To Know This Man 1 io (.ot Hid of AH the llurtlen of Sick II c n il ii v h c, Sour, Wonted Stommh, a Thick, Yellow, Illllous Condition of the lllooil, AV.enk, Inactive Kidnejs nnil n Condi tion of Sickness Thnt Is Mnklnn Vou Miserable. dri W. 3. Burkhart As He UTodiiy. Owu Hi. Robuit Health ami Cain of 90 Pound to Taking Hi Own Medicine, At Needed, for the Past 25 Year. All the druggists in this vicinity know t)r. Burkhardt' Vegetable Compound. Many of us havo met hint and that is why we accept 23 cents from you for a 50-day treatment and If not satisfied or cured wo will hand you back the 25 cents. Dr. Burkhnrdt for twenty-five years lias always Insisted Hint this is the only fair and square way to do business, so come In and get this M day treatment for only 2G cents on a positive iruarnntee. All drtiSBists do this for Dr.' Burkhardt, as they know htm well and know that his word is Rood. And when you stop to think thaf twelve million of these treatments aro used annually in thiB country attd Eu rope, can you wonder so many iieople know Dr. Burkhardt. and the drufrglsts everywhere are glad to handle his treat ments on his honest basts. Be sure to ask for and see that you Ret Dr. Burk hordt's Vegetable Compound.-Advertisement. Rockers Our January Furniture Sale offers unusual oppor tunities to procure excep tionally good rockers at low prices. We list only a few: Rocker or Arm Chair (Like Illustration) Fumed oak, special Spanish leather cushion seat and back, Stlckley Bros.' make. A good living room or library rocker, Ilegular price 131.00; Janu ary Sale price, chair or rocker, each $23.00 $9.00 Rocker, fumed oak, Span ish leather seat, Stlckley Bros, make S6.50 $17.00 Kocker or Arm Chair, fumed oak, Spanish leather cushion seat, pad leather panel back, Stlckley vBros.' make; January Sale price only 812.75 $13.00 Rocker, fumed oak, Spanish leather, cushion seat, Stlckley Bros, make; January Sale price Sll.OO $24.00 Rocker of Arm Chair, fumed oak, Spanish leather cushion seat and back, a splendid value, Stlckjey Bros. make; January Sale price 'Diy 816.00 Special Sale, on Domestic Rugs Drop patterns of fine Axmin Bters, Wiltons and Body Brus sels in large and small sizes, at very low prices. See these bar gains on tho 2d floor. Special attention given to Oriental Rug repairing. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Company i7 The LITTLE POLLY BROOM U light and dur able, and sweeps clean. Mat sweeping spleiiu re because it rennim 1cm strength to do better sweeping. Made of acln-trH anff tipped broom com that L Ci"':i " -r""B uscK inio inape. tus i IDrincv action nnf tmtnA la MlCf bioomi. Smooth hindlt tktt oein'i llutiihe limit. Ct. V.. ...... - - I - Utu rllr. Harrati ft Stewart life. Co. Dm Maiaca ,., B ROWNV TROGHEJ C For Hoarseness KrT fU to protnpi'r rcllTf lew ef volet, eooxhi, aaeaUuaat. InTtJtub'a to 11 ir totptiWiaad linrtrt. Vx UX. al.W. gamp. Free. JOHN I. mtriv' onv. Dmlon. .Vss. A Great Farm Journal The neat In the Wr.l. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I SH0W eye-opener Immensity of Business of Nebraska Orchardists is Shown. FLAVOR PROVES WORLD-BEATER Steps Will lip Tnltrn nrfc-re- Close of Show Thnrsdnr to Form Xr brnska Apple Growers Association. (Krom n Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. .-(Ppeclal.)-The Ne braska npple show now on at the Lincoln Auditorium Is opening the eyes of every body who attends. It Is the greatest ad vertisement for Nebraska it hns rcoelved In many a long day. and If motion pic tures could be made of the show with some kind of an ariiinttvmtnt which nnl.i chionlclc the oxprcsslons of wonder and amazement which are constantly being are constantly being expressed by those who attend, and the same could be shown about the country, Nebraska would surely be the most talked about state In the union. One man from Iowa who has been see ing npplo shaws and apple displays for many years, said yesterday that ho had never Jn his oxperlenco seen anything which could compare with the wonderful display of the Nebraska show. HurjirUr to Visitors, F. D. Williams of Albion, who recently returned from a trip through the north western states and spent some time In I te celebrated Hood IUver country, where It is considered that the very best apples grow, and where they put up displays at their apple shows which It Is hard to ! beat, said to a newspaperman yesterday: "I neer saw anything to equal this dis play of apples. They have apples up in the Hood IUver valley in Oregon which I thought beat anything I ever saw, but they do not compare to this at all. The flavor of this Jonathan apple I am eat ing is simply beyond description, and while I have always been a great booster for Nebraska and Nebraska products, I want to say that I am simply astonished at what I saw at the Auditorium this afternoon." Tho sessions of the society of apple growers nre being held In the banquet room of tho Llndell hotel across the street from the show and are well attended. President A. J. Urown of Geneva, In his opening address said that the soil of Nebraska extending for 200 miles west of the Missouri river was peculiarly fitted to raising apples whtch would meet any competition In the world: "Our fruit," said he, "Is not noted for Its site, but ltn flavor Is what makes the apple deal ers of the east come to Nebraska and buy up In the early fall all the best or chards they can find." Will Form Association. Steps will be taken before the close of the tihow to form a Nebraska apple grow. era' association, which It Is hoped will help greatly In the development of the Industry. The morning session of tho show was devoted exclusively to the florists' meet ing and a program of especially good merit was given, which Included ad dresses by many prominent florists of Lincoln and the state. At the Auditorium the Nebraska florists are in competiticn with displays from TJew York, Illinois and oilier states and the display Is very Interesting. The packing demonstration by Prof. Laurens Green of Ames, la., has at tracted a great deal of Interest, while the demonstration In cooking apples put on b ythe young women from the state agricultural farm In which they show 200 different ways to cook and prepare apples has attracted many women. Tonight the annual banquet was held at tho Lincoln ohtel, while Thursday itio show will close. The attendance has been good and everybody Is happy over tho great success of the show and the adver tising it has given Nebraska as an apple growing state. HASTINGS TEACHER DROPS SUIT AGAINST NEWSPAPER HASTINGS, Neb.. Jan. 22. (Speclal.)- The casft.of Lotan It. Willis against Will iam II. Baugh and the Omaha Dally News. In which he sought to recover $1V 000 damages for alleged )Ibel, was dis missed In the district court yesterday aft ernoon, each side to pay Its own costs. The ense grew out of the publication !n tho Omaha paper of an article concern ing an alleged episode In Prospect park about a year ago In which Mr. "Wlllla. superintendent of Adams county schools, was said to have figured. Mr. Baugh, who was made a defendant by reason of his being the local correspondent of the paper, disclaimed any knowledge of ths authorship or source of the alleged libel ous article and this would have been his defense had tho case gone to trial. GRAND RECORDER ENDORSED BY HIS HOME LODGE GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. 12. (Spe cial.) The members of the finance com mittee of the grand lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen are looking forward to a large meettng of the grand lodge In Ma', at which time a grand master, grand recorder. grand foreman, grand overseetygrand guide, grand watch man, two trustees or members of the f! nanco committee and a grand medical ex aminer will be chosen. The meeting w'lll bo held at Hastings unless other arrange monts are In the meantime made. At ihe recent meeting of lodge No. 1 or this city, the mother lodge and "one of three or ganizations of the order In this city, unan imously endorsed Grand Itecorder V. C. Whittlesey of this city, tho present in cumbent, for re-election. IlreTTcrr nays Site. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. 22. (Bp clal.) The stockholders of the Grand Is land Brewing company, in annual session, elected Martin Rchlmmer, It. Goehring. Gus Slevers. William Vdt. WiU'am Belief fel. Fred Lohmann and Henry Nletfeld as directors. The directors elected Martin Schlmmer as president, R. Goehring as secretary-treasurer, and William Scheffel as vice president. Tho plans for building' and equipment bb presented by Architect Lahey of Chicago were approved and the purchase of a site of one and a half blocks along tho Union Pacific rlght-of-! way, at a cost of $1,200 was ratified. tiii-r iM'iinla Printline Contract. BROKEN BOW. Neb., Jan. 22.-(8pe-clal.) Tlie Hoard of County Supervisor his at lust settled the question of county printing by naming the Chief of this city as the official1 paper In which to publish the board proceedings, all road and bridge" notices and the delinquent tax list. The awarding this year was made strictly on the bids submitted, the Chief being the lowes Breaks a Cold in a Few Hours-Pape's First Dose of I'npo's Cold Compound relieves all grlpno misery Contains no Quinine. After the very first dose of rape's Cold Compound" you distinctly feel the cold breaking and all the disagreeable grippe systems leaving. It Is a positive fact that a dose of Pape's Cold Compound taken every two hours until three consecutive dose are taken will cure Grippe or break up the most severe cbld, either In the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. It promptly ends the most miserable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, foverlshnes, sneezing, running of nose, mucous catarrhal discharges, sore- )"" ,u"nesa nna meumatlo twinges, .Tn.k8 thU. "der'u, Compound with the knowledge that there Is nothing else In the world which will cure your cold or end Ortppe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad ef. fects as n 25-cent package of Tape's Cold Compound, whtch any druggist can sup. ply It contains no quinine be sure you got what you ask for accept no substi tute belongs In every home. Testes nice acts gently Advertisement. McFadden Drafts New Hotel Measure HA8T1NOS, Neb.. .Ian. 22. (SpcdnM II. D. McFadden of this city retires from the office of deputy hotel commissioner of tho Mate convinced that more deflnl'e and clear-cut legislation must be enacted before the results for which his depart ment has been striving can be secured. Guided by his experience as chief if the department Mr. McFadden Iihk pro pared a comprehensive bill defining tii3 duties and Jurisdiction of the hotel com mission. This measure has been revised by tho legislative reference bureau ailfl since adopted for presentation In flftcim other states. At a recent conference ot representatives of the traveling public held In Kansns City it was approved and recommended for enactment In Kansas Missouri and Oklahoma as n substitute for all existing laws in those states -n the subject of hotel Inspection. But while Mr. McFadden has encoun tered many difficulties In his work ns hotel commissioner of Nebraska owing to the Inadequacy of the law under which his department was operating, he has nevertheless accomplished many reforms among the hoatelrles and rooming houses of the state. Mr. McFadden was ap pointed hotel Inspector by Governor Shal lenberger In 1911 to serve without remun eration and was subsequently appointed by Governor Aldrlch as chief of the com mission under the law which became ef fectlve July 10, 1911. It became his duty to organize the department and to aet In motion the wTieols of the new branch of the state government. Although the appropriation was but Mr. McFad den and his deputies have Inspected K9 hotels In fifty-four counties. He Iiai Issued 471 orders for pompllance with spe cific provisions of the hotel act. nnd f these all have been satisfactorily com piled with except about 100, which are stilt pending. PAWNEE BOY SAYS HOTEL CLERK PLANNED ROBBERY PAWNEE CITY, Neb.. Jan. 2J-(Spe-dal.) Following his arrest for carrying a revolver Monday and subsequent ques tioning by Sheriff Roper, a confession was obtained from Bruce Mosb Monday evening, Implicating himself In tho rob bery of the Exchange hotel, wldch oc curred Saturday morning. The confes sion stated that the robbery had been .planned by R. R. Albright, the night clerk, who promised to give the boy part of the money he took, if he would bind and gag htm at about 1 o'clock Saturday morning. When the clerk was found In the morning he gave out tho story that he had been held up by two men, about 40 years oM, who pretendod to want a room, but who drew a gun on him as he was changing Borne money for them. After securing the confession the sheriff arrested the clerk, and at a prellmtnai bearing held Monday night, he was bound over for the district court, while his 16-year-old accomplice was ordered to the reform school until 21 years old. ROCK ISLAND WILL PAY JAMES HEIRS $13,950 FAIRBURY, Neb., Jan. 22.-(8peclal.)-Clalm Adjuster W. B. Hart of this city has returned from Belleville, Kan., where ho conferred with the attorney of the Wilson James children and made a settlement for the lives of their parents and two sisters, who were killed by Rock Island train 5, December 31. Tho Rock Island wilt pay the children $13,980 for the loss of their parents. ALLEGED BOOTLEGGERS ARRESTED AT OSCEOLA OSCEOLA, Neb., Jan. 22. - (Special Teleeram.) John Wilson Is confined Jn the county Jail here, having bean placed under arrest last night by the sheriff on tho charge of selling Intoxicating liquors without a license. Wilson has had his headquarters In an old hotel building and quite an amount of liquor was seized at his place. He will be given a hearing Friday morning. Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising. Sick Headache? Tongue Coated? It's Your Liver! Cascarets Sure You're bilious! Tou havo a throbbing sensation In your head, a bad taste In your mouth, your eyes hurt, your skin Is yellow with dark rings under your eyes, your tlpn are parched. No wonder you feel ugly, nit an anl Ill-tempered. Your system Is full of bile and consti pated waste not properly passed off, and what you nebd Is a cleaning up Inside. Don't continue being a bilious, consti pated nuisance to yourself and those .SIV JSS BSSSB Ml I W fe-tw IO CENT BOXE"ANY ORUC STQRE Mf . Aian 2s bo CENT BOr" ' mMmL Notes from Beatrice and Gage County BHATUICK. Neb., Jan. 22.-(Spx-luU-Joseph R. Worden, for th last twenty three years an engineer on thu Hurling ton rfttid, died suddenly last night at his home In Wymore. aged 49 years. Mr. Worden - as taken 111 last August Rnd slnco that time he had been In poor health. He Is survived by u widow :nd eight children, all of whom live at Wy more. The- f situ cis In tho vicinity of Harbltu' will hold a wolf hunt next Knturday. 8lx wolves wero soen In that neighborhood a few days ngo. S. J. Smith, n pioneer of Cortland, died at his homo at that plaeo yesterday He was formerly engaged In the mercan tile business at that place, but retired some yenrs ago. He was 61 years of Ago and leaves n Widow and seven children. The annual meeting of tho State Sav ings and association was held yes. terday. The nssets of t!" asnclntlon were show n to be more than $W0,O00. The association has 630 loans In force amount ing to fcW,roO. There are 2,301 members of the asoclntlon, which does business In 2S0 towns In twonty-one states and two foreign countries. These directors were elected: A It. Kldd, Beatrice; lr. T J Chldester, Western; II. II. Norcross. Beatrice: A. II. Phelps, Steele City; A. K. Weber, Geneva. NOTES FR0MFA7HbURY AND JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIIUIimv. Neb.. Jan. 22.-(Speclal.)-' Attendance In tho high school department has reached SS0 students, and It hns I been necessary to Increase the faculty with two Instructors. Fifty students were promoted from tho eighth grade. The study hours have been changed from 1 :S0 to 1:30 and 4 p. m. The new instructors Include Misses Bellmy nhd Carrlngtou. While taking coal at tho Lincoln coal chute In the Rook Island yards, Martin Walker, a fireman of this place, wad buried under five tons of coal. He was completely covered over with the excep tion of his head. He escaped with a few scratches. Several locomotive englnceis on the Nebraska dlvlston of tho Rock Island have been transferred to Chicago for service on thu Illinois division. These engineers Include Messrs. R. L. Sweney, Mllo Enyart and J. B. Palmer. The change Is a tempornry one. The Ice harvest Is nearly completed In Fair bury and all the Icehouses are filled to their capudty. In the neighborhood of 5,000 tons wero taken from the Little Blue river. STATE AGRICULTURAL BOARD' HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 22.-(8peclal Tel egrnm.) At tho annual meotlUir of the State Board of Agriculture today I. V. Hawcs wus re-elected president; W. It. Mcllor, secretary; George L. Dickenson, treasurer; Joseph Roberts of Fremont, first vice president, and J. A. Oll)s of Ord, second vice president. The board of muniiBeis are: C. II Rudjce, Joseph Rliberts, J. A. Ollls, Petur Younger nnd J. F. McArdle. The district members are; First, Clf. nudge of Lancaster and I W. Leonard of Pawnee; Second, John'-F. McArdie of Doug-las; Third, W. O. Kaley of Knox, Charles Graff 6f Cuming and W. W, Cole of Antelope; Fourth, Kdwurd Danlelson of Polk, C, H. Qustafeon of Saunders, William James of Saline and II. V. Rie- sen of Gage; Fifth, I. V. Hawes of Kearney, L. P. Cheney of Itarlan, George Jnckson of Nuckolls and C. G. Crows Hitchcock; Sixth, J. A. Ollls of Valley. G-irl's Heart Interests Doctors at Norfolk NORFOLK, Neb.. Jan. 22.-Speclal Tel egram.) A girl with her heart on tho right side of her body was one of the exhibits at the semi-annual meettng of the Klkliorn Valley Medical association In session here. Miss Bernlco Martyn, aged 14 years, of Madison, Neb., was the child. yAIadlann Kleets Superintendent. MADISON. Neb.. Jan. . (Spedal.)- The Board of Education last night elected Superintendent Dell Gibson of Lyons, Neb., to succeed Superintendent OberkoU tcr at Madison at the close of the present school year. Superintendent Gibson Is serving his fourth year at Lyons. He Is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and formerly science- teacher at Beatrice and superintendent of schools at Plain view. Hk receives a salary of M.JOO at Lyons and come to Madison for Jl.tOD. Con I Chittes nt Pswnee Cl- Tlarn. PAWNEE CITY. Neb., Jan. 22.-(Spe-clal.) At about 3 o'clock yesterday morn ing the Rock Island coal ohutes were dis covered ablaze, and In a short time the fire had gained such headway that It was Impossible to extinguish It. There was only a small amount of coal on the platform at the time, but a loaded car was standing on the switch beside the chute, and this was entirely consumed. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Dig Returns. A Life Sentence of suffering with throat and lung; trouble is quickly commuted by Dr. King's New' Discovery. EOo and tl.40.Kor sale by Bea ton Drug Co. Advertisement. who love you, and don't resort to harsh physics that Irritate and Injure. He member, that- your sour, disordered stomach, lazy liver, and clogged bowels can be quickly cleaned and regulated by morning with gentle, thorough Cas carets; a 10 -cent box will keep your head clear and make you feel chterful and bully for months. Get Cascarets now wake up refreshed feel like doing k good day's work moke yourself pleasant and useful. Clean upl Cheer upl CATHARTIC A Straight Walk Away In the clothing field our great Half Price Sale $10 to HO Quality Suits on sale now $5 to $20 PUNNYBIW Whiskey - BD1IUD..B01ID -i mnr mom tttmiiif co. The ijrreat tonic and stimulating properties of Sunny Brook have had much to do toward making: us the largest distillers of fine old whiskey in the world. For nearly SO years Sunny Brook has proved of real value to those who now and then require an energy-builder. When energy is lacking efficiency is lacking! Rare, old and mellow whiskey like Sunny Brook, acts as a great upbuildcr; makes life worth living. Sunny Brook is Bottled in Bond every bottle is sealed with the Government Stamp, showing that the contents are genuine, straight natural whiskey, U. S. Standard (100) proof. This stamp however, only assures purity, but not quality. Any whi3key Bottled In Bond. is genuine straight. whiskey, but not all straight whiskies aro good whiskies. When you select Sunny Brook The Pure Food Whiskey then you know that in addition to the assurance of Absolute Purify by the greatest government on the Globe you have a guarantee of Unexcelled Qualify by the largest distillers of fine whiskey in the world. The Grotte Brothers Company Wholesale Distributors 1206 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SAY "GOOD-BY" TAKE SAMUEL And You Will Soon Be gating Good All What's the ubo of worrying along that you see others eating and onjoylng all the time, whan there is such an . ...J ...a , . II . . I . I l . n I . auaoiuio rcuei ana euro lor jiiuiK:nuuu aim uu diuuiucu uibiiubb waning for you In theso guaranteed harmless "W-P" capsules? Call your trouble Indigestion, Nervo-Woaknoss any name you please, but, THIS VKTIY DAY got of your druggist a G0-ccnt packet of Samuel's "3-P." that reiuody which acts on an entirely NEW principle; make your very next meal a "favorite food" raoal and take these little capsules tradeMarkotthenguiv'riaihelanjttlclleW TIIE SMALL DEPOSITOR of today umy bo tho largo one of tho future. We wejeomo checking accounts from thoso who will maintain fair average balances. Thirst MationaLl AiBanXtof Omaha Famam, at Thirteenth St, Fill lk HSTULAPiy Whin CURED B 1 I sssV A" Ktc,al Diseases cured without a surgical IH I operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen- M. MM era! aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED 1 rto list a LIFE-TIME. CJTsxamination pres. I WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS I JCl!Jt9 Budlng. Omaha. Nebraska OMAHA'S OXIA' MODEItX CLOTHING 8TOU13 g,t atc.Twt rct'ogtilzGH no competition.. The ruorlts of tbo values bolng offered proves our luailorfthlp Uitt why shouldn't thTs sale he In n class liy itself? Wo offer only our regular high class stock--NO spoclal purchuBO tako-a-chance-clothttiK. Then, too, our assortments aro gronter by 100 per cent, nnd Half-Prlca during n Klng-Bwanson Sale moans an lioncBt stralKht-forwnrd reduction of 60 on tho all season soiling price. 10 to $60 Quality Overcoats on sale now $5 to $30 TO INDIGESTION- Anything You Wunl nnd Feel the Time. with a bad stomach, can't oat thinga DyupepBia, catarrh of tho Stomach or and, you'll wonder what becamo of all your stomach distress; Keep mis up reguiany for a few weeks and you wouldn't take a hundred dollars for tho good thoy have done you. You'll be enjoying all the pleasures of good digestion and Btrong nerveB. If you want to know what real "food-pleasure" Js, send a pos tal today to The Samuel Chornl cal Company. Cincinnati. Ohio. for a free trial box. Send for it! Half Price Sale of Men's Trousers Now On j MAKE IT A POINT TO I HAYDEN'S I Friday, Jan. 24th H MatchlrM Saving OnporttmlticH Ayer's Away back in 1841. Old enough to re member those days? Still used for coughs and colds, bold for 70 years. Ask Your Doctor. J C ArcrCo. Idwvll. Uu. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD Mltd. WINbUJW'g SYltUr kit Ua lied for our SIXTY YKAJta by miAAOXi I UOT1IBHS lor tbtlr CHILilltEN" WUK.N ltETlllNO. vltb fEHFECT SUCCESS. n iconics ih. emu:, soktbnb tuS ouus. al LAYS all PAIN i CU11E3 W1NU COLJC, ut u liia best tm3 tor D1AUHIIOBA. It l to. luiely birmleii. u iut tn4 sak tar "lit Wliulow'i Soothing Syrup." ad Uk t olhri 1st. TwntjJlt nau a fcottla. THAV15I- Twtn Bcrew ARCADIAN Tho Largest and Finest Steamer to BERMUDA Round Trip, W & op. lit claas elutl. Orotava .,.'&.t".m;rra..n. Feb. 4 Tlcktti uurchtmaabU with QatUo s.s,Co. rorlnlgMljr SalUnra to lANAMA, JAMAICA, CUBA oil nth" Wt India Ports. The Itoyal Moil titoatu Packet Co. SANDKIISON & SON.. Oen A St a 1 So. LaSolle St. Chicago, or any local steamship ticket agent