Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Lover Sends Bullet
Into Heart Because
Girl Refuses Him
Commercial Club Selects Men to
Head Its Committees.
Tuesday, January 28, 1913.
i wiuuama wiauuxui ln a burgt of appointment ovcr the
a. . . ... oulmlnatlon of an unsuccessful wooing.
,u.-at tf-ti-.t... ii i- i i imrrnuck uiminiixn or the nnanca x.-n n. c.-...u
I It Rfomn that thn lain Hnnrv Dnrnnt. fonnrlir nf tho co1Iph. was I """"'' "onlil Ulei Fifteenth, shot lilmsHf with a 3-callber
I Kif t i. " '""l ' rnlillc bulldog revolver.
j,VWDKu iv uul ... , ... tfr-i... While NHlAcn lived at the above num-
umes, tne faculty navo ueciuea to lot tno seniors nave a prom. 'ber, ),e rented a room yesterday even-
This will be tho first time a class at Wcllcaley has over entertained! fMlaPmn ..... ilrnr at 2002 Vinton strct. lust a few doors
1 ,.uun CUIIIIIIIllYTCD I . t . a.
members of tho sterner sex at a dance. The racuuy has drawn up a uense whloh ,m rrm the working body of the flT" MTV.X. s.r,ot
i ...1 .i ,.i.iin. ....., nknan nf i. .11 nnm onH n-ln1 ' wno resides at 2012 Inton street.
. .u.0 ..u Cb.....D . .... - commercial club for the ensuing: year The climax came when Miss Carpenter
enqueue, and me iioor director oi me uaucc, 11 bug ib iu uu uci'cuuou ui'u were nameu at a mooting of the execu
to sec that tho majority of them are followed out, Is In for a worse Jobjtive committee Tuesday. Two new com
1510 Douglas Street,
than rofcrcelnB Tor a big foot ball Bamc
No girl shall allow her partner to hold her closer than three Inches Is
ono of the faculty's ultimatums. To sco that this rulo Is enforced certain
of tho college Instructors have appointed thcmsolves a vigilance committee
and will place themselves at advantageous corncru to see that this rulo Is
adhered to. Thus has a ban been erected against tho operation of tho tur
key trot, tho bunny hug, tho Wellcsley woof and other fashionable dances
at the coming senior ball by a Tar and all-seeing college faculty.
Coxy corners have been abolished for tho occasion. Electric lights
have been placed In obscuro nooks and corners and chaperons are re
quested to arrive early.
Omaha girls attending Wcllcslcy this yoar Include Misses Henrietta
Gllraore, Harriet Blake, Edna Dartlctt and Helen McCoy. Mlsa Corlnno
Searle and Miss Nell Carpenter graduated last June.
Orpheum Parties. ! For Miss Hitchcock.
Monday was society nlglit at me .Mrs. Ollhert M. Hitchcock has Issued In
Orpheum and numerous parties rre vltatlons for a danco which she will dive
given. In one of tho btfxrs were:
Mr. and Mrs. Hoxlo Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward nurses.
Mr. and Mrs. I)e Forest Hlchards.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountre.
Mr. Loiter.
ln another party were:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph naldrlg.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Baldrlge.
Mr, and Mrs. V. W. Judson.
Mrs. John noiirke.
Mr. W. Farnam Smith.
Together were Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Stewart and Pr. and Mrs. Donald Macrae
of Council Dluffs.
Ideal Club at Matinee.
The members of the Ideal club of Coun
cil Bluffs entertained at a matinee party
at the Orpheum today. In the party
C. E. Swamon,
Fred Johnson,
Thomas Metcalf.
V. IC McConncll,
M. V. Moon.
A. U, Nichols,
J. T.' Orsan,
V. I Heed,
H. U Ttoss,
V, A. Southern.
T. O. Tnrner-
Henry Cutler,
C. Donham,
A. C. Ilrown,
Ixiuls Cutler,
T. H. Cavln,
(Jeorue Damon,
TV. II. Dudley.
H. O. floodman,
M. F. nohrer,
V W. Bherman,
J, W. Smith;
Adelson-NeWman Wedding.
An out-of-town wcddlnB of local In
terest waa celebrated Sunday when Mlas
nuth Newman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Newman of San Franclsoo,
Cal.. became the bride of Mr. Iihllllp
Adolson of Omaha. They were jnarrled
at the home of tho bride's pareMts, Oar
den Heights. Ban Francisco, Sund.ay
afternoon by Rabbi Hlrsch of Ban Fran
clsoo. Tha bride wore a gown of Ivory satin
trimmed with pnrl and rhlnestones and
wore a long tullo veil. Bhe carried a
shower of bride's roses. Miss Taullno
Aaronburg of San Francisco wa maid
of honor and wore pink messallne draped
with pink chiffon and carried pink rose.
Miss Florence Stone of Oakland and MUa
Katherlne Cohn of Ban Francisco wero
tha bridesmaids. Mlsa Cohn Tvore yellow
messallne and Ms Stone wore a sown
of blue mossallne. They both carried
pink roses. Miss Annette Newman, sister
of the bride, was tho rlngbcarer. Mr.
David Loets of Pasadena, Cal., acted aa
best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolson left for a wed
dlnfg trip on the coast and will be ut
home In Omaha after March 30.
Thursday for her daughter. Miss Huth
Hltchcook, at their horn-, 1712 I streot,
Washington, D. C. Mrs. Hitchcock and
her family are dceupylng tho home of
Mrs. WJIson Haywood during the latter
absence ln Honolulu.
Informal Tea,
Miss I.ynn Curtis will entertain a few
friends Informally Wednesday afternoon
at a tea for Mrs, Guy Howard, who
formerly resided In Omaha and who Is
the guest of Mrs. J. It. rtlngwatt for a
few days. Mrs. Joseph Jefferson, who Is
at the Orpheum this weok with her hUH
band, will be one of the guests.
South Side Progressive Club.
Tho ladles of tho South Side Frogesslve
Card club will give a card party Wednes
day evening at their hall, Fourteenth and
Castellar streets, at 8:30 o'clock. Ten
prizes will be awarded.
Social Card Party.
The Ladles of the t.. A. II, It. T. will
Rive a social card party In the Pompe(an
rooms at Drnndels, on Thursday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
For Mrs. Funk.
Mrs. Howard Kennedy enteitalned In
formally this afternoon at tea In honor
of Mrs. Benjamin Funk of Spirit Lake,
who la the guest of her parents, Itev.
and Mrs. ttdwln Hart Jenks. All the
guests were Mrs. Funk's Intimate friends.
Mrs, Funk was formerly Miss F.lolso
Jenks. ,
Browning Club Meets.
The members of the Browning club
will meet with Mrs. It." E. I.amoreaux,
1830 South Thirty-third street, Wednesday
The subject for the lesson will he "Para
celsus." Luncheon will be served at
Harriion-Ilasmussen Wedding.
The wedding of Mr. Arthur Harrison
and Miss Christine Ilasmussen of Whit
ney. Neb., took plaoe Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock at the home of Mr. Harri
son's nephew, Mr. and Mrs. O, It. War
ren of 2G0S Hamilton street. The Ho v. B.
n. Curry of the Calvary Baptist church
read the marriage lines. There were pres
ent Mrs. It H. King, Mr. G. F. Toting,
Mr. If. J. Benedict and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison will be at
home at SGOS Hamilton street.
At Fort Crook.
Lieutenant and Mrs, Iteglnald Kelly en
tertained, at two tables of bridge Monday
evenlijtr In honor of Lieutenant nnd Mra.
W. 8. Weeks, who have recently arrived
at Fort Crook. Those present were:
Captain and Mrs. Louis Nuttman.
Captain and Mrs. Samuel Noyes.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Y. 8. Weeks
Lieutenant and Mra. Ileglnald Kelly.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
mtttoes were created, pno was abandoned
and four wore combined Into two.
Committees on passenger transportation
and education are the new creations, the
former for tho 'purpose 0f protecting
Omaha's passenger facilities by such
steps as were recently taken by a special
committee with the nurllngton railroad
at Chicago, and the latter for the purpose
of driving educational methods more
closely to the line of business.
The committee on agriculture was com
bined with the committee on Kraln, tbo
two having been In the past very closely
ullled anyway, and tho Insurance was
copptod with, ib .postal service commit-tei-.
The committee on river Improve
ments was abandoned, It having been de
cided -that sjrcclHlly appointed commit
tees could look after river problems from
tlmo to time.
Itetlrlng President George E. Haver
stick wa made president of the flnamvj
committee for tha ensuing year and Gould
Dirt, who was bead of the house com
mittee lust year, was appointed to the
chairmanship of the public affairs com
mittee. The chairmen of the committees soon
will appoint the members to work under
them and their appointments will bo rati
fied or changed by the executive commit
ter and Chairman Casper Yost. The
committee chairmen and vice chairmen
Committee. 'Chairman Vice Chairman.
Charttlra-C. M. WUhclm. Victor Ilo?e
water. Kdueatlon-H. H. Baldilge, E. U. Graff.
Bntcrtalnment-Sam Burns, Jr., F. T.
B. Martin.
Flnance-O. K. Haverstlck, G. II. Kelly.
Good Hoad.1 W. D. Ilosford. J. IC.
Grain and Agriculture M. C. Peters, N.
D. Updike.
House 11. K. nrown, W. K. Bhoades.
Indlstrlal-W. If. Bucholz. W. M. Olast.
Insurance and Postal Service C. W. Hub
sell, Joseph Barker,
Legislation J. A. C. Kennedy. A. W.
Livo stock and Packing J. L. Mccatue.
E. Buckingham.
Manufacturers T. A. Fry, V. K. Kan
born. .
Membership G. II. Cramef, A. W. Gor
don. Municipal Affalrs-Oould Dlcti. C. A.
Passenger Transportation T. P. Hod
mond. It. T. Byrne.
Public and Military Affulrs W. F. Bax
ter. J.L. Kennedy.
Publicity Bureau (conventions) C. C.
rtosewatcr, Home Miller.
Publlo Service Corporations C. H. Pick
ens, W. S. Jardlne.
neal Rstate-H. A. Tukey, B. R. Has-
M""' ...
lletnll Trade C. C. Bclden, C. R, Sher
man. Trade F.xtenslon-A. W. Carpenter. F.
J. Hoel.
Traffic Bureau J. A. Sunderland, A. C.
Smith. . . ,
Wholesale Trade I". L, Halter. L. L.
Montgomery Ward
May Build Big Plant
in Omaha This Year
Omaha railroad freight officials are en
gaged In a hustlo to secure the location
of the 1-ontgomery Ward company dis
tributing house that Is coming to Omaha,
tho announcement of which was made tn
Th ripe. A strenuous effort Is betas
made to locsto the plant on the Belt line
was In Nellnon's room and In answer
to his pleas refused his further atten
tion. Drawing the gun ho placed It to
his bieast and fired a shot which en
teled his heart. A hurry call brought
tho police ambulance and he was taken
to the St. Josopli's hospital. But upon
arrival there ho expressed his ability
and willingness to walk Into the build
ing. This Is he did to tho amazement of
the attendants, for there were no per
ceptible pulse or heart beats and he wan
breathing heavily.
He was taken Into the operating room
and the bullet was' found to be Impeded
In the heart. His chances of recovery
are not very good. He Is. about 30 years
old, a native of Denmark, and has no
Immediate relatives ln this country and
by occupation - Is ,a laborer.
... . , ., . i .. i
tlmm Itrmn. t t,.. ,,. , ' . . WII1IO lUB rOBUB IIIIVI11K (luinubc
for iCnV.; .rlu,; yC"CrQttr r. working Just aa hard to Kct
t- ...., I the big building on their tracks.
-"nco flieyer lert Mon- nnm.i nr nf h nnlnlnn Hint
Creighton Medics' Dance.
Tho last departmental dance of the
student year to be glyeit tonight at
Chambers' dancing academy by the
Creighton medico promises to bring forth
the largest crowd of tha season. Prac
tically the entire medical college student
body will attend, while tho dental de
partment Is sending a strong representa
tion. Many of the faculty and those, who
are not students also will attend. Tho
committee In charge Is Charles Edwai'ds,
'13; Guy Van Bcoyoc, '14; Justin Young,
15. and Carl Rusaum, '1$.
Suffered Three Years. Used Ilesinol.
Hovr Xot Pimple to lie Been.
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct 27, "I
had been troubled for the past three
years with pimples which completely
covered, my face and neck. The pimples
would come out, foster up and cause, me
to picK at them, reeling; very, uncom
fortable. I tried most all kinds of racial
creams, but with no effect I tried a
aarople of Resinol Soap and Ointment
and noticed Instant relief, t bought
Resinol Soap and Resinol Olntmept, and.
beeun tho treatment. After using two
Jars of Rcalpol Ointment and HcslnOl
Soap, there waa not a pimple to be seen,
and now my lace 1 aa smooth as If
there waa never a. pimple on It." (Sigrn
ed) Albert Oreenbura- 4IS7 FTankforU
r.fJ?.ile.nJy?o.r"n!M''n0, has been a
T i j b pi ccrjpuon una house
hold remedy for ltchlnK trouble, skin
wuptlons. dandruff, chapped ficea and
hands. ore plies, etc Stop. Uchlrlu
Inol Soap tie. Ointment, so, and 11.00.
but you can try them without coatJust
write for samples to Dept S-T Iteslnol
(Chemical Co.; Ilaltlnore!PMd ,elno1
day to spend a month on the Paclflo
Mrs. J. O. Siford returned this mottling
from a two weeks' visit In Chicago.
Mr. Slfard, who has been ln Denver, Is
expected home Saturday.
Mra. Edward Meyer and small sons.
Kdward and Jack of Spokane, Wash,
have arrived to visit Mr, Meyer's parents.
until a building can be erected the Mont
gomery Ward company will rent, but tnat
a modern structure at least six to eight
stories high and covering fully half a
block will be commenced during tho com.
Ing summer. Judging from what the com.
pany has done In other cities where dis
tributing houses have boon located, it Is
tho opinion that the plant hero will fur
Mr nnd Mr. l.rln ..v. ,1110 Upini'JH lllttV mo plum I1B.D nil! Ui-
"reel m 1 wnploynwit for from 100 to 160 people
right at the start ana nan aa many more
when In complete operation. It Is said
Mrs. G. J. Krapfl and daughter. Luetic.
of Ktngsley, la., who have besn the
guests of Mrs, 11. D. Reed since Satur
day, will leave this afternoon for Call
fornla to spend the remainder of the
that there are about 2C0 people employed
tn the Kansas City plant, and It Is said
that the Omaha house will be fully as
Chnmlierlaln Tablet for Consti
pation. For constipation, Chamberlain's Tablets
are excellent. Easy to take, mild and
ttantla In effect. Give them a trial. For
isle by all dealers. Advertisement.
Army and Navy
Set is m Gloom
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S.-Wlth the ap
proach of March i. gloom has aesttlcd
over the army and navy "smart set," for
reports reaching Washington are that
one of President Wilson's first house
cleaning orders will Involve a sweeping
reduction tn the number of military and
navai auacnea now on duty at the White
House. All are popular socially and much
in demand at dances and balls.
There are at present twelve officers de
tailed o the president for escort duty
for distinguished upU and the under
take the hundred and on icii n,i
diplomatic odd Jobs that the chief Jonn P"-"0'. eneral passenger agent
executive Is compelled to have done. The ' tor llle n""'lnton here for many years,
House of Hope Shows
Good Record for Year
The House of Hope, under the manage- i
nient of Rev Charles W. SavMgc, Inn
clofed its accounts for last year. All
bills have been met nnd the records show
that SJ.OII.24 was paid out during 1911
This Includes at) expenses for fuel, food
nnd light: In fact, everything attached to
the Institution. Thirty persons were cared
While there was only JS.1S left In tho
treasury on January 1 Mr. Savldge has
stnrtcd fho now year with the best of
gpod cheer and It Is his hope and ambi
tion to not only pay" all expenses between
now and next January, but also to pay
for a new home.
Construction of tho Keokuk dam and
tho Pauama canal will be shown In mov
ing pictures at the Midwest Cement show
at the Auditorium February 4 to S. Reels
have been secured from the main offices
of both construction companies especially
for the purpose.
Modern machinery and methods of In
stalling the vast quantities of cement and
concrete nro shown In the films. The
scf-slons of the convention of the Ne- I
hraska Cement Users' association will
be held In the mornings at Hotel Rome,
so that the afternoons and evenings hiny
be devoted to visiting the auditorium
The weddlnir of Miss Wanda Yoltott.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Yelton,
nnd Mr. Robert Howlett of Boston, for.
mcrly of Omaha, will tHkc place In Hos
ton today,
Mr. Howlett was manager of the United
Cereal company In this city until January
1, when he was transferred to Boston to
take charge of the business there.
Miss Yclton was employed as stenogra
pher tn his office and the romance started
In this way about a year ago. Miss Yl
ton left Monday evening for Boston,
where sho will make her future home.
Old "Mack," one of the faithful horses
on fire engine No, 1, dropped dead after
a hard run to the fire in tho Owl Dru
storo at Sixteenth and Hurney streets.
Presumably It was a case of heart
trouble, for Just as the team drew up
In front of the store, old "Mack1' keeled
over and was dead.
The fire was In the basement nnd the
loss Is estimated to be In the neighbor
hood of nbout 1500. Tho damage was
mostly to tho stock and likely started
from combustion of some kind.
A FrlKhtful Kxperlriicc
with biliousness, malaria and. constipa
tion, Is quickly overcome by taking
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only Sic.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Persistent Advertising! the Road to
Big Returns,
Rev. Frank L. Loveland went from tho
pastorate of First Methodist church to
the same church In Topeka, Kan., and
resigned later to become a Chautauqua'
Tski Off fht Fst
When It Shows
staff of officers has steadily Increased
since President Roosevelt's first terra
and visitors returning from Trenton have
brought back the report that a ahake up
Is meditated by Governor Wilson, who
would hav the offlcera return to their
regiments or to their ships.
Girls Will Strike for
Eight to Have Beaux
was promoted to the Job In Chicago with
the same company.
H. J. Gohden, formerly with The Bee.
Is now owner and editor of Publlo Ser
vice, a monthly Journal devotod to the
publlo relations of utility corporations In
Judge W. W. Keyaor resigned from the
district benoh to accept a law professor
ship In Washington university, St. Louis,
and is now (n Klrksvllle, Mo.
B08TON, Jan: tS.-News that an equal 1 c- v- X1"', who once practiced law In
rights strike Is Impending among the I Omaha, Is doing the same stunt In Peoria,
students of Wellt sley college, in which t
all the girls, freshmen, "sophs," Juniors ' .. r
... .u . ' r .1 R. C. Patterson exchanged h i real
mm eii.vta Bin ml calming U UIHO part 1 . ... . M - ' -
caused a stir In college circles today 1 J tte business here for a Job promotlnK "7'
.y girl, are In revolt. d..' l" I""unw 01 "menl conoern ,n n" for the nt
. Already many
-mandlng that the faculty shall grant
them tne right to entertain young men
visitors as other girls do. Leader of
the movement declare the rebellion will
surely break forth unless their plan Is
listened to.
"Ve want the right to entertain our
men friend which and where we please,
and we don't want any chaperones.
either,' Is the way the girls expressed '
tneir grievance.
Choice of over 200 tailored suits. 300
coats and 160 dresses Wednesday at IT.B0.
Bee ad on page 6. Julius Orkln, 1510
Douglas street - Advertisement
sas City.
Max Relchenberg, formerly of the
Relchenberg-Smlth wholesale Jewelers,
Is handling real estate and Investment! In
Thomas Taliferro, manager of the
Omaha Packing company some years
ago. s head, of a meat packing establish
ment In Detroit.
Fred L. Willis, remembered as tho see.
retary of the local Yourqr Men s Chris
tlon association, ts now the secretary at
Worcester. Mass.
Xttms for this hsadlna ar tnvltsO.
Vort women suffer much humlUattsa
because of great quantities of fat, so lo
eatsd that, no tnatter how they drsaa,
vsrybody es that they mv abnormal.
This Is the day of the slender tavira, anal
fat womtn are simply not tolerated atthtr
In businttt or social affairs. Worasn star
not know It, but rotn whin they a fat
woman pass them on tha street or tn
publlo placta make alt manner of sym
pathetic remarks about her. They do
not mean to be unkind or to em un
manly, bat It I natural for a man to
dislike fat on a woman. Where fat
snow the most there la where it must
CLvana aa quickly as voaslblc.
stason'er dresses seem to be made
B fat woman's mlserr. and th ilin.
dr woman' delight. They expose all
the charms of woman and her txllnssa
aa welt Exercise and diet will not re
move fat ThU has been prove. Tha
famous MarmoU prescription which haa
met with rach Phenomenal succeea and
haa so many of our society women aa
its sponsors. Is now fcetnr sold In tab
let form to meet the demand of the publlo
for this style of treatment. These little
tablets go Into your system Just Ilka
food. They stop the stornseh and di
gestive apparatus from producing fat and
reduce the fat upon the body at the rato
of about It to it ounces a day. They
are harmless and can he carried In your
Suite and taken even after yon have tn
ulged In hearty meal away from home.
They are sold at all drug stores at 7t
eemti a case, or If you prefer you may
write the Marmots. Company, Farmer
Offers ymur unrestricted choice of any
Suit, Coat or Dres
That sold at $15, $17.50, $19.50, $22.50, $25 and $750
$29.75, ON SALE WEDNESDAY, Commencing 8 a. m. ' -
rJbl are compelled to make this astonishing offer, which will be the talk of Oma
ha, m order to make a clean sweep of every suit, coat or dress in our stock.
TIhb will be our final sale, absolutely, and every suit, coat and dress in our stock
worth up to $29.75 is included. You have never before had such an opportunity of
buying a suit, coat or dress at such big bargain prices as will prevail here Wednesday.
There is always a big response to a Julius Orkiu sale, but we expect to break all
records "Wednesday, as some of these garments have been on display in our windows,
attracting great crowds. There will be an enormous attendance at this sale, so our
advice is to come as early in the daysas possible.
$15.00, $17.50, $19.50, $22.50, $25.00 AND $29.75
On Sale Wednesday for
Julius Orkin, 1510 Douglas St.
The Cook's
Best Friend
jJaessssssssaOasssssssalaVlssssssBir ." T
' - - v
W It
is her
best friend
1 because Calu
met is best from
every view point:
Very Highest Quality
Greatest Leavening Power Never
Failing Results Absolute Purity
Moderate in Cost and Use These things
1IL t l t . .
T? arc au oacKea up Dy an; absolute guar
if - . antee of satisfaction or
la r , n -J
a can to-dav. frJHisi-Jl'!!
World's Par Food Expotitioa, Chicago, Illinois.
Paris Exjoitioa, Franco, March, 1912.
They tried to murdei?
Lincoln at Baltimore
before he Became Pres
Btoteeston save4 him.
He tells the whole
tne tixst time in tne
Magazine. New size,
exactly the