Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Stupendous Sales
For the Entire TV TfXm A V February
Week Beginning IVlWiNiri I , Third
From Our Great Purchase of the
$93,700.00 STOCK
F. HLOrcutt &Son Co.
1024 Farnam, Omaha
Representing the Entire Stock on Hnnd Our Shnre of the Purchnso. ,
The High Class Rugs
from the Orcutt Stock All Go on Sale
Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 3d and 4th,
I kIiI in some of the big Institutions In
I 'ouglait county amounted to f J a. week
ind t.r. Therefote he wanted a commu
te, appointed to take testimony anl re-
Kit on the condition existing in the
i.-tHti regarding female labor. MrAllttdrr
! Introduced the resolution nnl It wan
!Hdipted unanimously. Fuller of fcwanl
The Lace Curtains and
Drapory Goods on Sale
, Wednesday, Feb. 5th.
The Rich Oriental
Ruga All Go on Salo
Thursday, Feb. 6th.
All the Fine Linoleum
Will Go on Sale
Watch the Papers Evory Duy for Later Particulars.
' was tuniffl chairman mid the othtr mem
'bes of tlii committee will be named
ning the prisons and when he urged the
establishment of an Intermediate prison.
The houae indefinitely poitputicd Houbo
Holt 79. by McAllister, which changed
the present law )fie allow landlords to put
tnnan( otif otjfajmsj! pending J.ltlgatlon
over possession. ' t
.tinny Store Jleasnrea Are I'lneect
Hrlore: Hie Legislators.
(From a aff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Jjn. 2.-(8peclal.)-The fol
lowing bills wjere. Introduced In the house:
II. II. 416. by Fisher of Uoolie-Forbids
any discrimination as to method of teach
ing pupils In the flchool for the Dcftf.
H. It. 411. by fitebblns of Dawaon-Ap-proprlates
1100,000 for the Jinking or ex
ploratory deep wells to determine under,
lying strata. m
II IU iK. by Anderson of Kearney
Forblda railroad, express or telegraph
compantea fiom. chanting phone compa
nies rental for publlo booths.
II. TL 413. by Anderson of Kearney -Requires
the, Installation of a man lift In
nil elevators. Hallway commission to en
force, i
II. n, 414. by Mather and 8ohaVipp-For
fotistltutltJnal amendment to relieve farm
improvements from taxation.
II. n,-415, by MoKlsstck .nd.IIoft-ln-creases
salary of hotel commissioner
from s per day actually at nork to
:.000 per years authorises employment of
unnumbered .additional assistants ,at not
over $1,200 a yea-;, revises hotel regula
tlons. .
II. It. 41ft, by McKlssick and Hoff-Re-lleves
hpteJ Jte'Per of liability fon loss of
valuables unless guest has it receipt for
H. It. 417, by McKlssick of Gage-In-creases
number of county commissioners
In counties of over 40,000 population from
three to rive; this Increase heretofore
optional; establishes four-year term.
H Jt. 418, by 'McKlssick of Gage-Corn-pels
county board of supervisors to sub-
Kidney Medicine
,Mlt It. ......tint. ,.l.n.. KM
III. .11 ll ,IIU .l,va.iwl lit UIIHIIKIIIK AUllll
of government to commissioner system;
majority voir required to cnangc.
... 11., I J V I ... U It U . . .
lows tombntono manufacturers a lien un
monuments and permits their removal
and sale If not paid for. 4
j II. It. 4S0. by Huckner of Lancaster
Provides that It shall not be necessary, to
publish announcements of sales foi de
Jlmfuent taxes In German, .Swedish and
a.wiii.iiiiuii IIVWBIUJttrB.
11 rr ioi I... ti. ......... .
... . 1, j 1 iiiiiivi Ul V-IIIJ V-IVH
IrlnlB I1 II V ) i.n.iMnn.l .. ,,... -.
, ' Mtiluni till u J.iiv;niiui III
one party without consent of other for
nut mum iiiuu iweive nays; present law
it. it. 4::. by McCarthy or' Greeley-
I' 1 V rt fnlnlinlim tnt, -.I.. I. I V I
' .,. .j lui muuii laiiur 111
stores, factories, packing houses or work
shops at 30 cents per hour or W per week;
overtime, 30 cents per hour.
II R. 423, by Norton of Polk-Creatcs
Nebraska conservation and public wel
fare commission, composed of governor,
chancellor of university, chairman of In
dustrial committee Hoard of Regents, di
rector of conservation and soil survey,
riiumrj- mine uoara or Agriculture,
state superintendent and director legtsla
tlve referenda hiirj,.,,. nn....t.L.
qqq . , tn.vo
II. It. 424. by Allen of dage-Exempts
;iSim.,atl.on wrinaT apparel nml
p.'.rh.rt,nol PrtPrty for each family.
II. Jt 42j, by Uoffmelster of Chase-Ap-proprlates
IG.ttjO to csUblljl) State npard
or Health bacteriological laboratories,
under management of Btate Iloard of
Health! appropriates JT.000 for malnte
r.Rncp, , s
If. It. 420. by Itoffmels.ter ol Chase
Opens season on beavers.
-If. It, 4J7. by hen of Douglas-Olves
?t?Ji c,iy corl Powr to Improve
fir rnnt' ",,eyf ln P" city un-
If. I. Jfi ki 11a il . .
: i ' una
ii v. r . . .vnpui.
.o1, nn, ILS.?' K" f.mi J?k.
llnV.I.I... ""-"""-11HI1U UBIIKR WlUCil
u2 .V .ir lb,'e,0,,." ''"tlonal banks shall
gufaAty"fund.,u" n"r 01 nn UanK
11. 11. 4.. by nruesdow of Douglss-
munltles where. In the opinion of the
board, hanking facilities are ndequate.
II. H. 449. by Ileynolds of lted Willow
The first two assessments of the bank
guaranty fund shall equal I per cent or
the average dally deposits.
New Hinnte I1IIU.
S.,K W. by Wolx pt .Dodge-Provides
fur ;3cfimlnatlort of, barbers and create
barbers' oxumlnlng board,
n-fc FtM: ,l,ytHongnn(l of Unpoln-Ite.
lats ff reinsurance of risKes and'rettirix
f a V Af aa.tmill.,H S - .. - I J
lta rliks.
a IS Iftt U.4 1Ih.mI.hj .. m r .
y f e iwv, iutxitft.iiti .n iniivuiirr
a t.n 1 Vk t m . K
Prnt'liU. ttio hi.i. .n.i.t -
nall tax h e-rtf f a tet ugnlnst lltlRants.
o. r. w, ty nanrman 01 uoiigiua 1'iirc
fl.nsoed amlflaxjieedoU bill.
8. F iSul, by Mamhnll of Uincaatcr
MrvivH rl m m Vint Art nk lii.tu. .
. imi.- ti v juviivju ui ilia jrrtivr)
Into tho county treaavry nml aha 11 re-
H. F. 202. by Wmlth of Seward-A bill
for a constitutional amendment cutting
down the time for publication of consti
tutional amendments from three months
R If "l 11 I... A ri,.-l
. . : . . v. i u.uuiuii v. . ivuiif.iar.
erg from LW0 to 12,500 annually.
r. an. uy taicoti 01 u'euar t'roviues
IllMl rra.n In.tlni. 1 1 n . ... n . . ...
voked by pure food commissioner when
testers are found guilty of fraudulent
m. r. m, by Kelclvel of Nemaha-Ilo-
nuali tlolii -lil hrirfv. inm -1 .. i .. ...
constriictlon of bridges over streams more
iiinii iiu icei. wine.
H. F. 2C0, by Grace of Marian-Repeats
law which provides that no person shall
bo compelled to pay for newsptipern or
inagBxInen whlrh ho has not ordered or
which liavo been sent beyond time of ox
plratlon of subscriptions.
H. V. 207. by Hartllng of Otoe-Provldes
that In cases where debtors are Insolvent
und the debtor's husband or wife has
property which the creditor seeks to sub
ject to satisfaction of debts it shall be
prima racle evidence for the creditor to
prove existence of dobt, that he bus ex
hausted all other means of collection and
that debtor's, spouse has title to property
acoulreil durlncr rnvtur
S. K. JOS. by'Wols of Dodge-Confcrrlng
t'lim mil Ire ppnln tril n llnkr In-
perllnn iif the t'nlverslf
From a Staff Correspondent, i
LINCOLN. Neb.. .Ian. W.-(.Spctlnl.l-
Twrnt-otie pen hills were introduceil In
the senate today to add to the number
ulleady In. which rtins the lint up to
Senator Wol of Dodge county would
provide for a barbers' rrglr-tratlon ami
examining board which shall constitute
the governor, attorney general and super
tntendent of public Instruction, with a
board of deputies, who will draw $5 a diy
for all time actually employed. No per
Bon can follow tho barber trado tititess he
first obtains a certificate of registration
from tho board. Sixty days after the .ip
proval of the bll the board shall appoint
three examiners at the above salary, oim
for one year, ono for two years and tho
third for three y ears. Four examination j
Khali be held at least once a ear. at Lin
coln, Omahn, Alliance and McCook, no
lief of which shall be given In at least
two papers. Any person plying the trade
without first securing a certificate shall
be liable to a fine of not more than JVW
nor less than 110 or Imprisonment in tl.e
county Jail
.Marshall of Lancaster believes that ti'l
Justices of the peace In Lancaster and
Douglas counties should pay all fees re
ceived by them Into the office of thn
county treasurer and in return should 'e
cclvc a salary of fl, Ui) per year.
HiivIiik on Amendment.
Smith of Seward Introduced senate Mo
No. 202, which, If it becomes a law, ivlll
take from thn governor the prestige if
the J62.O00 fund, which so much political
capital was mode of last fall ln the print
ing of the constitutional amendments.
Hail .Mr. Smith's bill been In effect last
year the Mate would only havo had to
pay about J17.O0O Instead of the amount
It did pay. lie would cut down tho time
for printing the amendments from thrco
month to ono month, the time usually
used for tho printing of legal notices.
Kelchel of Nemaha would save tho
state some money by repealing certain
portions of the stato aid brldgo law and
would cut out the aid on bridges less
than 175 feet long.
Grace of Harlan comes to the support
of the newspaper man by introducing
a bill to repont the law passed at a
previous session which provides that no
person shall be compelled to pay for h
paper ho has not ordered or keeps on
coming after his subscription hoa ex
pired. Hummel of Webster sent up a
against the passage of nartllng's Sunday
base ball bill In behalf of 29,000 Methodists
ot the state.
University Itraolntlon.
Kobcrtson of Holt sent a lengthy cum
munlcatlon to the secretary's desk, In
which he called the attention of the sen
ate to ii visit of a committee from tin
leglslatdie to view the present university
site and the state farm site, and that the
regents had shown them the bad places a.t
tho, present site ami tho good places Jt
the farm.' )"Ue 'desired that a; cgmmlttoe
should go out and look at the good places
around, t.he' present (University ground
and the bad places over at the state farm.
hp resolution went over for a day undsr
Pel-son. wiVaX r UhTVo mecnaWu'en ?,,lhr,f on " nrd "ST Trrigi'tloT,
shall furnUh building own?? an" te'n, 1.11 W"lf"..;"1 ten,,on of dra'-
,ng,n'uV;eriaTlh,n """"', : E ' & Mland ofBougla,-
II. II. 431. by Drucsdow of Douglas Pro- ! inc o non-meaicar neai
vldlng fee sto be imlil hv mimiv n..i. 5' ... .... .. . . . . .
' i. uy iiuuKiaua oi Lincoln
I was seriously 111 for three months or
more, which finally terminated In such
a weakened and painful condition that I
was confined to my bed a great part of
the time and unable to perform my or
dinary household duties. Suffered with
severs pain In my head, continuous palna
in my back and shoulders, and unable to
eat the lightest food. Treated with a
local physician without receiving any
beneficial results or noticing any Improvement-
AVas advised by a friend to
take Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and after
giving It a rnlr trial I found my health
wna restored and can cheerfully and sln-
etely tacommend Swamp-Root to any
one suffering with kidney trouble, as I
have the futlest confidence 'In Us merits
If given a fair trial. I shall be very glad
if mi few words of appreciation can en
vourage oth,er suffererr m taking the
same treatment which has done so jnuch
for me. Hlncereiy yours,
420 S. Bell Ave. Hprimfleld. Ohio.
Before me a. Notary Public. In and for
Clark County and State of Ohio, person
ally appeared Hannah Carle, this 21st
day of November. Wl. and made oath
that the above statement was true In
substance arid fact.
Nptary Public
letter to
r; KHmsr Co.;
FWkitStnM-Rct Will 1 ftr Yoa
oeod to Dr. Kilmer St Co.. Bingham
ton. N. V., for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. You will also "receive
a, booklet of valuable Information, telling
all about the kidney and bladder. Whin
writing be sure and mention the Omaha
Omha. Dally Bee. Regular fifty-cent
and one-dollar site bottles for talc at all
ding fee sto be paid by county ped
H. It. 4J2, by Richardson of Lancaster
Making action of creditor against a
debtor's stxwe easier.
II. It. 453, by Uollen of Knox and Korlf
or ( fl il r II oi 1 1 1 v a 1 1 .
rln,i . i .1. . IIIUIIIHllll
...... ,.ic laciuues wner lines
are within-too feet of each other; present
law saya "where practicable."
It. R. 4S4, by Haggerty of Custer Pro
vides for use of road drag by counties'.
If. It. 435, by Scott of Hamilton-No
real property can be encumbered or con
veyed without signature of both hus
band and wire.
H. R. 45, by Scott of Hamilton-Re.
quires railroads to furnish sldetiack for
shippers located on own sites adjacent
to tracks, cost to be paid by shipper.
II. It. 4IT. by Huckner of Iwcaster
Houiity of 0 cente on pocket gophers to
be ald by county If a majdrity of cltl
jens voting thereon favor It. Appropriates
7.608 for bounties now. due.
I ll. R. 431, by Anderson of Kearney Al
lows county boards to have dipsomaniacs
'treated outside or state Institutions and
to lay therefore.
II. It. 4S9. by McCarthy of Greeley
i iiitiucs tur reurganiiaiion ot state
II. It. 4W. by Haslk' of Hutler-Oompul-sory
payment by county of 10 cents
bounty ou pocket gophers.
H. It. 441. by Hralu. Flanagan. Hoff,
Druesdow, Foster. Anderson, Smith.
Yates and Sugarman Provides that all
convict made goods sold In Nebraska shall
be labeled -as such.
H. R. 412. by Anderson of Royd Puts
charges for probating on a flat bauls,
ranging from 110 to MO.
II. R. 443. by Anderson or Royd Salary
hill fur rnilntv lllfltr nrnmlv nlrW onI
i county treasurer.
II. It. 444. by Anderson of Boyd Records
of marriage licenses shall be more x
lenitive and Include tacts concerning
reliorts to slate board of health.
H. R. 4(5, by Huckner of Lancaster
hen state banks voluntarily liquidate
or become national banks, they shall re
tain 76 per cent of amount paid In to uiik guaranty lumi
i II
Vrv lllrlflllKnl .(.nil U. .kJ. I..
jHua,lliriil s(4l 111? rift CtAIUCl 111 CIVII
case rvversrd or annulled on tho ground
iiiiniiivtiuii iu iic jury or ivkui rrrur
llttlAMM llhitantlnl vlarl.t. ll.l -4 I.. ....
bn Injured,
- - - " V 4VIU4I rkllU
the regents of the university to contract
mmauuii rmitui m uiDcnioit ana
IVnrllt UlatltA Mvn.rlm.t.t .4l.
S. F. 212. by lloagland of Lancaster
A 111 Ilri4.a .llai.t J . . J . . . .
" A. uimiiui juugca io require ro
mittllirsi tn .limn r nA..t.i..
: V : .'" i'vy v wco aim iui IUtX3
that auch ordera shall b aubject to re-
S. F. 2t3. by lloagland of Lincoln-
JMM4mniii iini im VfSl tUlUe Or ftll
misdirection of Jury or leeal error unless
defendanfuaniU tlsdoubttul.
aH...!;r :H' b4 "oagland of Uncoln
A bill for a constitutional uniendment
providing: for the creation ot an appellate
nliri In fa aiaia .
S, F. 215. bv Hoacland of lncaster
vuniraMivii uiii u prrviyua measure: pro
V I f 1 r at fnt Mtrrvlnir vkiit 1 1 vxrwk.-4 .ln.
B. F, n&. by Miicfarland of Douclss
s im" 1 1 t unit iniB ictUTO " IIUIII npp
wiw mncn iiiuoi IIUI UfJ H. CIOTK
r employe in the attorney of office for
PolU County Meuiher lntrudncei
nlll to Tbla F.nd.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. a. (Sncelal.)-If Vnr.
ton of Polk secures favorable action nn
his measure. Nebraska will shortly be
published to the world as It really is. The
Norton bill creates a public welfare coin
mission and appropriates 125,000 to be
used In carrying out the plans of the
commission. Its duty will be to colleot
and nuhllth statistic nt thn nmrfimiinn
of the state and keep Nebraska favor
ably before the country.
. Allen of Gage has a measure for the
relief or the former, wholmprovea hi
w i.v.iv. w. .villi-, t n iiuitlllVII
II m. by Klmaldnd of &iundci- place His bill amends the at&to constl
off exemption of mibtle monv a-i : . .. . . w
. k iut'HV'1 j S- v u 1 1 v 1 1 1 w 1 1 UT"
posited In banks from the operations of
II. It. 417, by Klmalund ot launders In
creases legal maximum of loans to ten
time the capital and surplus.
II. 4. 44ft. bv Klmalund of Saundeis
Proldes that State Hanking boaut mv
tutlon to relieve Improvements on innd
outside of citlet and towns from taxation.
Jerry Hiwanl got his molmtoii
adopted In the house this morning. "The
rext mayor of South Omaha " pruvidtl
v. hla i-efolutlon tint a nt-l . nuid not
- I !. sa . m.' 4i -
e rules.
Senate file No. 123 by HUmmel of WeD-
txir was placed on the general file. This
bill provides that county aid to agricul
tural societies shall not exceed the annual
amount paid for premiums.
Double Shift In Lincoln.
In the committee of the whole, with
Cordeal of Bed Willow in the chair,
senate file No. 24, lloagland of Lancaster,
was advanced to third reading. This bill
provides for a double shift for firemen tn
tho city of Lincoln.
Senate flle No. 19 by Dodge ot Douglas,
which provides that villages which havo
no 'newspaper can give notice of sower or
water bond elections by posting notices
In prominent places about the vlllaga
was engrossed for third reading. The
bill particularly refers to the village of
Ralston which desires to put In a water
A communication from the honne, Ini
vltlng the senate to go over and hear
Warden Codding Into of the Kansas
penetentlary, who would address thn
house members at 3 o'clock waa received
and the Invitation accepted.
Ti Itmpret University.
At tho afternoon session ot the senate
n motion was made by Kemp or Nanc
that n committee of three with a Ilk
committee from the house be appointed
to visit the state university and In com
pany with the chancellor nndregents
rrake a thorough Investigation of the
grounds anl also the grounds at the state
farm with reference t6 their fitness for
university purposes. The committee ap
pointed consists of Kemp of Nance,
Cordeal of Red Willow and Talcott of
Senate files C4. 100, 19 and SI were
recommended for the general file.
To Inspect Nursery Stork.
In committee or the whole with Dodge
or Douglas In the chair, the committee
took up consideration or senate file 46, In
troduced by Saundera ot Douglas and
prepared by President Clyde Barnard of
the State Horticultural society, on recom
mendation of that society, The bill pro
vides for. the Inspection of nursery stock
and make the state entomologist official
bug chs"ser with such assistants as may
be necessary for a thorough Inspection
of. nursery stock and orchards. All fees
which come from the insepctlons, which
will be, paid by the owners of orchards
(nspected, will be paid Into the state
treasury and tho Inspectors will be paid
IS a day of actual service from this fund.
Tho pill was reported ror engrossment
and third read I nr.
A bill' by Talcott of Knox, waa also
considered In the committee of the
whole. This bill provides that physicians
shall report all occupational diseases to
the Btate Board of Health and was In
troduced at the request of the board.
Thc house that shows styles that are authentic
in adrance of each new season.
New Spring Apparel
For DiscriminatlRg Women
Our resident buyers in Paris and New
York keop in close touch with exclu
sive designers, who create each sea
son's leading styles. Each now spring
garment, in our ndvance showing, was
selected personally and sent to us as
the newest and smartest of its kind.
The New Spring Model Suits
A score or more of the models that th
best appareled women In every American
style center will bo favoring ln the sea
son lo come. Fabrics that are new for
1913 and correct metropolitan tailoring.
Attractive groups fcO" up tffCC
at J3l7 to pOD
New Voile, Lingerie and Net Dresses
Theso frocko reveal the newest trend ot
stylo. The models are fashioned on
graceful lines. Every dress ln these
groups are a clever to $40
Wosl Eponge and Bedford Cord Dresses
Here aro tho dress ideas for spring that
arc destined to meet with Instant j i
favor all now stylo features, at P J. D
Women's Redr-to-Weir Apparel Section, 2d Floor
Wo invito applications
for loans on choice
business property in
OMAHA. Now building
projects financed where the
fee simple title to tho ground
is included. Correspondence
is invited.
Trust Co..
Saint Louis, Mo.
Capiat and Surplus
rules It went over until tomorrow.
It has been generally oonceded the
houso Is "wet," but nothing has come up
until today by which It coutd bo defin
itely determined. All the liquor bills so
far Introduced are "dry" measures.
Human Bomb Given
Twenty-Year Term
LOS A'QELES, Jan, 2S.-Carl Rledel-
bach of Salt .Lake City, the man who ter
rorized the central police station Novem
ber 19. laat with an Infernal machine, wau.
sentenced today to twenty years In the
penitentiary. The sentence was Imposed
after Rledelbaeh had declared he be
lieved dynamite was a good means of
righting some social wrongs.
'If t thought your allegiance to dyna
mite was on unalterable principle I would
sentence you to life Imprisonment," said
the court, "but I think twenty years In
the penitentiary will give you plenty of
time to change your mind."
Rledelbach's good humor withstood oven
this shock and he smiled and winked at
Detectives Browne, Hoslck and Fitzger
ald, tho men who ended his short tenure
as sole master of the poltce station by
knocking him unconscious and demolish
ing hla Infernal machine after the fuse
had been lighted.
Tho three officers were officially decor
ated with medals for their bravery and
Rledelbach Jokedthem about It as he was
taken back to Jail alter a motion ror a
third trial had been donled.
PITTSBPRail. Pa.. .Ian. SS.-For the
second time this week several grades of
crude oil ln this market were advanced
7 cents a barrel today. The quotations
are nowi Pennsylvania cruae, z.i; am
eer black,. New Castle and Corning, il.ii;
Caball, $1.79: Somerset, J1.30. There was
no change ln Ragland at 68 cents.
Not since the days when oil was n
favorite speculation and fortunes were
made overnight has there been .auch a
radical change In so short a time, i'ho
Impression prevailed among oil men that
the movement was not altogether free
from manipulation, although drastic con
ditions of supply and demand were recog
nized. It was hinted that as the price t
crude advanced the profitable operation
of small Independent refineries became
more difficult.
House Kxpect to DUrnan . Uenrral
Mntiject Today.
(From a Staff Correspondent. 1
LINCOLN. Jan. SS.-(8peclal.)-The
house expects to come to a show
down tomorrow on amendments to the
liquor laws of the state and get this
matter uut of the way. Pearson and
Scheuth Introduced a tesotutlon this aft
ernoon to postpone Indefinitely every
liquor bill Introduced thus far. The pte
j rfiuble to the resolution set out that liquor
legislation would tie secured tnrougn me
tnltlaXUfand referendum,
N. i tv i of Polk obje ted to the consld-
- . i Uig uroaoaiUon aud under the
HASTINGS, Neb,, Jan. l.-(Speclal Tel-
egram.) The Hastings Gas company has
presented to the council tor submission
at the April election, a new twenty-five-year
franchise to supersede on adoption
the one now ln force and which has three
years yet to run. Reduced net rates
are provided In the new maesure as fol
lows: J1.S5 to t.(B per 1.000, Until total
production reaches 30,000.000 cubic fept an
nually ;over 30,000.000 rect. 91.35 to $180;
over 40,000,000 feet. J1.35 to 91-40; over
W.OOO.000 feet. 1.30 to 91-30; over 75,000.000
fet. M.S0.
I Minister Oppose mil.
I HEAT RICK, Neb.. Jan. 2S.-(Spcclal
Telegram.) The ministers of Beatrice to
day passed a resolution expressing their
disapproval of the- proposed Sunday base
ball bill. A copy of the resolution was
sent to the three representatives from
Gage county In the legislature.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Cleaners and Dyers to Attack Law
that Puts Four Cents on Price.
C. V. llliiliee Re-Hlecteil President
of State Association National
' Directors Are Gnests at
C. V. lilgbee of Iincoln was re-elected
piesldent of the Nebraska Association of
Cleaners' and' Dyers af Its' meeting last
night. Others elected were G. "A. Shutsack
Omaha, vice president; eLo Soukop, Lin
coln, secretary; Guy Liggett, Omaha,
A comfrilttee was appointed to prepare
a bill to be Introduced Into the present
legislature repealing the present law gov
erning the cost ot transporting gaaollno
Into Nebraska. The organization went
on record as disapproving the present
rate, which makes gasoline ln the state
cost 'more per gallon than In Iowa.
Following the meeting of the state as
sociation a banquet was given ln thn
Rome hotel for the directors of the Na
tional Association of Cleaners and Dyers
of the United States and Canada, who arc
In session In Omaha. Mr. Hlgbee was
toastmaster. Responses and Impromptu
speeches were made by the national dl
rectors and many members of the state
Convention Dates Named.
Directors ot the National Cleaners and
Dyers' association or the United titates
and Canada have chosen July 21 to 24, in
clusive, as the ates on which tho na
tional convention will be held In this city
this year.
The national -directors after much dis
cussion decided -on these dates in prcler
ence to a week earlier, which was at firn
suggested. Other details such as head
quarters, leasing ot space for exhibits and
the program will be taken up tnla
morning, when another sitting will be
held at the Rome hotel.
The pure fabric bill which will be pre
sented for passage at the present session
of congress was the chief topic of discus
slon at the meeting or the nntional di
rectors and members or the state associa
tion Monday afternoon. The bill was on
dorsed by the cleaners and dyerx and
every bit of strength will bo used to got
the bill through the house and senate.
organized. Negotiations for the transfer
have been under way for several months,
but the pooling of a majority of tho stock
pi evented a sale until the par offer was
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 28.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The biggest land salo made
in this county tn years was closed today,
when 500 acres of the Heyo Purde estate
ln Hanover and -Hooker townships were
sold, for $32,640 to flvo' different parties.
The . uveraga price paid was ttct.82 an
Your druggist will refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case
of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles In 6 to 14 days. COc. Advertisement.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising
Munvon's Paw
Paw Pills are un
like all other laxa
tives or cathartics.
They coax the liver
into activity by
gentle methods, they
do not scour; they
do not gripe; they
do not, weaken: but
they do start all tho
secretions of the
liver and stomach
in a way that soon
puts these orRana irt
a healthy condition
and corrects constt-
a f i mi
Mnnyon's Paw-Paw Pills are a tome
to the stoniachL liver and nerves. They
invigorate instead of weiken; they, en
rich the blood, instead of inipoverishintr
itr they enable the stomach to get' all
the nourishment from food thatis put
into it.
These pills contain no calomel, no dope,
they are soothinc. healing and stimulat
ing. They school tlie bowels to act with
out pliysic. Prife -25 cents.
If you are nervous, can't sleep and are
weak and run down and need a wine
stimulant iue MunjWa Paw-Paw Tonic.
For sale at all Druj Stores.
I I Ii i T
Hastings Phone
System is Sold
to Lincoln Men
HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. 28. (Special Tel
egram.i Negotiations were completed to
day for tfie sale of the Hastings Inde
pendent Telephone company's plant and
equipment to the Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph company. Stockholders 'n the
majority pool accepted the offer of ti
Lincoln company to pay for the stock
hi c?h at par and Immediately to
liquidate all outstanding bonds and other
obligations as follows: Stock, 19G.SC4;
bonds, $24,750; other obligations. $9,000.
Theshares and bonds wU be taken up
as rapidly as presented and it Is thought
the transfer will be concluded In the
next ten days. This will be followed by
a consolidation of the two locai plantc,
hut before this can be done the Lincoln
company must enlarge the Hastings com
pany's budding.
The Independent plant was established
In WOi. Dividends of 7 per eept have
been annually since the company was
Self-Fitting Emergency Ovenboe for Horses.
Tweets slip pin or balling when ttrctU or roads are ley
or dlpperr. BAVK3 kacpinr your bone reach shod, as ths
shoes caa b put on or tataa off In ten minutes. SAVES
line ana moaer. aecniumtnaea aj jaumao wwiun
For Bale by
Alfred Cornish & Co.
12 lO FarHam St.
Breaks the Fetters That
Bind Men.
Hundreds Hero Know It
"Break away from that ailment
or complaint that unfits you ror
business or pleasure. You cannot
expect the fullest enjoyment or
pleasure in life fettered to a
'drag.' " says an eminent physician,
writing tu n prominent business
man In this city. "Break the fetters
that bind you! Throw them off.
Begin n now life today now. Reg
ulate the hours of slep. Choose
carefully your food. Read cheerful
Inspiring papers or books, Let the
following prescription be used reg
ularly for several weeks or months
and all such symptoms as these
will vanish' Dull, sunken eyes;
cold extremities, backache, head
ache, sleeplessness, thinness (or
over fat) weakness in the- sqlne,
twitching, spots before the eyes,
pains in back of head, trembling,
fatigue. despondency. Impaired
memory, loss of appetite, flabby
muscles, shrinking skin, constipa
tion, kidney disorders and a gen
eral restlessness and Inability to do
Important duties when they shourf
be done."
For the benefit of those who want
a restoration to full, bounding
health and all the happiness accom
panying It. the following home
treatment Is given. It contains Yio
opiates or habit-forming drugn
whatever. Mix it at home and no
one will bo the wiser as to your
The treatment Is simple, thorough
and correct. Leading druggists
supply the main tinctures, extracts
nnd essences Itr one-ounce bottles,
ready to mix. Get three ounces
syrup sarsaparilla compound, mix
with ono ounce compound fluid
baimwort. and stand two hours.
Add one ounce compound essence
cardlol, and one ounce tincture
cadomene. compound (not carda
mom). Khake well and take a tea
spoonful after each meal and one
at bedtime