Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Paper With a
PurposeThe Paper
That Does Things
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XL1I-N0. 11)0.
Murder and Riot Follow Effort of
Turkish Cabinet to Comply
with Note of Powers.
m ki iutl' ., ttt
Commanding General of Sultan's ;
Army Shot to Death.
Government Overthrown and CityJ
Plunged Into Uproar.
JCew Minister of Interior Says Peo
, Pie Will Never Anrc. to the Sur
render of the Fortress
of .drlnniiple.
LONDON, Jan. 2l.-ttallan, niltlsh ind
other warships have been ordered to pin
feed Immediately to Turkish waters, ac
cording to dispatches from Mediterranean
porta today.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 24. - Naslm t
Paaha, the former war minister and com-1
mander of the army, was shot dead In j
demonstrations which preceded the rcslg-1
nation from the cabinet yesteiday.
Bnver Bey and Talaat Hey had given
explicit orders that no blood should be
shed. But Nazlm Pasha's aide-camp
fired from a window at the Porte at
Enysr Bey and his companion and they
returned the fire. Their bullets killed
Narim Pasha himself.
Jn spit of this tragedy there was no
'disturbance of order elsewhere.
FIBlitlntc Within City.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 24.-11 a. m.
Fighting has occurred at several places
In the - city this morning, A dozen or
more persons have, leen wounded and
-many arrests have been made. Oreat
public excitement has followed the kill
ing of Naztm ' Pasha, the former war
minister and 'commander of the Turkish
army, who was shqt during public dem
onstrations here last night.
"Bnver Bey and Tahurt Bey had given
explicit orders that no blood should be
shed. But Narim Pasha's aide-de-camp
fired from a -window at the Porte at
Knyer Bjy ana his companion and thty
returned the 'fire. Their bullets killed
:Nat)ni Pasha himself.
Talaat Bey. tho pew.jnlnlster of the jtry. -After being cut off for a week train
interior, Informed the European enibas- (service was. resumed late yesterday. The
alM that all measures necessary to In-1 body of' the mall carrier killed last winter
sure the juxjurj q the city had been (was not found until July.
taKenj'IIef Alio addressed circulars to the J , ,
provlncisivernbrs explaining the i er.- ITiiWIatvi l. Tjj 3
man for the vchanse in4 thWoTernment fl.tpKuUd'Ub JXIHUCI
anoVesJlIng npqrrtlfr people t6 lend their n T ' ' j m
moral and Anaterlal aid to the govern- Jjlff JLlOan tO Ulima
raenU " j 0
iV?rWtoTln,,!u!lV,l!.,!i..!ll0i eaKlsa, Jan. j4,The. banker inter-
nu s '
face to face with the prospect ' of a 're- i
sumption of hostilities."
Knver Bey In Ionlnr Hero.
Bnwtr Bey; who has taken such a prom
inent, part in the overthrow of Klamll
Pasha's cabinet, is the popular hero of
the day
.Naslm Pasha's death by a shot from tho
rvojver of Enver Bey or Talaat Bey Is
believed, to have been accidental. Tho
two officers, In order to protect them
selves from the fire of Nazlm's aide-de-camp,
who had shot nt them from a
wjniiow. drew their revolvers and emptied
ttiein at him. A bullet struck and killed
Naslm Pasha, who was seated Inside the
room. -
The scene outside the offices of the
grand vlster when the leaders of the
young Turks' party arrived there yester
day afternoon was very dramatic. There
was a considerable crowd present .nd
great enthusiasm was manifested when
some orte unfurled a flag and waved 't'.
The excitement became Intense when
Knver, mounted on a white charger, came
in view.'aceompanled by several Turkish
staff officers.
As ho dismounted before the door nnd
msde his request for ah audience with
the' grand vizier, the gates closed as
though automatically.
Tho commandant of Constantinople
himself stood on guard and refused to
allow anyone to enter except Knver Bey
and Talaat Bey
Aocompanled by the commandant, they
walked 'straight to the council chambei,
where most of. tho ministers were gath-
ered, and without any preliminaries called
oo the cabinet to resign from office, Th?
demand seemed to be more, or lias x
pected, for Klamll Pasha Immediately sat
town and worte out his resignation. Kn
ver Bey took It and proceeded to the sul-
tan'a palace amid tne cneers oi ine
The sultan at first was disinclined to
accept the resignation as euunc, but
after sending a messenger to the grand
vlslerate and obtaining confirmation, he
called for Mahmoud Shefket Paiha md
promptly appointed him grand vizier.
The new Turkish cabinet Is constituted
aa follows:
Grand Vizier and Minister of War
Mahmoud Shefket Pasha. ,..,.
President of Council of State ia
Interior-Hadji Adll. ,..,,.
Foreign Affairs (temPorary)-Mukhetai
Marine Tschurksula llahmud.
Justice Ibrahm Pasha.
Finance Itlfaat Bey.
(Continued on Page Four.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. Saturday for Omaha
and vicinity: Warmer.
'IVmnermtore nt Onuh "Vcslerany,
d III....
a, in..
7 rn 23
9 a.
10 a
11 a. m SI
12 ni ... 3A
1 p. m 44
2 p. in 42
2 p. m 42
4 p.' m.,.-.... 47
5 p. m 44
p. m 44
7 r- tn. ........... 42
S P. m... .. fJ
Progressives of
Five States Meet
in St. Paul, Minn.
ST. PAUL, Minn., .Inn. 21,-The confer.
cnce of progressive party leaders, repre
senting Michigan. North Dnkntn. South
JJakota, WisconMn anil Minnesota, opened
here today for nn all day's session.
At this morning's meeting short nd-
Id i ewes on General progressive topics were
I made by former United States Senator
Albert .1. Revcrldge of Indiana, Mis.
Maud Howe Elliott, national committee-
men and chairmen of the various state
Judge Milton O. rurdy of Minneapolis,
national progressive committeeman for
Minnesota; presided.
Former Hrnutor Ueverldge, speaking bo
fore the progressive conference, criticized
tho Minnesota lawn, which prevent the
recognition of the progressive party, and
declared that If the legislature falls l"
amend existing laws every progressive
should take the stump In an effort to re
turn to private llfo "the men who make
the-e laws."
Colonel Roosexelt In a -telegram JX
pressed retrot at not being nhle to attend
the meeting, and emphasized what he
considered the inecesslty of the progres
sives remaining Intact, a party by Itself.
He' In his message declared tho demo
cratic tariff policy to be as dangerous as
tlm Payne-Aldrich measure. .
Former Senator Bevcrldgc was the prin
cipal speaker at a banquet tonight.
TWTa il PQV1,iQV TTi'llnrl
By Snowslide Near
Jackson's Hole, Wyo.
ST. ANTHONY. Idaho, Jan. 24. With a
talc of death and Intense suffering State
Game Warden D. F. Hudson of Wyoming
arrived here today from Jackson's 'Hole,
Wyoming. Ho was caught in a snowslide
coming through Canyon Pass on a mall
wagon. Owen Curtis, the youthful driver,
and a horse wore killed. The accident oc
curred In exactly the same spot where
the boy's predecessor lost his life In a
similar slide last year.
Warden Hudson raid that they were
caught In an avalanche of snow and ice
that swept vehicle and all off the road
and down the mpuntalnslde Into a creek.
Hudson was burled beneath the slide, but
managed to dig his way to the surface
and then started digging for Curtis.
At last he uncovered tho boy'a font,
but his head was submerged In the creek
and he had drowned before Hudson oauld
drag him out-.
Hudson whs bruised In the snowslide.
and suffered intensely from the cold be
fore he reached assistance. AH wires
! are down Into the Jackson's Hole coun-
letted -In-the loan of. $123,000,000 to China
have Instructed their Peking represents
lives to Initiate the loan If the ministers
in Peking of the six powers of which ihe
loaning bankers arc citizens are satisfied
with the conditions of the contract.
The ministers, however, are by no
means unanimous In approving the condi
tions. The French minister Insists upon
drastic conditions governing the loan; in
cluding definite undertakings In the con
tract for the appointment of financial
advisers by China and the arrangement
of minute details In connection with the
financial reorganization and supervision
of the country. Certain, of the other min
isters demand payment from the loan of
China's debts for warships and military
The Chinese government, which has
agreed to all the original terms of the
bankers, suggests dealing with tho ap
pointment of financial advisers and other
details of the loan agreement In a sep
arate note, thus satisfying a majority of
the bankers.
Alleged Firebugs
Indicted in Chicago
CHICAGO, Jan. i4.-Indlctments
against four men, charging arson and
burning property to defraud, were re
turned today by the grand Jury In con-
; nectlon with the Investigation of the al-
leged "arson ring," Those named In tho
true bills were: Samuel Rottenberg, Jo-
Repi, Clarke, Harry Brown and John Ka-
blzak, also known as "the captain."
Rottenberg, Clarke and Brown are pub
lic fire Insurance adjusters, and ICablzak
Is said to be one of the "torch bearers"
j empoyea by the combine. 'The bond of
each defendant wus fixed at J40.000.
Fires uttrbuted to tho "arson ring"
have caused the loss of many thou
sands of dollars.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 24.-(8peclal.)
If Omaha is not annexed by Its suburban
towns It will not be because there are
not sufficient bills from the Douglas dele
gatlon. Hoff pdpped one In this morn
ing. His measure provides that Jan
uary 11S16, these suburban towns be
come and arc, a part of the big city.
Under his bill there are no lfs and ands
about It. The officers of the little cities
will hold on to their Jobs, but their
offices will be sub offices.
Anderson of Douglas put in his gas
franchise extension bill, about which
Bveral meetings have been held In
Davis of Douglas Intends to prevent
Zi any county or city officer from taking
S2 i a nice trip or any other kind of a trip
j at the expense of the taxpayers unless
he hike out between trains. This bill If
enacted Into law will make It a mis
demeanor for any councilman or county
board member to vote expense money
for such Junketing trips. And it pro
hibits the officers from taking the trips.
Our Big Literary Magazine with Tomorrow's
Former President of Steel Corpora
tion Says Price Paid Was
Entirely Too High.
Says Gates and Associates Placed
Nuisance Value on It.
Would Have Been Faotor in Rail
Trade for Some Time.
I'hnlrninn of l.'Aceut I vc llonril Kn
Cnriiorittlou In ot I'ontciu
lilntliiRr Vnlnntnry lll
nulut Ion.
NUW YORK. Jan. 34. Tho Tennessee
Coal and Iron company wbm taken over
by the United States Steel corporation
during the panic of 1907 despite tho pro
tests of the corporation's president, Wil
liam E. Corey.
Mr. Corey so testified today under
cross-examination at tho hearing of the
government's suit to dissolve the corpor
ation. He declared ho had not concurred
In the purchase because the price paid
was too high This price was the equiva
lent of $119 a share. Mr. Corey said ho
did not believe tho stock was worth more
than $50 a share. He added that John
W. Gates and others who controlled Ten
nessee Coal mid Iron, had placed a
"nulsanco value" on the pioperty.
"Mr. Gates told me that the stock was
cheap nt $250 a share," Corey testified.
"I Invariably tepllcd that he was $200 ton
Wiii Itenl I'ii in pel 1 1 or.
Despite all efforts of attorney's for tho
corporation to confute his testimony. Mr.
Corey persisted In his contention that
the Tennessee Coal and iron company
wus and would have continued n steel
rail competitor of the United States Steel
corporation If It had not been taken over.
One reason was because of the "nuisance
value." He admitted that the company
could not at tha't time make Its open
hearth steel rails at n profit, but said It
would soon have been ablo to reduce Its
Mr. Corey was questioned about Judge
K. II. Gray's knowledge of steel pools.
"He knew about all the pool all the
time, because he attended some of the
meetings," said Mr. Corey, mentioning
the rail pool and the plate and structural
pool meetings.
Before the Stanley steel Investigating
committee Judge Gary testified that as
coon as the existence of tho pools came
to his knowledge he had ordered them
,Mr'.-Coi4y4ittldthat-4ie was not-In ac
cord with Judgeu Gury's views at all
times, hut declared that there was no 111
feeling between them, although there- wus
some question as to who was the chlof
executive, himself or Judge Gary.
Xo Dissolution, Snyji (!rj.
NKW YOItK, Jan. 24,-Elbert II. Gary,
chairman of the United States Steel cor
poration, Issued the following statement
this afternoon:
"There Is no foundation whatever for
the published statement that the United
States Steel corporation Is going to seek
voluntary dissolution and that It will
apply to the supreme court for direction
how to go about It.
"The question has not been up for con
sideration before the board of directors.
the flnnnce committee nor the officers of
the corporation,"
London Papers Do
Not Like Knox Note
I3NDON, Jan.. 24. Seoretary Knox'a
reply to Blr Edward Grey, on the question
of Panama Is found unsatisfactory by
those evening newspapers which com
ment on It.
The Westminster Gnzctte, generally
looked upon as the mouthpiece of tho
government, says:
'The Knox suggestion leaves the door
open to a long series of bickerings which
might do much to undermine the good re
lations of the two countries."
The Pall Mall Gazette says:
"Coming from any other country than
the united Btates, the tone of Secretary
Knox's reply would be deeply resented.
Unless International law overrides mu
nicipal law when treaty rights clash with
It, international law haa no existence and
peaceful Intercourse between states be
comes Impossible."
Man's Clothes Blown
Off by an Explosion
CHICAGO, Jan. 24. When a street car
truck an automobile on a downtown
street today the gasoline tank of the
automobile exploded, throwing the four
occupants out.
When a policeman rushed up to Inves
tigate he could find but three of tiie
wrecked passengors, but the laughter of
the crowd soon led him to the fourth.
Tbe explosion, although It had not In-1
jured the man physically, had removed
his coat vest und trousers.
It was a cold day and the unfortunate
headed at top speed for the nearest office
building without stopping to give his
account of the Occident.
Extension of Road
to Cross Montana
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Jan. 2l.-Tho
Minneapolis. St. Paul & Sault Hte. Marie
railroad will spend S2i.000.CiOO in building
125 miles of new road which will cross
Montana and htr.ko the Canadian Pacific
somewhere near the Montana-Idaho
boundary line. This announcement was
amde today by Presldnt Kdmund Pen
nington, who has Just returned from
Sincilwilsoii Doesn't Want an Inaugural Ball
. I
Oft. 'hftOP'THE-, HAN&KSftCHlBfi I
Fron) the Chicago News, j
Morgan Interests Prepare Statement
on Control of Corporations.
Dormurnt Sn Improper Urdne
tlnnn Were Made from Tallies
Preparrd by Kxnwla for
the Committer.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. To refute the
contention that a group of ISO men In the
world of finance, through Interlocking dt
rectoiutes, control corporation assets ag
gregating a,00u,00Q,00O. Henry P. DftVlson,
partner of J. Plerpont Morgan, today- .if
fereil (6 Che 'hddse money tru'iit Investigate
Iiigc6m'mtlee'n long; prepared ntntemuut
calculated to controvert 'statistics pre
pared by tho 'committee' accountants und
put Into tho-record for . the purlipse of
showing such a condition,
Mr. Davison offered his statement at
the conclusion of his testimony und tho
committee decided to deliberate whether
to admit It. Mr. Davison thereupon gnvo
out copies, although earlier In the day he
and Thomas W. Iamont, another partner
of J. P. Morgan & to., Ifnd declared they
had no statement to give out. (
Deny' Any Control,
The document roVlews the Inferences
drawn from the committee's tables and
says In part:
"No such control exists and no such
deduction can be properly made from
these tables. Those who have made such
deductions have fallen Into several ob-
vlous errors. They fall to observe, first,
that of the total number of directorate
In these particular corporations this gro'ip
represent only about one-quarter; second,
that, upon this assumption, those men,
In order to exercise control must act and
vote In every Instance as a unit, althougn
they come from different parts of the
country and represent diverse and fre.
qurntly conflicting Interests, that upon
(Continued on Page Two.)
Frostbitten Fruit
, Barred from Trade
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.-In order to
protect consumers and to prevent the
flooding of the markets with orangos and
lemons declared to be unfit for food, the
Federal Bourd of Food and Drug Inspec
tion today Issued an order forbidding the
sale In Interstate commerce of fruits
which have been damaged In tho recoit
freeze in California. -
CHICAGO, Jan. 24.-A carload of Cali
fornia oranges, alleged to have been
nipped by the recent frost on the coast,
was Helzed hero today by inspection offi
cers of the Chicago health department.
Brady is Elected
Senator in Idaho
BOISE, Idaho, oJn. 24. Former Gov
ernor James H. Brady was elected United
States senator for the short term on the
Joint ballot today. He received 44 votes.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., Jan. 24. ITof. R.
W. Webb of Bellbuckle, Tenn., independ
ent democrat, was elected United States
senator today tor the term ending March
4 next. He defeated M. T. Bryan of
Nashville, democrat, 73 to 53.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 24. One fireman
was drowned In a flooded basement -after
having been overcome by chemical fumes
with nine of his companions In fighting
a fire in the plant of a glass company.
A broken window through which the
firemen entered nml rilled desks and
lookerj caused the police to think that
the fire was started by burglurs.
Ten firemen were overcome by ether
fumes when they entered the basement
and Charles Koeter fell In three feet of
water and was drowned. ,
Eugene Debs Under
Arrest on Charge of
Obstructing Justice
I'intltlJ HAl'TE, Ind., Jan. it.-Eugena
V. Debs, socialist candidate for president
of the United States In the lust election,
whs arrested hero today on an Indictment
returned him In the federal court
for the Third district of Kansas, I)ci
wus charged with obstructing Justice.
Debs wrote an expose of alleged condi
tions lu tho Fort Leavenworth prison for
the Appeal to Beason. which caused !
government Investigation. Tho mutter
printed lu the .Anneal was considered ol
scene by the federal grand Jury. and jjjk
tlon wa brought Hgulnst the editors fni'
sending It through the mulls,
The witnesses In this case. It In alleged,
Air. Debs encouraged to leave the Juris
diction of the court. Debs brands the
lliitl.ctmcnl as un effort to ruin the Ap
peal to Iteason.
The arrest wnH nindo by federal offi
cers from Indianapolis. Tho warrant
wns served In Debs' office and ho ac
companied tlio officers to tho office of a
United States commissioner, where he
furnished a 11,000 bond for his uppcurnncu
nt tho May term of the United Ptutes
court of the Third Kansas district.
GrtlNNHLL, la., Jan. 24,-To determine
whether women lu Grinuell really want
tho right to vote, or whether It Is only
the desire of politicians and enthusiasts
that they bo given this right, a "regular"
women's suffrage primary election will
be held here January 31. Announcement
was made today of Ihe regulations gov
erning the primary. Women only will
bo allowed to vote and tho primary' is
to be held under the same regulations
which would govern an ordinary elec
tion, except that It will be, undor the
auspices of the local Cominerclnl club.
Instead of Btate or municipal authorities.
The polls will bo open fiom R a. ni. until
8 p. ni., and women Judges will bo se
lected uy local suffragists, whtlo u man
will represent tho Commercial club. All
women moro than 18 years old may vote.
The National Capital
Friday, January at, III CI.
The Mennlr.
Adopted resolution authorizing naval
affairs committee to Investigate wisdom
of placing naval observatory In hands of
scientists irrespective or navy connec
tions. Democrats In caucus reaffirmed de
termination to hold up all President
Taft's appointments except urmy, navy
anvy nud diplomatic and decided It would
be unwise to hold public reception In
capltot March 4.
Utah's electoral vote was delivered by
Mrs. Margaret 7.. Wltcher,
Senator McCuiuber unsuccessfully
sought to have night-hour law amend
ment vote reconsidered.
Began consideration of Lever agricul
tural mil.
Thr 1 1 nil He.
Consideration of conference reort on
immigration bill was objected to and no
tlco was given that it would be called
Considered private pension bills.
Manufacturs of flax, hemp, Jute, etc.,
before turlff revision hearing ways and
means committee.
James J. Hill and several bankers ex
amined by "money trust" investigating
Merchant marine committee continued
Its Investigation Into alleged steamship
Immediate action on North river pier
extension bills was urged bofure com
merce committee.
Samuel Gompers asked Judiciary com
tnlttee to postpone action on workmen's
compensation bill until labor representa
tives could be heard.
HeprpvoiitatlVA Cannon spoke In favor
of Lincoln memorial structure bill.
Appropriation of $1,000,000 for relief of
Ohio valley flood uufferers provided In
resolution Introduced by Iteprofontatlve
Passed private pension bills and re
sumed consideration of the ilveis and
bathers appropriation bill.
Wyoming Representative is Wanted
in West Virginia.
I'niirr In Cnse Buy lie U V. 14.
Ilohrrts Who lllenally Ob
tained Hehnnl Fund Ten
Years Abo.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. 21, Aliening
that Representative E, N. Manson of
Sweetwoter county Is V K. Itobcrts,
wanted In McDowell county, West Vir
ginia, for Illegally obtaining" $W) of choo
fmids In 1003, fllietiff Js E,( Jpjin?Qni af..Mj:-.
joweu r.c-lillij iuiiuj .hi iiuuu ri'
Governor Joseph M. Carey a request from
Governor Gltcock for a requisition fol
the deportation of Manson.
Representative Manson has been In the
legislative limelight tho lust ton days
because of his refusal to stand wUh tlm
republicans, although he wbh elected on
a republican ticket and his voto made
-possible the organization of the houso
by tho democrats. He has stated that
he would not support Senator F. K.
Warren for re-election and has con
sistently voted with tho democrats on all
party Issues Mnco the houso was or
ganlzed. The houso Is not In session to
day, having ndjournod until Saturday,
but no attempt has been niado by the
officers to arrest Manson.
Mr. Manson on Thursday received a
communication from Theodoro Hoosevelt
congratulating him upon the stund he
hud taken In tho name of a progressive
for cleaner politics.
Americans in Mexico
Are Reported Safe
WASHINGTON, Jnn. 24. Consul Ed
wurds, at Acupulco, Mexico, whore Tear
for the safety of Americans caused tho
sending of the cruiser Denver, reported
today that conditions there are quiet.
The Denver has arrived and the HrltlJh
warship Shearwater has prepared to do
pur t.
NEW ORLEANS, La.. Jan, 24. Vera
Cruz Is tranquil nnd conditions generally
In southern Mexico have greatly 'mproved,
urcordlng to official dispatches received
here last night and today by Dr. P. Or
nealas, consul generul of Mexico,
Minister of Foreign Affairs Pedro Ijs-
curaln telegraphed the consul general that
every precautionary measure has been
taken by the Madera government to pro
tect Americans and other foreigners, and
denied there was cause for alarm on the
part of tho A'ashlngton government.
Democrats Will Hold
Up Confirmations
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.-Domocratlo
senators In caucus today reaffirmed
their determination to penult none of
President Taft's nominations to be con
firmed at this time, with tho exception
of nrmy. navy and diplomatic appoint
ments. The caucus wns called at the
Instance of Senator Newlands to see
If It were not possible to confirm Inter
state Commerce Commissioner Clark's
appointment. Senator Smoot, for tho
republicans, when he heard of tho cau
cus, said the republicans would meet
next Tuesday to determine their 'atti
tude. GustavOarlLuders
Dies of Apoplexy
NEW. YORK, Jan. 24,-Gustav Carl
Luders, one of the best known com
posers of comic opera und musical com
edy In America, died suddenly of apo
plexy today whllo calling on friends. He
was 49 years old. Among his popular
successes were "The Burgomaster," !
"The Prince of Pllsen" and tho "Fair
Sunday Bee
House Follows Senate and Givet
Definite Instructions to Visit
ing Committee.
Entire Publio Buildings Body Had
Arranged Tour.
Douglas Member Would Have Ever
Legislator Labeled.
Pnwiire Member Wniitu Committee
In Asrerlnln Why It Cost S
Mnoh Money to Onrrntr
Mute Driiarliuents.
(From n Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 21, (Special.) The eom
1 mlttco on public lands and buildings got
lu stroke In tho house this morning when
it was decided tha committee should not
takn Any Junket trips to state Institutions,
and reservations made on a private Pull
man car had to bo cancelled.
Mathers Introduced a resolution with
soino whereases that the taxpayu
nioney was hard money was hard money
and should be carefully spent If spent nt
i an, providing n coiiumiieo iu nvo uu
I selected from other committees to do tho
j traveling. The resolution was adopted
after It had been omenacu to niciuue
three democrats and two republicans
selected one each from the following com
mittees: I'ubl.'o lauds and buildings,
fin nee. university nnd normal schools,
Insane hospitals and other asylums. This
committee is to go out Iwth a senate
Stuns Fine Outlnir.
The real trugedy In this Is a most de
lightful outing had been prepared by the
nftii irllnt- inmmlKaa ArtiHPnmariia Vimt
,, mflJa t0 hlKe forth Monday in a
private car, the best. Mr. Pullman has
In stock, and the junket was to last
until Saturday at noon, but It was to be
somo Junket wjillo It lasted. The car has
been engaged and the details of the
Journey worked out even to tho noti
fication of the various towns to bo.
I visited so the local committees could
' herd up their fatted calves.
But It Is all off. The senate put the
fixings to Its standing committee yester
day and the house parroted along todty.
KoNteh Would He Known.
Foster of Douglas Intends to run no
risk of Retting lost, dpwft here hj this big
cvUy'' or'afbuncilheniaUs -of the legisla
ture. He Introduced a resolution In tho
house this morning to tavo tho secretary
of state IsBue Identification cards to every
member of tho legislature. This occa
sioned somo' talk.' Fuller of Seward
thought the Idea good because members
of tho lcglslatura uro not subject to ar
rest on -misdemeanor charges. Hardin
thought one of the members would not
like to be caught with such cards. Oth
ers thought members were easily recog
nised nnywhere without cards. Finally
It was decided that those who wanted to
carry such cards could secure them from
tha secretary of state.
To I'rohe l'lnniices.
Potts Introduced a resolution for a Joint
committee to be appointed to investigate
the finances of tha state for the last ten
years, his Idea bejng to discover why It
required so much money to run tho busi
ness and to sec If tho state was getting
value received,
Roynolds had a resolution providing
that the state superintendent and u com
mittee study the school system of Ne
braska and recommend soma new laws
wlllolt would better conditions. The last
two resolutions wept over under the rules
for a day.
.11 o in- I)ltrllii(rl.
The secretary of the governor ntinniiiicv,!
that his excellency had signed house rolls
8 nnd 9, the legislative inenl ticket bills,
Tho auditor's orflco at once became the
moat popular place In this popular state
neuter's request to congress that it nuy
up the telephone lines of, tlie country was
unanimously adopted by the house with
no debate.
Stathhlns Itrtalns Srnl.
Stebblns was notified by the committee
on privileges and election that he va
to retain his seat. Mr. Stebblns, on mo
tion of Norton of Polk, thanked tl o
'house and tho committee for finding Ir
his favor and made several promises of
the work he would do In this session.
Adjourn for AVrrU.
At the afternoon sessloln of the house
an hour was spent nothing, after which
adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock
oMnday afternoon. After standing com
mittees had reported back a few bills far
the general file, Norton moved that lh
house go Into the committee of the whole
to discuss the general file. The house
(Continued on Page Two.)
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