Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 14, Image 48

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Tested Seeds
TO GET the best results it is necessary to et the best seeds.
Every packet of Henderson's Seeds that is sold has behind it the
experience of GG years of successful seed growing and selling. The
methods of seed testing and trials that were the best three generations
ago have been improved and bettered by us from year to year, and are,
today, still the best. The initial cost of the seeds is really the smallest
part of your garden expense, and it pays to be sure you have started
right. Henderson's are Tested Seeds.
"Everything for the Garden"
is the title of our annual catalogue. It is a book of 212 pages, handsomely bound,
with a beautifully embossed cover, 8 colored plates and 800 illustrations, most of them
halftones, direct from photographs, showing actual results without exaggeration. It is
a library of everything worth while, either in farm, or garden, or home.
"Garden Guide and Record"
is a book of 08 pages of concise but complete cultural directions, garden plans and
general garden information. It contains in addition a new departure in nine pages
of information as to canning, preserving and drying of vegetables, fruits, etc. , selected for
us by the world famous Sirs. Korcr. We consider it one of the most valuable of our
many publications.
To get the above information and reiultt, tend for our catalogue at below
A Remarkable Offer of Henderson's Specialties
To demonstrate the superiority of Henderson's Tested Seeds, we
have made up six of the best we hare, into a Henderson Collection,
consisting of one packet each of the following great specialties:
Ponderosa Tomato Henderson' Invincible Asters
Bis; Boston Lettuce Mammoth Butterfly Papsies
Scarlet Globe Radish Giant Spencer Sweet Peas
To obtain for our annual catalogue, "Everything for the
Garden," described above, the largest possible distribution, we
make the following unusual otlcr: 1 o everyone who will send us 10c. ,
and mention this paper we will mail the catalogue and our "Gar
den Guide and Record" and also send our "Henderson Specialty
Collection" as above.
Every Empty Envelope Counts as Cash
This Collection is enclosed in a coupon envelope, which, when
emptied and returned, will be accepted as 25c. cash payment on
any order of one dollar or over.
PETER HENDERSON & CO., 35 and 37 CorllanJt St., New York City
Buy and plant fine, healthy, inspected stock. Half
usual prices now. We help you select the best for
your soil and climate. Orchard profits are big.
Requires but little time. Even n small patch of
ground can be made highly profitable.
Send for our catalogue and seo what choice varieties of
Apples, Peaches and other fruit trees wu sell you at money
savins prices. Our catalogue is our only salesman.
043 Culver Road, Rochester. N. Y.
M M Mi
Magazine Investing for Profit
I R E E For Six Months
Send me your name and addreit tight NOW and 1 will tend
you INVMTINO FOR FROF1T magazine absei.ttlyriitox
aia monthi It tellt how to get the utmott earning from your
moneyhow to tell good imettmeuti how to pick the most
profitable of found Investment. It revealihow bankers and
capitalist make 91000 grow to $21,000 -Id fact, gWet
you the vital invettlng lo tut tuition that tnouM enable you to
makt) your money grow proportionately. I have
decided this month to ilve uta tit. month tutMLilDtloot to
3 Investing ron Profit free. Every copy 1
Worth at Least $10
to every Inveitorpethaps a fortune. Send your name and
addreii now, mention thu paper and get a fro Introductory
subscription. Conditions may prevent repeating1 this offer,
lletter take It now You'll be willing to pay ioc a copy after
you have read It all months.
II. L BttUr. Pnb.t R 409, 30 West Jacktoi Bird., Chic at o
ttl "Makes
the Skin Lika'VelvGt" '
ho cJniniy cream of flowers
which keeps If io complexion
nnturallv' beautiful-
Is! All Dealers Nation Wide sell ELCAYA
The Deaf Hear!
.Jf Found at lastl Perfect hearing for the deaf,
'and those hard of hearing, Write lor our bis Id- V
Instrument, the Improved 1913 Special Model
NEW 4-TONE railite
1,u" vrlJ KOUK times as power
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fect as any other hearing device in the world. Four
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Try It FREE S3iSS.2
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ten days. I'y us nothing It you do not
irea inai
want it. Write for our t
I offer,
Keep tt on eaay monthly payments If
Vt-iti wish at thfl lobbAr'a. low at nat
prico on our remarkable Introductory Offer. Savo
one-half. Send fcutheipatMearaltouklt--FIlEK.
Kent Ear fW Cs, Soitt 2451 45 W. 34th SL. New Yark
D'or at Chiropractic
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uitful profession In rou
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tity, prevents
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Millions for past
f 25 years.
All drug stores, or by null
IS cents.
C. H. DENT & CO.
Continued from Page 4)
Tlioy arc all strong, vigorous growers
and among the hardiest of the garden
roses, requiring little or no protection
except in most northern climates ; n cov
ering of three or four inches of long
stable manure over the beds on the ap
proach of cold weather being nil that is
required. This may be spaded undor in
the Bpriug when the plants also should
bo pruned, cutting out all old scrubby
growth as well as weak, thin branches.
The heavy canes, if un abundance of
llowers is desired, may be left two or
three feet long; but, if fewer llowers of
a much better quality are preferred,
they also should be cut down to within
eight or ten inches of the ground.
Baroness Rothschild: A superb rose;
very large, pale, ' satiny-rose color, with
beautiful foliage, which comes close up
to the tlower, forming an effective back
ground of green.
Fnnt Karl Druschki: Unquestionably
the finest white rose in cultivation, pure
in color, perfect iu form and remarkably
Mrs. R. O. Sharmun Crawford: The
freest flowering variety of this typo and
a splendid roso in every respect, of a
deep rosy-pink.
Paul Neyron: The largest flower of
all; frequently six inches ill diameter, of
a deep roso color.
Ulrich llrunner: One of the finest
roses grown. It always succeeds; llowers
very largo of a rich, luminous, cherry
red color.
Prince Camille de Rohan: Tho ideal
dark variety; a deep, velvety, crimson
maroon, with scarlet shadings.
Climbing or Rambler Rotet
T'HERE is a plnco in every garden for
one or more climbing roses and thoir
management is bo simple that they should
bo used extensively. All of the varieties
noted are extremely hardy and, with tho
slightest attention, will give an abundance
of bloom, from early in .Juno until tho
middlo of July. They require no pruning
beyond cutting out old and dead wood
and shortening tho laterals and canes to
make them conform to tho space to bo
American, Pillar: A singlo-flowcring
variety, with blooms three to four inches
in diameter, and of entrancing beauty;
a beautiful shado of cnrniino-pink, with
a large, clear, white eye, and clusters of
golden-yellow stamens. Theso aro borne
iu immense clusters nnd tho individual
flowers last in perfection a long time.
Excclsa: This is a vastly improved
Crimson Rambler. Not only richer in
color, but a healthy grower; its foliago
always remains healthy, of a dark glossy
green color.
Dorothy Perkins: Double, soft, shell
pink, very free, nnd lusts in good con
dition for a long time.
lliatvatha: Another singlo roso with
a brilliancy of color which must bo seen
to be appreciated. A brilliant ruby-car-mino
with whito center, with a bunch of
golden stamens, frequently with forty to
fifty flowers on a spray.
Gardenia: Tho buds of a bright yel
low, expanding into cream-colored doublo
flowers on which tho petals incurve, not
unlike those of tho Gardenia or Capo
Jasmine, which suggested its name.
Tausendschon: One of tho most do
sirablo of climbing roses; a strong, vig
orous grower, with fine foliage, producing
masses of semi-double, Azalea-liko flow
ers, fully three inches across and of a
most delicnto and pleasing shade of soft
pink when first opening, changing to car
mine 011 the reverse of tho petnls as tho
llowers mature.
The proper time to plant roses, if the
plants aro perfectly dormant field-growu
stock, is iu spring, ns soon as tho ground
is in fit condition to work; but iu recent
years, the moro extensive growers havo
adopted u system of potting up tho field
growu plants during tho fall and winter
mouths, and carrying them through the
winter in cold greenhouses and cold
frames. Stock of this class should not
bo planted until danger of severo frost
is over.
Select au open sunny position for
your rose bed, where it will have an
Continued on Page 16)
W Give a Full Crop
I of Flowers This Year
Never disappoint, because they are stronir
two-vcar-old field-crown Dlants. not the
small, weak, year-old hot house grown stock
usually advertised.
Over 250 of best varieties to select from, In
cluding those named in the rose article ap
pcanngon paces3. 4 and 14 of this publication.
We will supply any of these24 varieties at
EOcts.eacli: 3 for Jl. 25; 1 dozen for $5.00,
or one each of the 24 sorts named for $8.50.
Order now and we will send them at
tbe proper season.
Dreer's Garden Book
Diamond Jubilee Edition
Tells all about Roses, how to plant and
care for them: also other plants and vege
tables. 28S pages fully illustrated, colored
and duotone plates. Mailed free if ytu
mention this magazine.
WMil aa
J-OturOuas Oata. Founded I &50k-rf
Is. .t.sVSi
. Sturdy as Oaks. Founded IS50
Our Rote Plant t are etrongett
and bett. They are alufaye
grown on their own roof.
More than 00 years of "knowing
how" behind pnrh nlnnt. thnf fnot
is Your cruarantppnf antuf'ir.ilnn
Under our snprtnl Imv nrlpn nrdct
' l pian, we win prepay all express
charges and guarantee safe delivery our
pulde explains. No matter where you live
you can depend on cettlne D i C roses In
perfect condition. Write for
Our "New Guide lo Rose Cultnre"
lor 1913 Free
Tbls Is absolutely ths most educations! work on
rose culture ever published. It Isn't a catalog-It
.uv uvucu-uumi, uicuuib experience 01 lua
saw oldestrose growing a
nouse in ina unitea.
States. The guide Is
free, ltlsprofusely
Illustrated In natu
ral colors and the.
cover Dlcttlrea thai
I itoie, mo Deal,
Fhardleat free.
' blooming rose In
the world. This
ured long by rose lovers-write
beforelssueisBllenni. ivtr
No other rose house has our
iffatlf rt iko. 70 Gnenhoute: ,
Box 115, West Crave, Pa.
We sell best quality fruit trees, shrubs
and plants at one-half the nursery agent'?
price and pay the freight. All stock
is northern grown, hardy and healthy.
All orders guaranteed.
lO Fruit Trees for 97c.
First-class stock, 4 ft. high, worth S2.00: One
each of Baldwin, Transparent Apple: Bartlett.
Kieffer Pear; E. Richmond, Windsor Cherry:
Lombard. Burbanlc Plum: Elberta, Crawford's
E. Peach-all for97 cents.
Or a Rose Garden for 97c.
Rose bushes add dollars of value to your yard.
Their blossoms please everyone. Hardy, field
grown roses are our specialty We will send
six of the finest selections, to bloom this year,
for 97cents.prepaid. Offer not good after May 1.
1913. Get our catalog of flowering and
decorative plants, shrubs and fruit trees all
Tclli Just what you want to know about selectlnr, plant
. Inr and growing aU nursery stock. Contains a
big list of unequalled bargains. Doa't buy until
ff'jfS. you've read this book. Send postal today.
?t-Vr$ Box -98 Rochester, N.Y.
9 " "
About Mushrooms
How to reallj tntk biff tnoocf lo
muthroomi, U falir explained in the
wonderful took, ''The Truth About
Muthroomi," pMt reToIutlontvry Improrsrosnt,
thltuji nut crevtri bitu kn before, Iftry
tbltiff tspluMd from A lo tt tni had from
UtgiftMtpnaticftUutborllj laAtMrlee. Ail
910 to fTOt Mk to rwt loootn. pamur
edi lupplj. On La Mils, abed, boiat, et
bh.sU mdiuI ia itsvi. FrofiU bin l&4 a&Uks
ib? emato do It Wanes ud chlldrao, too. Now 1 boot tin. btd fot fYbock.
BretfMuaraoM IodaiU7.Ut X01SI W.CUrk Bu,CkUne
Macailnes are made possible by those who read advertisements.