Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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One Democrat After Another Gets
Turned Down.
Opposition In nrrn ItoptnK to lie
Able to Land Man from Alma an
Secretary of Asrrlrollnre with
Some Iteservntlons.
(l-Yoni a (Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 2S.-Spectal.)-nother
good democrat walked out ot
the office of the governor this morn
ng all covered with ore spots. This
man lives In Lincoln, J. W Hhlnehart.
and he had been promised the office of
food commissioner, which yesterday waa
given to Clarance Hat man, so ho re
narked. Another man. who had been announced
ij a game warden, from Superior. Mr.
Weaver, also went away, a very and
and more dleappolnted than appointed
man. Prom the governor's offlcs It was
announced that .Mr. Weaver had not been
ippolnted, even though Mr. Weaver, him
sefl may have riven out the Rood news,
It waa all a mistake, which, of course,
does not help the man from Superior.
In the meantime, Governor Morehead
and the Job .hunting; democratic party
have no more worries than does Gen
eral Custodian Charlie Ilryan, who by
the time he gets to Florida, will receive
newi which probably will tend to take
ome of the pleasure out of his visit.
It l th report circulated at the stato
House this morning that ex-Governor
Shallenberger turned down the Job on
the State Hoard of Control because his
friends believe he has a good chance to
become secretary of agriculture undr
President Wilson. It has lone ben
known that such a plaoe would be appe
lated by tha Alma man. Of course, the
antl-Dryan faction Is booming the ex-
governor for the place. They pretend tn
hope for success, even though they realUo
a postcard to Mr. Wilson signed "C. W.
for W. J. B," probably would put them
out of tha running. They are hoping
that Senator Hitchcock may be able to
hobble some of the Bryan Influence at
Arthur Mullen still has In his claim for
$500 for helping the court see that the Ne
braska guaranty bank deposit law was
i-onstltutolnal. This clsim waa cut In two
by the last legislature and then Governor
Atdrlch lopped orf the other half, which
left the late goneral manager nothing.
Mr. Mullen made no charge for forcing
the legislature to pass the bill. He be
lieves he la enttleld to fay for saving its
(Continued from Page One,)
a" reasonable doubt, their names ' "wlTT
be written there.
Attorney General Glrea Opinion on
KmplnyeV HntnHea. , ,
(Fron a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. .-8pccluU-lf
lie follows the instructions ot Attorney
General Martin. Auditor Howard will
draw' warrants for employes of the legis
lature whenever employe present
vouchers signed by the speaker or the
president of the senate, unless the
auditor la satisfied no labor has been
When Speaker Kelley certified to a list
of employes selected by the employe'
rommlttee there were eighty-nine names
on the list Instead ot eighty-two. Auditor
Howard asked the attorney general for
an opinion aa to whether he could pay
more, employes than the law allowed the
legislature to hire. Attorney General
Martin said the legislature had appropri
ated tl,000 to pay the legislators and
employes and in the appropriation bill
directed the auditor to issue warrants
upon certificates or vouchers signed by
he speaker or president ot the senate.
Under this, act Hie attorney general
held the auditor waa required to issue
warrants up to this amount, but ho
should Issue no warrants when, the
amount called for per diem waa mora
than the law provided, or when he was
sure no services had been performed1.
Ilegardlnr tha number ot employes the
attorney general held until the legisla
ture repealed the statutes the number
waa still limited. He advised the auditor,
However, to pay all the help as certified
10 htm by the proper officers.
Ureatest JVamber of One Kind De
voted to This Habject.
(From a htaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan, 2S.(Special.) -Mills
introduced in the house and prlntc1
are divided up as follows;
Appropriations, it; affecting agricul
ture, t; apportionment, 2; blue sky, I,
Itles and towns, constitutional amend,
meats. Hi oode. I; county boundaries, i;,
corporations. 1: civil service, 2; drainage,
1, employees' liability, 7; elections, 8; fees
and salaries, IS; township treasurers, I;
district Judges, 1; district attorney, 1; Jus
tices of the peace, I; fish and game, u;
Insurance, 5; irrigation. 1; labor laws, ';;
liquor laws, S; live stock and graalng, i;
medical laws, S; marriage and divorce, ;
motor vehicles, 1; public schools, 13: rail
roads. 17; revenue and taxation, 11; com
merce, S; roads and bridges, 15; state
boards, 2; state fiscal agent, I; telephone,
telegraph and electrio light company, 1,
ind university, 1.
Souse Would Havr Provisions ex
tended Ho Ksecntlve Jobs,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb-, Jan. X.-(8peolal.)-The
latest "general talk" around the
legislature is for an amendment to the
anti-lobby law. jnaklnr Its provisions
tpply to the office of the governor,
rbe democrats insisted on the president
elllng Just who recommended candidates
for positions on the federal bench and
It fcaa been suggested that this demo
cratlo house could make a start right at
horn by ha1n gevery person coming
in to see the governor for a Job for him
aef or a friend, register and file a
itatement Just wbo he wants appointed
r what Job he want hlmstlf.
Assistant Sercsreant-at-Arm Given
Ilia Walklna? Papers.
(From a .Htaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Jan. . (Speclal.)-The
jous c&rnmittee on employee, la so strong
that It has cqtridden. the house caucus
and' has discharged an employe who was
iscted at the same time the speaker was
thoseo. Assistant Sergent-at-Arms Tlm-
rnons got his walking paper today from
the committee, representative Jackson
s ha doubts the ability of the employes
committee to fire Anyone selected b the
caucus. The committees order stands,
however, until changed by the house.
i.AiiTMx; visits station
Stntr Senator limped Work lliine
nt North Pintle. ,
(Fiorn a Staff Coi respondent. t
LINCOLN. Jen. . (Hperlnl.)-Senutor
H. H. Dartllng. chairman of the commit
tee on public lands and building, re
turned this morning from a trip to sUte
Institutions at North Plstle and OetieVa.
He wag accompanied to North Platte by
Senator Hoaglnnd of that city and iu
company with him visited the state ag
ricultural experiment station there.
He says that everything la looking (In
at the station and that good work Is being-
done. They would like some :.ew
buildings, but It will be up to the legis
lature to say whether they will have their
wishes granted.
At Geneva he found the Industrial
School for Olrls In good shape and In Us
normal condition, for his visit came as
n surprise to the management, and in
consequence he was able to get a tine
on things without the conditions being
fixed up to meet the Investigation.
The senator hellnvtit that the srhool
needs a now dormitory, which could also
be used as a chapel, and outside of that
li Jn excellent shape.
Former Popnllm Heerrlarr Will Test
for District.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 25.-(Hpeclal.)-Oovornor
Morehead has appointed E. A, Walrath,
for many years secretary of the populist
atato committee, a deputy oil inspector
His district will be assigned later. I If
also announced the reappointment of Mir
Cothorine Ilrown as stenographer In the
office of food commissioner.
House Urged to Pass
Bill to Protect Birds
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2d. The .Mclean
bill, extending federal protection to all
American migratory birds, has passed the
senate without a dissenting vote and un
doubtedly will bo favorably acted upon
by the house at this session, Thorti seems
to bo absolutely no opposition to this
measure, for which John Hurroughs,
Ernest Thompson Heton, aifford Plnchot,
Dr. W. T. Hornnday, the Audubon
societies and practically all of the coun
try's most prominent lovers of wild life,
havo united In a persistent endeavor for
Immediate action. In spite of the rush In
1lii house to complete the work of this
session It Is now generally conceded that
this bill will not be overlooked. The
public sentiment for It Is strong and the
nerd for it Is great.
"No question us to the constitutionality
of a law extending federal protection to
migratory birds can bo successfully raised
In tha opinion of far bettor lawyers tl(Rti
I am." said aifford Plnchot today. "Tim
provisions of the constitution under which
congress controls Interstate commerce
anl regulates the nation's rvcts and
harbors are ample to cover the protection
of our migratory birds. k
vi'JYe musLget Immediate action tit. t
.this matter,", continued Mr. Plnchot, who
Is deeply Interested. "The stale laws
afford no real proteetloiwand never can,
for the birds move from stain to state,
and their protection In one stato oftoti
erieourges their slaughter In another
Already soma of our most valuable birds
have entirely disappeared. Forests and
crops suffer heavily because or uie
marked decrease of Insect-eating birds.
The loss to the country at large from the
devastations of harmful -Insects can
hardly bo estimated, It probably runs
Into the billions annually. Against It thu
birds are our only effective defense. Our
forests and our farms need their pro
tection badly. A young robin eats morn
than Its own weight In Insects every day.
That gives some Idea of what the count
less thousands of our birds accomplish
for us."
Stops Issuing Passes
and Freight Falls Off
nHNVtEn. Colo.. Jan. 25. John F. Val-
lery, general agent of the Chicago, llur
llnston & Qulncy railroad, told Interstate
Commerce Commissioner Harlan today
that his road discontinued tn issuance nr.
tuuaea In Colorado .five years ago and
that Its freight business had suffered per
ceptibly In consequence.
Most of the session of the pass hearing
this morning waa taken up with the tes
timony of Colorado shippers. Most of
them admitted using passes, but little evi
dence was produced regarding express oi
telephone franks.
It was itated unofficially today that
Commissioner Harlan has begun an In
vestigation of the expense accounts of
federal officers In Colorado to rind out
whether or not any of them have charged
mileage up to the government when trav
eling on passes.
Human Bomb is
Convicted by Jury
LOB ANGELES, Cal., Jan. Si.-Carl
niedelbach, the "human bomb," who
terrorised the Central Police station sev
eral months ago, when he entered It
carrying an infernal machine and culmly
announced that he intended to blow
everything to "kingdom come," was con
victed today by a Jury on the charge of
having deposited dynamite tn an in
habited place. The conviction ended
flledelbach's second trial, the first having
resulted In a disagreement.
HteJelbach, who was pronounced sane
by al entsts, considered the proceedings
something to laugh at. All during hie
trial he "Joshed" policemen and Jetec
Uvea who testified against him.
CHICAGO. Jan. 26. Announcement waa
made today that John D. Iloakefeller bad
pledged JSO.0.0 to the Northern Baptist
convention provided the convention
raises 1123.000 more than last year, when
tUKS.OOO was obtained. Mr. Rockefeller
has promised to give an additional P1000
If the convention can get a second SUa.
CO?. The total of tlOOuO would be for use
of six auxiliary societies of 'the conven
tion, and bo devoted principally to home
and foreign missions and publication
work. The Northern Haptlit convention
Is a, central body ot the Baptist cITjrches
of the north. It has a constituency of
Teachers' Guild in Constitution Give
View of Situation.
Deelnrntlnn .Mnilr (hat (irnft nml
Sperlnl Prlvllefte Pretall lo
In mil ii k Druprr Where
Lena! Snspected.
(From a Staff CorrcsDondonL)
LINCOLNY Jan. . (8pecll.) The
Teachers' guild of Nebraska, recently or
ganized, has adopted h lengthy constitu
tion and by-laws attached to a preamble
which rx)kB at the present system of leg
islation In the state and nation nml sets
out the fact that superintendents and
teaohors are dominated by politicians and
the schools arc exploited by text book
companies, teachers' agencies and supply
The preamble says among other things:
The whole educational scheme of tbe
United States In ton desultory to produce
a code of ethics which In sound In pilti
clpln nnd ll nil In if In Its effects upon
teacher, The teacher or superintendent
who stands against these Influences en
counters lniiniunte hostility, anu witnout
the backing of an organized Drofesslon
for his ethical nnd profoenlonal Ideals of
punuc sc-vicc encounters an organizes op
position from an "Invisible machine"
which operates In every state In the union
and whose oornlclous Influence han re
tarded to ii marked degree the higher
Btfirrfurds or service.
Graft and special Pilvlli-Kti prevail In an
alarming degree even whete we have
right to, expect the highest honesty and
Integrity. The people nro calling for a
restoration of optiinr authority mid nre
relegating to tho scrap heap the rafter,
the riiigster, the special privilege, tho
"Interest" and tho professional politician,
and nie calling for n higher quality of
public servlrn. There Is no legitimate
reason for the teaching prufewilon. which
should lead In all matters of higher ethics
In citizenship, to cling to these relics of
the days of Hnte-consclence awakening
when the public at largo Is struggling to
relievo itself from them.
lt us arlse.ln the strength of our In
telligence and conscience and suy to those
who would corrupt or offend or destroy
tho least of our fellows, hands off; let
us teach by example; let us exemplify
In our own lives those ethical principles
wo teach so beautifully to the rising
Wo bellevo the workman Is worthy of
his hire, and that to be rated as a
prosperous calling tha profession should
yield to those well prepared not only a
competence, but a little, morn In order
that those who contemplate teaching as
a life work may not look forward tp de
pendent' old age.
Tho (ifflco of state superintendent of
publla Instruction Is like shlrtlm: sands,
Within the last three years as many men
have occupied this Important office euch
havlnif his own notions of administration
and of the Important leatures of our
system which should be built up or those
which should be destroyed, and having
his own Interpretation of tho laws and
rules until many of our laws and rules
at tho present time are uncertain In
force and diameter and wo know not
whither we nre bound. The office of
superintendent of public Instruction of
the stute. should be relieved fioin oil ties,
short terms and Inadequate sulary.
More Society Poker
Players Arrested
NIJW YORK, Jan. 2.1.-Tho secbiid raid
within a weok disclosing alleged gambling
among women nt ioker In uptown apart
ment houses, was rurrled out by the po
lice, lo,te last night, it was learned today.
Aiscpr6 of men 'and women ih evening
dress weVe arrested, Including a hand
sonirly gowned young. woman who said
she was Mrs. Alice Merrill, for whose
arrest the detectives carried warrants
charging her' with maintaining a gam
bling house. Hlio was locked up, not
withstanding her protests that she wa
only entertaining a few guests at cards.
Tho arrests wero mndo by detectives,
who succeded In getting places at the
poker tables without tholr Identity being
suspected, the methods which wero suc
cessfully used about a week ago In a
raid upon a similar party.
MOOADOIl, Morocco, Jnn. "IK.-Hcuvy
losses wero Inflicted on a large forco of
Moorish rebels, who hint night attauked
u French expeditionary column near IIiIh
place, Tho fighting was severe for some
hours and 300 Moor a were killed or
wounded. They wero finally routed
and fled, but tho French wero unable to
pursue, them owing to the smallness of
their forces, Tho French casualties were
eight killed nnd forty-opo wounded.
(Continued from Page One.)
Dakota, recently indicted for fruudulcnt
use of the mulls.
There wus a great deal of surprise
among tho South Uukolu representatives
here when they learned ot Mr. Wagner's
visit to tha department In connection with
this case, us his recent resignation from
office was occasioned by his apparently
hostile attitude toward Hyde when he I
was asked to appear at u hearing on
Hyde's application for pardon.
The department of state today said
that Mr. Wugner eHnio voluntarily ut
this time nnd wns giving any light he
could upon the case. Mr. Wagner would
not discuss the affair In auj way.
An extension of thirty days ivni
recently granted on Hyde's application
for pardon so that all partlts Interested
could bq heard before the record wus
placed bcfoie the president, nnd It la
presumed that Mr. Wagner Is hero In
this connection In this hearing.
Mioshonea' Cone lip.
Accompanied by three Shoshone In
dians, G. M. Tunison of Omaha, appeared
today before the sub-committee of the
Indian commission lo urge the passage
ot a bill to have Shoshone paid for land
turned over to the Arapahoe for whloh
the government has never made returns.
The Arapahoe were present also, und
members of both tribes made statements
before the committee through an Inter
preter. Agent Norris of the Indian bu
reau was present as a friend to both pur
ties. The Arapahoes were represented
by a local attorney. Tho Indians claimed
that because they were friendly to the
government they had never received as
much consideration from X"ncle Sam as
had tribes which Jhad fought the govern
ment and fiercely pushed their claims
ayfoh as the Choyennes and flloux. and
urged that this .was unjust and entitled
them now to generous treatment. They
recited (ho history of both tribes from tha
time they were put on the Shoshone re
servation tn Wyoming In 1877.
Representative Mondell and Senator
Clark of Wyomlnjf have Introduced bills
tn have the claims of the Arapahoes set
tled by (he government, and a further
Inuring In to be had by the committee at
an early date of the several measures.
Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising
Fresno Police Say
They Have Notorious
Swindler in Custody
FRKSNn. Cal Jan. William J.
I Held, who said he Is a Chicago business
j man. Is locked up here on a charge of
having attempted to swindle the Commer
cial bank of the town of Sanger out of
IH.8M. The authorities assert that Held Is
j one of the most notorious bank swlndlerr.
In the country. The arrest was made last
Tuesday at Sanger, but Held was lot
formally booked hern until last nUht.
after n preliminary examination, at which
ho admitted ho wus guilty.
Rcld says he Is president of the Na
tional Automobile Protective association
of Chicago, also president of the William
J. teld Manufacturing company ot that
dry, with offices In the Seeger building.
28 Kust Jackson boulevard.
A sister. Miss Kthel Held, was sum
moned to Fresno by Reld yesterday.
Held went under the name here of 8. F.
Ctoft. Last Saturday he deposited a dmft
for J11.SM with the bank at Banger, saying
he was planning real cstato purchases in
the town. .Several days later Held tele
phoned to tha bank from Fresno, asking
If he might present a check on his draft.
Tlie hank, which had learned that the
draft was a fornory. told him to do so.
lie was arrested when he appeared.
At the Jail ho was divested of a red
wig and was found to bo wearing two
complete suits of clothes.
A small printing outfit was found In his
Several days before his arrest Reld had
deposited 11,000 In a Fresno bank.
CHICAGO. Jan. 30.-Accordlng to tha
Chicago telephone directory a William
J. Reld has an office In the fltcger build
ing, 2 Hunt Jackson boulevard. His name
Is not listed In the city directory.
Hotel Windows Are
Broken During Riots
NKW YORK, Jan. 2J.-A detail of 2.600
extra potlco was distributed through the
hotel district today In an effort to check
further rioting of striking waiters. Spe
cial officers are assisting the uniformed
force nnd the sheriff Is ready to swear
In any number of deputies to cope with
the situation. With these precautions
tnkeu, the Hotel Men's association said
today that the Idea of calling on the gov
ernor for the national guard had been
Officers of the International Hotel
Workers' union estimated that 4,000 wait
ers and kitchen holpera wero out.
Last night's serious rioting In which
hotel windows wero broken and pedes
trians shoved from tha sidewalks hast
had the effect of clinching the hotel
men's determination not to yield to the
strikers' demands. Many of tho big
hotels arc crippled, but nonunion help !s
being engaged wherever possible.
The strikers demand, among other
things, moro pay, bettor food and the
abolition of fines.
Live Baby is Sent
by Parcel Post
IJATAVIa; 0 Jan. 25.-Vcrnon O. Lyt
tle, mall carrier on rural route No. 5
out of this place, Is tho first man to ac
cept nnd deliver under parcel post condi
tions u live baby. The baby, a boy,
weighing ten und three-quarters pounds,
Just within the eleven-pound weight
limit, Is tho child of Mr. nnd Mrs, Jesse
Ucngle of Near Glen. The package was
well wrapped and ready for "mailing"
when the currier got It today. Its
measurement reached seventy-ono Inches,
also Just within tho law, which makes
seventy-two Inches tho limit. Mr. Lytttn
delivered tho "parcel'' safely to the ad
dress on tho card attached, that of Its
Kiaudmothcr, Mrs. Louis Bctigle, who
lives about a mile from Its home. Tho
postage was 13 cents nnd tho "parcel"
wan insured for JW.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2S.-Dcslgn for
the memorial to Major Archibald W.
Ilutl, personal aldo to President Taft,
and Francis D. Millet, the urtlst, two
Wushtngtoiilans lost with the Titanic,
wits approved today by the president.
The memorial, n fountain, with a shaft
rising from its center, will bo on public
grounds near the White House. On one,
side of tho Bhuft will bo a figure In bas-
relief representing urt, nnd on the oppo
site u figure representing an armed
knight, panlel French, a New York
architect, designed the memorial,
CHICAGO, Jnn. 2S.-Robert E. Burke.
fdrmer city oil Inspector and u local
democratic leader, was Indicted today on
a charge of embezzling W.000 of the
county democracy's- funds while secre
tary of tho organization. The Indictment
Is the result of a factional fight between
member of Iho organization, Durke
charges that the club owes him l7,0oo.
Leaves Kidneys In Weakened Condition,
Doctori, In all parts of the country have
been kept busy with the epidemic ot grip
whloh hus visited so many homes. The
symptoms ot grip this1 year arc very dls.
tresulng and leave the system tn a run
down condition, particularly the kidneys
which seem to suffer most, as every vlo
tint oomplalns of lame back and urinary
troubles which should not be neglected,
as theso danger signals often lead to
more serlouq Mckness, such oa dreaded
llri (flit's Disease, !.ocal druggists re
port a large sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root whloh so many people say soon
heals and strengthens the kidneys after
an attack of grip. Swamp-Root Is u great
kidney, liver and bladder remedy, and,
being an herbal compound, has a gentle
henllng effect on the kidneys, which Is
almost Immedlatvly noticed by those who
try It. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ulnghamton,
N. Y , offer to send u, sample bottle of
Swamp-Root, free by n.all, to every suf
ferer who requests It. A trial will con
vince uny one who may be In need of It.
Regular size bottles COc and $1.00. For
sale at all druggists. Uo sure to mentlop
this paper.-Advertisement.
Court Says Company Must Know
Who Sends Message.
With One IJnr .More of Cqnntlnn,
Council lllnffa Man Htxtr Votes
Ahead of (inodrrln In Fight
for fienntr Sent.
From a Staff Conespondent.)
UKS MOINKS, la.. Jan. 25.-(Speclal
Telegram.)-Responslblllty for knowing
that a telegram Is sent by the person
In authority was fixed b thn lnv .
premo court today on the telegraph com
pany sending the same.
In a suit by tho Citizens National bank
of this city td recover SMO from the West
em Union Telegraph company, the court
held that the company was negligent In
delivering to the bank what purported
to be a message from the United States
National bank of Omaha thr v.... an
directing the Des Moines bank to pay 1500
to one Clarence King without Identifica
tion, it was shown that a messenger
boy waa called to tha bank In nmohn
et the message and a stranger In tho
luinuur gave it to him.
Klmliall JVearm Victory.
The Pottawattamie county contest on
senator was not finished today, but It
will take one moro day of counting bal
lots. At tho close of the count today
It showed Kimball, republican, sixty
ahead of Goodwin: nearly every precinct
made slight changes, but Kimball lost
tho most during the count of the day.
In the Foley-Jacobson contest for a
house seat from Audubon county, was de
cided that counting should begin next
In tho CuKburn GUIettft rant mm l u.
senate action was iostponed until Tuoa-
Mny Identify Assailant.
It seems almost certain that Charles
Uriar, the wounded ex-flreman who was
shot a few days ago by a robber, will be
able to Identify Thomas Burns oa tho
man who assaulted him. Burns waa taken
to Uie hospital today where Briar de
clared that In all respects he resembled
his assailant. August Sunleak Is also de
tained by the police as one who aided
In the attempted murder
The police nre making some headway
In unraveling the mystery of the large
number of crimes committed hero re
cently. nevrrldRc to Aloooers.
Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana, arrived
In the city at noon to attend a big rally
of the bull moose party of Iowa, and
this evening ho addressed a banquet flt
length. Bc,vcridgo was entertained at the
Doa Moines club nfter which ho enter
tained himself a moving picture show.
About 300 -members of the progressive
Party from outside the city attended the
banquet and It was decided that he
work of organizing should bo conlnued.
Original Design of
Yacbt America Found
WORCESTER Mass.. Jan. -!,-.a
Wooden model believed tn hfl tilt rtrlvf nil
psien of the famous yacht America,
Which I'Atlt llrH f liu Tlnv.l. V U a c
. awjo.i- i nvui OijUHU
cup In 1U1, was found today among
I'.lln, sin pa.I m, I. - V. , . - . .
-. as. mo iicuuijuancrs or we
local Grand Army post.
.Congressman Butler Ames, whn flivn.
the America, has asked the. nnst tn u.ii
him tho modl, which he wishes tn nre.
sent to the New York Yacht club, holder
of the cup. He says that the model dis
appeared after it had been taken from
the cabin of the America when tho yacht
was scuttled In St. John's river, Florida,
by confederates, who had used it as n
The America Is now tied Un In Fnrt
Point channel. It Is still In excellent con
dition and probably will be under sail
The Persistent ana Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Port Artlmr Klevntnra Poll.
WINNIPEG, Man.. Jan. 25.-The Cana
dian Northern Railway company today
announced that an embargo had been
Placed on all grain shipments to Port
Arthur, Out., by that railroad, owing to
congestion at terminal elevators.
Laundry Specialists
Is Particular y Applicable to Omaha's
Quality Laundry
They can relieve you of all washing worries, no
matter what the character of the workand save
you money as compared to the home laundering.
A trial convinces.
1 1. ' TTSt.
Burglars Steal...
stracts, Insurance Policies and Receipts, should be kept In
A Safety Deposit Box
in our absolutely burlar and fire proof vault, Our vault Is
the most convenient In Omaha, being on the ground floor
of the Bee Building. No stairs to climb- Boxes rent $3.00
American Safe Deposit Vaults
U18 South 17th St. Bee DuUding.
Do Not Neglect Your Watch
It la a delicate piece of machinery and must ha
cleaned and oiled not less than every 18 months If
you would realise perfect service and a lifetime
wear Let us examine your watch without cost
and advise Us condition. All work guaranteed,
S3XH Soath 16t& fttreat.
Wilson Probably Will
Ask Repeal of Free
Tolls Provision
WASHINGTON. Jan. S6.-Chalrman
Adamson of the house commerce commit
tee. In a formal statement todav. ore-
dlctd that one of President-elect Wilson's
Hrst requests upon the Incoming congress
would be for a repeal of the free passage
provision in the Panama canal act, apply
ing to American ships.
"If Secretary Knox succeeds In avoiding
or postponing the demands of England,"
said Mr. Adamson. "he will undoubtedly
j also remove all foundation for the Illog
ical claims of our people, who say they
are opposed to subsidies, but still favor
discrimination In favor of coastwise
ships from tolls, which Is a subsidy
England may Justly complain that if the
canal Is to be used as an Instrument to
distribute, subsidies under the treaty,
these subsidies must be equal to all na
tions. "The true Issue for u to determine is.
shall we rob our own people by an un
just discrimination to enrich the coast
wise shipping trust? I would not at all
object to a brush with England If we
had a Just cause, but It looks very fool
ish and unprofitable to maintain any sort
of row with it, commercial, diplomatic or
warlike, to defend the Infliction of an
Incidental discrimination caused by the
Immoral and. unjust robbery of our
treasury and the masses of the people
to confer benefits upon a special Inter
Frank 8, Itnrmnn.
FAIRBURY. Neb., Jan. 2S.-(8pcclaI.)-Frank
8. Burman, formerly of Falrbury,
died In Arizona and hla body will bo
brought home for burial. Mr. Burman
was born near DeWitt. Neb., October IS,
1KB. He came to Falrbury with his
parents from Crab Orchard In 1900, He
mode Falrbury his home until last fall,"
when he left for Arizona. He Is survived
by his parents, three brothers and two
sisters. '
-Mrs. Mnrizuerlte Wonders.
WYMORE, Neb.. Jan. 2S.-(8peclai.)-Mrs.
Marguerite Wonders died
home in Blue Springs last night after a
prolonged Illness. She was aged 85 vears.
7 months and 21 days. Three sons sur-
vivo her She had lived In Blue Snrlmrs
over thirty years.
M'COOtC, Neb.. Jon. 25. (Special.)
Mnest u. Emerllng of Johnstown, Pa,,
and Miss Lillian M. Caldwell of Holll
dayamtrg. Pa., were married In this
city last cvonlng, Rov. Neal Johnson of
tho Methodist church officiating.
Chester W. Clcghorn of South Omaha
and Mary Munsel of South Omaha woi
married by William Altstadt. Justice of
tho peace, Wednesday at J o'clock, at his
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Vetrrun Aecnieil of Slarder,
LBAVEN.WORTH, Kan., Jan. 21.
Henry Franks,' an Inmate of tho National
Soldiers' home here, was 'arrested tonight
Charged with killing Joseph Guyer, a
comrade In the home, who died early to
day from a fractured skull. Franks ad
mitted 'tonight that ho had a fight with
Guyer and hit him on the head with an
empty bottle.
Becker's Chnaffear Arrested.
PATERSON, N. J Jan. 24,-Otto
Aversl. Charles Becker's chauffeur on
the night Herman Rosenthal was mur
dered In New York City, Is under arrest
here with two companions, pending an
Investigation by the police Into the death
of Louis Payne, a farmer of Butler, N. J.
Payne was found dead on the Pompton
turnpike recently after a collision be
tween his wagon and an automobile.
All Work Guaranteed
Pricaj ReasonabU
18th a Harney
You Should - '
Enjoy Your Meals
On of the Most Important Questions
to Consider in tho Search for
Happiness and Health.
If your stomach can not digest your
food, what will? Where's the relief? Th
answer Is In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
because, as all stomach troubles arlss
from Indigestion and because one Ingredi
ent of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is abln
to thoroughly and completely digest 3,00)
grains of food, doesn't It stand to reason
that these tablets are going to digest nil
the food and whatever food you put Into
your stomach?
Ton Can Bat With the Appstite of i
iW7 xomuratr, ir Ton Ktlp
Tour Stomach.
Bclence nowadays can digest food with
out having it enter the stomach at all.
And Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the.
result of this scientific discovery. They
digest and digest thoroughly and wull.
anything and everything you eat.
The burning question to you is. "Ar
you getting out of life all the pleasure
and health you are entitled to?" If not,
why not?
No matter whether every organ atut
member of your body Is In a sound stato
of health and strength, If your stomach
Is In any way disordered, you are not
going to be "yourself." You are going
to be a worried, out-of-sorts, nervous or
sullen Individual, whose actions will re
fleet your condition Inside, and people
will naturally avoid you.
So, If your stomach refuses to work of
can't work, and you suffer from eructa
tions, bloat, brash, fermentation, bilious
ness, sour stomach, heartburn, Irritation,
Indigestion, or dyspepsia of whatever
form, Just take one or two of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, and see the differ
ence. It doesn't coBt you much to prova
it. Then you can eat all you want, what
you want, whenever you want. If you uso
these tablets, and you can look tho wholo
world In the face with a beaming eye and
you will have a cheerful spirit, a pleasant
face, a vigorous body and a clear mlml
and memory and everything will look and
taste delicious to you. That's life.
(Jet a 60 cent box of Stuart's Dyspepsia,
Tablets at any drug store.
Cuts on
We have ono of tho largest
stocks of patents in the city,
and our unusual business in
this department enables us
to carry fresh goods at all
times. WJe Bave you money
at every turn. Note special
prices below for tomorrow's
ll.OO.Hyomei on
at OZfC
$1.00 D. D. D., for nn
Uie tkln OUC
$1.00 T. T. T., exceptionally
good for all skin 7
troubles O C
50c Herpiclde a
at 40C
All 50c Patents a r
at 45C
All $1.00 Patents on
at ,6yc
25c Beaton's Cold Tablets,
our guarantee with every
box, special tomor- Qfk
row iSUC
Llsterlne. 89J, OP.
45 and ... .OC
Glycothymoline, q C
8. 456 and.. OC
Persino, for exces- g
slve perspiration.. MpC
25c Peroxide of rj
Hydrogen C
'Follow tho Beaton Path."
Drug Co.
Famam & 15th Sts.
Dirok Habit Destroys
ike business Habit
Eighty Per Cent of Business Fail
ures Are the Direct Result of Ex
cessive Uso of Alcoholic Liquors.
Business men who drink and
who wish to avoid failure, should
take the Neal Drink Habit Treat
ment, which Is a harmless, vegeta
ble remedy that will remove all
craving for drink in three days,
without the use of painful, dan
gerous hypodermic injections.
The man with an alcohol poi
loned brain cannot successfully
compete with the sober man
whose brain la clear and active.
Therefore, if you cannot stop
drinking, and do not wish to have
your sober competitor fall heir to
your business, you should take the
Neal Treatment for three days,
and get back in the sober class,
where you belong.
If you wish to stop drinking and
desire further information regard
ing the Neal Drink or Drug Habit
Treatment, call at Omaha Neal
Institute, 1602 South Tenth St.,
or write or phone Douglas 7556.
We've Customers
1,000 Miles Away
Parcel Post Makes It Possible.
Dry Cleaners
rhone TyUr 348.