Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Brandeis Stores
Final Clearance Sale
Only 4 More Days to Clear Away Winter Stocks Before Invoice
Wednesday Final Reductions on All Odds and Ends of Women's Wear
that are
I (M
Final Clearance of Fruit of the Loom Sheeting at 25c Yd.-Basement
Most dependable of all the standard Well known brands. Firmly
woven' from round thread, fine Sea Island Cotton gives the best of
service and when laundered looks like linen. Value is well known, yd
Genuine Fruit of the Loom Pillow Oases, sizes 42x36 and 45x36; 18c quality 12Vc ea.
The Celebrated Yard Wide Lonsdale Muslin Thousands of Yards at 6c per Yard
18 and 27-inch Fine Embroidered Swiss and Muslin Corset Coverings, Skirt
ings and Flouncings, also Allover Embroideries, worth up to 50c, at, yard. . .
fltaek-Taloonar Co., Undertakers.
Kara Boot Print It Now Beacon rresa.
WtfitlnjrrUtttrM. Bnrsri-OranUn Co.
Bailey the Dentlat, City Nat'l. 1). 20.
Tou Can Start a Baytnffa Account i at
the Nebraska Savings ana Loan Assn.
Srlth 1.C0 or more. 1C05 Farnam street.
r, Butler toSpeak Here Dr.
Nathaniel Butler of Chicago university
Will deliver a Lincoln day address hero
February 12 before the University club.
The Btate Bank of Omaua pays 4 per
tent on time deposits. 3 per cent on sav
ing accounts. The only bank in Omaha
whose depositors are protected by the
depositors' guarantee fund of the state
of Nebraska. 17th and Harney streets,
jin rn niTT RR1KFS '
jsnj uiooun oj prftumo.i joujsaoM atj.
City Hall Employes Sick Oity Com-
Wlssloncrs Kugel ana wiiuncii, ,wimuui
Street Commissioner Svnclnn and Miss
Buslo Pcaslnger, chief stenographer to
the city legal department, are confined
to their homes with Illness ranging rrom
bevere colds to attucksof grip.
A "grounded" wire fiom one of the
transformers on tho street rnllway com
pany's sub-power house at Twenty-seventh
and Iake caused a small blaze, last
night and lightened the power on tho
north lines until repairs could be made.
All of the Insulation on the transformer
wires were burned off. The loss Is un
der K.
the Persistent and Judicious use on
Newspaper Advertising Is the rtoad to
Business Success.
Stomach Misery
Just Vanishes
'Time It! No indigestion, Gas or Sour
ness Five Minutes After Tak
ing 'Tape's Diapepsin."
If what you Just ate Is souring on your
stomach or. llc;- like a lump of lead, re
fusing to digest, or you belch gas and
eructate sour, undigested food, or have
a feeling of dlzzlntss, heartburn, full
ness, nausea, bad tastn tn mouth and
stomach headache this is Indigestion.
A full case of Pape's Diapepsin costs
only fifty cents nnd will thoroughly cure
your out-of-order stomach, and leave
sufficient about the house in case some
one elso In the family may suffer from
stomach trouble or indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist to snow you the
formula plainly printed on these fifty
cent Cases, then you will understand why
dyspeptic trouble of all kind: must go,
anil why they usually relieve sour, out-of-order
"stomachs or indigestion. In five
minutes. Diapepsin Is harmless and
tastes like candy, though each dose con
tains power sufficient to digest and pre
pare for asrlmllatlcjn Into the blood all
the food you eat; besides, it makes you
go to' the tablo with a healthy appetite;
but What Will please you most, is that;
you will feel that your stomach and In
teatlnes are clear, and fresh, and youda. fyenlng, About r,0 s(udent8 wlM
u. uj". i. """'""'
liver Pills for biliousness or constipation.
This city will have many Diapepsin
cranks, aa some peoplo will call them.
but you will be cranky about this splen-;
did atomaoh preparation, too, If you ever
try a little for Indigestion or gastritis or
any other stomach misery.
Get some now. this minute, and for-
tever rid yourself of stomach trouble and
Indigestion -AdvcrUsewi it
Women who come to our second
Wednesday will find bargains awaiting
simply astounding. It is our
reduction before stock taking.
Women's Winter Goats
That have been selling up to $25
200 serviceable winter coats In
styles that nre practical hpavy
op medium weight eoats In various
popular fabrics all sires.
Women's Suits
That hare been selling up to $20
All good styles and good col-
There are sizes here to
fit every woman in the city.
Women's Silk Dresses
That have been selling up to $30
Wo have not mRcle an offer thin
season that surpasses this In Pen
nine bargain Interest All Rood,
clever styles now In great favor
Hummel Thinks His Purchasers Im
agine Animal Too Fierce.
Commissioners DpcIiIp to Pny for n
Trained JVurup for n. Yonr to As
sist Vloltltm: Xurnrn In
riclit on' Tuberculosis.
Nobody want's Augustus Cacser, the
big buffalo .huljjiat .ttjvervlew park. City
Clerk Flynn reported to the commis
sioners at a ' meeting yesterday that
no bids were received for the animal, al
though advertisements had been run and
'storlc?" published that the big animal
'wan Cor sale, Trouble Is, thinks Park
I Commissioner .loe Hummel, that the
animal is too fierce. He la n inaiiKinor
and a regular rounder, having slain his
keper a year ago and engaged In num
erous fight with younger bulls Until it
was necessary to isolate him)
City commissioners have authorized the
employment of a trained purse at $50 a
month for twelve months, to help in tho
campaign against tuberculosis. This pro
ceeding was taken at the request of tho
visiting nurses' association.
Hids ,for a flve-paBsengcr automobile
for street Commissioner Kugcl's depart
ment were received and referred to the
department of finances and accounts. The
machine will cost t0.
New bids for stationery were received,
tho first bids having been rejected as
too high. I
An ordinance to onen Twenty-second
street, from Douglas to Farnam, whs
placed on file.
mren vranmiMiunrr "'"'.
, ,t loa "Three now In use.
. They will bo used hereafter In pairs.
Material for the department of public
Improvements was bid on. The bids wero
generally high, nlthough the asphalt .bids
wore lower than a year ago.
Amendments to un ordinance covering
the distribution of printed matter were
referred to tho committee of the whole
next .Monday.
Ryder is Stopped
When Breaks "Rule
of Own Making
Crossing Policeman W. E. Smith, sta
tioned at Sixteenth and Farnam streets,
Is holding his breath while waiting for
word that will show him the "carpet"
of Police Commissioner Ryder's office,
either for words of praise or denun
ciation, At 6 o'clock last night Commissioner
Ryder wus hurrying for an east bound
Farnam street car and was on the
northwest corner of tho streets. The
car was about to start nnd Ryder hur
riedly "Jay-walked" across the street,
but got only to the middle when Smith
yelled, "hey, you, use the crossings."
Then Ryder remembered the rule that
he, himself, made, and he mode a wjdo
circle of the center of the street, and
running 'a few steps, caught the car.
.,H. ' rnmmeneement exercises Will
- 1 - nt th. hlth ,chool au,moriutr, FH.
(graduate from the eighth B grades of
twenty-two will
. ., aa . m t. . , ' . .
, . ' "
Following Is the commencement pro-
i",n, TivJ., nantiit church
: presentation cadet certificates. Dr. Hoi.
j ovtchlner. president Rqkinl of Education
nano wlo tenth rhapsody (Llzt).
Address. President' John W. Cook.
Presentation or diplomas, nr. iioiom-
c'dner. ....
rwisllil Alw oni 11. I' I.t-Ilir Will Ill'MMIlIt
1 '
A vliipr In Hip Ntomaeli
is djspeprla. compllvated with liver and
! kidney troubles, lilectrle Hitters help l
, such casea or no pay. Tn' them. 'Qc.
j For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertise
3g ,
Was Run Over by an Automobile on
January Eighteen.
Gcorjse Anrrbnch, Who Waa Ilrlv
Inic Mnrhlnr, linn Ilrpn Ar
rested nncl Will lie lipid for
' Coroner' Verdict.
David R. Huck. U623 Giant sticet, died
yesterday from Injuries received when
he was run over by an automobile truck
January 18. He was crossing the 'corner
of Sixteenth and Farnam streets and on
account of deafness was unable to near
tho approach of a truck belonging io
the Horn Candy company and which was
driven by George Aucrbach. Tho machine
struck him, tljrowlng him to tho ground
but it was not known until later tnat
one of the hard tire w'hecls hud run over
his head, llo was taken to the police sta
tion, where he' was given medical at
tention, after which ho was removed to
his home.
Aucrbach was arrested for tccklcss driv
ing, but upon furnishing a $50) bowl tvai
released. Ho was nrrested again yesterday
and was rcleuscd by Captain lleltfeldt on
$3,000 bond for appearance at the Inquest.
Mr. Ruck had been in poor health for
two years and while his physical condl
Uon Intensified his Injuries It is the belief
of the attending physicians that death
would have resulted even had ho .icon
lu a normal state. They are not sure.
but thcro probably was a fracture of tin..
Horn In tndlnnn.
He was born In Randolph county, In
diana, a little over seventy years ago
and had resided tn Omaha and Douglau
county since 1SSS. He was at the head of
the real estate concern of D. R. Ruck &
Son, with offices in the Omaha Natlnnul
bank building.
Surviving him are his, wife, Mrs. Olive
D. Buck, and son, uavia rc. wick, jr
There arc also two sisters and two
brothers, all of whom reside away from
He was a member ot Alpha camp
Woodmen of the World, and of the
Omaha Real Kstate exchange. The
funeral will b held from the home, 2625
Grant street, Wednesday afternoon t 2
Daughters of Israel
Are Now Organized
Articles of Incorporation ot the
Daughters ot Israel Aid society have
been drawn up and slimed and are being
filed with the secretary of state. The
object .of the new organization Is to
establish and maintain a public bath
house for Jewish women' and a home for
the aged and In firing ews In Omaha. Any
Jewish woman ot good moral character
Is eligible to membership.
The meetings will be monthly and the
officers for the ensuing year are &fra.
A. Silverman, president; Mrs. II. Ftledel,
vice president; Mrs. Joe Steinberg, sec
retary; Mrs. S. Ravitz, chaliman nf
trustees, and Mrs. M. Tatle, treasurer
The charter membership Is 1ST. Head-
niiart.m hnvp not vet heen rfeelrinrt unnn I
Rine Says Charter j
Hampers the City
John A. Rlne. attorney, addressrsd the
members of the .Social Bclcnce depart-
Inient of the Omaha "Woman's club at its
meeting Monday afternoon at the club :
1 Mr. Rlne called attention to the old
l charter of the elty anil spoke of the
'iinanv existing defects by which It had
I '
hmnipereW tn Improveinenta in Ui city.
The denaitmeut voted to Indorse prin
cipals of the Mother's pension bill which
is to come beforo tho Nebrat-kaleglslature
In the near future. .
V I 7
Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising.
City Council' Still Refuses to Pay,
Disputed Salaries.
1 llrninml tlint I'lre Oepnrtntent
nt Txieiitj-Mx Men .Not Aecepted
or Vny I'robnlily Would
Hp Vllnnril.
I Aimln the Flip snd Police boaid was
beaten In the elty council Inst night when
Coumllinen Jay Williams. John Vnna ami
John Walters voted against the proposi
tion of paying Charles Alburn. Ant hi
Spent; and James Powers, the three x
tra firemen, their back salary, aggi
gating $.B6. until the Fire nnd Poller board
had presented a vgnrd statement
to the council that the fire department
would be limited to twenty-six men -intll
tne new levy In August. Councilman
Williams, who has led the fight sustain
ing the city attorney In keeping tho Fire
nnd Police board within limits of ex
penditure, said privately he was anxious
to see the three men paid for their serv.
Ices, but tinder the clr.cunilnnce. to imv i
them without assurance fiom the bo.f'i 1
thnt tlie number of firemen would be re
duced from twenty-nine to twenty-six.
would be nothing more than a surrender
to the board. Councilman John nudum
WW's not present nnd the vote stood thiee
nnd three. Mayor Hoctor did not c.vt
the deciding vote, but declared the mo
tion lost.
The council was long In getting Its le
Islattvn wheels oiled. It was understood
that the old Thirtieth street tax que
Hon was to be taken up, but the presence
of the clt. attorney and the decided
opinions of some of the eouncilinen wh
are opposed to anything other thnn 'he
enfen cement of the supreme court ordrr
prevented anything like n respectable
showing for the reversal of tho old ord.'r
Prlntliiu Hid llpjpplpd.
A bid for the city printing offered tiv
the Magic City Printing company was
turned down after Councilman T. J Alton
hnd offered a motion to award the con
tract to the company. Councilman Wni-1
ters objected to tho statement that the
bid was the lowest ftnd best.
The I'nrk bonrd obtained the service
of the city englnoer In laying out tn
spring Impiov'emcnt work. Tho board
was represented by President of the
Board J. It. Kopletz nnd Secretary Man.
ley McCarthy.
Communication fiom the West Sid
Improvement club protesting against Iho
water service In their section of Ihe oH
was read and placed nn file. The Com
munications alleged that fires In the M-
Inlt.v of Forty-first and O utreels wrf?
beyond the control of the fire depart-
ment. which could only stnnd and wutcti
the flames because of lack of wntr.
Mayor Hoctor explained that suit Mi
compel the water company to Install
mains had already been started.
I'PHoemnLpr tJp Hlff.
Kdward Rnlley was so unmindful of
tho eoveuunces of tho dining room that
ho attempted to dispossess n guest of the
Miller hotel of his menl last night nt .113
Noith Twenty-sixth stiect In J. II. For
gerson's rcstaurnnt. '"ho guest called
upon the proprietor for help. Immedi
ately things began to happen. Rnlley Is
said to have turned upon Forgerson and
punched his eyes beforo Forgerson could
pcrsuado him to leave. Councilman Jay
Williams,, who was taking his supper In
the restnurant. attempted to act as peace
maker. He exhibited his police badge,
which only excited thu Increased Iro of
Rnlley, who then assaulted tho council
man. 1'ollco uapinin jonn uworna nuu
Dctpctlve John Znlojidck came upon the"
sceno and Rnlley turned his nttentlon to
them. He wns finally ubducd nnd haled
to Jnll.
Councilman Williams snhl after the
battle, as he nursed a battered eye:
am willing to take care, of myself and
flgftf my own battles, but this business
ot peacemaker Ib not exactly what you
might expect." Councilman AMilinnis also
stated Hint ho wns Inclined to believe
tnat persons under grent excitement were
peculiarly oblivious to the efficacious
treatment of pollco badges or council-
manic authority.
Cnr Inspector Killed.
Harry Toft, a car Inspector at the Union
stock yards, was crushed to death be
tween two cars last night ut the foot of
N street on tho Illinois Central tracks.
The nccldent occurred about 10 o'clock.
Death wns almost Instantaneous. The
HfV Have you accepted our offer a captivating "Surprise Box" pjjHji
HH of Assorted Sunshine Biscuits FREE to prove their quality? lMI
jBW If not, won't you now? You incur no obligation. IBjlif
Sunshine Vanilla Wafers, for instance, are crisp and dainty, jBH
HH with a wonderfully delicious, wholesome flavor. Try them.
WL 4 Jop seniles giscurr (ompant
ii sPlc. .rnd n FKFK "Korpriie llox" of A.wrltd
jjfei Otoe,,'. Him Add,,.. ,
Our Rt-Crtt .Inminry Olcnrmict Snip tlrnws to t'loc iip.1 SiiI ut tiny nlgltt, anil will ruuml out one ot
llir. MkrcnI months In our lilNtnry. IliinilrctU of" lut'ky purchasers hav nlronily taken nilvnntitRC of till
linrKiilu opportunity (tut for tlu Ins! tvetfk we have innile deeper reductions on nil the reinnlnliiK Instru
ments, In order to effect n complete clearance. Come enrly tomorrow and pick out your plnno.
Never before in our history have we sold in one year
Steger & Sons, Hardman, Emerson, McPliail, Whcelock,
Hand Made Schmoller & Mueller Pianos.
Steck I prlKhl
Arlon I'prlnht
(inylonl Upright
Hcrllrh .V Co, rprlghl .
Klmlmll Upright
.1. .V ( l-'lsher Upright.
Mueller Upright
Hlchter Upright
lloolhe llrothcrs Upright ......
$3.00 Per Month.
Insurance and Tun
ing Free of Charge
body wns tpuiovpd lo the undei taking
parlors of tleorgo liower. Toft wns 2
years of age nnd unmarried. He wits the
HiipiKirt or Ids mothei, who losldea at 9
North Twentieth street.
Soclnl Serlce lnllliitp.
Ry courtesy of the Nebraska Telephone
company. Rev. T. A. ltagshaw wlfl open
tho Albright Social Snivlco Institute In
the old nutoinntlii telcpuono iiunuiiig hi
Twcnti -fifth and M streets uu Mommy.
Tim Social Selxko liihlituto Is designed
to help tilt" needy Women and girls of the
city to .in lwnest livelihood. A number
nf sewlnc machines will uo insuiiiru una
.. ,. ,.i,,i Htm (nl at once, t.'iter
i i. iii,.r routines of social ile-1
u, utuiii t.i... ....... -
volopuieni win'" v J
stltutn is In the nalire ui a suiueuiciu
Tit Oliere t'lni Rn'.
The grndiiatlug class of Central school
will observe link's tin y Weriiweriuy. In
tho afternoon at - o'clock the following
program will bn given:
Suns, The Aicllor.
l'luj. tho DreMsliiK llown. Mr. I'onbody,
John Iwlun; Mrs. I'oalmdJV Haxe Lake;
Mnrliiu, Clara Cluck: Angus Mrk, Wil
liam Smith; Hariili, Anna Cohen; Perkins,
Cecil I'olsley; Cumber, John RldgoWay.
Hong. The, Isle ot Reality.
Class Chroulciu, the Past, by Clara
'I'Mty Tho lufiirnnl .Machine. Mrs. Am
herson, 1011a Huiupal: Her sun, John, Wil
liam Smith; Rob Bunker, Charles Glynn;
Mrs. .lenkens, Anns Cohen; Mrs. Jack
cull, Hassol iritke: Joslnh Hlncuni, Philip
(illiniui. ... ,
Song, Tne snow 1'innrs
ClasH oliroiilcle,
The Prcsenl. by
Charles Glynn.
Song, The Goodness of God.
Class Chronicle, tho Future
by Kiln
Addt ess, Supul Intondrnt N. M. Qraham,
Words to thu Wise, Gcorgo Hauptman
and Harold Chambers.
Presentation, Cecil Polsley.
Response. "A" Class.
Song. The Rluo Hells ot fccotlninl.
Bong, Tho Campbells Aro Coming.
James Parks, who has been engaged
. . SHOO
. . ifXl
. .
. . ijUMO
. . $1175
. . Stt!7ft
s ro
S 85
SI 15
I'ormer Sale
Price, Price.
Smith At NInoii I prlght $100 160
i Kurtninn Upright ijlKiW 8165
. Stegcr Ai Sons Upright 8IOO 8175
Art. tyle Upright $150 81 Ji5
; Crown Upright $100 8225
Mchlln AV Sou Upright $175 S260
1 Knnlw Upright $000 8285
Htelmvny Upright $750 8335
Stuyvesant Plnnoln Plnno $000 8320
Welter Plnnoln Piano $1,175 8600
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co,
Manufacturers Wholesalers Retailers
upon a big public improvement for bov
eral nioiithsNdropped Into town yesterday
ami wns nn Intel ested spectator at n
meeting of the city council last night.
Mr. Parks speuks In high terms of Kails
City and its business methods, llo says
their sower system will bo ono ot the
most complete of any city lu tho Knlls
pliv I'lniH when coimileted. Mr,' Parks
is senior member of tho contracting firm j
, .....1 f 1 1 . ' 11m nvlimavnil 1 1 1 '
01 i arin nun wnci. .... -rt,.,vn.-. ,,u
hope that tho merger bill would pass
nt this session of tho. legislature. Uo
said ho believed that'tho union would
redound to thu benefit of nil tho cities
concerned. Ho leaves today for I' alls
'I. v
Luck of .Minim
was said yesterday mm ranwii
nuinliers'of the Hoctor charter revision
committee wero deploring tho hick ot
money necessary lo dufent tho l.eo mer
ger bill. A meeting ot the committee
wan held In the afternoon, but nothing
was done. The general' Idea scums to be
that If the I,eo bill Is lo ho b?iilm con
sltlcrablo money must bo spoilt for the
purpose. It Is s.ild that the col durations
mid office holders will bo enliml upon to
contribute to the expenses' of those en
gaged In fighting the bill.
Tho rumor Is In Btrlct nccord with the
teport discussed Brttnrday night by the
Hovonth Ward Progressive Democratic
club, which met nl Thlrt-slxtli and Q
streets. Thoso conversant with 'former
fights rondtirted agnlnst tinucxntlnn say
thut money Is always spent lavishly to
brat thu measure. It Is not known
whether the money can bo gathered- this
time, especially slnco a number of statu
legislators from Douglna county nnd
else where hnve undertaken to watrh the
trend of nffnlrs at Lincoln. Many ur
tho Douglas county delegates say they
will watch tn see that no unfair menus
Is used to, defeat tho measure.
so many Steinway, Weber,
Steck, Stuyvesant, and tho
Tooflracl&e Gum
Ccmid the cavity, prevents deear.
All drug More or by mail, ISc
C. a. ntrir Co.. DtTWOIT. MICH. .
"Tho Hotel of Amcrlcnu ItlenU"
Washington, .C
Hotel Powhatan
Pciinsjlvnnln Avonno
at lHth nnd 11 Street
Maw. rlraproof. EuroPn& Flan
Itooins, dctnchcil bath, $1.30.
$2.00 up.
Itooins, private bath, 52.50,
$3.00 up.
100 per cant. Fire, Germ and Duit
Proof. Two blocks froih Whit
House, and near all points
of Interest.
Ownara ard Operators.
Direction and Management
34th St. East at Park Ave.
I Subway Entrance NEW YORK
The World's Most
Attractive Hotel.
Each room with a bath,
Single room, with bath, $3, $4, $5, $6,
Double room, with bath, $5, $6, $7, $flL per
Double bedroom, boudoir dreuinz room and
bath. $7. I0. $12. pa day.
Suites, pailor, bedroom and bath, $10, $12,
$15. $16. per day ;
T.M.Hilliard, Mannsinz Director
Walton H. Marshall, Manager
Marquette Hotel
18Ut mid Washington Are.
400 Rooms. $1.00 and $1.50, with
bath $2.00 to $3.50. A hotel for
your Mother, Wife and Sister.
T. II. Clancy, Pre.
ARCAIIAN lEIMMA lnt.rct6ltl ltb Qato S. S. Ctt.
II" Foldir. raul comprnulv book -t
tour, to
SANDEHSOM SON, 0to. Ajta., U So. t.
gillo St. Chltaa. r any Buamiblp ttetrt ayX