Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Paper With a
Purpose The Paper
That Does Things
Fair; Cooler
VOL. XLll NO. 194.
Proposed Limits of New State of
Albania Are Subject of Serious
Difference of Opinion.
. I
. . . ,. .
Belief in Russia that Too Much Has
Already Been Conceded.
Note Drawn Up by Allies is Deliv
ered to Turkish Envoys.
Action la Due to Nevra uf I'nrrat In
Turkish Arm Austrln I'rrimr
Inir to Send Wirhli to
ST. PETKRSBURa. Jan. 29. -The ples
ent state of affairs between Russia and
'Austria Is regarded hero ag extremely
delicate. The war par.y is now In the
saddle In Austria and Russia has 1,600,001)
men serving with the colors.
The trouble Is Over the, boundaries of
Albania. As explained by a high diplo
matic official In the Bourse Gazette to
day Russia haa recognized In an agreement'-with
Austria that the Turkish fort
resses, of Scutari and Janlna belong to
the future Albanian nation.
The condition Is to be Imposed, however
that the military and economic Interests
of the adjacent Montenegrin and Greek
populations be suitably guaranteed.
It Is thought that this will be accom
plished by dismantling the fortifications
of the two cities and allowing the free
passage of goods.
Russia, on the other hand, the diplomat
declared, regards Prisrend, Jakesa nnd
Ipek as belonging to Servla. -
The position thus taken by Russia will
enormously Increase the difficulties of tho
Russian foreign office In coping with
pubtlo opinion, which may regard the
abandonment of Scutari and Janlna as an
unnecessary concession to Austria and a
sacrifice of Slav interests.
The seriousness of the situation arises
from the fear that Austria, by Its success
In this respect, may be encouraged to
make further demands.
The Russian foreign office hopes, how
ever, that Austria will now adopt a con
ciliatory attitude. The absence of any
definite Indication that It will do this Is
probably the reason why Russia has not
taken any stepB to reduce Its army to Its
normal proportions. In spite of several tin
nounoements from Vienna of the tils
tntssal of reservls'ts there.
'lece Conference Is Ended.
LONDON, Jan. 29. Tho note drafted
fcjf the 'peafce'cfelegaTes of tfie alife's wuu
delivered by Stbjan Novakovltch. head
of the Servian delegation, to Hechad
Pasha today,
The factor impelling this action was thi
receipt of reports of grave ferment
among the Turkish troops on the Tchat
alja. lines, many of. whom appear to be
unwilling to follow the lead of the young
It Is considered here that In view of
the Internal complications In Turkey
OUahmoud .8heket Pasha, the new grand
vizier, may yield before the energetic
act of the allies. ' -
The gravity of the situation at Con
stantinople Is shb'wn .by. the. largo, naval
forces concentrated by the European
powers at the entrance . to the. Darda
nells. Even Austria-Hungary, which hud
refused to join the other powers In naval
warships to be ready to start for the cast
General. War lmpornlile.
"While the clouds are gathering over
Constantinople the astronomers who
- make a study of the European Arma
ment consider that the general peace of
Europe Is no longer In danger. As proot
they point out that Italy has Just dis
banded an army of 100,000 soldiers wbc
served In Tripoli.
Rechad Pasha expressed the hope that
the powers, "realising the unfair treat
ment which has been inflicted on Tur
key," would help the Porto' to surmoun.
Its present difficulties, "thus Insuring
the definite political and economic set
tlement of the whole eastern problem."
Several members of the Bulgarian peace
mission left- London today, Including T
Theodoroff, the Bulgarian minister of
finance, and Lieutenant Tsanoff, a grad
uate ot Harvard, who has been acting an
Attache and Is returning to his regiment.
WarnloK from Gerninnr.
off all the Turkish possessions in AsiuV'
was Germany's pointed notification to
day to everyone concerned. It was given
by the German ambassador to Turkey In
a speech at the Teutonic club's annual
dinner in honor ot Emperor William's
"The future of Turkey lies In Aria
Minor," Baron- Hans von Wangenheim
told an enthusiastic gathering of his com-
patriot. He continued;
"The German Interests in Asia Mlnir
are very great and are bound up wjth
those ot Turkey. The recent note of the
European powers, promised that Turkov
-would be aided in Its future development
Germany will lend powerful assistance in
this cause.
"In any oase, however, o all the Turk
ish possessions In Asia, Germany will
Attach the label Touch me not.' "
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Falrf not much change In temperature.
Temperature at Oiumub Yeatenlny.
r Hoar Temp.
6 a. m. 36
0 a. m , S3
gj; m!!'. 3!
9 a. ni 34
Ml m 27
11 r. ... A
Tl 13 m... '
I I 1 p. in...., M
- I" On
2 tl. in M
4 mf
5 p. m
8 pi m!!!")!.'!!"
Former Omaha Man
Killed by Fall from
Eighteenth Story
NEW YOHK, Jan. IS.-Morrla II. Ueall,
a lawyer, sat oh the wlndowstll of tits
office this afternoon, gazed down-lghtecn
stories to the roof of tho skyscraper
bollerhouse below. A moment later ho
was swaying uncertainly on his narrow
seat. Then ho somersaulteil down and
lay crumpled up a dozen step from n
I young woman at a telephone switchboard i
' r. . . .
The girl calmly catted up police head-
.nuntters and told them of the tragedy.
' ,, ,,,,, .,, IcU, .... Krom
papets In his officii It was learned that
he was a native of Omaha, had been a
member ot the etnas of '91 nt Yale and
was once managing elci;k of the law firm
of Carter. Hughes .c Dwlght. of which
Justice Hughes was a member.
Morris Ueall was an Omnha boy. hav
ing graduated from the Omnha High
school In 1S99. when ha went to Yale und
was prominent on the Ynle base ball team
at the same time as the late Dr. Fred
crlck Hustln. who wus ciiptnln of the
team. Ills mother. Mrs. Ellen Ueall. who
Is now living In New York, loft Omnha
but two weeks ago after u Visit wuu
Mrs. V. U. Caldwell. -She Is Mrs. Cald
well's aunt. Mrs. Hcall Is a daughter of
t.-.- I ,lr,,.tn.1 lull ,1
pioneer of this community. Morris BcaU
was also a cousin of Robert Patrick, an
Omaha attorney.
Steel Corporation
Inquiry May End
This Afternoon!
NEW YORK. Jan. 29. Tho case ot the
government in its suit to dissolve the
United States Steel corporation may close
today. Government counsel announced
they would finish taking testimony thU
afternoon, but reserved the right to call
additional witnesses later. Attorneys for
the Steel corporation said they hoped to
proceed with their side some time In
March. v
P. II, Nelson, an Iron ore expert, who
testified yesterday that the Steel cor
poration paid too high a prlco when It
leased the Hill ore lands was crossed-ex-amlned
today by Frederick It. Kellogg,
counsel for the trustees ot the Hill lands.
Nelson reiterated that tho average royal
ties paid In IStOT'for ore leases In the Lake
Superior aistrlct were aDout -to cents u i
ton compared with 85 cents a ton paid to
the Hill trustees by the Steel corporation.
The witness admitted that In 1909 and
1910 properties containing 2,000,000 tons of
ore were leased for as high as $1.33 a
ton by Independent Interests.
Federal Judges
Should Not Annul
SJate, Laws-Landis,
CHICAGO, Jan. 3. "Indecent Invasion
ot the domain of the state courts by the
federal courts has'' put -a club Into the
hands of the peoplp who are assailing the
judiciary of the country."
.United Stages District Judge. I-andls de
livered himself of thlH opinion from the
bench today in refusing to entertain a
petition for a writ of habeas corpus In
which the municipal court is attacked as
nn Institution without existence In law. .
"I will not lend myself to pass upon j
the validity of an' enactment of the leg-
Itlature of Illinois when none of the I
state courts have been resorted to for j
relief," said Judge Landls. There is not
anything more unseemly than a mere
United States Judge presuming to annul
the act of a state legislature."
Mandate Issued in
"Pa f'f'On' flntTl DV fid C!0
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. The supreme
cout today granted the request of the Ue-
partment of Justice for an immediate
Issue of the court's mandate In the Pat
ten cotton corner case. The mandate "s
the official notification to the fedtirjl
court of southern New York that the su
preme court has reversed the New York
court's holding that the Indictments
against James Patten, Eugene G. Scales.
Frank B. Hayne nnd William P. Brown
for alleged conspiracy to corner cotton
did not state an offense under the Slier t
man anti-trust law. The mandate place
the case before the lower -ourt for. trial.
In the regular course the mandate would
not have been Issued until February (i.
but Solicitor General Bullitt requested Its
Issue, slating that the statute of limita
tions would run before long In the case,
and that It mlMit possibly be desired. In
case the Indictment was held bad on some
points not concerning the construction uf
the, Sherman anti-trust law. to bring tie
The effect of the court's order will be
to put the government In position to prcs
the case against the defendant, and Sec
retary It. M. Thompson, who' Whs In
dicted on the tame charge, but die not
question the construction ot the Sherma-i
law. as soon as the papers Issued bv the
court today reached New York. Unless
some settlement or further technical ob-
Jectlon to the indictments are made th
case will proceed to trial. tt reHolutlon to declare Fall elected. Only
, 11 j three votes were recorded against It.
Chicago May Change experts find books
Names of 400 Streets of former clerk short
CHICAGO, Jan. li.-Swceplng changes OABBOLU la.. Jan. 28.-The accounts
In the street names In Chicago, especially iof John are,oh' trr clerk of the dls
on the north and west sides, are aug-i,rlct court' who co,"ml'-1 ""'co Jan
gested In a report submitted last night b uary ll' werf Bhort W,J"' accTnK to
a subcommittee on street nomenclature Kreprt, ot Wrt Mcountwt, to
to the council committee on streets. I'1? b? ot "P"r,,8 U,.tod.y. Ore ch
"If the changes go -Into effect they jk"led himself while hi. books were being
will be felt by practically every person ' "amlned by COr"m'ttee ot board-
n me cur, orresponainK cnances will
. mnrifi In th nnm- nt .l.vl.H
stations, In telephone and city directories'
: and In addresses.
There are now In use In the city 1.761
reet names. Among these there are ,178
plications. 100 ot which by the report'
I duti
Will IW eliminated. (it th irttnl ,liml,.
58 8S3 are streets on the same line, but dlf-
6R ferent names, 1)6 of these being ellmln-
Btioted ,,y ,he p0P08e, change. The total
1? n"mber of streets to be changed Is 81S.
Total Increases Forty-Eight Thou
sand Over Estimate Made
Last Year.
Four Million Humbler Beasts of !
Burden, Government's Guess.
Cattle Decrease in Number More
Than a Million.
Worth of All l-'nrm Anlmnls 11 turn
I'oiir Hundred nnd .liiety-Tliree
Million llollnrn Since (Ine
A enr Ako,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. -The Introdtio
toln of the automobile on farms of the
Flitted Stutes has not displaced the horso
or mule, for the latest estimate of tho
! number of these animal on farms Jnnu-
" "1
n-.. 1 ,1.1.. .. ...,,.,i..A,l l.t.l,,.. I...
f Agrlcu.ture. shows n.r,
horses than ever before, except In I9"9
and 1910, und more mules than In uti.v
other year on record. Horses and mule
were of greater value than ever before,
except In 1911. The number of horses In
creased 58,000 over last year and mulu
Increased 24,100.
While the number of beasts of burden
Ion tho farm Increased, the number of food
'illiltnuln ilnnrnnnml Atlllr i-rtu'e ili.nroii nml
! 202,003 since January 1. 1912; other cnttlo
decreased 1,230.000, sheep decreased SMI
jooo and swine decreased 1,232,000.
In average value per head compared
with 1912 horses Increased $4. S3: mules.
$3.80; milch cows, $3.63; other cnttlc, $3.10.
sheep, 48 cents; swine, $1.S6. In total
value the Increases were: Horses, $103.
G2S.000; mules, $19,33S,000; milch cows, $107.
309,000; other cattle, $1W,6S1.000; sheep.
.$21,609,000; swine $79,781,000. The total
value of all furm anlmala Increased $49-1,-456,000,
or 9.9 per cent, ocer 1912. j
KlKtirrn t-'oniiiureil l.nnl 1 mr, I
The number, value per head nnd ag-
gresate value of the various farm unl--j
mnln rnmrmffwl with lnt vn&f' limrv i
n;,.. i...
t.inDv.i, wtuvi.inv, luiiumi vii n i
2,M,ww; value, ?uo.7. compared with .
$105.94; aggregate value. $1,27S,222,0W, com
pared with $2,172,694,000. j
lulcs, 4.3.S6.000, CompamT with 4.302.001);
value. $124.31, compared $tlh $120.51: ag
gregate value, $543,245,000, compared with
Milch cows, 20,497.000, compared with
20 099,000; value $45.02, Compared with
$39.30; aggregate value. t22,783,000, coin
pared with $815,414,000.
Other cattle, 36,030,000, compared with
37.3Xf.000; value, $215, conipareU with
$21.20; aggregate value, $1X9,6.15,000, com
pa led with $7W.04?l)j---5 .
Sheep. 51,482,000. compared with K,362,u00;
value, $3.91, compared with $3.46; aggre
gste value, $202,779,000, compared with
Swine, 61,178,000, compared with 65,410,0tO;
value. $9.86, compared with $8; agreRt"
value, $603,109,000, compared with
Third Advance in
Price of Crude Oil ,
Within a Week
l PITTSBURGH. Ja.. Jan. 29.-The third
I advance in the price of crude oils hls
week, was announced today Pennsylvania
crude being placed at $2.26, tho highest
I prlco It has commanded since 189G. Other
i new prices are: Mercer Black,
Castle and Corning. $1.79: Cabell. $1.86:
Somerset, $1.31 and Ragland, 70 cents.
ThB ,., nrlces havn rau.ed nrnrinntlnr
f The new prices have caused productlng
I , . .... . .....
companies to predict that the next few
month will witness a return of activity
)ln the oil fields of western Pennsylvania,
' eastern Ohio and West Virginia.
INDEPENDENCE, Kan., Jan. 29. The
price ot crude oil here was today ad
vanced 2 cents a barrel by the Prairie
Oil and Gas company.
Election of Four
, Tj iini i
fcenatOrS IS itatllieCl
CHEYWNNE. Wyo., Jan. 29.-The Wyo-
mlng legislature In Joint session today nt
noon ratified the election of Senator
Francis B. Warren to aucceed himself
In the United States senate. Senator
Warren was present and acknow
the honor with a short address.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 29. William II
Thompson of Garden City, a democrat,
was elected senator to succeed Charles
Curtis by the Kansas legislature In Joint j
acnmuii iixiuy. x ne vuie wus practically
LITTLE BOCK. Ark., Jan. 29,-Joseph
T. Iloblnson, democrat, was today elected
United States senator to succeed the late
Jeff Davis by the Arkansas legislature
In JpJn session.
SANTA FE, N. M.r Jan. 29. The tate
legislature In Joint session today ratified
I the election of Senator H. Full. The
I democrats voted with the republicans on
: aai mr-
CHICAGO. Jan. 29.-A collision of two
taxlcabs on Washington Park boulevard j
lesulted In the severe Injury of nine pcr-
. u.ina Y.. ,.f ut.'.m .11
Those per
haps fatally hurt were Mrs. David Kl
watut and Mrx'James M. Swift. Ir. M.
f. Schoenbrod and two members of his
family were among those badly hurt.
sen 1 r 'WJm
Krom tho Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Congressman Stevens Raps Committeeman-
Hall Over Knuckles.
Auylmdr Slny Vote, lint Cnndlilnle
.11 nut Come with (lie O. K.
of 'the l.ornl Part
WASH1NGTQN. Jan. 25, 191:. To Dr. P.
u Hall,, Lincoln, Neh.-My Dr. Hall
islnce i-onversntloi) with you lust
Thursduy 1 learned that you proposed
Issuing a statement protesting ugaltiht tho
method I have adopted in my district
giving tho people a voice In selecting
their postmasters. 1 was greatly Bur-
prised that you should taku this cuurBn
without mentioning the matter to m
when I was right thero In your offlco
the day you Issued your manifesto. Not
only wan I surprised at your method of
procedure and what you had' to say on
the subject when 1 read It later In tho
press, but very greatly aurprlsBd that you
I should, eel-dalled .upon to nve3deJ;i a
llooif miatter "that concerns only tho yea
pie of this district. I Nlon't like the Idea
ot those who preach local self-government
when the llnuor question Is Involved
throwing fits at tho Idea of local self
government, when applied to the election
i of tuiMtiimstprs. I hnVn rend vnllr state-
. mnnl nurnflill,- n ,,t tlirt uPiriinmnti Villi
mnko clenrly belong to tho dark ages In
politics, when tho boss was supreme and j
parceled out the -offices for either money'
I or party set-vice according to his moral
I standards. We have passed that period
now, and I regret to notice that many
i do not know It and aro still claiming
j the right to speak for tho people, even
I to picking out their local officers for
them. I notice, with regret that you, too,
are claiming thu privilege of speaking for
j t,1(t pcop,(, , , reBlucl, , ordor tlmt
I may not do you an Injustice I will
note the portions of your statement which
1 1 desire to discuss. You stato: "I am
I unalterably opposed to permitting repub-
i.. . ...
',cans P" '
democratic . postmasters, under tho com-
; Ins democratic administration." 13ven
republican admit the fairness of
the democratic claim that the offices be
long to the democrats at this time, under
a democratic president, but It Is a re
markable contention oven nmong rank
partisans to holc that republicans would
by voting for a democrat for postmaster
i weaken h democratic administration at
I Washington, and much more remarkable
when a man ot your usual ciear unuer-
standing advocates It In Nebraska. I
i want to remind you that wo would not
, have a single oemocrai in congress irom
: Nebraska were It not for liberal minded,
! Patriotic republicans ttio thought more
of country than party and proved It by
! voting for the three democrats now xrp-
resenting this state In congress, in my
own cone nearly S.000 republicans had to
scratch their tickets In order to voto for
inc. and by doing so gave me 8,000 or
10,000 more votes than were cast for Wil
son and Marshall In this district.
A coin you state: "Further, It would
only be natural for republicans, If al
lowed to .participate In the selection of
these appointees, to select, so far as they
could, only those who would best serve
their purposes." That statement In effect
Is that no democrat should allow a re
publican to voto for him lest he "would
be under the blight Uf being suspected
of serving the republican party. To show
you the contempt 1 have for such a theory
I will say that I am proud of tho 5,000
republican votes I got In this district,
because I got them, as everybody In the
Third district knows, bvpreachlng red-
jhot progressive democrrft'fo doctrines, and
I am Just about as upt to waver In my
I practicing what I preach as I nm to back
up on my contention in oenair or tne
people's rights In this matter of choosing
Yau also labor under great error when
ypu clans these small pasloffices as n
great political asset. I have never had
any particular opposition from republican
postmasters. As a rule they use the fact
that they are officials to get out of party
work, Ijiut fall I estimated that alout
'hlllf of t,"Mn ln thl" l,Ktr,ct vot,1 Ui
tdemocratlo ticket.
' 1 'lUoto aBal" from yuW inter: "1 am
in ravor oi matting muse orrires elective
under tho law, but so long as they ate
appointive I shall reserve the right to
recommend those who. In my opinion, are
best iiuallfled and most dtmervlng, all I
always democrats. I most respectfully
(Continued on Paje Four.)
Wthe Love of Allah!"
Women Now Refuse
to March in Wilson
Inaugural Parade
WASHINGTON. .Inn. 28 -Woman suf
frage leaders today held n street incctini;
to call upon President Tuft to grant u
holiday on March 3 to government I'lerkM
who want to participate In the suffragist
parade. The committee In charge of t')
regulor inaugural participation on Marc'i
4 has held out the olive branch to tho
suffragists by announcing that they
might participate In the big pageant 'f
they will ask for the opportunity. Tin
woinen'n leaders scorn the suggestion w
will confine their marchers to their owi
parade on March 3.
When 'President Taft looked across ih
White House lawn at breakfast today hi
saw the first physical pi-npurutlons tor
"le '"auguratlon of his successor. Penn
sylvanlu avenue In front of tho executlv
mansion was fillet) with wagons loaded
with lumber for the stands from which
tho Inauguration pat ado will bo viewed,
nnd scores of laborers began tho building.
Almost the Hrst, tiling jthut .ml ihe
president'- eve when tie entered his office
a 'fflxv'tnf?itHes fa'tor ,was the' Jolm?cohf
grcsslonal rcsdltitlon appropriating $i3,O0O
tor additional pollen protection for WsdIi-
ingtoti during the Inauguration period,
... ...
Mr, Tnft smiled and signed the resolution
at once,
Compers Denounces
Law for Compulsory
NEW VOItK, Jan. 29. Compulsory nr
bit rut Ion was denounced today by Sam
uel Oompers, president of tho Amertcun
Federation of Iabor. in a fpeoch before
tho annual meeting of the National Civic
federation. Mr. GoniperH declared that the
workers never would submit to arbitra
tion such us that proposed by bills now
before the New York state legislature. .
"I agree with you as to the desirability'
of preventing a strike," ho said, "but
don't Imagine you are going to escape
them by making perfectly natural activ
ities unlawful. The attempt to set away
from strikes by the methods proposed Is
simply the attempt to compress steam oi
lower In a too limited space. You may do
that for a while, but you will have an
explosion from which no ower on earth
Is potent to protect.
"You may make tli stoppage of work
Illegal, but you won't stop the ashertlon
of the right of workers to stop working
You want to get away from the turmoils
resultant from Industrial creditors and I
want to Join you In that, but for heaven's
sake, don't burden our laws or pur sys
tem or our lives with conditions that will
make our troubles a thousandfold moie."
DIJNVKH, Colo., Jan. 29.-Th organ
nation of a $25,000,000 corporation, to b?
known as the Securities coinpanp; to con
trol all transportation sysarniinto and
.through Cripple Creek mining district, Is
the announced object of the visit of Allen
Ij. BurrU to New York, Burrls left yes
terday with Joseph Walker, Jr., and
George N. Miller, New York financiers,
it Is planned to muko the Securities com
pany a holding concern for the five rail
roads In the district, the El Paso Con
solidated Gold Mining company, of which
Burrls Is president, and the Golden Cycle
Mining company, which the El Paso 's
under contract to purchase for $!,ono,(iOo.
The National Capital
Wednesday, Jiinnr.rr l, IMt:i,
The Senate.
Convened at noon.
rtesumed debate on Lever agricultural
extension bill.
The llouae.
Convened at noon.
Debate begun on Lincoln memorial bill.
Bunanes scneiiuie considered by ways
and means- committee at tariff revision
Currency ref6rm committee continued
Its hearing.
McUulre bill to appropriate $l!,30O,0G0 for
buildings on state fair grounds rejected
by agricultural committee.
Shipping pool Investigation by mcr -
ohant marine committee continued, with
K. M. Bull testifying. -
Judiciary committee voted to fliuillv
act on workmen's compensation art it -vt
Saturday ana on an interstate lluuor
shipment bills Wednesday.
Hallioud Interests befor lulerst-jtH
I commerce committee objeeted l Kcnyon
I uniform relaht classification bill.
Refuses to Sanotion Resolution
Aimed at Chancellor.
lloimlnnd Defend liaeenllvr, Who
Wn Prnollenlly tlhnrReil with
t'ourenlliiN: Howl PnlnlB of
Preaent Util I.oenllon.
(Frum a Htnff Correspondent.)
I.INCOIjN. Neb.. Jan. 29.-(Bpcelul.)
The resolution introduced by Itobcrtson
of Holt yesterday In tho senate calling
for a committee to visit the stato uni
versity and state farm to Investigate con
ditions caused considerable comment. Tho
Whereas .The Htnto University of Ne
braska In tho pride of the state and .ill
tho people of the state are Interested In
Its Improvement and success; and,
Whereas, The rating of oilr university
Is now several points lower In compari
son with other state universities than It
was a ftfw years ago, although appropria
tions have Increased each session of the
legislature; and,
Whereas, The hnlvrrslty board has
ralspd tlie entrance requirements to u
poltiLthat barn uvrr-soo- schools formerly
he'cnsJUed entrant: and,
Whereas, Thn chancellor and nno of
the regents, ut great sacrifice of their
iiiiiu. lint t: ntiunii hh-iiiuci n ut. mc hhio"
time, have shown members of the legis
.tnture all tho noor ulaces on the city
campus ana nil inn goou unices on tuu.
state rartn. but nave railed to snow tno
wood features of the city campus and the
bad features ot the state farm for fnttiro
(intension; now, therefore, be It
itexolvrd, That tho committee on uni
versity and normal schools be, nnd they
hereby are. Instructed to visit nil build
ings on both the city campus and the
state rami nnd report to this body their
tlndliigs for our Information.
Ilnp 'nt ('hnnretlnr.
Tho rending at once brought Hoynotds
of Dawes to his feet. Ho said that under
the OIHh motion, passed a few days ago,
a committee had been appointed to visit
all stato Institutions and make a report
to tho senate. Therefore tho resolution
should be voted dowm MobIiIca, the res
olution cast a reflection upon Chancellor
Avery nnd Intimated that he was not
showing visitors tho truo conditions M
tho university. He said that ho had
visited tho university and tho chancellor
had not been the one to show him around,
but had stayed In his office. He thought
a boy who by hard work had managed
to rise to tho position now held by the
chuncellor wits not tho man deliberately
to misrepresent conditions and he moved
the Indefinite postponement of the reso
Hougland of IacasltT thought the res
olution looked too much like a criticism
of the chancellor and he hoped the sen
ators would vote It down.
Kemp of Nanco was considerably
wrought up over tho matter nnd said he
could not understand the motive behind
such a resolution. "The senators," said
he, "havo been Invited to Inspect the
state university with reference to the re
movat proposition. The gates nnd tho
buildings are open for us all, and It seems
to me that every senator In this body
ougnt to be big enough to make that In
vestigation and report fairly and Justly
on what he discovered,"
He looked upon tho resolution tut a-re-
riection upon the university.
HonKlnnil Defend.
Hoagland of Lincoln county .said that
he had known Chuncellor Avery for many
years-ever since he was a student at the
university himself and hud always found
film sijuare and upright and never knew
him to do an unjust act. "The university
Is close enough so that wo can Investi
gate It at any time." said he, "and I do
not think this senate should consider any
resolution as lias been offered."
On motion to postpone Indefinitely the
resolution wrtit overboard by a unanimous
Milft Firemen' IIIII
l.lne.iiln U I'lmxrd.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 29.-(Speclal,)petlt!ons
were received In the senate this morning
by Placck of Saunders, Wolz of Dodge
and Heasty of Jefferson, asking that no
legislation be iassed relative to railroad
su vice.
flusheo of Kimball received something
like twenty petitions this morning ankln
that the bill requiring frolght trains to
, b" Umltod to fifty cars bo defeated.
. Grace of Harlan Introduced u motion
1 it-at Ih. secretarv of the annat. i, i
. Me"e,"ry u11l,le eat be In-
stiuuted to buy new flies for the setiiitu
i as the one furnished bv thn
state were so noor tlmt tht-v wer nnt I
.. . j . .
Unough to stand the wecr and tear of the
' rttlon. Me n o" Uavo nrotwteil nTii.nut
. . .
(Contlnutd on Page Three.)
Latest Investigation Covers Acts ot
Railway Commissioner with
Referenoe to Mergers.
to Cover Consolidation
Street Car Lines,
Refuses to Pass Resolution Aimed
at University Head.
.Menu nrr Nlmllnr In One Vetoed hj
tiiitrrnor Aldrlelt Ileoelven Kn-
ii rati I r Iteooiiiiur mint Ion
In lipper t'linnilier,
(Front n ytaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. .-(tipccial.) TnU
relf-styled honest and piugresslvc major
ity of the house ot representatives ha;
Kono wild over Investigations ot repub
llcan officials, while tho republican mo
Jotlty of tho senate this morning sal
down upon an effort to Insult Chnncull'ir
Avery nnd tho regents of tho state ttnl
vcrtdty by killing a resolution Introduct-u
by Itobcrtson of Holt, which In Its pre
amble said the chancellor nnd one ol
tho tegeuts hnd been showing the mem
bers of the legislature the bad places on
tho present situ of the university and al
tho good points nt the state farm. Sev
eral republican senators slashed the reso
lutlun and It was killed by tinanlmout
In the house a committee hits been up
pointed to Investigate state finances fot
the Inst ten years nnd to adopt a system
of mnuugement that will be bitter thur;
the present system ot looking after state
ntfali's. Another committee Is to look
Into tho various stato departments und
point out cundlttons that may be Im
proved ln the opinion of this wise hunch.
which has an Idea It can In a few days
do more good for the stulo than other
wise men havo done In years.
Probe Unit Cnnimlsitltin,
Now the house has concluded the mini
hers of tho Nebraska State Hallway com
mission havo not been right with th-j peo
ple In some of the decisions made, mj
up imps a resolution to Investigate the
commission, Speaker Kelley Is to appoint
that committee, and It shall consist of five
members. Tho Introducer of the resolu
tion, Scott of Hamilton, ln hla motion
requests that the committee loook Ink
the ways of tho commission, particularly
lit tho matter ot thu merger of telephoiw
cnmminles and street railway companies.
Tho resolution was
discussion and It created not a ripple II
Is as follows!
"Whereas. Certain telephone coinpunii'
doing business us common carriers wtttili
tho state of Nebraska have merged tin i
properties Into one combine, and
"Whereas, Said combination has Issued
large sums of stocks and bonds, which
merger and Issue appear to have been
made without express statutory pevmls-
slon; and
"Whereas, Certain street railway com
panies doing business ns common carriers
within tho state of Nebraska have
marged their properties Into one combine,
"Whereas, Said combination has Issued
large sums of stocks nnd bonds, which
merger and Isstio was without due in
vestigation by thq railway commission,
and without apparent consideration of
the public Interest; therefore, bo It
"Ilesolvod, Thnt a committee of five
selected by the speaker from the mem
bership of this house be charged with thf
Investigation of tho mothods and prac
tices ot the State Hallway commission In
dealing with mergers and grants of per
mission to common carriers to Issue addi
tional stocks and bonds, and that said
committee make a full und complete re
port of their Investigation to this house
before Its final adjournment; und, be It
"Resolved, That tho committee selected
by tho speaker be clothed with full and
complete power and authority to rnukt- ,t
complete and thorough investigation i.f
the matter assigned to them by tMt
Cntmiil tten Xitnietl.
Speaker Kelly has named the following
committee to Investigate the State Rat'
way commission: Scott ot Ilimllto ,
Nichols of Madison. Palmer of C'.av
Stebbins of Dawson mid Hubbard u
The senate cvmmltteo to soiect subcoi.
mlttees to visit the state Institutions mt
this afternoon and selected the followin;
members for the different Institutions
It Is cleur now that this democratic ma
jority of the house Is anxious to ape th
democratic majority of congress and In
vestlgate everything. Just so It cart oe
made to appear to the state that some
thing Is being done, and to the demo
cratic war horses at home that the Inter
est of the party Is being loked after
School for the Deaf, Omaha Talcott.
MaoFarland, Huarman.
School for tho Blind, Nebraska 'Itv
nnd Peru Normal Bartllng, Gro&su at,
and Wink.
Insane Asylums, Lincoln, Norfolk utiii
Hastings Brookley, Marshull and Hub
Industrial School, eKarncy, and Ttibei -,
oular Hospital Kline. Wink and Hoaif-
! land of Lancaster.
P.n.rl,.ntnl Uln,lnn VnM, Tl....u
Barling, Hoagland of Lincoln and lle -noldo.
Soldiers' Homes, Mllford and Grand
Island Wolz. Krumbach and Hoagland of
Feeble Minded Institute, Beatrice -Busheo,
Hoagland of Lancaster and
State Prison. Uncoln Krumbach
Placek and Hoagland.
Fish Hatshery at South Bend Saun
ders. Wolz and Grace.
Girls' Industrial School, Geneva Splrk
Krumbach nnd Hurtling.
Industrial Home for Girls, Mllfurd
Kl'u. Ktxnolds and Haaslnnd ot Lan
Orthopedic Hospital, Lincoln Cox. Rob
ertin jr. 1 West.
HouNe Decline to Listen t Retire
eutntlve of Exposition.
t From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 2?. fSpeclal i
The huuse went on record this mcruluu