THE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTIO GARDEN FERTILIZERS I' Ul'lll' JIM m an ACT 11 rmoaFs "The Cup that Cheers" that in vigotates that refreshes and gives tone to the whole system. May be given with benefit to the youngest as well as the oldest. 1 JE9 jotiiffon The standby of the busy housewife. Prepared in a second without cooking. Simple as A B C just add hot water. Let us send you a sample. That will be enough to convince you. Green velvety lawns and prolific gar dens of wonderful flowers and tender greens can be yours without experiment, trouble or study of fertilizer problems. if you keep your soil rich and fertile with Sheep WIZdRh Manure Dried and Pulverized Nature s best fertilizer Every weed seed des troyed, concentrated, convenient and eco nomical Unequalled for lawn and flower gardens, fruit, vegetables and all field crops. ! yfl fifi for 200 lb. barrel prepaid East of ft Omaha. Ask for special quantity prices and Free Booklet. Wizard Brand is sold by Seedsmen and Garden Supply Houses. THE PULVERIZED MANURE CO. 850 Union Stock Yards Chicago m ml One Barrel Equals Two Wagon Loads Barnyard Manure Served al loda fountain I and buffeti every if re. At all dealers, in boxes of 12 (Beef or 'i an rr i i t J where. At all dealers, in boxes ot t loeel Chicken), 30 centi. For free samples address ARMOURCOMPANY Dept. 230, Chicago. ft i m ml m MM DRY. TRIM FEET Your feet will keep dry and look neat and trim il you treat your shoes with DRI-PQDT Waterproofing Easily applied, hits lone The shoes will not be oily nor creasy will polish as well as ever, and lwas be soft anu pun ne .Send for FREE Test Tad Shoe dealer trll Dri-Fout -9t a can If vntin doesn't, scDt his name, we will supply sou. FXTZ CHEMICAL GO. 436 Broad Street Pnillipbure N. J. (.Continued from Page -J) spread pvpnU out tlio pardon very early hi 8irui) will ul.wate the uso of tiny other fertilizer except for special pur poses. If lnaiiure is not available in generous iuantities, a compost lieap will help to supply the needed humus, and commer cial fertilizers will provide the plant food. A compost heap should have a place in every garden, any way. It is made simply by throning in a" pile all the leaves and garden refuse which conies to hand, with the addition of some ma nure, including that from the poultry yard. It may he turned occasionally, and when thoroughly decomposed, spread on the garden. It is a waste of time for the man with a little garden to try mixing his ferti liers. Let him rather buy a complete commeicial fertilizer, relying on the ail Nice of any honest seedsman as to brand. Probably, the best way to use it is to scatter most of it broadcast and to harrow it in lightly, but to reserve a lit tie to use in the hills and drills, working it into the soil so that it will not come dnectly into contact with the seeds. Then, the young plants will have ample nourishment close at hand to gie them a good start, ami the roots will find more waiting for them as they burrow in all directions through the earth. Plants send their rootlets a surprising distance in search of food and water, and these root lets show almost human intelligence in traveling around stones and other ob structions to gain their end. Nitrate of soda is a fertilizer that acts almost immediately and is used chiefly for foliage plants and where - (piick growth is wanted. It is a fine stimulant for rhubarb, asparagus, spinach and kale. No fertilizer will atone for caie lessness and neglect. Liquid liianuio may be used in much the same fashion as nitrate of soda, but in a more general way and for all sorts of products. It offers one of the best means to keep up the flagging spirits of the garden in a dry season and when ever growth seems to lag. It is easily made by filling a cheesecloth bag with fresh manuro and suspending it in a tub or cask filled with water. Many gardens need lime occasionally; for it sweetens the soil and helps to make plant food uvnilable. Unexpected results nro often obtained from fivo bushels for n garden GO x 100 feet. Flowers as well as vegetables need feeding. This is particularly true of roses, which seldom get as much nourish ment as they really crave. It may open your eyes to rose-garden possibilities to use a heavy mulch of manure around the plants, spring and fall, lightly forking it into the soil if its visible presence seems pathetically objectionable. A sprinkling of wood ashes and bone meal added will help, and just as the buds are swelling, a little nitrate of soda may be supplied. You ean 't expect to have good roses if you starve the plnnts. It is the same with raspberries and blackberries and more especially with grajx?s. The latter are very heavy feed ers and thrive on stnblo manure, which should not bo dug deeply in the ground, but just covered with soil; and, as the roots travel far, the manure should be scattered in a wide radius. Prepared animal manures so treated as to destroy weed seeds and concen trated to reduce the bulk for convenient transportation and use can be had of most any seedsman or garden supply house. These nro perfectly safe in t ho hands of the amateur gardener and being dry, finely pulverized and highly con centrated are especially convenient and effective. They eliminate the many objectionable features of stable manures and solve, the problem of supply of this most necessary element in gnrden success where manures for the lawn and garden are often difficult to obtain. This about sums up tho fertilizer ques tion so fnr as the home gardener need to bother his head, except for one point : In September, it is a fine plan to plant rye to grow through the winter and be plowed under in the spring. The hens will enjoy it when the ground is bare, and it will help to fill the ground with humus that word to be remembered. 1L.J..1. m 1: In the Kitchen cannot be assured unless the linen used there is absolutely clean ; and is 1 any linen absolutely clean that has been used even once? ScofTfssue J I owels "U, like a blotttr" ate always clean, because they ate used once and thrown away; and then besides being clean, they arc n convenience. They have a number ol uses to which the fabric towel cannot be put such as absoibing surplus grease from fried foods; polishing glassware; coveting pantiy shelves; laying over baking bread; and lor many other puiposcs which will suggest themselves. ISO Towels in a Roll, 35c HVnf o.Vlsmsijijf, ntul in tAlmiiftf, t'c) The genuine, original, absorbrnt paper towel it plainly water-marked 'Scot-Tiwue" lo nrotectyou from snort measure and poor imitationi. ''te for a free copy o) Strt. Mamn't Motto" SmOPrniorfi, 603OlenwooJ Ave. COltraperlO., Philadelphia .V,ilero"S)( nnrMfn Table Cm-em. Tmltt Paper and ltabv't "Jljfifren". S(inf-7Yiie." the unlu ttalnamlz'-d Toilet i'uper, and other ilyatentc itom Sliectaltlet, Q Lawns that are distinctive; that show early and late and all of the tunc that they arc different; lawns of wonderful texture; a rich green, velvety carpet out of doors; such lawns are made with KflLflKfl FERTILIZED QRflSS SEEb Expert blendlne of purest seeds of choice lawn grasses into mixtures dependable for your own locality. These in combination with specially prepared natural fertilizer to insure best dis tribution and quick, stront; termination all combine to make Kalaka the trass seed that will most surely brum success to your efforts in lawn makint; this season. Kalaka in 5-pound boxes nt $1.00 express prepaid East or 9 1 .25 West of Omaha. Spe cial prices for quantities of 50 pounds and oyer. Order today and have the Kalaka on hand for first lawn work this Spring, FREE BOOKLET "How to make a Lawn," valuable to every lawn maker sent tree it you mention your dealer. THE KALAKA COMPANY 1128 W. 35th St., Chicago lis 1 lave you any idea how little it would cost lo have your own Billiard and Pool Table to learn the games or perfect your play at home? Under our easy payment plan, the ex pense is scarcely noticeable. You will be sur prised to find how easily you can own a BURR0WES Billiard and Pool Table You can pity on it wliilc you are paing for tl. Hie prices are from $1 5 up, on easy terms of $t or more down (uVpendingon size anil stIe selected), and a small amount rich month. Sues range up to mix9feet (standard). Complete playing equipment of halis, cues, elc.ffree. No special room is needed. The Hurrowe Table can be set on yourclining-room or library table, or mounted on its own legs or folding stand, and quickly set aside When not in use. Durrowes Tables are Used by Experts for borne practice. The most delicate shots, calling for si ill of the hi u licit tyie, can be executed with the utmost accuracy, FREE TRIAL NO RED TAPE On re cf. tuf iirvt Installment we will klilp Table Day on (tone week If uniatKf.u tor y return it, anil on Its reie't e (11 refund your dqKwlt 1 tils eutures j ou a free trial V rite today for illustratnl atalo gluing prUes, term!, etc E. T. BURR0WES CO.. 996 Center Street, Portland. Me. Do Away With Bands of Steel and Rubber Mi-art's. PUPAtH'ADSaredlfferentfrom i truss, being mmicine appiica torainaileaelf-adavslvepurpostly toholdtliepanssecurehrlnrlace. Nostraps,buckIe tor spring can not slip, so ranot chafe or com mesa aeatnst the ruble tract. Thousands hTC successfully treated thcmstlvei at home without hindrance from work and conquered the most obstinate cues. raSJ?M Cold Medal, l rotxsi of recovery It natural, I Dl at Jiw rM Bnnno no further use for truss. Wa IIIIHL Ur rLHrMVpro" "hat we "7 by sending you Trial of l'lanao absolutely HIKE. Wilte natne oa coupon and send TO-IHY iddresa St. Louis, Mo. naisa titTin V V Mil L73 coupon and sent! Tii-IMT. Addr FLArAU LAUUItAIUrtlbd. UIOCK 413 IN' a tut , Address. Return Mall vlll bring Trial Tlapao . FREE AUTOMOBILE To Students around taking or dera tn Cooy Flyer" 4 cylinder 5 pawn for car. We toacu you to uiako big money inuiomo bllo but I nets. Katy leaaon-"frc0 model- no experience noce-, aarr. Klrat leaeon HtKK to ereryono wintering tina aa. C A. Cocvs School ol Motoring Dept. m 1I2MI26 Michigan AT. CHICAGO, ILL if ft fr SCBFET VALENTINE $ tm WEmMmi SURPRISE-PACKET WIN A PRIZE 1 221 1 12 5 M 4 1 20 1 9 14 5 IB 15 in 20 JL J 21 J-JUL b pel 5 T I f 1 WIN A PRIZE -little study, as followsl llicre arc IHcnfy-six letters tn Hie alphabet, and He have used figures In spelling the four .words Imtcad of Uilcrs. Letter A Is number I, II number 7, C number J, etc.. throughout the alphabet. IP YOU. 2CAN SPLI.UOUT HILSi; I'OUR WOKUi WIJ Wli.L SUNI) YOU A CLR I ll'ICA I U Ol' IIMRV In nur ORANIi Jl'HIZU CONTLST, also a IICAU III UL COLLLCIION OP I IV'U OOLU LMIIOSSLU, IIANDSOMr.LY COI.OKUU XVALLN1 INC l"OSr-CAkDS, All you have to do Is lo enclose vlth your answer 2 two-cent stamps lo cover co.l of packing, mailing, etc. USE YOUH UKAINS. try anJ make out the four words. AC I QUICKLY. Writ, the -&four words on a slip of paper, mall it Immediately with your name and address and 4 cents in stamps. And you promptly receive as your reward this SUKI'UISU I'ACKCI, which Is a handtome atsorrmen! uf rite hcaull.i. ?fully colored, embossed Valentine pott-cards, together vtllh copy of a New York Magazine, alto a CLR.1 II 1-2. CAlUOPLNIKYInour(lKAM)iHIZUCJNri:SI. Act promptly. Ihls is your opportunity. Address M. C. MURPHY, Mgr., 649 W. 43d St., Dopt. 3W, Now York ft Guaranteed 5 Years T aUt.riU our builMt,aik st fn.ftdi a&d infftduuinl(i;ullliia Wkicb.i td HlJtUaMiskicb ttf nkll fn rhll for ONIrY 08 CCNT8. oMM'ssiM,fiiilleki iliitr piftudctvM, aitbMdUl Ut mmibii, ibu vlftl u4 sua Mt, itxtttmipt kid full j (sumIm! fjr b Bd itti t4? Ms lt Vm Ul Ut kf nrvi Post Paid kmmmmm r. e. CHALMERS S CO.. 528 So. Dearborn St.. CHICAGO.