Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 53

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Send Only
And We Ship You
This Superb
a, only f!Oo nnd weslilp you tWi mncnif
icent rocker. Only 50c down nml then Sue per
month JJ.95 In nil for this linncisnmo piece of
furniture. Write for free catalog nnd bniKnin
list today. oJ can pee for nurslf whnt nn elegant
rocker this Is. It Is made In American quarter-sawed
oak finish profusely carved. Upholstered In liest
grado ltostnn Ifnther diamond tufted, Superb Bprinjr
feat. NO.A1264. This rocker Isonlyonoof thespecial
tmrgains we are now giving. Send for this bargain list.
Pay As You Please
Thm srat hous of Straus and Scliram, with a
Eroud quarter century record, endorsed hv the greatest
ank, will trust you and allow jou to buy any article
on easiest monthly payments. If you want am thirty
In rockers, chairs, bedsteads, carpets, ruin, curtains,
washing machines, crockery, silvern are, liaby carri
aces, co-carts. Men's. Women's and Children's apparel.
Move. ruilffCM.oran other article ol h.if uruiililnr.
don't fail to srt our sensational eauv t-itni.
Spocial Bargain List
and Money Saving Catalog
Don't waft a minute before Rending fnr our
preat bargain catalog nnd special monthly bargain bat
liorgaina which are positively astounding.
Write Today Don't Wait
Semi a postal or letter but send right now. Tnke
advantage of these special otTers while they last. Una
month only. So hurry. Just your naino and address
on postal or letter and we will mail freo and postpaid
our catalog and barpain list.
Dpt. 401 33th Struat, Chicago, Illinois
Just Six Minutes
to Wash a Tubf ul !
This Is the grandest Wnshcr the
world has ever known. So easy to
run that It's almost fun to work It.
Makes clothes spotlessly clean In
aouDie-quicKtime. falx minutes
finishes n tuhfnl.
Any Woman Can Have a
1900 Gravity
wasner on
30 Days'
Free Trial
Don't send moncv.
If you are responsible.
you can try It tirst. Lot
us pay the freight. Sco
the wonders it performs.
1 nousanus being used.
l.very user ,1. lighted.
I ncy write us bush
els cif letters telling
how it saves work
nnd worry. Sold on little payments. Write for
tasclnatlne lrco Hook toduv. All corrcspond
rmpsi nld be .iddresseil to IOOO WflShPrCo.
877 Court St., Binghnmton, N. Y.
II you live in Canada address Canadian 1900i
Wather Co.. 355 oni;e St . T ironto C anada.
A Course of Lessons in
Drugless Healing
?)CDCC Not one cent
tryrilEk toir.eithnow
tion; just yoorBimple request brings
5s. Bona by return mail. Mlibotit Cost.
S2.S0O TO $6,000 A YEAR If you want an estab
lished profession that is remsrkaMy profitable then send
for the free course and Bee what Druglcsa Healing has to
offer you. Hundreds of successful graduates demon
strst. the wonderful efficiency of our methods. 112(1
Remember This Offer Is Limited!
Write NOW for FltEE Coarse of Lessons. Get
tho facts Send postal or letter ItlGHT AWAY
Dept 734 81 W. Randolph St. Chicago. 111.
Bitij tod Aulistl, FiIm tluiiuU u4Zu4
sOlA-feWMj RlBfr a) 3 K&I tot 0 U.
UotieoNoTeitbtpt. 17 Mtlrow.Htti,
IK i
dated before tB and tend t . fat n cnin alite loot Mtvmean
a fortune. A. H. Kraut, 409 B Chestnut St . Mllwaukaa.Wit.
T1IK xory easiest nay to haxc oarlx
lloxxers is to start t lie soods in a
oold fraiiio. They will not be quite
as early, jHTliaps, as if started in u hot
bed; but they will be much in advance of
those grown from seeds sown in the open
ground. And the amount of labor re
quired to make ami to manage u cold
lramo is hardly worth speaking of.
Hy sowing seeds in the cold frame in
March and April and re planting in the
open ground when the danger of frost
is over, a very long season is made I
possible, hittle drills about six inches
apart, in which to put the seeds, may be
made with a pointed stick or a pencil. I
The coarse seeds may be covered twice
their depth; but the verv fine ones
should be simply pressed into the soil
with the side of a board, or sown on the
surface and a little very line sand or
sifted soil sprinkled oxer them.
Water should lie gixen in a very fine
spray, or by placing a strip of burlap
oer the seed bed and wetting that.
An excess of water must be axoided, and
it is lest to keep the glass raised a crack
nil the time, and partly opened on warm
days. The seedlings should be thinned
and set into the open ground when danger
of frost is oxer and the season well ,
established; but first they should be
hardened to the temperature of the out- j
side world by giving more air daily I
until the glass is removed entirely.
MOXIi the (lowers that may be j
started to good advantage in a cold
frame are the asters, the balsams,
ageratum, cosmos, mignonette, nieotinnn I
(sweet-scented tobacco), annual phlox,
salxia, snapdragon, stocks, Sweet William,
verlienas, zinnias, salpiglossis, annual
larkspur and Clarkia. Although the
tubers of the dahlia aie usually planted,
it is entirely possible to have (lowers the
first year from seed. Growing dahlias
in this way is always an iutc testing
process, for one is newer able to know
in advance just what kind of llowers he
is going to get. At any rate, it is pretty
certain that he will haxo .something
entirely different from his neighbors.
The single varieties are more often grown
from seed, but the double sorts will
Ilower if the seeds are sown in n frame
in April.
Most of the llowers mentioned may be
started outside and still have llowers
before tho season is over; but in order to
get several kinds as early as they are
wanted, it is It great advantage to use
it cold frame. Many people buy their
aster, ageratum and zinnia plants; but
a cold frame is a decided saving and
makes it possible for one to choose the
iirieties he or she most admires.
Somo of tho finest varieties of the
cosmos bloom late, and when the seed
is sown in the open ground they conic
into flower just -in time to be nipped bv
the frost. Nicotiana is a strong growing!
plant, and if seeds are sown under glass I
early in April the fragrant blossoms will
perfumo the garden from early summer
until tho middle of October. Mignonette, 1
too, another flower grown for its frag '
ranee, may be enjoyed for a much longer i
time by starting the seeds in March
instead of waiting until May, when they '
may bo safely sown outside. The annual
phlox is in tho same class. The snap
dragon, which is one of tho most satis
factory flowers for the amateur's garden,
nnd is hue for cutting, should by all
means be started either in a cold frame
or a hot bed.
Started plants of tho good, old time
Sweet William may be purchased in the
spring; but if seeds are sown early in
the cold frames, tho plants will flower
the first year and hist over. One of the
best climbing vines is Cobaea scandens,
rr cups and saucer vine, which grows
very rapidly and has splendid showy
flowers. It is too tender to bo started
outside beforo May, so that if early
flowers aro wanted, the seeds must bo
sown under glass in March or April.
They should always bo placed in tho
ground edgewise, and merely covered
with soil. I fat
How does on advertiser hold jour (rude? Ilj ciilnir wilue.
Free Free
Simple Home Treatment Will Enable
i ou to i nroxv nwny i our Classes.
is the Title of n Free Uook.
At last the wood news cm ! publishc!
n is plcdl. tel tii.n within .1 l.w cu-eyoKlas-i
s and spc t.n Ics will In- scam
that they will Lie i . t,u del .is in msit u n.
ThrotiKhoiit the nxtllxed wnil.l tlx fi
lms, lor si-xiiul yens, bci-u .1 i n -imn.i-d
movement by ediiiiilcl tncdicil nn n, i.n
tlcuhtily i-jc experts, toxx.nd ticiiini;
sore, xvenk or strained i-s ration. illx
The old way xvas to lit n pair m k i-scs
us soon as the eyes wen- louti.l to In
strained. These glusscM xvere notliiiin bet
ti-r tlinu crutches. They nt-xer n.i,.iine
the trouble, but merelx isuxe u little icli. r
xvhllo lielns worn and they mule tin' ees
Kl-nduully weaker. Kxcl'v "1 ixe
glasses knows that he inlnlit ns well ex
pect to cure rheumatism by IciiiIiik upon
a xvnlkiUK stick.
The itroiit masses of sulTereiM fi-un ex.
strain and other curable optic disoi,l,-i-biixe
been misled by who - I e niik
Inir fortunes out of cyi-Kl.isses and spe la
Hr. John 1,. Corlsh. an able New Virk
physician of loujj experience, nine
forward with the edict thai rinl.i-r
must ko. IntelllKent people ex en XX lien
are Indorsing him. The lioctor sis tin
ancients nexor dlsllKured their racial beau
ty with kokkIch. They omploxcl c. ii.un
methods which have reccntlv In- ti
brought to the light of modern i h-nee
Dr. t'orlsh has written n marvelou-. bo.-k
entitled "How to Have the Kyos," hl. Ii
tells how they mnv be beiiclllcil. In
cases Instantly. There is an e.isv l.onn
treatment which Is Just as simple as it i
effective, nnd It is fully cxplaliieil in tin
wonderful book, which will be sent free to
anyone. A postal card will bring it to
your very door. This book tells xmi xxliv
eyeglasses are needless and hoxv tin x m.i
be put nsldo foiexer. Whin you li.ixe
taken advantage of the Information ob
tained In this book you may be able to
throw your glasses away and should pos
sess healthy, beaut Ifub' s'lulfull v expres
slve. magnetic eyes that Indicate the line
character and win conlldenee
lr. Corisli goes further. He asserts
that eyestrain is the main cause or head
aches, nervousness. Inability, netii asthe
nia, brain fag. sleeplessness, stomach dis
orders, despondeiu v and main- nth. r dis
orders. Leading oculists of the win Id - mi
Ilrtn this and say that a vast amount or
physical and mental misery Is due to the
influence of eyestrain upon' the tu ix. s and
brain cells. When eyestrain Is overcome
these ailments usuallx- disappear as if bx
magic. FREE TO YOU
The Okola Method, which is ftillx ex
plained In llr. t'orlsh's marvelous book
is the method which Is directed at making
your eyes normal and saving them from '
the disfigurement of these needless mi
pleasant glass windows. If x-m xv-ar
glasses or feel that you should be wearing
Iheni or if voti are troubled xvltli head
ache Iti the forehead or nerx ousnesu when
vnur eyes are tired, write to-ilax to okola
Laboratory. Ssli, Hoehester, N Y
and ask them to send you, postage pre
paid, free of all charge the book entitled
"Hoxv to Hae the Kvos." and xou xvlll i
never regr t tin step taken.
BaiKains in
House Fur
-wVs 1,
If You Write Us Today!
t nr.- kr ii l OO
worth ot I i i i , m V h u S
ik Co. Win. ) m fr I'tutl ' from
which ti i " x v i m n o
j on nr v i 1 tli Kiiin Hook,
B how Hit: ,f51" ai tii'U - of
Home Furnishings
at Lowest Prices,-
Note l ho worn), rfulU l
pncin of (ho h-mmI t.i ii
thhi ml lt. n ii ik f
ti'Mik fx k il m
ltlMMU I
Factory - Then DIRECT TO YOU
HUT $ i nt ' ImKimi ti pr i m im hulf'i flu iM -i
rrship of ftn it i, lumtx't nut h, rtnlMii fi tnr
Hiul wnrflkiu i u K't if tin Immm'IH of (In
irrmt n"' r'iiii'nn intwft v si il v.u ilin-i t N t .
unomlililli'inun 'tt. (ii S - t tn l n tfti.irnnloi'.l
30 Days' Free Trial
i r-ti't in x tt iii ik" I' " !
It, . )i 11 t. il ll ..if. inoiith
t i I i i I . in I H Kllit
(Hv lrmini.irmij.fti .tiMiins.
Wilts To,) for rr Stiver
jSwiit, i tn . h an to l.-tuiik" w,
,W if a . i m. t i. r IK- .
,fJ w .1-. i ' tr. . nlvsji cirru
l U .1 I in lUrKKH. t.s.,k.
I: Lincoln, Leonard & Co.
II fa t h., ft,Mt.,hf,,. t I
Jj Htm ! ,n th, ,, I
23tlt 37th St. Chlco I
i nam i 1 1 1 1 1 i i (
Ourhnt bed nsh. mi hi'ltnecla. madr if rn h
C a it-irma Hciu A urvrr r ta 1 r t .irs
(in-! i r harv a ' crat trrti,ttt iial the
l -t Ii a ht-d ..i-.ti km -wn cvrrla tine Hi ,uly
fi 'f immediate h pun nt Itcst ')iijhi , matf rial,
w orUtnansiup, dura! iWn. and natt- i- nrv
t?U't9tint m' i i.i i jn i.nsi gari'i ti trm k -v
-xtart rarlv ct hit pr-lit! Our graiiil
Cataioe nf I uml.iT, Millwork anl HuddMit;
Matrrial, show i pn tures, nix ls and It't.
a Ereatd.liarsacrt H. D. Murder. Pres.
ALSO BIQ ln Lumber, Flooring, Eoort, Windowi.
DADPAIUP Mouldings, Porch or h E ml din a Fper,
UAnUAIllO Hjrd-ift, Tinwork. ftoofirg Pjint, ite.
AH at nav tilitliT wlmlfs ilr )ri . s ant u "r mh '
no rc Uayr, n ir stml AU luilx, nr nsp.
I'tit inalit luii.tici Hit I 1 i il'lniij liiatfril. loit't pay
r 1 dl d dlrr In iip''' "
WoSavoYou 25 'i to 33 ln fT.
qmlm , Kf, cMhrr ami salKfj-tim tt e all o'M
rlflit tu th i uiisiiiiirr ami i tit nut all "H" l-tx rrn prof
its Weliav, (hr- hi I'!- f"? .u. Srmt fw tliftn
tolav surd antl ce the i;reat savini s icall
1tII()()hs tl I I ii. i lltl ! IKM'I li
UMlltt llt'W aw t I II I - llll ill! III. 01 1 IMKI III l
ii II It'll li. f in. ii i null itinu II .liilli.ii k In i m ul
iHidrof lniMU....d I ,ml m. Mk.i- lin-Lk'M,
AHitihl.i ;iun ft tn. U i, ni'lf- f i (inlf Kif. t
niltUlii) t ti, .., f, tilt h.oI .lux hI.., , .,
illllPfl Ol II iIhIh - Hi il I 1 Mix. Illli ilt t'.-f1 I s.
I rift for i f 1 1 ' i i M It . i i i - ki ijixfi"
P'l.Tfn u-u v p. ti, -t , . ,(. .'i In , i '
tlm HIM' W 'I 'i 1 t i Urn. I il x t t. h t
Vnrin Vn u ... mi - t... M- U -
town in mii I i ml- i i v . t III t b I ' i I It 1 -I
lloi 7iJ7 l 'k .
Ihtn'f M'ml mo ittio rrnl-Jtil Irt mo pri
Il In Jim 1 Ii . . i .i,. f r . ."'.illn im hi dif limt
nix itii 1 1 1 i i ii iii Ii i t In i.nix om Hifui
run f- i n i. ii- . x . i ni i i i ii -l I w 1 1 i -ii 1 1. !..(
IIIO oi'li'l v ii ii Iii it nt 1 hi I . Mill. I . at in x
(tlpflW, I ilt hi I lull' h"W in hi v i-" - nM' "I ' 'tr .
or tlm t i I ' l- Mm i i i 1 1 . I H h -nt -ii. fit
1 ' Ii ill 1 1 i it- Il x .h( u-d I v i iii t . . I x 1 1 (i I h in nil
i xtll ii I 1 1 i I'd iii w in. , nn I I lime - in ti nt.,.
I lite i unh I iii 111 it Unit I mi Kidtitf t Aft ul
3iu ii triiiint'iit aiftl nt I I 1(1 I . It ih i
unii'lt if il ' ft n imp It hi uiii' t it ul mi 'nt vliii h i
1 ll'V lit - l M I tin i-l I NHl It t I of It I I till, it llliiM -
tin v itu-t' f I lit' I in ii ii iii ii lid t h ii- 1 1n iii l it. 1 1 i iii
lit di.tii ii- nil thiM wlii I ii ,ih vxi iiniiti
tiuhtt-r tl i " - t him in i i I kn.iw 1 1 w il I do nil t h ik
UUd 1 H ii'ii Mm to it. ud fur a I tt- il nit'iit, I It I.I.
ni nn i ,t nm', lni uti'-r kim"
will I u ii ti 1 1 (ill oiir
mil liliiitlt It illt milium
d", iJ iiilifiH iin diHtitt now.
nio lion, n iIiim ii ii lit hi tit i'
Hunt nut v in t a i pi'.i in 1 1i ik
M i r iiiMih ,lu.t Ht-nd .niir
lliillt.. lllid lidllt-H lili'l tlt'lt-
in nt w 1 1 l-i- ft iii xmi I ii wit. t ly
I. .Ill III, . ( llvl-h.pi-
I no i iiimi i ii.
3506 W. 2lh St.
a I, A t
1 1111
ye f" TMr.fitMillvnrrlf H
Ship CAXf3'3'',,,, I
Direct I OF OCfi1"'' J
5. BARi&,
i MKN am WDM IN ran do this Bi-owtnit I
... ..... muim. u r. i .is r a itif.t.
-ti i, u-m t. alHin-vt-a- T'ni..l
. wftin tr ItiKluH.kl-iullinBh win rl, .ttioi-
k Nation! Siawnio licpt 34. Uutoii,Uaa
A New Hernial
Ilfooks' A'pll.llll C,
the motlcin m u ntilu
iom nn, .ii. the xxoiuli r
(nl im w disc ox i i that
i in i - l II t in t w il I Ii, , ni
i n In .1 Nc ,,,ih i ii-
l" i ." r ii'.dv 1 1 i
te ' in illi il ( ii-.!, i nt
II. ...1. -...I .1. .1...
lirukrtt parts tnurllirr it.
CE.8R00KS th Ducovsrti you wouldn hroltrn lintlj.
N -mi- Ni, s I u I
nhlc die. I i .i In i l Srnt nn trial In
prove it. i '. ii .iii nn ,.in, I Links i .,.' . . t
Irec Sen I i h ' I , I It. I , .
C. E. BROOKS. 4G0 U Stale St.,, Mich.
Fa la aUjut l'mi I'iv - wi I i i ins .i eii,
etc Srnd lli p i act i .i V l . tl l l k
H.S.&A.B.LACKY, 40 WaiUilon, D.C. labliibrd 18G9
mui.ii 111 It.
ii 1,1.. ii
Ht,.o,tl, Mum Pub Ct 6670 Wh.,D C.