Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Siieaie So Prevalent Demand Made
for Detention Hospital.
Mrs. Florrnce Gamlile, Champion
Itenrthreiilier of limn, llelrnartl
by JuiIrf McPhprton Trin
pernnce Wnrkrm Win,
(From a Staff Conesiiondcnt.)
DBS MOINES, IA , Jan. I7.-(Hpectal
Telegram.) City authorities today ndmlt
they are scared over the epidemic of
small pox that has been galrilnK forco In
tho city for some time. Todny six
prominent men called upon members of
the council and demanded the Immediate
opening of a detention hospital because
of the large number of cases and lui
posslblllty of maintaining quarnntlne un
less this Is done. Thero has been a
quarrel between the city and county
officials as to which should care for the
hospital. Today It became evident that
unless extreme measures are taken the
city will soon be In great danger.
llrarthreaUer Itr1eael.
Mrs. Florence Gamble, champion heart
breaker of Iowa, who has received
hundreds of letters from men In Bnswer
to her matrimonial advertisements was
today released from Jail on a writ ob
tained from Judge Md'herwit, who de
cided she should go without bond. In
her representations to tho federal court
It Is said sho represented she has three
children. Instead of two, as has been
supposed before. She laya she will go
back to Jloone and attend to her cor
respondence. Temperance aien Win,
The temperance advocates In the lower
house of the Iowa legislature won :i
decisive victory over the liquor force
today when the vole was taken on the
memorial to congress asking for the en
actment of tho Kenyon-Bheppard bill
prohibiting the shipment of liquor into
dry territory. Tho resolution for th
memorial was adopted by a vote of TO
to U.
The senate designated tomorrow as
"suffrage day" when It adopted a con
current resolution to hear Mrs. Grace
"Wilbur Trout, president of the Illinois
State Federation of Women's Clubs on
the subject. ',
(Continued from roc One.) '
the Turkish reply would not be, delivered
until Monday next. ,.
The allied delegations will hay to
notify their, respective governments and
juk Sir Edward Grey to convoke, a
final sitting of the conference for the
official rupture of the .negotiations And
alio In order to thank the British gov
crnment for Its hospitality.
This will take at least three. ''Then the
governments at Sofia. 'Belgrade and Cet'
tlnjo must denounce the armistice,
Working with exceptional clority this
could be done tht next ony and hostilities
could then be resumed on February 11
following the expiration of the four days'
notice required.
Hope for Fall of City
In the meanwhile the fortress of Adrian
ople may fall and this Id expected to be
come the automatic solution of the prob
lem. " ' ' ' -
Th Turkish delegates remarked this
morning that the Balkan allies nad
greatly tempered their original order,
They now seem, according to the Turks,
to trust to the outbreak of a counter
revolution In Constantinople,- forgetting
that even should It occur, It wilt be a
movement led by the military element
and therefore, strongly against the ces
sion of Adiianople.
Osman Nlxemt raaha, the leader of the
Turkish delegation, remarked today with
a peculiar smile:
"lie laughs best who laughs last."
That the poUcy of the allies Is to gain
time Is patent and does not deceive any
body. The delegates decided that the
advantage to ha derived from the re
sumption of hostilities would be In pro
portion to the risks they ran and that
they would not take that step unless ab
solutely forced to do so. It Is realised
that even n partial reverse wo'uld have
grave moral and material consequences
apart from the loss of thousands of men.
In addition, the fact la not overlooked
that there Is danger of Rumania advanc
ing from the rear and of Austria Impos
ing on ServU. and Montenegro Its con
ditions for remaining neutral. The only
disadvantage In delaying decisive action
Is la keeping large armies Inactive and
on a war footing for a long time, thus
heavily taxing both the financial and
agricultural resources of the country,
Hnkld Kefaaes Portfolio.
Pasha, haa refused definitely the port
Skin and Hair
Enhanced by
Soap anointment
No other
ollients do so
much for
hair and hands, nor do it so
quickly and' economically.
Their use tends to prevent
blackheads, rednc
L rough-
ness and other
ome conditions of t"
GaWdzm Bold ladOtaUsaal sold s?aou U
SM. !awl suwto it est. ss3i
W-iiLbooc. Marts "OBttoarm.- Dt
awTiMir-attta tneo Mats U nsl,
I w
folio of foreign affair and It has been
offered to Vrlnre Said Hallm, who Is ex
pected to accept.
Hald Hallm Is an Kgyptlnn prince. lie
Is president of the council of state and
secretary of the committee of union and
(Continued from Page One.)
Omaha. This bill was Introduced at the
request of Oarwiha parties.
lilt; tllllST OP M5W MKASUIIKS
Members of -llnnae Fnlrly I'nnr tr
Hills Into Files.
From a staff Correspondent.)
l,lS'COl,N Jan. 27.-Bpeclal.)-The fol-
lowInK bills were Introduced In the house
1 1 id ay .
U. It. HI. by Shinier of Dodge-Appro
priating 4,W) a reward to anv ..person
who discovers n twentv-slx-lnch vein of
con I I n Nebraska.
1 . It. TA I. by llurket of Uincastrr-Kx-
tending meeluinlcV lien lights to Include
gsi or clectrlf light fixtures.
II. II. 315. by Anderson or Douglas
Annniiirlntlnir xlSS.nan for three new build-
lngi and for Improvements at the School
for the Deaf at Omaha
II. It. X6. bv Druesedow of Douglas
rtt'tiutrea that officer befme whom depo
sitions are taken sltall not be ciark or
stenographer of person sworn or of any
one Interested In the action.
II. II. :W7, by Anderson of Kearney
lovldlnrr that the exocrine of bridges on
or near county lines shall be divided ac
cording to the assessed valuation of the
counties concerned.
II. n. by Anderson of Kearney
Provides that railroads shall clvo one
free transportation for shipment of one
one or more cars of live stock and two
fucli transportation for four or morn
cars; requires free transportation for
agent as well an owner of hog shipments.
II. II. 30, by Jones of Furnos-Appro-prlatlng
$2,300 for the .Furnas collection
of historical relics, money to be paid to
the widow of Mr. Furnas.
II. It. 370. by Jones of Furnas-Add- a
Jail sentence of from ten to thirty ilayn
as penalty for selling or giving liquor to
II. It. 371. by Shipley of Dodge-Abol-Ishcs
system of voting in creation of
dtalnage districts whereby owners of land
nave nan as many votes an they owneu
acres; makes all residents of districts
voters, as Well as all corporations own
ing land therein, provides that survey
shall be made In case county surveyor Is
personally Interested In project by county
surveyor of adjacent county.
II. II, 372. by Yates of Douglas-Sheriff
and clenutlea to be paid for all expenses
actually Incurred In pursuit of duties on
presentation of Itemized statement to
county commissioners.
li. It. 373, by Yates of Douglas and
Baker of Thomas Owners of motor ve
hicles inn (In liable for any damages done
by machine, even when operated by an
other; 13,61)0 bond for such payment re
quired of all applicants for license; for
mer owner responsible to extent of equity
whn machine Is only partly paid for,
It. B. 374. by Yates of Douglas Regu
lating tho sale of dangerous weapon,
It. II. 37fi. by Yates of Douglas Increas
ing pay of rhlef deputy sheriff In Dons
las county rrom $2,000 to 12.&00; book
keeper, 11,600 to $2,000: head Jailer, 11,1UU to
fl.fioo; other deputies, 41. WO to Jl.tOO; es
tablishes maximum salary scale In
smaller 'counties.
II. It. J76, by llaker of Thomas-llequlr-Ing
any subdivision of the state to pay
tho premium on any surety bond require,!
of Us officers; requiring all public- oftl
cers to give security for performance of
II. n. 377, by Yates of Douglas-lto-quiring
that all package food sold In Ne
braska be labeled with the name of the
manufacturer and the place manufac
tured. II. It 371, by Ie of Douglas Repealing
the voting- machine law.
II. IL 371), by Lee of Douglas Does away
wmi pariy circles on election uauoti.
It. It. 380. bv Hartels. Kauffman. Mnr
rls, Hosteller lind Relsclie Appropriating
tho cash funds and other receipts of tlx;
four state normals to their respective
current expenses.
II. It.
381. by Hardin of Ilarlan-l'io,
niDiis snenris or ponce nrncers tram
sharing rewards offered by any state' or
sulidlvlslon thereof for the capture of
II. It. 283. bv Baker of Thomaa-lla ses
aiary or, conn reporters rrom i,wju lo
K.vw a year.
II. It. JSJ. bv rirott nf Chevenne An.
pronrlatlng $S,000 for sinking an artesian
wen Detweeu North Piatte river una
ixxigepoio creek,
It. H. JS4, by Druesedow, Brain, Foster
ana i isnnagan 1 orniaaing ssie or roou
stuffs held In cold storage longer than
ninety uays. i
II. R. HS5, by Sugarman df Douglas
rermita aaminiatration or estate or net-.
son absent for seven years or more from
domicile, as tnougli deceased.
II. TL 3SS. I)V (Irwrnwatt nf PlltrAll
thorlzea formation of new school district
where ten or more children of school age
uvn in contiguous territory two miles dls.
taut from the school house In an exist
ing district.
It. 37. hv Htenlipn nf Mort-lrU
Amends stallion registration law. Kx
miilH nnlinnl. 1 n . ns. 1. . .
dispenses with traveling Inspectors and
substitutes local veterinarians appointed
by tho board: cuts out registration of
cross breeds; aennes gntde stallions; pro
vides for re-examination each aonnnil
year. Instead of annually: chances nnl
of fees to 13 for each Inspection and H)
cents lor transfers, nan or in inspection
ico lo ixi Dai a i no msDecior raiu me oinnr
liair sent to tne state board: other minor
it. J i, bm. py mepnen or Merrick Re
quires railroad crossing signs of uniform
aesign. 10 oe apprwea uy tne railway
H. IL V59, by Stephen of Merrlck-Re
uiren county comnusslonera to erect
anger signs on DUblto roads at railroad
II. H. tOO. by Ixiiey of Dodge Appro
Drlatea.S30.000 for relief of Mary E. lloll
man and her daughter. Ruth Ilellnian
widow ana daughter of Brneat O. Hell
man, usner at tne state penitentiary, wrio
was killed In the outbreak In 1912; pro
vides that money shall be used to buy a
farm tn Madison county for their use and
benefit, the land to revert to the state
at their death.
II. It. SSI. In' Norton of Polk Def nea
the work of the Nebraska conservation
and sou survey
II. J l. -jk. ty roes or Howard Pro-
Mblta acetylene gas plants being placed
or operaieo nearer man twenty reel
anv building: penalty. Sin to S100 fine,
H. IL 393. bv Fries of Howard Pro
vldea that the county board shall furnish
uooks ana stationer) to tne justices or
tne peace.
1 1. il km. oy rnci or liowara pro
vides for a nine months' school term In
all districts where a 15-mlll levy Is suf
ficient to pay tor it, ana tor an eight
months' term in an districts wucre
0-mlll lew will pay for It.
,B. ,. uw. J au, vi I uiivj .inn . I .
vides for the regulation of stock yards,
II 1, W . llrnM r'h.t'.nH M 1 NX
fixes commissions for selling live stock
and specifies prices and weights for grain
and hay sold at sucn yaras. iTommission
fixed as follows for selling: Cattle. S
per car; hogs, SI per single deck car and
J7 per oouiiio oecK car; sneeix o per sin
bIo deck car and SS per double deck car,
Yardage charges as follows: Horses and
mules, X cents per lieau; cattle, x cents
ralvea. It cents: hois. S cents: sheep.
Lnts. On all animals except horses and
mules weighing Is Included In these
It. It. $96, by Ilelllger of Jefferson
Makes It a criminal offense punishable
by one to twenty years' Imprisonment
to jiteal or wilfully remove, destroy or
Injure any switch apparatus or engine
parts used on rallronds.
H R. W7. by Hetllger of Jefferson-
Qlves railway commission supervision
and control over electric wires or other
wires crossing railroad tracks; require
all trolley wires to be at least twenty
to feet above the crossing rails and all
other wires twenty-seven feet above,
Penalty, S100 for each period of ten days,
to be collected by the state as a forfeit
ure where any wire Is hung contrary
to tne provisions or the act.
II. R. 30&. by Helllger of Jefferson-
Makes it a misdemeanor tp walk or drlv
aiong railroad rights-of-way. except at
public crossings and presents recovery
J "il V " v , WVI llu I I I J V I J V, I )'l U I 1
' uamaie, unless wilful neglect on part
of railroad company Is shown. Applies
tn bicyclists, but exempts railroad em
plojie lllll.
Hirer nf -If rnnn..ll.
It statutes Imposing a pen
ally of HOC, upon railroads for requiring
or permitting an emple to be on dutv
more than sixteen consecutive hours.
II. It. M0. by Ilelllger of Jeffcrson-Hx-tends
h-unity for damaging of ilestroying
poles and wires so an to Include; rail
roads as well as telephone snd tele
graph companies.
II. II. 401. bv Scott of Hamilton, re
quires State Hallway commission to pub
lish legal notice In newspapers, regarding
applications for permission to merge com
mon carriers. Increase rate chaiges. In
crease capital stock or for any additional
lights whatsoever roquestl by the com
mon carrier, such official puhllcntlon to
Iih at least ten days before the hearing.
11. R. 402, by Chappell of Kllwood, Mor
ris, Oustlli and Stebblns Repeals open
seasons on prairie chicken, sage chickens,
groiis and quull until November 1916;
makes closed season perpetual on doves,
changes closed season on plover and
water fowl and makes changes In tho
fish regulations.
Wstrr PoiTrr ;ontrnl.
II. R. 408, by Richardson of Iniicnster
lMts water power companies under the
control of the railway commission.
II. R, 404. hy .leary of Iincnster
Approprlatea S79.000 for construction, re
pairs and equipment of Lincoln hospital
lor the Insane. ...
II. R, 405, by Qulggle of I Jincastel Al
lows apprentices to be employed bv reg
istered pharmacists.
H. IL 400. by Jeary of lAiicaster Ks
tabllshes state bureuu of child and ani
mal protection, under the ctintrol of the
governor, state sunpcrlntendenl, deputy
labor commissioner, chief cloik of the
board of charities and corrections and
five others elected by agents of the
bureau and by humane societies; gives
the bureau power to appoint local and
state agents with power to make arrests
nel to onforce laws.
II. n. 407. bv Anderson. Flanagan, Iloff.
Yate. Simon and Smith, all of Douglaa
n,m,iiii mr ih nhnlltlon of the Omaha
aWter board and transfers Its authority
to the city commission or umaua.
To Tax; Hoiiroes of Iteveniie.
II. R. 408. bv Mockctt of Lancaster-
Constitutional amendment, permits cities,
imvnn nml vllliises to levy taxes Upon
sources of revenue, as well as upon prop
erty, with "reasonable exemptions.
II. It. AW, DV .MOCatll Ul
Prohibits exhibition of nude figures or
ther objectionable displays in penny i-
cades or moving picture snows; nii
scenes depicting murder, suicide, ro'ibory.
holdup, Btaoning. cwudiiiiik w u.,,,,
hum.. hoiuir! rrntpn I oca I committees
of censorship In each city snd town.
.er Hrnnle Files.
H F 15. hv Klein of Gnge Allen vot
ing bill providing for submission of con-
tltutloiial amendment.
B. F by Dodge nt uougiaH jic-
peals voting machine law.
8. F. 1CT, by Dodge or Lougias ueiaies
to reports to be filed by corporations
doing business In the state.
H. F. m, by Dodge or uougias inrown
school houses of Omaha open to public
meetings. . ., .
8. F. 169. by Dodge of Douglas-Abolishment
of the party circles.
B. Jr. 170, uy uouge or iougiau iieimcn
to nppolntinent of county assessors In
Douglaa county.
B. jr. ill, ny uoago or uouis n-
llevcs sales of fly puper, concentrated
Ivc and oUier commodities inai nrc
poisonous, from reglstratjon.
H. F. 17Z rroviaitl inai no juukmiciii
hall be set aside unless entire record
shows It plain that defendant Is not
ultV. ... .
H. F. 173, uy -Mociaiianu or uouuiaa
Eliminates technical defenses In civil
actions that are on appeal.
8. F. 174. by Grace of Harlan Repeals
the statuto allowing free transportation
with stock shipments aggregating more
than one car.
8. F. 175. by llnnrniann or Douglas
Iocal health registrars in Omaha and
cities of first class shall receive no com
pensation for their work.
8. F. 176, by Ollls of Valley Proposed
constitutional amendment providing that
all taxation shall be uniform for state,
county, city and district purposes.
S, F. 177, by Hoagland of Lancaster
Provides a penalty of one year's imprison
ment or a S1.000 fine for breaking Jail.
H. I. 178. by Hoagland of I-lncoln-Pro-
vldes for h record In saloon remonntrnnco
8. F. 179. by Hoag and of Llncoln-
Icngthens term of Jail sentence following
conviction for bootlegging.
H. F. 180. bv Plitcek of HaundersJ ito
vides that all reparian owners along
streams of state must clear the channels
of timber.
n v lxi. ivif.nhi nr rvemaiin -iro
Vides that school district tax shall not
exceed 3& mills where there are 110 chil
dren enroiiea
8. F. 182, by Saunders of Douglas Pro
vides punishment for fraud practiced by
Itinerant venders.
S. F. 1S3. by riaunders of- Douglas-I' lx-
Ing the penalty for larceny of a house
In the night time at ten years' Imprison
muni anri in iiavtime at nv yearn.
h. i. 11. nv iiummeu or weosier ann
West of Hall Provldea punishment tor
one who buys liquor ror kiioi. nnuuum
.Ifiinlrcrfta nr dnne flpnds.
. v. l?5. hv west or nan 'iTovioea
that sediment shall bo cleaned out or
r.lnnff. HMnhita nf Ihn state.
8. F. 1, ny iteynoius oi uwei-iu
apply part of convicts' earnings to the
support or inose nnpenaeni uiou uicm.
a u 1ST hv IliiahKr nf Klmbnll Ullnll
cation of bill relating to resiirveylng of
Inwnshlps upon aemann oi reaiuciun
8, Ft 1, oy naming oi unit i uuiiimn
misleading advertising of any class of
881F. 1S9. by Bartllng of Otoe Compels
railroads to install auiouiauo unwci em
nais at crossings.
a i.- ino hv IlnHr nf DotiKlas Pro
vides for the Immediate removal of In
sane convicts irom me mniiniaij.
vld'es that Poll taxes be paid either In
V. n until
s. k. 133. ny iioaaiunu u. .iuvu...
Providing that the supreme court shall
... Ai..iA-A In.n lllfKA BACtlollS.
8 F. 1M, by Dodge of Douglas-Fixing
tho rate of electrical current furnished
to the state Institutions.
a w. 106. bv Dodge of Douglas-Regu
lating charges for political advertising
OlM'OSK SUNDAY IIA8K n.11,1, IHbl.
ti.,il..,n Countr I.lnea i-P .Binai
IlnrtllnK Measure.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. J7.-(8peclal.)-Madlson
county lined up In the house today with
petition protesting against tho uartunrt
Sunday base ball bill. The petition was
signed by W, V. Allen and about iw
others. Custer county sent In n pe
tition asking support of a bill, yet to be
Introduced, providing that a couiv'y may
be divided when a majority of those vot
ing on the proposition favor It. The
petition was signed by about 260 and
In several typewritten pages It was set
out how much trouble custer county
had gone through trying to divide Itself.
The Joint committee appointed to re
port on the code as prepared c-y mo
code commission reported It had com
pleted Us examination and found the
work of the commission well done and
recommended that Its work bo adopted.
The commission still has sonie bills under
course of construction, so the committee
will report on these before It is dis
Iioualaa Member Who Haa Not
n rorurum.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
MNCOhN, Jan. 2T.-(Speclal.)-One hun
dred sixty-four bills had been Introduced
In the senate when that body adjourned
last week and counting today eight daya
are left to Introduce more.
During the recess from Friday noon
until 3 In the afternoon today many of
the committees wero at work, while tho
members who had nothing speclal bofore
them took tha opportunity to visit tho
home folks.
Of the 164 bills Introduced thlrty-on
have been Introduced by the five Doug
la county senators Grossman, the dem
ocratlc members whose seat Is contested
by Mr. Pancoaat. has Introduced ten;
Saunders and Macfnrlaqd have shoved
seven each Into tho hopper, while Dodge
runs them a close second with six llasr
roann has not opened up very extensively
In the bill Introducing business so far
and has put In but one bill, which regu
lates the sale of vinegar. This does not
mean that he has "soured" on the senate,
for he SHld this morning that he expects
to get Into the name before the tlmn
limit for the Introduction of bills Is
Hvrry senator and nil the newspaper
men were delighted this morning to find
on their desks a box of apples from the
apple show IhnI week, compliments of the
Horticultural society.
This Is Amonnl nf Deficient'
I , to Ilntr.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) I
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 27.-(8pcclal j
From tho number of deficiency claims
filed with the flnanco committee of th
house by the various stato Institutions
and boards It Is very evident when the
Irglslatuie fails to appropriate as much
as the head of the Institution desired to
spend, the head went right along Just the
same, contracting debts. To date Mie
committee has deficiencies totaled to an
amount of S8S.533. lemlzcd, the deficiency
statement I sas follows:
Women's Industrial home. SIIlford..S l
District Judges' traveling expenses.. 3.1W)
State penitentiary H.M
Holdlern' home. Mllford 3,'JiO
Tuberculosa! home, Kearney 3.4o0
Hoys' industrial scnool, Kearney., is.iw
tllrls' Industrial school. Geneva 4,W0
Jnstltute for FccblcMlnded, Be
atrice J(,0
Soldiers' home. Grand Island 40
Htate Board of Health 40
Iabor bureau
Htate Board of Pardons ISO
Peru Normal (estimated) JW
Soldiers' home, Mllford (additional
estimated) II.VW
Bnnk examiners (estimated)
Officers' fees (fugitives from Jus-
t ce. estimated)
Abstracts of lands (estimated) "V)
Total SSS.Wl
Chairman Potts of the finance com
mittee inslais that his committee wuiu.
all the Information to be obtained wnen
appropriations nrc requested and lie has
written to the heads of the Institution
who are asking for any Increase In Pay
for any one to know Just the reason. why,
and In his letter he Insists that his com
mittee desires a detailed statement of
how the money appropriated two year
ago was spent. The letters were mailed
out today and Mr. Potts Insists on re,-
piles by return mall.
Norton' lllll til Thin Hull Knvtired
After Delintr.
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
lilNCOIA. Neb., Jon. 27.-(Speclal Tele-
icrnni.) The bouse went on record thin
afternoon after a lengthy debate favor
ing tho bill by Norton to prohibit lo,; I
rrillllitt. RauapqI nt ihn tn .nilir fhnlltrht I
It on Insult to the members to liedK"
them around by any such act. Hut It
was recommended for pasaagn In t'le
committee o fthe whole by a vote of Tj
to IS. Druesedow of DoiiKlas mado tne
motion to postpone Indefinitely the bin,
which motion was lost. Simon and Fos
ter hIso spoke against It. leo spoke for
It. Foster said: "Under thlB act could
you not frame a man and put him !n
Ak few .of tho members- understood
what that meant the remark failed to
cxclt,o them.
I'liuer Over Wnlrr (.'iiinpniilr.
Hlchardsoti of Lancaster has a bill for
Introduction In the house giving tho
Htate Hallway commission authority over
water power companies engaged In the
manufacture of electrical Mrients or
ether power for commercial pHioses. The
picsent Iawt Mr. nfchardson says. Is not
clear on this question, fie believes that
nil) bo all the legislation needed to settle
the question.
Hrolt of Chryeiino Una lllll lo Pro
hibit Prior Control.
(From a Stftff Correspondent.)
L.INt;OL.N. Jan. 27,-(8peclal.)-nrott of
Cheyenno county Is pushing a measure
which he Jntroduced In the house to pro
hibit buyers of live stock from combin
ing to control the prlco to bo paid tho
producer. When the producer Is able to
prove the existence of such combination
tho parties to the combination are llablo
to a lino of from $1,000 to 2,000 and a
penitentiary sentence of six months. In
addition the person aggrieved may start
an Independent criminal action against
tho members of the combination, employ
Ing an nttorney whose fee la to be taxed
as costs tn the case.
FRKMONT, Neb., Jan. I".-(Speclal.)
The state bar commission convened In
Fremont tills afternoon to Investigate the
charges of changing evidence against At
torneys Frank Dolexal and F. W. Hut
ton preferred by former County Attorney
Coolc In tho Loula Rogers murder trial.
Fifty witnesses will be examined,
Deputv Attorney General Hdgerton was
tho first witness to testify this after
noon, statins that the blood stains in the
satchel alleged to have been tampered
with apparently were fresh when It ar-
lived tn Lincoln. Seven witnesses testi
fied that no blood stain were In It at
the time of tho district court trial. Tho
hearing will probably take two days.
lets. Druggists refund money If It falls
to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature Is on
each box. 25c Advertisement.
Guild Entertains
Eussian Grand Duke
8T. PETERSBURG, Jan, 27-Curtls
Guild, United States ambassador, today
gave a luncheon In honor of tho Grand
Duke Alexander Mlchaelovltch, brother-
in-law of tha crar. This was the first
occasion for many years on which a mem
ber of the Russian Imperial family has
been entertained at the American cm
bassy. The Grand Duke Alexander, who
takes a great Interest In science, had ex
pressed a desire to meet Dr. Edward
Goodrich Aoheson. tha American scien
tist, who recently lectured before the Im
perial Technological society.
This action of the grand duke Is taken
as an Indication that the denunciation
of the treaty of commerce between Rus
sia .and the ITnited States Is not resented
by the Russian government.
Ilr iirv-tlrlnkmaii.
FA1RBUUY, Neb., Jan. !7.-(8pecIal.)-
The home of Mr. and Mrs. G, nrlnkman.
tour miles nortneast or frairuury. was
the scene of a pretty wedding when their
daughter. Miss 1-ulu, was married to Will-
tarn J. Henry of Day ken. Neb. Rev. J
Von I-lndeu of the German Lutheran
church officiated. .Mr nna .Mrs, Henry
'left for various points In Pennsylvania
Our Absolute Final Clearance Sale
Will Start at 8 A. M. Next Wednesday
Suits, Coats, Dresses
Clearance Sale
Price Next
Be Sure
Mercantile Trust Co.,
Saint Louis, Mo.
to spend their honeymoon. They will
make their home on a farm near Uaykln.
NEW YORK, Jan. Zi. From appear
ances nt the big hotels today the strike
of tho waiters Is off. Many of -the
former employes reported for work thin
morning and some were given their old
places. Many, however, found their places
filled. Thuse who returned to work to
day agreed to accept partial concessions
offered by employers. A few of tho
strikers are holding out, nnd some of the
smaller hotels aro surrounded by pickets.
Tho Persistent, nr.a jr.clclous 'Use
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road
Buclm-ss Success.
Wllllnm O'llrlnn.
rLATTSMOUTII, Neb., Jan. ST. (Spe
cial.) William O'Hrlan, nn aged veteran
of tho civil war died In this city, Sunday
morning nt the homo of his niece, Mrs.
William Mooreley. Mr. O'Hrlan was
born In Ireland In 1812, nnd came to
America while a yqung mun. Ho settled
In Iowa and enlisted In the United States
army from that state-, fought through
tho war of the rebellion nnd wuh In many
of the great battles of the war, being
with Grant's forces In tho Wilderness
campaign. After tbc war Mr. O'llrlnn
removed from Iowa to Nebraska, locnt
Ing In this city. Tho funeral will occur
Tuesday morning from St. John's Catholic
church of which the deceased wns a de
voted member, IteV. Father Shine will
have charge of the funeral services.
It. I.. Mrrrltt.
GI-KNWOOD, Ia Jan. 27.-(Speclal.)
Rufus Tj. Morrltt of this, city, ono of the
beet known pioneers of western lown.
died at his home here last night. Ho came
to Mills county when lie was' aged II
from Cedar county, Missouri, and was hi
his seventy-eighth year, liu leaves a wife
and three children, Mrs. E. H. llubbiml
of Springfield, Nob., and John and George
Merrltt of Qlenwood. Resides the grand
children living here three reside at Whit
tier, Cal. The funeral will be held Janu
ary 2S, nt 2 p. m.
lion. J. F. Crnwforil.
CUUYI3NNH. Wyo., Jan. 27.-(Speciul.)
Scottish Rite Masons will conduct tho
nt Hi. fiinfm! nf Hon. J. F.
' . , ... . : ... ,., , ,nli.
Crawford. Which Will bo held Hi t-Araiu-o
on Thursday. Colonel Crawford was tni
veteran editor of tho Sarutogu bun. was
a trustee of the University of Wyoming
and luid been prominent in Wyoming
legislative circles for the Inst twenty-five
years. He died at Oakland, Cal.. Satur
day while visiting relatives.
(Forge FiiriiNWorth.
CHICAGO. Jan. 27 George Farnswortli,
u pioneer lumberman, dkd lust nlglit at
his home here of paralysis. .Mr. i-urns-
wortli was born at Fairfield, t., in Jfc-o
Sure, Quick Cold
Cure Acts Gently
i'apo'a Cold Compound Cures Colds I
Hud Grippe In n Few Hours
Contains no Quinine.
The most severe cold will be broken,
and all grippe misery ended attpr taking
a dose of rape's Cold Compound every
two hours until three comecutlvo dose
aro taken.
Tou will distinctly feel all the dls- (
ssreeable symptoms lci.vlnc after tho
very first dose.
The moit mlsoraule headache, dullness,
head and noso stuffed up. feverlshness.
sneeslntT, running of the nose, sore
throat, mucous catarrhal discharges,
soreness, stiffness, rheumatism pains and
other distress vanishes.
Take this wonderful Compound as di
rected, with the knowledge that there la
nothing else In the world, which will
cure your cold or end Grippe misery us
promptly and without any other as
slstance or bad after effects as a SB-cent
package of Pape's Cold Compound, which
any druggist can supply-contains no
quininebelongs In every home-accept
no substitute. Tastes nice acts gently.
Advertisement. PUPP aootlar Rock Glue also
rivCiXj use sJtsr Broom Holdttr
To aotrartlM tbaia ulul artlclaa. it rou mill M .
aar null' marchwit la Amtrica tor abo". tnla i
lll antberlsa aim to QIVB yo both, mtwjl U j
kata ou PKAISE tham ta IrttBda. It mtrcbaata
cantct iur.plr Jim r. wrlta ua. aaadlo all ".J
ttianla hun aad ta IB aurapa. NOKalAJ
HIKES CO. WasBlatteo, U, C.
Formerly Sold for and up to
to Wait for This Big
All Work Guaranteed
Prices Reiuonable
tOth & Homey
and came to Chltngo In 1SCS. lie spent i
several ycurs In Wisconsin In the lumber '
trade and later returned to Chicago. lie I
retired twonty-flve years ago. 1
SI r.' TlirreHlin IIuhIht.
lA'ONS, Neb., Jnti. 27. (Special.) M-s
Thcrcsha Hushcr of Cedar Bluffs died at
tho Fremont hospital after undergoing
nn operation for cancer of the liver. Sho'
was the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil
liam II. doing of this place nrul warn
born and reared here.
John I. il ml.
.lo'hn l.und, 42 years old, 103 North Fif
teenth street, wns found dead this morn
ing by his wife. He had been ailing
for some time with heart trouble nnd
while sitting In a chnlr succumbed to that
Stiff Neck
For any stiffness or lameness
Sloan's Liniment gives relief at
once. It acts like massage
quickens the blood and limbers
up lame muscles and joints.
is good for any kind of pain.
" I bad a aTre pain between my ihoul.
den, and noticing your ailTerllment in
the street cri I got n bottle which quickly
rellereil me." It. I). HunoovNK, Itajs
rllle, Kentucky.
At all alirt. Frtca 10c, 0c. d 11.00.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan Boston, Mass.
nnh a. Iittia Kudu't on oor f orehMul nlff
a little laiuurnoM-andlieadACha la IniUntly
nered. Kondon'i. tha origin.! and eanuloa,
CtUrrba! Jelljr Is plent, aromatic, antlaeptlc.
tll alwaji want It In jour hom, for cold.
couehi.aor throat, catarrh, hay fever, uthraa,
tc. Banltarr tubei.Uc aad 50c at all dnigsUts.
KONDON MPQ. CO., MlilW. Mtnn,
Ufa i,at lor ovtr 01XTV VKAHa bj M1UUO.M
at UUT1IKK3 lar Utlr I'lllUmEM WUKN
iCOTUEa tha C1IIL. BomiKs taa QUUS. AL
LAYS all IAIN; CUIlEd WIND COLIC, anil it ,
lha bo( laniadjr tor D1ARHI10CA. It la atxo-
lultlr btrmlna. Ba aura awl a Ik far "Xln.
WlBAlow'a Soolalng Sirup." and uka aa Maw
ktst. TtQt-rira aaau a bottle.
rgest and Flneat Sti
.I.IJO tons
,93tf ftecd
The Largest and Flneat Steamer to
Hound Trip. iM up. Itl claia axeloilrtlr
OrotaTa Sj;it Feb. 1 1
Ticket! inlaw haaitabla ltli Qutbac a
The Hojal Mail Steam I'ackct Co.
SANUKltSON & BON Qen Acts, li
So. I-aSatle St, Chicago, or any
local steainsuip tiuKet agent
Wo invite npplkatious
for loans onj choice
business property in
OMAHA. New (Wilding
projects financed 'Uere the
fee Bimplo title to tUo ground
la Included. Corretfpondcnco
Is Invited.
Capial and Surplus
I $9,500,6,1)0
Couldn't do a thing with it. Stood in
every direction at once, then in no direc
tion. This was before he used Hall'n
HairRenewer. Now his hair looks well
kept, stays in place. Thq scalp is clean
and healthy. Hair is growing fastor. No
dandruff. No fallinc hair. 'Not the slicb
l J . ti ,1,1, 1,-1-
I CBl' "ubDl i"" ""
f For Sore Throat
Brpnclilal and Asthmatic cotfh, noameneti, etc
f 25c, 60c, $1.00. Balnple Free.
JOHN I. DROWN & SON. Doslon. Mai.
John Says
"Sid you ask mo
how business Is on
OZOABS? Well, I've
worved the Cash
B agister so bard
latalj that several of
tha wheels have
worn lint.'
Cigpr Store
16th and Harney Sts.
A .in kic.mhSts.
Krug Theater
Mat. Today, 2:30; Night, 8:30
Ladies' Daily Dime Matinee
Extra Tuesday Night Only
Champion White Heavy
Weight of the World
1 l&jrilJ4Jffj, D"yMt., 16-36-000
Hare's tha Clasiltst Musical Outfit That
Ever Boiled Into Town on Car Wheels
And Her
Own Go,
A, t1l').,0oJJs P!llucyoii . tleo. V Hayes.
and O-O.o.n.i.T
ueauiy i norus.
"Worth Climbing the BUI."
Hytone Vandevllls Includca Julie Rlnir jfe
roll: 3 Sisters Kelcey. WhV tb
Freak I'ero, Krone- ifZI
man Bros.: Jewel & I ROOMY
Jordan Hlpposcope Picture,
rrom 3 to 6; at 7 ana 9 P. M. sally,
Tonight East Tims
Tha Big Musical Comtdy
Mutt & Jaff, a New show This Year
Thursday, 3 Bays, Mat. Bat.
Tha Chicago Musical Play
"liuumiftna XiU U"
.... Popl -
Farewell Week. Tonight, All Week
Matinses Thursday and Saturday
"Tha Kouss of A Thousand Candlci"
East Waak of Omaha's ravorlta Stock
Douu. 4U1.
Mat. Kvsry Bay, 3U6. Every Night, 8115
KKI-irE IOItniS and niamhe Bfndfr Mhi,
lina Itaach'a La Uillct I'latilqur, Tha Mulkl
girl. r.oMimlth & Hoppe. Ilarrr llreao. KranV
and Truman Illce, Dalntra Im Urandall, 1'itha'a
WMkly Ilexlaw Prtcea, Mat . Ualltrr 10c tt
aeata J6c. axcapt Situnlar an4 Sunili. N'hi
I0t. Mt, ttc '
World-famed Dancar
Ilallet ami Sjiniiliony Orchestra
Ifiost slaboraU and bjautlXul Uancin
production sver offarad.
Blreot irom tha Metropolitan Onar.
Hons. Navr York. wi'rs
AUniTOUlOI, HVK. ,1X. :inih
Prloes. 81.00. 81.50. aa.oo. "
Tickets at Auditorium box offlct.
, Bronchial
John 's
-J . 1
s1li"Triiaa iifii