lb Better than Money for Travel These cheques are makinu money matters safe and easy for thou sands of American tourists. They are used like money by travelers in all parts of the civilized world. If you are planning a trip abroad you will want to know about them. "A. B. A." Cheques arc better than money when traveling BtcauBtlUey are SAJ-'i: to carry about with you. It lost or stolen they may be replaced. Without your signature they are useless to a thief. Btcauf the can be used in every foreign land lor traveling expenses, like the cur rency of the country. You don't have the annoyance and expense of changing money whenever you cross a frontier. Decautt ou always know how much you are spending in U. S. Money as well as In the cur rency of the country you are traveling in Kach chetjue is engraved ftith its exact value in the money of the principal foreign nations. Bteautt hotels welcome them in payment of bills. Railway and steamship lines and tin iest shops know they are as good as actual money. 50.(100 banks throughout the world cash them without charge, Btcau$e there isno vexatious delay, inconvenience or embarrassment in cashing them. No personal introduction is necessary. Signing one ol your "A.B.A." Cheques Identifies you anywhere. Get them at your Bank Jtttrtftxxt bookltf (year .iw ir not )tt sufftttd ivtth "A HA" chtju urttt far information ar nhirt tht tn bt obtatneJ ih your in tmt. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, New York City laf nacki, clocks I ( rtt n, , VtrcJ, malts ifctm work Ut "3 in 0. rttMTii dirt, rltrt fnclioa ft J . til (tcitea arlt k molUp(tiilr, Jtctjrattr WJI tkt. km or mIUcI "3 In One" mJ titkifi Itiroilvrt araiati t ttrJ woJ rkttt mil Unit It ta krt IrisMKiaf. kaikrm I kiukta fatvroaM Kttpt fcrik( rVtrwgr. U d krtc-krte ia til ctimAitt attJ iikr FREE w"" " ' ..4 W.U.I 3-IN.ONC OIL COMPANY. 83 Bread, way, Nsw York. ASTHMA KIlEDTunl to yon ooTUITlllU If tl cutw, nil 11.001 It not, doa't, GIto iprisofflc. Writ today, Vf.K 8lMllaa,B73 al. tBI4f Oala, The Empire King Sprayer Shown below is admirably adapted to me on smalt estate It is ready mounted, easy to take anywhere, convenient tooperate and throws a fine mist spray with strone force. Strainers are leaned with brushes and liquid agitated automatically 113 v Field's Sprayer Line Includes alio unmounted Ilarrel Sprayers, Hand, llucletand Knapsack Sprayers, at well as 4-row I'otalo Sprayers and power Orchard Spraying Outfits. Let us Send You Spraying Calendar Ami dlreillonl free Wtirn and how to liS) , the mil. tuie to ue, how to prepare, etc. Address Field Force Pump Co. gfijBjfcy. More Vital Energy For You MAGNETIC SHIELDS fill the system with MAGNETIC FORCE which does what all the medicine on earth cannot do. It gives lilc, enemy and tone to the Mood and nerves, MAfUNu lilt. BLOOD CIRCULATE VIGOROUSLY, overcoming conges lion, soreness and pain We Prove li To You Positively Not In nne rme, or n doien c ,, but In multitude nf cm!, where PonlttBitv they linn own cure. of rarlj-l lUieumatltm.Lunii Trouble, Kidney l.Uer Ktnmacli nml llowel TroubttM, nervouineM and most every tlier form of ilWuie after medicine failed Our MAGNETIC ABDOMINAL AND KIDNEY VITALIZED for ladle nml uentlftiiett hen Uluttmtml lannly one nf the many abletdt we make IT IS A WONDERFUL INVENTION, scientifically constructed nnd floods the tfiu with nnmitetlo ran ir net lira, supplying LIFE 3TRENQTH. and VIGOR, to tlm BACK, KIDNEYS. STOMACH, LIVER. BOWELS, and BLADDER, glvlita t liat buoynncy, tone and renewed vitality to the system that Magnetto force alone can supply. SENT ON TRIAL TO PROVE ITS VALUE Writ, tolsy fnr full Information and (re book. "PLAIN ROAD TO HEALTH," by O I Thacher. M I). Deecnbe, your ease fully, we advta. you free how to apply MAQMKTIBM for treating any form of weakneai or disease. THACHKR MAQNKTIC SHIKLD CO., Inc., Suit. 4f 110 South Wabssh, CHICAOO, ILL. IP I ( THE AMATEUR'S SMALL FRUIT GARDEN (.Continued rum I'aga 9) the old liram-lips slimihl lit cut out afti'r 1 tlioj have liorut four yours. Wlien a plantation has been established, several iiraiii'lit't may lie eut out I'aelt season and as many new ones allowed to grow. In that way, the bushes will lie constantly renewed and there will lie io lack of fruit. The plants should stand about four feet apart when they tire set out, and kept thinned so that they will not erowd as they row older. A shoudful f manure around each currant bush iu the fall will be si help, if the manure is forked into the soil in the spring QK APES FOR YOUR OWN EATING: (irapes are unions the most obliging of small fruits. They are ory easy to grow, occupy but little room and can be trained out the side of a barn or a fence as well as on it trellis or arbor. They are ornamental, too, and make tin excellent screen. On a small place, it is possible to have grapes growine; along the fences and clambering oer the buildings, yielding a very large amount of fruit without trespassing at all on ground needed for general purposes. If one has an inex pensive fruit press, it becomes a very simple matter to make good grape juice, and it is but little more trouble to make wine. Orapes have a preference for sunny locations and rather rich, loose soil. All ideal place for them is the south side of a building, where they will be sheltered from cold winds. They will thrive in the rich' soil of a poultry yard, and pro vide needed shade for the fowls. Train them high, however; chickens have a weakness for grapes. It is best to plant grape vines at least ten feet apart in the home garden and to cover the roots with six inches of soil, well tramped down. At planting time the vines should be cut back to three or four buds; and pruning will be needed every winter, before warm weather starts the sap flowing. If the work is left until late, the vines will bleed. Even so, some spring trimming of the smaller branches may bo needed, if the growth is very heavy. It is a great mistake, though, to remove the leaves. Many amateurs think that the fruit should be exposed to tho sun, but this is all wrong. Pinching off tho ends of the branches will help to give larger fruit nnd often it pays to thin the bunches if one wants grajR's of quality. Grow Concords, but have other kinds, also. ROSES FOR THE AMATEUR (Continued from Page U) abundance of sunlight during all or the greater part of the day. Keep away from largo trees and shrubs; the roots of which will' rob them of their nourish ment. Roses will succeed in any good fertile soil where there is no excess of moisture. If wet, provide artificial drainage, which can be most efficiently done by digging your beds out to a depth of from two to two and a half feet, filling in with stone or rubble to within eighteen inches of tho surface, then filling up with good top soil, incorporating a liberal amount of well-decayed cow-manure; if the soil is sandy, the mixing in of stiff loam or clay soil w ill be an advantage. Throughout the summer, tho surface of the soil should be stirred at least once every week. If this is followed up 'losely, watering will rarely be necessary. f it . M:J, t ViSi f - - 1 GARDEN WRINKLES T"0 YOU desire a long season of lilies J of the valley t Then, plant clumps on each of tho four sides of tho house and your desire will be gratified in a very simple fashion. Those on the south side will bloom first. The others will i'omo along in succession as tho weather warms up, those on the north sido flow ering last. Mignonette makes an excellent house plant, if seeds are sown in pots late in the summer. O.atKft No. C-104 Slle KuZMn Tinted In a Combination of Delft tilue, Urown anJ Green Only 25c This Pillow is made from the best quality of Aberdeen Crash, the new material so admira bly ndapted to color combinations. To be em broidered In tones of delft blue, brown and erevn. One of the must beautiful billows we have ever shown. Outfit includes One Pillow Top, size 17xi21n. with deslsn hand tinted on best quality Aberdeen Crash. One Pillow Back. One Diagram Lesson showing arrangement of stitches ana color comuinuiions. One Copy of New Premium Art Book. 6 Skeins of Richardson's Mercerized Cotton Floss. Price of outfit 1'osrAI.K l'KKI'AII). tin ly Richardson's Mercerized Cotton Floss the Fast-Color Mercerized Cotton Floss. We ore mnklm? this SDec'al Oiler in order to In. troduce Richardson's Mercerized Cotton Flossf- iniu every nome in America. nietouay; uon't I delay. This is your opuurtunltj to secure this I beautiful Pillow on u remarkable offer. Enclose! ONLY 25c (stamps nrsltvet) and the name of I youruealer anu we will mall t lie outnt, complete, FULLY PllEI'AlO. Richardson Silk Co. gM- 25c wonder BLACKBERRY Truly the star performer A wonder indeed! in growth, excellence and producmencss. The berries are coal black, extremely firm, and as large as the Ward or other popular varieties. They grow in clusters like grapes, and a single plant has proifuccd over eighty quarts in one year. The canes are like a grape ine in vigor, grow ing ten feet or more in a season. They hold their leaves until well into the winter, and are entirely exempt from both funk'us and insect attacks. Strong planti at 40c each, $4.00 per doz., $25.00 per 100. Headquarters for St. Hems KvvrbearinK. the best red Raspberry; and Caco. choicest ol all hardy crapes. A lull assortment of Strawberries, Rnspberries. Dlackberries, (irapes. Currants, Gooseber ries, Garden Roots, hardy perennial Plants. Shrubs, Vines. Hvernreen and Shade trees. Roses, lledue Plants, etc Bik Keneralcatalotr, illus trated, replete with cultural instructions, free to erery body. Established 1878 ; 200 acres: quality unsurpassed; prices low. J. T. LOVETT T"p y Dos 200 Little SUrer, N.J. ovn Cut a Rolled Gold Plate KREMENTZ One-Piece I Bean and Poit Button in half and you see why it is the strongest Cuff Button made. No solder joints to break the face is locked on so it cannot be pulled otf The thickest metal is in the post, where the greatest wear comes. A plate of gold is rolled on the metal backing, and after years of wear the gold is still there, which is not the case with other plated goods. The name KREMENTZ on the button protects you. Leading jewelers and haber dashers sell the Krementz Cuff Buttons, and the Krementz Bodkin Clutch Studs and Vest Button, in various attractive Jiatterns and in all grades, from oiled Gold Plate to the most expensive. Send for booklet telling- how they are mad., and showing many designs. KREMENTZ & CO., 27 Cheiujut St., Newark, N.J. The Largest Manufacturers of Fin. Jewelry in the World. 48K 43K PATENTS I Rend sketch for free tearc CC.URCO OR FEC RETURNED search of Patent Office llec- ordi. How to Obtain a Pat.nt and What to Inv.nt with list or inv.ntlon. want.d ami pruta onerea ior in ventions tent free. Patents advertised fr... WANTED NEW IDEAS. Sand for our Hit of Patent Buyers. VICTOR J. CVANS A. CO., WASHINGTON, D. c. These advertisers think you are worth whiles justify them.