Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 54

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Razors !
'fmit's what last year's shipments of
Dumam - Duplex razors would represent
if eaokrazor was opened and laid end to end.
Think of That ! !
This ii tha razor you gal If you
take lha coupon to any of our
dealers or tend it to u.
It it equally ai good a sharing
instrument a our regular razor.
SN 'T this conclusive evidence of t popularity
of the Durham-Duplex? And over one
and one-half million men have satisid them
selves beyond a shadow, of a doubthat the
Durham-Duplex Razor, with its long, wiooth
cutting, diagonal stroke is the one safe flzor
the one razor that represents shaving satisfamion.
isn't it reasonable to believe that this razormvill
just suit you ? We want you to try the
afe Razor
A row of razors that!
would reach from New
York to Cleveland a
row of razors 2,500
times higher than the
new Wdolworth Build
ing over 2,000 times
longer than the biggest
steamship afloat 147
tons of razors. Just
think of what that
1 !! I ' ! mm fafWaaP aMaMajajsj
over o
and c
est bl
this t
a ce
Standard Set $5.00
Get Your Durham-Denpmstrator Today
thermore, we want you to try the
uurnam-Liuplex double-edge
We want you to know them as
and one half million nthpr satisfied
itented shavers know them. We
iiir nffirmarinn tint hv i r- tU fin
es in the world. And we've made
il easy. That's why we are selling
ne Durham-Remnnsfratnr rniiinnerl
m -1" -
ne of the famous Durham-Dunlex
for only 35c.
his razor will shave vnn more
thly and more easily than any razor
e. It is eauallv as pond n shavinir in-
imcnt as our renular S5 00 razor Rut
after vou have tried it vnn want a mnrr
aborate set, return it to your dealer We
iave authorized him to take hart vnur
Demonstrator and allow you 50 cents in
exchange for it on the price of any of our
regular sets. In this way you can get a
S5 00 Standard Set for S4 50 or a $2.50
Derby Set for S2.00. And each outfit in
eludes six of the famous Durham-Duplex
double-edged blades
Clip the coupon; fill it in. Take it together with
this now and assure yourself facial contentment for
your nearest denier or send it direct to us.
of your natural life.
DURHAM-DUPLEX RAZOR CO., (or any dealer)
200 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y,
Dear Sirs: Inclosed find 35 cents in coin (to pay
postage, packing, mailing and distributing expense).
Send Durham Demonstrating Rizor, with Durham
Duplex Blade, which you are to present to me with
out further obligation on my part.
No. and Street-
Jer.ey City, N. J. Sheffield, England 1
200 Fifth Avenue, New York
New York London Berlin Toronto