Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 10, Image 44

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I V mm
kLMM if Nal
And a joy and a blessing H will be to anyone with a littla plot of earth to pat It on.
Ample for any competent carpenter to build from. Above estimate of coat is a fair average figure the country over.
WRITE RIGHT NOW FOR VOL. 32, of the Cypress Pocket Library
y&L Sent on request to any SflBa&i
jaSB address in the world. jEttEB
JLaSBIiSjaSBiaxPa aElvslHMilBtll
Kenicmhcr We recommend Cypress only where it is your one test buy.
Let our "ALL-'KO 0 N D HELPS DEPARTMENT" hlp YOU. Our entire reourcoe are at jour aervlce.
$13,400.31 on the Side
By a man who works ten hours a day
That is the remarkable record of Mr F. II. Dunlap, of West
Salisbury. N. II.. who is employed during the day in a store and
puts in bis mornings, noons and nights pleasantly and profitably
raisine chickens.
This $13,400.31 In clear profit which Mr. Dunlap has made in
iwenly live years, has bought him a beautiful home, purchased
a horse and carriage, sent three boys through school and college,
and. besides, has left him something for a rainy day. Desldes
nil that, his work has been a pleasure and a distinct benefit to his
health It lias been a source of ptide to himself, his family and
his friends.
This $13,400.31 was not made by getting fancy prices for poul
try. Mr. Dunlap ships to Iloston and sells at the current price
quotations to the commission men. His methods have been
thoroughly practical and easy to follow by any man with intelli
gence and a moderate amount of good health and determination.
Let Us Send You the Book Which Reveals the Secret of This Man's Big Success
Mr Dunlin' met hod t are lecriletl nUlnlv and concisely
In our remarkable book "Side" Line I'oultry Keeping" which
alto desalt tlie practical, everyday tnetltoUs employed by
hundredt'of other jtouttry r alter throughout the country. For tell how Mr K A Kichardton, HavriMH. Mai.,
made tilt lien pay hlmf 1,009 la 1910 and kept working- at the
t tench all the time Commencing at the very beginning, this
book show you how totnake a start -how to find and buy a
farm -how to selett breed that pay how to makealULng
from the first -how to ralie ttollerifor the market how to
produce egg to tell how to f ml a market for egg and
meat how to ret the tet price how t to avoid mistakes -gives
you, In short complete practkal Instructions covering
every phase of this most promising field of business.
No matter what section of the country you live in whether
you have a large city lot or a large lace In the country or
suburb whether you devote two hour a day or the entire
day to this Hoe of work this book will show ou the tried
and approved methods by which you can start In now and
build up a big permanent success.
This book consist of 96 pages printed on good paper, pro
futety Illustrated, written by Edgar Warren, the well-known
poultry authority, so hat anyone can understand It. If you
will send u your name, mentioning that you have teen this
advertisement, we will send ou this book, together with a
year's suUcrlptlon to the American Tout try Advocate, a beau
tifully printed monthly of 44 to 194 pages In each Issue, both
for 75c Hook with two years subscription, f 1.00 Or, book
will be clven a a premium for two yearly subscript Ions at 50c
each Prlea of book alone. OOo. Trice of the American
I'oultry Advocate alone, 50c. Three months' trial. 10c.
Sample oopy free, catalog and poultry book, tree
American Poultry Advocate. 236 Hodgkins Block. Syracuse. N. Y.
All About Poultry Keeping. !
- - 1111 uuifiiuui s ui 1 1 nucr a
inrtor Century's) Kxperlenra In nil limnetic of l'oul.
r-Kooning toll How to Keep IXwltry J'rafitablu; to
nil J lloutet Correctly Economically; How to hue-
11a Dynflfc ROSMT ESSEX, well known
at. waiij. throughout America, after a
A I An All atiout Amerlrn'e Larveat Line of In.
cu baton. You arelnvitedtosendforourCataloa-ue containing
thla Information, raluable alike to Hnnntn, farmer!. II:
mnr and Expert. It's FHKL". Address nearest office.
Robert Essex Incubator Co. b 1.1 rtcfc
1 25Egg Incubator and Brooder
I Hat Wtttatrt alaahtat Vtllfl!
Joppr UutkbMt coostrae-
v nt i cm; rwm Mwm.
Wltcoatla Ueubator Co Box 22
I tori HAftV "Prarltakla Poultry,' Its pages
IBlBil 00UK oraciics! fsets. 1st beautiful me.
lures. Latest Imorovsd methods to raise Doultrr.
All ahoul world, famoua Hunner Dueka. &1 othar
Tarlatles pure-brad poultry ThU Book,
' prim, town. e ill, ineuDstors. etc., oniy a c.nia.
sniY's rotim rim. b.ii.4. anisaa,
19 DDCCnC Fine Pre bred chickens.
VO DnCCUO ducks, geese and turkeys.
Northern raised, hardr and very beautiful,
Fowls, eggs and lneubatora at low prloea.
America? rrreatest Doultrr farm. Band to.
for large. One, RIsstMatk laaaal reeltry Beak.
Money In Poultry g-j
and Squab. MrW
pr-br4 pofltir tumi rtvM mat muf ef poaltir
Main. NwaTP
Automatic Standard Incubator
UtedbyleadlDg poultry raiser. Rated standard
by tTpctU,MitSimttixctltnce Chicks
come large and vigorous because of right con
dltloo of heat, air and moisture, Fair prices
Freight paid. My Poultry Guide and Catalog
will surprise you Write for It today.
P. at.WIOKBTRDM.Boxl73.Lfnooln,irb.
PIATT fOOO CO., Caster DUtribatars, PnlU., Pa.
KaU4aa. . rOT,ax4,0ea
(Continued from Page 5)
other breeder in the country. He
journeyed on to New York with his
choicest specimens and swept the field.
One mi'lit assume from this that fancy
poultry breeding means easy money.
Wrong, very wrong! The conspicuous
successes Hash out from a fog bank of
unfortunate failures. If poultry fanciers
may bo classed with poets, it may be
fcaid that they, too, are born and not
made. In addition to an infinite capacity
for detail, one must have the knack of
mating birds so as to get the right kind i
of offspring, the kind that wins, j
Whether he has this knack or not, nobody
can tell until he tries.
Many people are astonished to learn
that a hen or u cock must bo fitted and
trained for its appearance at a show,
just as a thoroughbred stallion must be
groomed and trained before it is allowed
to prance on the sawdust. Weeks of
preparation are often necessary. In the
caso of light-colored birds, a thorough
washing must be given and all birds i
must bo taught to pose quietly. ,
The washing process in itself is not a ,
simple matter, especially when there is ,
a long string of birds to be tubbed; for .
the operation can hardly bo concluded in '
less than fifteen or twenty minutes for
each specimen.
First, the victim is soaked in water
and thoroughly rubbed over with soap.
Some breeders use a soap solution, while ,
others hold a cake of good white soap
in tho hand. The method does not mat- f
ter, so long as the bird is thoroughly
lathered from comb to toe. When tho
fowls are gentle nnd not too heavy, one
man may work alone, but it is a better
plan to havo an assistant to hold tho
protesting creatures. Some birds seem
determined to get their heads under
water nnd keep them there, as if they !
preferred slow suicide to the ignominy
to which they nre being subjected.
Two or threo times tho fowl is soaped
and rinsed, the Inthcr being worked into
the feathers until it reaches tho skin.
Often tho legs nnd comb aro gono over
with a tooth brush and thoroughly
scrubbed. Special attention is always
paid the head, to which the judge is cer
tain to give careful observation.
When the operator considers that tho
bird has been soused and soaped a
sufficient number of times, it is taken to
the second tub and repeatedly ducked in
order to rinse out every particle of soap.
This is very important, ns otherwise, tho
feathers will stick together and not lay
in plnco well.
Finally, the candidate is dipped into
the bluing water and placed in a cage
to dry. Tho bluing wuter must not bo
too bluo nnd tho material used must be
of good quality, elso tho bird 's feathers
will acquiro a tint not recognized by tho
Btnnuaru 01 reriection.
Special training for n show consists in
placing tho bird in a cngo and keeping
him thero several weeks, talking to him
frequently and often carrying him a
choice morsel from the family table, so
that ho will step expectantly to tho front
of tho cngo when any one approaches,
thus assuming an nttitudo that is calcu
lated to make n favorable impression.
Judging is dono in two ways, by com
parison nnd by score card. The first
method usually is followed at tho Fall
shows, when tho birds are likely to bo
rather ragged as a result of molting,
while the score card is moro generally
used at the mid-winter shows.
Tho judges begin their work ns soon
ns a show is opened nnd aro "speeded
up" by tho breeders, becauso thero is
certain to be a harvest of shekels for tho
winners. When tho awards have been
mnde, tho bargaining begins. Then it is
that tho wealthy fancier, carried away by
tho enthusiasm of tho moment, goes down
into his jenns and pulls out a big wad
of bills to pay the price of a winning
cock. With this bird in his yard, ho
hopes to raise stock which will, in its
turn, command the favor of the judge.
Thousands of dollars change hands and
innumerable orders for eggs for hatching
j at from five to twenty-fivo dollars for
j fifteen are placed.
Make Side Money
by raising poultn Learn liow to make the most
profit by reading Ihe TOTTER SECRET" of
telllne the lay inn hens from the drones.
Worth hundreds of dollars when buying or
culling hens, have the layers and cell drones to
the butcher, thereby save on feed bills and ret
as many eggs. DON'T CHEAT YOURSELF
by not investigating these facts. It means extra
dollars to every one who raises poultry.
The 1'otter Secret explains how the egg grows;
how nature controls tho laying organs: how to
determine the first stage of egg development: bow
far off the laying period is: how to know the pro
lific layers: when and how to cull: how to tell
when a hen has laid outlier batch of eggs: the
best way to break up the broody state: how eggs
can be produced in winter: the effect of feed,
vermin and disease ou laying.
Poultry Pays Large Profits
if managed properly. A few laxng hens reduce
the high cost of living considerably. They com
bine pleasure and profit. Head all about it in
the one great poultry paper of America, the
at all good newsdealers, chuck full of information
on tioultry. Absolutely tella you oTerythlng you
wnnt tn know, written by men who have made b aiic
re. of tho poultry business. THE COLORED SUP
PLEMENTS In American Poultry Journal are alone
worth tlie subscription price
Price lOo per copy; $1.00 per year.
Our Offer
For?l 60 wo will send you postpaid ncopy of The
Great Potter Secret bound in cloth and a full year'a
subscription to American Poultry Journal (12lMuei).
This Is puttine real money into your jiocket as you
will save many times this amount inayearby mak
inR use of the knowledge derived from these books.
Canadian subscribers add U5c for postage; for
eign, 0c
Get a copy from your newsdealer today or send us
25oand we will send you a a months' trial subscrip
tion to American Poultry Journal, a copy of Profitable
Poultry Pointers (full nf Talnablerecelpts and tricks
of the poultry trade also n 32-paBecatalOKiieglvlnif
bargain prices on all magazines, periodicals and
poultry books.
Uut ilon't let the non-laver tat another btithel of
grain before you aecept the remarkable OFFER.
544S South Dearborn St.. Chicago. III.
You Can Make Big Money
xuis season on a small invest
ment and with little labor by
railing Poultry with the World
Sure Hatch Incubator
This machine Is built the
way the U H. Agricultural
Dept. declares a good Incubator
should be built and hatches 95
per cent of the eggs. Freignt paidj tu days free trial j
5-year guarantee, free catalog sent promptly.
Unci Sam's Poultry Book, written by Government
Expert,, tells how to succeed. Send 20 cents. Uj our
plan 50 cents returned, Poultry prices are high get an
early start. Act quick, Don t lose early profits.
SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO.. Box 54. Fremont. N.b.
i !axElllr
A Great Big Hand Grinder
that will mvs Iti coat ssvsral titn.s a yssr
and willfarulah oas to two per
hour of frsahgroand corn, osta, pcaa.ary
ton.. oyaUr ahalli , etc., for poultry f.d. Shipping wt.iOlba
Ws alao build a full Una of POWER
GASOLIHE ENGINES. Alk for csUloss.
Stover Mfg. Co.. 337 Plymouth St. Fremort III.
i aaaT
nn SJ
On 8-Tlmi World's Cham pica
Winner in 10,000 hatch
contests. Record of
succcaa nevtr equalled,
I want to eentf you all
facta.flcruret ana proof
that will Interest von.
Show voa how to act
Drtze wlnninur hatches at lowest
Write me a Doatal novo. Jim llnhan. PrM
tMI City tnfuhitor rV, Hot Ifrfl, Hifls, Wjs.
Biggest at price hundreds of dead air cells cold
CJlexf copper tank, hot water heat, double diac regu
tor, deep nursery, high legs, double doors, egg test
er, safety lamp, fries I7.SS. with 11 rood er I9.HS
Freight prepaid east of Rockies. Order from thla ad
on our guarantee or write lor our big free book.
rreareaslya Inoubatsr Ca II a i 187 aclns.Wls.
7 a WW.
hlfh-clut tsitbw dlfMl froen
notary, uuarantti. pin, nn-
uf. rttdr to um. fUdo4. tiipU
Cbi)Mt.i.lx.wrl I
f.U, sbB.fjpat lAiaisv aiis-ataww I BM I
1 ptxrut not U "lljrtnlLl
Maaaaia lACabator C, BaifiM Haafcato, Mlajj
jK run
Best Birds, Best Eggs,
Lowest Prices .Tifi..
purebredChIckrns. Ducks, Geese and Turkeys.
iamttrounryi-armutne worio. row is. neea
and incubators at lowest prices. Send toe b2 book.
M Poultry lor Profit.MTeua how to ralaa Douttrr and
tun lneubatora successtiilr, It'aVRCB, tend for It.
J. W. MILLER CO- Box 37 9 9 Rockford, III
AR RRRPriQ rine Pure bred chickens, ducks, geese,
; turkeys, cutoeat, peafowls, at low prices.
America's fioest poultry farm. Large poultry book, 4c.
'OUH name and addreaa on a postal card brings a t re
wij ui uui iuvpi( poultry paper, oiata
Monaj. Inland Poultry Journal Co., Indianapolis, Inst.