Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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vwuw i !
Auditor Cancels License Giahted to .
Elmer E. Bro'wn.
Trmla lo Wen ken I'anf lilrnrt of
I'uhllr In Illinium that In of
(irent 2ol to All, nnri Witt
.Not He Permitted.
I From a. Staff Corresondent.
LINCOLN, Jan. 2S. (Special.) Thu
license granted to Klmer K. Brown to
sell Ufa insurance linn been canceled by
Auditor Howard, after nn Investigation
of the. charge against the defendant
Brown made application for a license ami
befoie it was Issued the National Fidelity
And Casualty company filed n protest.
The license was Issued, However, pend
ing the hearing and the prtotest was
heard as an application for a revocation
of tho license.
Brown was charged In the protest r.ltli
having made fnlse representations against
the complaining company and with bclnt;
In debt to It for money collected as
In his decision of the case Auditor How
aid says: ,
The defendant uutii the witness staii.1
admitted that In certain cases nfter ho
had solicited and written new insurance
as agent of tho complainant -and while
the policies so written were In full foice
and effect he had as the Agent or a
subsequent cmploj er. U competitive com
pany, procured the cancellation of the
prior iKillcy and dellveie-.i the policy writ
ten In his new company. This the re
spondent claimed the right to do and
di-renUed that right. This department can
not approve such conduct or emlorfo iicli
niithods of business,
When an agent representing one com
pany has Hollcltel utul written a policy
01 Insurance ami that policy s In full
roico and effect he has no right an the
agent of a subsequent employer to pro-
cure the cancellation 01 sue,. ,
T ,i Such a piactlce in '
twisting" hi Its possible form. 'I'ne prac- .
tico of the defendant was to ln .lu't
holders of actual policies lo siiiiemlei
?,7,,Y.. Tv-hiL i,, full foic. and effect and ,
substitute new ones, mis prnvutf "-Oi
..... , ..nml .inn llill
'.... i.,rim,lv i.mwlviiintted
There Is no more belieUcunt feuture of
modern civilization than Insurance In all
its legitimate depattmenta. U serves to
(llHtrlbute losses, both accident and lire,
so as not to become unduly burdensome
to any. and Inures to the special benefit
of those on wlioin misioriunn mm .-.
,,r,.,.iirc n vhmvii hv the evidence :
in this case tends to undermine the confl- j
lenre of the public In the whole plan of j
insurance and thereby tends to weakeli .
faith In theefficiency of Its Intended pin -
pose. !
llffeot of Practice. i
While such conduct might pro. uie for I
ne company some business It would not i
olherwlso get. yet. If tolerated, agents of (
other companies would be purloining : the i
business It has written, so In the end no
legitimate profit could corne to those who
tolerate such conduct In their business.
But worse than all, the tendency Is to
destroy the confidence of the public In
all Insurance and thereby Indirectly af
fect the Interests of all companies disadvantageous-.
Another point developed
by the defendant's own evidence upon the
witness stand la that because he claimed
the right to remit premiums received In
the. business of his former employer at
any tlm nfter sixty days of the receipt
thereof he claimed tho right to cancel
policies that had already been written
and paid for In his first company, and
at any time within sixty days from Uutr
date substitute a new policy writen bp
Ids second employer and apply the whole
premium received for the first policy In
payment of the second ollcy.
It Is obvious that this Is not only a
failure to keep faith with his first em
ployer, but It Is exposing, his first em
ployer to tile risk of losx from the time
the first p ollcy was actually In Toice
without any compensation whatever. I'lie
respondent admitted upon the stand thit
You Should
Enjoy Your Meals
Oho of tho Most Important Questions
' to Consider In tho Search for
Happiness and Health.
If your stomach can not digest your
food, what will? Where's the relief? The j
answer Is In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, I
because, as all stomach troubles arise
from Indigestion and because one Ingredi
ent of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is able
to thoroughly and completely digest 3,000
grains of food, doesn't it stand to reason
that these tablets are going to digest all
the food and whatever food you put Into
your stomach T
Ton Can Eat With th Appatit of
Knit? Youngster, if Ton Help
Tour Stomach.
Science nowadays can digest food with
out having it enter the stomach at all.
And Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the
result of this selentlflcdlscovery. They
digest and digest thoroughly and well,
anything and everything you eat.
The burning question to you Is, "Are
you getting out of life all the pleasure
and health you are entitled to?" If not,
why not?
No matter whether every organ and
member of your body Is In a sound state
of health and strength, If your stomach
Is In any way disordered,, you are. not
going to be "yourself." You are going
to be a worried, out-of-sorts, nervous or
mllcn Individual, whose actions will re
flect, your condition Inside, and people
will naturally avoid you.
So, If your stomach refuses to work or
cart't work, and you suffer from eructa
tions, bloat, brash, fermentation, bilious
ness, sour stomach, heartburflTlrrltatlon,
Indigestion, or dyspepsia of whatever
form, Just take ono or two of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, and see the differ
ence. It doesn't cost you much to prove
it. Then ou can eat nil you want, what
you want, whenever you want. If you use
jIu-bc tablets, and you ran look tho whole
worjd in the face with a beaming eye and
ou will have a elieurful solrlt. a pleasant
face, a vigorous body and a emir mind
and memory and evorytlilirS will look and
tato delicious to you. That's life ,
Get a U cent box of Stuart's Dyspepala
Tab:ets ut any drug store
nutlilii ovtr to first employer In corp.
penwuion of tlip rlk tlio fomrwny had
Iiartincnt ennnnt approve
Neither can It continue the license of n
solicitor who confesses to have conrtiioted
his business In this manner and openly
defends his rlKht to do jo. Had these
j facts been known to this department when
the respondent made his application for
n license, It Is probable no license would
have been issued to him. It tnerctore loi
lows that the license already Rranted
must now be revoked, which Is accord
ingly done.
Fall of Big Tree
Kills Young Man
LEXINGTON. Neb.. Jan. IS.-(Speclal
Telegram.) ltobcrt A. BlIllnRsle)', a young
farser living about five miles northeast
of IcxliiKton. was Instantly killed this
morning as he wan helping his brother-in-law.
Mr. Karley, fell soma large cotton
wood tree on Mr. Farley's farm. As
one large tree was falling Mr. Bllllmraley
became exvlted and Instead of running In
the opposite direction from the falling
tree run In the same direction In which
the tree was falling. The. tree struck
him on the head, resulting In stant death.
Mr. nillliiKsley was a slnglo man about
i!8 years old and made his home with his
sister, Mrs. Farley. Mrs. Winters and
Mis. Parley are the only close relatives
Mr. ISIlllpstey had. He was owner of
eighty acrefc of land.
WEST POINT. Xeb.. Jan. 2S. Special.)
The stockholders of the Wlsner Stock
Show association at a recent meeting
elected the following new officers: Presi
dent. J. C McXIsh: vice president. Clar
! ence Wallace; secretary. C. S. Dellyi
I treasurer. William Armstrong. Directors
chof)en wcro D x Knn0(
William Mode-
row. S. Kmley. O. B. Thompson
William Armstrong.
Thomas Glenn of Norfolk, a telephone
llnrmnii and former well-known citizen
vesi i-oini. nas necu aojuugea jo Dei
... . ... ,
a dipsomaniac by the county boarrt or i
Madison county and has been sent for
treatment to Lincoln. The complaint
was made by his mother, Mrs. Beeson. J
The board of managers of the West
Point Speed association have wound up
the financial affalrsof the association
for the year 1SI2. Enough surphiB funds
wpre foumi t0 fce OI, hall(i to warrant tho
df,cinratIon of dvMcnfj of 10 per cent
,,.,., , .
0,1 tne orB",al stock. The affairs of
the association, under the management
of President W. T. S. Xellgh and Secre-
tary John l Hansen arc In a very
flourishing condition and the race meet
of im ,8 C0IlfidentIy exPectcd to sui-
pasSTfll previous efforts.
Mrs. John Schluesencr of West Point
has been notified of the death of her
father, Ludwlg Meeske, which occurred"
at Stettin, Germany. Mr. Meeske was a
native of Brandenburg, Germany, and a
former pioneer settler of Cuming county.
After living here over twenty years he
returned to his native land where he
died at the age of S8 years.
SCHUYLER. Teb.. Jan. JS.-(8pecialj-A
parcels post package was received by
Clerk Davis at the local postofflce r.
cently which, the sender claimed, con.
talned perfume. The package was duly
stamped by the unsuspecting clerk and
placed In a mall pouch. A short tlina
afterward when Postmaster Zuelow cams
on duty he noticed a peculiar odqr per
meating the atmosphere of the postofflce.
After a diligent search to locate Its
source the postmaster enlisted the serv
ices of Fred McLeod, another clerk, who
finally traced tho odor to the "perfume"
package In the mall sack. On opening
the package it was found to contain eunk
skins. The pac.cage was returned to its
j owner with a few pointed remarks from
Mr. Zuelow. .
New Itank for, Falrbnry.
FAIRBURY. Neb., Jan. 2S.-(Speclal.)
Tho Formers and Merchants National
bank of Valrbury has been organized,
with a capital of J60,000, and will open for
business March 1 In the Bonham bank
building on the northwest corner of the
square. An adjourned meeting of the
stockholders was held In the city and the
fool lowing officials elected for the cur
rent year: B. R. Bee. president; Dr. II. L.
Clarke and F. A. Leonard, vice presi
dents; Elmer B. COwIes, cashier; Ore. Cox,
assistant cashier. The directors Include E.
R. Bee, F. B'. Cowlei, Ora Cor, II, L.
Clarke, O. Vanjer. S. Brainard, A. M,
HungerforiJ, F. A. Ionard, II, E. Falr
chlld, S. L Naylor, Milt Coffman and A.
F. Hlner.
V. 3L V, A. School at Ilolilrrce.
HOLDREGE, Neb., Jan. 2S.-(Bpeclal.-The
Young Men's Christian association of
hlgh schools of southwestern Nebraska
closed Its convention In this city last
night, sessions having been held each
day since Friday. Sixty delegates from
out of the city were In attendance and fif
teen schools were represented in the con
vention. On Saturday athletic conteits
between the various delegations were en
gaged In. At the several social and busi
ness meetings papers and addresses have
been given by the young men and by
Instructors of the local schools. Btate
Secretary J. P. Bailey and Dean Ringer
of Omaha were Interesting speakers at
the closing session last night.
flcliuyler In Dnrkneaa.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Jan. IS.-(Bpeclal.)
Schuyler was shrouded In darkness after
8:30 last night, when the city power plant
went out of commission. The greatest
confusion was caused at the Janccek
theater, where a large crowd had gath
ered to listen to a Bohemian concert.
Candles and lamps were secured and the
musicians were able to proceea It .s
believed that the plant will be in shape
again tonight.
t.'tltnr Man Stabbed.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. S8.-(Speclal Te
egram.) Lou Gerhardt, proprietor of a
cigar store here, was stabbed In the left
breast last night by Bryce Burrough, n
17-year-old boy, while the former wai
trying to eject him from his store for
trying to create a "rough house. Bur
roughs escaped after the trouble. Ger-
hardt's Injury' Is not regarded as serious.
! I'onltry Shnvr at York.
, YORK. Neb.. Jan. a.-fSpeolal.)-The
! York County Poultry show opened thN
morning with an unusually large numbsr
of fine birds. There seems to be great
interest taken In this county and no jp
portunhy Is allowed to pass where breed.
tn can improve their stock.
Suit Filed Against
Head Consul Talbot
at Bloomington
BLOOM1NOTON. Xeb . Jan 2S.-(Sp".
clal.) Another Injunction suit aKainst the
Modern Woodmen of America has been
filed In this the Tenth Judicial district of
Nebraska, th second suit against the
order to be brought In this district. Tho
object and prayer of the action Just com
menccd Is to secure an Injunction against
A. It. Talbot and other head officers of
the Modern Woodmen of America to te
straln said officers from suspending thai
portion of the bv-lawa which provides
for publicity In the matter of the ex
penditures of the society. The by-law In
question and which A. U. Talbot .?
charged with letting aside reads as lol
lows: Provided, that the head clerk shall pre
pare monthly an Itemised statement In de
tail of the expenditures of every dollar of
the general fund, and furnish a copy of
tho same to the editor, who shall print It
In bulletin form, and upon request of any
neighbor he shall be furnished a copy of
the same by the head clerk.
This by-law was adopted at the last
regular session of the head camp at Buf
falo, X. Y. Numerous efforts were made
on the part of members In this section to
secure the bulletin, but all the attempts
were unavailing. On the grounds aa held
by the head clerk In letters written to
the Franklin lodge that such Information
In the hand of critics might Injure the
society, Head Consul Talbot on or about
December last Issued a dispensation aus.
pending the by-law. It Is alleged In the
petition that the head consul exceeded his
authority In thus presuming to set aside
a fundamental proviso of the head by
lawi. and It Is therefore sought to obtain
an order from the court that will enforce
obedience to It. Action Is brought In the
name of F. M. Blchard, a member In
good standing In Franklin camp Xo. lo21,
Modern Woodmen of America, located t
Franklin, Xeb., and the hearing! Is set for
the February term of court.
NORTH BKND, Xeb.. Jan. 2S. (Special.)
The new Methodist Kplscopal church Is
to be dedicated Sunday, February' 2.
Bishop Bristol of Omaha. District Super
intendent J. M. Bothwell of Grand Island,
Rev. G. H. Main of Albion and other
local ministers will be here to assist
the pastor. Rev. Walter L Klllott. In the
service. Tho building Is of wood, with
a pement stone foundation, resting on a
fo!d concrete base. The floor space oc
cupies 4.000 squflte feet and Is divided
Into an auditorium. Epworth league room,
primary room, kitchen apartment and ves
tibules. The seating capacity Is 400 and
tho cost of the building and furnishings
is about $10,000.
son of kearneyVastor
is victim of pneumonia
KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 18. (Special Tel
irram.l Robert Hill, the 16-year-old son
of Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Hill of the Pres
byterian church died Monday after ai
week's Illness of' pneumonia, from which
complications in the nature or heart
failure caused his sudden death. He Is
survived by aslster and his father and
mother. Robert was a member of the
senior class of. the Kearney High school.
Funeral servlcfcs will be held Wednesday
morning a ttho Hill home and tho body
will be taken to Lexington, Neb., for
PERF, Neb. Jan. 28.-(Speclal.) The
'try-outs" here at tho Normal closed
Saturday. Thirty students were competing
for places on the Intercollegiate debating
teams. The successful ones are Messrs.
Casslus Kennedy, Harrison Line, Robert
A'ernon Noel Tyson, John Weir, Wlnslow
and Clyde Hutchison, and Misses Robin
son, Keith and Lamb.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 2S.-(Speclal.)
The Hastings Independent Telephone
company today accepted the proposition
for. the sale of Its' plant to the Lincoln
Telephone and Telegraph company. AH
shares In the I tastings concern are to be
taken by the Lincoln company at par.
Ilnmboldt Notes.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Jan. M. (Special.)
Mrs. Wilbur Penn was taken so seriously
111 last week tliat on fiundajafternoon It
was deemed necessary to take her to
the Lincoln sanitarium for treatment.
A series of three weeks' revival services
ended Sunday night, during which time
160 converts were mado for Christianity.
Dr. Joel A. Smith, the evangelist, has
devoted his entire energy to the cause,
here, making such a strenuous effort that
he was on the verge of 'a collapse on two
or three occasions.
rtanqriet nt Kearney.
KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. S8.-(SpecIa1.)-At
the last meeting of the old board of
directors of the Commercial club today
final arrangements were made for the
annual banquet, to be held In tho city
hall Friday night. A resolution was
passed welcoming the Right Rev. James
A. Duffy, D. D., the newly elected bishop
of the Kearney diocese of the Roman
Catholic Church.
McCook Workman Wnnli Offlre.
M'COOK, Neb.', Jan. 28. (Special.) At
the regular meeting of McCook lodge of
the Ancient Order of United Workmen
last night C. B. Gray, who has been local
recorder for years, was formally launched
by the lodge as a candidate for the grand
recordershtp. As McCook Is one of the
largest lodges of the order In the state of
Nebraska they feel they are entitled to
this recognition In the grand lodge and
thoy will do everything In their power to
put their candidate over.
La Foiled Lesame Electa Officers.
HOLDREGE, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.)
At a meeting last night of the members
of the La Follette League of Phelps
county It was voted to maintain the or
ganization during the coming four years,
and that the name of the organization re
main unchanged during that period. V.
8. Bailey was re-elected president and
W. 11. II. Richardson fcecretary and treas
urer. Ilruileraoit V uman tilrrn Verdict.
YORK, Neb.. Jan. S8.-(Spoclal.)-Mr.
Peters was given Judgment for H75 In the
copnty court against the tillage or Hen
derson for personal Injurlcr. She wis
thrown from a wn while cmvlnc ty
defective culvert. She sued for Jt,XO
FRIKNO. Xeb Jan. as.- lflptxlnn -The
annual ttauqurt of the Friend Commercial
club was held at the Hotel Del Coronado
last evening. Seventj-slx plates were
laid for the occasion and a splendid four
course, dinner provided hyCaterer Page.
Lieutenant Governor U. S. McKehlc hud
been secured to deliver the nddress of
the evening, and for an hour ho touched
the live wires on matters relatlvr to the
best Interests of this city, the county and
state. The governor's address was fol
lowed by a paper by K. A. Brown of the
Filend Sentinel on "Advertising;"' Attor
ney J. H. Addle presented a paper on
"Our Kducatlonal Advantages;" Rev. C.
II. Seidcl delivered nn address on "Also
a Business Proposition," In which he
showed the relative Interests of the
churches of this community us well as
Its business advantages: Colonel O. U.
Bowlby, the club's secretary, gave an In
teresting talk on "Our Commercial Club"
and what It was and had been doing; M.
Whltcomb of tho Fried Telegraph, to
whom had' been assigned the subject
"Friend-Past and Present," kept the
meeting In nn uproar of laughter for a
few moments over some army reminis
cences and the things of Interest In
Friend's early history, and Postmaster
W. T. Morso read nn Interesting paper on
"Parcel Post." The Commercial club of
Friend starts out with renewed vigor,
determined to boost hnrder. have better
accommodations, beter roads and a llvo
Commercial club In the future.
NEW YORK. Jan. 2S. A new plan
whereby thoy hope to "hntoh votes for
women" will be Inaugurated here today
by ardent leaders of the cause. Headed
by Mrs. Perry Hastings, president of the
Interborough Suffrage Club and Women's
exchange, and Mrs. Sophia Krcamer,
vice president or the organisation, en
thusiastic members, spent a night
posting "Votes for women'-' slips on
12,000 cgg'
These eggs, whluch the women claim
are fresh from tho farm, are to be
placed on sale today. Tho women behind
tho project believe that good missionary
service will be performed through plac-'
Ing the fresh eggs with their novel In
scriptions In the hands of consumors.
'Wo can get all the fresh eggs wa
want," Mrs. Kreamer explained. "They
come fiom farmers In New York and
New Jersey and we Intend to sell them
at prices that will do away with the
Two dozen of the eggs will not bo sold.
They aro to be sent by parcel post to
Governor Wilson and Governor Sillier.
Peisistent Advertising Is th Road to
Big Returns.
The world's leading public-health
official writes that most of the colds,
coughs, neuralgia and rheumatism
are due to rooms equipped with old
fashioned heating, where on windy
days there is often found a difference,
of ten degrees between the air at the
floor level as compared with the
mid-center or breathing plane of the
room. This temperature difference
along the floor level chills the feet
and legs, producing faulty circula
tion the work of the heart is thus
"short-circuited" and one's vitality
is severely taxed.
il Radiators
ing by IDEAL Boilers arid
spots and
and the air is not robbed of its purity am vitality
Look at the official health maps of any big city, whtovwiU Klvfrw
rheumatism, pneumonia, coughs and consumption ,c tftb&'e dli4rii
warmed and ventilated by IDEAL Boilers end A jKJESA W rlddmtofti.
A No. C211S IDEAL, Boiler and 170 tq. ft. of
U In. AMERICAN tUdlatora. coatlnc the
owner S140, wrre uttd to bat thlt cot
Ufa. At thla priea tht good can b bought
of any reputable, competent Fitter. Thlt
did not Include cote of labor, pipe, valvee,
frelrht, etc., which arc extra and rary ac
cording to climatic and other condition.
WAND and a
th iron piping into
ptrfablt vacuum cltautr
Ho exclusive agents.
Sold by all dealers.
Public Showrooms at Chicavo. New
new urisans, inaiaqspou,
His Passing from the Steel Business I
Considered Godsend. !
Former President of Cortmrntloit I
Trattflra Onr-Kourth Ilia Fortune !'
la Inteatril In Krcnrltlra of
IHr 'oinu.-n .
NEW YORK, Jan. 'Jv-Tcs'tlmony In
support of the contention of the govern
ment that Andrew Csrneglo was a
trouble-maker In the steel trade and that
the Carnegie Steel rompany was taken
over by the United Stntes Steel cor
poration because of bis rnfiisal to abide
by agreements, was heard today In tho
government suit to dissolve the cor
poration, under the Sherman anti-trust
law. It was given by Walter Scrantont
former president of tho Lackawanna
Bleel company and other Independent
Mr. Sciantoti told of the various steel
tall pools which existed In the steel
tiade before the corpotutlou wns or
ganized In which the Carnegie Steel
coiniwiiy Invariably was a member. It
appeared from his testimony that Andrew
Carnegie was responsible for the dissolu
tion of most of the pools.
"Did Andrew Carnegie's method of
competition give rise to any feeling nn
tho part of the manufacturers relative to
his continuance In e huslness?" asked
H E. Colton of counsel for tho govern
ment. Wlint Hip (irnernl Feeling; Wna.
"There was a general feeling that it
would be a Ood-send It Andrew Car
negie was out of the business." replied
Mr. Scinnton with a laugh.
That one-fourth of the fortune of Will
iam H. Corey, former president of the
corporation, Is Invested In United States
Steel securities wns brought out today
while. Mr. Corey was winding up his
testimony. Tho Information was elicited
from Mr. Corey himself by tho govern
ment counsel In an apparent effort to
show that the witness had not been ac
tuated In giving his testimony, considered
by many favorable to the government,
by any animosity toward tlio steel cor
poration. Mr. Corey announced that he was
"natural)' In favor of" the-sticcess of the
corporation In the present suit.
man In the county Jail here on a forgery
charge, who asserted In a lucid Interval
that he was Oeorgo Klmmel, "the man
of mystery," was Identified today ns the
ono who recently figured In the famous
Identity case In St. Louis,
Sheriff W. R. Hawkins of Pike county.
. -AZ-r..
AMEtaG AN'jRadiatora
The Indian huddle cl, On4hisammp)0tecf tho worst victim a cf
pneumonia, t-hmti.rHriS&ar winter maladies. So,
too, the fdnrifcrs (cccorrjaria: .f6tWntiiwit Statistics), with their old
fashioned heating, ehej.a fir Kj&cijticarh rot than do city people from
the ravages of these v?kitcrdtsca3fc.
IDEAL Boilers and AM&RICAN Radiators are used to warm and
ventilate the leading hottla, .snrritoriutna end baths at A5x-1 s-Balns, Nice,
Mentone, The Riviera, Carls&ad, . iMsrichbadiv Cdtro, Simla, Japan, Florida,
Southern California, etc These Tacts should point the right heating way
to you I
IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators are now put in old or new
cottages, mansions, stores, schools, churches, etc without disturbing
occupants or tearing up floors or partitions. Need no repairs. Will
outwear the building. Their big savings in fuel, labor and absence of
repairs soon repay their cost Write, 'phone or call to-day for free book,
"Ideal Heating."
Wt alto mpplf tht ARCO WAND Vacuum Cltautr, whUk hat iron
knlth, kttttltnli. bankt. tktaltn. tie. A turn of an lltctHc button
litht-wilht dainty hot ALL th dirt, dust, nitwit, lint, threads, moths, inttct tfgt, tie., aro drawn
th bit, soaltd dott-bucitt In cellar. Costs Uttl monthly for iltctricity to run. No dratting
insttaa, sounav m correct, inaunag outfit
York. Boitan, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington. Baltimore, Buffalo, Pltubureh, Cleveland,
hiiwiuiii, wmana, rainnvpii,Bt , . u im., iau.B ry-,ww,, -v, i-uiunnu. ciumc,
Toronto, Brantford (Ont-j, London, Paris, Uruite:, Berlin, Duesseldoif, MXan, Vienna
today t-ciehrd a pliotogiaph of Klmmrl j
froni Or. Wood of St Joseph Mich., who ;
once attended Klnnuei at Nlles. The I
photograph, says the sheriff, undoubtedly
llji picture of the man now In prison.
The sheriff also received today a letter j
from Mrs. Frances Fo of Nlles. a cousin t
of Klmmel. In which she said that from
descriptions sent to her by Sheriff Haw-
klii', she was sure the prisoner Is tho '
man who claimed to be tier cousin. '
The. man was arrested Januarv ! on a
charge of passing a forged check on u
l-oulslans. (Mii.l merchant. The name
signed to the check was that of William
Conrad, a 1outlann ' dry goods dealer, i I
It Is charge,! that "Klmmel" gave the
check In pa)ment of n bill of dry goods.
The prisoner Is seriously III and most i
of the time his memory wanders. j
X TOffreSSl Vfi
O v" w I
lowa progressive
Heads Serve Notice
ATI QoYl O Tm r'nmmin C leaves the Islands for 8nn Fianclsco
Ull KJUiiCitUl U UllIJLlllliO j Wednesday. Mr. MrCrann was the son
, of l'r. W. .T. McCrann of Omaha.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) t Resolutions passed by the sennte of
DISS MOINES. In., .Ian. SS .-(Special the Nebraska legislature, urging govorn
Telegram.) The progressive party man- ' tnent ownership of railroads wero re
agers nt their banquet mid conference I celved bv the Nebraska delegation here
hero served notice on Senator A. B. today. A meeting Is to be called to plan
Cummins that no matter what he does some concerted netlon on the wishes of
they Intend to effect his defeat nt tho I the Nebraska lawmaking body,
next oppoltunlty. I Tho supremo court today dismissed tho
They ndopted u . statement which was I appeal of George Mengel of Iowa from
In effect a denunciation of the senior t the lowa supreme court, In which fio
senator for his effort to effect reforms
in the republican party and a declaration
that tho party will In this state put up
iv caudldato for senator no matter what
ho may do. Tho progressives of l ho
state are wondering where this declarn-
lion leaves them.
DENVER. Jan. 2S.-U was developed by
rigures produced" today at the annual con
vention of United States Foresters, dlstlict
No. '.', that tho timber In iiMtluual forests
Is growing faster than It Is being wild.
It Is tl(o aim of the forestry scrvtco to
dlsposo each year of an nmouut of old
timber equal to that tf the new timber
grown during tho year! but this has lot
been done. The foresters at their ses
sions todny discussed plans for advertis
ing the national timber and making It
more easily acceptable.
NEW YORK, Jan. M.-Dlsplay In the
window of a Broadway pawnbroker's
show Is a handsome fourl rep karat gold
plate, which bears an Invitation from the
California commandnry No, 1. Knlglita
Tomplnr, to the lato President MoKln
ley, retiueslnug his nttendnnrio at an as
sembly held In San Francisco on tho
night of May 1". 3901. Tho Invitation Is
of cold
lb must make fho druggist wonder at the persistence of the
sjtoady procession of customers who each winter drag in
Way to be relieved of ills which could in general be
aroickd by putting in this modern heating outfit. It
&ep9evw.rnrt of the -home at uniform warmth floors,
haVttdxwes, bays, nooks and corners all genially alike
arotort,tina lnlUi-ijrotectinc:
r.iia V-.JA- 7.r.rM E
e f'old floors, drafts and
vaaoapitlg asti-CiUSt-ana coal
otthjow'free' from deaths due to
wUca practically all .the best 1
: homes ore
suction pipit ruumtug f varitmt floort of housts, flatt, schools, churchit,
in any room tlorts tho macilnt in battmtnt. and with tht marital ARCCi
ust it pan oj im ouuatng ut radiator
sinned h. the vn outer and i-m.ret.iry of
th" tommai. ivrj In one torner appears
a handsome enameled insignia at tho
lodge. In the center of which Is a blue
whlt diamond of at least a karat In
weight. The (fold tablet Is enclosed In a
Imix which bears the sign of the order
Tho plate was sold for STO by Mrs
.Mnlxd McKlnlay liner, niece of tho late
president, to the pawnbroker In whoso
window It Is displayed. It was explained
that there had hem several burglaries
In the neighborhood and that the Baer.a
deemed It advisable lo dispose uf tho
(Kmm s(nrf (v.rrp.on.ic-nt)
WASHINGTON. Jan. l"S.-(Speclat Tclp-
urn'" -'rhc Wnr department Is arrang-
ing to have the body of John McCranu
; of the Philippine Infantry, recently killed
' lliri.. liriMiL'hl line!; mi n liner whlcu
was held liable for alimony payablo to
his divorced wife. The amount was
about J3.000 The court held that no
federal question was Involved, it wns
contended that Mr. Mengel was being
i deprived of his properly without due
; process of law. The chief Justice dls-
I unfteu me ruse wiui iu icr ceni uamages.
i The Interstate Commerce committee
of the house will have a hearing tomor
row on tho proposition of tho freight
classification. This wns arranged by
Representative Norrls. Clifford Thome,
lowa railway commissioner. Is to bo ono
of the prlnrlpnl witnesses before tho
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Almost Lost Foot
Saved by Hood's Saraaparllla
Harry Jenkins, Elkhart, lnd writes:
"I nnrrowly escaped losing my foot,
because of swelling and sores on my
ankle. They discharged a great quah
tlty of matter nnd somo pieces of bone.
After threo yoars of agony the doctor
advised that tlio foot be amputated. My
family would not consent to this, but
began to give me Hood's Sarsaparllla.
To mako a long story short, this medl
olno effected u complete cure."
Get Hood's today In usual liquid fortn
or tablets called aarsatabs.
temperature. With heat-
1 7
- gases.
! i0 1
IDEAL Boiler are lafcr
and eatler to run than
tovet, and their cltanll.
net reduces housework
one-half. They will last
a long a the building
and need no repair. Ac
cept no (ubttitute.
with lithtnlng rapidity down
around a clumsy, ineficlint
htatlng. Ask for catalog,
Writ Department N-M
413-417 South Tnth St,
Cincinnati, Detroit, Atlanta, Birmingham.
tiu 4-rantiace, 1.0. Aijgcics,