Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Paper With a
Purpose The Paper
That Does
Fair: Colder
Hr. Eriimeline Pankhurst Calls for
Volunteers to Take Part in the
( Gallant Onslaught.
Bays Lives of Public Men Will Be
British Cabinet Will Introduce An
other Franchise Measure.
Speaker, jnt Ilcqncnt of Premier,
Rules 4hat t'Iuingr Proposed
TV'onlM Slake Pending Hill
Equal lo ,riT Measure.
LONDON,! Jan. -.T.-A declaration of
guerilla warfurc by the suffragettes. In
cluding sortl os and riots to begin at once,
iwaa made b: r Mri. Kmmellnc Pankhurst,
the militant leader, at a meeting this
even Ins.
Mrs. Pantfhurst called for the name
and of those who were "pre
pared to talke part in the gallant on
tfaoht." 1
The suffragette leader declared that
there were nlany women who were prc
pard to endanWer their lives in the causo.
Miss Annie (Kenny, who has been very
prominent in Vhe maneuvers of the mili
tants, added thht the' women would "make
the lives of public men impossible" and
in reply to an (.Interruption said:
"If you are a shopkeeper you hod bet
ter look out. It Is not just your windows
Which ore going; to be attacked. It Is
(something else. We arc going to get this
question settlejd once for all."
Many shops immediately began to bourd
lap their windows.
FrmicliTue Hill Dropped.
The cabinet djectdeo. to drop the frun
rAlse bill. This (decision was due to the
Speaker's ruling i that the form and sub
stance of the measure -would bo. so ma
terially altered A)y the amendment grant
ing the -vote to women, that It ought to
bo presented In ithe shape of a new bill.
The precincts '.of the House of Com
mons presented jnany of the features of
a well defined encampment when tho
House met this afternoon to bring to a
conclusion the urrent chapter of the
work for, the enfranchisement of women.
Mounted und foot police were to be seen
everywhere In great strength. Two
thousand patrolmen and 100 mounted men
were actually on. duty, while large re
serves wero hidden in convenient court
yordsilnvth vicinity o? Parliament ready
'tO POUnCe On any EAlffrarettea whn ahnlllH
attempt to'breok lh peace.,,Besidcs this,
the leave of all llic'iother policemen be
longing to the Metropolitan force had
been stopped.
After tho speaker's ruling It was only a
qucstl&rf' whether 'the cabinet would an
nounce its capitulation before or after
tho vote bad been taken on Sir Edward
Grey's amendment. The amendment
called for the omission of the word
"male" and thus practically introduced
adult suffrage
rage. I
SulJnlt N
Will Hub til It Sen Mensnre
At. tho- opening of today's session,
Premier Asqulth aBked the speaker to
atate again In moo definite form, that If
any of tho women's amendments were
carried, the franchise bill would becomu
substantially a new bill and would havo
to be withdrawn. This done, Mr. Asqulth
announced that the cabinet wnnM km
announced that the cabinet would
prolong the divcusslon' under the clr
stances, but would drop tho bill.
government, ho added, would 'at n own
tlmo and within, the lifetime of the pres
ent Parliament, proceed with bills dealing
iwlth electoral reforms and plural voting.
Premier Ascuith repudiated tho sugges
tion thaf the government had been guilty
of sharp-practice regarding the question
of woman suffrage. He declared the mem
bers of the cabinet had honestly en
deavored to carry out their pledge to
challenge a decision from the house on
woman suffrage. The government, ho
continued, had now pledged Itself to give
to a woman suffrage bill introduced by
a .private member next session the sam
facilities aa It had given to the con
troverstble government measure, allow
ing members complete freedom to vote In
accordance with their Individual predilec
tions. Women Omluoaaly- quiet. t
Thoaa suffragettes who had been ad-
ifnltted into the outer lobby of tin '
House of Common. nrt i .i.. !
Clnlty of the house took the rebuff to
Wieir hopes with ominous quiet. The outer
lobby was safely guarded by lines of
police so as to prevent any possibility
of the women breaking In, and the Inner
sanctum was crowded with represenU
Uvea of various suffrage societies, but
there was no demonstration when Pre
mier Asquith'a announcement became
Mrs. Emmellne Pankhurst and her sis
ter militants will hold a meeting tonight
to settle their couras of action.
The great display of police effectually
(dampened any projected outbreak In the
tPen space In front of the Houses of
Parliament. Great crowds of women,
znany carrying sandwich boards adver
tising for and against woman suffrage
were swept back from Parliament square
to the adjoining streets, and barriers of
sturdy polloemen closed . all the up.
)roaches to the House of Commons.
The Weather
Temperature i
nt Omaha '
Hour Temp.
7 a. m.:.::.;::::::: .
s a. m , 7 i
8 a.
10 a.
11 a.
1 p. in 43
i p. m.
p. m.
Quezon Denies Report
that Filipinos Are
Preparing for War
WASHINGTON. Jan. !7.-Manuel L.
Quezon, the Philippine commissioner In
tho house, made a speech there today
denying reports that Agulnaldo and other
native leaders were fermenting a revolu
tion. Quezon discussed reports, published
today, of a battle between American
troops and Morro native In which sev
eral troopers were killed.
"Coupled with this report," declared
Mr. Quezon, "was the statement that
Agulnaldo and other Filipinos were, en
gaged In political nctlvllines and are
preparing for war Thh Is not true. For
the last two months, since the democrats
won at the polls these reports have come
from the Philippines regularly because
the democrats are pledged to give the
Philippines their Independence.
"Theso encounters between Moros und
American troops have heretofore bejn
concealed when It was In somebody's
Interest to conceal thorn, and they are
now given out when It Is somebody's In
tcrest to give them out.
Tiie Mliplnos are not preparing for
war. nicy have faith in the American
people and they expect their liberty at
tho hands of tho American people. Us
peciany they will not fight since thy
democratic party, pledged to Philippine
Independence is coming Into power."
Mr. Quezon pledged the fighting
strength of the Philippines to the United
States "If you ever get Into a war in the
Harvester Combine
Takes Out Charter
for Second Company
mtviuiv. n. J.. Jan. .-Articles in
corporating the International Harvester
corporation with an authorized capital of
70,CC0,00 wero filed with the secretary
of stato this afternoon, the Incorporators
oeing men actively connected with the
International Harvester company, a con
cern already chartered under tho laws jf
New Jersey with an authorized capital of
1 40,000,000.
In connection with the filing of th
articles of Incorporation there was filed
with the secretary of state a letter from
the International Harvester comDam-
signed by the president, Cyrus H. McCor-
mlck, stating that tho company has no
objection to tho making use of practically
the same title by the International Har-
ester corporation. In the letter it is
also stated that It is the purpose of tho
International Han-ester company to file
papers changing the title of the company
to the International Harvester Company
of New Jersey.
The capital stock of the new corpora
tion Is made up of $30,000,000 preferred
stock' and HO.000,000 common, with tho
preferred to bedr 7 per cent cumulative,
The incorporatorsare Harold F. Mc
Cormlck and WHllam .J, .Lauderbaqk, of,
Chicago; Wlftfein Jj. Saunders of Plain
field, N. J.; John A. Chapman of Chicago
anu Clarence F. Gregory and Robert II
Nellson of New York,
Dynamite Explosion
Shakes Big Section
of Southern Paris
J!ARIH, Jan., 27.-A terrific explosion of
dynamite early today shook hodses for a
mile or more around the church of St.
Sulplce in the southern part of Paris. A
great fissure was opened in tho Hue de
Seores and the electric surface lines there
wero destrowed, but nobody was seriously
Injured, so far as has been reported. The
explosive is believed by the police to have
been taken from the construction works
of the now subway by some workmen
who were recently discharged.
Colonel C, H, Jones,
Veteran Editor, Dead
NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-Colonel Charles
H. Jones, a confederate veteran and ed
itor of national reputation, died yesterday
in a sanitarium at Oshedalettl, Italy,
News or his death was received here to
Colonel Jones was bom In Talbotton,
Ga., In ISIS. After th-s war he was for
many years editor of the Eclectic mags
zine and Appleton's Journal. In 1S81 he
went to Jacksonville, Fla., and began tho
i publication of the Florida Dally Times,
Later he was. 111 succession, editor of the
St T'0Uls (Mo') ReDubllci". now the St.
I'ouls ,lePub,,c: managing editor or the
New York World and of the St. Kouls
Post Dispatch, and owner and publisher
of several trade Journals.
He was prominent in democratic poll
tics and a dose friend of William J.
First Scrap Over
Nevada Divorce Law
CARSON CITY, Nev., Jan. 27. The first
scrap over the question of changing the
divorce laws of this state occurred In the
assembly this morning when Schoer of
Elko county gave notice of a bll( amend
ing the present statute. Immediately
after Barles of Nejunty Introduced a
bill to amend, and a motion was made
to postpone all action Indefinitely, Dit
was voted down. 3 to '1. An effort lo Mnd, of coffee stored ,
strike ou the enacting clause of the pro-york , Donded W8re))0UseS( out of
posed bill was t..en made .but was ajo( le governmenfs antl-trust law. rho
failure, and the Barnes measure was ; TJnrr, hlll haH ..., tllR hn.
iiuinuci cu nuuots mil ii niiu reitri i eti
-..V., 1,111 f- -m .
to the committee on Judiciary. The only
change It makes 1s to require a residence
'In the state of one year Instead of rlx
month, This Is In line with the recom-1
mendatlon ot Governor Oddle. !
found frozen to death
BILLING 3. lloiit.. Jan. :7.-The bodies
of two prl Mites of the company of soldiers
'stationed at Fort Yellowstone. Yellow
stone park, wero found frozen to death
today twenty-flvo miles from the fort.
The men left the fort ou duty on January
U during a blizzard.
Up Running; HWA
tieiore uommi
All Denounce Any Reduction on
Cloth or Clothing.
Manager Admits Mill Pays Eight
Per Cent Dividend.
President Wood or National Ansocln
llon of Manufacturer Presents
Schedule Practlcallr Same
as I,b,t Now In Kffcct.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 27.-Protectlonists
and revisionists kept up a running fight
before the house .ways and menus com
mittee today which was continued to
night. The wool tnilff was the Issue and
tho manufacturers presented on almost
unbroken alignment against reduction of
duty on woolen cloth mwi r.n,it..n.n,i,.
clothing, though favoring reduction of the i
duty on raw wool.
It was the most strenuous fight mad
at this session of congress against the
democratic plan for revision of the duties
In tho coming extra session. !
"Your schedule never has been cut In
the memory of living men," suggested.
Representative Palmer of Pennsylvania,
to A. M. Stafford of Cleveland.
Mr. Stafford contended that the tariff
could bo reduced only In the ovent thu
democratic jiarty choses to take the re
sponsibility for a possible reduction of
wages of the woolen mill employes. Tho
witness testified to 8 per cent dividends
from his mill last year and Representa
tive Harrison suggested that It was rather
unbecoming for him in view of the big
profits In the Industry to hold' out n
threat of wage reduction.
Clothiers Proposed PJnle.
Through William Goldman of New
York, its president, the National Assocla-
tlon of Clothiers declared 'that while free
wool was desirable a move to put wool
on the Tree list was too revlutlnary.
He said the association , endorsed the
proposed democratic rate of 20 per ceiit
ad Vftlnrilm nn went
The National Association 'of Manufac
turers, comprising 100 qf thewoolen mills
of the country, through fta president.
John P. Wood of Philadelphia, presented
tentative schedule of rates, but Mr.
Wood admitted that the schedule was ap
proximately the same as the present
tariff law. f
The committee showed noslsns todav
of changing Its ..tentative plan fpr a.'.re-
" wuuieii svinMimp aiong me lines or.
niemocratlei wiisJof the' two previous
sessions of this congress, which provided.
for 20 per cent ad valorem an raw wool
and from S5 to SO per cent on clothes,
reaoy maae ciotning ana other articles,
Berger Asks House
to Investigate Sweat
Shop Conditions
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-Investlgatloft
of conditions In the garment working In
dustry In New York was proposed in a
resolution today by Representative Uer-
Ber, the socialist member from Wiscon
sin. The resolution would authorle the
appointment of a special committee of
seven members to Inquire Into the condi
tions surrounding the garment making
trade and the recent strike.
In the preamble of his resolution Mr.
Uerger sets forth that the New York
clothing Industry supplies the trade of a
large section of the country through In
terstate trade; that the wages of the in
dustry are so low "that healthy sur
roundings and a decent standard of llv
ing have become almost Impossible."
"It is further charged," continues the
preamble, "that vice and crime are bred
of the needless misery coincident to tho
manufacture of the nation's clothing,
and further, that bald manufacture Is
carried on in filthy and unsanitary' places
saturated with germs of consumption,
smallpox and scarlet fever and other con
tagious diseases."
Mr. Berger's resolution set forth that
clothing made in such conditions is "a
serious menace and danger to the wet
fare and health of all."
In a statement accompanying his reBO
lutton Mr. Uerger said that he desired to
show "the close connections which the
intolerable' economlo condition of the gar-
ment workers bear to crime and vice on
the one hand and how these economic
conditions revenge themselyes upon alt
tho people, because the people allow
them to exist.
Norris' Coffee Bill
Will B$ Favorably
Reported to Senate
WASHINGTON, Jan. S7.-The Norris bill
to authorize seizure of Imported merchan
dise controlled by trust, or Imported
under illegal conditions, was approved
todav by the senate Judlclarv committor
The measure Is aimed it the Brazilian
nffA mnnnnnll urhtnli tin UtkA
w utau
senate will
be asked to take It up at
YANKTON. S. D.. Jan. K.-tSpecla!.)-Thls
city voted JW.000 water bonds and
the city commission has completed all
plans, sold the bond issue and was ready
to let the contract when, at the last mo
ment, the referendum has been Invoked
by some citizens not satisfied with the
plans and the Improvements to the water
system has been halted while the whole
affair Is submitted once more to the
voters, which means an extended delay,
Uc'. , , i il ( I . )(Y (( '71
Sheriff Who SrTcd AVarrant Mart
H-atiqrvlpUQn -Paper to Raise
; AVr,V.jfGer!,
' eral's JWortnire.
NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-General Daniel
E. Sickles of civil war fame wns tech
nloally placed under arrest at his Fifth
avenue home this afternoon and Immedi
ately technically released under $30,000
ball furnished uy a surety company. lie
Is charged by the state with responsibility
for a shortage of $32,47 in tho funds of
the New York Monuments commission
Although technically in custody for a
moment General Sickles did not have to
leave his home. Sheriff Harburgcr, who
served the order of arrest, had purposely
delayed his visit until the bond had been
perfected. At the same time the sheriff
started a movement to make up the short
age by popular subscription.
General Sickles this afternoon eliowed
tho sheriff a telegram he hud received
from the widow of General James Lohg
street, the famous confederate leader
The telegram was sent from Gainesville,
Ga. It said:
My soul Is sorrowed by your troubles.
I am wiring the attorney general of New
York that that I will raise money among
me raggeu, aeamutc and maimed vet
erans who followed Lc to Day the
amount demanded If the New York law
win snow sufficient time. The republic
whose battles you fourht will not nermlt
your uegraaation.
Prnreedlnira Are Ilrlef,
The general received the order of arrest
and tossed It on the table without looking
at It. He told the sheriff that it had
cost him 00 to get tho surety bond re
quired. The procedure of arrest and re
lease was short and formal.
At the age of 87 General Sickles is
a picturesque character and appeared es
pecially so to many passers-by who Taw
htm last night, sitting by the windows
of his big brick house at the corner of
Fifth avenue and Ninth street. The
room was crowded with many relics of
the civil war. Against the general's chair
there was leaning the crutoh which he
uses. He lost one leg in the battle of
Gettysburg. On a little table near him
was a large vase containing flowers.
Above his chair and soma two feet over
his head there were two American flags.
The National Capital
Monday, Janitor?' "17, IDl.t.
The Senate.
Legislative, executive and Judicial un.
proprlatlon bill sent to conference with In
structions to Insist upon sonate amend
ment extending life of commerce court
to June ZQ.
Resumed consideration of Lever asrl.
cultural extension bill.
Judiciary committee approved Norris
bill authorlzlnz government to seize im
ported merchandise controlled bv a trust
Appropriation of WO.OOO for Pan-American
scientific congress In Washington
urged before foreign affairs committee.
Immigration bill sent to conference
The 1 1 Hilar,
Consideied District of Columbia legis
lation. Hearing on woolen schedule of tariff be
gun by ways and means committee.
Representative tlerscr Introduced reso
lution for investigation of garment In
du'trv In New York
Shipping trust Investigating committee
continued Its hearing with President Pres
ton of United Fruit company testifying.
Passed hill substituting electrocution
for hanging as capital punishment In
District of Columbia.
Delegate Quezon In speech denied re
ports that Agulnaldo and other Fili
pino leaders were Inciting revolution In
LINE INTACT ittfti. oocZj0C I
? L t-n S)L; sIune now roR iom s :,- -- TV
t o 5 tj-A cost of uvinq ? v. 'r VXY Jk
riora ins Aiineapous journal.
Surety Bond is Provided 'and He
Remains at Home.
Who Pays the Revenue?
ii - r
Says Fruit Trust is
Not Party to Any
Shipping Pool
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-Andrew Pres
ton of Boston, president 6f the United
Fruit company, operating elghty-ond
steamers In the fruit and passenger trade
between the United States and the West
id-told'lhfr iTwun- slllpplliB-tnuUoi-j
miitee toaay mat nis company was not
a party to any pooling arrangement as tj
rates and received no rebates or special
rates from railroads.
Mr. Preston, questioned about the or
ganization of the United Krult company
wltli a capital of fcW.OOO.OOO and Its ab
sorption of fruit companies with steam
ers between tho West Indies and New
York, Boston and Philadelphia, denied
that the company used unfair tactics to
crush rivals.
He declared that notice of any chango
In prevailing rates would bo given to tliu
Panama railroad steamship lino and the
Hamburg-American and Hoynl linos, but
Insisted his company was not obligated
to Its competitors and could make such
rates as It wished,
Federal Judge Meek
Criticises Attorney
General Wickersham
DALIjAS, Tex., Jan. S7. Attorney Gen
eral Wickersham was rrlttclrcd today by
United Btates Judge Meek, who said It
was a new thing for the executive -department
of the federal government to
Intervene between a court und men who
had been Indicted, as It did In the casus
of J. D. Archbold, II. C. Koglcr, Jr.. and
W. C. Teagle. Thoy were Indlctod in
Judge Meek's court on charges of violat
ing the Sherman antl-trust law In alleged
operations affecting the Magnolia X'.
troleum company.
Mr. Wickersham did not order the ar
rest of the men on the Texas warrants
because, he said, the evidence did not
uphold such action. When the case was
called In Judge Meek's court . today ro
commented on Mr. Wlckersham's action.
He said he could not understand It, al
though he had "all confidence In thj
integrity pf the executive department. "
Judge Meek ordered new warrants is
sued for the three.
Meat Famine in
Western Canada
CALGARY. Alberta. Jan. 27 Western
Canada Is threatened with a meat fam
ine. The amount of beef In cold stor
age at the Burns Pucking plant here,
which was destroyed by fire recently,
was greater that ut first thought. Mr.
Burns estimated thot J700.000 worth of
dressed beef was consumed with fully
as much more pork and mutton. There
has been a sharp rise In prices. Heef
on the hoof has risen from P to "',4 aents.
Retailers are boosting prices proportion
WASHINGTON, Jan, !7t-Llciuors lm-
ported to the United States become sub
ject to slate laws exercising tho state
police powers when they arrive, accord
ing to a decision today by the supremo
In accordance with this view of tho
Wilson liquor law ot WW, the court up
held the validity of the New Orleans' or
dinance, which laid a tax upon the busi
ness of the Frederick De Barry com
pany Insofar as It consisted of selling
imported wines In unbroken packages
of less than flvn gallons each.
Will Notify Turkey that Negotia
tions Are at End.
Balkan Slalea Hope for Surrender
of Knr(rms of Ailrlnnople Be
fore Hostilities Can lie
'","HrHttren." ,
LONDON, Jan. The drafting of the
note rupturlnr Peace negotiations was
begtln this mornlnr by tho allies.
The committee of delegates entrusted
with this Important work consisted of
Michael Medjaroff, Bulgarian minister
In London; Prof. Georglos Strelt, Greek!
minister to Austria-Hungary; Dr. M. R.
Vesnltch, Servian minister to France,
and Count Voynnvltch, chief of tho cab
inet of King Nicholas of Montnegro,
with M. Po'lltls of tho Greek delegation
as nn adviser on questions of Interna
tional law.
The committee expected to complete the
note before nightfall und submit Its work
ii Plenary sitting or the l uuar nn.
Greek, Montnegrln and Servian delega
tions. However, even if the Balkan allies
were anxious to resume hostilities, which
It Is currently reported they are not
anxious to do, at least fifteen days must
elapso before the guns can again begin
to roar.
Many .Noll cm ltrinlreil.
Even If tho draft of tho note Is com
pleted tonight, Its revision by tho delega
tions will take some time and tho 'final
draft could not be presented to the Turk
ish delegation and (o Sir Kdward Grev
as honorary president of tho pence con
ference before Wednesday.
As It Is understood that the note will
give the Turkish delegation three days' In
which to answer, tho expiration of that
period would occur on Sunday, so that
(Continued on Page Two,)
Woman and Child
Killed by Posse
WINNIPEG, Man., Jun. Z7.-In a buttle
between a sheriffs posse and John Bu-
ran, the outlaw, at his home near Rid- j
iiik, diuiu.. louay, a woman and child
were shot to death by officers. In the
excitement Baron escaped.
The sheriff's posse hud gone to Bursa's
cabin today to arrest him for shooting
Constable Charles Rooke of the Muni
toba police. Rooke was shot when ho
attempted to arrest 1 In ran on a warrant
charging him withwife desertion.
When the posse approached the cabin
Huran opened fire. Bullets were returned
by the posso and firing continued sev-
eral minute When the porae stormed
the house their prisoner hud fled. On the
floor wus the blooding body of a woman
with whom Baran Is said to have been
living. Clasped In her arms was a dead
Infant Both were victims of the posse's
A futile attempt wus made to truce tin
outlaw through the woods.
Wilson Will Do
Little Traveling
TRKNTON. N. J., Jan. 27.-Comment-Ing
on published reports thut he Intended
to visit the Philippines, Panama and
Alaska during his administration. Presi
dent-elect Wilson said he hud made ab
solutely no such plans. Ho Indicated
that he would do little traveling while
In office.
Senator C. S. Thomns and Representa
tive E. T. Taylor of Colorado, presented
to Mr. Wilson today the name of former
Governor Alva Adums of Colorado, for
the sccretar)shlp of .the Interior.
Measure by Douglas County Scnatoi
Provides Stringent Regulations
for Street Sales of Papers.
Full Description Given and Filca
with School Superintendent.
Dodge Also Would Prohibit Their
Use in the State.
Iii(ln Member Merkn lo Permit
NplltHnir or Ticket -Ctiereiuie
Member OnpoarM I.lve Nloek
I'rlee Combine.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Jan. 27.-(Hpcclnl.)-lt
Dodgo ofxl)ouglns has his way the poor
boy under IS yeais of ago, who Ih the
support of a widowed mother and half
a dozen smaller actors und brothers,
will have to unwind a lot o ret I tape
before he will be permitted to sell news
papers on tho streets, a Job most of the
big men of tho country have held nt
some period of their lives. If tho boy
happens to ho tinder 12 years old ho Is not
permitted under tho proposed act to sell
papers or niuguzjnca on tho ntiects or
any public place.
If ho Is under 16 he must conform tc
certain rules, Included In which la one
providing for a description of the boy to
be filed away by the superintendent ot
schools, not altogether different from the
Bcrtllon system used In recording the
cur marks of criminals, lleforo the boy
under 16 gets a Job Helling papers he
must first havo lived upto all tin- re
qulremcntji of school attendance and have
secured a permit and badge from the su
perintendent of schools or Home agent
appointed by tho school board to look
after tho matter. The appllcatln for
all this must bo mudo by tho parent or
guardian or tho boy'ri next best friend,
If there be no parents or guardian.
llrscrlliliiH a NtMVuboj.
The principal must set out in his state
ment that tho child Is an attendant nt
such school, tho grade he has attained,
nnd that he has reached tho normal de
velopment of a child of that age and
that he Is able to do the work. Hie des
cription of the boy, which shall be filed
away with the superintendent of the
school, must show the date and place
Of birth, name and address ot thq parent
Lor, Kuarulttn.-t!uaaa,ad wclghL of the
boy, and shall describe the color bf the,
hair and eyes, his height and any dis
tinguishing facial marks.
Tho badge given the boy must carry
a number, which corresponds to tho
number of the permit and the name of
the boy. Tho boy must wear this badge
whenever he works. The boy cannot
sell papers before S a, m., or after 8 p. m.,
nor during school hours, when school In
In session. Any child who violates the
provlsloons of the net becomes delin
quent and Is subject to arrest, to be
brought before the Juvenile court or
before any magistrate when there Is no
Juvenile court. Upon tho application ot
the principal of tho school, dr any police
officer, truant officer or probation of
ficer of a Juvenile court, tho permit given
the boy Is to be' revoked, for n period of
six months and his badaa taken away
from him.
The act Is to be enforced by the deputy
commissioner of labor or by someone,
authorized by him.
iill-Votlnu' Mnchliic lllll.
Senator Dodgo Introduced this after
noon a hill to abolish voting, machines
In Omaha and do awny with tho party
circle at the top of tho ballot. In speak
ing of the bill thu senator said that lie
voting machines wero riot conducive td
nn Intelligent ballot. That Is, a man
wus many times forced to vote a straight
ballot, because he did not have tlmo to
work the machine In the manner rjoces
wry to vote a scratched ticket.
If a man desired to scratch his ticket
he waa compelled to use u great deal ot
time, which those In line waiting to use
the machine generally objected to, and
In consequence ho was subjected to un
complimentary remarks and Joshing,
which many times compelled him to cut
out his Idea of splitting his ticket and
lie voted t straight In oredr to get out ot
he way.
The senaur believes the voting machines
should go and In order to facilitate the
counting ot the ballots a double system
of election boards thould take Its place.
Open School lltillillngH.
Senator Dodge Introduced another bill
which will provide for open school build
lugs forfuihllc meetings of all kinds ex
cept for political or religious purposes In
(Continued on Page Two.)
Mr. Merchant: Did you
know that m a n y of
Omaha's most success
ful advertisers use both
the display and the clas
sified columns tC Tho
Bee. They find ii profit
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Tyler 1000.