4 PLANTING TABLE-F O R-V E GETABLES spills table holds pood for the latitude of New York. Ten days must be allowed for each 100 miles north or south. The table Is planned especially for the man with a small garden, in which most or all of the work will be done by hand. WHEN TO PLANT NAME 1'LANTINO DEPTH (INCHES) DISTANCE At'AK r (Inciies) COMMENT I I IK luo 1 T INDOORS OUTDOORS THE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION Asparagus Asparagus plants., Heans (bush). Heans (pole) . Beets Cabbage (early) , Cabbage (late). Carrot Cauliflower .March. March. Celery March Corn Cucumber Kgg Plant Endive . Kalu Lettuce .. . . Muskmelon Melon (Watermelon) , Onions Parsley . Parsnip Peas . . . Peppers Potato (Irish) . Pumpkin Radish Rhubarb Roots Salsify (Oyster Plant).., Spinach , Squash Tomato Turnip April-July April. March. March. -March, April. Feb. March. April. April-May. August. May. April-August. May. May. April-July. May. May-June. May-June. April-July. April-May. April-September. May. April-Aug. 10. May-June. May-June. April. April. April. March-June. May-June. (Set out plants.) May-June. May-July. Fcb.-March. April-September. Spring or Fall. April. Mar.-May and Oct, May-June. March- ! May-June, 1 oz. no-so 1 pt. Vi lit. 2oz. Vi oz. Vi 0z. 1 OZ. V. oz. oz. Vi pt. K-oz. 13 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz. Vi oz. Vi oz. for 15 hills. Vi oz. for 15 hills. 1 oz, Vi oz. Vi oz. lqt. 13 oz. 1 pic. for 100 hills. V oz. for 15 hills. 1 oz. .10 1 Vi oz, for Chills. Vi oz. for 250 plants. Vi vs Vi Vi 114 Vi Vi 2Vi F.arly 2 Late 5 Wi Vi 3 1 1 Wi Vi Vi 3loC 10 3 to 6 ft. 3 to 4 ft. IS 13 21 atos 20 -I to 8 30 to 35 Hills 4 ft. 10 to 21 Oto 12 24 G Hills Oft. Hills 8 ft. 0 0 Thick 2 ft. 12 or more. Hills 0 ft. 3 ft. 5 3 Hills 5 ft. 30 Oio asparagus rich, well-drained soil. Plant one-year-old roots ami grow two years before cutting. Mulch with manure in the fall. Make successivo plantings. Plant several kinds to determino which succeeds best in your soil. Plant an abundance to allow for beet greens. Use Early Egyptian. For very early cabbages sow seed in the hot bed and transplant to cold frame in March, Ho sure to try the Savoy. It is unrivalled. Grow French Forcing and plant for a succession. Dri vers' Half-long is good for winter. Likes a cool, rich, moist soil. Grow Paris Golden for an early crop and Boston Market later. Golden Hantam planted every two weeks will give a long succession. Get early "euKcs" by starting seeds in the house or iu a cold frame. Needs a long season. Grow like lettuce, and tie up the leaves to blanch them two or three weeks beforo wnnted. Kale is best after tho frost has touched it. Must bo grown rapidly to bo good. Grow an early kind, like Netted Gem, in the North. Put manure in the hill. Ask your seedsman to recommend a variety. Use mnnuro in the hill. Plant Danvers Yellow Globe and keep the ground well cultivated. Soak tho seed over night in lukewnrm wnter. Uso the Student in tho homo garden. Mako tho ground very fine nnd plant for a succession. Must bo started under cover. Irish Cobbler is a good early sort and Green Mountain n reliable late variety. Pumpkins may bo planted iu tho corn or beside the com post heap. Plant every ten days for a long season. Rhubarb crates heavy feeding with manure every fall. May be left iu tho ground like parsnips until spring. Sowed in tho fall and covered with a light litter spinach will give an early spring crop. Grow on tho edge of tho garden and let tho vines run on tho grass to save garden space. Feed the plants during the season lnstend of making tho ground very rich. Grow Extra Early White Milan nnd Whito Egg. Ml I