Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday we offer you unrestricted choice from our entire Stock of Women's and Misses' high class
Coats, Evening Wraps, Gowns, Dresses, Etc
Whether the former
price was $50.00, $60.00,
$75.00, $85.00, $100.00
or even $150, choose
from them at $19.50.
Remember ouiventire
stock of high grade, ex
clusive costumes, dresses,
wraps and coats are in
eluded in this price.
NEVER to our knowledge has llierc been an offering of suoh vast importance to the wonion of Oninlwi and coin in unity as this
one we announce for Wednesday. t embraces our entire'stock of high grade exclusive coats, evening wraps, gowns,
dresses, etc., regardless of what the former or original selling price may have been choice at $19.fi0. Just another exam
ple of the fact that Orkin Bros, do not do things in a half-hearted way, but believe in giving you the benefit of any tmnsitctiou
at a time when it is of the most value to you. You can't afford to let this opportunity pass by come, you'll know the reason.
Charming Evening Wraps
Street and Storm Coats
White Chinchilla Coats
Dinner Gowns
Street Dresses
Beautiful ppera Wraps
Afternoon & Calling Wraps
Fancy Imported Costumes
Party Gowns, Etc., Etc.
Second Floor.
Besides the imported model evening wraps and costumes there are copies ofdesigns from the world's best designers, and
in most instances there is only one or two of a style.
Silk Velvets Imported Diagonal Mixtures Brocaded Satins Lustrous Charmeuse
Panne Velvets Mole and Nutria Plushes Silk Bengalines Imported Broadcloths
Crepe de Meteors Rich Brocaded Velours Velour de Laines Applique Eponge, etc.
Exquisite Muslin VNDERWEAR -Extraordinary Offer
Purchased From Arthur Behaul, New York; on Sale Wednesday
WE are happy, indeed, to be able to announce a big purchase of fine muslin underwear from Arthur Behaul, New lork. The shipment has arrived in time for Wednesday's selling and we are busily on
gaged in go'tting things in tip-top shape for a big .day in this department. The entire lot is of superior quality the kind that carries with it a sense of worth. There are dainty crcntions of French and
American makes, manufactured under the most sanitary conditions possible. Every garment, portrays the very essence of elegance and refinement and a dress accessory that will appeal to women of good
taste. We want you to come Wednesday and see for yourself inspect this superb assortment, because it's a rare offering of an uncommon quality oj) muslins. Here's a glimpse of Wednesday's special offerings:
rreuy urepo lie unone reuicoais, ti$.yo
SPECIAL! Crepe- do Chcno Potticoata. In pink, blue and whito:
olaboratoly trimmed with laco Insertions, Inco rufflo, boadlng and
Fine Crene De Chene Gowns, $3.98.
SPECIAL! Creno de Chene gowns with round and square yokes of
valenclennes laco insertions and designs of lace; finished with ribbon
headings and dainty French dowb in white, pink and blue, They
formerly sold at J6.S0, and worth It. but for this ummual occasion wo have
reduced tho price and Wednesday ypu can have your choice for ip.vv
Nainsook Gowns, 98c . Combinations at $8.98
Crepe De Chene combination garments, in
whtte only, prlncesB style, V shaped yoke
of fine lace, drawn with wide
satin ribbon drawers finished
with lace and ribbon, $10.50
values, special Wednesday. . .
Orepe De Ohene Negligees, $13.50
Negligee of Crepe De Chene. three-quarter
lenxth. dinner coat, trimmed with silk
fringe and fastened to one
side with rosette of crepe,
values at $16.60, Special
Wednesday at
1 11
SPEOIAIj! Nainsook gowns, slip over
styles, round yoke, trimmed with medal
lions of lace and lace' insertions,
finished with satin ribbon,
many styles. Values at $2 and
$2.25, choice Wednesday
Princess Slips i3 Off
Princess slips, of fine- lingerie cloth, elab
orately trjramod with fine Cluny laco,
Irish crochet laco, fine om- a.
broidery, dainty ribbon I Alf
rosettes and bows; prices "
range from $2.98 to $13.50 at. (y
jd with si IK
French Chemise, $1.00
Hand embrodered French Chemise,
made of Rood French nainsook, elabor
ately trimmed with designs j tr
or hand embroidery, regu- J I III
lsry Jl.fiO special Wednes- OIlUU
riay for
Short Negligees, $5.98
Short Negligees, mode of fine Crepe
de Chene, trimmed with whlto point
an ppnro rurne ana roseiin
of Crepe do Chono. $8.00
values. special, Wednes-
I day for
dainty bows of satin ribbons a charming garmont. The regular
selling prlco Is $6.60, but for publicity purpose wo offer you a, choice of
the entlro nsHortment Wednesday at
Petticoats at $2.50
Pefticoats of fine llngerlo cloth, skeleton
Btyles, flounce of designs In val and flno
torchon laces; hIho dainty tff4fe pa
bow of satin ribbon rogu- ". J. fill
Inr selling rrlco $3.50, 1
Wednesday at ' mZZZ:
French Gowns, $3.98
Fronch Gowns mado of Nflno nainsook
slip over stylo, round yokos, kimono sleeve
finished with dainty hand dffcM ftn
embroidered scallopod and J.HK
floral flnnlcrn rlhhnn drawn
$5.00 values,' Wednesday for rW
y mum
Combinations at $5.00
Krcnch Combination garments, corset cov
er and drawers finished with dainty hand
embroldorod design and scullopod
edge, ribbon drawn, wldo draw, also
finished designs of hnnd ombrold
ornd and targe scalloped clgo--?8.j0
value, Wednnsilay . . , .
Combinations at $2.49
Domestic Combinations, or good quality
llngerlo cloth, drawers, and cor sot cover,
trimmed with Cluny Gorman gg in
val and designs of Irish cro- I" J. (14
chot, drawers trimmed with J t '
Insertion of val. lace- -$.1,98 1
value, special at
Ortln Bros Beoond yioor.
Seven Boys and Five Girls Are Be
fore Juvenile Court.
One fa lleleased When Hrnt to
Military School Hearing Next
'Saturday Others at the
.... IlIvcrrleTr Home.
Bernstein, Johnson, Vosburg and McAuley
visited tho home of one of the srlrls and
Interrupted a scene of revelry such as to
make denials useless. Two girls and three
boys were arrested. Other arrests fol
lowed examination of the first culprits.
Sensational- discoveries of alleged In
discreet practices among boys and girls
ntlll in their teens has resulted In the
arrests of seven sons of prominent
Omaha men and five young women,
members of more or less prominent
families. All are being detained at the
JMvervleW home, except one, whose re
lease was obtalned'on his father's promise
to send him away to a military school
for DOTS.
Juvenile Officer Mogy Herhsteln, who
-with,. tils assistant unearthed the case,
blames students' dancing parties and
other Btudcntlmltatlons of "society"
functions for the undoing of the young
people, fin referring to the case he
'also denounced the serving of punch at
student, social affairs.
Hearing for the young people In
Juvenile court havo been set for next
Saturday, First arrests were made last
Friday and others followed Saturday.
Judge" Howard Kennedy, of the Juvenile
court, continued the cases for a week.
According to Officer Bernstein tho
young men for weeks have been in the
habit of visiting tho young women In
their homes during absences ' of their
parents. Mothers of somo of the girls
work by days; another girl is motherless
and her father is away from home at
work through tho days.
More than a week ago the Juvenile
authorities first received reports regard
ing the goings on among the young
people. An investigation at that time
was made, but the boys and girls stoutly
dented their guilt, They wero permitted
to go tbelr ways, but the investigation
.was -not" abandoned. Friday Officers
Roads Here Could Have Used 500
Had They Been Available.
Youth Jumps from .
Window When Told
Two Men Await Him
Whether It was act three of a proposed
footpad attack, or whether It was tho
turning point In a drama of larger scope,
the recrultfng officers of the local army
recruiting station do not know, but they
saw a man who was comfortably seated
In their waiting room arise suddenly and
leap out' of the window when he was told
that two men. were waiting for him In the
hall of the army building. A tall young
fellow wearing sideburns stepped Into the
recruiting office and Inquired for Ser
geant Hansen. Cprporal Blackett told
him the sergeant was not In. The fellow
was shown Into the waiting room, where
he sat down.
Hearing footsteps pacing back and
forth In the halt Corporal Blackett stepped
out and faced two young strangers amov
ing cigarettes. In reply to his question
the young men said they were waiting
for the man In the sideburns in the wait
ing room. Blackett stepped back in ihe
room and after a few moments Incident
ally remarket to him of the sideburns:
"There are two fellows waiting for you
In the hall."
Tho man started up, wild-eyed.
"They have found me," he whispered
In an excited tone. "Where can I got
The next lnntant ho had lifted the south
window of tho army building and hid
leaped, to. liberty. Tho men lingered about
the hall until the watchman Inquired t'o
closely tut to their business, when they
moved on. v
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
natlroaut Men Say Confreatetl Condi
tion at This Particular Time U
line to Knornioas Crop
.Movement Going; On.
So far as Omaha Is concerned tho
freight car shortage Is more acute than
at any time during the present shipping
season. Omaha roads could have used COO
cars south and cast to load with grain
today, but they were not to be had. Some
of the roads were without any cars to
turn over to the customers and In ho
aggregate there were less than seventy
five empties In the Omaha, South Omaha
and Council Bluffs yards that could be
used for grain carrying.
According to the Omaha railroad freight
men the Omaha elevators are filled to
bursting, but conditions are no worse hero
than elsewhere, all central points report
ing a shortage of cars.
Railroad men contend that the congested
situation at this point is wholly due to
the enormous crop of last season and the
Immense quantities of merchandise mov
ing out of Omaha and other Jobbing
points. With good prioes everywhere
farmers are rushing off their grain, whllo.
merchants are laying in larger stock
than e,vcr before for what they predict
will bo a bumper spring and summer
An indication of what the country is
doing in the way of taking merchandise
is shown by the Northwestcrn's Ne
braska and South' Dakota business during
two days of this week. From this com
pany's freight depot ill Omaha 103 car
loads of merchandise went out for distri
bution through northern Nebraska, the
Black Hills country and Wyoming. The
I business of the other roads operating In
pmaha trade territory was equauy neavy
right now and that the only troubles
country merchants are having is In get
ting goods to keep their stocks up.
Governor Morehead
Gomes to Consult
With Local Doctors
Did Governor Morehead cut some po
litical pie In Omaha yesterday?
That Is what members of the Wilson
league, who paced the lobby of the Tax
ton looking for Governor Mocheail, are
wondering. They are also much worried
over' the company Governor JlWhead
kept while in Omaha.
Without telling any of the statesman
at Lincoln whither he was bound the
governor caught an early 'train to Omaha.
He was met af the station by Tom Flynn,
city clerk and head of the Dahlman de.
mocracy. That was the lust some t
Micro numerous patriots heard of him
They are wondering whore FJynn took
the governor. They are wondering why
the governor was not met by J. W. Wood-
rough or C. J. Smyth or many of the
other leaders of the Wilson league.
As Mayor Dahlman was 111 at his home,
the governor asked to be taken there and
had qutto a visit with the chief executive
the second floor were turned on for his
Wroth's new parlors, where the lights of
of the city. He was later taken to
the second floor were eurnrd on for his
The governor returned to Uncoln last
Local Man Becomes General Man
ager of the Stock Yards.
Ktartlnir nu a Clerk In the Store of
the W. It. Ilrnnett Company,
Nhoemnlter Una lllseii to
n Illicit Position.
when he resigned to take full and com-' 'ccccd Mr. Schellbcrg ns puichaslnir
plete charge of tho Denver yards. ! "Kent.
uencrui Manager i;. Hiuuiiighant sioko
highly of tho record inudo by Mr. Shoe
maker while In tho employ of the South
Omaha company, and said all weru
Traveling men of the Omaha Jobbing
I houses coming In out -of their territory
say that trade was never better than
Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured.
'"There is nothing more discouraging than
a chronlo disorder of the stomach. Is It
not surprising that many suffer for years
with such an aliment when a permanent
cure is within their reach and may be had
' for a trlfio? "About one year ago." says
'P. II. BecK'bf Wakclee, Mich., "I bought
a package of Chamberlain's Tablets, and
since utlng them J have felt perfectly
well. I had previously used- any number
of different medicines, but none of them
were of any lasting benefits." For sate
J by all dealers. Advertisement.
J. A. Shoemaker Is another Omaha boy
who haH mado good. He haa been ap
pointed general manger of tho' Denver
Union - Stock Yards company, accepted
the position and will leave within the
next few days for his new home.
Born In Illinois and coming to Omaha
twenty-thrco years ago, when a mcro
boy, J. A, Shoemaker haM gone up like a
rocket. His first employment In Omaha
was with the W. It. Bennett comnanv
when it was In the old Capitol avenue
"tore. There ho was Just a clerk, but
realizing that ho had the stuff In him
for better thlnga. ho studied shorthand
at night and soon became an oxpert steno
grapher. Then he sought and was given
employment at tho Burlington freight
office at Council Bluffs. From the Bur.
lington he went to tho Northwestern as
stenographer and clerk In the superin
tendent's office at Norfolk. From tliers
lie went to Sallda, Colo,, whero he bo
came chief clerk for Superintendent
Rldgway of the Denver k Itlo Grande
road. While employed , there he married
Miss Frances Warrick of-Norfolk.
In IMS Mr. Shoemaker quit railroading
and returned to Omaha, entering the em
ploy of Swift & Co. From there
he went to Armour .and Into the traffic
department, in a short tlin becoming
the head of tho office. Armour recog
nized his ability and soon culled lilm to
I Chicago, giving him an Important placo
In the city office. This won In 19OT, uiyl
after being in Chlrago a few months, he
was called back to Omaha and Into tho
trafflo department of tho I'nlon Stork
i inniB romvany i nerc .nr. rnoenMHir H
j remained, becoming Its head, until now, j
While tho changes Uiat Mr, Shoemaker
lias mode In tho lust tweuty-throo years
havo been nuincrouM, each new position
has been attended with additional respon
sibility, and euch new position has car
ried with It a substantial Increase In
a. W. Ballentlne, who formerly oc
cupied tho position that Mr. Shoemaker
Iihh accepted, will bo mado president of
the Denver Stock Yards company.
William Schellbcrg, purclinslng agent
for tho local yardu company, will bo
promoted to tho position left vacant by
Mr. Shoemaker's resignation. A. R. Par
ker, In tho employ of Colonel Sharp,
treasurer of the yards company, will
pleased with his promotion.
LIMA, Peru, Jan. 2S. The Peruvian
capital was today practically without
bread. All the bakers in tho rlty this
morning Joined tho general strike of
factory employes and othor workmen
which began early In January,
Key to th Situation Bee Advertising.
To Relieve Rheumatism
the body-waste producing uric acid mast be
gradually arrested and the blood purified.
Correct diet is essential. Abstain from tea
and anything containing alcohol; eat meat only
once a day and take SCOTT'S EMUL
SION after every meal.
SCOTT'S EMULSION is rich in blood
making qualities and makes new blood free
from the poisonous products which irritate
the joints and muscles ; its wonder
ful powers relieve the enlarged, stif
fened joints; and more,
places body-weakness with
sound body-strength by its con
centrated nourishing properties.
Physicians everywhere prescribe
SQOTTS EMULSION for rheumatism.
&..OT1 &. IlOWKB, Uloouitield, N. J.
!" T
. L