu 101.000 84,000 Oats, bu 06,000 140,000 Kniinnx Cltr ttraltt nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 29 WHRAT- Cash, No. 2 hard. 86g024c: No. 3, 8Gi 904c; No. 2 red, $I.0049 1.044; No. 3, 3Cotft $1.024, CORN No. 2" mixed. 474c; No. 3, 46i4c: yo 2 white. 49V4o; No. 3. 484c mIeiuc WhUC' 3MUC; N'0, 2 RYiUncliwlgwI. iiA unchanged. Closing prices of futures: wheat May, sri(8ici July Mi 864 C. CORN May, SOHfcdc; July, 5Hc. OATS May. 25H635V4C RUTTER-Creamery, 82c; firsts, 304c; seconds, 284oj packing, 194c. EGUS Extras, 24o; firsts, 224423c; sec onds. 14c. POULTRY Hens, 124c; roosters, 8c; young turkeys, 16c; ducks, 1314c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 50.000 63.000 Corn, bu 03,000 42,000 Oats, bu 18,000 22,00) Mlunrnpolla Grain Mnrkvl. .MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 29. WHEAT May. 87;c; July, SW.834o. Cash, No. 1 hard, 87?ie: No. 1 northern, S&tWUc; No. 3 northern, H?i86'4c: No. 2 hard Mon tana, 87ic: No. 3, $l?i3ic. CORN No, 3 yellow, 43H34c. OATS-No, 3 white, 304g31'ic. RYIS No. 2. 66t8c, BRAN-$I9.50. FLOl'R-Flrst patents, $4.30ia-l.65: second patents, $4.15-4.r; first clears, $3.103.40; second clears. $2.30C.6O. SEED Flax. $I.33V8'I.34. BARLEY 4.VU 69c. l.lTrrpool nratti MarU'et. LIVERPOOU Jan. 29.-WHEAT-Spot. steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 9d: No, 2, 7s 64d. Futures, steady: March. 7s 4d; May. 7n 2d; July, 7s SUd. CORN Spot, easy; American mixed, new, 5 d; American mixed, old. 6s; old (via Ualvestan). Ss 74d. Futures, firm; January, is lUd; February, 4s 10Sd. I'eorla Sfarkrt. PEORIA, Jan. 29.-CORN-Flrm; No. 4 white. 47e44e; No. $ yellow. 47V4c; No, 4 yellow, 4iiftl6ic; No. 3 mixed, 41c; No. J mixed, 45ifi464c; sample, 40c. OATS Unchanged to 4o up: standard, 24c, No. a white, 33c, No. 4 white, 32324c OMAHA, TlirKSDAV, .lANTARY SO, 1913. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Previous Gains of Standard Issues Considerably Reduced. BULLS PUSH AMERICAN CAN Southern I'nrlfle In Steady Demand nnd Ilium To Points on llnmnr of Anprnnrh of Agreement In Itolntlon Proceeding. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Onlns made by the standard storks on vrsterdiiv's rise were considerably reduced today. Appar- etitly tho most pressing requirements of .......,.,..,, tr-,. lYiiM n resuitmu weakening In market values, particularly nmong leading stocks, surh aa Reading. :.,,lo!,...,'Hrlf,r' H,Ml- Amalgamated nnd Ihe Kill shares. The specialties fated better Although the bieaklng off of the peiirr negotiations Imd been deflnltelv fore casted nnd tho news had no pronounced lnriiienco on speculative movements, hear traders utilised this with somo effect. A factor considered by many detrlmentnl to tne general movement was American Can stocks. Can commoil sold today at 40. "s compared with 2SV, last Wednesday. The preferred In tho snmo time rose from no? to 129. The spectncular fluctuation in these Isurs apparently,tvcre the result or bold manipulation, and tho standard Issues today did not follow their lend. A few storks, however,, developed con spicuous strength. Southern Pacific wns In steady demand nnd rose over 2 points, buying having been stimulated bv rumors concerning approach of an agreement In tho negotiations for dissolution of thf liarrlman merger. Illinois Central was stronger on the amuirini nf u. i.. J""'bcr report showing a net Increase of Bond prices wrte somewhat easier. Total sales, par value. 1.875,000. Panama . . nceu on call id lending quotations r as follows: Sales High. Lo- Close. . 11.000 7 71 77i :t Mi Ml, S3 100 SIS Jl4 . MO 4i4 3J Ml, u.Oiw it? i M :oo to', mh, m . l.ioo v :ii in; ion 1.000 40. 40 40 . l.WO 71'4 7l TH, 10SV ll , LOW lJJS 1MI, J33 S SS7H S7 !M W Ji. IM sin 3,000 1051, 105H 10614 400 IMU I02i 10ti 700 ISOSk I30, 1J0 VI K0 103 'i 1CTIT4 10S :00 381! 831; tt i.m os nci ,11.100 3414 :mh :ioi 1,100 7S'.i 7Mi 77' SCO II 1IH 17 Loco nut nti. H3 13i 300 31H 3(1, ;j : iJ7'i ins n;ii too u nu 161 20i 37 300 ll4 U 11 1,500 IIS 31 3l, 300 414 41 41 SI r0 Kii 1(1. lll I, too wu lsi i:ii 100 40 It 31 100 137 134 137 3.JW 19 US JIT, 3,400 3U 6J 3S .too nsu lint lu-. 100 lli llVi III, 1,100 13 ll'i 13 ioo :n mi m4 101S 1,400 HJH ICtH 111 no 119 HIS 139 3O0 K0?t 1I0U 139 37 1,100 43 41i US 131S 100 Ui I Hi (01, W 1,700 109 lOlli IM 100 3IS US 31H 300 1131a ill, 113, V 80. 1.00 11S HIS Ut'k ... .: io 600 1311 133 133S 100 113 111 ll(Vi 1014 300 j 100 334 334 1!S 143 33,300 144S 1MV4 1US 100 34 S 34H :S St fOO SIS 334 I3S 100 41 41 40 300 31 S 37 SS 300 3014 30 100 41S 4IS H4 41 H.VXI IMS 107 109S 700 37 :!. iV.i 400 MS MS Mi 300 3P.4 33'4 33 3014 11,100 1604 IMS I6 M 73. 100 MS 61S tS 11,300 64 S "ls 100 1101 1)0 110 700 ilk 6I4 tl Ii 100 IS Mi IS 104 US 13H 11H 4011 414 4IS 42S 300 73t 7! 714 300 7 7414 734 1, on stocks loday nei AmUmslit Copptr . .. Anwlcin Aurlcullurtl . American n-t (uttr. .. Ait.erictn on Amerlcn cn pW Amerlcin C. A r Amrlcn Cotton Oil Am. Ice Securities Amrlcn Llnnted .. . American Locomotlte ... Amerlctn a. A it Am. R. It. pfd Am. ftusur Httlnlni...., Amerlrin T. T American. Tobacco Ancondl Minim Co .... Atchlnon Atchlmn pfd Atlantic. Coaat I.ln... . Diltlmor Ohio MetMehem Btcel Ilrooklyn lUpld Tr Canadian raclllc Central leather .' Clieapealie A Ohio Chlcaro (1. W C'hlcaxn, M. St. p.. . rhlcafo t K. W Colorado F. A I Consolidated Oaa Corn rroducta Deaar & Itudnon Denwr & Illc. (Irande. Inver & n. O. pfd Dtttlllera' Seourltln .... Brie Erie 1st pfd Rrle Jd pfd fleneral Klectrlc Orcat Northern pM Oreat Northern Ore ctfi. Illlnola Central lnterborouth Met Inter. Met. pfd International llan eater.. !nterMarlne pfd International Paper .... Kanaaa City Southern... Laclede. Oaa Ihlh Valley lxiulivlllr X. NVrhrllle.. M.. fit. P. & H.V. M... Mlaaourl, K. A T Mlinourl Pacific National niacult . National Ieed "i N. It. It. ot M. Sd p(d.. rw lorK centraJ Jf. v.. o. & w Norfolk & Weatern North American Northern Iaclflo Pnclfle Mall l'ennajlvanla I'oople'a (laa P.. C. C. St. b I'ltuburrb Co4l rreated Steel Car Pullman Palace Car trading Republic I. & S Republic I. S. ptd.... Rock Iiland Co Hock Inland Co. pfd t. U A S. !'. M pfd. . Seaboard Air Line Seaboard A. L. pfd Sloaa-Miatfleld a. 1.... Southern 1'aclflc Southern Hallway So. Hallway pfd Tenneapce Copper Teiaa A Pacific Union I aclflc Union Pacific pfd United state Realty United States Rubber.. . United tttates Steel t. rl. Stiel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical Wabaih Wabaeli pfd Weatern Maryland ... Weitern Union Wrttlnthoutu Klectrlc . Wlieellnc A L. K Total aalei for the day, 3M.300 itiarea, - - i Xrrr York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 29.-MONKY-On call, firmer, at 2HS3 per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cent; closing bid, 2i per cent; of ferred at 3 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 34 per cent; ninety dyn, 3i1 4 per cent; six months, 44 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4iB5 per cent. STERLING KXCHANOE-Strady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $1. 8,150 for sixty-day bills and at ,$4.8iCO for de mand; commercial bills, $4.82;. SILVER Bar, 614c; Mexican dollars, 484c BONDS I Government, firm, railroad, easier. Closing quotations on bonds today were hs follows: U. g. ref. :a, re... 101 K. C So. rat. (a . do coupon 10HIL. n. deb. 4 ltll.. 8214 U, B. Si. res 10JS L & N. unl, 4.. . do coupon 10JH M. K. A T. lat 4a. II U. S. 4a, re..... tin 'do sea. 4Vi. . . . Hi do coupon . .. UIViMo. pacific it 70'. Panama la coupon. 10244 do conr. (a TH A.-C. Ut la ctfa.... : N R It of M 4i II Amer. At. 10IHW. V r. t V.it ... 17 A. T At T c 4a . IM do deb. 4 X) Am Tobacco ea.-lluli'S" V. N II. A H. Armour Co. 441. IH ce 3i is Atchlaon t'J. N. A W. lat c. 4i.. JU do cv. if 10.. .1W do ev. i UIM do iv. (a 1044 No. Taclflc 4 IK A. C L lat 4a M do 3a ,. u Dal. .A Ohio ia... W140. B. L rfdx. 4a... do J',i 0l'enn. ov. IU 1U. Drook. Tr. cr. it... WW. do eon. 4a 03Va Ctn. af (la. la. . -1074 Heading gen. 4t.. nt Ceo. Leather S XiS. L. A. a. r. fg 4a 7tu Chaa. I;. Ohio 4ii..l0fti do gen In II do conr. 4it tiS St. I. S. W. c. 4a.. soi i;nicagu ac a. a-a. v o. a j, aaj. la C. II. A Q. J. 4a.. HSo. Tae, eol. I,... do gen. 4e 4 do cv. 4a,.. . C M A 8 P e 4if..l0ltt do lat ref. a... C. IX. I. i P. c. 4. So.- Its II ay li... do rfg. 4a ITU do gan, 4 CAS r A e 4a 4 Union Pacific U. D. A II. ev. 4a. .. ! do rv. Is I). A It. a. ttl it. 1)44 da lat A rtf, 4a imtlllera' 5 .. . MiU. 8. Rubber If.. Erie p. I. 4i IC U. g. Steel Sd ta . 77 . II MS H iobs . 71 ) iS .103 107S do gen. 4a 71 Va.-Car. Cliem. la., flu do ov. 4s, aer. II TlUWaUtli Ut A ei. 4a MU III. Can. Ut laf. 4a MV Western 'Md. 4s.. . JOlcr. iai 1 tt n ni. a.iec. CV. sa, Inter. M. M 4V4s.. MHWIs Central it... Japan 4 Vie U 94 90S Uld. Offere4. Ilnelnn Ml nl no; Hlnuka. BOSTON. Jan. 29,-Closlng QUoUtlons I ' -fining stooka were: Alleuei 31 Mobawk . Araal. Ccper . . 7JHNVtada Con I A, Z. 1. B MNIplialng Mir,.. . US IM i 90S 14 411. II t II 30li li 10 4 IK 41 10U 54 U 17 Arlsona Com, North Hull North Uka .. . . t 014 tvtmlnlon . P. & (7. V. A 8. M, Cal. a Arliona . 4'al. & Heals... . Centennial Cop Hants C. 13.. Kast Butts C M . Franklin Olroui Cos, . . . Oranbr On 4H Oiceola I Qulncy 41 Shannon UK Superior IV4 Superior A B. M. JH Tamarack WViU, 8. 8. H. A M. (Ireeoe Caaansa do pfd Isle Horair 'rir. tISl'tih Cain Kerr Lake . . 1 l-lltluh Capper Oo. Lake Capper IIS Winona sent cpper.. . IS wolverine Miami Copper 314 Condition of Treasury. WASHINGTON, Jan. .-The condition of Ihe I Hted States treasury at tin be ginning of hurlness todav was as follows Working balance. $S7.T?0.;m . In banks and Philippine treasury. $.11 VSVSOJ: total or general fund, $I4S.I7t.07. receipts veMer day. $1 !!2.;W. dlsbursenufits. $I.Sll,'l. The surplus lh fiscal ear Is $l.O.U:. as ngaln't a deficit of $$r..Hl,f02 Inst yrat. The figures for receipt, disbursements etr , exclude Panama canal and publl. debt transactions. - 1 London Stork Mnrkrl. LONDON. Jan. . American securities opened steady md .1 frurtlon higher t dBy. Prices continued to linpuive until midday when a part of (be list ensed oft under realizing At noon prices ranged from unchanged to a point above parity. Consols for muue. . "I 1.1-16. consols for account. ?4V J,1"?! off" "nhlA 7'4Mlneurl. K. T :7'4 0 N V. Central . . Il IMS Norfolk A W. Il, 5411 Ontario A W . 3)i inn. titiio. Kimvnn.tu.ni, . 11 Cblragr. tl W. . 7S Heading ... f fl Paul lllSSo. IlAllwar . 17S Penr I n a. ... 31SSo Pacific .. .. HIS Krle IIS Union Pacific lSS do 1st pM 4S t S Sleel MS Orar.1 Tmnk . . . tlVaWaUali 4 Illinois Central ..tt tllears 31 IwuUvllle A. ,V . 1414 Hand Mlnea IS HA It KILVKR Quiet: MM per ox. MON14Y 4lJff44 per cent. Olscount rates, short bills, l per cent: three months, 4i1il 13-18 per cent. .-vr York Mlnlna; Nlnrk. NEW YORK, Jan. 2!.-CloMng uotn tlons on mining stocks were: Cam Tunnel slock.. Metlcan 71 .lo bends IS Ontario . HO Con. Cal. A l' IS Ophlr ! Iron Sllrer ISO Small Hop II ladvllle Cen. ... Standard 100 I.tllle Chief 4 Yellow Jacket li Offered. HnnW 'lrnrlun. OMAHA. Jan. 29,-Bank clearings for today were $2,820, 70.V66- and $3,o6S,683.( for the corresponding day Inst year. NEW YORK ISIIMCRAI, MtllKliT (liiiXntlone nf thr Day un Vnrlnue Coinniodlllrs. NEW YORK. Jan. PLOLR-Dull; spring patents. $4.40ift'4.65; winter straights, $l.R04r4.t; winter patents, I4.704n.10; sprlnr clears. $4.2iVff4.45; winter extras No. 1. $4.tXM.15, winter extra No. 2, $3.!oa 4,): Kansas trnlghts. $.1.I04H.2. Rye flour, unlet: fnlr In ennd. 13.tWVira.AR. Hurk. ivheat flour, dull; $2..1S per 1(4) lbs. CtiRNMEAISteady; fine .vhlle and yeiiow, 11.art8i.36, coatse, $1.254;1 30. kiln dried. $3. IS. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western. S7fcic c. 1, f. Iluffalo. IIARLKY-Steady. feeding c. I. f. New York: malting, WWOo c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Spot mnrkot steadier; No. 3 red, $1.0S4 In elevntor nnd $1.10 f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 northern Ouluth. $1.01 f. o. b. afoat. Futures market was barely steady early on cables, but developed firmness on the war news and the ab ncnco of snow covering, closing irvjc net higher. May. !S,1J99 3-lc, closed at t i-iKc; Jtuy closed at OT'tc. Bonded wheat: January, closed $1.00' 4 nominal; May, MVic bid; July, 9To bid, Receipts, 116,000 bu.; shipments. 303,000 bu. CORN Spot market firm; export, 6tiic f. o. b. afloat. Receipts, 18,000 bu.; ship ments. 11,000 bu. OATS! Spot market steady; No. 3, 3$c; No. 4, S7Hc; white clipped. 3841c. Re ceipts. 95,000 bu.; shipments, 3,000 bu, HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1012, 210280; 1911. 1215c; Paciric coast. 1012. 17ff?tc; 1911. 13MH1C. HIDBS-Htendy. Central Ameilcn. 28c; Uogotn, 284Cf20Uc. l''EED Vestern spring bran. $23.00; stundard middling, $23.50; city, $24.H. HAY Standard, $1.00l,08: No. 1, $1.074 Crl.lO; No. 2, 9ocfi$1.00; No. 3. 80B0c. LEATHER Hemlcck firsts, 28SC9o; sec onds, 27i2c. 1'ROVIHIONS-Pork, mesa, $19.7OSI.0O; family. $2I.CO(i23.00; abort clears, $21.00iJ' 22.25. Beef, mess, $20.00tT21.00: family $24.&25.00: beef hams, $30.00382.00, Cut meats, quiet; pickled bullies, 10 to 14 pounds, $12i7T12Uo; pickled hams, 14c. Iird, steady; middle west prime, $I0.40f10.o0; re fined, steady: continent. $18.05: South America. $ll.u0: comiound, $7.6087.1o. TALLOW I'rime city hnds, c; spe clal, ffo; country, 64flic, BUTTER Firm. Receipts 4,447 tubs: creamery extras, 3rviS6c: firsts, 32035c; process nxtriis, 2fla20fte; Imitation nreim cry, first, 2414e'25o; factory, held, 22024o: current make, firsts, 23(f'234c: seronas. 21 (22c; packing stock, June make, 20f2l4a; current make. No 2, 20tM04c; No. .1, 17 uTlSc. CIIEE8I'-Flrm; Receipts 193 boxes; whole milk, held, whlto or colored apc tluls, l?Vi(Qr18c; state, wholo milk, winter made, white or colored specials, not green. 16WIic; sklma. 12d14c. EGGS Firmer; Receipts 7.K5 canes, fresh' gathered extras, 23c; held, fresh, average, best. lD20cs refilgorator firsts, lflSil9Hc; nearby lisnnen'. whites, good to large slc, nnw luld, .TOSaic, 8elrcted whltos, defective lu size, or quality, S6fi 29c; western gathered whites, 2"Hl2eO. POULTRY Dressed, firm: fresh killed western chickens, 12fl20c; fowls, 13I7o; turks, 14f)24c. CHICAGO 1.IVI5 STOCK MARKET Cnttlr and f4hrep Htettdy to Higher Hob; llluher. CHICAGO, Jan. 29.-OATTLE-8teady to 16o up: receipts, 14,000 head; beeves, $G.2TO.20; Texans. $4.04lo.7S; weatnrn, $5. 6017. 30; Blockers nnd feeders, $4.7u HOOS Mostly higher, receipts, 35,000 head: light. $7.407.674; mixed, $7.fty7.70; heavy, $7.2oi7.70: rough. $7.2Mj7.40: pigs, $5.S5ffr7.40; bulk. $7.Vii7.fiS. SHEUP AND IJVMBS-Bteady to 10c hlghor; receipts, 12,000 head: native, $4.W ijT..M): western, $4.60K6.75; lambs, $8.&Xr'd' 8.60, SI. Louie Mir HloeU Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 2!!- CATTLE -Re-celpts, 3,300 head. Including 900 Texans; steady to 10a higher: choice to fine steers, $S,7riil.00 good to choice steers, $7.10jT 8.7S; stoekera and feeders. $r..25jj,76; cows and heifers. $5.5Oij.00; calves, $4.0fiM.S5; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $5. (37.90; cows and heifers, tt.tWifi.15. HOQS-Recelpts, 11.000 hen1; steudy: pigs and lights. $C,0ntJ7.70; mixed and butcJiers, $7.6037.70; good to heavy, $7.60 JI.60. BHEP'.P AND 1, A MRS Receipts, 2.000 head; market 15c higher; muttons, $3,003 6.00: yearlings, $7.00fif8.00; lambs, $S.60tr 8.50. Kansas Cltv I.lrr Hlnck Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. .-CATTLK-Ro. velpts, 6.600 head, Including fOO southerns; steady to 15c higher; dressed beef and ex port steers, $7.b04j8.N; fnl' to good, $6. CO 87.40: western steers, $4.tWft7,tiO; stockara and feeders, $fi.00tj7.40; southern steers. $i."Wi7.75; southern cows. $3.7t6.6: na tive cows and lielfers. $3.K0Q7.3.'; bulls, $6.0004.23; calves. 7.WV10.2S. HoaSRecelpis. 13.000 head; steady; bulk of tiale, Xl.ZAil.ia, Imavy, $7.3Vj 7.W: packers and hutchsrs. $7-&'r7.KO: light. $7,40fr7.w: pigs, w.cawr.co. SHEEP AND IM 118 Receipts, 1,600 head; strong; Colorado lambs, t7.75W8.25; yearllnas. M.2i7,23; wethers, $S.00Ji6.W: ewes, $4,008 4. S3. HI. Jneeph Live Stork .Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. 29. CATTLE Receipts, 1.100 head; market strong; steers, $6.7609.26; cows and heifers, $3,76 7.76: calves. $S.IW10.00. HOQB Receipts, 8.200 head: market steady; top, $7,60; bulk of sales. 17.40ft 7.4.V SHEEP AND LAMR8 RecelDtn. 2,500 head: market slow: lnmh. $4..rOfl,2v. Slock In SUIit. Receipts of live stock at the five prln I clpal western markets veterday: cattle, noes. Sheep. South Omaha 3..TO 14.7fl 4.Wn St. Josenh I.IM H,tH) 2.60) Sioux Cltv 1,200 fs50 Kansas City 6.000 lXOOO 1.6A! St. Louis 3.800 11,0)0 2,001 Chicago 14,000 .-B.oOO 12,001 008'a; ooi'06 oos'icj iioj. Coffee Msrkel, NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-COPKKK fu lures market opened steady at an ad vance of Mi 10 points. Improved during the day on covering and bull support tnd closed steady from 13 to 19 points net higher; sales. 45.600 hagm January, 13,12o; February, IM80: March, 11.2flo; Atult, 13.44c; May., 13.62c; June, 3.60c: July, l.67c; August, 13.7Cc; September. 13.4o; fjctobcr. 13.81c; November, IS.75o; Decem ber, ir8c Bpot coffee, steady; Rio 7, 134c. Santos 4s, 154c Mild, quiet; -'or-days, 164 14c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Moderate, with Prices Steady to Strong. HOGS SELL GENERALLY STEADY heri nnd Lnmtt In Llbht Receipt, lint lienrral Trmlp la Very Slow find Unit nnd Prlree ri Rarely Mrndy. SOI TII OMAHA. Jan. 29. 1911. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.' Official Monday 5,324 7.M3 11.1)1 Ofrirlai Tuesday. .. 8.04 17.7K 7.771 Katlmato Wednesday.. 3,300 14.W0 i.m Three days this week 1.1,672 S0.MS 34.001 Same days Inst week .KOJS 40.1i .tM Same days 2 wks ngo..l8.4i: .7t.'. 39.72t Same days 3 wks ago .14.771 SS.R34 S3.W Same days 4 wks ago 12.IW7 H.474 2S.1I Same days Inst year ..Ii.fit2 31,401 SI.S2J The following- tabln xnnws the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ur tne year to date ns compared wun last year: 19IB. isil. Inc. Dec- Cattle R0.fc20 S4.490 3,670 Hogs aa.iw. sol.tw 4S.an Sneep 200.60 186,713 43,14 ... The following table shows the rang of prices for hogs ut South Omaha, for the lait rew days, with comparisons: Pate. I 1913. lHJ.t191l 11910. 1900 190R.I90T, Jan. 19. Jan. so. Jnn. 21. Jan. 22. Jan. 23.1 I 6 J 841 8 331 091 I 43 7 27HI ( M 7 C9 S 31 ' 4 27 7 IMUi ii 1 7 oil 8 34I r V7 4 7 221 5 89 t U 03 4 It 6 61 7 221 6 Sll 7 "lid a m 7 M I 6 001 4 66 6 46 Jan. 24, 7 wi s a)i 4 U 6 18 Jan. 2.1. Jan. 26. Jan. 27.1 7 29i 6 M 1 6 W 7 W W 7 43 7 92! 6 dw 4 21 6 61 6 00 6 69 7 25 I 6 91 7 49 8 02 7 481 S 03, & 931 4 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 28.1 7 324 I I 32i r. 911 4 291 6 76 Jan. 29, j 6 M ! 8 04 6 PV 4 10 6 71 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'rlock January 23: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. V St. r ! 0 .. Wabash 3 2 Missouri Pacific 2 2 Union Pacific 31 t2 C. & N. W.. east S I C. &. N. W., west 39 ) O., St. P., M. A 0 1& 17 C. B. & Q.. east 7 2 17 c, h, a. g:, west i as C, It, I. & P., eat 6 C. R, I. & P.. west 2 2 III nolN Central r 8 C. II. W 3 Totals IM 192 20 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hoga. Hheep, Morris &. Co m 2.327 Nu6 Swift and Company.... 700 Cudahy Packing Co...,, 73S Armour & Co 474 3,17? 4.241 3,013 2,761 310 2,446 MO J. V. Murphy Morrell 34 S. O. Pack. Co 16 L. P. Co 21 W. B, Vansant Co 74 Benton. Vansant 4t L. 4 Hill A Son 116 F. n. Lewis 2u Huston & Co .IS J. B. Root Sc. Co t2 J. H, Bulla 38 Hoscmstock Bros 38 McCrrary & Kellogg.. 20 Worthelmer & Degon.. 133 II F. Hamilton 11 Rothschild A Krrbs.... 9 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 73 Cllns A Christie 87 Other buy era 668 Totnls 4,011 16,619 0,900 CATTLE Cattle rtcelpti were very small this morning, the downward ten dency of prices ror the last few days having evidently Induced shippers to hold back supplies. Other markets were also moderately supplied, so that thn same Influence) in at work nt all points. The only trouble with the market Is that the country has been too eager to cash In Its half fat and warmed UP cattle, with the result that all markets have been greatly deprewiod owing to thn sup ply of that class of killers being larger than the consuming demand. With lighter receipts this morning the market on bee steers, was In ' n Very satisfactory condition. Buyers having so cured a good many cattle within the last few days Worn not lu need of nny groat number, but still with comparatively light offerlnga thu trade wns somewhat more actlvn and tho feeling generally better. Boef steers rould safely bo uuotcd as fully steady with yesterday and If anything a little stronger In spots. Cows and heifers alos Bold morn freely than yesterday and the feeling was bet ter. Prices were nteady on tno general run of cow stuff, with Mies here ahd there looking as muoh aa 10c higher lu cases where the cattle happened to find favor In the eye ot buyers. Heavy feeders were generally steady, there being little or no change on tlmt kind of cattle. On the other hand good lightweights nnd desirable young stock cattle were a little, stronger cattlo ot .tho later class having been rather scarce for the last few days. Quotation on Cattle: Uood to choice beef steers, t7.60jM.60; fair to good beef steers, $7.0007.60; common to fair beef teers. $S.EV4.90; good to choice heifers, ia.0OU7.10; good to choice cows, $8.7696.60; fair to good cows and heifers, $4.766.76; common to fair cows and heifers, $3.26 4.60; good In choice etoukers and feeders, $6.768.00; fair to good stocker and feed ers. I6.iKiQ6.7S; common to fair stockers and feeders, $5.00iti.OO; stock cows and heifers, H.lbQG.V); veal calves, $6.0000.00; bulls, stags, etc., $4 UZf.36. Representative tales: BEEF 3TI5ERS. Ne. i... . II 4.'.'.'.'. 11 t 11. 1... 31 I II II 10 14 19 At. Tr. .. .1044 1 40 114 4 M .... too t It 170 4 li 1171 t 90 1114 7 00 1311 7 0U 1097 7 00 lilt 7 no 940 7 00 1103 7 II 1173 7 IS 1117 7 10 No. At, IT. ... 940 7 :o ... Ill '7 30 ...1011 7 10 ...1017 7 35 ...1093 7 10 ...1114 7 15 ...1147 7 40 ... 975 7 40 ...1319 7 40 ...1111 7 40 ...1311 7 45 ...1131 7 45 n7! 30... ..1335 7 10 ..1515 7 M ...1001 7 30 II.. STEERS AND HK1KKRS. ,7 743 15 7 i:i 7 lo I J0 7 00 COWS. 3, lit 1 75 3 1110 5 to 3 150 4 00 5 .' .... 990 t to 9 971 4 56 II 1051 t 10 7 110 4 75 14 951 I 40 M 6 10 1 1000 I U 3 1030 I 36 10 100 I 70 I Ml 5 25 1 911 I ;o S 040 S 26 t 1020 I 70 7... 3. 4... . . . I... 30... 34... DM 5 X 4 113 6 70 10&5 I 30 1 1031 I 70 1119 0 30 1 1310 t 70 X5 I 35 II 1031 t 70 Ill i 35 t 1110 t 70 ttl 0 10 1145 I 71 1111 t 40 21 8M t 10 lOtt t 40 14 1011 5 to 931 I 40 1 1311 I to 1010 t 45 4 1076 I 10 50 t 41 3 1015 I IS 1013 5 45 1 1071 5 15 1111 i t0 II 1314 t IS U5t t 10 It 1304 t 94 990 5 50 4 1193 I M 1041 I U 1 1111 ( ft) 914 t 55 II 1000 05 1004 t 15 17 1005 05 960 5 55 11 HOI 10 11113 t GO 1 1M1 I 10 940 8 10 II Htl 36 1044 t 10 3 1345 W 1340 t CO 4 1015 I 35 179 6 W 3 Itno n 910 IM 5 ltl) I 3i 1007 HEIFERS. tl 50 9 435 I 0U 440 6 60 3 9S3 ( oo 755 t 65 7 1010 I S 693 t 0 I ri4 10 too l M 9 M7 I IS 755 6 45 II : , u Ill 6 4S II 1049 I IS IM! t 70 34 7 ( j5 136 I 75 4 700 t IS 471 S 71 4.. Iro e H 415 6 76 3 06O a 767 I 75 3 135 35 416 i 71 1 164 jo 705 5 71 3 150 I 11 6 90 3 TJ0 o 7M 6 95 1 7H fi io 713 00 I.. sM SO 700 I 00 4 947 f 1J 1 1. 11. II... I... I... 11... 3... II... II... I, j 1. , I.. 3.. 11.. 31.. It. 10.'!!! 4t it!!!. 411 w BULLS .... 750 6 It 1350 t 40 .....1130 I 45 1113 I 60 1170 t 40 1414 I 43 140 175 ...160O 6 76 1150 5 S 1400 ( 55 1350 I IS .. ..1170 5 15 1140 5 90 1IW I 90 ...1310 I 00 . . 1130 t 00 ... 1940 I 10 170 I IS i. 1. 1 l!..!i .1310 5 75 $ 141 I 75 11 1 1 t. 11 . 3.. .. 1 4.." 3... 3... I... 1... Hlo 3 71 1 1179 i N CALVKS. 3010 IH IM 417 I 7A .If ? M ,1N IM . 90 7 . i4i ; tt III IS .11 UK ion a . HA . 3. .... 10 M 1 I0 lit) 4 1ST 10' 1 IM 9 "(1 1 300 t no 1 1tt 9 1 1 01 3 34 0.1 1 im no I IM I 00 . 10O 1 7 STOCKKR8 AND FHEDHRS. 4 :n m 3 43 ft M M 10 ton no 9 1 770 0) 11 400 4 1 0 3 410 I tt 4 10 . . . Ml 34 S ....1310 H 3 3 310 0 4 .. 4U M .1 1 Ill SO II 7 f.,T7 11 . ... 1 t4 SO 7 ! 10 741 M 31 1 10 0, 0 13 U... 7 0 1 j 5. . . m M I 1 IS t.fr a -fl 115 . . 1 4 711 70 111 ;o Ml HI U 771 II 1011 I !W) 110 4 ro OS I So lV. M' 701 I M I0JP J li Oil 73 491 1 -1 13M 1 30 11117$ 35 i:i6' 7 M HOGS Most of tile sales wrjre made pretty much on the snme level as, yester day, there being no material change ,11 tho range of prices or the top price. Hulk of the hogs landed anywhere from V." to $7.35. with a top of $7 40. It wns largely a packer's market, as speculators up 1 shippers took a comparatively small part In the supply. Thn first bids made by the packer buyers were about alertd), but as the sellers wanted a littles mom money the early trado wns a trifle sluw In getting under way In a short time, however, buyers and sellers got' together and n free mevement followed at prices verv little If any different from yester day's trade. It might be added that there seemed to be an easier tendency to tlm heavy packing grades, and on that Ac count fewer heavy offerings sold as hluli an $7.40. While tho movement had plenty or life most of tho time there was a spot In the market when It looked as If lh,i packers were going to shut down jii steady prices. Ridding was comparatively even and trade hold pretty close to a steady basis all the morning. A fairly large supply was cleared In very good season. Tho estimates called for 213 cars, or 14,600 head, which fell a little short dt a week ago, but was more than two weeks ago and one year ago. Though thn gen eral quality wan not quite Up to ycstci day'n receipts It wiui very inlr for tin time of the year. Representative sale's: No. 14 U. . u... 74. , ... At. Sh. iv. Nc. 10.. II.. 41.. 4.. SI.. 40.. 34.. II.. 3.. M. . tl.. is.. 11.. 47.. 71.. At. ..817 ..344 ..310 ..179 ..3U ..313 ,.33 ..340 Ell IT. ...Ill ...7 IS . 141 40 1 30 . 4TT ... 7 SO ... 171 10 7 30 .. HI M 7 to ...117 . . 7 31 . 7 15 .. 7 11 .. 7 SS .. 7 33 . . 7 3.". 40 7 3.1 '.. 7 35 .. 7 3h 33. 43 179 130 7 31 73 310 10 7 374 70 117 17 Ml M 7 314 ..371 1W 7 35 K 1 Si Sll .. 7 3S .. 7 3$ .. 7 SS . . 7 15 .. 7 35 .. 7 35 .. 7 3S . . 7 .11 . . 7 SS .. 7 IS ,. '7 SS 14 7 35 . . 7 35 .. 7 35 .. 7 35 7 15 .. 7 35 .. 7 3S 7 35 .. T3S 10... ..199 ... 7 30 . .370 100 7 10 ....lit ...: ...U4 ....340 ....311 ....313 II.. ...III 40 '1 10 .. .Ill ....131 ....UM ....3U ....110 ....141 ....III ....311 ....317 7 10 ... 7 10 ... '7 M ... 7 M ... 7 10 ... -7 10 ... 7 10 W 7 10 ... 7 10 11.;.. .... 19.... 10.... .394 ,:oi ...341 70...:, ..239 .337 ..us .,337 7IV to; ..31 130 7 30 77... .111 7 0 7 10 :i......n 71. ..A. .313 ..IW .190 340 7 10 373 I. $M 40 7 10 .331 .311 .331 tl 117 74 140 .. 7 II .. 10 .. T $0 .. 7 ) .. 7 10 .. I 10 40 7 10 U Ill 17 Ill 41 tit 344 140 7 U ...341 40 7 3.1 ...191 ...313 ...417 ...311 7 35 7 15 7 IS ,7 IS M 311 II 133 II... tl... ... 13. .. 30... 14..., 14.... 47... 14... ...lit 130 Tlfl ...130 ...314 ...111 ...301 ...HI ...111 ...334 ...310 ,.317 7 30 7 10 .118 340 7 35 ...131 ...35S ...331 ...111 ...341 ...344 ...315 ...MS ... 7 15 ... 7 IS ... 7 15 ... 7 15 40 7 35 ... 7 15 ... 7 15 ... 7 35 ... 7 10 ... 7 10 ... 7 10 30 7 30 ... 7 10 ... 7 3fl ... 7 334 ... 7 334 ... 7 331,4 7 33 4 ... 7 334 ... 7 IIS . . . 7 331,4 ... 7 lti ... 7 1H4 ... 7 13S ... 7 I3l ... 7 134 ... 7 3314 7., .301 371 110 7 35 77 Ill 14 .,311 II. ......330 II sto 11. ......301 ...I3S ...355 ...3(5 35 7 t 7 SJ 7 55 14 71 149 130 7 35 71. ,334 15 44.... It.... 74.... 141... !.... 71.... 31.. . 71.... 77.... 1.... II.... 71.... 41.... .341 .313 ...! ...311 ...354 ..,313 ...103 ...357 ...131 ...lit ... 7 35 ... 7 35 ... 7 15 l 7 37s 10 -7 40 ... 7 40 ... 7 40 ... 7 40 ... 7 40 ... 7 40 . .. 7 40 ... 7 40 ..310 ..310 ..304 ..134 ..313 7 334 20.'.'. !... .,315 110 7 IH ..111 ..315 ...IS .119 ..313 7 134 30.. ,.357 7 13S 30 367 7 US 10 ltl 7 334 15 375 7 3IU pias. 41 lit . . 10 SHEEP On veslnrrln v'n mnikxt a lursi. share of the receipts was finally disposed oi at prices generally ltwaa lower than jwonuuy, or around n hair dollar lower than tho close of Inst wnxk. The, mnr decline was on Iambs, the Inn nrtcn nahl yesterday being $8.00 for some fairly good ones, ren western ewes Mold up to 5.l aa compared with $5.20 for prime ewo ot ferlugs on Monday, It won after midday yesterday beforo a movement ot any con cquencu took place and oven when tin holdings begun to change hands trade was slow at the price reduction. Only a fair clearance wan mad, aa about eight cars wero carried over for Wednesday .1 trade. The successive sham breaks lu nrlcct during Monday and Tuesday wore folt Hi an oiuer live stock centers an well us on the local market, and an a result greatly decreased receipts showod up this morn ing. Tno local supply did not exceed twenty cars, or 4.S00 head, which Is only about one-third of Hie receipts nf last vrcuiiesuay, ua auoui nan ot wnai iney were two weekn ago. It Was slightly less man 011 tne snmo any one year ago, Buy ers seenicd very Indifferent again this morning and, ns yesterday little or noth ing was doing In the early part of the forenoon. Thoy were apparently awaiting further odvlcea from eastern trade, which was reported how, with a weak tendency early In the morning. What little bidding was done locally during the first hours was not ut all encouraging for any Im provement I11 tho trade, though many salesmen were expecting prices very closely to steady figures. In thn end buyers and sellnru got .to gether and tho bulk of a light supply wji sent to tho itcales at prices very little If any different from yesterday. -Trade wan comparatively uneven and at no time ac tive. No really toppy lambs or Wothcri were offered, and not many prime ewe offering weru 011 sale. Some fairly good lambs sold up to $3 and a bunch ot prim owes changed hands at $3. Quotations on Shep and Lumba Lambs good t6 choice, $8.0Ofl.40; Iambs, fair to good, $7.WK78.w; yearlings, light, 1S.S5U 7.16; yearlings, heavy, $8.60$6.85: wethera, good to choice, $S.60iS6.85; wethers, fair to good, $6.0006.60; ewes, good to 'choice, $4.7647,6.10; ewes, fair to good. $I.36j4.7j, cuiis, sncep una ducks, ii.iou-i.w. No. Av. It 6 u U 2. 7 Mi 3 70 6 10 6 10 4 3 60 4 10 7 o., 1 w 20 native lambs IM fed yearling!! 69 native lambs 22 fed yearlings 198 fed wethers .. 22 fed wethers .. 92 Idaho ewes . . 110 . 80 . S3 . m 103 140 118 100 12 Idaho ewes 92 Idaho ewes, feeders..., 129 16u Idaho lambs 73 fo Idaho lambs 73 Turpentine nnil Roeln, SAVANNAH, an,, Jan. 29.-TURPEN TINtf-Flrin; 4Uic to 4l4c; sales, 371 bbls.; receipts, Ml bbls.; shipments, 6.1 bbls.; stocks, 21,531 bbls. ROSIN-FIrm; sales, J60 bbls.; receipts, 2,o bbls.; shipments, GW bbls.; storks, 129,500 bbls. Quote: A, B, C and D. $.Y!0; E, $6.66; l $6.20: O, $6.17, to $6.26; II, $0.20 to 6.26; 1, $6.26; K. $6.60; M, $6.05; N, $7.0j, WO, $?.I5; WW. $7.W. 1 Mllsmukre (irnln Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 29. WHEAT -Nu 1 northern. 90vyu9tHo: No. 2 northern, S7m489io, No. 2 hard winter. 9395c; May !;c; July. S0-)c bid. CORN-No. 3 yellow. 47-GISc: No white, 604c;-No. 3, 47f.c; May. 6U,c; July, 62c. RYE No. 1, 64c. BARLEY C47uc. Dry tinuds Market, NEW YORK, Jan. 29. DRY GOODS -Tho cotton goods gray cloth markets are firmer and more active. Domestic lines hold steady. Cotton yarns are easing. Worsted yarns are In good call. 8ukr- 3Iare.s)t, NEW YORK. Jan. 29.-BUQAR- Raw steadier; inuvcavado. 89 test. 2.93c, cent rlfngal. 96 test. 3.46c; molasses. 9 U'iL r.'Oc Refined, quiet. '