The Omaha Daily Bee Drawn For The Bee The beit newspaper artlsUi of the country contribute their best work for Bee readers. THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer VOL. XUI-NO. 193. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MOKNING. JANUAttY 2!), KUURTBKN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HEARING THIS WEEK . IN CITY LIGHT CASE BY SUPREME COURT 'Appeal Against Omaha Council In volves Power to Terminate Franchise. ATTORNEYS NOW AT CAPITAL Suit Considered Notable One in Annals of the Court. TWO FACTORS WILL DECIDE IT Perpetual Franchise Terminated by Action of Company. f RATE INCREASES FORBIDDEN 'Commerce Co in ml ax I on llenles Ap- jillcntlon of Mllwnnker Unllronil to Advnnce lorrn nnil .South Dnkoln Tariff. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 2S.-(Spcclal Tele gram.) A distinguished seiitlou of the Omaha bar Is temporarily sojourning in the national .capital for the purpose- ot Informing the sifpreme court as to the law and the fact In the case of the elec tric light and power company against u'e city of Omaha. Tho suit Is notable In the annals of tne United States district court of Nebraska and also In the circuit court of apteals, for It rulscs some extremely Interesting questions as to the rights of city councils to terminate franchises. I 1908 the Omaha Klectrlc Light and Power company brought suit against the city to restrain tho council and mayor from their action to cut the wires of the company, thereby terminating what has been alleged to be a perpetual franchise. In due course the case reached the Unltid States district court and later the circilt court ot appeals, and It Is on appeal from tho latter court brought by the electric light company that the case Is now n the supreme court docket and In the course of call ought to be reached ThiiM-I day or Friday of this week, Two Important factors appear In the I caso before the supremo court whether tho company had a perpetual franchise and whether the disfranchised company had tho right to Use the streets ot the city of Omaha for lighting purposes only, or for light, heat and power. Second Suit Also to tie Tried. As a sort of lntervenor the Old Colony Trust company of Boston, as trustee for tho bondholders of the electric company, brought aii action to enjoin th eclty from enforcing th eooncurrent resolution of the council, in which Judge Munger held Against the Jrust -company.. The Boston teompnny appealed direct to the supreme court and that case,., as well-as the on'd against th eclty of Omaha by the electric light and power company will be heard at tho same time under agreement of counsel. E. II. Scott appears for the Omaha Electric Light and Power company and Judge W. D. McIIugh for the Old Col ony Trust company of Boston. Judge Ben S. Baker, corporation counsel of Omaha, and W: C. Lambert appear for the city of Omaha. Mr, Scott Is accompanied by his wife, while Fred A. Nash, president of the electric light and power company, Is here to listen to the arguments. Hate Advance Refused. The Interstate Commerce commission today dented tho application of the Mil waukee railroad for permission to ad vance class rates between Sioux City, la . Sioux Falls, Mitchell and Aberdeen. S. D.' Fargo, N. D., and other stations In North ami South Dakota, In amounts ranging from 1 cent td 19 cents per 100 pounds. The Milwaukee road sought to establish the advanced, rates for the purpoose of malt lng a more general graduation of such ratSr The South Dakota railroad com mission objected to some of the Intrastate) rates. MINISTERS TESTIFY FOR ACCUSED LAWYERS FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 2S. (Special.) The state bar commission's session to hear the charges against Attorneyspole eal and Cook closed this evening nnd ad journment was taken to February 14 at Lincoln, when 'argument will be heard. nt-v T. W. Correv of the Rantlst church and Rev. W. II. Frost of St. Jnmos' tihurch testified this afternoon they heard Attorney Button refer to the satchel and bloodstains alleged to have been tam pered with, In his closing argument. Rev. Mr, Frost, who waa Rogers' spiritual nd vlser, testified that he discovered tho bloodstains In the satchel and that they were even more distinct during the dis trict court trial than they are now. At torneys Button and Dolezal on tho htard awora that they did not place -in sub stance; In the satchel. RETAILERS BLAMED FOR HIGH PRICE OF MEAT CHICAGO, Jan. 28. Blame for the pres ent prices of frjsah beof to the consumer, In Chicago, at least, was placed on the retailer byPresldent Everett C. Brown of the Chicago Live Stock exchange, talking at the exchange tod.ay. "The price of live cattle has dropped 3 cents a pound In the last month," he said. "The packers welcome cheap meat, for that means greater consumption, but the retailer Is 'hogging' th? whole profit." The Weather For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity t-air warmer. Hour. 5 a. in , 6 a. m , 7 a. m , 8 a. in 9 a. m , 10 a. m 11 . m 18 m 1 l. m 2 l. m 3 l. in Deg. ... 2S , - .. as U ' . B I p, in 30 5 p. in 31 C p. m. .TO 7 p. in 33 S p. m ) Parties to Double Wedding Have Long Hunt for Minister PIBRR15. P. D.. Jan. 2$.-(Spoclal.-Marriage under difficulties on tho fron tier. Is recorded In the troubles of two young couples, who had planned a double wedding In Perkins county. The contract ing parties, Dan Mcckllng and Prudence K.cott, and Umll C. Cubblns and Esther Escott. with the Invited guests, gathered at the Escott homo nnd waited most of one day for the coming of the minister who had agred to be on hand, for the oc casion. Rut "Ihoy waited most of the day In vain, while the 'wedding feast was ( losing Is savor. A brother of the brides- i to-be started out to find a Justice, and afte a ride of many miles found such nn official, but he declined to act. and thrt i-t the lrft d'- ISnrlv 1- ,K" lng of the next day the two couples, with ll.v I ...t!, ., t.t..fcl to. I'.v til, ,mu '. arrival at that place found that the mar riage licenses were Issued In Perkins county, nnd that they couldn bo le gally married at Faith. In another county. Then nfter another skirmish n minister was found, and the whole party headed for the Perkins county line. The first houso reached proved to bp that on a deserted farm, but the situation had reached such a point that the contract ing parties decided that thero would be no farther delay so far as they were con cerned, so an adjournment was taken to the tumble down barn on the premises, and with the wind driving snow through the cracks of the old shanty, the two couples lined up for the final ceremony, which was presided over b the minister while wraped In his coat and mittens, and the whole shivering party made A (ulck run for the nearest town as soon as they were certain that there had been legal ceremonies performed. Wealthy Man Makes Trip Across Country While Unconscious SAN DIEGO, Cub. Jan. 28. A remark able story of a trip across the continent while unconscious Is told by a recent ar rival here who says he 1b Alexander Chambers mine owner ot Newton. Pa., wll0 disappeared January 10 from tho Broad street station In Philadelphia. According to his narrative, lie lost con sciousness at that time, and when he came to his senses he found himself on a lonely Hand off the Lower California coast. That was last Friday. He was taken ashore by Mexican fishermen nnd made his way to this city. Chambers says that he had S1.500 on his person on January 10 which now Is miss ing, but that he still has JJ.OOO worth of diamonds and Jewelry which he had with him on that date. He expresses the be lief that he was,drugged In Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Jan. 28,-Alex-ander Chambers, who told a remarkable story regarding his whereabouts to the San Diego alHlNjritfes,' was iported liilss Insr to the Phallilelphla police on .January IS and a search was made for him at the request of his relatives. He 1 a wealthy resident of Newton. Pa., a few miles from this city. He cam to Philadelphia on January 10 and met his brother. Tho two went to a railroad station, where the brother took a train to Baltimore under the lmresslon that Chambers waa to leave for Norristown, Pa., ten minutes later. He never reached Norristown and finally the family became alarmed at his absence and notified the police. Chambers has mining Interests In the west. Man With Long Hair Asks Front Seat at the Inauguration WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S.-Although the first nails In the Inauguration grand stands have not yet been driven, Repre sentative George A. Neeley of Kansas called on the Inaugural, committee today to reserve him one scat that must be within view of the spot where President elect Wilson will be sworn In on March 4; must be easy to escape from Immedi ately after that ceremony nnd must bn easily accessible to a barbershop. Mr, Neeley wants the sent for a con stituent, E. F. Boxwell, of Holslngto:i. Kan., who, In 1896, took a vpw-TTever to have his hair defiled by a barber's shears until a democrat took the oath of office as president ot the United States. "This man's hair, I am Informed, Is I rourty-rour inenes, or leci. or tomeming, j long." said Mr. Neeley. "and you can't I blame him for wanting to lose most or u as soon alter tne inauguration is reasonably possible," Mr. Neeley then produced the pathetic plea of the man from Kansas. The letter read; "Secure for me a seat on the Inaugural stand. I want to Bee Governor Wilson lift his right hand and take tho oatli of office. Then me for a bauiershop." Arizona Electoral Returns Heard From WASHINGTON. Jan. 28.-W. T. Webb, the missing Arliona messenger, appolntod to bring the electoral returns ot Arizona to Washington today, telegraphed Secre tary Ashurst from New York, saying ho was on his way to Washington. Under the law yesterday was the last day In which the returns could be file. The statute is, however, elastic, and Mr. AaVtnrst hn nrrnnc-pl fnr til recpntlnn I - - ' of the vote when Mr. Webb presents It, Arizona cast Its first electoral vote for Wilson and Marshall. If it, had beon lost it would have made no difference In the result, hut the mishap has caused anxiety to Arizona's democratic senators. Mr, Webb has made no explanation of his tardiness. PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 28,-Wllfred T. Wobb, Arizona's lost presidential elector, who failed to reach tho vice president's 4 office last evening In time to deposit his ( state's first olectorlal votes, left here January 0. He arranged to stop over In i Chicago for four days. So anxious wat 31 ! Mr. Webb to be the custodian of the baby state's first presidential vote that as elector he voted for himself, thereby depriving u prominent woman suffrage leader ot the honor, FORTY MILLIONS FOR RIVERS Af HARBORS House Passes Bill Submitted by Committee Without Any Im portant Amendments. CALLOWAY MAKES PROTEST Objection to Intercostal Cana Project is Voted Down. CLARK WRITES TO LEADERS Speaker Urges Democrats to Attend Sessions Regularly. JONES ON THE PHILIPPINES Anthnr of Independence Hill He scribes Aetlnnn of (lor Korhe nn Trriinnlrnl Mnnr Millions of Dollars Spent. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S.-Afler da.. of spirited debate tho house today pilled the river and hnrbors appropriation bill carrying O.S0O,O00 without an Important amendment. A motion by Representative Callaway to recommit the bill with Instructions tl limit expenditures for the Atlantic Inter coastal canal project was voted down, 1B0 to S2. "This measure," said Callaway Just be fore the vote on the bill, "Is a scheme to rifle the treasury of the United States, and If the ieople knew of It they would kick the men responsible out of this house." Representatives Humphreys of Missis sippi and Sparkman of Florida defended the committee which framed the bill. Speaker Clark has addressed letters, to democratic members of the house appeal ing to them to attend sessions regularly and aid In getting through important business before March t. The speaker de clares It would be a reflection upon the democratic majority If the great supply measures should go over to the extr-t session. Altnek on Philippine Government. American administration In the "Philip pines was described as tyrannical In a speech today by Representative Jones of Virginia, chairman of, the Insular affairs committee, and author of the Philippine Independence bill. Denouncing the action of Governor General Forbes In expending public lev enues "as In his sole Judgment seemed desirable," Mr. Jones declared "many nn official has been Impeached for less than this." Mr. Jones spoke In reply to a speech by President Taft at the Ohio" Society dinner In New York last Satuiday, In which h was quoted as saying tljat passage of the Jones bill would result In a "mess and a muss," and that the Untied State I should, treat tho Philippines as . Great i D.lf ntn tuai. 'iuttailn n-irl Aliatrnllt, j Mr. Jones uWried th'tu'th'e government of the Philippines was not comparablo 'n i any way to those of Canada and Aus tralia. Mini' -Million!. Spent. Mr. Junes said what naval and military I operations on account of the Philippines had cost the united States probably never would be known, but that J000.000.000, h estimate of the late Senator Hoar, prob ably was nearer correct than recent offi cial estimates. The opposing view of some democrat of the house wus voiced by Representa tive Sherley of Kentucky, who argued the Filipino people were not ready for Inde- ; pendence. and he did not believe congress could set any date when they would he. He declared that If the charges made by Representative Jones were true, officers of the American and Philippine govern ments should be dealt with for violation of tho trust reposed In them. Warren is Elected Senator Fifth Time CHBYKNNE, Wyo., Jan. 28,-Senator Francis K. Warren received his fifth elec tion to the United States senate at tho hands of the Wyoming legislature today when both houses gave him a majority over his democratic opponent, John B. Kcndrlck. The vote In the senate was 16 for Warrent and 11 for Kcndrlck; In the house S8 for Warren and 27 for Kcndrlck. Representative K. H. Manson, who has cha'mploned the progressive cause, re fused to cast his vote for cither candi date. LITTLH ROCK, Ark.. .Inn. 28.-W. A, Kavanaugh, president of the Southern Base Ball league, was chosen United States senator for Arkansas for the short term today by separate votes In the house and senate. COLUMBIA, S. C, Jan. 28.-Unltcd States Senator Benjamin Tillman was re elected today at sessions of both houses of the general assembly. This Is his fourth consecutive term. Last night there was a current of opposition to him, but It disappeared nnd he carried the entire membership present. TOPEKA, Kan.. Jan. M.-Judge Wil liam 11. Thompson of Garden City, a democrat, was chosen United States sen ator to succeed Charles CurtU, republi can, by the Kansas legislature In separata cession today. Judge Thompson will be formally elected at an afternoon session tomorrow, TRliNTON, N. J., Jan. 2S. The two houses of the state legislature, voting separately today, electeJ forme," Hon gressman William Hughes, democrat. United States senator to succeed Frink O. Brlggs, republican, whose term ex pires March 4 next. Mr. Hughes won the democratic primaries last fall. FRIENDS RAISING FUNDS FOR GENERAL SICKLES NEW YOI IK. Jan. 'JS. Friends of Gn- era I Daniel H. Sickles, arrested and ru i leased ruder ba 1 yestrrdj) In coiiiiuct'on ! with a 23,9"0 fbor'uife In funds of the J rtate monument commission, said today that In their opinion he would nover be tried. So many offers of contributions to mako up the deficit have already been received, they said, that they believe the shortage will be nlted out The general remained secluded In his horn. Turkey: From the New York Sun. FARMERS' VMS ON MONEY Grange Official Protests Against Aldrich Bank Scheme. UNION PRESENTS POSTAL PLAN OruniiUntlon StiKiteMM Hint llriio Its In I'ontnl llnukk He I.onneil In Knriiiem for l.niid Term . WASHINGTON. Jan. SS.-Farmer's op position to the national monetary com mission's plan waa voiced today by W. T Creasy, master of the Pennsylvania State Grange, before the house currency reform committee. Mr. Creay told tho committee that he believed farmers gen erally were "bitterly opposed to the Aldrich scheme." "We believe," he said, that the big financiers are much more Interested In gaining control of tho currency than they" are In any effort to obtain Its elasticity." C. S. Barrett of Union City, Ga presl dent of the National Farmers' union. I an organization with branches In tWenty j one states, and 3,000,000 members, ap jpcared heading a delegation Including, J. !. Brown, Arlington, Ore.; O. F. Darn bUuncr, Brunswick, Neb.; Peter Radford, Fort Worth, Tex., and A. F. , Swift, Baker, Ore. Tho spokesman for tho dele gatlon said farmers objected to 'the pres ent monetary system because It led to unduo speculation. A system ot Incorpor ated clearlnng houses was suggested. Farmers need long term loans. It was argued, In order that they may become owners Instead of tenants. To met this need, the delegation proposed that postal savings bank deposits be mnde available for loans on farm lands and outlined a system of land banks to be operated from commercial banks. Steel Corporation Declares Dividend NEW YORK.Jan. 28. The United States Steel corporation today declared Its regu lar quarterly dividends of 1 per cent on the common stock and 1U per cent on the preferred stock, The earnings of the steel corporation for the quarter ending December 31 were $35,1&5,K7; the net in come for the quarter, $23,74,&.'6, and the surplus i, 410,979. These returns compare with earnings at the end of the previous quarter of t30,063,C12, net Income of $20,777,405 and a surplus or 2,I,W1. The total earnings for 1912 were S1U8, 178,207, as compared with JUH, 303,406 ;n 1911; the net Income for the year, J77,0b0, 100, a decrease of S7.2Sri,267 over 1911, and the total surplus 13,610,129, a decrease of 11,125,38. V ,r' Willi Held to (irnnil Jurj', WYMOIti; Nrb.. Jan. 2..-(Speclui.j-The trial of Churlcs Miller on u chars of grand larceny was held In Justice couit of F. E. Crawford this morning. He was bound over to trial In the district court under ll.fiCO bond, which ho whs unable to furnish. Miller Is charged with breaking Into tlie harness shop of E. II. Ray In Wymore on January IU and steal ing harness valued at JU. otice is Served on El)!?, lll i ' "I Wonder Where I Can Borrow.'So Garment Workers in Chicago May Be Asked to Strike CHICAGO, Jnn. 28. Lendeis of the union garment workers in this city today continued their preparations to cnll a I general strike should the controversy In , New York be not ended within a day or two. It was stated In labor circles tint more thnn CjO.OOO organized garment workers In Chicago probably would walk out In the event of an unsatisfactory culmlnntion of tho negotiations for peace now pending in tho cast. A special meeting Is scheduled to be held this evening, ot which time arrange ments for ralslnK funds to flnunce the proposed strike will be made. Joseph J. Kttor. who was prominent In the strike of the Lawrence, Muss., mill workers recently. Is reported to be In consultation with various leaders of the garment workers here. The situation with reference to the hotel employes remained unchanged. Thore appeared little likelihood that a strlkn would be called. It was said Ettor"s real mission In Chicago was to organize the cooks and waiters. Chicago Bandit Shot Three Times by Man He Attempts to Rob CHICAGO, Jan. 28. Peter Iloore, a young bandit who was shot three times and possibly fatally wounded by Clarence McSweeney, a police telephone operator, last night, made a statement In which ho admitted having participated, with his brother, Albert, In moro than twenty holdups on the south side during the last six weeks. The wounded bandit died a few hours after making this confession. The Boore brothers stopped McSweeney, who Is a cripple, as he was returning to his home late last night, McSweney com menced shooting. Three bullets struck Peter Boore, who returned the fire, one of the bullets striking McSweeney in the left hip. Albert Uooro escaped, but later was captured. The National Capital Tuesday, Jitnunry UN, 11) I It, The Meunte, Went into executive session to consider nominations, The House. Resumed debate on rivers and harbors bill. National tnonetnry committee's plan of currency reform opiosed by farmers be fore currency committee. Woolen tariff hearing concluded beforo ways and means committee. Commerce commltteo urged by state railroad commissioner to uiiah Knnvnn 1 bll for uniform fmlght clasnlflcatlon. , "Shipping trust" in N&mtlnf coimn't- I tee heard teMln'ony In the "Unite pool." PiihsnI rivers and Iihid.ub appropria tion MM caulng 4i),K00.0CK). Representative Jones of Virginia de nounced American administration in tho Philippine. ('hah man Pujo or tho "money trust" 1 Investigating fotninlttce begun preparn 1 tlon of his report. Representative Itothennei chosen mem I btr of appropriation committed. Turkey mes'MonYyT SUFFRAGETTESJjESUME WAR General Mrs. Drummond Sends Ulti matum to Chancellor. DUBLIN CASTLE IS ATTACKED Three Women Who Itrenk Windows Are (ilirn Month at lined I.n lior .Sirs. Oespnnt Given Fourteen !'. LONDON, Jan. 28. The suffragettes lost no time today In opening their militant campaign. In Dublin' they made a con certed attack at'ubon on tho windows of Dublin castle and smashed several. Tlnee suffragettes wore arrested. In LondonXtoo, the suffragettes dis played great vigor. "General" Mrs. Drum mond sent an ultimatum to David Lluyd George, chancellor of the exchequer, after he had refused to receive a deputation of women on the ground that he had other engagements. Shn wrote: "I and other members ot the deputation Intend to wait upon you In the House of Commons this evening. Wo trust you will mako the necessary arrangements to receive us." Mrs. Uespnnl Sentenced. Mrs. Dtspard, one of the most prominent leaders of tho militant suffragettes, nnd two of her companions were sentenced to fourteen days' Imprisonment today on the charge of resisting the police when the latter dispersed a meeting In Trafalgar Square lust evening. Mrs, Despard, who Is a sister of tho famous cavalry general, Sir John French, was offered the option of paying a lut of 110, but shu refilled to accept this and was sent to Jail. A fourth suffragette who was among (Continued on Page Four.) Profits on De Luxe Editions Are Large CHICAGO, Jan. 28. That the sale of fOO.OOO worth of "valuable art objects" to K. P. Clark of Los Angeles netted the Tomllnson-Humcs company, dealers in "de luxe" books and brlc-a-brac, a profit of more than 75 per cent was averred in a petition filed today In the suporlor court of Cook county, Ira Eaton, a part ner In tho concern, sought to enjoin nls associates from disposing of any property until a settlement of partnership ac counts can bo effected. James Plunkett and Y. C, Humes, two of the defendants, were Indicted by a re cent federal grand Jury In Now York In connection with alleged "de luxe" edition frauds Involving JiO.OOO. Tho other de fendant Is Herbert O. Tomllnson. One of the transactions cited In Eaton's petition Is a sale ot Dlckeu's "first sets" I for IS.O'O. He gave tlm actuul worth of j the books us 1,700. Eaton sets forth that he purchased Plunkett's Intercut In the concern last No M'mber and that by alleged fraudulent accountings the firm hud uhcated him out ot moro than JI0.WJ0. The Tomllnson com pany, the petitioner avers, accumulated net profits aggregating more than J1W,JJ between Juuuury 1, 11)U9, and February 1. l'.'U CORPORATIONS SEND COUNSEL TO APPEAR; LOBBY HESITATES Disposition to Let Nebraska Legis lature Exhibit Fairness Toward State's Big Interests. JUDGE ROOT FOR RAILROADS Registers as Representative to Ap pear Before Committees. EARLY FOR USUAL STRATEGY Lee Hcrdman on Deck, but Says He Seeks Jobs for Omahans. LIQUOR DEBATE ON TODAY Resolution Miiliniltteil to I'm off VII Mn eh .Mennitrea on Theory Snli Jeet Will lie Handled by Referendum. (From a Staff Uoriepomlitit LINCOLN, Neb.,' Jan. 2. (Special) A feature of this legislature Is the ab Nenco of a big lobby to manipulate and control legislation, even thoURh the lobby Is being Invited to show Its head or hand nearly every days since tho session opened. The railroads which In years gone by maintained a lobby of generous proportions, have contended themselves with employing Judge Jesse U Root, to represent them before committees and his duties do not require him to mingle with the members nnd try to use per sonal Influence to secure what the rail roads want, Edson Rich, counsel for the Union Pacific, who was here tho first of the week, said: "We believe It Is hotter to make argu ment before committees to which bills effecting railroads nto referred and trust to the legislature to nee that no unjust legislation Is enacted against us, then to maintain a big lobby.' So far tho stock yards has no lobby here though parties believed to have this company's business at heart have been In nnd out of town. A stock ynrds bill has been Introduced, however, and this may cause a hurrying to tho capital ot a lobby. The telephone companies have no big lobby on hand. A. D. Lane has registered; with the secretary of state as tho representative of the Bell people, but he Is doing very llttlo mixing with the membsrs. Lee llerdmon drops down ever' few days, hut h,ls business seems to be with the governor more than with the legis lators. Hcrdman Insists that ho hits been trying to get to the governor to talk ove. places to he allotted t,o tho Onviha faith ful atv" It not lMorcjitedv In legislation. j'Oeorgo Rogers has spent; cousldorubl time with the governor on different da) the latter part of Inst week and was very wtl please! with his Interview. If the lobby falls to show up this win ter It will not bo because of a lack of opportunity, for bills have been Intro duced to regulate and change the present laws of practically every corporation In tho state. MIMON II AS LOAN MAUIC Mil. I, DotiKlns Member Would Clip Flu of Till Clns of Persons. (Ftom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 2.-(Speclnl Totegrain -Simon of Douglas, who on several oc casions has been published iur tho enemy of tho loan shark, wilt introduce a bill In the home tomorrow embodying his Ideas of tho way to take the teeth out of tho body sna tellers. Except by agree ment the loan shark Is permitted to to charge only 7 per cent Interest Oh loans under however, ho may charge 18 per cent annually. He may asj churge Jl as, a fee to Investigate statement made to hint by tho prospective borrower, or for examining tho chattels. A Ilcenso must ho secured by the shark from tho secretary of utato before he can. do business. Ills books must be uptn "to the Inspection of the secretary and helpers ho may employ nt J10 a day, to be paid by tho shark. Examination u e to be made twice a year. K A.N HA H AVAUIIKV GIVHS Tl,lt J, K. CoddluK Adroentes dinner or Kile or Stnte PrUou. fFrom a Staff Correspondent i LINCOLN. Neb., Jnn. 28. (Special Tctt gram.) In Joint session this afternoon tho houso and senate listened to J K Codding, warden ot the KunsitH peniten tiary, who advocated tho establishment of a reformatory. In answer to questions, Mr. Codding said the Nebraska prison could never be made satisfactory in Its present location, which he said was a slough. He opposed contract prison labor and favored 'working good prisoners on the roads. Tho -way ho got rid of dope In piisou ho said to flra suspucted employes. The employer who could not prevent dope coming Into the prlsor, he said was not fit for the place. He was loudly ap plauded as he knocked contractors tuv Mr. Merchant: Did you know that many oC Omaha's most success ful advertisers use both the- display and the clas sified columns of Tho Bee. They find it profit able to hoop a little Want Ad working for them all the time. It's a business getter that small ad back in the clnssifiod pagesso, in expensive, too. Start your ad tomorrow. Tyler 1000. 1