6 ME LIEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, .JANUARY LV, liMH. I TlIE OMAHA DAILY BEE rouNUBu uy KtnvAnp kosbwatbh VICTOR noSKWATKU. BDITOIt 11EE nriKDINO. KAItNAM AND lTTtl. Kntered at Omalia postofflce as Hnd-. ! matter TEII.MS OK SL'USClUJTiON: . Sunday Utr, one year ,..:ji!:w I Saturday H9A.vuno.ymn1. l.SO Dally Ie, wllhont Sunday, one yer. 4.W uaiiy life, ana Mjnusy. on year...... o.w DEUVKP.BD UV CAimtKn. Kvening and Sunday, per month.'-' Evening without Sundav. per mmttli.. 2V Dally flee, Including Sunday, per mo. jc DAlly n, without Sunday. per mo... 4fcj Address all complaints or Irtegularltles In delivery to CIU ClrciiMion Pept. ItBMlTTANCB. Remit by drntt, express or postal order, payable to Tho lies Publishing company. Only J-rent stamps tmlil In payment of iroall accounts. Personal checks, ex cert on Onmba and eastern u.xpln)bR. net accepted. ' . . , J OFKICKB. . .. Omha-Tn Bee building South Omaha-MK N street. ; Council Hldifs-H North Main street JJnroln-K Utile bull dine Chicago l4l Marquette building. Kansas Clty-ltellame building. New York-54 West Thlrty-tlilld. Kt I.ouls Frisco building Washington- Fourlenth St.. N. V.f COnRKHrbNDENaB." CommunlCHtlons relatins to nw nd editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Uce., nailorial department, ' rjll llKTlCJ rtCUT-ATION I 49,044 Plate of Nebraska, County of DoUxlas, ss: Dwight Williams, rlrcutntlop malinger of Tlio Heo Publishing company. bMng duly sworn, says that th arerHge dally circulation for the month of December, im, was ,W4. DWIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager, Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before mo this 31st dav of December, law. nonnitT hunter. (Seal.) Notary Public. ffnbsetitiera lenrluu tli city trtnporarlly should linv Tlic.llc.? mailed to (lirm. Aildrrss rlll be t'haneed na often n reiineatpil. What Is balmier than a January day Jn Nebraska? Nebraska has ample Vensbu crow over its poultry production. to All .money Is supposed to talk, and hush money sometimes fairly yells, Tho humor of tho Castro case is that his attorney is- named, Content Again tho laugh la on tho folks who went away to escape tho rlgora of a winter at-liomo. - A Harvard professor saya plgeona can fall In love. Sure, they boiong to the dovo family. No; doubt, however, that Mr. Wil liam ' Rockefeller's physician, will ho nblo to savo his throat. The American public, wo .opine, will not bo amazed to know that tho "steel mills uro party to a pool," Nebraska laiy-makora aro by law golngThtjOp" loqlllng. Our dead letter no-treat law may expect com pany. Tho son of the fighting California governor has developed Into 'HnYSs plrlng pugilist family. It must run In tho In the meantime tho need of a nrtion passenger Btntion In Omaha Is not oven denied by tho railroad people. It is announced that Lincoln's temperanco hotol has changed hands. What? Getting ready to reopen tho bar room? The former"; Hearst Editor- named Moonoy rcjnted the Inside, facts about tho money .paid for those Archbold letters. 1; i 1 The woman cartoonist wtib bo comes famous by marrying a'down-nnd-out jitigillst must bavo'dcspnlrcd of famdJaBnn artist. 1 For tho Wrlln the city who hnvo never been on tho farm, the-slogan should be made. "Forward to tho laqd," instead of back. Tito odds aro hoay tha't Omaha's Hew million-collar hotel will bo tie livorcd and .receipted for ' olicad ot the oft-promised power canal. It was nn accident, of courso, but a most remarkable coincident, that a jfoung. McCormlck should be struck by former Senator Lorlmer's auto mobile. It is to bo hoped tho justico or thb peace advocating 3G per cent as a fair rate of interest to o charged by loan sharks is actuated by altru istic motives. It goes without saying that our flve-thousaud-dollar-a-yenr water commissioner is the "honestest" man in Nebraska. No proof is necessary, for tie admits it. After thla when Tho Jlee gives warning that a railroad Is about to movo another department to Chi cago, our amiable hyphenated con temporary will doubtless simply ro priut the fact and lot it go at that. The president, of our Commercial club has been made one ,of the di rector of. the national organisation t the Chambers of Commerce, which is a tribute to Omaha's growing commercial importance triat will bo 1uly appreciated. Tue only. wonder Is that our great tand hill engineer and prairlo navi gator should bo content to confine his hydraulic activities to a little town like Omaha, or a little state like Nebraska,' when tho, water power eites of tUW- universe Uro being cov etously threatened by the great Klectrlcal trust- Nothing: Yet to Arbitrate. Summarizing tho Ilrltish protest against our jrroposed Panama canal policy exempting American coast wise vessels from tolls. Sw-rptarv ' Knox. Ill Ills rnnlv tn flrunf Hrltnln !,..,,'. . . inuicnton mat nnginmi, so to spoiiK, Is 'hollering boforo It Is hit;" that. thore Is yet nothing to arbitrate Hngland's objection to what has been outlined, ho says, rests on mere con jecture nH to what may happen rathor than on oxlRtlng facts. As to the demand for arbitration, the sec retary of state observes:-. ... . . It will bo remembcrfcd,Uiat.on"lirxlues tlons which It might not Ih posjifble to Settle by "dlnlmhacv are reoulred- hv our UirMt ration treaties to Ijn referred ,te nrb. t ration. , 1 no quostlon that has passed 'ibyond I . Th telephone ll' to-PlattsmoutK ha,' ..,, . lxen connected Up with Lincoln and the stage where it tan proporly bo0nmlm dealt with liy diplomatic discussion. It would seem, therofore, that 15 ng- Lland, ns woll as soineAmorlcans, had becom'c prcinnturely disturbed. Scc rotary Kjiox docs not dpny that con- through tho 1 ,.. n, iv. . ... iv. ... w. ... Uny-I'auncefoto treaty Mn Its aspect as a rule of municipal law. but ho docs deny that It has oxorclsnd that power. Tho hecrotary's note make's very clonr, It scorns to uh, tho United States' right to romlt tolls to vessels In its own coastwise traffic, if jM WlBhcs, to glvo them that sort of a ship subsidy without affecting tho Interests of other nations, especially since they, have no right to partici pate in cpnsj.wlso traffic hero at all. - Insurance Reciprocity. nap u.u .u ..-r. , iiiruuKii of fine art embroidery to meet Hunday at nrnlflmit In vlnl'it.i I It. i Inrtna nf thn1'.,.'. ... . Old-lino insurHiice companies nrelpod, nobby nums, the celebration of his expected ttt jlrptcst against being re- quirod to invest a proportionate 1 "f -'lan Cordon. Some of the conspicuous amount of tholr- resorvca in Nc-!" Wfr ch,efl ,'rhoma Falconer. ,,, n.i.. -a w... ir. ..'tHnl',t Krank Cahtre; senior henchman. braska. Pcrhnps so, but, lfso, our, . n ..,,,...,. Bn.Pha, Mwon ,,. homo companies will also protest, oocauso, in insurnnco legislation, ovorythlng goes by' reciprocity, and I oiir Nebraska1 lidmo :cOnipnHiOH will bo treated In many otlier atatcs, ex actly as wo tront their homo com panies. ' If itvls 'really "n'gooil thing, let us have .it, 'but not jr It is not good enough to work both ways. . " . J"' . L AbnUeinK Candidates' RltrhtS. Tho -forces of roform snom to boj10 gradually closing in on tho .intft for nffie will, tu fint nt ini ,,i,.t., .. .,,vv..ii4ih luwiutuu uuuiiiu 11, I crnpargo rails, upon tho anclont and honorablo custom ,of handshaking, and now a Chtdago health' commis sioner threatens to forbid tho inff of babies as, a .ihoana.'qr, wjnningj tnoir papas.' votos . tiirougli" tholr .mammas' vanity. In view of tho fact that so many of tho mothers aro looming Into possession of tlyj bjillot, tils latoot step might bo deemod im peratlvo 'to silvo- thoTbaby, iBut, at ifny rato, wo (loom to bo gradually IrKtlng, toward tho abridgement ot supposedly; inalienable rights. Who would have "Thought tho time would ovor omo n this country when a candidate for!'bfflco wiStild bo dorilod the privllcgo of kissing all tho babies hu cotild find? To tho old-timers thla would menu nn ontlro recon struction of their system of cam paigning. In tho objection to band bhaklng, thoto "mny bo an elomQiit- of compcnBation, Tor that colis' for physical oxortlon, but bnby-klsslng, especially with tho little one care fully hold up by tho doting mnmma, must bo regarded not ns work, but as pleasure. Not a Good Defense. Tho manager of tho much-abused "water company comes valiantly to tho relief of tho Water boarders to Justify their malntennnco of tho samo old oxccsalvo rates. Everybody knows, howover, that hnd tho water company contlnuod to opornte the plant we should have hnd lowrfr rates long ago, tho city's unnuestionml right to reduce thorn after tho plrntlou of tho twenty-year contract period moro than six years ago hav ing boon hold in abeyance only, by tho then pending purohnso nroceed-j Ings. Tho assertion cannot .ho suc cessfully contradicted, even by die manager of the wmtor company, that acquisition by tho city has actually delayed loworlng tho rates. Qoodltoadj. California's 1 8,000,000 bond Issuo for good roads Is nbw 'being speut nnd New York's $50;000,000 bond Issue for tho samo purpose soon will be available, as also will Maine's 12,000,000. The Now York and. Maine Issues wero provided, dur ing the last year, and In othor states similar steps aro being urged. ' In Nebraska tho -movemont haa reached the point where some sort of deflnito action is demanded that will swing us Into line with othor I leading states. Nebraska's soil Is highly adapted to good roads; In fact, our natural highways aro, for tho most part, very good roads, so that wo should not require "anywhere near as great expenditures 11 b do other states to modernteo thorn, . This Is a matter for the legislature to deal with at Its present session. Our agricultural; supremacy-makes good roads a question of-Yinl inter est to tho farmer' ffs Voll 'in 'to the pity man, for the basic principle qf good roads Is that they help bring tho producer and consumer into aloser contact and only Incidentally that (hey enable auto riders to take pleasure tours in comfort. BacWarJ LiOOKUK Tltis R in Omalm COMPILED 'ROM DEC riLES op q JtVXUAftT 23. r1 Dao Thirty Yrnrs Affi The Hums banquet was a grand success from tho bagpipe overture to the bene diction. AmonR those contributing music ally or oratorluillv r.ero David Knox, A. 1 1- xroiip. .Miss ma uioson. Walter wjj. liliia Miss Pennell, Itev. Patersun, Mrs. Thomas Falconer, Jay Northrlip, J. Wes ley Wlik ns. Situ. Charles Cheney and Ilev. W. K. Copelnndi t A bad fire worked havoctn .McMah'n Averts wholesale drug store, lift Doug las street, destroying their Entire-iock. the wholesale Rrocery of Meyer & Rnapke 10ml Wlrth'a rntaurant. . I). C Patterson of Wayne, Neb., Is at the Millard. JudRe McCreary .of tbe Fnlted States court, Is In the city. Mrs. W. .1. Van Nostrand, as president I of the Social Art club, requests all lovers 1111; viuil roo nis. 1515 Farnam street. Alfred H. Smith and Miss Delia Dower wero married Inst evcnlnir by Itev. Charles AV. Havldne. pastor of the First Methodist -Episcopal church. The Omaha l.lfiht Foot club Is arrang ing for a dancing party through a com mittee conalst'ng of W. H. ltelphrey. 11. K Weaver, Julius T. Fcstner, Oeorge II. Hternsdorf. Ucorge II. Coster and Frank N. Snow. Twenty Years A so J. D. Weaver and 8. II. Alexander of Denver aro visiting In tho city. Sheriff Uennett took 'an Insane girl to Corn ng. In., to turn her over to tho 0nmlm 8cotl) l)0 ,10tl0p lo ...... Datron ,l3Kh anniversary being under tho auspices ir(Wcn. RrnUnH. nobert Dath. and chap- lain, William I.lddell and many others, C. v. Martin, working In the Ice harvest Ht ,llc lnke" was truck b' a'plocn of ice mat si a Mown the chute, and had his leg broken, He was taken to Ilia home, 1110 Casa street. An unidentified man wag drowned In the Missouri at the foot of Harney street early this morning. George Powell, a young man residing at Fourth and, Ilar- ine - y. was aroused from his sleep bV pries I for heln coming from the river. H run the, bank to find a man In tho water I 1 1 . candl-l"c",0""K ,or ,,,c- t'oweu threw mm I rop0 ,JUt bcrrc the hnlf-froxen fingers ico,,,rt Kraa' 11 a cwr -wept htm Under for tlio Inst time Mlrs Jerm'o Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George K. Powell. 1019 Park nvenuK and James K. Powers, a prom- klss-!l",,nt younB "ttorney, were married at the. home of. the bride's parentsiand took' i evening train'., for thft west- amid .nower or mo -proverbial rice. Ten Yearn Air It came to light that the Saturday night jclectlfm Vt officers "f Jtfie. (Jinahi'lJar as. sylntlon wps. ohnraqtetised . with", much liinre heat thaifi at" first given out. "There were two sharp fartlons headed, respec tively, by F. A. Urogan and John L. Ken nedy, each accusing tho other of seeklnir to boss the affairs of the association. ICennedj' was elected president over Ilro gon after a, tussle, buti the nrogon fac- I llhn Cnt llirnn ,if lu 'Jv I ' L t. . tecmen. w. D. McllUgl,'. J. it. Mclntosli 'nml w. F. Ourley, against two for the Kcnnedy.folks, Warren Swltxler and John Parish, bo tho former expected tho upper nana during tho year. Jonns h. rirandels was laid at rest In Tlcnant Hill, cemetery. Jhe nlneral serv ices conducted at the home, K2J Dodgo street, by Ilabbl Simon of Temple Israel, being markeil, for their simplicity, even inuslo being omitted. Knights of Ak-fnr-Uen nnd UNal ffltlth sent floral tributes, as also did the Woman's club. Wlso Memorial hospital and other organl xatlons nnd Individuals. The pallbearers wore Phillip Carries of Milwaukee. Mor ris I.cvy, Hen Kdelmiu), Will McKnlght, Fred lxewe, Herman Melchlr. A beautiful featuro of the morning serv Icea nt the First Methodist church was tho spontaneous reception to Mr. John McQuold, widow of tho former pastor of the church nnd started down the aisle, line, were In Omaha, but Unknown to most of their friends and as sho entered tho church and started down the nisei Tom Kelly, organist, happened to spy her o-in",d f"Jlc,l' shifted from tho offertory selected and played 'My Aln Countrce." the favorite air of the late Dr. McQuold. Then the former nator'n v!fc bocumo thi cvn-sure of all and after tho services she was accorded a hearty reception People Talked About Cheer up. you fellows. Governor WU spn. flldn t deny the high ball to Wash-Ink-ton society. Joslah Van Klrl; Thompson, coal utid coke magnate of t'nlontown. Pa., cheerily paid l,W0.0 us alimony when granted a, divorce. Mrs. Thompson didn't say a Word, but gaye a receipt for the money. William Henry Harrison Taylor, pioneer haokman of Orange, N. J put hi "haok" in cold storage, his "nag" near an oatbln and started southward on his first vncatlon n forty years, with a slice of a I7S.0:0 Inheritance In his pooket to stimulate hospitality en route. Ilev. Dr. George n. i.unn. socialist ,,uiy6r of Schenectady. N. y.. though ordured to vacatu the pulpit of the First Congregational church. Insists on holding on to the ohuroh and promises to set tne town police on the bouncers should they attempt forcible exeoutlon of the order. JIalsuy Corwln, one or the "gilded bjoods';. of New York, who Inherited tUfCO.COO a few years ago. Is now n wreck flpanelally and bhvslcallv. anil mtllnv ltd! f ortner. fronds for help. Three-fourth io' his fortune, Helped to nave Cnnv iiland and. tho great White- way. (smarting under his .retirement from tlm p.rtsrOeupy of the First. Mortgage Guaran tee and Trust company of Philadelphia. Leslie M. Fhaw pulls a five year contract which runs to April II, 1911. and deetares the company will be fortvl to come across with the. agreed salary of 115.000 a year for the full time. I Twice Told T&les 1 I Obeyed OrCera. 1 A certain hotol manager in th cltj Is one of those nervous, mtn who con stantly warn their emtilores agnltist keep- 1 In,. , L. ... H I n . .. A . . . .. . . kn.iK.lil.W ...n ilir-ill III IKIIUIItllW tl mi; uaf't:i(.it, around the place He hired a new bejlboy recently and gave him the usual Warn ing: ' ' "Hemetnber," he wafrredl 'if unythlng happens around here I'm td.be the tlrs: petson to know about It." Soon after that he was showing thjec haughty Daughters of tVie Confederacy one of th best CoOrns In the place,Jfwben tho new bellboy; rushed In with his jhair I yelV'j. Coiif on fin. "Somethings happener: he y The three Daughters .of the Coiifed- eracy turned coldly, and the. manager, anxious to get rid of h boy, demanded to. know the trbufalr.. . - ,' J "That old cat downstairs," sald the'bby, "has just had Jtlttens. What shall we do?" The manager's suggestion was rough. Washington Star. Krrrent Interest. , "Ambassador Ilrycc, on his return from South America," said a -Washington dip lomat, "was amaxed at the fervent lt. terest taken by all South Americans In public affairs. "The ambassador told ine with a smile that he could almost bellevo It to bo true that the president of a South Amer ican republic had once shouted, reproach fully, at a banquet; " 'Fellow citizens, your Interest In af fairs of state has slackened of late de plorably. During the last week 1 have not once been shot at.' "Washington Herald. On I he t'nee of II. The detective had Just congratulated the housewife for bringing about thu ar rest, of a noted sneakthtef. "Oh. I ktiew he was n crook the mln utf he opened his mouth," she rcpllej smilingly. "How did you spot him ho quickly r "Why, he told me the gas company had sent him to examine our meter and ser if we were not -entitled to a rebati-." Philadelphia Record. Editorial Sittings Chicago Tribune; tfpenklng of pipe dreams and things, how about that bill to tax smokcra to build national high ways? Washington Herald: Miss Sophonlsba Breckcnrtdge, the well known Chicago suffragette,' says that- a pair- of pants Is 11 real asset. Yes,. Sophy, especially if tluirn. Is .a. man in 'enu, . Brooklyn Kagle: rllxk .million parcels 'Went by. feist updgr .tjlte jiew law In a njnle.. week., There's an .express reason fqr noting this. It hfnts at what might happen If the system were really populur Jfced by r.oncresa Indianapolis Nows: The action of a leg islator In complaining that he got too )nuch inllenuc Is-rather .startling. It naa ni.n.rnllL.. U-n Knitffhl that 'frnm tho legislative point of view there wasnll. uny such thing as too much mileage. Washington Post; Governor Wilson uaya, he. will get nine hours of sleep In the yMilto House or 'know the reason' why. .;Thci6 being 435 representatives and ninety-six senators, the offtceseckers will iuctease tho total to lO.OOQ.Ml reasons why. Now York World: The Pittsburgh bank with a president who has been pardoned out of prison probably enjoys a unique distinction among financial Institutions. Hut If the employment pf ex-convlcts Is to bo encouraged, why should the benefit be denied to those of the "hjBher up" grade? New York Tribune: T,ho raiders who aro threatening Acopulco aro not revolu tionists, but brigands and ravlahers, and If It tn found necessary for tho Denver's company to' deal summarily with any of them tho world will not be impoverished or the good relations between this coun try and Mexico strained. Hprlngflcld Republican: There Isn't an other country In tho world, not even lCugland whose 'king, wax libeled, that would deport Myltus. This Is the country that UoeH. Perhaps you have heard It called "the land Of the free," "the homo of liberty," "the asylum of the downtrod den and opprc..ed" and all that sort of thing. ' Chicago Inter Ocean: At the buttle of Btono river a rebel soldier, with a bullet through his leg, who was sitting against a tree, saluted David Lalande, formerly a printer In the office of the Chicago Post, nnd said: "Good momln' boys; how d'ye do? THls Is regular h , ain't it?" And this was some time before General Sherman uttered Ills famous saying. New York Sun: According to the latest report of the 'Department of Agriculture the producer of corn, wheat, barley, rye, buckwheat, potatoos and eggs is getting some 17 per cent less than ho got a year ago. Ono of tho many economic mys teries. Tho producer gets less, the con sumer pays more, nnd everybody looks wlso and hcav' n "iruratlve brick at tho accursed middleman. 1 liJi DOWN WASHINGTON WAY. Inauguration crowds will havo the un divided attention of tho District police. Photographic exhibits of professional un desirables will be placed In hotel lobbies so that newcomers may know the mugs of crooks In' Advauco of the touch. At the conclusion of Uncle Joe Can non's "aledlctnry" In tho houso of reP resontutlves, last Friday, partisanship was laid aside for a moment while con gressional vocalists sang, "Fpr He's u Jolly Good Fellow." Flvo more weeks and It's back tn Danville for Uncle Joj) I The government la spending $75,000 In I mining and testing the heating qualities 1 xt Alaska coal on ships of war. Nearly 1.(00 tons of coal Is tc be brought tu tho seaboard for the purpose. No' rule has been made or Instructions Issued, but every" democrat In congress understand that tho name of Wl J, Uryan la not to be spoken in tho hearing of Speaker Clark, Sixteen representatives and five sen ators of the present congress huve dlnd Slnco March t, 1911. Tho "lame duck" brigade Is much larger. paragraph- going the rounds glvi-i-j tho per capita of circulation as $34 and 1 few pennies for change prompted a Mis Kourlan to write to the Treasury depart ment demanding' his share. Washington society Is Indulging in 4 subdued brawl' over the loss of the in augural ball. To the Inauguration' com mitter the lots Is heartrending, amount lug to at least &!.000. the ball receipts of four years ago. I I Tn Oflm-P T.nv.rlr, I' I 1 UUUUi 1 Jfjjllll Li 1 I I Dismemberment ,,f Tnrke,. lly a strange capru e of fate the last link in the chain of Turkish disasters In this ami paat centuries uaa forged by the Bulgarian king. Ferdluand of the house of CoboUrg! a 'llneat '"descendant 'of the Austrian Warrior. Don Juan, who at the 1.... 1. . . . battle of Iepanto ended Turkish prcten - slon to dominate the Mediterranean sea. Acceptance by the Ottoman government of the conditions of peace formulated by tho victorious allies almost wipes, Turkey off the map of Kurope. All that remains of Ottoman conquest once extending to the walls of Vienna Is a small strip of the pcnlnsuln on which Constantinople stands. Nearly 60.000 square miles of territory have been wrenched from tho Mussulman In a two months' war. The historic cities of Adrlanople, Salonlkl, Scutari, Uskub, Monastlr, Novlpazar and Pristlim pass from Turkish control to the Balkan allies. The disintegration of the mighty empire of the terrible Turk Is one of 'the tragedies of history bearing unmistakable signs of punishment for crimes against clvlllr.a- tlon. From 1830 to the present time. Greece, t Algeria, the allied Balkan states, Itumanla. Bosnia f and Herzegovina, Kgypt. Tripoli. Cj-prus, Ctetc one by one have been removed by the surgeons ot Kuropc. Tl Inst operation leaves the Turk precious little territory In Europe,, but that little dominates the. waterway from tho Black sea to tho Mediterranean. D-Ninllliiu,' Chliin, A four weeks' tour of Manchuria and a flvo weeks' sojourn In Mongolia con vinced a special correspondent of the New York Sun that the Jap and thi Muscovite by mutual understanding, are shaping affairs In both provinces for eventual annexation Manchuria to Japan, Mongolia to Russia. The trend Is unmis takable, tho result inevitable. Within five years, the writer asserts, both prov inces will be nbsorbed, unless the powers come to tho lescue of tho "feeble gov ernment of the republic." In both prov inces Chinese authority Is at a low ebb In Mongolia, particularly, so , marked Is the contempt for the Chinese government that the correspondent's passport signed by President Yuan Shlh Kal proved value Icru, while a letter from nn "unnamed diplomat at Pek'ng Insured safd conduct and hospitality throughout -tho ptovlnce. tiF.vcrywhere he found the growing In jfluence'of Russia In trade. In politics and I In social relations. At Peking the gov- ernment complacently relics on treaties guaranteeing the Integrity of Chlpa, while (to quote the writer) "Washington. Lon don. Paris and Berlin are st'II asleep to the resistless going forward of the Jap and ,tho Muscovite In these hidden cm plres of China. Irelnnil's I'ur'liiiiw.it. The bill for the establishment of . the Irish parliament In Dublin recently passed by tho House of Commons, creates a Sen ate of forty members and a House of Commons of 164 members. Members of the latter body are elective from constltu tencles having a population of 27.000. The original home rule hill provided Tor ap. polntlve senators, but amendments pro-v-dhitt Tbr--elncUVq. yepatprs were sub mitted during thr committee stage. These and other Important amendments to the original bill wekre favorably considered, but whether embodied In tho completed measure cannot be determined from the abstracts nt lamd. In a genernl way the bill vests !n tho proposed parliament power to make laws for tho peace, order and good government ot Ireland. All Imperial affairs, the army, the navy, Irish land purchase, old age pensions, national Insurance, postal banks, the Irish con stabulary temporarily, and public loans are reserved for the .Imperial parliament Provision Is made for tho protection of religious equality in Ireland. . ...-Te ,.r I.Vei.eh President. m. jtaymona Poncalre. president-elect of. France, who takes office three weeks hence, because of Tils high Intelligence, statesmanship, and the energy of middle life, Is expected to bo a more aggressive factor In the political life of the republic than any of his predecessors. Great powers are vested In tho president. Among them aro tho Initiative of laws, their promulgation and execution: the disposition of armed forces; appointment of all civil and military officers; the right of dissolving the Chamber of Deputies with tho sanction of the seriate, the tight of demanding a revision of tho constitution; summoning the national leg. islature In extrnordlnary session; com municating with the two chamber! by means of messages; the right of de manding reconsideration of any measure already enacted; the negotiation and ratification of treaties with foreign Pow ers, and the right to declare war with tho consent of both chambers. It will be seen that the president's . powers, while restricted In many ways, are com prehensive, and afford great apportunl ties for the exercise of tho prudenco. courage and ability with which President Poncalre Is accredited. Peee Policy In .lupini. Prince Katsura, heud of the antl- mllltary ministry of Japan, 1 beset by , numerous obstacles, but Is pressing for- I ward the policies, announced oh accept- j Ing the office of prime minister. No I particular change in the direction of re trenchment is to bo made In this year's budget. No government loans will be Issued, while $3,000,000 of the outstand ing debt will be redeemed. Former pro jects for army enlargements have been abandoned and tho Anglo-Japanese, al liance will be continued. For the pres. ent at least, the cabinet has the militar ists on the run, and Is vigorously sup ported by the emperor. A BACHELOR'S JOBS. The experience you buy at par you can't sell at 1 cent on the dollar. Some things are more to be blushed ut In the thinking than In the saying. There's not enough money In the world to seem enough to a man If he had It all. The only exciting thing to a man about a pair ot ankles Is It he oughtn't to see them. The way a woman finds out what a ,aau really did Is subtracting all the things he says he did. About the only reason for expecting the children will learn something at school Is their parents didn't. There's nothing makes a thin girl more thankful than not to bo fat and a fat ,one than not to be thin. H. doesn't take a woman very long lo discover that if a man gives up a bad: habit he abuses the family for it. The baby doesn't yell any more than it does because there aren't any inoiv callers than there are to be told It hanliy eer happens. New York Pies JOLLIES FROM JUDGE. Thev were divorced within six months j after their wedding." 1 "H'm!" returned, the pessimistic bach- ' e,or' "What detained them? . Kumble-I see one of two actors who between them have had eight wives has Tu&'neof0'; hi" penalties ot great 1 popularity, Lr-'iliTiT-.' "'iiSi !are a bit Inclined to be always behind- 1 hand? Mrs. Urown Well, I'll have to admit I 1 WB!,n"t muoh u,If,ad wnen 1 took 'ou' NMnnj c-us-When amoklng becomes uni versal among women, they II be apt to wear trousers, Cynlcus Oh. skirts, as tight as they are worn now, afford Just as good a place to strike a match. Polly Having announced that they were going to live In an apartment, I suppose the Newlyweds got a lot of useful pres ents. Dolly Yes, Indeed! Among them I saw a snow shovel, a lawn mower and a set of garden tools. "So your uncle from the country has been to seo you, has he?" "Yesj and I've had a world of fun. Took him to a moving picture show. He'd never been to one In his llfi. Whon he sn.- tho 1 Hps of the actors move, but couldn't hear ,"v one Kpeait. ne yeneci out, 'iOUUer, jnuj-f cji(.-uii luuucri "Well sir, down in Florida at this season there is sailing and bathing, tennis and " "None of them appeal to me. My wife and I don't care much 'for that sort of thing." "Well, how about golf--all winter long --glorious golf?" "I do play occasionally. What else?" "Sea fishing, grandest you That sounds good, and I've never done any of it." "Then youll enjoy it; but, if you prefer fresh water fishing, Florida will give you the best sport you ve nad lor years. "That's immense! My wife and I are keen on fishing, especially when it's warm enough to camp out." "In Florida you can camp out with perfect comfort the whole winter then thsre s splendid shooting big cams small and besides all that there are eight personally-conducted steamship trips from Key-West to Colon, returning via Kingston and Havana. As you know, this will be your last chance to see the Panama Canal btfors th wattr is turned In " "You can give me three tickets to Jacksonville --that settles it." "Thank you, sir. Youll have a magnificent trip We run a solid train right through from Kansas City to Jacksonville. All steel coaches, electric-lighted; electric fans; new model Pullmans; dining cars under direction of Fred Harvey " "Never mind all that. I've been over the Frisco before." KANSAS CITY FLORIDA SPECIAL LctTii Kttiu City frCB .m. Dsu. For Pares, Train Schedule and Illuttrated Descriptive Pamphlets, addrees, J. C. LOVRIEN, Dlvltt n Paatenfer Agent, FRISCO LINES, Waldheim Bids., Kansas Cits'. Better Track Better Service New Fast Daily Train to Kansas City VIA Missouri Wave Omaha Arrive Kansas City .Modern equipment, Elcctrlo Lighted, Drawing Jtoom Sleep ing Car, Electric Lighted Chair Car, arid our own unsurpassed Dining Car Service. (Meals a la carte.) . , . ' ' Above train connects SlMJlNtlS KXPKESS for at Fort Smith, Little Rock and Hot Springs, Ark. Leaves Kansas City Arrives Hot Springs This train is first class Lighted Chair Cars and Sleeping Car Service. (Meals a la carte.) 11 Leave Omaha Arrive Lincoln- 752 m9f HePB SOME DAY OF DAYS. Author Unknown. Some day, som day of days, thrcadini th street With Idle, heedless pace, Unlooklng for such 'grace, I shall behold your facet Some day, soma day of days, thus nuy we meet. Perchance tho sun may shine from SKlei of May, Or winter's Icy chill Touch whltely vale and hltl; What matter? I shall thrill Through every' vein with summer or that day. Once more life's perfect youth will a! come back. And for a moment there I shall stand fresh and fair And drop the garment, cure; Once more my perfect youth shall noth Ing lack. I shut my eyes now. thinking how twtll be. How, face to face, each soul Will slip Its long control, Forget the dismal dole Of dreary fato's dark, separating sea: And glance to glance, and hand to ham In greeting, Tho past with all Its fears, Its silence, nnd Its tears. ItB lonely, yearning years. Shall vanish In the moment ot that meeting. "Is is the Frisco ticket office?" "Yes sir." "Well, I see you're advertising Florida. What's down there to attract a man like me? I don't mean the magnificent hotels or the climate; I know about them. What amusements are there?" ever had, tarpon and king fish "i through; and TUK Pacific .11:30 h. .6:05 p. 111. m. Kansas City with the HOT 0:30 2:40 m. m. in every respect Electric Cars and Unexcelled Dining Round Trip Tickets Diverse Routes. For rates, reservations and any Informa tion, Telephone Doug. 104. THOS. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent. TOM HUGHES, Traveling Passenger Agent, 1423 Fnrnam Street, Omaha, Neb. 'incoln 8:05 a.m. 1:30 pan 4:15 p.m. 11:17 p.m. -9:45 a.m. 3:33 p.m. 6:25 p.m. 12:54 a.m. Every Day via Rock Island Lines Tkitts and reeeTTsUaai 1323 Faraaai Strewf, Cor. 141k, rWaai DMilaa 42S Kekraai it