Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 11, Image 45

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    Two Beautiful New Roses
Climbing American Beauty
All the glory nJi TragntKe of the old American Beauty
Hardy at an oak A prolfSi Uoomer Strong nroth
Thrives everywhere One tlx ear old plant produced ooo
blooms and buds at onetime. (..rossplenlidly In pillar and
bush form. A magnificent acquisition,
Christine Wright
A ery strongclirablne or pillar rose, mcteedlne equally
well In bushforn. A perfect mas of roses In Junelthm
lasional blooms through the season flowers bright tlear,
beautirul, wild-rote pink, 3W to 4 tn hes (n diameter A
splendid companion to the ChmMnn AmerhAn Ueauti
Hoth these rose have lare datk green, glossy leaves,
retaining their foHae throughout the entire season One ear
plants, 11 00 eatn.sit 3
per doen, postpaid
Orders booked as re
tehed and shipped at
the proper season in the
order of entry Order at
om.e For further dr
scription and colored
Illustration, tend fur
circular or catalogue
600 Acrot in
Truit and ornamental
trees, shrus tines and
roses of the holiest va
rietles. Landscape work
In all its branches
Write us in relation to
nr wants
Dept. M,
Welt Cheater, Pa.
Philadelphia Offices:
209 StepbeoGirard BJU
Are hatched In Buckeye Incubators t Arcnts every
Huckejre Incubators will hatch bigger chlcka.
stronger chicks and more chicks than any hen or
Incubator. See a lluckeye at work right In your
own town. 8end us your name and we will tell you
where you can see the big chicks hatching. lluckeye
Incubators are mado In S sizes 0 eggs to 350 eggs.
Sold as Low as $8.00
and GUARANTEED to hatch every hatchable egg.
Let us send you testimonials from lluckeye users
over ttt.OOQ In successful operation,
Btnd your name to-day,
IKE BUCKEYE IHCUBATOR CO., S77 Euclid linut, Scrtnollsld, (No
The Johnsons want your name and address to
send sou their 1913 Old Trust v Book I'ree.
JOHNSON tus started
400,000 others to big poul
cry success. He will start
l ou too. Write your pos
tai now get jotinsou i
price and big fine book.
Johnson, Incubator Han
Hay renter- neb.
I CO to 00 1 Taaa'
I tlO
CO to 00 I
Da;s Trial
illy regulated I
Incubator ol Certainty
mniatiim or,. vnntllntinn antnmntlrailv remilatpd
and adanttd to each other. The one truly scientific
hatcher, because It establishes true naicning conuiuuna
automatically. The hntchtt Ml. Oet book on modern
hatching, free. Also on up-to-dato Poultry Supplies.
CEO, D. LEE CO, 1217 Harney Street. Omahi, Ncbrask
yf Toi
( Doultrv on th.ordlnarr firm.
How so tnak. a flnt-cliM
I broodsr out of an old piano
I DOZ. Willi DrMOl 1ST Mil.
I Plans for poultry bouiei. bow .
IlofMd, br..d, ate. Dicrlbel
"PRAIRIE STATE Incubators and Broodtrs I
l will bs snrprlisd at tht ralaablt information It eon-1
Ulns. It'sfna. WrIU a poiUl for a MM toaaj. I'u I
Pralrla Stati Ineobitor eo.,36 Main St.. Hcmtr Citr. fa. J
and Alaaaaa far IBIS has 224 rfM wllh many
colored iUUi of fowls true to life It Ull all
about chickens, their prices, thsir rare, (Uasaa
sand rmsii All about lMtbatort, their
trices and thsir operation All about poultry
ouiu and how to build them It's an encyrlo
pediaof chickendom. Toundit. Oaly l&e,
C. C, fiUOEatAUB, Bsa lofis rrsipert, UL
EssV IsV sCsTWlauwsuln Jr.. InrnhsitiW sWTW MBS
Post Huluiar for oolr U 46. aid of
FdfcliforoU lUdwood. bot wiUr. eoo-
I WUeon
r Utu. lf-rnUsUrijT. doflbUi
lU. (Ut up eompUt. rdr to oax. I
avrMUad. ftrwdr 11.70. Order djmf
Jn Incubator Co Box 326
itMod feres UU
yfoeanot vaJ
Fowls aatl
Kmmm sTM
Our large HIS catalogue tells how In
words and pictures. It li FREE. Stock
and eggs of all leading varieties
land and water fowla. Incubators and
supplies at lowest prices. Booklet,
"l'roper Care of Chicks" 10 eenta.
Roril f oultrr Farm, Dipl.4M , Dsi Melin, la.
Howl Bred$50 to $1,600 in 2 Years
I want to tell you how one man took 50 worth of my siuab
pigeons and in two yean multiplied them to alxtet-rt hundred
dollars In value He was a novice and started In a tox stall
A tru and convincing story, told by the man himself More
experiences of the same kind, illustrated. Ask me for the book
It it free.
260 Howard Strut, Melrose, Maaaachuaetta.
Grelder's Fine Catalogue
and calendar of pure-bred poultry for 19U,larfe.
nuoypsKSof iMQlUTfwyi.diaereutbreedilnnstBrsl
eolera. 10 Tarletiei lltuatrated and desrlbed. Inea
baton and brooders, low price of stock and eejs for
bstchlnc. A perfect (olda to all poultry raisers. Bead
100 for this nated book.
B. S. GfiXIDSf Box 112 Bbaems, fa.
.Continued from Page 3 )
Mties. A naked pergola is an esthetic
A ergola of cedar poles with climbing
roses at each post is handsome; but for
more formal gardens a painted cypress
pergola is more appropriate. Heady
made pergolas are now on the market,
and are ingeniously convenient.
A tiny pool in n well ordered garden
is pleasing. A small cement basin may
be constructed for not oer a hundred
dollars, and if there is pressure, a little
jet of water may be arranged so that it
will shoot up from the center and toss
a hollow ball.
Likewise, a well in the garden is some
thing to be treasured; for an attractive
well head in which hangs an old oaken
bucket gives a home-like feeling to the
grounds surpassing that of almost any
other accessory. There are many designs.
Field stones may be used successfully.
The sun dial is to many the crowning
feature of a garden. Hut it should be
chosen with care. An elaborate sun dial
in a very simple garden is a solecism.
Sometimes, a cedar post with the bark
on makes a suitable pedestal, and the
dial may be made of wood or slate. "The
Hook of Sundials" by Mrs. Hetty will
tell you how to construct yours. Pedes
tals of terra cotta or composition stone
may be bought for twenty dollars or
more. Metal dials cost from ten dollars
to as much as one cares to pay. Field
stone pedestals, or even a large boulder
of suitable shape such as many a pasture
will offer, may lie used. With posts,
care must be taken to have them deeji
enough so that the frost will not throw
them out of plumb. There are other
furnishings such as bird houses, gazing
globes and vases; but a home like garden
is not made so by the multiplicity of its
furnishings. An over-furnished garden
may look as dowdy as a decorated room
or an over-dressed woman. The main
thing is to have privacy, which may bo
gained by tall hedges or garden walls, if
the location makes these things neces
sary, with comfortable seats where one
may sit to gloat over his garden treas
ures, a table for an open book, and such
other things us will help to make the
garden a place In which to live and to
rest as well as to work.
TP any one has a space whero ho or she
ean plant it fine rose and only one, the
Climbing American Heauty is one of the
best selections to be made, because it has
not only the advantage of producing
wonderful blossoms, but it possesses the
fragrance of the American Heauty as
well as its form and character and has
a beautiful and lasting folingo superior
to the averago climbing rose or rambler.
This can not bo said of tho older varie
ties of climbing roses.
The Climbing American Heauty has
been produced by n method of cross fer
tilization which has retained tho charm
ing qualities of the American Heauty
Hose; and yet, by way of contrast, it is
hardy and will stand heat and drought
almost as well as any rose.
The photograph on Pago Four illus
trates the wonderful growth and fino
appearanco of this fragrant climber.
Some plants, after two years, have had ns
many as 300 to 400 blossoms on them,
and after the flowers are gone you have
still a beautiful plant with glorious fol
Road what one garden-maker, writing
in May of this year, says about this rose.
' ' About fifteen months ago I purchased
a Climbing American Heauty roso bush.
Last season, it completely covered tho
trellis four feet wide and twelve feet
high. After an unusually severe winter
for Memphis, Tenn., we found that not
a single root of the reeds was damaged
by the cold. Wo did not cover it or make
any attempt to protect it. This year it
is one glorious mnss of color. Ono morn
ing I attempted to count the roses and
quit at 250. I should judge that there
were at least 350 roses in bloom at one
time, with more than that many buds
ready to bloom in a few days. ' '
Germi in tHa dull
What are
you doing for
your throat?
trial tube sent
for 2-ccnt stamp
to pay postage.
;V -iTET ... . . ssssssssssssssssssssssssO
WHAT are you doing to protect
yourself against sore tin oat attacks,
which often result in tonsillitis or
worse ? If you would safeguard your
throat against highly dangerous germs
you must first assure yourself that these
infectious invaders do not multiply or
breed beyond control.
You cannot secure this assurance
merely by gargling or rinsing the mouth
and throat because such methods only
icach the exposed suifaccs of the mem
branes. To destioy germ life, the icme
dial agent must be able to reach .the
hidden pockets in the throat where germs
hide. Science has discovered a scientific,
pleasant, luxuriously efficient method for checking germ
Pre m ted ns n ilc;isant Listing tablet, it is
sucked like candy. l)issolin readily, it icleascs
its germicidal, antiseptic qualities which impregnate
the saliva and arc catiieil naturally and easily around
the mouth into the deepest creiies nf the Ihroat ileitroyinc
the serins where they are causinir the umthief. 1'Vrn.ainint
proems and destroys tiifet ttous cerm life In a soot hint,
Grateful way. luxuriously effluent and comcnicnt. Can be
uied any time any plate.
r--v T i i , r-r sT
OU laDIClS OU IwCIUS nrktCUruio.tliewprl.l.ctrjitcsttrnnr.ilirs:
. ' 1 ',av found 1-o.iTUiiiint 1llttt rry
Afott drug forf Formamint - accept no tubttitut pleasant to uste and iue.uUl to the throat.
Pattl, the (Jut-cn of Son,;,
i 1'onnanilnt Tablets for sonm
time past and hate mm h plrsbure In salnj(
tlut 1 find them itry Uner.t.ulfortl.ethrott,n
Mm Adslina
'I have taken
Mahtr of Sanatoganthm Food Tonic,
from tn art lets In "Ths Until,"
Minh 8Hlh, igoS.
"Die sole otijeit of a medMnal lorence fs
to keep pait of the mouth or throat one J e si res
to treat lathed for a time In a dru dlttohed
In the sail a I know of only one medicated
lorenge- ! O KMAM1N T-nlth mecti
this requirement."
iaSBsssssssssssssssssssssssss nssssssssssssssssssssssi
$3,250 insurance for $ I 0
policy combining Life and Accident Insurance which
stands without a rival. The ETNA $IO Combination
Policy gives (in Preferred rate occupations) a wide
range of protection at a very low cost.
$2,000 for death, loss of limbs or sight from Travel, Elevator or
Burning Building Accldont.
$1,000 for doath, loss of limbs or sight from Ordinary Accldont.
Th. abav amounts Inerssa Tan Par Cant, each yaar for flva yssra without
additional coat.
S250 FORI DEATH FROM ANY CAUSE- No Madleal Eaamlnatlon Rsqulrad.
Tho Accumulations, Double Benefits and Life Insurance provided
by this Ton Dollar Combination make possible tho payment of
83.20O at a cost of only SIO A YEAR, In addition to Weekly
Indemnity for total or partial disability from accident.
Evon If you carry Insurance let us send you the details of this
policy. If you carry no Insurance tho more reason for you to sond
tho coupon at once.
iCTNA LIFE INSURANCE CO., (Drawor 1341), Hartford, Conn. S..M.M.,.
I am under OS yaara of ag and In good ISaalth, Tll m about Ctna 910 Combination. My nama.bualnaaa
addraaa and occupation art wrlttan balow.