Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1913, SPORT SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 57

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    Tin: (WAIT A SUNDAY BEK: JANUARY 2fi, mm.
3 S
Mutt May Be
SUGGESTIONS for a better system
of coaching foot ball teams at the
University of Nebraska must meot
with a responsive chord among
the alumni of the state school
w ho are Interested In the success of their
alma muter in athletics. A method that
lias produced only ono victory In twelve
years over an eleven that is supplied
with no better gridiron materjal than
the Cornhuskers receive each fall has
very little to recommend It. In theory,
as tho writer says In another part of
this paper, tho one-man plan Is wrong;
too much work appertains to drilling and
moulding a foot ball machine to permit
one man to successfully cope with the
task. He may bo a giant for work, doing
much more than the ordinary man. and
yet ho cannot do enough to master a
Filuad and shape It so that It will win
against a team that In ramparted hy
tiicks and strength that come from the
nilvicc and. cohchlng of a set of six .ir
ton men. Tho side- that la handlcaped
bv lacl of brains must give way to the
one that possesses the mental capabili
ties. It Is folly to forco on one man tho
entire tnsk ot devising plays for an
eleven that is to meet opponents who are
tutored nnd drilled by several coaches.
1to coach can foxin pnly n certain num
ber of effective plays, while six or elcht
loaches can Invent many, many more,
equipping thelf eleven so well, that It
always will be effective against the
one-man-conch and his players. In order
for Nebraska to win Its share of games
from Minnesota, Coach Stlehm must be
giver) a crew of assistants, and the
coaches must be backed up by an ad
visory board which will point out errors
and render aid In many ways. The
change should be made In time to whip
Minnesota at Lincoln next fall.
Comlskey lias set an example in lower
prices for base ball, which other major
haguers are following. McAleer of Boston
has decided on u running downward re
vision, affording some good seats for 15
cents, This tendency is inevitable. Base
hairs' popularity makes It so. It will not
be long, we Imagine, before all the big
paiks will bo selling cheaper and the
crowds will be even larger than now.
Of course, the American Is going to have
his base ball, but he showed last year
that ho might sandwich In something
else between games when business was a
little slow. Box offices over the country,
especially in the minors, showed marked
declines In attendances in 1912 and this
may have had some influence on the
situation, though If so, It is paradoxical
that Comlskey and McAleer should tako
the lead In this reform, as they were
also in the lead of the big money-makers.
You couldn't fight the fans out of
omlskey's park, no matter what you
liarged them. But Commy never was a
hog, although Chicago has seen hogs
running ball teams, so to speak; ho has
carved a fortune and may carve others,
but he still things the fan has a fow
rights. How soon this tendency toward
a downward revision of prices will strlkt)
in on the minors, we cannot say. Most
of the minors are now getting only a
fair price for their frame, and yet some
are finding (t .hard sliding. Almost every
minor league has a lame club to carry
and some have more than one. It might
bo that more, popular prices would prove
he remedy needed, we can't tell,
From the Htaudpolnt of gossip, that It
Is an. Interesting story to the effect that
t'ohb, Crawford, Strange nnd one or
two other Tigers havo decided to stand
out against Jennings for manager, re
fusing to resign with Detroit unless ho
goes. Hut Momehow. wo can't Just be
lieve, ft. Tho first question Is, what has
happened to cause such serious friction'.'
AVe recall, as doubtless you do, that
Jennings stood manfully by Cobb nnd
the other players In their abortlvu strike
Just season and surely then there was
no ground for believing a story like thlH
one. But, then, you can't stop a base
ball story in midwinter any easier than
you can hiad off u snowslido In the
Itocky mountains. A while ago they
had It that Navln was determined - to
firo Jennings, whereat he re-engaged
Hint at a higher salary, It was said, than
ever. We Imagine when the gong rings
Cabu- Crawford, Strange and the others
w.ii uo on pecK wim liugney yelling Ills
H-yah" as ever.
So Steve Melter want to come back.
Well, come on Steven and welcome. But
those shoulders of the big fellow's always
aid remind us more of a high-grade wrest
ler than anything else. But Steve ought
to know and he says he's there; that he
.pitched thirty-five games last year and
won thirty-three. Without going into de
lalU us to games, that's tomo pitching,
if Steve Is as good as he once promised
to be, he's good enough for us.
We have discovered this year beyond
any doubt the tangible value of midwinter
advertising for base ball. The dope has
been peddled with an avidity never before
'nown and It has been good, palatable
dope, at that. Why not? Who that
.jve base ball In the summer doesn't
want to talk about It and read nbout It
n the wlntur?
rlt s haid tu Keep away from the
grounds weather like this that Is, this
t tho present writing.
a Bad Soldier, but He is a Great.
Teams in First Division Now Get
Most of the Cream from Profits.
Decnuic They Can X'ay Ills Trices
mid (Jet the Very Best Material
from Minor lipniroen Tvltli
but Little Trouble.
NEW YOItK, Jan. 25,-It would not bi
surprising to see some change made lu
the base ball drafting rules before next
fall. Under the present system the league
champions stand Just as good a chance
of obtaining the cream of the draft as
does any other club. During the season
the teams In the first division are usually
the ones whose books show the biggest
profit, so that they are In tho best posi
tion to pay big prices for the stars of the
minor leagues before the drafting season
commences. The closer the race the more
interest it attracts and tho better it is
financially for all concerned. It Is, then
fore, a good business proposition for tli.i
magnates to strengthen the weaker clubs
With this end In view several owners
are in favor of giving the second division
qlubs the first opportunity at drafted
players. If a list of all players for whom
drafts were put In was mndo and then
the tallenders given first pick, the clubs
In seventh position second pick, and ro
On In rotation,' the championship club get
ting the last choice, it would not only dis
tribute tho Incoming material fairly, bat
would liavo a tendency materially iO
strengthen 'tho weaker teams.
Base Ball League
May Be Organized
in South Dakota
If the plans now under way in South
Dakota' develop, a base 'ball leaguo of D
class will bo formed In that stato to
embrace Aberdeen, Watertown. Ited
field, Mltcnoll, Sioux FuIIb and Huron.
Two years ago a league was formed In
that state, but the, larger cities were not
represented and consequently the propo
sition went to tho wall..
According to Steve Meltcr, who Is In
Omaha, he nnd Hlenle Schonwebber, an
other professional Ieaguq player, havo
been lining tho proposition up, and Melter
says everything la ready for the final I
formations but the securing of tho Sioux j
Falls Commercial club to put a team In
the field.
Abendeen, Mitchell and Watertown are
greatly In favor of the proportion, while
the Sioux Kails bunch will probably come
I through, although at present they arc
not saying much about tho deal. Mitchell
U nil worked up over the Idea und ull
the other towns aro working strongly for
the league. All that Is needed to make
tho affair a success is tho favorable re
port from Sioux Falls.
At Mitchell It is said there arc enough
former leaders to put a good team In
the field, although Steve Melter says he
does not know whether ho will play n
the league or not. Melter has nu offer
to play In the Northwestern league, but
If he can get into tho Western league
he will do so. He Is trying to locate with
the Omaha team, but If not will probably
I go to Wichita, from whence he has re
j colved an offer.
j Coach Ellis Ward to
Serve Last Year with
j Pennsylvania Grew
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. S5. l'ciinsyl-
aula's crews will row for the last tlmu
ui.der the tranlng of Kills Ward, for
the ruwlug commltteo of tho university
has announced that when the coach's
cunt. act expires on August 31. It will not
be renewed. This announcement is In
rosponse to an agitation aga list Ward, at
the university, among the graduates and
undergraduates, which took shape a few
days ago In a letter published In tho
college dally to J. W. Townsend, chair
man of the committee, asking why Ward
had been reta ned In the face of the de
cision of tho committee that a new coach
had been decided upon. Townsend ha
chosen to make known the decision, and
It Is signed by C. H. Scott. Jr.. H. K
Lambertnn, John Alexander. J. A. Brown
oikI J. E. Townsend, Jr.. the full com
mittee. With a new coach, teaching the ac
cepted stroku for four-m'lo races, Penn
eylvanlu Is likely to take a higher post
tfon on the river than she has of late.
There Is plenty of good material , for
oarsmen at tho university, but for th
last few years It has been sadly mis
directed. .Need Work, Too,
Joe Birmingham Is warned by Cleve
land critics not to take things too easy
next seanon. They want him to do Just
as much training as his players, and, If
possible, get Into the game. It Is
charged that Harry Davis made a fall
urn of his regime at Cleveland, hecaustj
he mode no effort to get himself In
shape In the spring. He did not set the
pace for his players and he lost, their
respect by so doing
Oomiskey May Take
Two Pfdfessional
Teams Around World
NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Tim aiurnane
Is authority for the statement thru
Owner Charles Comlskey of the Chicago
White Box Is contemplating a tour of
the world with two professional bnso
ball teams next year. If tho plans for
such a trjp materialize It . will be one
of the greatest booms for tho American
pastime over attempted and would servo
to show other countries, where the gamo
Is little heard of, what a scientific con
test It represents.
It Is conceded that no manager or
owner would bu moro capable In u pro
ject of this kind than would Comlskey.
and that ho could work- It to a success, j
both artistically and financially. He j
would no loubt surround hlmsnlf with '
a gathering of bright minds and up-to- I
date entertainers. Who would keep the
party In a happy mood through all the
countries In which they would travel
and leave a favnrablo Impression on the
It is admitted that the gamo will never
hold In England, as. the Englishmen, has
been educated to look for his outdoor
game in -cricket- and soccer foot ball,
but South America and the Orient are
looked to for future development of base
i -
Base Ball Managers
Looking in Canada
For Valuable Finds
MONTREAL, Jan. 2 In their search
for material to strengthen their teams,
the owners and managers of tho various
big base ball league teams are now look
ing over Canadlun territory In the hope
of making u valuable f nd. Several good
players havo been found about Canadian
towns during tho last couple of years.
Finds, however, have not proven very
numerous of late, and by no means as
numerous as tho managers would like to
have them.
Charles A. Comlnskey, president and
owner of the Chicago American loague
club Is ono of the first of the big men
to strike out In Canada. Ho is deter
mined to strengthen his team for the
coming season nnd has appointed Joe
Page, well known throughout Canada as
a base ball league organizer, as tho sole
Canadian representative for the Chicago
club. Joe Is now able to go after any
likely looking material he may com
ncroBs, and has tho r'ght to let the player
affix his signature to a contract. Cornls
koy has known Page for soma time, and
Is confident of his ability to land a
couple of promising youngsters.
Motor Cyclists to
Hold Convention
This Year in July
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jun. 23.-Denver and
Chicago aro the cities that are already
being talked of for the 1911 convention
and races of tho Federation of American
Motor Cyclists, which are expcted to Ih;
held In July. Chicago Is an active can
didate for the evant, but Denver has bean
strongly canvassing and will contend
the far west should be recognized.
Should tho latter city get the conven
tion It is probable that u big motor cycle
tour from Kansas City to the convention
city will be planned. An easy schedule
from seventy-five to 100 miles a day
could be arranged for those who care to
travel leisurely over the Santa Fo or
Golden Belt routes. There Is talk also
of a road race, which would b so timed
as to allow the tourists and competitors!
in the race to reach their destination ut
the same time.
When tho 1913 riding season gets under
way the great army of motor cyclists f
tho United States will be found clad in a
new, neat and serviceable uniform of
dark olive. This Is the. result of tho
adoption by the American Motor CycllKts
of an official uniform for Its members.
Although tho Crelghton Dental collegn
furnishes the bulk of the varsity basket
ball train, interest In the game has led
to the organization of an Inter-class
Irague at the Dental college, and threo
teams will contest for the championship
of that department.
From these class teams has been
I selected a number who will represent the
Dental college In games with outsiders.
Games throughout Nebraska have been
scheduled and the team will take a short
W-lp The team is composed of Balder
son, Hnllcr, Bliss, Boyne, Kllng and
Munrli, Of these, the first three aro
varsity men, whllo the rest are players
of no mean reputation.
I'lnelutr the While Hoi,
Jlmmv Callahan reports that the White
Sox will finish one-two-three If Jim Scott
and Frank I .a nice last out the season, He
thinks that "Big Ed" Walsh. "Lefty
Mogrldge and Joe Bent, with the assist
ance of Scott and I.ange, can swing the
routh alders into the pennant
One of Mack's Stars
Eddie Collins swinging on a fust one.
Connie Mack's star Becond baseman ot
the Philadelphia Athletics has hit around
.360 for the lst four yenrs. Hp hus a
keen eye and leans against tho .ball with
great forco. Eddie is also a past master
Farmer Burns Plans
Interstate Tourney
for All Wrestlers
An Interstate wrestling tournufnent, to
decide tho championship ot Iowa. Ne
braska and Missouri, hy elimination con
tests, is tho proposition which Farmer I
Burns is working on. lie is planning on
every wrestler in the three states, regard,
less of weight, competing In the big un-
Tho plan as outlined by Farmer Burns
Is that every wrestler In tho state of Ne
braska enter elimination contnstB and the
winner of the Nebraska tourney wrestle
the winner of the Iowa tourney and the
winner of the Iowa-Nebraska match take
on tho winner of the Missouri tourna
ment. In this way the wrestlers would be
eliminated until ono man would hold tho
championship of tho thrco states.
In Nebraska there aro over fifty
wrestlers who could enter the tourna
ment, Including some good men. In Iowa
there aro almost this number, while In
Missouri thoro are close onto 100
trappier. In Iowa there Is ono man who
would probably stand the best show to
win. This Is Jess Westergaatd. Frank
(lotch having retired from the mat would
not go In. In Nebraska Farmer Burns
would probably land on top In the oleinlm
atlons, while there aro three or four men
about equally matched In MIhsoiiiI.
Most of the big motor car factories
and many of the smaller ones have an
! nounced that their 191S nmrlnrti,,,, win
io a largely Increased one If they aro to .
supply uio demand that Is uhead.
And, of course. It Is to no expected that I
truck manufacturers w'll be put to It to I
handle tho rush of business that will pllo
up on them during the year. Because tho
utility of the gasoline car Is pretty Well
established by this time, both In tho
pleasure and commercial end of the busi
ness; and (he "knockers" are becoming
fewer and further between every year.
Ho it Is safe to hazard the prediction
that 1813 will be far and away the big
gest year that motor driven vehicles havo
ever had.
And a great big percentage of tho mo-tor-drlven
vehicles that will be sold in
1913 will be motorcycles,
In 1912 something like 50,000 of tho two
wheelers passed Into the hand of riders,
and motorcycle authorities estltnatti that
three times that flfeiire will be some
where near the number sola this year.
I'onell ioe to I.oala vlllr.
The St. Louis club has released
Pitcher Jack Powell to the Louisville
club. Powell's departure follows that of
fatcher Jimmy Stephens and leaves
Bobby Wallace as the only veteran mem
ber of the Browns. Powell went to
St. I-ouls In W), when the Iloblsons trans
ferred their Cleveland Splderu to Van.
deventer avenuw for the misfit St. LouN
team. Jack Jumped to tho Browns with
six other mates In IMS, later was sold
to New York, and returned to S IaiuIs
In the art of stealing bases. He Is par
ticularly adept at evading the fielder
while shooting for 'tho bag. -Ills tricks
for preventing tho man with the'baJl from
getting It onto him aro much like Cobb's
C Shlnstock ot West Point, president
nf tho Nebraska Speed association, will
call a meeting of tlie directors of tho asso
ciation for Omaha within a coplo of
weeks to arrange for dates for tho circuit
for tho coming year. Tckamah has not
decided whether to put on a meet this
Pn ihe
Uke first.
for The Bee by
Twenty-One Games
is Training Schedule
For New York-Giants
NBW YOUK, Jun St. llulhlom'M prr
llmlmu I'liiillialgne Involving the three
tennis of greater New York, promises to
be u record breaker.
Tim Giants have announced u training
sehodule of twenty-one Kivns. while
nuncm Kartell nnd KbbettH ImVe agreed
tu open Brooklyn's ncV bull park on
Saturday. April 7, and come back with n
second engagement ml Monday. '1'hli
means n double dedlcut'ou or Imiuguru
tlon, as It will Introduco Frank Chnnco
lure in chnrgi of his muv UNslgumuiit, as I
boss of the Vnnkn. Chanco Will send i
his Bermuda trained athletes against BUI '
rmhlon' Dodgers, ami If both sluhmcii ,
mo ready nnd right, Hums. Kurd-and Nap
ltuckor may hook up tu tltn way or a filial
touch for the, opening, five- days later.
By the tlmu tho. Olapts flu'sli their
siuing engagement they sltvujd be (It
for another rush start. Twenty games
should leave the miund- conditioned and
ady at lop MH i'd, as 11 uicatm almost
n nionth'M ivxhlb'tlou play. TldM- tlmu
MctSraw will play but one preliminary
gamo lu New York-that .with Yale on
Apill 10, the day before the season opens.
His two best contexts will be with tho
Senators at Washington on -April 7 and
8, where Urlff ami his American lcuguo
lineup aro looking for revenge.
NHW YOIIK. Jan. . SS. Anthony P.,
Wilding, the ruinous Australian lawn ten
nis player, who for three years hitu held
the all-Kngland championship, Is planning
to return to tho game. This news-was
received f 'inn Iondou a fow c'uys ago, ;in)
In welcomed by Knhl Bohr. Frederick H.
Alrxnndcr nnd others who have computed
nga'nnt Wilding, who Is regarded as, a
pioneer In the development of many1 of
tlie finer points of lawn tunulannd In tho
(raining of Its rules.
Nix Nun Co.
Tho Clovelund club has turned loose-fctx""'''
piayers. uutneiuer ucnilryx, iMtcrttir
Brenner nnd Third HKHe'maii Iclbhle gu
to Now Orleans. Pitcher Krnpp lias bi
sent Imnk to Portland, Ore . while Catcher
Aduma and Outfielder Hauger havo been
released to tho Nairn' farm in Toledo.
Tho Clovlands recently signed drover
hand to hblp out Carlsch and O'Neill be
hind tho bat.
The Grotte Brothers Company
Wholesale Distributors 1206 Farnam St.. OMAHA, NEB.
"Bud" Fisher
Intercollegiate Athletic Assembly
Mny Be Held in Big Stadium.
All Sermiilile lo lime the Track nml
I'leltl CliiiliiplitiiNlilpH Tried Out
l imn Their Own IJroniiiln
to lloont Helloolx.
NHW VOUK. Jan. 23. Thoro Im a
clmnuo for HyruciiHo holding tho Inter
collegiate truck und fluid championships
lu Its big new stadium this year, al
though Philadelphia wants a return en
gagement. Harvard has - put lu iv de
mand, and New York wants them at
Well. According lo the terms of tho gift
hy Henry IllKgliiHoli, who gavo tho
laud for the stadium at Harvard, theio
Is .a quasi demand that no games ahall
ho held there on Decoration day, for
he guvo It as a memorial of Ids friends,
who fell lu tho civil war, nnd the pre
liminary oveutH this yeur arc held on
that day, which seams to take Harvard
out of consideration. HyrucuHc declares
Unit Its flue new stadium should havo
u trial, and Pennsylvania retorts that
I ho gum en were so successful last year
on I'Vanklln field that they should bo
continued- t'licrn. Two ot the big Now
York athletic clubs are also anxious for
tho honor, so when tho Intercolleglatu '
Athletic association comes to consider
tho question thero will ho ample argu
ment from four sources. It Is many
yeai-H fllueo tho gamoH havo been held
In this city, white llurvuid has hud
four ycarH of them, so It might be wise
to try .Now York City for u change,
even though thero ,1s no siadlum. Cer
tainly the Now York Athletic club
grouudH at Truvem Island would bo nu
Ideal spot In tho last days of May for
I'nii outdoor meet,
Idaho I'lieiMUii,
St. I-ouls critics aro 'crowning young .
Baumgardner with pitching lauro's
greater than Walter Johnson over wa
Invested with. In. addition, .such wlso cx
porta ns Oeorgo fJtovull, Bobby Wullaco
Hiid Iou Crlser have gone on record as
saying tlmt Baumgardner Iibm much
tremendous speed und other promising
points that they havo pronounced him
as having "moro" thnn tho Idaho phe-
1 1 lit it ItelnriiN ('on triiet.
Following hlH usual custom of not sign
ing bis contract until ho reports ut ihe
training camp, Outfielder Clyde Milan it
Ht, Louis has returned tho contract sub
mitted to him hy Manager (Irlfflth, stat
ing that ho would prefer to tnke tho mat
tor up with Griffith personally when he
reported for training work. Mllun nn
dono this every year of late.