Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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Says He Believes Prosecution Has
Been Given Plenty of Time.
Ilolh llr nml Depntr Cnnnlr Aitor-nP-
NrMe tlellrve. MnRletrnte
Foster HrrnlPl HI"
Deputy Countr Attorney Siphud Nrble
rp.iuef.ted th: :he ri. ot Krneit B.
UnU wlio I 'harRH with tmnMnn
robblns Mrs. Myrtle- Cnrnmi. 1707 SotitU
SeVMitwnth Mreet. be tontlntierl lecu
the comptelnliiK wltnc cmilri not np
ix.r in court. VnWrt- Mwlntrnle roster,
however. dlclinrKt (lie rlefemliuit. v
IriK that the proncotitlon hB(l been frlvett
plenty of lime idnce the unrest was
made to hrlriR Us wllne-MM Into court.
Chief Maloncy has rcfuse.1 to release
Gant and lie Is now hoMliiR him at head
quarters. According to the chief and
Ieputr Attorney Nehle the witnesses
for the prosecution will he In court
Thursday mornlnR. and If Judge rosier
refuses to cnll the caso a Justice of the
peaee. will be enlisted to try It
Mrs. Corson Is still confined to her hed
ut the result of the attack upon her nt
Jier home Friday nlnht. January 17.
llarly In the evening of that day two men
inquired at the door for Mr. Corson.
When she told them he had not re
turned from work they volunteered to
await his arrival. Iadlns the way Into
the house Mrs. Corson was knocked
down by the two visitors, bound and
KaRRed. They then stolo S51 from under
n. pillow on a davenport In the room and
Deputy Attorney NehU says Judge
Foster exceeded his Jurisdiction when
he dismissed the case, and that r police
maRlstrate may take this action only
under three conditions: First, If he
thinks the evidence In the caae not suf
ficient to convict the defendant; second,
upon motion of the county nttornoy to
dismiss the chame, and third, where the
complaining witnesses refuse to prose
cute. Oant has a strong alibi. Ills wife and
a neighbor both say that ho was at
home at the time Mr. Corson was as
saulted. Mrs. Oant ha not quite re
covered from her recent confinement.
Qnnt Is the father of two children, one
several years old and the other It dnya
of age.
Farm Students for
Removal of Campus
Out to State Farm
Students At the Nebraska Hcliool of
Agriculture nro unnnlmous In their do
sire to have the university moved to the
stato farm and there unltod with the
agriculture college for a real great unl
rerslty. The members of the Agricultural
club, composed of the leading students
of tho Lincoln school, havo Just ndopted
u resolution urging cuinpus removal. It
follows In full;
We, the members of the Agricultural
club, representing the student body of
the college ot agriculture, and believing
that we are In a position to appreclnte
the disadvantages or the present situa
tion and the advantages thqt will accrue
to ths university an a whole and tho col
lego of agriculture In particular, do
hereby unanimously declare ourselves In
favor of the romovnl of the university to
the state farm and tho ensuing consolida
tion of the college of agriculture. Under
the present conditions the students of the
oollcgo of agriculture nro tho only ones
whoso Interests arc divided between two
widely separated campuses at nil times
during the entire college career. Con
solidation of Interests wilt unify
and upbuild the college of agriculture;
and thereby greatly strengthen the uni
versity as a. whole.
As examples of the udvautnegs to be
derived from a consolidated Inntllutloii,
wo cite the following state universities,
namely: Illinois. Missouri and Wisconsin.
The present situation Is tho result of
only forty years qf irro,jri. We should
now build for centuries. It Bhould be
needless to state that the present en
vironment of the city campus Is far from
being Ideal for a great educational In-
ntltutlon. We believe that the welfare
of future generations desevves far greater
consideration than do spy, rnnt finan
cial Interests.
For these reasons, therefore, we re
spectfully submit the foregoing resolu
tion. The Agricultural club:
H. W. ItlCHBY,
n. k. bthmjH.
It Is expected that Omaha will shortly
bo made headquarters for C. F. Cramer,
auperlntendent of construction of federal
buildings for tho west. Cadet Taylor,
custodian of the federal building In
Omaha, has received a wire from tho
supervising architect at Washington, D.
C, asking whether u room could be pro
vlded for the superintendent of construc
tion In the federal building In Omaha as
headquarters. Mr. Taylor expects to
arrange room 203 for the superintendent.
This room Is at prcsont used as ono of
the rooms occupied by the railway mnll
department. Superintendent Cramer has
charge ot the construction of federal
buildings for the states of Nebraska.
Iowa, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico
and South Dakota, Ho travels a great
deal of the time looking after the needs
of the various federal buildings In these
states. Ho has been living at Council
Bluffs for some time.
Albert Moore, colored, and giving his
residence as SO North Thirteenth street
has confessed to the robbery of the win.
troub & Rosenblatt aaio. The confession
was made to Police Detectives Van Du&en.
King and McDonald, who had arrested
Moore on general suspicion.
Moore says that he broke a cellar win
dow and after ho had worked his way
up to the store room he found the safe
unlocked and proceeded to help himself.
Of the VHM in cash he secured the po
lire, have so far recovered ttiS, twenty ot
which they found upon Moore's person
mid tho balance In his room. 11a alleges
that one of his pals relieved him of 1W
and the balance he haa spent upon hltn
elf. Alt the !: lit checks endorsed over
to the concern wero torn up.
Can You Draw an Eye?
Competitor's Name
PRIZES FOR THE BEST EYES-$3.00 first prize; $1.00 sec
ond pnzo; $1.00 third prize and five prizes valued at $1.00
RULES Competitors must be amateurs. All drawings must
ho on the face cut out of The Bee. Competitors may submit
moro than ono drawing if they desire. Contest closes Wednes
day night, Feb. 5, 1913. Address, Contest Editor, Omaha Bee.
Out Your Living Expenses
by Buying Your Coal from
Missouri Fancr Lump,
per ton
Specialty Lump or
Nut, per ton
Iowh Lump Thorough
ly screened, per ton. .
Illinois Lump or Nut,
per ton . . . , .
Radiant The pride of our trade,
nil sizes. We recommend Had
lant for all purposes,
per ton
Ark. Hard
furnace uso, per ton.
Coal For dfi Eft
White Anh Lump Posl-7 AA
tlvely smokeless, ton.
Prompt delivery Is our specialty. We are an independent firm
and make our own prices, which are always from BOc to $l.BO per
ton lower Uiari our competitors. The quality Is the best obtainable
which will assure the most satisfactory result.
a mm .-a A I IT
Toi. Unoonh Qtt'G J"
Coal Go.
Ryder Would Have
Police Practice
Jiu Jitsu Stunts
Athletic training; for coppeia under the
direction ,of a salaried director or super-
vised target prnctlcn and calisthenics
under tljo tutcliiKo of tho athletic In
structor oi mo voiuiK .Mens uitrisunn
association Is u consummation devoutly
desired hy Police Commissioner John J.
Hyder, who would provide such a com so
fur coppers If sufficient funds were
"In I-ori Angles sucli training Is under
the direction of tho athlotlo director nf
the Youiik Men's Christian association
mid In Chicago n salaried man has charge
of tho work," said the polco commis
sioner, "but the question of such worlt
here Is not to be considered because, wo
haven't the money with which to do It."
Formerly Omaha policemen were per
mitted to Indulge In target nrnctico At
the police station, but congestion of room
forced abandonment of the training and
It has not been reinstated as a perma
nent feature of police activity.
Homo of the things this course of train.
Ing would accomplish If carried out In
dctull hero as In some other cities would
be: Tenchlnr coppers a most effective
Jiu Jltsu stunts; nlvlnrr them lessons in
boxing; contests on tho track to de
velop their wind for-ser1ce In chanca,
how to treat cases of asphyxiation and
Wherever such work hnn been given a
thorough test, according to reports from
cities In which .the experiment has been
made, It has resulted In marked improve
mrnt In the physical condition and ef
ficiency of the policemen.
Richard Kitchen, manager of the
Paxton hotel, has sent the chief of the
fire department a letter of commenda
tion for the efficient work at tho fire
In that hostelry Sunday morning. "We
have heard nothing but praise from our
guests for the cool, quick and con
scientious work of tho entire fire depart
ment." he says. Accompanying the let
ter was a check for VA for the firemen's
relief fund.
A DntiRri-nns Wound
Is rendered antiseptic by Iluckleu's Ar
nica Salve, the healing wonder for sores,
burns, piles, eorema and salt rheum. Kc.
For sale by Ueaton Drug Co. Advertise-ment.
la blngod on tho subject of food.
You can look Into that a little
closer when you lunch at tho
14 th and Farnam 8ts.
Thursday Trlday Saturday
Saturday Matin,
Th Big ACaaloal Comsfly Suocsss,
'E Aid I OB All ki mill)
Next Sunday 4 Days Mat. Wad.
Th Original New York and London
Oast and Production,
rarewell "WaMt. Tonight, Alt Week
Mnttntei Thursday and Saturday
Mats., SOo; Wights, 38o and COo
"OMASA'S rtxxr oekteb." ,
Daily Mat., 10-25-500
Ergs.. 10-33-00.750
Here' tha Classiest Musical Outfit That
avuiu uio -j. own on car wheels
And Her
Own Go,
. juuuuuiiuii Ufa i Haven.
!& tt,,d ---0-h That
MWorth Climbing th Kill."
Hyton VaudvUl Include .tuila Itlng &
iuiii u cistern ueicey,
Treuk I'ero, Krone
man Hrns. : .Intvrl X,
Jordan; llipposcopa Picture.
rrom a to 5) at 7 and 9 P. M. Dally
Wher th
Bata ar
Krug Theater
Mat. Today, 2:30; Night, 8:30
Merry Maidens
Mat. vry Day, a 118, svry Bight. Sila
KKUeu uonniB .m nunch. n.narV Aibi"
Um lUxh'i L Dilltt Clwilque. Tb MnIVl.
elrl. Galdimlth A lloppr. H.rtr Urtxa. rruk
n.l Ttumrni Ulct. ptlntM Ia Orndu, Ptth'
Wkly IUi.I.w rrli. Mt. Qsllery 10c, bMt
wall Me, tiefpt Stlurdajr ni 8undr Mibi
le, tic. tOc. Ke.
World-faniad Dancar
llnllet nnd Symphony Orchestra
Most tlaborata and bsautlfnl imf).
production Tr of fared.
Dlract from th MttropoUUn Optra
Pricts, fl.OO, HJW, XCO.
Ttoksta at Auditorium bos office.
TIo Forlr-Vvi,p Test,
An article must hav exceptional merit
to urylv for a period of forty years.
Chatbprlaln's Cough Ilemedy was first
offered to the public lu Hit from a small
beginning It has grown In favor and
popularity until It has attained u world
wide reputation. You will Xlnd nothing
belter for a (fi)gh or cold. Try It nnd
you ulll undesntittd why It Is n favorlto
after a period of more than forty years
It not only Klves relief-It euros, for sat
by ail .dealers. -Advertisement
Actual Comparison
Todd's Patented
Full Teeth Are Worth
Double Value
Compare Dr. Todd's patented full
teeth with the old method of
wing half teeth in bridgework
and you will surely be convinced.
If you are interested in good
teeth, investigate and decide for
403 lilt ANUI'.IK nt IMHNO.
Proves that Dr.
lu the best lighted homes will be found
the most cheerful families. Such a home is the
gas lighted home.
The Keflex. Light is the light for the home.
Jt is the best light to read by, and children must
have good light when they study at home. It
is the best light for tho kitchen, the bedroom or
the dining room.
The Keflex gives 80 candle power of light
at about one-third cent an hour. Its light is a
near approach to clear daylight and. thus en
ables you to work or read without endangering
your eyes.
See the display at our showrooms, or ask
us tosend a representative.
Omaha Gas Co.
Tel. Doug. 605 1509 Hward St.
Real Estate
populate the classified sec
tion of The Bee. The best
land values the greatest
bargains that are to be of
fered in the western section
of the. United States are ad
vertised in The Bee, the
position of this paper bring
ing it the largest number of
readers, who are interested
in real estate, and who are
qualified financially- to
make purchases. Because of
the peculiarly enviable po
sition of The Bee in real es
tate and property circles, it
carries the class of advertis
ing which interests persons
who are looking for land op
portunities. If you have a
land message to convey to
the great people of the west,
you can get it sent quicker
and more satisfactorily by
using The Bee. Phone Ty
ler 1000 or address a letter
to The Bee classified Dept.
Bright Homes
Are Cheerful Homes
Superior Assortments Best Quality -Lowest
Prices In the January Month-End Clearance Sale
January Clearance of Men's and Boys'
Caps at Greatly Under Worth
Don't fail tq take advantage of these
great snaps.
$2.00 Oaps at 75c Your choice, of our en
tire stock of men's and boys' caps that
sold to $2.00; on sale at. . . .39c and 75c
All Men's Fur Caps 3iWfi discount from
regulur retail prices. Not a cap in our en
tire stock reserved.
$4.00 to $18.00 values, $2.87 to $12.00
White Goods Specials
High Grade Linen Dept.
Mulls, S w I a a o s and
Madras, 39c grade
at. yard 25 1
LotiR Cloths, Nain
sooks and Dimities
5c values, yd., Ifl
Sheer White Goods, in
stripes, checks and
plains, up to .T0p a
yard, at I5d
One tabic of Long
Cloths, India Llnons
and Sheer White
Goods, worth up to
19c yard 10
Wednesday Specials in Domestic Room
Hillsboro Dress Ging
hams, new patterns,
12Mtc valueB . .10J
Black Sateen, 30-inch
wide, 18c values,
Satis faction 3C-inch
Bleached Muslin, 7"
Flannelettes, good pat
terns, 12c values,
at 10i
Shirting Cheviots, in ;
fancy stripes, 12ACJ
values X06
A 111 o s k e a g Outing
Flannels, 12c val-
ea lOd
Sarnac 3G-ln. Percales,
light and dark colors,
12 tec values . . lOJ
Simpson Prints, all col
ors, CV6c values, 5
Poplins, all the wanted,
and best colore, 25c
V.llllPJt - f j.
. ...
58-in. Bleached Table
Damask, 39c values,
at , . , . .25
42x30 Ready Made Pil
low Cases, 12 V-c val
ues Shopherd and Scotch
Plaids, 15c values,
at l,0i
The Greatest Grocery Dept. in the West
Ollflllfv In ftlln M...... ...I.I. L3 t . -
" 1 VT or Ja o 50 on Your House-
Ikeeplng Expenses.
.0 fr" B?" Ornulatd Supar 31.00
48 lb. sack beBt High Grade Diamond
' j-iuur, noming finer for bread
, P'ea nnd rakes, sack 81.10
10 bars Lenox, Ieat 'Em All or Dla-
mond r Sonp as0
6 lbs. hand picked Navy Beans ..25o
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn-
ineal for 17o
The best Domestic Afacaronl. Vennl-
,.ce ,r Spaghetti, pkjr 7Wo
iacht Club Salad Dressing:, 25c bot
tle 160
8 lbs. Rood Japan Hlce . . - 23o
Orape Nuts, pkB 10c
Corn Flakes, E. C, all you wnnt. per
2 lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn,
10c quality 50
Heeded Raisins, pkjr 4Uc
8 cans oil or mustard Sardines.. 35c
2 lb. can Enrlj Juno Peas 100
2 lb. cans fancy Wax, String, Green
or Lima Beans 7o
2 lb. can Baltimore Strawberries 7V4o
Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup 35o
The best Tea SlftlnRS, lb. pkB... lOo
Golden Santos Coffee, lb. . , 33c
The basts, strictly fresh Use; from
the country, par doien 33c
The Best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, lb 35c
The Best Country Creamery Butter.
lb 30o
The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. 35c
Jenny Bros.' Famous Brick Cheese,
per lb. 18o
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o
Edam Cheese, each
Bed Glove Cookln Onions, 'special
'"Jft.lSr 1 "t0k n0XM
Par bushel, 57 Hi! '. . '. '. '. '. '. '. . " . ' ifS
IB lbs. best Hed Hlver Potatoes to
the pock jut,
12 lbs best No. 1 Gano or Ben'DavIs
Apples ....f aoo
Fancy Flat Dutoh Cabbage, per lb. 10
Fresh Spinach, per peck 150
breah Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Pha-
lots or Hadlshes, bunch 40
Fresh Head Lettuce, per head.... 60
2 bunches fresh Hothouse Lettuce 5o
I-ancy California Cauliflower, lb. 7Ho
3 larso Soup Bunches 100
3 large Green Poppers 100
Cape Cod Cranberries, quart ...,B',o
2 bunches fresh Parsloy Bo
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Pars
nips, lb 10
Fancy Shelled Popcorn, lb 6a
Atwood drape fruit, 64 ulf, each. Do
Highland Navel Oranges, the orange
of quality, dozen. 15c, 30c, flSo, 30a
Hayden's siaat market Specials
Now owned and controlled by them.
Sirloin or Porterhouse Steuk, lb., lOo
Fancy Pork Loin Chops, lb 12V40
Morrell's Mince Meat. bulk. lb.... So
Hex Bacon, lb IBa
Morrell's Pure Lard, 1-lb. carton. 15o
No. I Pork Sausage, lb. 7
Make Note of This Date
The Date of Omaha's Greatest Sale of
Ovir $101,000.00 Worth of Handsome Rugs
All Spring 1913 putterns and every one of them abso
lutely perfect, will be offered, beginning Saturday, at bar
gain prices never before equaled for new, perfect goods in
any. Omaha store. Moro rug temptations here in this sale
than you over imagined. Watch papers for future particu
lars. Prepare to bo hero Saturday. Watch our windows.
Comparison of values will insure us the sales.
4 St
1 Full Quart Wltiskey FREE
Try It Al Our Expense
TWa are all torta of elalna for isperlorltr amoor dlitlllori and Uall Ordar
whlaka Houatt. and hlla wa fael aura that oar l'i)t 1 Star Whltker can't ta
baal, ot eten aaalad In qnaltlT. or price, till ira afa col going to aik anrona
to riak taalr money on onr judgment! thertfora, ra ara (olns to il abtolntalr
fraa. ono full qnart bottla to t. T wart yon to r-rore by drlnklnit it. that
Fell 1 Sblar WhltVcr Is pnra. wholnocsa. fully ascd, mellror aa can ba and abora
all baa reel whiskey atrenrtb. TTa van! yoa to add ball water to It If Ton Ilka
and wo aay that jou will mil hare atronrer and better wblikey than tnott llall
Orderlloaaoaacllatonrpriea. Anjrona caneai T understand that abould wa luit
hi.iiuv.iuui lOTtfn mutt uoaicr .uu t.r uonviTciotiBnioR xearmi onaiaornt.
TH. w-.nnA..A l.nfe ....h.l... 1 - .... .A k . .
Voir h'.n is our proposition:
Ta will send Yon ana fnll nmrt fcitl n r-ta a c- Ttrv.t.1... .c
aolntrlr X ra. alona with Tour first order for 8 full quart bottles ot 1'sis .
Star Wblskey for $J.I3 and we pay the aipresa charges. Afer you recelre
tho full quart bottles, open ona of them, test It anyway you like and
if not entirely satisfactory, yon bare the prlrllero ot returning to na tha
remaining 8 bottles and the ona extra bottla yoa may keep free and Wa
will Immediately return your 5.4. Or aend na J2.M for a full quart
bottles of Tele l-Etar Whiskey, aipresa prepaid, and wa will Include ona
test bottla free. Test tha freo bottler and It not absolutely aatiafaetorr
and tho best whisker yoa er tasted at any price, just return to as the
I bottles and keep tha free bottle and we will refund your 12.85 without
question or argument. With earn order we clre a free Uold Tipped Ulasa
and Patent Corkscrew. Remember, wo say we pay tha asprrsa charrtai
look close before you permit soma of tha low prloea of Mall Order Houses
w. v v. w . v. m.w jw v j is. esprrse cuarges.
t man 10 jiruie aponomr in ine wnisKsy Business! wa mean to
nrora girinj a frea test bottle, that Fels Btar Whiskey
baa no equal. Our quart bottles ara full H-onnee quarU and not abort
quarts and wa narantea arery statement we make and back them with
, . j.. - iv vmiiir anq not weak.
watery concoctions, aend na your remittance on our frea teat prdrxwltloli!
Tha laate is tha test, that will prora mora than wa can write. AddreTs
ordera and Utters and make raalltancea payable to A. Fcla, Mir., or
FelsBlstmiBoC lS;FdslMg.,Kaisi!!CHy,Ha,