Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 9, Image 43

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The Amateur's Small Fruit Garden
BHD: No pirili-ii is too Miiiiill for
a striiuliprr.v bod ami no product
of the pirdi'ii will jrivt' nioiv ssit ist'iic
t ion. Many amateurs do not realize that
it is impossible to lmv berries in the
market like those one ean laise at home.
Ntrnwlierries should be picked with the
dew on them, to be at their best.
Furthermore, the berries that hae the
tinest llavor will not stand shipment, and
so aro nut j,tomi by the commercial
strawberry man.
It is quite possible to fruit a little lied
in the garden for at least six years. A
piece of land that has been cultivated for
several years should be chosen, Item use
Mid ground contains too many rubs and
is not easj to work. It should be made
fine and smooth and the plants should
be set a foot apait, in rows two and
a half feet apart. They may be planted
from Match to .luue.
The best plan is to mark the row with
u line, then to scoop out a little hole
lare enough to hold the roots when
spread out. If the plant is held be
tween the thuniji and second linger just
below the lenes, it may be twirled
rapidly, thereby opening up the roots
If the season is at all dry, it is well
to pour water on the roots Ix'fore an
dirt is thrown in and then to fill the
hole and pack the earth solidly around
the plant, so solidly that if a leaf is
pulled it will break oil" before the roots
As the plants como up, they should
be allowed to grow together in the row,
but must be religiously kept from spread
ing to the sides. Likewise, the blossoms
must be kept picked the first season, so
that the plants may get well established.
Cultivate for a few minutes once a week,
to keep the bed free from weeds and to
loosen the soil. After the first few weeks
the hoe must bo kept very near tho
surface; if it goes below two inches, it
will be likely to injure the roots.
Usually, there is not much need of
cultivation after the first of September,
until just before time for tho ground to
freeze. It should then be thoroughly
luosened and pulverized with tho hoe and
covered with a mulch of hay, straw,
leaves or cornstalks. Two inches is deep
enough, the purpose being to prevent
the plants being heaved out of tho
ground by tho action of the frost. In
the spring, the hay or straw may be
raked between tho rows and nround tho
plants in such a way as to keep tho
berries from becoming covered with
The third year the bed should be re
newed by making the soil between tho
rows very fine and starting new plants
in tho middle of each row, from selected
runners. The following year, the old bed
may be plowed or dug up after it has
produced what berries it will.
It is impossible to givo any satisfac
tory advice about varieties, for straw
berries aro exceedingly whimsical. There
is no garden in which some variety will
not grow, and probably no garden in
which every sort will grow. The best
plan is to learn from an experienced
grower in your section what kinds thrive
there. It is also well to have an early
mid a late anet in order to insure a
lung season. In this connect inn. remem
her that some nrictic aie impcrtei t
and will not set fruit unless there is n
perfect variety near to polleui.e them.
Those marked in the catalogue Minimi
ale are perfect or self fertilizing; those
termed Pistillate must be gtouu with .1
perfect variety near lei.
Of late years, there has been nun h
interest shown in fall bearing straw bei
ties, which makes it possible for one to
have strawberries from his own garden
practically all summer. These remarkable
berries will sometimes fruit even up to
December, in spite of frosts. Moreoei.
spring-set plants will give a crop of ber
ries the same season.
Ordinarily, these strawberry plants
give a scattering crop all through the
season; but in order to lime a lot ot
berries when berries are scatce, the
(lowers should be picked tip lo the first
of August. About four weeks later,
then will Ih a full clop of fruit and ,
the plants will continue to bear until
the end of the season. The berries aie
huge and excellent in llavor.
LV RANTS: It is a very small garden
indeed in which a place can not be
found for a few raspberry and currant I
bushes say, a dozen of each. Both
are easy to grow and there is now an
ever-bearing raspberry, so called, which
may be depended upon to yield fruit for
three months. And currants, unlike
most small fruit, may be allowed to
hang on the bushes a long time after
they ripen.
Tho red and the purple rnsplierries
both should find a place in the home
garden; while the former are unexcelled
for the table, the purple varieties are
superior for canning. The Black Caps
may be grown, too, if theie is loom in
plenty. Some people think they make
the best pies.
Itaspberry plants should be set out
just as early as possible in the spring,
and sharply cut back. The eer-bearing 1
variety will produce some fruit the first
season. It is best to set raspberry
plants about two feet apart in the home
garden, with six feet between the rows,
if double rows are planted. Hvery spring
the shoots should be cut back ono-third,
and after the fruiting season is over, the
old wood should be cut out. Many new
shoots will come up and a large propor- i
tion of them are best removed. '
The fruit produced next season will I
come on the canes grown this year and
these canes will then die. That is tho
reason for cutting out all the old wood
each summer; and if done without de
lay, any insects or fungi that the wood 1
may bo harboring can Ix? destroyed by
burning. If more plants are needed, it
is necessary only to dig up soino of the
new shoots either in tho fall or spring.
There will be no need of buying plants
after tho first purchase. Blackberries
may be treated in tho same manner as
raspberries, but need more room. I
Currants differ somewhat from rasp
berries, bearing their fruit on tho same !
wood for several years. Nevertheless, all
Continued on Page 16)
W, 'ATi,r.E DuRPtE iV Co PHiifMitLriiiA
Reduced Facsimile Front Cover of
Our Silent Salesman
BURPEE'S SEEDS Ti IAT GKOW" arc supplied
each season direct to many more planters than are
the seeds of any other brand. HUKPl.E'S SEEDS
are known the world over asthe best it is possible to
producet and are acknowledged the American Stand
ard of Excellence.
Progressive planters everywhere are satisfied with
the Vegetables and Mowers resulting from Hurpee
Quality Seeds, grown according to the clear infor
mation freely given in the Uurpec Ieal1ets.
In thirty-six years of successful seed selling we
have introduced more Novelties that are now in
general cultivation than have any three other firms.
We produce Selected Stocks ujxm our own seed farms
in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and California, while
FORDHOOK FARMS are famous ns the largest
trial grounds in America. No Government Experi
mental Station attempts such complete trials each
season, and the information here obtained is of incal
culable benefit to planters everywhere.
Each season we travel more than thirty thousand
miles to personally inspect our growing crops and vet
never travel a single mile to solicit an order t we
ask, however, that you allow our SILENT SAI. IO
NIAN to have your careful attention in the quiet of
your own home.
Simply send us your address plainly written and
kindly state where you saw this advertisement. Then
by first mail you will receive
The Burpee-Annual
A bright new book of 180 pages, it pictures by
pen and pencil all that is Best in seeds, and tells the
plain truth. While embellished with colored covers
and plates painted from nature it is A SAFE
GUIDE, entirely free from exaggeration.
Shall we send you a copy ?
If so, write TODAY!
A pontal card will da, and jou will no. t annoed by
any "follow-up" let tent.
Small Gardens for Small Folks
In connection with our Now Ilejwirture of Seeds for
the Children's Cisrilrns, u putilUli tliU Interna int: and
Instructive Little Hook. Its four rhapterii. with useful
illustrations, ti ll what and how to plant and explain tlx
"why and where fori" of sueeessful fcardtnlnir. parents
and teacher wilt welroiiu thin original new Booklet as
tUllnir "a lntr-f It want." Si entleiinrly it the storj told
that children will llnd it ft reading almost as absorbing as
a fairy talol
This t'ntquu Little lliM.k. iimklnir "Tim Lure of tho
Land" appeal to the hearts of children. -is sure of vm h
an enthusiastic wrlmnic everywhere that we have pub
lished a first edition of mie Hum ' hundred and fiug
Ihomtiid eoyitt I
Parents and teachers an well as t lie children them
pelws will ho vitally lnterenu-d In midlnir jire p,;,
10H and 100 of The Ilurper-Annusl, telling about
Now Offer for 1913
thnt can not be equaled elsewhere I
Such values woutd not be jHissible even with us,
had we not increased our acreage in the Beauti
ful IomKJC Valley, California. 1 lere under the
direct ersonal care of the Resident Manager of our
FLOKADALE FARM M7'Ae onw of Ftoun " we
had the paat Reason one hunJrrJ and fifty acrtt oj
SWEET IM AS alone I We hold today the l.rgr.t
lock, of Kli-SELIiCTED SPENt EKS in the wuild.
Six "Superb Spencers"
P OC fln we will mail one fiftcrn-t rut
rur 0 VIS. p.ut. r.uh uf 1 ii'Kiha 1'i.ah
s N, tin uiiuiue ih'W lijht pink, uf huj;t' size shown
ill . uliUfil MU 1'llllMAS Si V I'NMiN, tin- Inten-c
11. iiinnj; m.uiKi', -Ikimi Hi i i 11, n. h Ilusluilwitli
innk,- alstintie ii'KUlar ten i ml it.u krt null o Kin
1 lUVAKii SritNCi K, Intense, nlis.v, laiimiir si ar
U't, Mrs. 1 1 i'cii Picksun, mil pinkish iiptuut nil
ciiMin, also oir' l.uje pai kct (So lo tfo srcils) of Th
N. wBurpee-Hlend of SurpmciiiKljr Superb Spencrrs
for H113. whu li is alHolutrlv unsijUdleit. Willi ;i. h
lolli'itioii we iiulose our l-i-alkt on eultutc.
"LJ 1'un h.isnl separatclv, thi'ie woulil cost 75 cts ,
hut .ill six p.u kcts will he mailed for only 25 eta.
Six "Superfine Spencers"
P,, O C Of- will mail one iej;ular teiw ent
r Ui fcf VIS. ,. Ui tea. hot Amkkk aSI'KM I k,
hunhlly stinii'd tannine it'll nn white, Consi am K
OilM K. tit 11 lose pink on cteatn, I.TIIHL Koosii
VMT, sott ll.tketl Willi hlush-ri iiusdii. -I'l.tiKhM
K Nit. in n, the largest ami hest lav
enilrr, -t ihiiKuh Miikni RT. IiukIH nise-cainiine. anil
Hi Ri'i K's WlilTIt Sl'l Nii'K, the hest jjiant white.
Willi eath lollcitHiii we einlose I eallet on cultuie,
Xv't-'hoiecst seeil jrowu hy iurselves at I'lotatlalc.
Six "Standard Spencers"
P, Of fta we will mail onereeulartcn-crnt
ror ''J Vlo. pat Let each of Kh-sM.1t111.11
Cut'NTKss Sri'M i R, the favorite soft tose-piuL
Hi Ki'i K's Daimv hi'i'M ItR, heautilul pirotce-etlnetl
pink on white,-Cli Ains Ili'Ki, new hne,ht iieam-
llllk, llURI'KK'S OlMlLlO Kl'liNt llll, lit ll lllll
lliaioun, Ill'RPl' K'S Ol HUN VlfUlRIA Sl'HMIR,
primrose, slightly fluslicil with rose. V. T. 1 1 1 1
chins, aprirot, with hliish-pink. These six
packets will he mailetl (with Leullel) for only 25ct,
P, CA CtB we will mail any two of alnive
roi aJ Vla. colltctions anil cue free a
It'KUlar fifteen cent patket of our lovely novelty for
11113, Charm, shown 011 coloretl plate in cataloK-
P fin we will mall all three collections
I Ur tpj.UU as olleretl ahove anil alio one
fiftetn-ctnt patket each 0 the lovely new 1 harm,
the iiitlescent Vi'Kmiimn Hrii.liant, the mw
1U TL1.X SrUM'itR anil the oranee Kari Si'I-nu r
Iheseare all p.u kt tl in a pastelioaril hox together
with our Lealltt on 1 ultuie.
I?This is the Kiratest offer yet matle niul could
not he iluphiatt'il anywhcie else in the woild.
Twenty-two Tested Spencer "f Flyett Floratlalo
Stocks for a Dollar.
Seeds for Children's Gardens Do NOT Forget the Children !
Msnv would tnti)tlrss HVit tn 'linv a mtiniiti'" of
JuhL what hu aru Juini;; tliertfore, ho olfer a pimh-IhI
Ready-Made Collection
Y? OC? fM. we wl11 mU on "Chtl
VlS. tlren's Tacket" eaeh ot semilltt jttantking Atttrt-
Jmptrial ftntaurea. Fordhook yivvrtt IHanthut, Yaritgattd
Tall Vf en Xatturtium, Imptrtt fcrmiirt J'untitt, - f'ordhwk
I'htox ttrummondil.- fturytt m tiuirrb Aj-encrr Jiuttt J'ta til
Inequaled Mlxturit aa irrown Ii us in ('alifuriila. W"rif"i
t'olumhitt Htt,iiurpr' tittldtn ftttHtiim iuftt t "rn Hurjt
J rt berg Lettuce H'Aifs lad An7i Hnt Chalk' ICartg Jttl
Tomato tnirether with the unk "blj. (Ultlrs rjim
KV4U- F01 ks.m Five uf tbi KO collectiurt" (wltli live KhiLs)
will im' mailiMl forSl.Ouand h nt to tlte s taratiMMniNes,
If so i)lnetel. To eaeh atMrrss we will mail alo a freo
py of TK UlTirFKNt'Al, roil 1J1J, if requeetwl on onler.
sPFPI A T Kvi-none li semis an onler for two or
OlTl-wIrl- more eolleeltons of tli tw'tve inirkels
of seeds for the t'hlltln n'H (ianlens a adterturd at Cvttvnt of
Jlr,t cvtumn and meniinnH TIIK OAltttKN ANNl'Al Mill
receive KHKK a full 1ct) ct'iit arkt't of th wnndi-rful New
tirMsof tttnorphuihet a Aurantincn astdiowii (vtlntiil frmn
riaturt.' on 111 of Hi uI'Kk'h Anni'ai, roit 1113 Thlsrn-w
hhrl(t strain of tin tiioxLattraitti Annual Afrlran Daisy
is tht treat nt KuroNaii Novelty for eara.
(tj uahttd, N sun to a or
Burpee's Annual for 1913
The Leading American Seed Catalog,
Mailed Freu to Planter Everywhere
WA .1 r or Burpee Buildings
. Atlee Burpee & Co., Philadelphia
Largest Mail-Order Seed House
An eajy way to protect fruit and vegetabtet under mutlin
Every time )ou auk fur udvrrtlaeU
Kouda Jou lmproir the worhl'H lltrrulurr.