THK BKK: OMAHA, KA'tTHlUY, .1ANTAHY Ll 11 METERS RAISEWATER BILLS Water Board Now Gets More Money for Less Water. METER FIGURES PROVE THIS Member of the Ilonril ThemiPlrrn Tnr More Than TVlirn Hettllne L'nder Tint Ilntr Srntem Mnnr Protmn Mnile. Hills of the Water board for the last few months have hown that receipts under metered service have increased steadily over tho receipts from tho tame customers under the flat rate system, although these customers declare they liavo used much less water. "1 have used less water than I did under the flat rate, but my bill will bo $10 a ear more," said one consumer, who spoko for many- others who protest against the high rato charged by the water commissioner. It has been figured out on tho basis of the bills paid within tho last month that when all services are metered tho in come of the plant will liavo been In creased, although thd amount qf water consumed will have decreased to such an extent that substantial reduction of rates would not lessen the earnings. Here aro a few examples of tho In creased cost of water to the consumer tinder tho metered servico, for months during which th smallest quantity of water Is used: C. ,It. Sherman, member of the Water board, 131 North Thirty-eighth avonue, paid a flat rato of $21.75 u year untl! a meter was installed August 19; bill for August 19 to December 27, til. 29. Dan B. Butler, city commissioner, paid flat rate of $19.50 a year, now pays und?r metered service for one winter month, $2.56. P. O. Heafcy, member of tho Wat?r board, paid more In 1912 under metered servico than In 1911 for the samo period. In somo cases the difference is as hlch as $15 and $20 a year in favor of the Water board. There are fow cases where the cost to the consumer has been de creased by the installation of meters and the differences In such cases are but a few cents. Numerous claims are made for "mis read meters" and rebates are given by the water commissioner when these met ers are Vpad again. These rebates often sre more than CO per cent of the bill. Steve Miller Found in Serious Shape in His Hotel Room Stephen Miller, night clerk at the Her Grand hotel, who was found In his room at that hotel Thursday suffering from an attack of liver disease and who was rushed to the Wise Memorial hospital, is In a dying condition at that institution Thursday when Mr. Miller did not re port for duty, his fellow clerks romem : bered that ho had not been seen all day and visited his room. Receiving no an swer to their knock they entered and founfl Miller lying on the bed in a serious Tonfiltlon. IIo had been stricken almost twenty-four hours beforo and was Unable to call for help. At the hospital he col lapsed and was attended by Dr. Bernard McDermott, who holds out little hopo for his recovery. , Miller camo to Omnha over thirty years ago from IlarrJaburg, ra,,, and entered the employ of jthft Burlington Railway 'company as a teiegrapncr. jto gradually advanced until he was appointed train dispatcher, which position Jte held until twelve years ago, when he was forced, to fiult work, becauso of telegrapher's paralysis, i (. i Following his exit from the Burlington Miller secured a position as clerk of the Merchants hotel, Wvhere he worked until three years agcS lie then went-to the Her Grand hotel ns night clerk and has been there ever since. Mr. Miller is known by every stockman In this section of the country, having made numerous friends while working at the Merchants hotel. He is a' much lovod character and made, friends by his char itable disposition. BURGLARS SECURE ONLY SMALL CHANGE AT BOEKE'S The home of Carl K. Boeke, information clerk at the Union station, was robbed Thursday night, but the burglars were atlsfled with a few dollars they found In Mr. Boeko's ' pockets. Somo time between midnight and morn ing burglars, by prying up a window, forced an entrance to the Boeke home, 2710 Douglas street, ransacked the rooms on the lower floor, but apparently did not find anything to their liking. Entering the bed room of Mr. Boeke, they opened the drawers of the dresser and scattered their contents upon the floor, but did not take anything away. However, they took his pants, which were found outside the house, near the window through which entrance had been effected, but minus some $3, which had been In one of the pockets. Mr. Boeko's watch was taken, but was found on the sidewalk, near the front steps. None of the inmates of the house were disturbed and tUe .first known of the burglary was when at 5 o'clock Mv. Boeke $ot up to shake down the fire. SUES HUSBAND'S PARENTS , ON ALIENATION CHARGE Damages of $10,000 are asked of Nicholas Krlebs, a tinner In the Union Paclflo ihops, ahd his wife, by their daughter-.n-law. Ethel M. Krlebs, in a petition riled In district court. It Is alleged they lllenated the affections of their son, 3eorge Krlebs. The young man was married at Audu ton, I., in June. 1911. It is alleged that shortly after the marriage the defendants began to poison the young man's mind igalnst his wife, making all manner of fulso charges against her. Finally, it '.s alleged, they made the situation so jnplcasant that the young woman had to leave. Mrs. Krlebs now is living with olatlvca at LeM&rs. Ia. MANY PURSES ARE FOUND EMPTY IN MAIL BOXES Mail boxes on the street comers have aroven very popular receptacles for empty xicket books, the contents of which have nrtched the coffers of holdup men.. Four pursea adorn' the desk of 'Assistant Post waster. Woodard- They contain no noney.' "We jret lots of them in the mall boxes ihstway," said Mr, Woodard. J'They most always come from tho mall boxes down at Tenth and Douglas and Eleventh nd Dodge streets." Fur and Fur Trimmed OVERCOATS, Men's fur overcoats and fur trimmed and fur lined over- ata,.a 1-2 price Pure Candies CllOCOLATK cut. VMS ne. tsnorted, 60c quality, lb c FUt'IT O LACKS. fiOt iQ, value, lb. "C MARASCHINO CHKlUUKS Chocolate dipped, $1,00 AQ value. 2-.10. box- THE BEST STORE FOR YOU ALL THE TIME Cigar Special CKIAUS. Valentines' nftor dinner. lUc slto; Saturday, oncn be. nox of 25 for Orkln Bros. Basement. $1.25 COT FLOWERS Carnations, nssortcd, i Q fresh, dozen. . . JLIvC Roses, fresh, assorted dozen, at Orkln Bros. Main moor. Main Entrance. 1. 39 c Your Choice of Any Man's SUIT or OVERCOAT $13.50 npHAT'S the way we offer you your choice Saturday from our entire stock of high grade clothing for men. There's nothing reserved excepting fur and fur trimmed overcoats. 1 he assort- 3 are lnree mid wide in ruuee of selection and involve values of $23.00, $.10.00 and even $48.00, at, choice tor $K$.;0 1 ineuts The Suits aro the very latest niodols, two or three but ton sack suits, double breasted and Norfolk atiitAB In t n r r v n i a 1 tt ntnn T) 1 1 i CarirdM - ' ' 01 lea, in i c i -j ah i j i iuio( nia vi Uiuu uuiovdi all made by tho best Journeymen tailors, and guaranteed to give the best of i . . . . n W t n a.... ha I. f- a . 1 .r t ,1 1 1 m a th mr I sausiacuon; values jao.uu, .iu.uu, ).io.uu mm tm.uu, unuice .ti.i.ui'. The stock includes the world's best clothing, embracing such fam ous and well known makes as "Atterbury System" Clothes for men and yeung men "Michael Stern & Co." Clothes for men and young men "University Clothes" for young men aro in threo-nuartor or full length, slnglo or double breasted, with velvet or solf collar, also convertible or shawl collars, all tho most favored materials aro rep resented, Including chinchillas, values of $20. $30, $SG and $4C; choice The Overcoats k Whether the for mer price was $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40,00 or even $45.00, choice now, at our price, $13.50. mi mm if; ma Mi Men's Suits and Overcoats at $7.50 Involving Values at $12.50, $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00 SUITS made of all-wool worsle'ds, Vassimeresj fine blue serges, two and three-button styles, in grays, brown or blue. Every garment represents the season's snappiest models carefully and stylishly tailored and guaranteed to give the iihnost service;' These suits aro worth from $12,30, $15.00, $10.50 and up to $18.00, and to clear out stocks for other shipments we offer them to you Saturday, your choice at k OVERCOATS Tln-ee-quarter and full lengths; self material and velvet collars; gray, brpwn and fine black all-wool kersey. These coats will prove a revelation when you see them they're all well made, strictly this season's styles and aro big values at their regular selling pricel 2.50, $15.00, $lb'.50 and $18.00 your choice, Saturday, ilt $7.50 1 "A 5 m m ft: "1 A.M. - 3 J is Boys .OVERCOATS Values to $7.50 for $3.98 , OYS Overcoats In all the favorett materials, made military, convert ible, shawl collar or belted back styles, the season's most desirable patterns, values C J VO to $7.50, sale jrts'apneo Saturday Hoys' Overcoats. $2.48 Broken sizes, only 50 in the lot, representing AQ values to $5.00, 40 for iy ou in $2: Hoys' Suits, $2.U0 Boys' wool, worsted and cas slmere suits, in R'usslan blouse Btyle, or- fAQ Iglnally priced F"' to $(5.08, choice. Boys' Suits. $4.08 Norfolk and Double Breast ed styles, including the fani ous "Athletic" "Cut Cloth ier," all wool, worsted and cassimere in a - 4t a A terials, values to VO $12.50 tS- Bargain Section In the Basement 89c $1.95 Hrntli'H a few of- the IIk ino Havers In our bljr ijntKQln sec tion In the basement. Come to morrow nnri nliare In the profit and econoir. Icn of tho barsaln section. Mn' Underwear, 09o Men's 1 1 .50 nil wool, starlot, medi- caled shirts and drawers, they Klvo ease anil conuort to tnose nffllcteil with rheumatism; Saturdny Men' $3.00 Shoes, 81.9S Men's Shoes, gun metal, vlcl klJ and patent leather, buck or tan, $3.00 values. Satur day special Men's 93.00 Pasts, 91.48 Men'B worsted and catmlmere and corduroy pants, a large as- 4 A f sortmont. values to 13.09, Bl.4u Saturday, pair Men's Underwear, 90o Men's sample underwear, In wool, all wool Bilk and wool: shirts ge only; valUea to 12.60. Satur- VJHP day, at ' "w Men's 50o Stoves, 98o Men's golf and leather tT work -iloves, lined, 50o quality, Saturday, pair Women's aSo Qloves, 10c Women's yarn golf cloves, 4 slight Imperfection of 26c I8JC quality, at ww Orkln Bros. Basement. vi'' Men's $1.00 Wool Texture v UNDERWEAR Saturday at 49c SPECIAL on s Lludorwoar, wool toxtur, suins or arawcrs, regular prico 49 c $1.00; sale price Saturday, garment'. ... v , . $3.00 Union Suits, $1.89 Men's Wool Union Suits, light, medium and- heavy weight, regular $3.00 values, per AA garment $l05f 91.00 Union Suits, 70c Men's Union Suits, high Krade Egyptian, ribbed, with now closed crotch, mm m $1.00 values, Hfi garment v" l.BO Underwear; 8I)c Men's Wool Undershirts or Drawers, regular $1.50 AA values, garment, XliA ox- Alon's Shirts, values to $2.00, nt 70c Hi'KCIAIi! There's still an cellent selection from which to choose, all high grade mater ials In a pretty range of choice patterns, cut coat style and perfect fitting, regular A values to ?z.ou, saio f flf WW price, choice. Orkln Bros. Main Floor. Men's BOc Neckwear, 10c Men s silk 4-Inch hand ties, assortment or designs, originally GO 6, choice 19c f" -IS m utr :::: "if m WW mm mi, Mm S3 mm as 1 tft'.'Af.v.w, m Men's $3.50 to $4 SHOES, $2.29 Men's shoes In gun metal calf, vlcl kid skin, patent colt jtW t skin, tan calf skin, or velour calf skin; lacee W t? (and button styles, all 1913 stylish models. J all sizes, Saturday, the pair mm Men's $3.50 Hoots, $2.05 Men's storm bootB, high tops, black and tan leathers, heavy soles and buckles, regular $3.50 at I values, Saturday, the to SE? a Pair r ipZ.DO a . "I n u.wJ?!!!? , 'V sm "uj" '"h" lu aiuriii uuuin in uiivck aim V xmZEL- leather, . heavy, soles, Jroad toes and )29 uucKies, sizes up to 5, trj qq ;SB TlelBtV iruc ituuucri, auv. men s murm ruuuorp, kouu quail- VPOa Ull BIBB, iPKUIBl ?'u an SK BBK Uinil In Haliirila v' HUtP seULng-. Uie. pair . . w'v Vj- women's ipi.ou jiiucis, unc AVomcit's felt 'liouse Juliets, all colors, hand turned leather aoles, ribbon or fur trimmed, all hIzos, regularly sell, at $1.50 An pair, special Saturday, "OC Orkln Bros. Main Tloor. 1 Saturday in the Big GROCERY FLOUR, Excelsior pat- :a,4.8:!b:$l.40 SHREDDED WHEAT Biscuits, -I i- package .... X J C MATCHES, Safety. GRANULATED SUGAR.n-i Saturday special 1 lbs, S1 RICH, Whole Japan, r,":..5 Lbs. 25c sr. .12 Boxes 5c srj?isrr,i6c SALMON, Q tall can CRACKERS, Oyster or Soda, Omaha "7 made, lb C Funcy Meats Leaf Lard, 9-lb, jiack-nire Pork Shoulder, Saturday per lb l'ot Itoaat, No. 1, per lb v Veal Itoaat, No. 1, per lb SauBare, bulk, per lb. Ham, C'udaliy'a Tinx Brand, No. 1, per lb. . Holland Herring, lare size, a for (' O R X, sweet, Sat- autrday..2 cans 15c PEAS, Early 1 f June, the can JLUC I R U NES, California, dsaar:-...3lbs, 25c TOMATOES, so-1 f lect, large can . JL U C PUMPKINS, large can, Sr.. 3 cans 25c OLIVES, stuf- a e fed, qt Jfcr. . . tOC BAK.ING POWDER, uaiumet uranu, 7c can 1'IUKLES, swet,on Saturday, qt. . 4UC HORSERADISH, pure. Satur-1 h.UI.. nr. day...O UUIUOS ZUU Free p( Souvenir ate, valued at 60c. with every purchane of our beat coffee, at 3 pounds $1,00 $1.00 IIo . 10c . lOo 8c .S620 25c Ilakery Specials Bread, fresh, home- n in,.. 4fi made, lartre 60 loaf..O IDolBS IUC Cakes, fresh, honie-mude. at Cream I'uffa, home made, dozen Custard Puffs, homemade, dozen (tolls, fretih, home-made, lozen (ouj;hnutfl, home-mndt! dozen Cookies, houie-n.'ude, cr dozen 20c 16c 16c 8c 8c 8c I'Vesh Fruits 00.zepe.FruU,. ,nrKr.. .6 for 25c Z":.'. dozen 23c Apples, fancy Jonathan Vegetables Hguasli, the peck Lettuce, leaf Onions, rod globea, per peck .peck 50c I5c 2 bunches 5c 25c :0rkin Bros. Your Homo Store- mm I mm Employes in Public Improvement Service Get Salary Increase Upon the recommendation of Council man McGovern the employes of the city In tho department of public improve ments, of which he is the head, have been elven substantial Increases In sal aries. The advanron as approved by the city commission are as follows, per month: M. 1 Black, engineer, 1110 to 1; P. II, Connell, Instrument man. $70 to 175; V. ti. Cook, rod 'man. to $63; M. WJ Foley. Iiuitrument man, $T5 to $80; J. l. Ford, clerk. $30 to $100; V A. Ooydall, clerk, $S0 to $90; V. n. Oerhardt, field engineer, PO to $; Andy Jensen. $75 to $S0; Joul Johnson, head bookkeeper, $110 to J 125; William Jorgensen, inspector, formerly by the week at $2. to pO; E. McKvoy. Inspector, $SS to $90; Alex ilc Kinney, flunh tank man, $G0 to $70; I. R, Jlorearty, lnstrumont man, $75 to $90; T. D. McGovern. $113. to $135; J. S. Mur phy, Instrument man, $70 to $76; Charles Pavllk, Instrument man, $W to $95; P. W. flwaln, chauffeur, from $25 a week to $110 a month; K. A. Taylor, Inspector, $ to VM; W. J. Provaznlk, Instrument man, from $'J0 to $15; Miss Etffe Turner, U-noBrapher, $7C to $.; K. W. Wood brldue, field engineer, $60 to $100; C.rt. Voung, clerk, $70 to $80. i Commissioner M'cUovern says that with the$ Increases the t)Kienee of th. of fice will not bo lncreuaed over the ex pense of the department beforo the com missioners took chargo of the municipal government, for many have been dis charged from the department within the year. Salvation Army Has Helped Many Lately Captain II. if. Kline of the Kajvatloti Army says that despite the continued warm weather large numbers of men and women apply dally for help and within s week the stores of the army have been emptied of all overocats and shoes H Is now making an effort to secure dona tions of these articles Thirteen men havo been regularly cared for during the last few weeks by Csp- tain Kline, who furnished them with rood and lodging. Many others have been given bjds for a night. "Some of the men who apply for help are well dressed and apparently prosper ous, but they are out of Jobs and can't find work However, some of them are not deserving and wa found one case like that yesterday A dapper young man .iaj come to ino frequently for dinner W Investigated him and found that he nud a Job, but spent his money (for booze When he came again for help yestorday I told him we didn't want anything more to do wtlh him" Manhattan Hotel Raided by Police A full frown tesort, with evidence of women and liquor In plenty, was found at 2:30 yesterday morning, when police officers raided the "Manhattan hotel" ut Fifteenth and Capitol avenue. This placo formerly called the Roytil, was raided only last week by tho authorities. Last nighfs raid was made because of a fight started In the place, and when the police camo sufficient ovldence was discovered to warrant closing the place II. Pollock ,s .alleged to b the proprietor. Key to tho SltuaUon-Be,e Advertising (lot an Awful Fright by fear of appendlvltls? Take Dr. King's New Life Pills and booh see powel trouble yanieh. Guaranteed. 23c. For sale by Uratou Drug Co. Advertisement. Self-Fittiag Emergency Orenboe forHorsM. Pretests slipping or balling when streets or roads sr lor or slippery. BAV.K3 keeping year hone rough shod, the hoes can be put on or tsen off in ten mlnntea, BAVEil time and moat.' J trtmmendtd by Humana fiocieue nrjnf hots. iTor Sal by Alfred Cornish & Co, 1210 Farnam St.